WEDNESDAY MARCHII30, 1039 1111LEMIClItC A N DAILY P( PACrF 1 Fisher Revises Baseball Lineup As Smick Assumes Mound Role By BUD BENJAMIN found he could throw both ways, and A perspiring Danny Smick draped thus mix his stuff up. his six foot four inch frame over a "That operation didn't help me to Field House bench and grinned. pitch underarm," explains Smick. "It "Yep," chortled Danny, "I'm plenty just started me out that way, and satisfied. It's a big step up the lad- when my arm was right I kept on der for me. I've been looking forward with the same delivery. I'd like to to this ever since I was a kid in high see my high school coach now," lit school." grinned., Big Danny was pretty tired. For 45 "He'd never let me pitch," he con- minutes yesterday, he blazed his fast tinued. "I played second base for ball across the plate in hitting prac- him, but I. wanted to be a pitcher. H tice-pouring it on for all he was never gave me a chance, claimingI worth. That's the kind of athlete was too small. I guess I was then, al- Dan is. though I grew about five inches my Even the sports non-conformist senior year. knows Smick. His name shines "I played amateur ball in Detroit brightly in three major sports-foot- at the same time-and also after I en. ball, basketball and baseball.' He will b th ntr i c be the fifth nine letter man in Michi- gan athletic history. This spring par- ticularly, however, Smick has been an athlete with a purpose. Gedeon Goes To First Ever since practice started, Danny has been casting reflective glances out toward the pitching rubber. He wants to be a major league pitcher , some day, and he's the kind of a gent that doesn't merely think about that sort of thing. He's been bearing down in his mound efforts all year long. This week has, been the consumma- tion of his desire. In recognition of Smick's hurling ability, Coach Ray Fisher has, switched his tentative lineup. Smick leaves first base-probably for good; he will alternate between pitching: and outfielding. Elmer Gedeon moves back to his old first base job, while the second sack is thrown open to competition with Pete Lisagor, jun- ior lettermen, holding the inside track. Has Unusual Delivery Smick's effective mound work is chiefly due to his unusual delivery.: He alternates between an 'Elden Au-> ker' underhand motion and a normal side arm pitch. He has a world of '. : speed, a good curve, and fair con- trol. Throwing underarm, as he us- >-"'". ually does, Smick not only gets a good rise on the ball but a hook along with it. Since he can also throw the orthodox way, the batter is never sure as to what's coming. DAN SMICK There's a story behind Danny's tered Michigan. I was on two differ- freak delivery. An old football shoul- ent teams in a pretty good league der injury necessitated an operation In fact, a couple of the guys I played this summer, and when Smick re- with are signed up today with minor cuperated he began throwing from league clubs." below to nurse his arm. Before long, Two years ago, Smick finally got he had the hang of it, and his fast the pitching action he desired and dic ball began to do things when he used right well for himself. Two one-hit that underarm motion. Time brought victories and a no-hit game wer the arm back to normalcy, and he credited to amateur ball. and t.: -ASIDE Gymnasts Hold Campus Meet1 Grid Practices Characterized By Fun, Efficiency And Variety :t; -d e I it " LIN EIS" UY IRVIN LISAGOI£ IKira Lauded. OTES relayed from the National Intercollegiate swimming meet at New Brunswick, N.J. last week-end: Tom Haynie's "poor" third in the 440 was a neat bit of strategy which probably swung the tide Michigan's way . . . Realizing that Harvard's Kendall had too much for him, and that a desperate attempt to overtake Yale's Macionis would leave him completely "bushed," Tom hung back, content to conserve his energy for the all-important free style re- lay .,. Capt. Ed Krar, who was so b-idly seared in a motorboat ex- p? ion last summer that it was duubtful if he'd ever swim again, climaxe 1 a plucky career with a br illiant "double" in the 50 and 10. races and an unyielding an- ebor performance in the meet- winning relay . . . Kirar not only deserves this corner's "Red Badge of Courage," but also recognition as the meet's out- standing swimmer . . . He beat one of the nation's star