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April 02, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-02

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The Weather
Partly cloudy today; con-
tinued cold wilh moderate


.Aft- Ash-


Fascism Talks-
Can It Act?.




Congress Gets
Report Hitting
Excessive Rate
On Telephone
Requests Conm u nications
Commission To Consider
All New Board Policies
Gifford Declares
Assertions Absurd
WASHINGTON, April 1.-(P)--
Telephone rates of the Bell System
could be cut approximately 25 per-
cent without interrupting existing net
earnings, Paul A. Walker, of the com-
munications commission, said today
in a report on a $1,500,000 investiga-
tion of the American Telephone and
Telegraph Company.
He recommended that Congress
give the commission authority to pass
upon all policies promulgated by the
central management group of the
A.T. and T. for the Bell System com-
panies, its operating units.
Further, Walker asked the legis-
lators to rant the commission pow-
er to reglate the costs and prices
of telephone apparatus and equip-
ment, to pass upon all inter-company
contracts, and to regulate Bell Sys-
temn financing.
Issues Statement
Walter S. Gifford, president of A.T.
and T., immediately issued a state-
ment declaring the two-year investi-
gation directed by Walker had been
"one-sided from start to finish."
"We have not been given a copy of
Commissioner Walker's report, said
to contain 1,000 pages, but if the
summary of it correctly reflects the
report, it presents much that is sim-
ply not true and has been prepared
with the same unfairness that char-
acterized the investigation proceed-
ings," Gifford declared.
"This country has the best, the
most extensive, the most widely-used
and the cheapest telephone service in
the world. "In spite of this, it would
appear that fault has been found
wvithialrnost eveything this company
has done throughout its existence.
This just does not make sense.
Earnings Not Excessive
"Bell system caings have never
been excessive. The suggestion that
the rates might be reduced 25 per
cent throughout the Bell System
without reducing net earnings by
changing depreciation and other ma-
jor policies and practices is absurd."
Walker's report, which the commis-
sion sent to Congress, said unneces-
sarily high costs result from certain
major policies and practices of the
Bell system, "including the cost of
manufacturing telephone apparatus
and equipment, engineering, research,
and standardization policies, depre-
ciation policies, license contract pay-
ments, and segregation of plant rev-

Raps Phone Rates


[ant A Date? W orley Flays ian Holds Recrti!
Nothing To It;eU.S. Coddlin0 'Ensian kept its record yesterday
Rule-Book . C of never doing anything on time.
t .A uIv c Q Staff members under the direction

........_ ...


levolt Kills



Press Walkout
Parley Halted
Over lnj untion
I T U Charges Collusion
Between Management1
And Enployes Group
Negotiations that had been under
way for many days between the strik-
ing local of the International Typo-
graphical Union and the Ann Arbor
I Press came to a standstill yesterday
as union spokesmen charged collusion
between the Press management and!
the Independent Association of Ann
Arbor Press Employees, Inc., in thel
request for an injunction restraining
ITU activities.
The preliminary injunction, issued!
Thursday by Circuit Court Judge
George W. Sample, names 32 mem-
bers of the ITU and Horace G. Pretty-
man and Arthur J. Wiltse, co-part-
ners in the Ann Arbor Press, as de-
fendents. It was issued at the request
of the Independent Association.
Five of the ITU members named as
respondents were served with the in-
junction yesterday.
The order restrains Wiltse and
Prettyman from discharging any of
their present employes "by reason of
any intimidation or coercion" by the
strikers and from re-employing any
of the strikers "by reason of intimi-
dation, duress or coercion to the det-
riment of the members of the plaintiff
Association until further order of the
The injunction, which was issued
the day after another preliminary in-
'C7ntlnued on Page 2)
Snate Passe
BetBsiness Aid
Bill .Broadening RFC Loan
Powers Given Auuroval

