TUESDAY, Mr~Ct 29, 1938 THlE MICHITGAN DAILY ENO"" Benson Favors BllFor Federai1 o 0 Re-orgnizi ation (Continued from Page ) proposal is that a more definit ef- fort is not being made to put the federal personnel work into the De- partment of the Treasury. In the past the Commission has suffered, be- cause it has lacked prestige to back it uP. and because it had a difficult time getting approriations. Moving the department into the Treasury would remedy these defects I believe," Professor Benson said. The ideal set-un would be to havr the exitna commission headed h one Pan reonsihle directly to the SAovetarv of the Treasurv-or po- sibly to the President, as the director of the budget is now, he suggested. The reorganization of administra-. tive agencies is a tak which in gen- eral only the President is able to carry out. he continued. for experi- ence has shown that particular clien- teles have friends in Congress who have opposed suggested changes. The 7tuvision that changes in administra- tive agencies may be rejected by Congress within 60 days, as contained in the bill passed by the Senate yes- terdav. seems like a sufficient safe- guard, he said. Also, vWhile the President may abol- ish an agency, he can not abolish a function, Professor Benson said. Fur- thermore, a positive check is put on the President in his reorganization plans by Congress' power to regulate appropriations. As to the Welfare reorganization, Professor Benson believes that con- solidatian into one' department is necessary. He cited a study made by Prof. E. P. Herring of Harvard show- ing that different social welfare agencies had been put into bureaus opposed to the interests of the agen- cies and had suffered as a result. One of these examples, he continued, is the food and drug bureau placed in the Department of Agriculture. Opposition to appointing six as- sistants to the President has centered chiefly around the charge that the assistants would work under cover because of their anonymity. The anonymity clause was inserted to pre- vent these offices from becoming plhms for politicians, Professor Ben- sou said. "It is absurd to suppose that their work must all be secret, for the re- suits of their investigations would appear in the decisions of the Pres- ident," he explained. "The howl that has been set up against reorganization makes me feel that protests are largely efforts tc gain publicity and prestige for the com:ng election, and these protest do rot savor of the recognition of th., needs of the federal government," he sidc[. I Tenture to predict that if this bill is not passed by the present Demo- cratic administration that most of its fuatures will eventually be passed b some Republican administration. Alumni Representatives To Meet In Columbus Wilfred B. Shaw, Director of Alumni Relations, Shirley W. Smith, vice. president and secretary of the Unx ersity, T. Hawley Tapping, gen- eral secretary of the Alumni Associa- tion and other representatives of the Alumni Association of the University will attend the 25th anniversary mneeting of the American Alumni As- socition to be held tomorrow through April 6 at Columbus, O. Mr. Shaw is the only alumni rep- resentative left that helped organize the American Alumni Association 25 year ago. Mr. Smith will be the Unhersity's official representative. Aiton Will Speak On Conquistadors For the fifth in a series of Spanish lectures sponsored by the Sociedad Hispanica, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history department will speak on "The Spanish Conquistador" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in 1025 Angell Hall. The lecture, whic~h will be the first to be given in English, will be an ac- count of the conquistadors in the light of new evidence which has been uncovered, replacing the old, roman- tic and idealistic pictures of Cortez, Pizarro, Mendoza and. many of the other early Spanish explorers. \ DANCING struction in all. types Ufdancing. Teachers' course. Open daily 10 #'.Mv. to 10 P.M. Phone 9695 2nd' Floo Terrace Garden Studio Wuerth Theatre Bldg. Johnson Predicts Conservative Trend S+ 'I p 10 eI ' t v Chinese Leader Gives Lecture At 7:4 Thmtii h, (("nO inied from Page 1) . Dr. Koo, "is for the students them- selves. The facilities in China have! been provided; administrative ex- penses have been met by gifts fromM outside universities." The first act of war by the Japan- ese, explained Dr. Koo, was "simply to send planes to Tientsin and bomb3 the largest university, Nankai. 