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April 01, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-04-01

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The Weather
Cloudy in north, partly cloudy
in south, slightly colder in east
today; tomorrow fair, warmer.


A6F Ar
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'Tell Your



Model League
Assembly To
Convene Here
24 Michigan Schools Are
Asked To Send Students
To 'League Of Nations'
11th Annual Session
Is Set ForMay 6, 7
Invitations have been extended to
24 Michigan colleges and junior col-
leges to send delegates to the 11th
annual Michigan Model Assembly of
the League of Nations, which will
meet May 6 and 7 in Ann Arbor.
This year's session will be in the
nature of an international confer-
ence, in that it will include repre-
sentatives of states, such as Germany
and Japan, who at the present time
are not adherents of the League of
Nations system as well as League
members, according to Alfred V.
Boerner, Grad., Secretary-General of
the Model Assembly.
The schools have been asked to
name delegates, select the countries
they would like to represent at the
conference and prepare to present a
stand consistent with that actually
held bythose nations.
The tentative agenda includes, ac-
cording to a tentative bulletin issued
by Boerner:
(1) Peaceful Change: Included in
this discussion will be revision of
treaties, redistribution of colonies
and the change of boundaries;
(2) Minorities;
(3) Reorganization of the League
of Nations: Revision of the Covenant
of the League and the future of in-
ternational cooperation in general;
(4) Rearmament: The financial as-
pects 'of the question, checks on its
progress to protect budgets and the
possibility of reconvening the Dis-
irmament Conference which has
never been finally adjourned.
Information to familiarize the dele-
gates with the procedure of the Con-
ference and the organization will be
given in a detailed announcement
soon to be issued, Boerners declared.
Bibliographies are being prepared
by the University Library Extension
Division and Will be sent out soon.
Drugs Discovered,
Eddy Tells Group
Discovery of two narcotic-like
chemicals which have the pain-kill-
ing effects of morphine without its
addiction properties was announced
yesterday by Prof. Nathan B. Eddy of
the Pharmacy School at the opening
session of the annual convention of
the Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology in Balti-
Dr. Eddy is one of a large group of
research investigators who have con-
ducted a 10-year search for such a
Neither chemical has been perfect-
ed yet, he declared at the symposium,
but great progress has been made to-
ward the goal. One of the two, a
morphine derivative made by split-
ting its molecular structure and at-
taching =other substances,' is giving
very favorable results in clinical
The other, a synthetic chemial, "is
also showing promise, although it
must still be modified to eliminate
certain undesirable reactions."
No names have as yet been an-
nounced for either chemical. When
their value has been proved, Eddy

added, they will be made available
to physicians under patents held by
the V.S. Government to prevent ex-
Four Students Given
Pasteur Treatments
Discovery that the dog of Tau
Kappa Epsilon fraternity was suf-
fering from rabies when it died last
week resulted in Pasteur treatments
for four students and one former
student yesterday.
The four are H. J. Osborn, '40E;
Eugene C. LaSalle, '39A, Robert C.
3oebel, '38, and E. L. Gilbert, '39E.
Cutler M. Ross, the former student,
was located in Kansas City, Mo. and
is being treated there.
None of the four students were
bitten but all had fondled the pet,
according to Dr. William M. Brace
of the health service. Treatment
was advised by Dr. Herbert W. Emer-

