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March 30, 1938 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-30

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WEDNESDAY, MAih 30, 1938

iPero. .. _ .. .. s .n.n. .a _r . . a, a a.. as a a.o t. w.. a R sr

Records Show
Old A iumelit
gaist Dorms
Former Preiden t Tappan
Distrusted Ior jm it ories
.AdI lwi DStistractiOns
As opposed to present efforts to
establish more dormitories on the
campus, searches into the files of I
University history have shown that a
presiucnt of the University once ac-
tively spoke against instituting dor-
mitories at Michigap.
Most of the information is con-
tained in a letter written to the Re-
gents in,1929 by rShelby B. Schurtz,
'08, '10L, of Grand Rapids. Mr.
Schurtz opposed a system of dormi-
tories and cited for precedent the
words of former President Henry P.
Tappan in 1860.

New Dam Part Of Reclamation Project

Evil Influence
Said President Tappan, "In our
country we have ever begun at the
wrong end. We have erected vast
dormitories for the night's sleep, in-
stead of creating libraries and dormi-
tories for the day's work.
"The dormitory system is objec-
tionable, because by withdrawing and
separating students from the com-
munity, they are often led to con-
tract evil habitshand are prone to fall
into disorderly habits. The difficul-
ties of maintaining discipline are
greatly increased. It is a mere rem-
nant of the monkish cloisters of the
Middle Ages."
Mr. Schultz then went on to express
his belief that the University was
famous because it did not have dor-
mitories and declared that recent at-
tempts to revive dormitories could.
"in the light of history, be considered
in no other way than an attempt to
overthrow entirely the organic struc-
ture of Michigan."
Propaganda. Employed
Moreover, he stated, dormitories1
were kept out at the University part-
ly because of the fact that the regula-
tions to control the students "only!
inspire . stratagems to elude vigi-
In conclusion he pointed to a con-
spiracy on the campus in 1929, styled
by him the "College of Propaganda,"
which was responsible for backing the
idea of dormitories. "There can -be
no question about the College of
Propaganda attempting to stampede
the Board, of Regents into the dormi-
tory plan," the letter closes.

Inferior Material
Used Ily Dentist
Seen Decay Cause
Con tinued Irom Page 1)
nuch of which consists of bringing
ip to date dentists who have been out
)f touch with the laboratory for many
vears. Thirdly, to facilitate by bet-
er teaching the carrying out of
he principles of biological dentistry.
it will provide the dentist with the
knowledge necessary to prevent phys-
cal errors which permit the ingress
A bacteria and cause a pathological
"ondition. In short, although the
laboratory is concerned with the
)hysical aspect of restorative den-
.istry and not the therapeutic, it
,ielps round out the biological point
)f view."
Representative of the research
done is the work in plate materials.
A composition of bakelite has been
developed which is more satisfactory
for plates than natural rubber.
Tue research also includes work
in precious metals and cements. The
amalgam filling, also is tested for
expansion and contraction when set-.
ting. The very delicate apparatus
sets upon foundations running 10 or
12 feet into the ground so the sensi-
hive instruments will not be affected
by vibrations of the building.
G c raply 'Camip
To Offer Courses
Advanced course in field mapping
and land utilization studies will bel
offered in this year's Summer Ses-
sion at the Geography Camp in Wil-
derness State Park near Mackinac
City, it was announced yesterday.
The camp is located in one of the
few remaining undeveloped parts of
the state and offers excellent facili-
ties for advanced study in geography,
it was said. Room, board and tech-
nical equipment are furnished at the
station, with personal equipment to
be brought by each student.,
Courses offered will give eight
hours' credit in the Summer Session.
Studies will be of advanced charac-
ter for students who have applied to
the department of geography.
Members of the Ann Arbor High
School Foreign Relations Club will
hear Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the
political science department discuss
"proportional representation and uni-
cameral legislature combined in com-
parison to the present Michigan sys-
tein" at 7:30 p.m. today.