25 years of planning and effort were nullified in one night." Nearly one-third of all China's ed- ucational institutions were within the Nanking-Shanghai-Hankow district, explained Dr. Koo, and it is this dis- trict which the Japanese have largely destroyed. Four international student groups are supporting the drive to relieve' Chinese students in the interior. They include the World Student Christian Federation, the Pax Romani, The In- ternational Student Service, and sev- eral radical student groups. 1938 League Officers r nc Installed Monday (Con tinued from Page 5) '38, head of the merit system com- mittee. After dinner the year's financial report of the League will be made by Mfargaret Ann Ayers, '38. treasurer of the League, and Miss Maliszewski will reveal the names of the recipients of the three Ethel McCormick scho- larships. Following the talks by the three main speakers, Jean Holland, '39, new president of the League will be in- stalled and she will then announce the names of the members of the new League Council. Norma Curtis. '39, new head of W.A.A., will intro- duce the W.A.A. board members. Concluding the banquet will be talks by Miss Maliszewski, president of Senior Society, and by Betty Gat- ward, '38, head of Mortarboard. The two organizations will then tap new members.. I LYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Miss Sarah Chakko, graduate of the date of the meeting next week. speak informally on "The Present High Tor: Box office opens 1 a.4-. xolitic"l 1i"tuation in India "E Monday morning forticket sale to ! im~i nHigh Tor presented by Play Produc- A I'li< Members who plan to go tion< Opening Wednesday, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. March 30 to ;*oiji-di~i &e )(I tLelai ipeio '. w gApi troft Apri l Il J ea -A sE:n up in the r ms11t be present at 5 c'clok, Tuesday. Cheical Engineering Department ROSS TO TALK ON AIR Corning Events Office before Tuesday, March 29. The Prof. G. G. Ross of the department group will leave Friday mc1'ning at; of landscape design will discuss the The Psychological Journal Club 7:30 and will return at 5:30 p.m. The topic of "City Planning" over WJR at will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, plants to be visited are Detroit Sul- 3:30 p.m. today. The program is ; March 31, in Room 1121 Natural fite Pulp and Paper Co., U.S. Rubber part of the "Forestry and Land Util- Science Bldg. Dr. Edward Raney, of Co., and Parke-Davis and Co. The ization Series" being conducted by the the Institute of Human Relations, cost will be approximately one dol- University Broadcasting Service. will discuss Electro-encephalography. lar, which includes lunch. -__ _ _ _ _ 'w'ill dsusEetoecp aoi____________________ 1111 _fl ....4.,.,....4-iA re.__ -...x1."11 - -lI All tho e interested are cor dia.lly in-- vited to attend. The Inter-Guild Morniing Watch - Service will be held at the League La ScAiedad Hispanica will present Chapel, 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday ,he fifth lecture in its series Wed- mQrning. :esday, March 30, at 4:15 p.m. in --- 1025 Angell Hall. Professor Arthur The Freshmen Glee Club will meet S. Aiton will lecture tin English) on Wednesday at 4:30. The Varsity Glee1 "The Spanish Conquistador." Ad- Club has invited the Freshmen Club mission by ticket only. All members to its rehearsal Thursday evening at are urged to attend. 7:45. Important business will be dis- cussed at the time. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- Baptist Guild: Last open-house be- ing on Wednesday, March 30 at 4:15 fore Spring Vacation at 8 p.m. this1 p.m. Mr. Norman Bauer will speak Friday in the- Roger Williams Guild on "Magnetochemistry." House. Be sure to plan for the .__-- _ "Sleuth Hunt" on April 22. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, March 30, at 12:00 Mimes: There will be no regular in the Russian Tea Room of the meeting of Mimes this week. Mem- Michigan League. Cafeteria service. bets will be notified by card of the IiM ---- __ _ _ II 1 1 Turning that corner neared actuality in speech of Gen. Hugh S. Johnson (above) who told Economic Club of New York that he believes "we have turned a corner toward improvement-so much so that I think the market is a buy." He also predicted trend toward conservatism in federal government. When You Need Money It's 1 Personal Matter ! Personal Finance Co. keeps the Personal touch in all its dealings. That's why thou- sands of our customers send their friends to us. LOANS up to $300 - All Plans . . . flexible repayments - to fit your Personal budget. . privately arranged so that your Personal affairs are kept personal. . . . quickly handled to meet your Personal needs. 