W The Weather Rain and thunderstorms to- day; probable lower tempera- tures. YI r 4 46F A61F t Iait& Editorials In Answer To A Reader. The President's Reorganization Bill..* VOL XLVIII. No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Readjustment Bill Opponents ProtestCharge Of Purcehase'~ Senate Finance Committee Approves Modification Of Tax Revision Plan TVA Congressional Investigation Sure WASHINGTON, March 30.-)-- President Roosevelt's charge that un- named, persons tried to "purchase" defeat of his Government Reorgani- zation Bill by sending a flood of tele- grams to senators stirred up a storm of protest today from Senate op- ponents of the measure. Gray-haired Senator Johnson (Rep., Calif.), indignation ringing in his voice, asserted the President had "reflected" on all who voted against the bill. "This shows on the part of the President a conplex-a deep disre- spect of the Senate," he shouted. "It justifies every single word said here against the bill." Senator Wheeler (Dem., Mont.) joined in the criticism of Mr. Roose- velt's remark. Senator Lewis (Dem., Ill.) hastened to say he could not conceive that, the President meant what some sen- ators believed he meant. (Mr. Roosevelt told reporters at Warm Springs, Ga., yesterday that the Senate's approval of the Reor - ganization Bill showed that body "cannot be purchased by organized telegrams based on direct misrepre-i sentation.") Tax Revision WASHINGTON, March 30.-U)- A proposal to sugar-coat with tax modification the pill of liquidation prescribed for many utility holding companies gained approval of the Senate Finance Committee today. 'The committee voted to amend the house tax revision bill to exempt from capital gains taxes those utility hold- ing company transfers and sales made to carry out the holding company act. The amendment was submitted to the committee by Chairman Wil- liam O. Douglas of the securities commission. Registration provisions of the hold- ing company act were upheld by the Supreme Court this week. Under this law, the commission is directed to bring about corporate simplification and geographical integration of hold- ing company systems. T VA Investigation' WASHINGTON, March 30.-P)-A congressional inquiry into TVA and the struggles of certain private util- ities against the agency's activities became assured today when the House passed a resolution of investigation by a voice vote. No dissent was heard. The chamber rejected a Republican effort to exempt the private power companies from the inquiry. It also defeated a move by western progres- sives and farmer-laborites to obtain a preliminary report on the qualifi- cations of TVA's directors by June 1. The resolution approved was a joint one, already adopted by the Senate. Under it a committee of five Senators and five House members would conduct the inquiry. The measure now goes to the Senate for action on minor amendments written in by the House. Alumni fficials AttendMeeting Convention In Columbhus Draws Delegates Shirley W. Smith, vice-president of the University, Wilfred B. Shaw, director of Alumni Relations and T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni Association, will attend the 25th annual convention of the American Alumni Council, today through Saturday in Columbus, 0. Other delegates from the Univer- sity will be Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, alumnae secretary, Mrs. Lunette Hadley, director of the alumni cat- alog office, and Miss Beth McLouth, associate editor of the Alumnus. Robert 0. Morgan, assistant gen- Mussolini Parades Italian War Power In Senate Speech ROME, March 30.--U(1P)-Premier Mussolini gave the world a detailed picture of Italy's great war machine today and declare it was ready to take the offensive, if necessary, to defend the interests of the empire.' In an address to the Senate, broad- cast to the world, Il Duce described Italy's submarine fleet as the largest in existence, said the nation's air force was among the best and pic- tured a possible army of 9,000,000 men -all under his own supreme com- mand. He declared that by arming fur- ther, regardlessof cost, he intended to "assure general peace, but above all 'our peace.'" 