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February 15, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-15

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The Weather



The State Of FranIk



f,.i. -.G l n7.7 AA AT Ill .4

Farm Bill Sent
To Roosevelt
After Congress
New Crox Control Measure
Passes Senate, 56 To 31,
Despite Heated Attacks
Com proiui*e Act To
Limit Production
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.- (P) - A
crop control bill, praised as "the best
farm bill ever enacted" and de-
nounced as "regimentation" ant
"more harness" for the farmer, re-
ceived final Congressional approval
The me'asure, establishing a sys-
tem under which the Secretary of
Agriculture, in cooperation with
farmer committees, may prescribe
limitations upon the quantity of
wheat, corn, cotton, rice and to-
bacco grown or marketed, now goes
to the White House for the expected
signature of President Roosevelt.
The last step in its tortuus our-
ney' through Congress which began
in mid-November, was taken when
the Senate adopted a comprmoiise
,easure, 56 to 31. The compropIs is
based upon the conflicting bills
passed originally by House and Sen-
While the bill establishes vary-
ing approaches for each of the crops
affected, in general it directs the
Secretary of Agriculture to make an
etimate of the expected supply, set
phis figure against expected demand
and adjust production acordingly.
Ti*s would be done by paying
benefits to farmers whoaplanted no
more than a specified acreage. In
addition, in years of bumper crops,
the Secretary of Agriculture would
be empowered to fix marketin
qutotas, limiting the quantities that
could be sld and thereby protecting
the price. Such quotas would be d-
pendent on a two-thirds vote .:
Zmers taking part in special refer-
enda. , -
Because of the big crops of the
fa year, the Administration began'
agitaig for farm legislation next
spring, to replace the old Agriculture
Adjustment Act invalidated by the{
supreme Court. Congress agreed u,
make the legislation the first order
of business upon reconvening, and
President Rooevelt called a special
session last fall to deal with this,'
among other problems.
Before Christmas, divergent bills
were approved by both House and
Senate after much stormy debate.
Ullon reconvening after the. holidays
a conference committee representing
both Houses took up the task of
working the provisions of the two
measures into one bill.
In so doing they incurred the
wrath of dairy and cattle interests
by. eliminating provisions, contained
in ,both bills, preventing farmers
from going into the dairying or cat-
tle raising business on land with-
drawn from crop production.
Road Engineers
To Hold Annual:
Meeting Toda y

-i ne ura itian' treets iNetv Gria nope na iMrs.

* I*
Crisler Not Ready To Name. Aides;
Doesn't Expect To Be 'Miracle Man'

Says He Has Not Invited'
Any Former Assistant
To Follow Him Here
Herbert 0. (Fritz) Crisler, Mich-
igan's new head football coach, yes-
terday declared that he is unprepared
as yet to formulate his staff of as-
sistants. "I haven't made any recom-
mendations to the board because I'm
not quite ready on them."
Crisler further stated that he had'
not asked Tad Weiman or any of his
other Princeton assistants to accom-
pany him to Michigan. "They're being
considered as my successor at Prince-
ton." He indicated that action at
Princeton would largely influence his
ieicmmerdatons. Besides Weiman
Cris4er had Earl Martincau and
Campbell Dickson, backfield and end
coach respectively, assisting him in
the East.
Crisler arrived in town yesterday
morning with Mrs. Crisler and spent
a busy day with University author-
ities, newspapermen. Michigan alumni
and Varsity football candidates. e
was favorably received by all and ex-
pressed his pleasdre at being associat-
ed with Michigan.
At the meeting of the gridders he
".old of the signal distinction it was
to begin his football career under
Amos Alonzo Stagg, former venerable
coach at Chicago, and now to work
under Fielding H. Yost, another im-
posing gridiron figure in Conference
football. He stressed the value of de-
siring to play the game. "If there's
my team on next year's schedule any
of you think you can't beat, you might
as well not come out," he told his
Crirler was hesitant in speaking
about his football aides. "I'd lik'e to
familiarize myself with the problem
here before deciding just what as-
'Istants I need," he said.j
Today he expects to confer with
athleti cofficials on various mattersj
regarding his new job. He will be
guest of honor at a banquet of Mich-
igan alumni at Flint tonight. To-'
morrow he is slated to attend a lunch-
eon given by the Detroit group of
%lumni. Then he plans to return to
Princeton to wind up his business
Tryouts Invited
For aazti
Tryouts for the proposed student
titerary magazine will be interviewed
.,t 5 p.m. today and tomorrow in Room
3218 Angell Hall, the committee ap-
pointed by the Board in Control of
Student Publications announced yes-
Although a special call was made to
high school and junior college mag-
azine editors, the committee explained
that experience is not necessary and
that questioning would attempt to
determine the applicant's ability.
The committee consists of three
members of the English Journal Club
-Giovanni Giovannini, Morris Green-