"Silvircide," a way to make in-
wanted trees kill themselves, and
aerial scouting are the new features
'of the United States Department of
Agriculture's campaign to save the
American elm from extinction by the
Dutch elm disease, according to a
press relcase of the Department of
Dutch elm disease, a plague which
has practically exterminated Euro-
pean elms, was brought to this coun-
try between 1925 and 1933 on burl
elm logs, shipped from Europe to
cabinet makers in the Middle West.
The fungus causing the disease does
not grow on the exterior of the trees,
but is carried by insects.
The disease is concentrated in a
coip:aratively small area extending
from New York City about 50 miles
into Connecticut, New York State,
and New Jersey. There have been a
few isolated cases reported in Mary-
land, Ohio, Virginia and Indiana. No
cure for the disease has been de-
veloped and the only hope for the
American elm is to destroy every dis-
eased tree as soon as detected.
About 625,000 of these rotting trees
have been destroyed by the applica-
tion of the silvicide principle, which
consists of peeling back the bark in
a narrow band about breast high
and covering the exposed area with a
solution of granulated copper sul-
phate held in place by a strip of oil
cloth. Moisture from the wood dis-
solves'the copper sulphate which once
taken into the sap of the tree pro-
ceeds to poison it. This treatment
has proved about 95 per cent effective
in the killing of banded trees and in
times of high humidity even 100 per
cent effective. Trees hardy enough
to withstand the poison of the chem-
Gen. Johnson To Speak
At Auto ceting Tonight
Gen. Hugh S. Johnson, ex-NRA
administrator will be the guest
speaker tonight at the final'meeting
of the National Passenger-Car con-
ference in Detroit, it was announced
yesterday by the Society of Automo-
tive Engineers.
The Conference has already been
in session for two days, with talks on
the developments of automobile en-
gines, chassis, car suspension, frames
and bodies. The convention will
make a tour of inspection of various
motor company's laboratories today.

ical are felled by hand and left for
the owners to use at will.
In detecting the presence of infect-
ed trees, the government department
is employing four autogiros which
scout inaccessible areas and railroad
right of ways. Trained observers
quickly spot wilted or discolored fol-
liage--indications of the presence of
Dutch elm disease. They mark the
spot and later guide ground crews
o the infected areas.
Scouting for diseased areas has
been done over approximately 19,000
miles of territory, according to de-
partmental statistics, and has been
done especially in the cities to which
the imported trees were sent and
along the railroad lines which carried
the diseased freight.

GoverIrnment Employs /Silvicide,'
Autogiros, In Tree Disease Battle

Around 40,000 farm homes may he developed in the vast basin to be
irrigated by the Columbia River and Grand Coulee dam (above) project,
according to the reclamation bureau,

Jewish Student Meeting
Planned For Mid-West
A conference of Jewish students
representing colleges and universi-
ties in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and
Illinois will be held on April 8, 9 and
10 in Detroit, it was announced by
the Temple Beth Eli Bulletin this
The conference is being sponsored
by the Committee on Religious Work
in Universities of the Central Con-
Cerence of American Rabbis, together
with the Hillel Foundation of the
B'nai B'rith, and the Young Com-
mittee of the Union of American
Hebrew Congregations.
All Jewish students in this area are
eligible to attend the conference, the
Temple Bulletin stated.
Read The Daily Classifieds

Michigan's Rifle Team
. Takes Honor At Meet
Michigan teams took first and
third places in the Hearst trophy
rifle competition, it was announced.
yesterday at Corps headquarters in
Hudson Dunks, '38E, won honors in
the individual tabulation with 192 out
of 200, the highest score registered
by anyone from the 18 teams com-
ppting. It was the first time in his-
tory that Michigan teams won both
the Corps Area and Hearst trophies
in a single year.
Shooting on the team which won
were Dunks, Gordon Stumpf, '41;
Robert Cleveland, '38E; Leo Klar;
and Hugh C. Downer, '39E.

University Students
To Give Radio Skit
Three University students will
broadcast a skit on the National
Summer Round-Up Movement over
the Blue Network of the National
Broadcasting System from 4:30 ,to
5:00 p.m. today.
William Rike, '3. Morlye Baer,
Grad. and Mary Bell, '39, are the
students, who will play the parts in
the scripts prepared by the State
Board of Health at Lansing.
The broadcast of Palmer Chris-
tian's organ recital from Hill Audi-
torium Sunday, which was the first
attempt to broadcast from the organ
there because of acoustic difficulties,
was so enthusiastically received that
Prof. Christian will present another
recital over WJR next Sunday.