1 The primary purpose of the army,l he said, was for defense. He added,f however, that "defense must not be taken in its limited sense: often the best defense is offense."k Student Senate Will Consider i Housing Needs' Faculty Members, Student Body, Landladies Testifyt Next Tuesday In League In an attempt to get the facts in the1 campus housing riddle, the Student Senate will hold an open hearing next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the League, a meeting at which representatives ofk the Landladies Association, the University faculty and the studentsk will testify. Tentative program plans are be- ing formulated, Allan Braun, chair-k man of the Senate Committee on Student Housing, announced yester- day. Several members of the faculty have indicated they will be present atl the hearing. It is expected that the faculty speakers will lead off with an analysis of the housing problems, the session to be followed by the detailed testimony, Braun said. The hearing will attempt to deal as completely as possible with several aspects of student housing. To be stressed are the problems of high rent and low standards and the ex- tremely low amount of buildings in the University area during recent years. he said. A special section will be devoted to the cooperative method of reducing expenses, which will be headed by Tom Downs, '39, and testi- mony will be heard on the housing problem facing groups on campus.t The Student Senate will act as a committee of the whole for the pur- pose of the hearing and the various senators will be free to ask questions from the floor, Richard Scammon, Senate speaker, said. Questions from the audience in written form will be accepted. Graduate Group Starts Activities Council Wi 11 Represent Both Men And Women Full work of the graduate stu- dents' council got under way yester- day with the announcement of the members of the three subdivisional committees. Committee chairmen had been elected at Tuesday night's coun- cil meeting. It was fully clarified once again by the executive committee that the council is representative of the entire graduate student body, women as well as men. Members of the committee for the constitution are DuBey, Ellsworth Raymond, Herbert Weisinger, Stuart Portner, Alice Traver and Donald Reynolds. The intellectual coordination com- mittee, under the chairmanship of Weisinger, includes Frederick O. Crandall and Alfred Boerher. The Social and Athletic commit- tee, headed by Raymond, includes Robert L. Gill, Eugene B. Reed, Har- vey Parke, C. Thurston Stenson and Eleanor A. Peschke. Committee Probes British Lord Urges Action Over Mexico U.S. Wants Compensationl For Oil Property, Farm Land Worth 250 Million Fascist Markets May Replace U.S. LONDON,BMarch 30 -UP)-Joint action by Britain and the United States in putting "pressure on the Mexicans" in the oil companies ex- propriation controversy was urgedl today by Baron Newton in the House of Lords. "Unless we can secure the coopera- tion of the United States the chances of our doing any good are remote,,, said Lord Newton, a former under- secretary for foreign affairs. He add- ed that in the past the United States has "never shown any particular zeal to act in conjunction with the British government" in such matters. Washington WASHINGTON, March 30.-(M)- The United States called upon Mexico today to give "fair, assured and ef- fective" compensation for American oil properties expropriated by the Mexican government. Secretary of State Hull issued a statement, acknowledging Mexico's right to expropriate the properties, but insisting on full compensation not only for the oil properties but also for some $80,000,000 worth of Ameri- can farm lands seized in recent years. The value of the oil properties has1 been estimated unofficially at more than $400,000,000. Workers on the other hand, claim the total valuation is not more than $270,000,000. Thus Mexico may be called upon to pay something like $250,000,000 for all the property seized. Mexico City MEXICO CITY, March 30.-())- The markets of Italy, Germany and Japan were pictured in some informed quarters today as a likely outlet for the production of Mexico's expro- priated oil industry. This solution was advanced as la- bor, diplomatic and financial compli- cations confronted President Car- denas, who has summoned an "ur- gent" session of Congress to meet problems arising from his expropria- tion of the $400,000,000 British and American industry. - Date of the session has not been set, but it was expected to be early in} April. With the country's purchasing power abroad cut sharply by fluctua- Union To Hold Annual Open House Tonight Featuring new exhibits, free danc- 3 ing and reduced rates in recreational rooms, and the tap room, the Union's annual spring open house will be held from 7:30 until 10:30 p.m. today. New exhibits will be presented by most of the schools on the campus, according to Jack Knecht, '40E, and James Wills, '40E, co-chairmen of the affair. All engineering groups-civil, aero- nautical, mechanical and