Two Campus Unknowns
Get Crislers' Dinner Bid
Two anonymous Michigan students
may be the honored dinner guests of
Coach and Mrs. Herbert 0. Crisler
if they will reveal their identity to
the newly-appointed Wolverine men-
tor. Coach Crisler yesterday reiterat-
ed an offer he made in the accom-
panying interview by Elsie Pierce
"I don't quite remember the young
man's name," Crisler said. "But I
tihink he said he was in the Law
School and that he played baseball.
His name might have been Cowan. We
gave him a lift from Miami to some-
where in Georgia during the holidays.
He was in the South for the Michigan
State-Auburn Orange Bowl game, and
get on the wrong team, I believe."
Crisler met the young lady on a
train en route from Ann Arbor two
weeks ago. "She said she'd like to see
Tom Hamilton hired as the new foot-
ball coach," Michigan's coach re-
called. "I asked her what she thought
of the others considered, and when
she got around to me, whatever vanity
I might have had certainly disap-
peared. I believe she siod she was
~rom Mempiis, although I'm not
Neither of the students knew who
Crisler was.
Ipatieff Wl
Le ek r 'o
Lecture Today
Famous Chemist To Deal
With Molecules
Dr. Vladimir N. Ipatieff, Professor
)f Chemistry at Northwestern Univer-
sity and Director of Chemical Re-
search for the Universal Oil Products
Company, will give a University lec-
ture on "The Catalytic Alkalyzation
of Paraffin and Naphthenes" at 4:15
pim. today in the Chemical Amphi-
Dr. Ipatieff occupies a high place
in modern chemistry, and his dis-
coveries have been the basis for many
industrial processes, particularly in
the refining of petroleum. In this
field he has made great contributions
through his methods of condensation
and polymerization, which make it
possible to convert waste refinery
gases into valuable high-gfirade com-
mercial gasolines. In addition he
synthesized isoprene, "mother hy $'o-
gen rubber," and made many discov-
eries known well by chemists and
chemical engineers.
Dr. Ipatieff is known international-
ly, having received honorary degrees
from the Universities of Munich and
Strasbourg, and having been named
Commander of the Legion of Honoi
by the French government.
Prize Soviet Film
To Be Shown Here


Induced To Accept Post
Only After Promise Of
Directorship In Future
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Bedle, editor of
the Daily of 1936-37, nvw a resident of
Princeton, N. J, interviewed Michigan's
new coach jst before he left the Uni-
versity for which he formrnily coached).
PRINCETON, N.J., Feb. 13.-
(Special to the Daily)-Herbert O.
(Fritz) Crisler doesn't expect to be
a "miracle man" his first season at
Michigan, but he's going to do his
best to make a creditable show-
So he expressed himself to F. L.
Redpath, sports editor of The Daily
Princetonian, and this writer just
before he left for Ann Arbor.
He hopes he'll have the utmost in
cooperation from students and al-
iamni, he said, and he thinks he'll
get it too. "I know of no other col-
lege except Princeton which has a
more devoted group of alumni than
Michigan-and with Princeton al-
umni it's more than devotion, it's
emotional hysteria," he said.
He does think it ironic that he
should be going to Michigan though,
for he started his career under Stagg
at Chicago, and in those days there
were no moresbitter football rivals
in the business than Stagg and
Fielding H. Yost. Crisler graduated
from Chicago in 1922, where he first
coached. Later he went to Minne-
sota and came to Princeton in 1932.
The consensus around Princetonj
s that Crisler, despite poor prospects
for the '38 season here, was induced
o go to Michigan only by the offer
of the job as Director of Atheltics
when Fielding H. Yost retires. Right
now Crisler will become an associate
professor as -well as head coach. He
doesn't intend to0keep on coaching
(Continued on Page 6)
George W. Beckwith, former county
Sclerk and long-time member of the
county board of supervisors, died yes-
terday morning after an illness of
three months.

