The Weather Partly cloudy and warmer to- day; tomorrow fair and warmn- er. Y Sir igau DaiI1w Editorials Leather Jackets m. . 'We'll Keep 'Em Out .. a VOL. XLVIII. No. 135 AN14 ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS One MillionDepend On Utility Strikers Supply German Loyalist Commander Still Sees Government Victoryi WhIte House iompromise S'Offered o Insure Passage ..{j: . Reorganization Bill For Power Saginaw Valley Workers Maintain Service After Seizure Of Six Plants Murphy Will Hold Conference Monday JACKSON, April 2.-{R'}-Upwards of 1,000,000 Lower Michigan residents were dependent tonight on striking' workers of the Consumers Power Company for electricity or gas. The populous Saginaw Valley, twice plunged into darkness in the past year by shutdowns ordered by a Committee for Industrial Organiza- tion union of utility workers, wit- nessed an unusual strike in which the strikers continued working to main- tain service unimpaired. Gov. Frank Murphy, who last sum- mer warned the workers that "the state will not tolerate" further pow- er interruptions, hastened back from a Florida vacation to confer with representatives of the Company and' the utility workers organizing com- mittee in Detroit at 10 a.m. Monday. Albert Stonkus, T.W.O.C. Director in charge of the groups which last night seized four power stations and two gas plants, pledged "no interrup- tion of service-not before we have had a conference with Governor Murphy." The strike proceeded peaceably at all points today, with dwindling pick- et lines guarding closed gates at the plants from which foremen and com- pany officials were ousted. "Flying squadrons" of the CIO-affiliated United Automobile Workers aided the U.W.O.C.. members in picketing duties at the huge power "bottle- neck" plant at Zilwaukee, near Sagi- naw, where switches control the flow of power from Au Sable river dams to distributinq lines serving a popu- lation of 400,000.I U.W.O.C. leaders ordered the strike1 after the break-up of 1iegotiations with company officials here yester- day afternoon. A company state- ment said the CIO union demanded wage incerases; Stonkus said "our only demand" was guarantee against wage cuts and of renewal of a work- ing agreement. Complicating the company's posi- tion are claims of three competing unions that each represents a ma- jority of the nearly 6.000 employes. The Independent Power Workers'l Association and the American Fed- eration of Labor Electrical Workers' Union each has petitioned the Na- tional Labor Relations Board for anf election to determine a bargaining agent. Morgenstern Fears Slump MaySpread By ROBERT MITCHELL SPossibilities for a world economic betterment lie in the balance while Great Britain considers the proposal for reciprocal tariff reductions re- cently made by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Dr. Oskar Morgenstern, prominent Austrian economist, de- clared yesterday. Dr. Morgenstern, who is professor of economics at the University of Vienna and a member of the League of Nations committee, will give a university lecture at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in the Natural Science Audi- torium on "Social Science in Eu- rope." "The negotiations with Great Bri- tain," he said, "represent the first reciprocity to a major nation. If the barriers and restrictions to trade set up by tariffs of these two countries can be broken down, the world will not only have the example of two major nations in cooperation, but will have a definite impetus toward the conception of economic conditions and trade on an international scale. Dr. Morgenstern pointed to the benefits of the reciprocal tariff agree- ments received by smaller countries which have gained by the "Most- favored nation" clauses, giving all countries the same rights of tariff terms as those of the signatory coun- tries. This has led to trade contracts for these small countries, he said, which they would not be able to bar- gain for by themselves, and shows the importan c 'of leadership by the big nations in world cooper ation. Asked about the possibilities for the development of a world depression, Dr. Morgenstern replied that such a situation depends on the duration and severity of the present United States depression. The recession is at pres- ent strictly American. he said, and has not yet been noticeably trans- mitted to othcr countries. Stutdent Semite Hears Housing Report Tuesday Name Three Proelors l'rev a 'nI In I 9wel in Clauses Get Pollock's Approval Describes Michigan Law diminution of the classified service As ace-iiuaker Amlonoythg expensive administration of some The Civil Service Statutes New Deal legislation," he declared. Professor Pollock advocates the{ Prof. James K. Pollock of the po- adoption of the present reorganiza- litical science department in a radio ! tion bill because he believes it will f f 4i Reory- imaZtAlOn. Upr;.t With shovels and picks replacing their guns, these Loyalist soldiers captured by Insurgents on the Aragon front, are shown at Belchite. It is on this front that Robert Cummins, '37, is believed to have fallen into the hands of Rebel troops. Gustav Regner, Volunteer In Spanish Army, Cites Increased Enlistment And Independence Of Soldiers As Bases For Further Hope As Generalissimo Francisco Franco cut a yet deeper swath into Govern- ment territory a new note of optimism kor the Loyalists