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February 18, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-18

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FRIDAY, PER. 18 193$





expenditures. Thus collective security would not
only seem to be the best insurance against aggres-
sion and war, but would leave the appropriation
for the naval increase for desperate internal needs.
It would also prevent the danger of a naval race
that could only culminate in war. France would
welcome an alliance for the purpose of exerting
economic and political pressure on the aggressors;
Britain might be slower to accept it, since many
of her industrialists admittedly have interests-
in common with the powers now engaged in ag-
This conflict in the President's policy shows
the plausibility and need for collective security.
The huge funds to be appropriated for naval
expansion could be better turned to internal uses.
The fascist nations have a written alliance. They
call it the Rome-Berlin-Tokio axis. Why should
there not be a Paris-London-Washington under-
Dennis Flanagan.

nn e rnxrawwm anI -
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
$tuden* Publications.
Pubshed every morning except Mondy during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
rise for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En ed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second vlass mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
S$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Chain Gangs
And Child Labor ..
yet closely allied events occurred in
last week's news: For one thing, Georgia, which
has never been considered a leader in social leg-
islation, outlawed its brutal chain gangs; another
occurrence was the decision by New York's legis-
lature, which is supposed to be the guiding body
of the "Empire State," against the abolition of
child labor, which has stultified the lives of in-
numerable children.
In other words, Georgia has seen fit to make life
easier and niore livable for her criminals, grown
men, and has abolished most of the punishments
which were formerly inflicted upon them, such
as "iron shackles, the whipping posts and sweat
boxes." New York, however, has deemed it neces-
sary to maintain the conditions under which not
men, but children, who have committed no crime
against society other than being born in poor
surroundings, are permitted to work from dawn.
to dark.
New York is hiding behind the fact that it ques-
tions whether or not regulations against child
labor could be more adequately accomplished
under a national enactment or under separate
state laws.
We thus have another illustration of American
legislators hiding behind questions of .method
when immediate action is necessary. The fact
that our Federal-National type of government
allows different methods of legal treatment for
different conditions is used as a subterfuge for
While it is commendable to take great care in
passing laws 'which pre fair and equitable, it
should also be the prime requirement of all leg-
islators, state and national, to see that obviously
necessary laws, such as the Child Labor Amend-
ment, should be passed and not shunted back and
forth in the twilight area between state and
national jurisdictions.
New York and numerous other states could
well observe the fact that medieval conditions in
punishment and living environments are becom-
ing more and more passe every day and that it
would be a good idea to observe the doings in
even such a "backward" state as Georgia.
Earl R. Gilman.
A Case For
Collective Security. . .

address, President Roosevet expressed
himself as favoring collective security with other
powers for the purpose of "quarantining" ag-
gressors. This would indicate the advisability of
an understanding with France and England, since
the European fascist nations are at present en-
gaged in aggression in Spain, China, and Ethiopia.
It points also to an agreement with other democ-
racies, since many of them are particularly vul-
nerable to the aggressors.
The President has also advocated an enlarged
navy, which contradicts his earlier collective se-
curity plea in many ways, If the alliance among
non-aggressor states were an actuality, their com-
bined military and economic strength would out-
weigh that of the aggressors, enabling the allied
nations to exert concerted pressure on these
same countries to decrease, or even terminate
their activities toward the acquisition of territory.
Thus the naval expansion nlan would be of little