U.S. Should Keep Entirely Free
Of European TiesSays Hoover,

Former President Finds
Systems of Alliances
NEW YORK, March 31.-(P)-De-
scribing Europe as a "rumbling war
machine," former President Herbert
Hoover tonight recommended for the
United States "absolute independence
of political action (in world affairs)
and adequate preparedness" as the
best means of keeping out of another
world war.,
Speaking before the Council on
Foreign Relations about his recent
two-months' tour of 14 European
countries, Hoover said he had found
"most nations in Europe convinced
that we would be inevitably drawn
into the next great war as in the
Noted Foreign
Scientists Talk
This Afternoon
Swedish Architect, Czech
Mathematician Lecture
In University Series
Dr. Gunnar Asplund, prominent
Swedish architect, and Prof. Vaclav
Hlavaty, well-known mathematician
of Karl University, Prague, Czecho-
slovakia, will speak in University lec-
tures at 4:15 p.m. today.
Dr. Asplund will give an illustrated
lecture on "Swedish Architecture
Since 1920; Its Problems and Trends,"
in the Natural Science Auditorium,
while Dr. Hlavaty will discuss new
anagorithms of differential geometry
of projective curved spaces in Room
3011 Angell Hall.
Dr. Asplund is one of the outsitand-
ing Swedish architects and is known
as the leading exponent of function-
alism in architecture. He is noted for
his ideas as designer of the Stock-
holm Exposition of 1930 and for his
work in projects which include the
Town Library of Stockholm, The
Skandia Theatre, the Gothenburg
Town Hall, and the "Forest Ceme-
tery" of Stockholm.
Dr. Hlavaty is note for his work in
the field of Reimannian differential
geometry, which is associated with
the theory of relativity. At present
he is working at the Institute for Ad-
vanced Study at Princeton Univer-
Prof. Oskar Morgenstern, director
of the Austrian institute for Business
Cycle Research, will discuss "Social
Science in Europe," at 4:15 p.m. Mon-
day in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. Dr. Morgenstern has done
outstanding work in both scholastic
and political circles.!
Reorganization? Never!
Says Coughlin; Rise Up!1
The gods spoke and Washington
felt theimpact last night.
Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, in one of
his famous radio addresses, made
another of his famous attacks against
Administration policy - this time
against the federal reorganization
Evidently the Royal Oak priest
carres weight in Ann Arbor. More
than 100 people rose up in their wrath
last night and wired Representative

"Some people build confident hope
upon it," he said. "But every phase
of this picturesshould harden our re-
solves that we keep out of other peo-
ple's wars. Nations in Europe need
to be convinced that this is our policy.
"I find in many quarters of Europe
and some in America an insistence
that, as democracy is endangered by
the rise of dictatorships and authori-
tarian governments, therefore democ-
racies should join in some sort of mu-
tual undertaking for protective ac-
"These ideas were greatly stimulat-
ed and encouraged by the word quar-
antine from these shores. Such pro-
posals, if sincere, involve more than
mere good words. Anything honest
in that direction implies the pledge
of some sort of joint military or eco-
nomic action by the United States
with other 'powers. We may as well
be blunt about it.
"If we join with the two other pow-
erful democracies, Great Britain and
France, we are engaging ourselves in
an alliance directed against Germany
and Italy and all the satellites they
can collect. But we are doing more
than this. Great Britain has her
own national and imperial problems
and policies. Any commitment of
ourselves will mean that we are
dragged into these policies. France
has herown special alliances and her
own policies.
200 Unionists
Detroit Council Chambers
Packed By Members
DETROIT, March 31.-(AP)-The
bitterness that marked violent clashes
between union pickets and city police
at the gates of the Federal Screw
Works this week was transferred to-
day to the City Council chambers,
where union members thronged to
present resolutions demanding a curb
on what they termed "police bru-
Approximately 200 unionists packed
the Council's galleries to hear Homer
Marting president of the United Auto-
mobile Workers union, demand that
the council "prohibit the use of po-
lice as strike breakers."
The gallery booed loudly when city
)fficials defended the action of police
as necessary to maintain peace. Extra
details of police were stationed in the
city building in the event of an emer-