was sounded yesterday in Ann Arbor by the wounded commander of the 12th Spanish' Government regiment, Gustav Regner, German volunteer, novelist, and former secretary to the German dem- -- - ocratic party, who was feted by a ' group of University professors during Oil C o panie a stop-over here. Herr Regner appeared undismayed P p by the latest Franco advances and Court told the Daily last night the present situation was not as serious as the Tilt itM exico first Insurgent advance on MadridX in November, 1936. He pointed to the Loyalist soldiers' frantic attempts , . to get back to the Government lines! Officials Of 17 Americ.l rather than accept the security of the And British Firms Pln French interior, after they had fleds across the Pyrenees to prevent cap- UIlnCO ilsti hitiOnalit' Plea ture by the Insurgents. He cited the 20,000 troops who have enlisted in the MEXICO CITY, April 2.-(/P)-An Government forces during the last appeal to the Supreme Court em- two weeks. He contended that the bracing 22 charges of constitutional Loyalist cause was far from lost. violation was drawn up today by address yesterday cited 1937 as a boom year for civil service lawmaking, praised the new Michigan law as a pace-maker in the field of merit leg- islation and urged adoption of the civil service provisions of the federal reorganization bill as a necessary measure to secure "positive benefits" of the merit system. He called at- tention to the decadence of civil serv- ice in many states and the need of strong public support for reappraisal and revision of these systems. Civil service, he described as a powerful! weapon against fascism. It is necessary to add the merit system to county and local adminis- tration to salvage them from an al- 0mostimminent absorption by a more efcient jurisdiction, Professor Pol- lock declared. Professor Pollock pointed out that the new Michigan system promises to be one of the most efficient ever inaugurated by any state. Tremen- dous difficulties are being met in clVnging from a spoils system sanc- tioned by a century of operation to a modern, business-like system of per- sonnel administration, he pointed out. Nevertheless, the Michigan system is proving to be outstanding largely 1-iooin.f n lnrni rpnuir ~flment. correct this situation and put fed- eral service on a higher plane than ever before. Its principal provisions are to put all buU policy-determining positions on a merit basis, replace the present commission with a director and an advisory board, and raise sal- aries considerably. The federal service has been only good in a "negative sense" he de- clared. It prevents the worst features of the spoils system but it does not secure the positive results of a mod- ern personnel system, and therefore, Professor Pollock believes the pres- ident's proposal should be enacted and given a chance to show "what it can do." Kasley, Haynie Shatter Records In D.A.C. Meet Breastroke Champ Cracks World Mark For 100; Tomski Winner In 59 Concession Terms Offered After Opponents' Success In ProlongingOf Debate Move To Hasten Bill Through House t t Commander Regner left Spain last December after five months in the hospital where he suffered from nine wounds. In America he has been staying with the Ernest Hemingways in Key West. Hope was held out for the Ameri- cans captured in Spain, by the com- mander, who was doubtful that Fran- co would shoot Americans, although the Insurgents, he said, make shortf work of the German, .Italian and Polish volunteers whom they capture. He urged students to petition thej State department in behalf of thel Americans. pointing out that a Wash- ington note to Franco would be simp- ly a "request" and could be no means be interpreted as "intervention." "If our forces can hold for one month longer and if the democracies will repeal their neutrality embar- goes," Herr Regner said. "the Insur- gent forces will be cleared out of Spain." . ooei ,Seeks ' 7 _7Yif foreign oil company executives seek., ing to regain their $400,000.000 prop- erties expropriated by the Govern- ment. Officials of the 17 American and British companies taken over by Pres- ident Lazaro Cardenas said they would ask the Supreme Court Mon- day to declare his March 19 decree unconstitutional on grounds which included: That article 27 of Mexico's consti- tution authorizes expropriation of land and water only; whereas they lost their tools, plants and equip- ment. That the companies were deprived of their properties without due legal procedure. That no indemnification was paid at the time of the expropriation. That the properties expropriated were not designated beforehand in accordance with law. That a government monopoly in petroleum was set up in violation of Article 27 of the constitution. In addition to the Supreme Court appeal, the officials said they would oecase z aoiaKCLrequremun for qualifying examinations for alA2 employees, new and old, and a "care- to the Daily)-Michigan swimmers fully prepared compensation plan went on a record-breaking rampage under which employees are securing here tonight, smashing a world, an equal pay for equal work and are American and a State A.A.U. mark. not being underpaid or overpaid de- Swimming alone, Jack Kasley, vet- pending on their political connec- eran breast-stroke star, shattered tions." John Higgins' 100-meter breast- Due to the expansion of the federal stroke mark, covering the distance government in the past five years in 1:08.6. Kasley, getting a fast start, without a corresponding increase in "butterflied" all the way and gave the civil service, Professor Pollock a convincing exhibition. His is a new said, the percentage of employees in world mark. the classified service has dropped "Tireless Tom" Haynie, captain- from 80 per cent to 60 per cent. "This elect of the Michigan Varsity, dem- -- - - - - -~.