swim- mers. Harvard's Charley Hutter, undefeated this season prior to Kirar's coming . . . Steve Bronson, the little trainer with the big smile, who drove to the meet, paused enroute to see Cappy Cappon at Princeton . . . Steve reports that the ex-Michigan mentor is busi- ly engaged as the Tiger backfield coach and apparently satisfied with his new position . . . On the return trip, Steve let Hanley Staley, the diver, drive his car, and while step- ping along at a brisk pace-55 or 60 miles per--a red light suddenly loomed in the distance . . . His re- action timing sharp as a blade, Sta- ley slammed on the brakes, stopped approximately 150 feet from the junction . . . Amid volleys of laugh- ter, Adolph Ferstenfeld cracked: "It's f okay now, Staley. You can drive up to the corner ... It was just another feather in Matt Mann's well-plumed hat-.. Beaten twice in dual meets by Ohin State, relieved of their Con- ference crown by the Buckeyes, Michigan's swimmers weren't calculated to retain their na- Stioal swim title . . . But Coach Mann had primed his squad for that test, and its remarkable per- iormance testifies to the validity of his methods . . . Bob Kiphuth, Yale mentor, and Mike Peppe, Ohio State coach, a pair of i ns 1s atL1ray By STEWART FITCH Efficiency, fun for all, and abso- lutely no monotony are the standards Entry List Nearly Doubles by which the spring football ses- Last Year's; Events Will sions are being run this year. The efficient manner in which the Run In TNo liv5liIos practices are handled is the 'first ob- servation of any bystander. Never is Swelled by nearly twice as many a man left idle while a teammate per- applications as ever before, this year's forms. Each man is constantly kept All-Campus gymnastic meet to be busy because the coaching staff has held Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. in planned how he will use every bit of Waterman gym, promises to be the his time while on the gridiron. best held in recent years. Coach Fritz Crisler's whistle is There are already enrolled in the more respected than the toot of a elementary division nearly 30 fresh- steam whistle marking the end of men who are competing for the first I work. When it shrills across the field, time, and 10 upperclassmen in the advanced division who have had pre- vious competitive experience. Most of the men in the advanced division are the members of the ex- hibition gymnastic team. These men get their only chance for competition, in this meet. Those competing in the elementary group will be required to do one exer- cise on each of the following pieces of apparatus: the horse, high bar, parallel bars, flying rings and tumb- ling. This will be required in order to show a general knoweledge of the sport. In the advanced group each con- testant will have to do two exercises on each of the pieces of apparatus and then he will be allowed to do optional exercises on any of the ap- paratus he chooses., Points will be awarded for the first three places in each event. In the elementary division only an all-around winner will be chosen while in the advanced division win- ners will be picked in each event and the highest point winner will be named all campus champion. Mann's traditional rivals, must have carefully avoided Matt after the meet . . . S* * Worst attempt of the week to side- step a cliche: "A sable hued slam- mer," referring to Henry Armstrong, colored bantam champ . . .! everyone including assistant coaches, 1ghts out at top speed for any part of the field where Crisler happens to be. Each practice is run according to a program drawn up earlier in the day. The blowing of the whistle indicates that the drills being engaged in at the time have run their alloted schedule and something else is in order. All work is done in widely seperated groups. While his assistants work with ends, linemen and backs, Crisler circulates from group to group much like a factory efficiency expert keep- ing things always on the move and offering advice here and there. Nothing is dull and monotonous at Ferry Field, however. Surprises and snappy changes keep the players on My Greatest T _HRILL CLIFF KEEN Michigan Wrestling Coach T ALL HAPPENED jn the' South- western Conference wrestling meet at, Austin, Texas, during my last year of wrestling for Oklahoma A.