U.S. Scraps
f A
Treaty; Arms
Race Begins
Super Dreadnaught Limit
Is Now Discarded By
Great Britain And U.S.
Hull Advises France
EnglandAnd Canada
WASHINGTON, March 31.-(P)---
The international race to build faster
dreadnaughts officially began today
when the United States discarded a
treaty clause limiting such vessels to
35,000 tons.
Secretary of State Hull sent notes
to the British and French embassies
and to the Canadian legation, advis-
ing them of Uncle Sam's intention.
At the same time a note from Britain,
announcing a similar intention, was
en route to Washington.
France took another course, elect-
ing not to build super-battleships un-
less other European powers '(i.e., Ger-
many and Italy) do so.
Texts of the notes will not be pub-
lished until Saturday morning, it was
stated reliably, however, that they
say a power non-Agnatory to the
London Naval Treaty (Japan) is pre-
sumed to be building super-dread-
naughts, having refused to deny it.
Therefore, the United States Gov-
ernment is invoking the escalator
clause of the London Naval Treaty,
permitting it to exceed the treaty
The American notes do not men-
tion the size of the ships to be built.
This must be negotiated with the
British. Nor do they set any new up-
per limit. This also must be negoti-
This country's notes mention no
intention to build cruisers larger than
8,000 tons armed with 8-inch guns.
The United States' note to Japan
in February, demanding to know the
naval building intentions of that
government, asked specifically re-
garding battleships over 35,000 tons
and cruisers over 8,000 tons.
Church Choirs
jFormed First
Choral Union
The fan-fare and notoriety of the
present four-day May Festival con-
certs began back in some dim day in
1879 when four church choirs banded
together under the name of the
Choral Union and set out in earnest
to challenge the supremacy of the
local barber shop quartets.
They met for their own pleasure
and inaugurated concerts in the va-
rious churches. Their membership
record was not impressive but evi-
dently their musical skill was, for the
University took notice of them and
offered University Hall for the con-
The group branched out more and
more until in 1894 they did an un-
precedented thing and invited the
Boston Symphony Orchestra to ac-
company them. The custom has been
growing of late of having the last
concert of the season the most elab-
orate one, for the members had all
season to practice, and this extrava-
gant grand finale usually attracted
visitors from all over the state.

Reaches 56 Today


On Press Contract
To End Strie Hr

Regents May



Alexander G. Ruthven will today
celebrate, his 56th birthday. Born
in 1882 in Hull, Ia., he has been
president of the University since
192.9 when he succeeded Dr. Clar-
ence Cook Little. Dr. Ruthven is
touring the West at the present
Bill Is Defeated
In A Test Vote
Lamneck Charges Bill Is
Build-Up For Hopkins
For The Presidency
WASHINGTON, March 31.--(P)-
The aim of the Roosevelt Reorgani-
zation Bill is to build up Harry L.
Hopkins for President, Representative
Lamneck, (Dem., O.), charged today
in a straggle to halt the Administra-
tion's effort to push the bill through
the :douse.
After President Roosevelt took per-
sonal command of the fight for the
bill in an unprecedented denial that
he wants to become dictator, Lam-
neck arose on the floor of the House
to assail a provision creating a new
Department of Public Welfare.
Head New Department \
He said Hopkins, the WPA chief,
would head the new department, and
perhaps would become the next presi-
dent, thus continuing New Deal poli-
The debate over the bill was marked
by a desperate fight for time on the
part of the opposition, so that, its
spokesmen said, the people might
have an opportunity to make their
views on the bill known to their rep-
resentatives in Congress.
Beaten 202 to 143 on \vhat many re-
garded as a test vote (the vote was
on a motion to take up the bill) they
made their goal the postponement
of a final vote until next week, so
that various organizations and week-
end orators, including the Rev
Charles E. Coughlin, might set a
stream of telegrams flowing into the'
House office building.
Carries Battle To Foes
Not only did the President pro-
nounce himself unfitted for dictator-
ship and averse to it, but he carried
the battle to the foes of the bill. He
said they had spread "silly night-
mares"and "planted bogives under
every bed."
To that end, they adopted filibus-
tering tactics whenever the stringent
rules of the House would permit.
President Roosevelt's denial of dic-
tatorship desires, issued in the small
hours of this morning at Warm