--.- onstrated. his versatility by setting a new American record of 1:34.7 for Li the 150-yard ndividual medley relay. hHaye turned in a sensational race, his time being nearly three seconds To peak Here faster than the old record of 1:37.2 previously held by Wallace Spence of the New York Athletic Club. ChineseArtA To Be Subject Long Walt Tomski, Varsity sprint star, shattered an ex-Wolverine Of Von Heine-Geldern mainstay's 50 yard free-style mark beating his frosh teammates Charles Dr. Robert Freiherr von Heine- Barker and Jim Welsh in 0:23.2. This Geldern, of the University of Vienna, surpasses Michigan Paul Samson's will give a University lecture on "The old mark of 0:24.1, and tied the time Pre-Buddhistic Art of China and In- in which Ed Kirar won the National do-China and Its Influence in the Collegiate title last week. WASHINGTON, April 2.--(/P)-Ad- ministration lieutenants, reputedly with President Roosevelt's consent, proposed a compromise on the Gov- ernment's Reorganization Bill today in an effort to save that bitterly- fought measure from threatened House defeat. Even some opponents of the Bill said the decision of Administration leaders to. compromise made passage of the measure probable. "The chances of passage have been improved" said Representative Mapes (Rep., Mich.). Republican Leader Snell of New York said the opposition would at- tempt to "cut the bill to ribbons," but that passage in some form was likely. Democratic supporters of the leg- islation agreed with Speaker Bank- head that the fight was "al over" The compromise would give Con- gress the right to veto Presidential reorganization orders by a simple ma- ority ballot. As the bill now stands, a two-thirds vote of both houses would be necessary to block such or- ders. The concession on this point, and another which would keep the Ed- ucation Bureau in the interior De- partment, followed success for oppon- ents of the bill in stalling off any attempt to end debate. Terms of the comprorpise were an- nounced to a packed and wildly cheering House by Rep. Warren (Dem., N.C.), a member of the special Reorganization Committee. Reliable persons said his declaration was de- cided upon after House leaders had conferred by telephone with President Roosevelt, who has been vacationing at Warm Springs, Ga. This is what the compromise on Congressional overruling of executive orders would do: give Congress the right, within a 60-day period, to ac- cept or override a Presidential reor- ganization order by adopting a reso- lution which would not require the President's signature to become effec- tive. Kennedy Is Here Tuesday In Last Oratorical Event Thinks Paganism Opposes Christian Democracy In Present World Line-Up John B. Kennedy, radio commen- tator, editor and journalist who wll speak here Tuesday in the last pro- gram of the Oratorical Association Course, believes that paganism and Christian democracy ar;;'he two ideas in government which bow stand op- posed throughout the world. "We are not," Mr. Kennedy has said, "on the brink of revolution. The revolution is over. What remains is the development of a governmental technique which will satisfy the de- mands of the workers and at the same time guarantee to capital a profitable return commensurate with the risk it has taken." Mr. Kennedy feels that this process will undoubtedly take generations and will never be accomplished by the sword. He says that "within 100 years man has revolutionized the entire world but he has been too greedy to revolutionize himself." He believes that if the nations of the world spent one-third as much time being business men as the spending on "futile discussion of disarmament" there would be a new crusade for world commerce that would be build- ing a new world of democracy. Hillel Foundation Forum Topic Youth's Prospects Dr. J. D. Folkman, of Grand Rapp I Testimony on Ann Arbor housing hulrcells1 o ;conditions by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe director of the Health Service, Prof. I O XT John F. Shepard of the psychology 11 UDservance department and Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor in religious edu- Of Com m union",wil"bere into the records j at the Student Senate hearing Tues- day night at the League. It will be Rev. H. P. Marley's Ninth the first step by the all-campus body th get o Letat the facts in the rooming 1 Pacific." at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be under the auspices of tha I tit te of Fine Arts. tou t ransfeer iteion the Department of National E rnmv fnr administrative revoca- Ann Arbor Anniversary Is Unitarian Highligi An interdenominational celebra- tion of Holy Communion and the ninth anniversary of the Rev. H. P. Marley in Ann Arbor are the special events planned by the churches for today. The Rev. Harold P. Marley will be- gin his tenth year in the pulpit of the Unitarian Church this morning. The subject of his sermon, "Religion May Be Real," is parallel to his first one, here "Reality in Religion." The serv- ice begins at 11 a.m. The Liberal Students Union will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Li- brary to hear Dr. Edgar G. Johnston,1 principal of University High School, speak on "The Conflicting Trends in1 Secondary Education." The interdenominational H o 1 y Communion service will be held at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at 8 p.m. It is being sponsored by the Ministerial Association of Ann Arbor' and the Interguild Student Groups of the city churches. The call to wor- ship and psalm will be given by the Rev. William P. Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church. the Rev Leou) ard Parr of the First Congregational Church will read the scripture text and the Rev. Henry Lewis of St. An- enigma.! An attempt is being made to sur- vey the situation completely and any relevant information will be heard, Allen Braun, '40. chairman of the Senate Committee on Student Housing, pointed out yesterday. All organized groups affected by the housing issue have been requested to aid inclarifying the situation. The 32 members of the Student Senate will meet at 4:30 p.m. Monday in Dean Joseph A. Burs- ley's office to discuss the room- ing situation. At the hearing Dr. Blakeman will present a general background of the housing problem, Dr. Forsythe will be asked to give information con- cerning the sanitary angle and Pro- fessor Shepard will testify on general rooming conditions. Representatives of the LandladiesI Association, Ann Arbor banks and the Realtor Association have been invited to appear, and delegates from campus cooperative rooming organizations are scheduled to report on the cost of such accommodations. Fiitl ners Acquiw4ed Of Inlimidatioji Charges HARLAN, Ky., April 2.-(IP)-A group of union coal miners were ac- tion of the Cardenas decree. Dr. von Heine-Geldern is an au- Proposes Debt Payment 1.Meanwhile, the peso improved in thority on ethnology, anthropology, By Sld L ExlIview of the United States Govern- and the perhistoric archaeology of __i_____t Xe lfnge ment's recognition of Mexico's right India, east Asia and Oceania. His WASHINGTON, April 2.-/R)-A to expropriate foreign-owned prop- publications on these subjects are fund of $140,952,766 would be pro- erty and its willingness to see the well-known to students of the an-j vided for the exchange of students companies' claims scaled down. thropology of Asia between the United States and Eu- rope if a proposal advanced by ex- President Hoover were adopted, some Ihindu Monk' To Discuss Relhgion officials said today. In a speech Thursuay night at New Here Today And Tomorrow York, Hoover proposed that countries which owe this Government relief- - debts be permitted to erase them from Dr. Mahanan lBrata Bralimachari, Uncle Sam's books by depositing in Hindu monk who is touring the Unit- their own banks an equivalent amount e s ois wayack to India, of money to finance a wholesale ex-s his way b>cd to 'nia, change of students and professors will speak here today and tomorrow bhane sudets and trofUnited on the customs and eligions in his between themselves and the Uie countr'y. States. Atty.m Relief debtors are distinct from At the inter-faith symposium a war debtors. They are countries to p.m. today, Dfr.Brahmachari with which this Nation extended aid and Prof. Edgar Dufee of the law school sold food and other supplies on credit I and Dr. Bernard Heller, director of after the World War.I the Hillel Foundation, will discuss, fterials said or p"International Religion and the Na-4 Officials said Hoover's proposal toa tt ' would obviate the objection some such 'tionalndtate." debtors have mmade to paying their',"Ghandi and India Today" will be debts: namely, the difficulty of gh-r the topic for Dr. Brahmachari's talk let:nmltedfiut fgt at .z buffet supper for foreign stu- s ting dollars with which to pay us, Officials said ten countric ;would dent s I omiht, att the Union, At a be involved ---Amnenir (now Turkey kc n ui e d yo Austria (now Germany), Czechoslo- willspek on "The Hindu Caste Sys- vakia, Esthonia, Finland, Hungary, tem," and at 4:15 p.m. at Lane Hallr Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Rus- on "Ghandi and India Today,"again. i 5 _ i . Professors Run In Spring Poll Tomorrow's Vote To Settle 15 Local Contests Surprisingly heavy campaigning during the last few weeks is expected to result in a strong turnout;tomor- row when local voters go to the polls to settle 15 contests. Polls will remain open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in all pre- cincts. Of the 31 candidates seeking office, three are faculty men. Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of the architecture school is seeking reelection as alder- man from the fifth ward; Prof. John E. Tracy of the Law School is run- ning for alderman in the sixth ward and Prof. George C. Benson of the public administration department is a candidate for supervisor in the same ward. Wilfred B. Shaw, direc- tor of Alumni relations, is not seek- ing reelection as sixth ward alder- man. In the first and seventh wards, Re- publican candidates for supervisor and aldwrman are unopposed. Other wards will choose an alderman serv- ing a two-year term, a supervisor serving one year and a constable holding office for one year. City clerk's office will remain openj ,V