THE MICHIGAN DAILY leteher -Henderson To Play A t Military Ball, League Tonight This~ Week To Seep Tea fntpe.. .. A IBand Contcert, Lecture, Banquet The Installation Banquet, the last; of the music school. Guest soloist of the Oratorical Association Lec- will be Cecil Leeson, celebrated saxo- Lures, a tea dance and a band con- phonist. cert are only minor events in stu-' John B. Kennedy takes the Hill dent lives as this weer leads up to' Auditorium stage on Tuesday night April 8-the beginning of spring va- for the last Oratorical Association cation. lecture of the season. 1H. V. Kalten- A pomientAusria ecnomstborn was scheduled to appear but t D. Oskar Morgenstern, will speak on wstoilt oi.M.Kney "Social Science in Europe" at 4:15 famous as an NBC announcer and p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Sci- news commentator, will speak on "What's WogWt h ol. ence Auditorium. WogWt h ol. At 6 p.m. tomorrow most of the- women on campus will attend the FOLK DANCES TAUGHT 1938 Installation Banquet to be held in the League Ballroom and the Many students, faculty and towns- Grand Rapids Room.+ people attended a program which was Band To Give Concert given at 7:45 p.m. yesterday in Unity ; The University Band will presentI Hill where Mrs. Werner Striedieck its Spring Concert at 8:30 p.m. to-} taught folk and old fashioned morrow in Hill Auditorium Under theI American dances. Community sing- SECRETARIAL and BUSINESS TRAINING CLASSES NOW FORMING FREE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Hamilton Business College 23rd Year Phone 7831 William at State SUDDN _w HELEN JESPERSON uz1 . v M 4 4 1JA ovnu w. y* uALA1.Zxey, - - - -- -o- riot wiU±Ui J .IL VAO.A .C.'. '38, tickets and finance chairman an- p) ~~~ V ~ l - noiriced. _. _)AI1Y11 ) i A tJ/1"'j a.m. Holy Communion (Corporate Other committeemnen who were re-F Communion for members of the Con- cently anniouiced 'irnclude-Donald M. I Uni vvrli(y.(Cop~y tz(It'ta l IJr uti(cU of the A. Atwl to tlicr ' -ST« rt frainCas ihbekatf Alexander,, .'38E, chairman. of the U"011 I 30, 1 :00 am 1. .. UUW, lowing at Harris Hall), 9:30 a.m. patrons and guests commnittee; Carl- -- - - Church School, 11 Kindergarten, ton L. Nelson, 38, hnead of the rches- (~ftlu' ri ' ~63 icsinporm u 11 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon tra comnmittee. _._-..-.-_---p(m, , by The Rev. Henry Lewis, 8 p.m. In- Cm _---N---met-t-he icign.eageonaySect "We Pre pare For Peace or War?. ednmntoalHl omno Commitee amedmeet t th Micigan eagu Monay :The following sub topics will be pre-;treoiaonlHyCmuin John E. Cornelius, '38, will be in evening at 8 o'clock. ented in brief talks: "Trends in In-' Service with the following ministers charge of publicity, and Kingsley- ternational Policy," "Legislative Is-' of Ann Arbor participatinmg: The Rev. Kelley, '39BAd, Will. be chairman of Advanced R.O.T.C. Commutation! sues" and "What Makes Up My Win. P. Lemon, The Rev. L. A. Parr. I. th~e progrms and favors committee, checks will be disbursed Tuesday, Mind." TeRv er eiTeRv .E The drill team will be under" the di- April 5, between 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. 'Harris Hall: Celeb a~;on of~ the HolyI Sayles, The Rev. E. P. Sawyer, The recton o Thodor Maden,'39,andRev. Kenneth Morgan, The Rev. H. sectionrofTh ereMadn, ', aecend cc Cnet:Te- oa a-Communion in the Chapel, Sunday L. Pickerill, The Rev. F. W. Leech. Ricar T Waeran '0, s ece- acedCocer: heSchlaCa 'morning, at 9 o'clock, after which __ tar'y of the central committee. torum, a male chorus of 60 voices. the group will proceed to the Michi- FrtCnrgtoa hrh 04 The floor commrittee: will be head- 'from Luther College, Decorah, Ia., gan League for breakfast. ,a.m. Prior to the regular opening atj ed by Gordon H.t Arnold, '40. The will sing in Pattengill Auditoriuml Sunday night Student Meeting at 10:45, the chorus choir under the decorations committee includes W il- Tuesday, April 5, 8:15 p.m. !.Harris Hall. The group