chemical- will have exhibits, as will the R.O.T.C., the department of naval architec- ture, the geology department, the for- estry school, the medical school, the physics department and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. There will be a water polo and div- ing exhibition in the Union pool from 7:30 until 8 p.m. A fencing match to be judged by members of the local chapter of Scimitar, national fenc- ing society, will be held from 8 until 8:30 p.m. and a concert will be given by the Varsity Glee Club from 8:45 until 9 p.m. Free dancing will prevail in the main ballroom the entire evening. Bob Steinle and His Melody Men will play. Tickets to regular Union mem- bership dances will be given to the holders of lucky programs. The draw- ing will be at 9 p.m. For the :second time during the school year, women will be allowed Ito enter the front door of the Union. Kennedy Gives Last Oratorical Series Lecture To Discuss World Events, Tuesday; Takes Place Of Ailing H. V. Kaltenborn The last lecture of the Oratorical Association series will be given Tues- day when John B. Kennedy, Nation- al Broadcasting Co. announcer and commentator, will speak on "What's Wrong With the World." i Mr. Kennedy has been engaged to fill the lecture date originally sched- uled for H. V. Kaltenborn, who has been unable to appear here because of illness. Like Mr. Kalternborn, Mr. Kennedy is a political analyst and interpreter of current events and problems. He is heard regularly over 'an NBC program. Before his radio work, Mr. Kennedy had established his reputation and position as a newspaperman. His journalistic experience included sev- eral trips to Europe in the role of special foreign correspondent for Judg SapleDelivers udapeInjunction To Stop NLRB Hearin g In Press Strike n Strikers Battle Detroit Police; FortyTnj ured 13 Policemen Hurt; 5,000 Strikers, , Sympathizers Are Involved In Conflict DETROIT, March 30.-UP)-Forty persons were injured late this after- noon in a pitched battle that broke out between police and approximately 5,000 strikers and sympathizers at the strikebound Federal Screw Works. Among the injured were 13 police- men. The battle started when 200 po- licemen, some of them mounted, were escorting 40 workers from the plant. Pickets, who lined front lawns along the street, started throwing bricks, bottles and other missiles. In the fight that followed most of the casualties were pickets and their sympathizers. The non-strikers had been collect- ed at a point several blocks from the plant entrance. They marched to the plant in a body, the procession head- ed and followed by police cruisers and flanked on either side by policemen carrying night sticks. The pickets, massed at the en- trance, were armed with heavy sticks on which they carried placards. The fighting occurred when the police wielded their night sticks to open a path thrugh the massed pick- ets for the non-strikers to enter the plant. Fifty pickets were knocked to the ground. Storms Take Nineteen Lives More Than Two Hundred Injured By Tornadoes Tornadoes swept d e s t r u c t i o n through five states yesterday, killing 19 and injuring more than 200, ac- cording to Associated Press dis- patches. Kansas, Illinois, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas were the states struck by the high gales, hail and rainstorms. Biggest casualty list was reported by Kansas, available figures showing eightdeaths and more than 100 in- jured. Columbus buildings suffered heavy damages. In the other states, tornadoes de- molished many houses and schools, forcing residents to evacuate. Late dispatches reported Arkansas threat- ened by floods as cloudbursts drenched the central portion of the state. It was Arkansas's second tor- nado in a week. JAPS MEET RESISTANCE SHANGHAI, March 31.-(Thurs- day)-(.)-Ten miles of a narrow- gauge railroad today became one of the most bitterly-fought battlefields of the Chinese-Japanese war. Along that rail stretch, from Lincheng on the north-south Tientsin-Pukow line to Taierhchwang, only 20 miles north of the vital east-west Lunghai, some 1 50,000 Chinese fought savagely 'Swing,' Comic Strips On Par, Maddy Finds "Swing" music is all right, if ac- cepted in the same spirit as the news- paper comic strips," Prof. Joseph E. Maddy said, speaking in St. Louis, where he is attending the National Music Educators' Conference this week. "It's all right in its place-if you don't take it any more seriously than the newsraper comic strips. It will change. It's the old-time Dixie Jazz and it is getting better." 