Home byBus
Special VACATION Rates
ALBANY .... ....... $13.90
BOSTON ................ 19.30
BUFFALO ...............6.75
CHICAGO .. ............ 5.65
ELMIRA ,.15.40
NEW YORK..........,..15.40
ST. LOUIS 11.85
These Rates Apply ONLY. on Special Buses to BUFFALO, NEW
be made. First come - First served.
RandallATravel SerEice

_ _._ . - - m ... _. . _ _ ... _ .:. _: j ___..

Un. versty. Cjopy received i t the officte of' the Asri *snt ter) the PreCsidenlt
urnti 3.30; 11:0) a.. on $atnirday.




(Continued from Page 4)
interested in speech and debate are
invited to try for membership.
Sailing Club: There will be a short
meeting of the Michigan Sailing Club
tonight at 7:30 at the Union. A sail-
ing schedule for the members will be
Mixed Badminton: Owing to the
City Badminton Tournament, the
mixed badminton group will not meet
on Wednesday evening, March 30.
Coning Events
The 1'sychological Journal Club
will meet at 7:30'p.m. on Thursday,,
March 31, in Room 1121 Natural
Science Bldg. Dr. Edward Raney, of
tihe Institute of Hunan Relations,
will discuss Electro-encephalography.
All those interested are cordially in-
vited to attend.

Thursday evening, 7:30, The club
will sing for the Union Open house
later on in the evening.
Seabbard and Blade: Important
meeting Thursday evening, March 31
at 7:30 p.m. in the R.O.T.C. class
room in the /Engineering Annex. All
active members must be present.
Crop and Saddle ride Thursday.
Meet at 5 o'clock at Barbour Gym.
Call 7418 before Wednesday night if
possible if you sire going.
radio Club will meet Thursday,
March 31, in Room 323 of the Michi-
gan Union. Stocker Sturgeon will de-
"r"il.: iin Ani Ar~hrr tliv rnrin v


The International Relations Club
will meet on Thursday evening at
7:30 at the Michigan League. Stu-l
dents who are interested in discussing1
current international affairs are in-,
vited to be present.
Mr. . U, B. Allen will speak on "Se-
mantics" at the meeting of the Eng-I
lish -Journal Club, Friday afternoon,
April 1, at 4 p.m., in the League. The I
faculty, guests, and members are in-
vited to attend and to participate inl
the discussion.
A.[.Ch.E. On account of a closeI
schedule, the inspection trip bus will
leave East Engineering Building
promptly at 7:30 a.m. Members who
plan to make the trip are advised to
be on time.
Scimitar: There will be a meeting
of Scimitar in the Union on Thurs-
day, March 31 at 8:00. All members
are expected to be present.
Cercle Francais:. There will be a
meeting of the Cercle Francais
Thursday at 8. at the League. There
will be a musical program, All mem-.
bers are urged to attend.
e1cn's Glee Club: Regular rehearsal:

Sez11rthe Ann Azror P:ozce ra ro sys-
temn. After the meeting the club will
inspect the station. Everyone is in-
Athena: Meeting tonorrow night at
7:30, Portia Room, 4th floor, Angell
Yail. Discussion with Sigma Rho I
Tai. t
Baptist Guild: Last open--house bc-
fore Spring Vacation at 8 p.m. this
Friday in the Roger Williams Guild
House. Be sure to plan for the
"Sleuth Hunt" on April 22.
*Mimes: There will be no regular
ieeting of Mimes this week. Mem-
bers will be notified by card of the
date of the meeting next week.
Physical Education for W oen:
Registration for the outdoor season
will take place on Friday, April 1
from 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 4:30, and
Saturday, April 2 from 8 to 12. All
students taking required, physical
education should register at this time.
Badiinton Test: Any woman stu-
dent wishing to take the badminton
test should report at Barbour Gym-
nasium on Friday, April 1 between 3
and 5:30 p.m.
Riding Test: Students wishing to
take the riding test should leave their
name and telephone number at Bar-
bour Gymnasium, Office 15, .and be
ready to ride at 4:15 on Monday,
April 4. Riders should meet at Bar-
bour Gymnasium (main entrance)
and tests will be given even though
the weather may be inclement.

more pleasure... is the full-flavor and aroma
of mild ripe home-grown and aromatic Turk-
ish tobaccos, blended like no other cigarette.

p 2

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