will meet as direction of Henry Bruinsmna, will son B. Archer, '38, Allen Andrews, - - usual at 7 o'clock for a short, in- sing some special Lenten music. Dr. '39E, Gilbert K. Phases, '38, and John, ; formal mee'ting until 71:45, at which? Parr will continue his discussion of Stevens, '38E. Major 'Walter B..C u che time all members of the Guild. and'Wa Is This Christianity" with F'ariss will, be the department ad- Stalker Ball: Student Class at, 9:45 JIal Episcopamlstudents and their thtopc" oit. viso. ;. a~11.,Thesubjfect for dliscuission) will, friendsar cordially invited to join' 3 p.m. The Pastor's Training Class be "Race Relations." Dr. Ca}rrol iers1 with the members of all other stu- will meet in Pilgrim Hall at 3. 7 a* ,, - land several of the foreign i udei;ntsI dent guilds of Ann Arbor and come; 6 p.m. "Gentlemen, the King," is ing preceded the cdancing. W.A.A. SCHEDULE Badminton: Open splay 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday; club play 7:30 to 9:30' p.m. Wednesday, Barbour Gymnasium. Bowling: 4 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow through Friday, 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, W.A.A. Build- ing, Dance Club: Dance festival at Art Institute in Detroit. Ridng: Crop and Saddle ride, 5 p.m. Thursday, meeting at Bar- bour Gymnasium. Swimming: Open swimming 4 p.m. tomorrow and Wednesday, Union pool. Your EASTER GIFT PROBLEM Solved! Our Iiiiens are just "ducky."~ April Vogue Handkerchief - of -the-mnith -- daisies and " ~swteet peas. . Always Reasonably Priced GAGE1 LINEN SHOP0 :. 10 NICKELS ARCADE II r .... p Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads. ..4 ._ . .. .. _\ .. , . ,. .. . , _.: . . _... ; : FIBEIEZING - COLD STORAGE ~ cin.M tcwade'&d 6werL v..cud will lead the discutIssMi to St. Andrew's Church to the Inter- Weslcyan Guild Meetingigt 6,. denominational Holy Communion; Prof. Preston Sloss on will speak on Ser vice to be held at 8 o'clock, Sun-! "The Game of Casuistry." !cay evening. This service is spon-I Fellowship Hour at 7 p..I orcd by the ,Ann Arbor Ministerial Association and the Interguild Stu- First Methodist (bjhit'V. Morning dent Groups of Ann Arbor. worship at 10:40 o'cloc-. Dr, Bra- Chre il pecho "Look."E Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: * shars aillpre~ch. o - Services of worship Sunday are : 8 U Disciples Guild (Chuirch of Christ) 10:45, Morning Worship. l~ev *.-*".'. .... Fred Cowin, Minis'ter. 12:00 noon. Students Bible\ Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. """ (Continued can Page 8) R AYmND ROY PI-4OTOG RAP 14Y mmid momr- I LL U ST RAT IV E 1H0ME AND STUDIO POR.TRAIT' 320 S. STATE-OVER THE QUARRY r: ;;fx :: W . .; ::x. .:. .. . . . . . .. . . . . _ . .. . . .._.. . . ., .L . .... ..... GAY SCARFS .e brighit note ACCESSORIES that r cistcr on sight. Crisp, new accesso- rics that achieve dIistrac tingly, chic results for you-yet cost little. See these gay suit Spicer-up ppers today- /f New enchantment for yourshit! Blouses tha% are sweet in color as they are in style ! Lin- ens, crepes, pastels and prints. from $1.95 a1.t your th-roat! SplashY and tiny prints, plaids aind pastels. Flaunt a "SOFT" only .. , New BAG 1.95 Van Roalte HOSE I I IT'S NOT TOO EARLY to begin thinking about the damage moths and heat will do to your precious furs. In Marchanfde's cold storage vaults they'll be far from summer heat, as nature intended. Moths cannot live or work in such frigid temperature. Rememiber, at Marchaude's your furs'are safe from fire and theft and are insured from the time we receive them until they are delivered in the fall. "_U COAT'S CLEANED INSURANCE. GLAZED Y FREEZING IMPROVED Satvd us/ METHOD COLD STORAGE PAYABLE NEXT FALL PHONE 7040 - Our Bonded Messenger wvill (call at your ho'nze. REPAIRING AND REMODELING in Authentic Advanced Fashions can be skillfully executed at Special Summer Prices. MARCH IANDE FV-UUS 607 East Liberty Phone 7040 wm pf 1a U - I U r M / 'd y- s, : '1 , :d. I I