Here Comes

T. Dorsey

To the Editor:
Comes now soon Tommy Dorsey and his great
crew to Ann Arbor and the joint will truly jump
when Mr. T. takes the band in hand for some
righteous jive in the Yost Barn.
Certain "long-haired" moguls have built a
fence around the logical place for such a concert
so the outcasts of the musical world will take to
the south 40. It's enlightening to know that
Michigan has an auditorium so white and clean-
Carnegie Hall is no longer pure but tarnished with
the blasts of jazz. It's certain that these same
Simon Legrees will be in the vicinity of the House
That Yost Built when the Men of Dorsey play
the spots.
The Dorsey organization has been slipping on
many rungs on the way up. Not because of Mr.
T., however, for Tommy is a fine musician but
he can't seem to take the curves that most night-
spot managers throw and has been in the eight-
ball shadow more than twice.
The recent addition to the ranks is the former
fine tenor-man of the Norvo clan, replacing Bud
Freeman. This young gent plays only out-of-
the-realm tenor and is definitely an asset to the
Dosey ranks. Watch Herbie Haymer!
The session should be a huge success and may
it pave a way for more-may the jive of the jitter-
bugs see to it that Mr. Bach, Beethoven, and
Wagner at least clap hands!
-Jim Mudge.
Naval Limitation
Congressional critics of the Roosevelt Admin-
istration are Jess than fair when they lay at its
door responsibility for the fact that naval limita-
tion has broken down and that nothing is being
done to revive it. The Administration has a
consistent record of trying to the best of its
ability to make some kind of limitation a reality.
During his first days in office Mr. Roosevelt in-
tervened at a critical moment in the deliberation
of the World Arms Conference at Geneva, when
that meeting was on the point of failure, to offer
a proposal which went farther than any plan
previously offered by an American President had
ever gone, toward meeting the real problem.
Recognizing that disarmament and security are
merely two halves of a single indivisible question,
Mr. Roosevelt proposed to make an American
contribution toward a solution of the problem
of disarmament by first making an American con-
tribution toward a solution of the problem of
security. To this end he announced through our
delegate at Geneva that the United States was
;repared to consult with other nations in case of
a threat to peace but that it was also prepared
to "refrain from any action tending to defeat
a collective effort" directed against a law-break-
ing nation, provided our own government "con-
curred in the judgment rendered as to the respon-
sible and guilty party." In other words, he pro-
posed to Waive the right of the United States to
interfere with any "quarantine" established
against an aggressor nation.
- This proposal failed, for reasons not inherent
in the plan itself, to avert the collapse toward
which the Geneva conference was headed. But
the Roosevelt Administration did not slacken its'
efforts to achieve some limitation of armaments.
In the year following the President's intervention
at Geneva, our Government proposed a plan for
the regulation and supervision of the interna-
tional trade in arms. And one year later, when
representatives of the principal naval powers
assembled at London to consider the situation
brought about by the approaching expiration of
the treaties which had previously limited naval
strength, our delegates went to that conference
with specific instructions from the President to
seek "a total tonnage reduction of 20 per cent
below existing treaty tonnage"-or, if that proved
to be impossible, to try at least for "15 per cent
or 10 per cent or 5 per cent."
The sticking point at London, and the factor
chiefly responsible for the breakdown of the
five-Power agreement which had limited naval
armaments for a decade and a half, was the
dissatisfaction of Japan with the ratios hitherto
in force and the insistence of the Japanese gov-
ernment upon a "common upper limit"-that is
upon naval parity with the United States and
Britain. This is still the chief point of disagree-
ment between Japan, on one side, and the two
Western naval Powers on the other. And until

there is some meeting of minds on this main
question, there would be little value in holding a
new conference on armaments, as some mem-
bers of Congress now propose.
The Roosevelt Administration has a praise-
mrnflnt, r ,.ae- rri in h ,n t+tnf liv, n linmin finn

Iifeew lo e
eywood Broun
MIAMI, Feb. 17.-A newspaper executive who
shall- be nameless has tempted me away from
duty. When I told him that I was about to leave
here for New York or Washington he said:
"I think you're foolish. To me those two cities
seem the dullest datelines in America. Only a
few public men have learned the trick of saving
up their most important an-
nouncements and giving
them out in some obscure
place. They get a much more
f important news break in that
-: way. What people say in
Washington and New York
doesn't seem to make much
difference to the rest of the
I told Mr. X that I had
found that out, and I was compelled to add, "But
Miami is not exactly obscure, and I am not a
public man..
Nevertheless, I decided to heed his advice and
stay over the week-end for purposes of research.
A good newspaperman could get a lot of material
here by running around. Even by sitting still at
some fixed and central point you may see Jim
Farley, Sonja Henie, Frank Hague, Harry Rich-
man and Harry Hopkins all pass by intent upon
their several concerns.
Calling Turn On Hopkins
A local fortune-teller undertook to read the
present and the future for Mr. Hopkins. "I think,"
she said, "that you are the proprietor of a gam-
bling house." Harry declined the soft impeach-
ment. "Well," persisted the soothsayer, "I may
be wrong, but, at any rate, I seem to see you
handling a lot of money and having it distributed
among a lot of people."
My own experience with the fortune-teller was
not personally illuminating. She thought I was
a clothing manufacturer or a musician. I'll either
have to get my hair cut or quit creasing my
trousers. "Never mind about me," I said. "Look in
the crystal ball again and say whether there is
to be a war." The Egyptian did not even look.
"Why should there be?" she said. "Who's going
to fight who?" and most of the local gypsies are
of like mind.
Among the very assorted winter visitors one
does not find the same shaking of heads and
uttering of gloomy predictions which prevail in
New York and Washington. It may be objected
I that I speak of those wao fiddle during fires,
but it has always seemed to me that, while Nero
may not have been the most helpful man in Rome,
he was hardly the greatest nuisance. The most
useless person during a big blaze is the one who
runs around with an empty bucket shouting,
"Isn't this awful?"
Peace Lovers Talking 'War
Most of the war talk comes from the peace
people. Gentlemen who say that they are all for
peace often do much to destroy it by announcing
that war is right around the corner. The isola-
tionists believe their own vague philosophy by
insisting that we are about to embark into con-
flict. The isolationists wrecked the League of
Nations, and they can hardly say that peace
at home or abroad has prospered under the policy
of letting Europe stew in its own juices.
I am not going to commit myself to "collective
security" without a definition but it seems to me
that if sanity is to be preserved it must be by
international cooperation. The American people
will find their own peace precarious it we have
nothing better to offer than pulling down the
Maury Maverick is on the right track in urging
President Roosevelt to call a disarmament con-
ference. Peace is not a plum. It is not going to
drop into our lap. I think Americans will do ill
to follow the advice of Hamilton Fish and go to
sleep for twenty-five years. Peace can be pre-
served, but only if we become minded to play our
part as a member of the family of nations.