For men who make love by rule:
The harried members of Athena
and Sigma Rho Tau put their heads
together this week and decided that
social relations can be reduced to a
few very simple maxims and learned
from a book. The book they say has
nothing to do with Emily Post.
The literary school debating socie-
ties, it is rumored, refused to take
part because they support the old
school of spontaneous love-making.
They all had dates anyhow.
Men, remember this and be a social
success, the parley led off. The ideal
time to arrive for a date is five min-
utes late. "rhe first five minutes con-
sist of preliminaries such as 'hello'
and can be dispensed with anyhow."
According to the feminine contin-
gent "smoking and drinking depend
upon the person. Petting too depends
upon the person." Which can be ac-
cepted as supporting the Dorothy
Parker analysis.
The men, however, disagreed pro-
foundly. They claim they feel ob-
ligated to make what are "purely con-
ventional advances because they
think women enjoy that sort of
thing." This almost precipitated a
The men really came to grips with
campus problems by asserting that
goodnights were demonstrations in
inversearelation to the candlepower of
the nearest lamp. A co-ed was heard
to mutter that the great men of the
generation got used to kissing babies
in public.
Pounding along the same lines the
men confided that they enjoyed hav-
ing a date grasp their arms at odd
times such as when crossing the street
or when walking on the sidewalks.
One fellow confessed, while tension
grew, that being clung to in broad
daylight embarrassed him. He, how-
ever, is a social outcast.
US. England
In Naval Race
Two ations Fear Japan;
Other Powers Notified
LONDON, April 1 -(i)-Great Bri-
tain and the United States today took
the first formal action in a new su-
per-battleship building race to meet
Japanese naval building.
The two powers announced they
no longer would be bound by the
1936 London Naval -Treaty's upper
limit of 35,000 tons for battleships
because of fears Japan is building or
has ordered warships of more than
40,000 tons.
France, the third party to the 1936
pact, announced she would continue
to observe the treaty's restrictions
unless another continental European
power passed the 35,000-ton limit.
(The three powers on Feb. 5 asked
Japan. a non-signatory of the treaty,
for assurances she neither was build-
ing nor intended to build warships
exceeding the limitations in the pact.'
(Failure to receive such assurances,
the Island Empire was told, would
lead to the assumption the Japanese
government was not conforming to
the restrictions and the treaty pow-
ers would be obliged to resume "full
liberty of action."
Britain formally notified Germany
and Soviet Russia, with whom she
has separate treaties through which
they came within the scope of the
1936 pact, as well as Italy and Japan
of her battleship escalation.

Claims Over 60,000 Miles
Of Property No Longer1
Necessary For Servce
Feidera (,Aonr ro
h-as Kitle(I Leaders
Urging that between 60,000 and 140,-
000 miles of railroad property be
scrapped, Prof. John S. Worley of
the engineering college, transporta-
tion expert formerly connected with
the I.C.C., yesterday broadcast over
WJR a plea that the federal govern-
ment cease coddling the railroads,
and allow them to work out their own
Charging that government control!
during the last 30 years has destroyed
vigorous leadership in the railroad
field, Professor Worley declared that
it would be in the public interest to!
remove many present federal re-
"I am no admirer of the current
vogue for authorities," he said. "In
my judgment, operation of the rail-
roads under such a system (with the
affairs of all railroads in the hands of
z Government authority) would in ad
wise cure their ills. I am opopsed to
this special type of Government own-
ership and operation."
Although he disagreed that railway
transportation is a dying industry
Professor Worley suggested that if it
is to be invigorated and stabilized,
full responsibility for its administra-
tion must be shifted to its officers.
"The Government should permit,"
he explained, "these officers to reor-
ganize industry as a whole. It may
well retain a veto power over the acts
of railroad officials but this power
should never be exercised save in the
public interest.
"The solution of the railroad
problem lies in the adjustment of
plant, properties and operation to
the service required and that can-
not be accomplished by attempting
to adapt the public to the needs of
the railroads through the medium of
House Of Future
Must 'Function'4
To Be In Fashion
Modern "functionalist" architec-
ture will be the universal architecture
of the future, Dr. Gunnar Asplund,
prominent Swedish architect and
University lecturer here, predicted
This, however, does not necessarily
mean that the future architecture
will be characterized by the dradical,
flat-roofed and Llngular buildings
popularly associated with modern ar-
chitecture, Dr. Asplund declared in
a University lecture at 4:15 p.m. yes-
terday in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. Functionalism is a new "the-
ory" of architecture, he said, and ap-
plies only to the purpose and phi-
losophy of design, not the style.
Functionalism is the effort to plan
a structure as an organic whole, he
explained, fitting the style and ap-
pearance of the building around its
purposes and functions. As such, it
has become recognized by architects
in every part of the world, he said,
and has been applied to designs rang-
ing from public buildings to churches.
(Contiued on Page 6

