D PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 192i Social Service Talks To Be"i On Wednesda y Detroit Welfare Director Will Steak On Poor In First Of Six Lectures Mrs. Irene Ellis Murphy, director of the Central Volunteer Bureau of the Council of Social Agencies in De-, troit, will make the first of a seriesI of six lectures sponsored by the Ann Arbor Social Service when she speaks, on "Who and Why are the Modern Poor?" at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Washtenaw Welfare Relief Commis-! sion, 417 W. Liberty St.E The places of meeting for the lec- tures have been selected to provide a, visual demonstration of the sub- ject under discussion, according to VMrs. Theophile Raphael, who is di- recting the lecture series.j fraber Talks On Machines The second talk will be given March 2 at some local factory by Prof. Wil- liam Haber of the economics depart- ment who will speak on "Men and Ma- chines." Prof. Nathan Sinai of the hygiene' department will lead the third dis- cussion March 9. The topic will be "Public Health Panorama," and the talk will be given in the West Medical Building. The fourth discussion will be held IVarch 16 in the office of the Cham- ber of Commerce. Prof. Eleanor Goltz of the Institute of Public Work and Social Administration will speak on "What Is Modern Case Work?" Do Parents Need Help? "Can Parents Raise Children With- out Help?" will be the topic of the fifth talk, March 23. It will be held at the Perry School. Mrs. C.F. Ram- say, director of the Michigan Chil- dren's Institute, and Mrs. Elizabeth Penberthy, consultant for Perry Cen- ter, will speak and lead the discus- sion. The last discussion will bc held March 30 at the YWCA. The t1opic will be "How Important Is Leisure." The speaker has not yet been named. All the lectures are at 10 a.m-. Which Way Is le Facing-Is It Germany Or Japan? Social Council T1' I Curran Hits Killings Fitzgerald Warns On Coast In Senate Rivals On Tacties I 0OU ITn nec1 Iroim Page 1) 1 t1he ddl thM his was Of litto )f I).h_ i i;ir-' ir'nsequilence, the "import a nt th ins: 1 rof. mLewis Body ie said, was "why I am charged with In Attempt To Assist 'eing a communist and why these Youth From 16 To 2 ;arges are gven wide publicity. YouthFrom 16 T 2 ~ 13,000,O00OCn ReOiW Curran said 13,000,000 persons were An investigation of the unemploy- relief who did no want charity ment problem confronting youth out -nd that whenever labor leaders "had of school will be conducted by a com- 'he ccura e to ask for real Amer- mittee of the Ann Arbor Social Serv- ican living conditions" an immnediatc ice Council, headed by Prof. Arthur .ry of "Reds" and "Communists" Dunham of the Institute of Public arose from 'the various anV-labor, and Social Admin'strat ion, it wais an- eewspapersof Ilears. and other per- nounced yesterday. iodicals." A meeting of the committee to con- ___________ >ider methods of procedure in gath-, ering information pertaining to the Football Captain Janike problem will be held at 12:15 p.m. Ge s The Air-Try WIR today in the Union. The other mem- bers of the committee are Prof. How- Football Captain Fred Janke takes ard Y. McCluskey of the Education the airwaves tonight in a midnight BEIJUAII, Mich., Feb. 17.-UPh- Porrner (hovt-rior Frank D. 1"itzger- aId., ca1a!igli for re-election, wa tned rival RMpllblican ,andidales n a prepared sneech tonight against -i midi- linging campaign in the pri- ' ary election. The speech, delivered at a Lincoln 'I 'anquet of the Benzie County Re- ublican Committee, was interpreted as an invitation to Harry S. Toy, also eeking the Republican nomination for Governor, to declare a truce. F'riends of Fitzgerald resented re- :narks made by Toy in a recent speeo'h it Allegan. Fitgerald told the banquet meeting that "we can't busy ourselves fighting Democrats if we must be fighting among ourselves." cI > U Russia feels its security threatened by the activities of Japanese and German Fascists and prepares to defend herself. On February 23, the Soviet will observe the 20th anniversary of the organization of the Red fleet and army, and here is a naval gunner of the A mur fleet training his sights on an imaginary enemy. Marshy Areas Needed .For Wildlife, is