THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY,*APRIL 3, 1938 . _ __ ,. SUNDAY.'APRIL 3. 1938 ~^ - ~suance of the Regents' regulation: ii "Students who leave Ann Arbor for 1"hU LETI an absence of more than a week must DAILY FFICIL BUL EiNfirst return all borrowed books." copy recied .t the off1-ice of tiveAnoist to l te ]eas Of i O L1 Ilt2. Failure to return books before' until 3.330, 1]:00 t .ni. on Saturday. the vacation will render the studentI S-~ J Iliable to an extra fine. <3. Students who have special need SUNDA)rY, APR'iIL 3, 1938 grades which may- prohibit gradua- care of Tuttle Spring Work,,, 300 MI £ or~ certain books between April 4 1VOLl. XLVIII. No. 134 ion. Elliott Ave., Detroit. an h einn ftevcto To the Meml".ibers of the Faculty of stdi, - may retain such books by applying at StuensCollege of Literature,I Bureau of Appointment,,,and c~r the Charging Desk on April 4th. the Colleg:e of Literature, Science,! Science, and the Arts: . Courses -national Information. The Pureau of 4. Students who have urgent' need and the Arts: The sixth regular dropped after Friday, April 8, will be Appointments has received notice of for certain books during the vaeca- meeting of the faculty of the College recorded with the grade E. Exception; the following Civil ServiMe Exalmina- I tion, will be given permission to diraw I of Literature, Science, and the Arts myb aei xrodnr i Lions: these books, provided they are not in for the academic session of 1937-38 cusa+s ul a eeeo c Scientific Aids (Birds), $1,8aoo 1 li~ldead, on ap:plication at they custnes uc s eer r c~~ " r (lwilbehedinRom125Agelear; United States National n1 Clugut Dek fterl April 4t' . wilb edi om12 nelcontinued illness.b3 Hall, April 4, 1938, at 4:10 p.m._____euSihoannttto. V'' W Edwar'd11. Kraus. Students, School of Edlucation: SceifcidPaaiooy.1,0 a year:; Bureau of AnimzIri Incli.: 4ry, Agenda : Courses dropped after Friday. AprilI Department of Agriculture. P xu~ir 1. Adopti on of the. minutes of the' 8, wil be recorded with the grade of JuI soit adn 320~.L~ tmC~~g l rhtcue menglz of March 7.,93,whc hv E except under extraordinary circutm-yer,.z- ic=ioC lIe0AcHtbic; been distribute~ d by campus mail yea; U.S. Bureaui of Pri1.sons. i rar I~ lso nraig yorpy (paesn13-18. No coarse is considered of- m ienu of Justic'e. phyng h lakan-hte ad Report. lficially dropped unless it has beenI Attendant Nurset C, $;40 per *l) htisi h 'auatrn a. Excutie Comitte, byPi~. reported in the office of the Regis- and maintenance; Mlichi ganl' Civil o ok n eal ntedsg lessor ~. ~. ~ trar, Room 4, University Hall. Seivce Examination.'ed ae-poamgai.Shw b. University Council, by Pr'o- l tuto Uiest Epoc: Fr further information, p1.a; ~ thrliough, the'.icolartesy' of The Lakeside fessor Paul S. Welch. Wheneiioi nveritbl ycarEmlloesn call at the office, 201 Mason Ifall. resR.R.Donele & Sons" Corn- r c. Executive Board of th6' Grad- alln-itne eehn alsada---pny, Chicago. Ground floor cases,1 uate School, by Professor N. H1. tlgaslcdtruh h nvr Sophomore Engineers~: Orders willl Architectuiral Buijldingr. Open dlaily' Williams, sity telep~hone system, to youir resi- be taken for class jackets startin ; 9 Lo 5), trough Apri l 7. Th~e public d.Avsr ndent phone. j MVonday, April 4, at Wagner and~ University Affairs, by Professor Hebr_._akn. 1___scotigsoe n vtn tet Preston Slosson. 1err1.Waks. 1C cltigtrenSatSre. e. Deans' Conference, by Dean S oashp h Dtot'lmiThe cost will be $1.50 wihich must 4O e E. H. Kraus. IofteHradGaueScolf be deposited upon placing the order. ~I~ny 3. Recommendation of the Execu- Business Administration are offering'J tine Committee concerning elecion' a three hundred dollar scholarship 0Tostudents having Libr':.."y Books: *Incign.brongsth of cousesinntalanlyiFeshen ortheHarardScholifsBsinss sftues i tla yFehe o heHradSho fBsns 1. Students having in their posses-' common-sense way of smiioothl- students. Administration for the year 1938-39.1I sion books drawn from the University ! eg out the ups-and-dowvns of I 4. Resolution concerning quality of Students interested should communi-I Library are notified that such books! income or expenses. students' written work. tMinutes P. cate with David H.. James, President! are due Monday, April 4th, before the There ar~e two methods of self- 48.of Harvard Business School Club, , impending Spring Vacadtionl, ine)lul-- financing: 1S cordially invited. Examples of the work of the six cpan- tive Design will be on display in the didates for the j ane Higbee Award South Gallery beginning Saturday, Exhibition, Alumni Memorial Hall: Ifor Sophomore students in Decora- (Continued on Page 4) An. American girl--it might have been you -picks her idea of a grand time as she is. II '1 NOW! swept headlong in a thrilling romance of Hollywood-by Ben Hecht at his funniest. to1: ~It/ y hly( ". '' .We yvO1 lc at x{ALL SE aste r to 5 crshth astey j~'ifl V3acUlty, College of Literature, SOi- enee, and the Arts. Midsemester re - ports are due not later than Friday,! April 8. More cards if needed can be had at my office. 