'I wouldn't say 'swing' music is bad," he said, and expressed the be- lief that it eventually will be trans- formed into music patterned after the George Gershwin compositions. Young Carries NLRB Will Move Today To Ask Federal Court To Vacate Injunction City Council Grauts Chamber For Case II Amyr. ,i nonn,nac c. rc rnia nn,' an A ra- tion of the peso, United States sus- j portorial work in New York, Chicago pension of silver purchases, and a and Canada. He then entered the falling world silver market, it was as- magazine field, becoming editor of serted Mexico might be forced to Columbia, the organ of the Knights; trade with other nations similarly of Columbus. Later he became suc- I lacking foreign exchange. cessively managing editor and asso- Atlhough it was recalled that Car- ciate editor of Collier's Weekly. denas had said he would sell oil only __tdio _fCoe'_We__ Railway Battle To U.S. Court Financier Gets Temporary Order Restraining Vote Of Guaranty Trust Co. NEW YORK, March 30.-(A")-Rob ert R. Young, youthful financier who made a spectacular leap to trunkline railway control 11 months ago, today charged some of the nation's most powerful financial interests with op- posing him, and obtained a court or-F der against the Guaranty Trust Co.,1 the country's third largest banking institution. After Young had filed a voluminous affidavit, Federal Judge Alfred C. Coxe granted a temporary order re- straining the trust company from voting a controlling block of sharest in Chesapeake Corp., middle holding company in the former Van Swerin-f gen pyramid. It controls the Chesa- peake and Ohio, regarded as the prize of the Van Sweringen roads. Young, who with a comparatively' small amount of cash obtained osten- sible control of roads once valued at $2,000,000,000, based his action on a charge that Guaranty Trust had improperly, with "reckless" and "flagrant" disregard of its duties. violated its trustee responsibil- ities for reasons having to do with its financial relations with J. P. Mor- gan & Co., Morgan & Co., Morgan, Stanley & Co., Inc., and General Mo- tors Corp. Noted Scientist SpeaksToday Lundmark Discusses Scale Of Universe At 8 P.M. Dr. Knut Lundmark, noted Swed- ish astronomer, will give a Univer- sity lecture on "Distance Indicators and the Scale of the External Uni- verse" at 8 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Dr. Lundmark, who is director of the observatory at the University of Lund, Sweden, is well-known in the statistical side of astronomy and is at present preparing a general catalogue of other Milky Ways. He has also made studies in the habitability of other spheres. He has done research in the United States at the Lick Observatory and at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California, for the Carnegie Insti- tution. He has served as a member of the Commisison of the Interna- tional Astronomical Union and is the author of several books on astronomy. Rebels Claim Lerida Fall Is Imminent HENDAYE, France (At the Span- ish Frontier), March 30.-(P)-Span- ish Insurgent commanders said to- night that the capture of Lerida, key city in the drive to Barcelona, was imminent despite stiff resistence of to democratic countries, some observ-! ers declared that because of a des- I perate need for an immediate market: he sooner or later would grasp any helping hand. Social A -en Analyzed Here Main Problem Is Leisure Of Out-Of-School Youth The main problem of social agen- cies is to find attractive recreation activities for the out-of-school, un- employed youth, Miss Hazel Hard- acre of the Detroit Children's Center said yesterday at the sixth and last meeting of the current series of the Ann Arbor Social Service Seminar. Applications for a new series which will begin in the fall are now1 being taken at the Community Fund office, Mrs. Theophile Raphael, re- tiring chairman of the seminar, said yesterday. The subjects which have been dis- cussed in the six-week series will not be repeated, Mrs. Raphael, said, al- though some of the sepakers may return.