Said Preservation of all of the small marshy areas, called cat holes or kettle holes, in Washtenaw County is necessary for the protection of the country's wild life, Henry S. Curtis, executive secretary of the Huron- Clinton Parkway Committee an- m ounced yesterday. These holes, usually a dense jungle of button bushes with a large pond in the "enter, form nesting places for insect-killing birds as well as a refuge for wild life in the winter time. When Prof. Howard M. Wight of the Wild Life department systema- tically drove one such kettle hole in the Williamstown area in Ingham County, he roused from it 41 pheas- ants. a covey of quail, four or five rabbits 4nd a number of cardinals. Usually there will be found two or three muskrat houses, Mr. Curtis said. RUTHVENS' TO ENTERTAIN President and Mrs. Alexander Ruthven will be the hosts at a guest formal to be given at 8 p.m. tonight in the President's residence for mem- bers of the Michigan Dames and their husbands. How Far Wil World W (Continued from Page 1) summoned Austria's chancellor Kurt Slmschnigg, to Berchtesgaden, Der Fuehrer's mountain home close to Austria's frontier. Hitler demanded md obtained reorganization of theI Austrian cabinet to include five Nazi ynpwathizers and freedom for 3,200s rIlitical prisoners in Austrian jails. the new cabinet was formed only Owen Hitler marked it "O.K." Schus- -Inigg had to submit three lists be- ore the laa was approved. Austria apparently got only re- - :ewed assurance of independence. I What of the future? Statesmen take for granted the Polish Corridor will disappear. That is the strip that cuts off that part Af Germany known as East Prussia.I They think Hitler will try to domi- nate his other neighbor, Czechoslo- vakia, where there are 3,000,000 Ger- nans, one-fifth of the population. They think if he succeeds' there he will swing confidently eastward and zontrol in some way all the rest of southeastern Europe. Sor. even wonder if Hitler won't :each across the neck of Poland into he Soviet Ukraine, richest wheatfield n the world. All know that Hitler has demanded ,hat German colonies lost in the war be returned and most statesmen agree ventually something must be done about that. Any many wonder where expansion night stop if it every really gets well started. What puzzles most people is why Hitlertshould and can tell Austria xhat to do. If it happened here it would mean .e United States could tell Mexico who should be in the Mexican cabinet. In Europe it is different. There are many Nazis in Austria. All the people speak German. They fought alongside Germans in the war. They have many common interests.] There has been talk of union for gen- -rations. And finally, Austria is weak and Germany is strong. If Austria were part of Germany she would make a bigger Germany and have no pres- mnt fear of outside pressure. Once, in 1934, Italy mobilized a big army on the Austrian frontier to protect Austria against a Nazi uprising but now Mussolini and Hitler understand each other and Italy ap- proves Germany's effort to run Aus- tria. Ho Hitler could control Austria through a few cabinet ministers is explained by the ministers' powers. the Hitlerite minister of the interior in Austria controls the police which 'an forbid political rallies or enforce many measures to stamp out opposi- tion. He also controls election ma- hinery and a mass of minor officials Schuschnigg went to Hitler becaus Germany is the big neighbor with sA Trea To Tak At fIille1 1'omorrow Ken Morgan, director of the Stu- dent Religious Association will speak on "Religion on the Campus" at the services to be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Hillel Foundation. The religious work done in Cli- m'ago and Northwestern Universities and in some of the eastern college ill provide the basis for his talk. schools where he observed the fun- ion of various religious associations. He will also discuss the relation o the Michigan SRA to these organiza- 1 Lions. i Hitler Go? And Why? onders What Nazis Plan big army and a big idea. Schusch- nigg chose the lesser of two evils. Here is why hitler thinks he should ro- this: German-Austrian union or 'ansch- luss' is an old story. A thousand years ago