of Betty Gatward, '38, woman's ed-
i1or, planned a twenty-first birthday
party for John McFate, '38, editor. At
4 rixm. yesterday they had him called
out of the room and presented him
with a cake plus a slightly off-key
version of "Happy Birthday" as he re-
turned. The only trouble was Mc-
Fate's birthday was Thursday, not
yesterday as the staff believed.
Will Come Out
New Sunday Supplement
Will Feature Literary
Efforts Of Students
The first issue of "Perspectives,"
new literary supplement to the Daily,
will appear tomorrow, presenting stu-
dent-written essays, poetry, reviews
and short fiction.
Essays appearing in the first issue
will be: "Jingoes in the Peace Move-
ment," by Jack Sessionz, '40; "Little
Adventures in the Land of Health,"
by Mary Evalyn Owen, '39 and "The
Poor Step Child," by Eva Tuttle,
Grad. Norman Rosten, Grad, Wil-
liam Gram, Edith Folkoff, Grad, Ki-
mon Friar, Grad, John M. Brinnin,
'41 and F. G. Cassidy, Grad, will con-
tribute to the poetry section.
Short stories to appear are: "Not
in This Town," by Dennis Flanagan,
'40; "Into the Kingdom of Freedom,"
by Harvey Swados, '41; and "Ter-
ror," by Hervie Haufler. The last
mentioned work has been awarded a
prize in the Freshman Hopwood
The supplement will appear in
magazine form, 11 by 812 inches in
size. The first issue will be 20 pages
long, later issues probably longer,
Jones announced.
The editors have made an effort to
publish all writing of significant in-
terest, avoiding trivialities. They
state editorially: "Any significant and
careful work will be published, wheth-
er it be an essay on world politics or
Sa poem about spring, whether writ-
ten by a faculty member, a senior, or
a freshman.
N LRB Invited
To Hear Debate
Team To Meet Princeton
WednesdayAt Union
The National Labor Relations
Board named to judge the Ann Arbor
Press strike has been invited to at-
tend the debate with Princeton Uni-
versity on Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., in
the North Lounge of the Union, Ar-
thur Secord, varsity debate coach,
said yesterday. The topic will be
"Resolved: That the National Labor
Relations Board Be Empowered to
Enforce Arbitration in All Industrial
Jack Rosa, '39, and Harry Shnider-
man, '38, will be the affirmative Mich-
igan team.
The Princeton team will be com-
posed of the president and vice-pres-
ident of Whig-Clio, Princeton debat-
ing society. They are John Van
Ess, Jr., of Basra, Iraq, and J. Har-
lan Cleveland, of Cincinnati, G.
Hindu Monk Talks

At Religious Parley
"International Religion and the Na-
tional State" will be the subject for
the last in a series of Interfaith Sym-
posiums to be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow
in the Lane Hall Library under the
auspices of the Student Religious As-
Dr. Mahanam Brata Brahmachari,
Hindu monk who will be in Ann Arbor
tomorrow and Sunday, Prof. Edgar
Durfee of the law school and Dr.
Bernard Heller, director of the Hillel
Foundation, will discuss informally
the following questions: "What is the
nature of the conflict between Church
and State?" "Is the church stronger if
it transcends national boundaries?'!