Worid Parley
Called Futile'
tonyress Leaders Sound
PesMimi tic Note; RecaP
Failures Of_1922, 1935
100,000 Methodist
Youths Won't Fight
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14.-P(A)-
Tongressiona lheaders who customar-
ly reflect the Administration's view
n foreign relations agreed today that
'nother disarmament conference or
vorld naval powers would be "futile.'
Chairman McReynolds (Dem.
renn.) of the House Foreign Affain
Committee informed reporters aftei
t visit to the White House that he
knew a call for a conference was "noi
in the wind bcause a conferenc
could not be had at this time with
ny success."
"Limitation Impossible"
Chairman Pittman (Dem., Nev.) o
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, equally cool toward a confer-
ence, told newsmen:
"If it was impossible by reason of
distrust and fear to accomplish a sub-
tantial limitation of arms in 1922-
when there was no threat of war-and
in 1935, then there can be no hope
it present for success.
Starting their third week of hear-
ings on a program to authorize 47
new warships, 22 auxiliaries and 1,-
000 airplanes, naval committeemet
jousted verbally with a 20-year-ol'
Frank Littell, a student at Union The-
clogial Seminary in New York, and
'hairman of the National CQpncil of
Methodist Youth.
Would Not Go To War
They listened with obvious amaze-
ment to his statement that he would
not go to war against an invader,
even to protect hisa mother and sis-
"An attempt to increase military
appropriatiops," he added, "is noth-
ing but an anti-social action in view
of unemployment and relief needs,"
The Methodist Youth Council, with
perhaps 100,000 members in 30 states,
he said, is pledged not to fight in any
war in the Orient.
Robson Claims
A U.S., British
A. lign.mentVital
Says Both Countries Face
Dangers From Spread
Of Fascism, Nationalism
The United Statesand Great
Britain. which have stood together
in recent world troubles because of
economic interests, may be coming to
the time when they are aligned in
lefense of their common ideal of de-
mocracy, in the opiniono of Dr. Wil-
liam A. Robsono of the London School
of Economics and Political Science,
who is in Ann Arbor to give a Uni,
versity lecture.
Dr. Robson will speak on "Democ-
racy in England" at 4:15 p.m. today
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The time has come, Dr. Robson
dated, when both England and the
United States face dangers from the
pread of fascism and nationalism
whi;h they may not be able to effec-
lively withstand without some indica-
tion of unity. Though England may
have more to fear from a military
(Continued on Page 3)