- Chairman for the fal lseries will be Mrs. William C. Trow. Other com- mittee members will be Mrs. F. B. Riggs, Mrs. F. A. Coller, Mrs. John E. Tracy and Mrs. James A. Kennedy. Two Naval Planes Crash Judge George W. Sample of Washtenaw County Qircuit Court issued preliminary injunction yesterday restraining NLRB from going ahead with the Ann Arbor Press hearing scheduled for to- day. NLRB representatives move today to petition federal court to vacate injunction. Two leaders in the strike of the International Typographical Union against the Press at the same time were restrained from "interfering" with conduct of Press' business, making "false statements" to Press customers and "coercing" Press employes into joining the ITU. Six composing room employes joined the strike immediately after injunction issued. Quorum of Ann Arbor City Council voted unanimously after issuance of the injunction to place their chambers at the City Hall at the disposal of the NLRB for "holding the hearing. John T. Lindsay, NLRB Trial Examiner who held Ford hearing, left Washington late yesterday unaware of developments here. By ROBERT PERLMAN The National Labor Relations Board case against the Ann Arbor Press was catapulted into the federal courts yesterday when Judge' George W. Sample of the Washtenaw County Circuit Court issued a preliminary in- junction restraining representatives of the Detroit NLRB office from pro- ceeding with the hearing scheduled to begin today. The Board is also restrained from "inquiring in- formation" of Press customers. The NLRB representatives, who sited a United States Supreme Court decision vacating a similar injunction issued by a state court, said yesterday I ___ Edmonson Talks Today On Education As Career Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education will continue the pre-professional forum series at 4:15 p.m. today in University High School Auditorium, speaking on education as a career. The series is sponsored by the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and includes talks on all branches of professional training. The series is scheduled to continue twice weekly until mid-April. Marion Durell of the School of Nursing will talk April 5.- An ultimatum of the Board of Regents to the Ann Arbor Press, threatening that University con- tracts might be cancelled if an amicable settlement were not reached with the striking typo- graphical union, expires today, according to theAssociated Press. hat they would move immediately to have the restraining order set aside y the District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, which is located in Detroit. Less than one hour after the in- junction issued, six men on the night staff of the Press composing room left their machines and joined the strike, which the ITU has been carrying on since Feb. 19. Six men from the day staff of the (Continued on Page 6) Regents Hear Housin Views Fouir Students Testify; No Action Taken The Regent Committee on Student Affairs yesterday -heard testimony from four students at a hearing on the student-sponsored petition ask- ing Regent action to reduce rents and raise standards in men's rooming houses. Beginning an investigation of a recent survey which revealed alleged- ly exorbitant landlady profits, and with a view toward feeling the pulse of campus opinion the Regents ques- tioned Hugh Rader, '38, president of the Men's Council, Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the League, John Mc- Fate, '38, editor of the Ensian and Jack Davis, '39. The committee took no action, de- ferring further consideration of the measure until the next meeting April 29. The next Board of Regents meet- ing is scheduled for the same date. The Committee headed by Regent Espionage Activities Increase With New War Preparations By ROBERT FITZHENRY While general staffs from London to Tokyo scuttle to cover behind soar- ing walls of armament, the interna- tional army of spies bulges with each new military appropriation. Espionage reached its mysterious heights during the Warld War when Mata Hari and Irma Staub and Stephen Piltowitz and Alphonse Le Coutrier stole into the foreign cap- itals of the world, when cigar-shaped German submarines squatted beside cables in the muck of the ocean's bottom and listened to frantic mes- sages between the White House and Downing Street, when Washington swarmed with undercover men, and every foreign name was suspect. filched from Japanese cables, bullied the Tokyo government into a 5-5-3 naval ratio. Around international spies novel- ists and movie producers have framed an aura of glamor, daring, heroism, devotion to duty and a thousand other patriotic attributes. Some agents deserve all the adjectives. Most agents do not. Espionage, biographies show, is a bread and buetter bus- iness, with few exceptions, in which information is sold to the highest bidder. And the fatherland is not always present at the auction. Case in point was the disappear- ance of the Italian code book from Il Duce's Berlin embassy in 1929. A little hard-working, poorly paid sec- Senate, Congress A committee of five members of the Washtenaw Party, acting inde- pendently, will begin immediate in- vestigation of alleged connections be- tween the Independent Congress and