Leader In Oil Crisis Foes Beat Administration
By Big Margin- Predict
Measure To Be Defeated
50,000 Telegrams
Bombard Capital
WASHINGTON, April L.-()-The
House dealt the Administration lead-
ership a stunning blow tonight and
forced it to abandon plans for shov-
ing the President's government reor-
ganization bill through to early pass-
By a vote of 191 to 149, the opposi-
tion leadership achieved its first ob-
jective, the rostponement of a final
vote on the measure and then pre-
dicted the bill's ultimate defeat
The ballot, taken as the result of a
parliamentary maneuver, was tech-
nically upon the question of whether
or not the House should vote imme-
diately upon a motion to end general
debate on the reorganization bill.
Debate Ended Quickly
IGNACIO GARCIA TELLEZ But its intrinsic meaning was so
:r *plain that the motion to end debate
S Findwas withdrawn quickly by its maker,
M exico 1Fin s Chairman Cochran (Dem., Mo.) of
the reorganization committee, and in
Fore n Outlet e next minute he moved that the
Hou adjourn until tmorrow.
STheaction came after a day of
For Ol S urplus seething debate and crafty parlia-
mentary tactics, in which the oppon-
ents of the measure used every de-
American Oil ice under the "filibuster-proof" rules
Compaies'of the House to delay action.
Claims Are Moderated Their purpose was to postpone final
action until a flood of telegrams pio-
testing against passage of the meas-
-ure could have an effect upon waver-
MEXICO CITY, April 1.-(IP)-The ing supportrs of the bill. More than
Mexican government was reported ; 50,000 telegrams were received today.
today to have reached an agreement Striving to offset the effect of these
"in pinciple" with a Briton and an messages, Representative Rayburn
American to seek desperately needed (Dem., Tex.), the Democratic floor
leader, recalled "faked" telegrams
foreign outlets for mounting stocks which were sent - during the battle
of oil produced by the expropriated iover the public utilities holding com-
$400,000,000 petroleum industry. pany act, and said at least one of
Oil circles said it was understood the messages received today could
be proved false.
tentative terms were reached at con- Brings Open Rev.ht
ferences between high government The reorganization bill brought
officials and Francis W. Rickett, Brit- Representative O'Connor (Dem., N
ish promoter who negotiated an Ethi- Y.), who as chairman of the Rules
opian oil concession in 1935, and Ber- Committee is one of the three most
nard E. Smith, New York stock powerful members of the House, into
broker. open revolt against the Administra-
Rickett and Smith, declining to tion.
comment, left by plane after talking 4 "I am not afraid of a dictatorship
with President Lazaro Cardenas and in -this country," he said. "I believe
Gustavo Espinosa Mireles, president our great President was sincere when
of the newly-created national petro- he stated last midnight that he had
leum export company, no desire to be a dictator.
Rickett was reported to have prom- j "The fact is, nevertheless, that our
ised Cardenas to try to find a place people are inflamed almost to the
in the world market for 25,000,000 point of revolution-and I use my
barrels of oil. Mexico's oil produc- words guardedly-at the thought of
tidn in 1937 was 41,000,000 barrels. the possibilities of this bill. Some
Smith, it was understood, was to letters mention 'bloodshed,' others
put up the money to finance any 'resort to arms.' That is the situation
arrangement Rickett made with the which concerns me.
(Continued on Page 6) No Time To Incense People
"Rightly or wrongly, this is no time
to further incense our people, who
ew CongreSs have gone through eight years of a
depression and who since last fall suf-
fered a relapse, so that today business
and employment is back to the low
state we found it in 1933, and in
A some respects the lowest in our his-
All Fraternities, Sororities tory."
To Be Represented Rayburn said later he did not re-
gard the vote of tonight as a test of
sconsistinghow the House would vote on the
A fraternity congress, nbill itself.
of two representatives from each gen- "It simply means," he said, "that
eral sorority and fraternity, will be the House thought there ought to be
formed shortly after spring vacation, more debate. I don't think it was a
according to a statement released yes- test. We'll start tomorrow and talk
terday by Charles Frost, '40, chair- it all day."
man of the sponsoring committee. "It may be amended some," said
The purpose of the congress, which Speaker Bankhead but this bill is go-
will be organized on non-partisan 1 ing to pass."