'these reports are understood as namning those students, freshman and upperclass. whose standing in mid- semester time is D or E, not merely~ those who receive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but{ registered in other schools or colleges of the University, should be reported,. to the school or college in which they are regrkered. W. R. Humnphreys, Assistant Dean.I 1----~- ---_____ -- -- - -- -- - FOR SALE WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive- way Gravel. K illins Gravel Co. Phone 7112. 7x LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. _ NOTICE S LADIES tailoring ,,-d dress-making; formals, suits, coat relining, all al- terations. Expert service, reasonable _ I ,t , . . . _ x Schcool of Education, College of rates, worn guaranteed. 320 E. Lib- 1Achit( eturc, School of Forecstry, erty. Call evenings. 2-2020. 8x Scho--l of. Music: Midsemesterre -- nm'ts8 in( inq stuidents enrolled in, MEN and women are offered the these units doing unsatisfactory work! in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school, April 6, Re- port blanks for this purpose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4 U.H. Robert Williams, Assistant Registrar. All June Graduates in the College of' Literat ure. Science, and the Arts, Col- .lege of Architecture, Schools of Edu-. ,cation, Forestry, and Music should I 'fill in grade request cards at Room 4, U.Hf., between April 4 and April 8.1I Those failing to file these cards will ~assume all responsibility for late highest cash prices for their dis- carded clothing. See Claude Brown,1 512 S. Main. Phone 2-2736. 388 TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable rates. L. M. Hjeywood, 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. loxl VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone 6327. Experienced typist. Reason- able rates. 232 TYPING, neatly and accurately done.G Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. -3x CLOTITNG WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- jers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Readv cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6:304. LOST AND FO TND LOST: Connellsville High Graduationj pin. Call John Reagan 3944. Re- ward. 491 LOST: Gold locket between Mosher and University Hail. Tuesday. March 22. Cal[ Stout. 2-3561. Re- ward. 483 LOST: Chi Omega pin with Rho i Gamma guard with name June! Ransom. Revv 'd. 0411 Gulde. 7217. 487 I LOST: Blue-trimmed Liberty scarf between Helen Newberry and cor- ncr State and Packard. Call 2-2591. Rewvard. 478 WANiRTECD WANTED: Passengers to II uuisiana for spring vacation. Call Dr. Bour- land 3259 at noon. Will share ex- penses. 476 DRIVING to St. Louis on April 8. Re- turning April 14. Can take two pas- sengers. For particulars call R. S. Rose. 7595. 488 DESIRE a man to act as driving com-, panion to California.. 1937 Chev- rolet coupe--leaving immediately. Call 7659. 489 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Rooms ---permnanen t,j Spring Vacation or week-end rent- al. Phlone 8544. 422 E. Washington. 484 1. Save first, thenr boy. (Savings Account) 2. Buy flirst. repay hatet Personal Loan) * Your' choice of these two wNays defends on your own sit- uation. But emergencies and opportunities seldom wait until you can save enough to take care of them. *ONLY REQUIREMENT for a loan here: youir ability to repay small, regular amounts on the loan plan that's easiest for you to handle. 0~ No endorsers required. Pri- vacy assured. Loans available to all university people except stud ents. PE.R SONA L LOANS Up to $360 Personal Finance Co. 376 Offices 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg. 201-203 S. FOURTH AVE. Phone 4000 R.W. Horn, Mgr. # The biggest musical comedy ever produced --stamped with the unmistakable "Samuel Goldiwyn Touch" that marks and makes the screen's most memorable moments.. Parameunt World Action News * Thurs. --.-- BEG, BORROW or STEAL" . i h I ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT of the r eadService IS WHAT WE OFFERI TO YOU IN 'PAIN'T Z o prolong 1IlE BEAUJTY Of your hom0ec, invest in the safest "homie insurance," ly using only high grade paints. WE want to help you, and arc here to give you comn- plete service in every detail, and advice based 01n Years Of experience. Every brushiful of our paint is absolutely guaranteed. "West's for the Best in Oiiality and Service" -- OUR FIRST SERVICE - FREE PARKING FOR OUR CUSTOMERS WEST PAINT 300 EAST WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY CONCERT BAND II I TODAY! 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. featuring :a NOW PLAYING ! I "The artist brought forth aWide variety of color and a sense of style to his inter- pretations, from the hushed beauty of Bach's Komm Suesser Tod to the mysti-. cism of Debussy." ----Musical Courier no ___ _ I 11 row-wuER u TODAY THROUGH TUESDAY KENYAK 3ANN iMLAK "Mr. Leeson's mastery of the instrument's technique was convincingly demon- strated' ... his tone is free of the distressing vibrato affected by certain commer- cial manipulators of the instrument." --New York Sun k VICTOR MOORE MILTON SBER s Helen Broderick June Fromaon Buster West ;. Melissa Masoru i. I CECIL LEESON, Saxophone Recitalist !~Il TITYT Il li