&M. For the last eight years we had won the Conference title, and we were par- ticularly anxious to add this one to our string. 11 It d it d e d Incongruity of the week: Husky We expected to win easily, but, Bill Smith, Varsity tackle, roller as often happens, when my match skating up Athletic Avenue--S. State -the last one of the night- St.-on his way home from football rolled around, we were trailing, practice . . . and it was up to me to get a fall Bad freak of the week: Luke Ap- if we were to win the title. After pling's broken leg, and Monte Strat- 15 minutes of the toughest kind tons arm injury, which deprive the of b n it was aeven. Chicago White Sox of their best hit-, In the first, overtime period he ter and pitcher in the early chase for chose defense-that is I had the top a pennant I.position. He escaped in five seconds, land it looked bad. After a brief rest, I took the defense position, real- NURMi WAS RIGHT izing that I had to throw this man Back in 1924, when Paavo Nurmi in three minutes, or we were through. set a world's record in the mile with After two strained minutes, I was the phenomenal time of 4:10.4, still on the bottom. With but 20 sec- everyone thought the limit had been conds to go, I suddenly slipped out reached, but the "Phantom Finn" and clamped a pin on him to win the startled experts by stating that his I match, the meet, and to preserve my record could, and would be broken. unbeaten collegiate wrestling record. B ; I Briggs Leaves, As Tigers Fall ' Ow l-er Walks Out On 15-2" Walloping By Dodgers CLEARWATER, Fla., March 29.- (/P)--The hapless Detroit Tigers were too much today for even the gentle- man who owns them and as a result owner Walter 0. Briggs walked out' of the park during the 15 to 2 lacing the Bengals received from the Brook- lyn Dodgers who are quaintly called the "Daffiness Boys" in the National League ,the circuit in which they per- form. Owner Briggs, who is currently in- vesting $1,000,000 in improving the home park of his team, probably wished tonight that he was a mag- nate in the Bi-State or the Northern loop, a couple of Class D Leagues, where the pitchers occasionally get a hitter out, after wat1ching his kit- tenish Tigers today. Briggs sat through the first in- I ning and watched the Dodgers comb Vernon Kennedy for four hits and three runs. He was still there at the end of the second when the l)odgers got seven more hits and as many runs off the same pitcher. InfI'ramuIral Sports lipry 111(S11k I Enlr~y Blank he didn't use the underneath stuff al; all. "I usually got by with ian ov-aii l fast one and a little hook," he mused. Smick's teammates are generally enthusiastic about his mound work. Batting against him daily, tricy're sure he'll be able to fool the Wol- verine competition this.year. He has the natural ability, he has the urge, and he has the heart. Many a star pitcher has combined the three with classic results. r f ? i FOOTBAlL MGR. TRYOUTS All eligible freshmen who are interested in trying out for foot- ball manager are to report at the Field House at 3 p.m. today. Philip Woodworth, Manager. i- See the New STETSON Feature Styles. at 1 Q t Erato ree rr yutic"0rJIf ' -_-_ - __ :] 1 III A .11 Contestants desiring to enter any of the too uanients listed here are asked to send in their entry before spring vacation. Tourna- ments are drawn up before vaca- tion and play starts Tuesday, April 19. There are three divisions of competition: undergraduate, grad- uate and faculty. Competition in the faculty division is limited to men with full faculty rating. Check the events you desire to enter: Tennis (single) ... . . Tennis (doubles) ... . . Horseshoes (single) . . Horseshoes (doubles),......... G olf ................. Baseball field meet,... Underline the division: Undergraduafe Graduate Faculty Name . .. .. Address Phone Partner S HIRT by 'l~w npiw l~j~ I~vr':,is truly sign i'ant t wlicmt SpCaI-in of shifts,()Om- shirts are cut in a hill gencwrollti ma ii[r(I.7,nad c II-)il avariety of e011; ' styles, aldl in .suchl Ipulai' fabrh ics siOxford Clod), We invite your inspection of our fine Shi~rtings JOIN THE "PORK-PIE" PARADE IN A STETSON You've joined the ranks of "pork-pie" smart- ness when you tip this latest Stetson over one ear. It has just the right balance between flat- topped crown and dashing, wide brim. See it in Stetson's new "Thoroughbred Colors." II I 1111 MI