IAs Ot~hrs See I
Academic Freedom?
Psychologist C. A. Ruckmick, wito will be re-
rmembered by students here for a biting criticism
of movie audiences in a fall quarter lecture, is
no longer professor at the University of Iowa. He
resigned Saturday under pressure from his uni-
versity's administration. The basis of the de-
mand for his resignation was that he used stu-
dents as subjects in experiments in which he arti-
ficially created various emotions. These reac-
tions were then measured on Ruckmick's "emo-
The fact that the whole affair, in comparison
with the Schaper case, for example, has a touch
of the farcical must not be permitted to hide
the essential seriousness of the event. Here, once
more, is a case study of dismissal of an expert
busy gathering facts, following out his duties as
he saw them.
One point of interest to which this incident
draws attention is that the professor who at-
tempts research in which either methods or
findings clash with popular prejudices, is risking
his position. It may be recalled that a south-
western university gave in to popular fury a few
years ago and dismissed a professor for trying
to gather sex data from students by the ques-
tionnaire method.
Social scientists face a real challenge. Are

Roth Quartet
For those who love music nobly
conceived and rendered with inti-
mate feeling and obvious affection
for the minutest details, a satisfying
evening of chamber music was pre-k
sented in Hill Auditorium last night'
by the Roth String Quartet. Therei
are undoubtedly quartets whose play-
ing encompasses a greater variety of
emotional appeal and is filled with,
a more dramatic intensity of feeling,
but none, we imagine, who surpass
Mr. Roth and his companions int
tonal purity and immaculateness of
From the first unison measures of
the Beethoven F minor Quartet, Op.
95, which began the program, to the
final faint "Amen" of the Tschaikow-1
sky Andante Cantabile that came asi
an encore, there were always in evi-l
dence the loveliness of tone, unre-
proachable technical precision, and1
perfect understanding between play-
ers which are the first requisites of a
chamber performance. Two other
quartets, the Second, in D-flat of
Dohnanyi and the A minor which ist
the first of Schumann's three, round-1
ed out a program which leaned heav-
ily on the romantic, and in theset
even more than in the Beethoven thet
ingratiating style of the players madet
for a sympathetic performance. Par-
ticularly commanding were the Doh-
nanyi Scherzo, with its thematic re-#
minder of the storm at the beginning
of Die Walkure and chorale-like trio,k
and the lovely Adagio of Schumann,1
a movement of serene beauty and
In fact, it was in the inner, thec
more lyric or fantastic, movementst
of the quartets that the group seemed
in each case to strike nearest to thek
spirit of the composer. For the open-i
ing and closing sections, especially of1
the Beethoven "Quartetto Serioso,"I
there appeared less dramatic vigork
and vitality of utterance than thet
music seemed to demand. The com-
parative similarity of spirit betweenr
all of the works presented made all
the more desirable a little more con-
trast in mood, a sounding of greatert
depths in the music. Yet this detailI
is of but passive significance when
one considers the equistiteness of thet
playing and the loveliness which it
evoked, and recalls the rarity witht
which such music is performed at all.

FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1938
To Department Heads and Others
Concerned: All time slips must be
in the Business Office Feb. 19 to be
included in the Feb. 28 payroll.
Edna G. Miller,
Payroll Clerk.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
The adjourned meeting of this facul-
ty is called for Monday, Feb. 21, at
4:15 p.m., in Room 348 West En-j
gineering Building.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary.
Saturday Class Committee: Until'
March, 7 the members of this com-
mittee may be consulted as follows:
Professor N. R. F. Maier, Tu. Fri.
2:30-3:30 in 2123 N.S. Professor W.'
A. Reichart, M. 10-11; W. 10-11:30 in,
300 U.H.

10, Professor Nyswander). Will meet
in 402 Mason Hall instead of 407
Mason Hall.
Political Science 122 and 182-1
shall be unable to meet these classes
Friday and next Monday, Feb. 21.
J. S. Reeves.
Mathematics 51, Section 3. (Tu-
ThS, 11, Dr. Greville). Will Meet in
202 Mason Hall instead of 402 Mason
Mathematics 258, Calculus of Va-
riations. Will meet in 3011 A.H. on
Friday at 3 o'clock instead of 2
Psychology 122: There will be no
change in rooms as sugested at the
first meeting of this class since addi-
tional seats have been placed in
Room 3056 N.S.

First Mortgage Loans. The Univer- Sociology 260: Seminar in Juvenile
sity has a limited amount of funds Delinquency. Will meet on Mondays,
to loan on modern well-located Ann 4-6 at 403 Library and not at 315
Arbor residential property. Interest' Haven Hall, as announced.
at current rates. Apply Investment

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday,

Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Textbook Lending Library: Stu-
dents who would like to borrow books
from the Textbook Lending Library
at the Angell Hall Study Hall must
be recommended for the privilege by
Professor Arthur D. Moore, Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, or by any one of the academic
counselors of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts.
Students may leave requests for
books not now in the Textbook Lend-
ing Library with Mr. Van Kersen,
Assistant in Charge of the Angell
Hall Study Hall. Such requests will
be printed in The Michigan Daily so
that donors of books may have the
opportunity of satisfying specific
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Michigan Civil Service
Probation and Parole Classes, $150
to $180 per month.
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
The University Bureau of Ap-
nnin111tI,' JLp n


ponments and Occupational r
byn COpaton J-Hop: Articles lost, found or ex-
changed at tile J-Hap of last Friday
- " evening should be reported to Mrs.
By TOM McCANN Griffin, Office of the Dean of Stu-
Tommy Dorsey's recordings of dents, Room 2, University Hall.-
MARIE and SONG OF INDIA are, Extra-Curricular Activities: The
of course, wax castings of the first attention of all students interested in
wax. Thei'e is a sayg that goes extra-curricular activities is called to
eithwillkalways get thbwaiestand the change in procedure recently
hestates wll aads te s re- adopted by the Committee on Stu-
bates." Well, it had taken us exactly( dent Affairs with reference to the
21 years and four months of waiting method to be followed by the di-
and hesitating before we - had the vidual desiring to take part indextra-
pleasure of getting this recorded re- curricular activities and by the chair-
bate. The vocal by Jack Leonard, man and managers of these activities.
answered by the band's chorus a Ia At the beginning of eachsemester
Don Redman, Tommy's, Bunny Beri- and summer session every student
gan's and Bud Freeman's contribu- shall be conclusively presumed to be
tions are all well-known high spots ineligible for any public activity until
of this amazing recording. It is our his eligibility is affirmatively estab-
guess that at least one of these sides lished (a) by obtaining from the
will be in evidence at the Field Chairman of the Committee on Stu-
House the night of the 25th. dent Affairs, in the Office of the Dean
Bud Freeman had a bad night of Students, a written Certificate of
once, and unfortunately recorded Eligibility and (b) by presenting the1
some of his poorest work the next Certificate of Eligibility to the chair-
day when WHO'LL BUY MY VIO- man or manager of the student activ-
LETS? was made. This musical ques- ity in which he wishes to participate.
tion is a sweet tune, capably dam- The Chairman or Manager of any
aged by Bud's tenor chorus, but student activity shall file with the
rescued in remarkable fashion by Chairman of the Committee on.Stu-
one of the best executed Dorsey dent Affairs, before permitting the
trombone bits this department has student or students involved to par-
ever heard. Getting closer to 1938 ticipate, the names of all those who
we find a Clambake Seven version of j have presented Certificates of Eligi-
YOU'RE A SWEETHEART, which is bility, and a signed agreement to ex-
exactly that, and NICE WORK IF elude all others from participation.
YOU CAN GET IT, which really gets The issuing of Certi'_cates of Eli-
the nice work. These are two of the gibility for the second semester will
best small-combination discs to date. be greatly facilitated if each applicant
For its work on JOSEPHINE the brings with him or her a record of
Dorsey Septette is awarded the first semester grades.
Wayne King medal for its best ver- Second semester Certificates of El-
igibility will be required after Mar. 1.
Sion, and to Jack Leonard, orchids,
for his excellent vocal efforts with J-Hop: J-Hop tickets are available
lyrics which heretofore had refused to those students who wish to secure
to be sung. The other side of this them by calling at Room 2, Univer-
prizewinner is a raucops affair called sity Hall.
A COON in which tenor man Free- All Independent women who have
man runs riot for a good long time. petitioned for a committee position
Along about New Years, Dorsey col- for Assembly Ball must go to Room 2
lectors were rather pleasantly sur- University Hall and get an elegibility
prised with DIPSY DOODLE, a neat card from Miss Scanlan 'and then
bit of foo, pleasingly fooed by Edythe bring it to the Undergraduate office
Wright. And then on the reverse, at the League next Monday or Tues-
these same surprised collectors, if day between 3:00 and 5:30. This is
they weren't already satisfied, be- very important and should be done
came absolutely drunk with satisfac- immediately.
tion when they found WHO to be --
another successful attempt at the Academic.Notices
Don Redman stuff. And then more
recently ,still up to the Tommy Dor- Notice to Seniors: The examination
sey standards, are I MAY BE in foreign languages (French, Span-
WRONG, THE BIG DIPPER, JUST ish, German) for the New York State
A SIMPLE MELODY and NIGHT teacher's license will be held Friday,
AND DAY. Feb. 18, at 1:15 o'clock, in Room 100
If you check up on these recordings R.L.
and others bearing the Tommy Dor-
sey brand, you will be able to go to E.M. 3a: Experimental Dynamics,
the Field House concert next Tues- will be held in Room 314 Engineering
day night with what sthe School of Annex on Mondays, 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Music calls the heteronomous atti-
+rurn mohin mnnnno ii - n -1 1,.f Mathematics 1 Section 1 (MWFS.