Every one of the fifty-five dollars
=ollected by the Progressive Club in
i campus-wide drive on Jan. 6 will
ither "save three .persons from tet-
nus, make possible ten to fifteen
ainless operations" or "save at least
wo-thousand burn cases."
That information was sent to the
'rogressive Club recently by D. Co
Pui, executive chairman of the Amer-
can Bureau for Medical Aid to China.
n a letter thanking the local m'gani-
,ation for its "unsolicited contribu-
ion." The money will be used to pur-
:hase "anesthetics, antiseptics and
erum for the treatment of the un-
Appoint Bennett
To Architecture
School Deanship
Regents Accept U.S. Navy
Donation Of Maichnery
To Engineering Shops
The title of Prof. Wells I. Bennett,
vho has been heading the architee-
ure school for a year under the title
of "director," was changed by the
3oard of Regents at their regular
neeting Friday.
Dean Bennett, who has been teach-
ng since 1912, was named chairman
if the college's executive committee
n 1936 and director of the college in
January, 1937.
The change gives the architecture
wchools status eiual to that of the
College of Engineering, of which it
was formerly a department.
More than $11,000 in gifts was ac-
,epted by the Regents at the meeting.
Six thousand dollars of this amount
,as given in equipment to the engi-
neering shops.
The United States Navy Yard at
Washington presented the metal pro-
essing department with two engine
lathes, a turret lathe, a drill slotting
machine, a drill press and a vertical
milling machine. This machinery is
valued at $5,900. The same depart-
ment also received other equipment
valued at $150 from the Pratt and
Whitney Co., Hartford, Conn., and
Prof. O. W. Boston, head of the de-
oartment, gave two timers valued at
The mechanical engineering depart-
ment received gifts of equipment
valued at $145. These presentations
came from the General Electric Co.;
the Bendix Products Co., South Bend,
Ind. and the Chevrolet Motor Co.
Three thousand dollars was given
by the Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry
(Continued on Page 3)
Heart Disease
Takes McMath
Scientist Was A Co-D nor
Of Observatory
Francis Charles McMath, 71, in-
ternationally-known engineer, astro-
nomer, and co-donor of the MMath-
Hulbert Observatory at Lake Angelus,
near Pontiac, died at 4 p.m. Sunday
in a Detroit hospital from heart
The McMath-Hulbert Observatory
was given to the University in 1931 by
Mr. McMath, his son Robert R. Mc-
Math, and Judge Henry S. Hulbert
and is now valued at about $150,000
Mr. McMath was honorary curator oi
University observatories, and his son
is both an honorary curator and ac-
tive director of the McMath-Hulbert
In his work in the field of astro-
nomy, Mr. McMath was well-known
for the development of a successful
method for taking moving pictures of
the heavenly bodies. This work wa

begun and was carried, on in coopera-
tion with his son and Judge Hulbert
at the observatory at Lake Angelus.
In 1933 Mr. McMath was given .he
Wetherill Medal by the Franklin In-
stitute of Philadelpkia in.recognition
of his astronomical phoulgraphy. In
,ha'ornn ,,n.. l'. ,honimi ..~ mm

Title Chances Fade

As Hawkeyes Trip
Wolverines, 38-30

_ i

Campus Aid To China
Receives Tui's Thanks

Aggressive Iowans, Bad
Shooting Send Cagers
Into A 4th Place Tie
lake's 15 Points
Ted By Stephens
(Daily Sports Editor)
Iowa's aggressive Hawkeyes dealt
Michigan's cagers a stunning upset
blow in Yost Field House last night as
hey out-scrapped the stodgy Wolver-
-nes to win 38-30. Defeat sent Coach
Cappon's charges spinning into a
fourth-place tie with Minnesota, and
almost totally obscured their title
Except for a brief scoring sortie
in the second period, Michigan's at-
tack never clicked. Using a compact
defense, and sparing few feelings in
,heir rough contacts, the Iowans
'ractically nullified the Varsity's of-
Dense around the basket and from
afar, the local lads were as cold as
i pawnbroker's heart.
Only a cursory glance at statistics
will reveal the Wolverines' shortcom-
ings. They made only eight out of
00 shots count from the field, A per-
,etage like that is a losing one in
any league. In the last half, close-
:heking Iowa guards permitted them
only two buckets.
A black-thatched speedster named
3en Stephens was one reason Mich-
gan was kept in arrears throughout
nost of the game. The Hawkeye for-
yard acquired a total of 15 points for
,he evening, including six field goals.
Capt. Jake Townsend obtained the
lame number of points, seven of which-
vere charity flips. That, together
vith the fact that the two men guard-
ing him committed seven fouls be-
ween them, indicates Jake's diffl-
After see-sawing in the first eight
minutes ;the tide of battle strictly
favored Iowa, which .-finished the
stanza with a 16-11 lead, Not con-
ent with that, Coach Rollie Williams'
oys forged a lead more satisfactory
And were ahead, 21-15.
Michigan relied upon free throws
(ontinued onPage 6)
Talk By Rowell
To Head Spring
SRA Program
Peace Council To Include
All Sympathetic Groups
On CampusIs Planned
Dr. Terecina Rowell, who recently
.pent a year in a Buddhist monastery
in Japan, will discuss "Buddhism and
Varxism" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Lane
lall tinder the auspices of- the Stu-
lent Religious Association.
The announcement of the lecture
olowed a meeting o the freshman
Yommittee of the council of the SR.A,
Saturday and Sunday at the Fresh Air
"amp on Patterson Lake where plans
or the coming semester were made.
Other .lecturers the Assocaton
glans to bring to Ann Arbor ineclde
Mortimer Adler of Chicago University,
Ludwig Lewisohn, noted author, To-
Harris, author of "Unholy Pilgrim-
age," a book about the individual in
Soviet Russia, and Ralph McCallister,
chairman of the adult education
ouncil of Chicago.
An Association Peace Council is be-
ng planned which will attempt to in-
Jude all campus organizations inter-
ested in peace work. The S.A.A. will
cooperate with the Y.M.C.A. in a
:tate-wide drive to raise funds for
Japanese and Chinese students. Two
per cent of the money is to go to
Japan and the rest is to be used to
Furnish transportation, food and shel-
ter for the Chinese.
Sociology studies in Detroit, To-