there began a series of alliances and federations that grouped to- gether for strength the many little ^ountries of Middle Europe. Often they quarrelled but they got together again when danger threatened. Anschluss in its modern sense arose in 1848 when there was an effort to inake a federation of some 300 prin- I:ipaities. It failed but the idea per- After the Great War, Germany and Austria declared themselves republics. Both wrote into their constitutions provisions for anschluss. All prin- cipal political parties in both coun- tries approved it. The peace confer- ence at Versailles forbade it. Later, when Austria grew danger- ously poor, the Germans lost enthus- iasm. Again, when Germany went to cot financially, the Austrians were glad they were separate. Yet Anschluss as an idea thrived. Germany and Austria, March 19, 1931, 1.wo years before Hitler came to power, agreed on a customs union, which the world in general called Anschluss be- ;ause it was the first step.j Great Britain protested and the World Court at the Hague forbade ,he union by an eight to seven de- isihon All this shows that German-Aus- trian union is an ancient idea which Ffitler is only carrying on. It is the old Prin-Germnan "Drang Nachz Osten," or the march to the east. Some Germans think they ought to] rule Europe and Asia eastward to Baghdad and on to the Persian Gulf. Why Hitler can tell Austria what -o do is simple. Geirrany strnugled out of defeat while the war victors bickered. Prog- ress was slow tint il Hitler took com- aiand Jamimary 30, 193:3 .Hitler defied the old Allies on poiit after point of Ihe lacce treaty until it was all bii , }one. Hitler defied the limit of 100,- D00 on his army. He started building L navy. He developed a new air force which some think strongest in the world. Today British and French foreignI offices frankly admit they aren't ready to go to war to stop Hitler from tam- pering with Austria. School, C. C. Crawford, superinten- interview over station WJR, Detroit. dent of Ann Arbor Public Schools, He's to be the guest of Harry Wis- Russell West, research director of mer, station sportscaster, the cere- Ann Arbor Public Schools and Ev- mony taking place in the Casino of erett R. Hames, executive secretary the Book Cadillac Hotel. .f the Ann Arbor Community Fund. - -- Works With Community Fund - The council was founded to deal with social and community problems11 referred to it by members of the Community Fund and other towns- 1 people. The investigation 'will include youth between the ages of 16 and 25 and will be conducted by the study of case histories. The report of the committee will be turned over to the H A S council which will attempt to remedy the situation through various youth agencies in the city. Agencies Not Ftunetioning Well "It is really amazing," Mr. Hames C said, "to consider the number of youths in Ann Arbor who have had no regular employment since 1932. We feel our agencies may not be functioning in the best possible man- ner in relation to this age group, and 30 we are conducting this investiga-to C t ion." " When the investigation gets under way, students of Professor McCluskey will assist. the omrmittee ill its work, Haines said Due to unusually ia"trn1'trI . and rain at Ca Train for thisS Billion Dollars New Allotment To Double Bill For China Invasion _ _ _ _ _ _ (Continued from Page 1) 1 iA&A C ENJOY A REAL ITALIAN DINNER 1602 Packard Rd . at Marion St. Dinners served daily by reservation. Sunday from 12-8. TRI BEEN ELLED V, FEB. 20 11LLAC dillac the Snow und ay has been - giled. FISCHER )RCHESTRA y warm Weather EVENING RADIO PRIOGRIAMS I - DAILY OFFICIALI BULLETIN i i 4 1 tContinued from Page 4) son. The party is sponsored by Graduate Outing Club. the Led The Stag Line - Dance to the Music of ' - , '-u;f ,.'y. '''Z'.': if :; "; Li..': Ek.; ; I2, :: :.: . xl ;y::' Art Cinema League Members: TheI last program of the Film Series will be shown Sunday, Feb. 20. The program will consist of Monsieur Baucaire with Rudolph Valentino and two reels from Enoch Arden with Lillian Gish and Wallace Reid. The Hillel Independents will hold heir hayride party on Sunday night, Feb. 20. All planning to attend should, make reservations by Saturday noon at the Hillel Office (3779). The arty will leave from the Founda- ,ion at 5:30. The Inter-Guild Council is ob- serving the World Student Christian1 Federation Day of Prayer Sunday, Feb. 20, in a service at the Congre- gational Church at 5 p.m. Sunday Night Supper: Everyone is arged to attend the Sunday Night Supper at the League, on Sunday, Feb. 20, 6:00 to 8:30 p.m., sponsored by the League House Representa- tives and Congress. Tickets are on gale at the Engineering School, the Candy Counter in University Hall, mcd the main desk of the League, 35c each. GKLW P.M. 6:00--Turf Reporter. 