Family Awaits
News Of Kin,
Nazi Prisoner
A German Jewish family in Ann
Arbor waits tensely, helplessly, for
news of Prof. Ferdinand Blumenthal,
68-year-old eminent German scient-
ist reported arrested by Austrian
Nazis in Vienna last week by the
New York Herald-Tribune.
The family ,that of Dr. Franz
Blumenthal, dermatologist at Eloise
Hospital and brother of Ferdinand,
received a letter from the latter the
day he was made prisoner by the
Nazis and has heard no word since.
Professor Blumenthal was director
of the Cancer Research Institute of
the University of Berlin until 1933,
the year Hitler came to power, at
which time he left Germany because
of the unsettled political conditions.
For two years he was connected
with the University of Belgrade where
he wrote a work on experimental re-
search work on cancer; and in 1935
moved to Vienna where he has lived
up to the time the Nazis took over
Professor Blumenthal was one of
the first men to conduct experimen-
tal research work on mice and other
animals. He was general secretary of
the most important organization in
the fight against cancer in Germany.
At the time of his arrest, Professor
Blumenthal was doing research work
dealing with hormone injections as
possible immunization against cancer.,
He was arrested as a refugee from
Germany, though, Dr. Franz Blumen-
thal said, he had not fled Germany
but had gone to Belgrade the better
to pursue his work away from the
turmoil and unrest of the Nazi rise to
power, Professor Blumenthal had
not actively opposed the Nazi regime
at all, his brother said.
3,000 Attend Union
Spring Open House
More than 3,000 people jammed I
the Union last night for the annual
Spring Open House held from 7:30
until 10:30 p.m.
Prizes were given those holding
lucky programs, and exhibits, were
placed throughout the first floor.
Most engineering groups and many
schools were represented in the dis-
On the second floor, there was free
dancing to the music of Bob Steinle
and His Melody Men. Reduced rates
prevailed in the taproom and all
recreational rooms.,
Highee Award Is Given
Christine Nagel, '40A
The Jane Higbee Award for sopho-
more students of Decorative Design
will be awarded this year to Chris-
tine Nagel, it was announced yester-
day by Prof. H. A. Fowler, chairman
of the Decorative Design department
of the Architecture School.
The award of $50 was established
by Prof. H. H. Higee in memory of
their daughter, a former student of
design in the College of Architecture,
to be given annually to the sophomore
"showing the geratest promise as to
originality and good workmanship."
This is the second year the award
has been given.


Original I
An Early S




Second Injunction
Issued By Sample
Letters requesting the Regents to
indicate by mail what action they
wish to take on the cancellation of
University printing contracts with the
Ann Arbor Press were sent out yes-
terday by Shirley Smith, vice-presi-
dent of the University. A resolution
passed by the Regents March 18 in-
formed the printing firm that the
contracts might be cancelled unless
the Press reached an amicable settle-
ment of its labor difficulties by yes-
Regent John D. Lynch of Detroit
said last night that he had voted in
favor of the resolution and intended
"to follow it through."
Can Take Such Action
He stated that, despite a clause in
the contract requiring one; year's no-
tice before cancellation, such action
might be taken in view of Michigan
Public Act No. 153 requiring state
printing to be donedat plants that
maintain labor conditions equal to
those prevailing in the locality where
the work is produced.
At the same time it was learned
that an injunction restraining the
Ann Arbor Press from discharging
present employes or from reinstating
striking members of the International
Typographical Union because of
"duress, intimidation or coercion" by
strikers was issued yesterday after-
noon by Judge George W. Sample of
the Washtenaw County Circuit Court.
The injunction was issued at the
request of the Independent Associa-
tion of Ann Arbor Press Employees,
The preliminary injunction re-
strains members of the ITU from
carrying "banners within 2,000 feet of
the plant and from "insulting, abus-
ing, assaulting or harrassing em-
ployees." It also restrains the Ann
Arbor Press from reinstating any
striker because of duress or coercion
and prevents the strikers from intim-
idating employes at the plant or at
their homes.
Hearing Is Stopped
The National Labor Relatons
Board was ordered in an injunction
issued Wednesday by Judge Sample
not to proceed with a scheduled hear-
ing on alleged unfair labor practices
by the Ann Arbor Press. The hearing
was also to cover the request by the
ITU for certification as the exclusive
bargaining for composing room em-
The NLRB will petition the federal
district court In Detroit to have the
injunction set aside.
Eight men from the day staff of
the Press composing room yesterday
joined the ITU strike, called Feb. 18.
With the six who walked out at the
beginning of the night shift on Wed-
nesday, the total number of strikers
is now 33. Twenty-five employes are
normally employed in the composing
John T. Lindsay, who had been
designated to act as Trial Examiner
(Continued on Page 21
Relief Is Given
ornado Area
Scores Of Refugees Given
Aid By ReliefAgencies
Relief and rehabilitation progressed
rapidly Thursday night in the tor-
nado-torn communities of five states
where 36 were killed and property
losses approached $2,000,000.
Hundreds of refugees, homeless
and injured, huddled in emergency
quarters. The Red Cross said 4,000
persons were "acutely affected" by
the storms which tore at the tri-state

corner of Oklahoma, Kansas and Mis-
souri, hit northern Arkansas and
roared up the Illinois valley in central
Red Cross field men, spreading
through the region, reported to their