Reorganization Bill

enues and expenses." _______---
Walker also recommended legis- WASHINGTON, April 1.-(AP)-An
lation to limit the scope of Bell Sys- administration proposal to hielp busi-
tem activities to the commounications s
field, and to clarify existing authority ness out of the slump by broadening
of the communications commission lending powers of the ReconstructionI
over interstate telephone service and Finance Corporation sped throughk
rates. the Senate today.
He said: Acting with speed reminiscent of
"Public relations policies and prac- its pace in the 1933 banking emer-
tices of the Bell System are directed gency, the chamber approved the
towar dthe maintenance of its mo- measure in precisely two minutes.
nopoly position in the communica-m Introduced by Senator Glass,
tions field, and the maintenance and (Dem., Va.), the bill would permit
increase of its revenues. the RFC to make loans to business
"Such policies have been accom- without restriction on maturity.
plished by indoctrination, by eco-w
nomic contacts, and political pres- The corporation either could make
sure." loans to business without restriction
son maturity.
IThe corporation either could make
Cantons Seen Ioans,or buy securities. In addition,
the bill would permit advances to{
As oostates and other political subdivisions
A Solu ion Tfor construction projects,
Czech Trouble I Under the measure, the corporation
Czec TroU Ucould make available $1,500,000,000
for new lending.
By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY Chairman Wagner, (Dem.,N.Y.) of.
With swastika& wavimg on its bord- the Senate Banking Committee told
ers and the Third Reich threatening reporters the bill would permit gov-
along a 1,500-mile frontier, the divi- ernment lendmg to small business
sion of Czechoslovakia into cantons which now has no adequate , source
similar to the Swiss Federation, is vir-
tually inevitable, Dr. Vaclav, Hlavaty,
said in an interview yesterday, point- Journalism Group
ing out, however, that cantonizationI
will be the limit to which Der Fuehrer Initiates Members
can go in the face of rapidly cooling I
support from Rome and continued
protest from Paris and London. Thirteen urnalism students were
Germany sees the handwriting on intiated into Kappa Tau Alpha, na-
the wall, the Karl University mathe- tional journalistic society, at a meet-
matics professor declared, and she ing yesterday afternoon.
knows she cannot attempt Anschluss The new members are: Gerald
at the present time. Brunske, '39, James Colenso, '39,
Were the Germans to disregard in- Frank Davis, '38, Constant C. De-


Road Layout, Many Stop Lights,
Seen Peril To Ann Arbor Driver,

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of articles analyzing the
features of city planning in Ann Arbor.
dThe articles will present the views of
authorities on the University faculty.
Badly planned street layout, super-
fluous traffic lights,, unnecessary
dead-end streets and a perilous lack
of traffic islands pile-up the traffic
hazards facing Ann Arbor motorists,
Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the College
of Engineering said yesterday.
Probably the greatest factor mak-
ing for traffic obstacles he added, is
the indiscriminate addition to the
city of individually developed subdi-
visions, plotted with an eye to selling
the greatest amount of space for pri-
vate homes -and wth little considera-
tion for the system of roads and high-

Factors contributing to frequent
accidents are the prevalence of bends
and quirks in the streets which ob-
scure traffic 'or warning lights, Pro-
fessor Morrison said, pointing to the
bend in Packard Street just before it
reaches Main Street. Only one street
in the entire town of Ann Arbor is
a through street, ProfessorMorrison
emphasized, namely, Main Street.
This is confusing to out-of-town driv-
ers and makes through traffic a mat-
ter of much difficulty.
Streets like Liberty, North Univer-
sity and South University dead-end-
ing in a main artery like State Street
also add to the general confusion,
he added, especially during the noon
and dinner hours. Traffic lights,
though a boon in cities where the
number of vehicles passing through
aon in 1 orvoanfnn nvrannA o 1 (IMlflnr,'

lines, will be to insure a greater spirit
of cooperation among campus frater-
nities, Frost said. It will meet in
joint session with the Independent
Congress to hear reports of political
investigating comimttees, and will in
no way encroach upon the powers of
the Interfraternity Council, he stated.
Sponsoring committee members in-
clude Shirl Crossman, '38; Jeanne
Vant, '39; Ken Johnson, '40; and
James Frederick, '41.
Pollock To Speak
On Civil Service
Prof. James K. Pollock, of the po-

114 Students
Given Awards
Ten $1,000 Fellowships
Given By University
The University yesterday awarded
114 graduate fellowships and scholar-
ships for the 1938-39 school year
about half of which went to students
now enrolled here.
Predoctoral fellowships of $1,000
went to Gardner Ackley, Herbert R. J.
Grosh, Clyde F. Kohn, Frederick R.
Matson, Clark F. Norton, Ralph S.


Statistics on traffic problems were

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