6:15-News and Sports. 6 :30--Exciting Moments. 6 :45-Raymond Gram Orch. 7:0O-Fulton Lewis, Jr. 7:30-United Pres Bulletins. 7:45--Henry Weber Orch. 8:00--Black Horse Tavern. 8:15-Charioteers. 8:30-Happy Hal's Housewarming. 9:00-Operetta. 9:30--Bamberger Symphony 10:00-Twenty Years Ago Today. 10:30-Musicale Moderne. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. ii:15-Musicale. i11:30-Art Kassel Orch. 12 :00-Guy Lombardo Orch. 12:30-Kay Kyser Orch. WXYz P.M. 6:00-Day in Review. 6 :15-Factfinder. 6:30-Girl Friends. 6 :45-Lowell Thomas. 7:00--Mary Small. 7:30-Lone Ranger. 8:00-Grand Central Station. 8:30-Death Valley Days. 9:00-To Be Announced. 9:30-Tommy Dorsey Orch. 10:00-Dance Music. 10:30-Dance Music. 11:00-John McKay. i :15--Dance Music 11:30-Henry Busse Orch. 12 :00-Graystone. 12:30-Dance Music. WWJ P.M. 6 :00--Ty Tyson. 6:15-Dinner Music. 6 :30-Bradcast. 6:45-Michigan Highways. 7:00-Amos 'n' Andy. 7:15-Radio Extra 7:45- Sports Review. 8:00-Lucille Manners. 9:00-Waltz Time. 9:30-True Story Hour. 10:00--First Nighter. 10 :30-Jiinmy Fidler. 10:45--Dorothy Thompson. i :00--Newseaast 11:30 --Dance Music. 12 :00 Wetber hat[ Orch WJR P M 6:10 --Stevnaon News 6:15---Melody and Rhythmn. 6-45--2w Be A vinotnced. 'I :00--Poetic Melodle. 7:30-Vlieui' Arden i Music.' 7 :45-IBoake Carter. 8:00---lianrnerstein Music hallI. 8:3-SO- -aul Whiteman Orclh. 9:00.-Hlollywood Ihtel. 10:00 - --So Oshiol. 1t o:45--Musical. 11:00--d-eadline News. 11 :15--Wet-k In 1eview. 11 :45-"M ,d1 ation. 12:30-'P~1"Flo Ri to Orceh. front, a drive which is expected to become more critical than any since the fall of Nanking. If the Japanese can cross the Yellow River, the western half of the Lung- lai 'Lifeline' through China's "bread basket" will fall under their control. They will have taken long strides to- ward joining their conquered terri- tories in North and Central China and toward bottling up 400,000 Chi- riese Central Army troops in the 180- nile-wide Lunghai corridor, Military observers believe the de- vclopments of the next two weeks may ,Lave tremendous bearing on thef a- :tare course of the war. Chinese guerilla units and Com- I manist troops, however, were reported o have taken 75 miles of the Peiping- .ankow Railroad, Japan's main sup- I ily line for the sector. rtegular Chinese forces on the East- -rn side also were said to have stopped -he Japanese and to have launched a ;ounter offensive. Thus, Chinese re- ,orts said, the Japanese were being held back from their immediate ob- iectives-Chengchow, inland, where the great East-West Lunghai Railroad crosses the North-South Peiping- Hankow line, and Suchow, near the :oast, where the Lunghai and the North-South Tientsin-Pukow lines cross. h. "The U. of M. Skippers" Re-engaged for these Trans-Atlantic Crossings: oAJUNE 23 from New York to Cobh, Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg S S BREMEN AUGUST 16 from Bremen, calling at Cherbourg, Southampton Note these special "End-of-Term" Sailings: Deutschland ..June 16 Europa . . June 22 Bremen June 16 New York . .June 30 Columbus - June 30 - Special Student Sailing See Your Local Travel Agent, or HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE R -MRA NGORTH G ERMAN LLOY'' 1205 Washington Blvd. - - Detroit, Michigan J t\IlV E[2) AND HIS 0 L CALKINS-FLETCHER THE MODERN SODA FOUNTAIN RED RITZ and His Swing Band Wednesday and Friday l5c and 25c to 9 25c and 40c thereafter Saturday 25c to 9, 40c thereafter The Arm ory F.. -t=.'~2--t~trz.z------ s22t. - - - -- - ---- - - - IlI Superior MILK-ICE CREAM ( This is Our Fountain and Staff of Fountaineers ) Last Day of our Gigantic 1' Iitt