Appointment Here
Dr. Paul H. Jordan, psychiatrist at
the Worcester Child Guidance Clinic.
Worcester, Mass., has been appointed
to the Michigan Child Guidance In-
stitute and will join the staff April 1.
Dr. Jordan will be attached to the
Neuopsychiatric Institute under Dr.
Raymond W. Waggoner, director, who
will be given the general supervision
of the psychiatric examination of
children referred to the Child Guid-
ance Institute.
Dr. Jordan received his M.D. de-
gree at the University of Iowa in
1929, and since then has been con-
nected with Nevada State Hospital,
the Neuropsychiatric Institute of
Hartford Retreat, and from 1936 to
the present he held a fellowship in


Michener asking him to vote against Child Guidance in the
the bill. clinic.


nInfluence In Wars For Liberty

Foreign volunteers and volunteer
corps have played a part in a num-
ber of wars and liberation before the
present Spanish rebellion, in which
an International Column composed
of French, English, Italian, German,
Russian and American anti-fascists
has distinguished itself, records show.
The most memorable examples of
foreign volunteers in American serv-
ice are of course the many Europeans
who fought with Washington and
Greene in the American War of In-
dependence. Besides the youthful
Marquis de LaFayette, "the Hero of
Two Worlds," as the French writers
of his time called him, ~the most fa-
mous of these were probably the
German soldier of fortune, Baron von
Steuben, and the Polish patriot-exiles,
Pulaski and Kosciusko. Many other
Frenchmen, Germans, Poles and oth-
er Europeans of lesser renown than
these four also aided in the Revolu-

had remonstrated with the British
government over the recruiting of
American volunteers for the Crimean
war. After repeated representations
without result, President Pierce dis-
missed the British ambassador, an
unprecedented step. The British
agents took the volunteers to Hali-
fax, where they were sworn into the
British army on British soil.
American filibustering expeditions
to the South and Central American
revolutions have been frequent. The
most notable examples of volunteer
intervention in those countries were
perhaps William Walker's notorious
expedition into Nicaragua in 1854 to
establish a pro-slavery government
there and the numerous American
filibusters in Cuba in 1898, just prior
to the war with Spain.
Americans have served in Africa
and China as well as in South Amer-
ica and Europe. Many Americans
served in the South African War of

With the expensive Boston sym- Springs, Ga., was a prime topic
phony the first May Festival was held conversation on Capitol Hill.
on a Friday evening, Saturday after- Shrewdly timed, his words were
noon and evening. Out-of-towners the nation's headlines just whent
flocked to Ann Arbor in such numbers House began its discussion. Prop
that special trains had to be arranged ents of the reorganization bill quic
to satisfy emigration. Ticket sales seized upon his statement and thr
proved far beyond the management's it in the face of those who have c
expectations and they not only sold tended that the measure would g
all available standing room in Univer- the President powers rivalled only
sity Hall Auditorium but in the halls those of Hitler, Mussolini and Sta
and adjoining rooms as well.
, For the next 10 years the Boston
Festival orchestra returned under Per l t -11 VTP 11
Rev U.t.In VIn



the baton of Emil Mollenauer. The 1 o. V "At 111
Chicago Symphony Orchestras underE
Frederick Stock then appeared for 311 New D
years until 1936, when the Philadel-
phia Orchestra with its complement
of 100 players was engaged. By JACK I
1_With grave concern

eal Wi

aa Brings About
th Five Suit Bridge

'n we report that

Three Sophomores
Win German Prizes
Rosa Silverman, '40, won the $50
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
for her essay on "Faust's Psychologi-
cal Development up to the Wager

the mania which has swept Europe,
bringing consternation to continen-
tal capitals and an indeterminate

number of suicides in
idly spreading to Ann
facing a crisis.

Vienna is rap-
Arbor. We are

six trumps and a five bid will be pre-
pared to testify.I
The game is similar to contract
but with differences. In the first
place it is played with 65 cards and
one wonders just how 65 cards are
dealt to four people. Dr. Margulin,
however, is not to be caught by any-
thing as simple as that. Each player
receives 16 cards. The one card re-
maining is dealt face up by the dealer
and is awarded to the successful bid-

At any rate inquiries among local
stores indicate that the student body
is preparing to go off the deep end of

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