An exhibition of paintings, draw-
ings and drypoints by Umberto Ro-
mano is offered by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the South gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall, and an
exhibition of etchings by John Tay-
lor Arms in the North Gallery, Feb.
14 through March 2. Open 2 to 5 p.m.
daily including Sundays, admission
free to members and to students.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
A showing of the Margaret Watson
Parker collection of Pewabic pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton, is
now on display in the central cases
on the ground floor of the Architec-
ture Building.
Professor A. R. Morris will give the
annual mid-year faculty lecture of
the English Journal Club on Fqb. 25,
at 4:15 p.m., in the League. The
faculty, members and guests are cor-
dially invited to attend. Professor
Paul Mueschke will make an import-
ant announcement at the business
meeting at 4 p.m.; all members are
urged to be present.
Events Today
Freshman and Sophomore Engi-
neers: All those interested in trying
out for the Michigan Technic are re-
quested to meet in Room 3046 East
Engineering Building at five o'clock
on Friday, Feb. 18.
Disciples Guild: The Disciples Guild
will hold a Friday Night Frolic at
the church, Hill and Tappan Streets,
from 8-11 o'clock. In addition to
the regular games there will be an
old fashioned candy pull. All students
Friday Services at the Hillel Foun-
dation: Speaker, Kenneth Morgan of
the Student Religious Association.
Subject, "Religion on the Campus."
Cantor, Bernard S. Rubiner.
Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority will
have charge of the social following
the services.
Stalker Hall: Student class in
"Through the Old Testament" with
Dr. Brashares at 7:30 p.m. today.
Following the class there will be a
party at 8:30 o'clock. All Methodist
students and their friends are cor-
dially invited to be present.
Westminster Guild: The party
scheduled for tonight at the student
center, has been postponed until next
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Memn
hers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 pim. in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. First of the informal talks
that are being resumed will be given
by Professor Reicpart on "Besuch bei
Gerhart Hauptmann: der Dichter zu
The Freshman Round Table group
will meet Saturday night from 7 to 8
p.m. in the Library of Lane Hall.
Kenneth Morgan will lead a discus-
sion of problems and plans for this
semester. Freshmen men and women
are invited.
American Federation of Teachers:
The February meeting of the Ann
Arbor Chapter of the A.F.T. will be
at a luncheon at the Union Saturday,
Feb. 19, at 12:15. Professor Howard
Ellis will give the address on "The
Salaried Man and the Business
Cycle" which he was to have given
at the January meeting. Mr. Barclay
will present a report on the work of
the delegates to the Trade and Labor


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