ledo and Ann Arbor will be sponsored
by the Association, it was announced.
This work will be done in coopera-
zion with social service organizations
in Ann Arbor.
Extra-curricular classes in the his-
tory of religion, comparative religion
and the Bible will be held this se-
(Continued on Page 2)
anzion Wing Completion
r" fj it,.m~gtJ RvR~c~n*

Conference Will Include
Three Days Of Talks
On Road Improvement
Michigan's 24th annual Highway
Conference opens at 1:30 p.m. today
with a speech by State Highway Com-
missioner Murray D. Van Wagoner-on
"The Cross Roads of Highway Admin-
istration." The conference will include
three days of lectures and discussions
on the improvement of highways and
highway safety in the State.
In connection with the meeting the
State Highway Department has ar-
ranged an exhibit in the Union lounge
portraying scenes along Michigan
highways demonstrating the large
percentage of driving that is recrea-
Under the direction of the College
of Engineering, the annual gathering
of highway engineers and traflic ex-
perts was planned in cooperation with
the Michigan State Highway Depart-
ment, the Michigan Association of
Road Commissioners and Engineers
and the Michigan Department of
Public Safety.
Other speakers at today's session
are H. S. Fairbank, Chief of the Di-
..ci- of Tnfnrain T a RirAIof


Loyalists Indomitable Courage'
Impresses Ann Arbor Volunteer

The indomitable courage of the
Spanish people's army, "growing in
numbers and experience every day,"
is being impressed unforgettably into
the experience of Robert A. Cummins
of Ann Arbor, senior editorial writer
for the Daily last year, now fighting
with the Loyalist army.
In a letter to one of his student
friends, Cummins describes the long
line (the people's army) that knew
many "among it were living the last
15 minutes of their lives, but there
was none who did not subordinate
that thought to his determination to
save his people from fascism."
Cummins, with Elman Service, '37,
and Ralph Neafus, '37, joined the In-
ternational Brigade upon his gradua-
tion last semester and is now a brigade

often than you probably believe. I am
touched when you say that "Mattes,
Tenander, Silverman . . . the old
bunch are very anxious over you."
Within the last few days I have, at
different times wondered whether
Scammon got an A from Ehrmann (I
got a B); how is Pete Lisagor's pool
game; and wished Tuure were here to
give his imitation of the cat.
"The only news I have had of pro-
gressive activities on the campus was
the swell story of the Daduk meeting.
My sister sent me one copy of the
Daily-a late October issue, edited
(apparently in haste and despair dur-
ing the later stages) by-.
"We were in action 11 days in the
latter part of October outside Zara-
goza-a few kilometers. The Brigade
ixr.% crn the A,'ragnf,rntfar . lmn-qtin 7


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