6 Personal financing is our entire business-not a sideline. We do no other kind of bank- ing. Find out how simply you can'- get cash to pay up old bills; make mortgage or bank note payments; refinance old debts; or for other purposes. Loans available to all university people except students. Come -"in-Get full Informa- tion. Open 8:30 - 5 p.m. Sat- urdays until 1 p.m. PERSONAL LOANS Up to $300 Personal Finance Co. 376 Offices 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg. 201-203 S. FOURTH AVE., Phone 4000 R.W. Horn; Mgr. I1 Final Exams Take Their Tons 1 Of Flesh, Education Report Finds' (Continued from Page 1) portant final examination.{ Prof. Howard Y. McCluskey of the f the Bureau's figures,terming them educational school looks to the corn- "sensational." "scarehead," a n d - "questionable." There was general prehensive examination as the anti- agreement, however, on the indict- oe tohasty learning.Comprehen- agrement howveron te inict sixes he says, not only counteract2 mient of an examination system that stimulates and countenances hasty, oe-specialization and departmen- .ast-minute preparation. talization, but virtually outlaw cram- ming by including too wide a field Psychologists have long known that for coverage in several frantic all-.. earning, taken in large concentrated loses, is not retained appreciably. night esios Knowledge pushed in just prior to Today educators ponder the merit1 Knowedg pusustof the examination. Its use is neces- xaminations, says Prof. Walter B. 3 fteeaiain t s sncs Pillsbury, head of the psychology de- sitated, they agree, by the size of :artment, usually can be depended most university classes, but how it is an to tide one over until the last to be used is a source of discussion >age of the bluebook, but a test one and dissension. Such institutiohs as nonth later, records a vast difference Harvard, Chicago, Olivet and Antioch n residual facts, he finds, petween have followed the Oxford lead and ;hose who crammed the material and established comprehensives. Other hose who learned by continued ap- educational leaders eschew compre- plhcation throughout the course. hensives and prefer a greater number of examinations with less emphasis A few years ago, one member of on each. he psychology department, recog- aizing the ills of cramming, refused to announce his quizzes in advance, Rt. Rev. Mooney Gives hoping to force his students into pre- Afress T Catholic Club paring their work from day to day.Aa He found, however, that periodic (Continued from Page 1) tests revealed miserable preparation __----- - and discouraged both instructor and Archbishop were: Mr. and Mrs. John: student, while the final examination, P. O'Hara; J. M. O'Dey, John F. announced in advance, boosted every Wagner, George Theadle and Mrs. -rade. "Cramming," he says, "is a William Ulrich all of Detroit. Guests irmly intrenched tradition among of honor from Ann Arbor were Prof. students. They think they must dig Edgar Durfee of the Law School and for the final no matter how much Mrs. Durfee; Prof. Aloysius Gaiss, of I work they've done throughout the the German department, and Mrs. semester." Today he attempts to Gaiss; Prof. William A. McLaughlin, )reak the tradition by announcing his of the romance languages depart- quizzes, but giving them frequently ment and Mrs. McLaughlin; Mr. and and decreasing the importance of Mrs. Frank DeVine, George J. Burke. the final. His tactics are popular in attorney for the University, and Mrs. other classrooms whose professors see Burke; and Arthur Stace, editor of) the roots of cramming in the all-im- the Ann Arbor News and Mrs. Stace. i- SPECIA L SERVICE The - head of a large manufacturing concern banks here ...so does the smiling newsboy on the corner. There are services that both know about and both use to their advantage. This is your bank and you should take advantage of these services, too. Savings and checking accounts, safe deposit boxes, loans ... all are services designed to give a maximum of convenience and safety to you. Ann Arbor Savings & Commercial Bank Southeast Corner NICKEL'S ARCADEI of Main and Huron at State Street IM~pt~tL IT'S NOT TOO LATE"... for your EASTER "The Perfect Gif t" PORTRAIT when taken with Filtered Light- Exclusively by - a 50 Dial 5031 Photographer State Street 332 South Dl 4 I Hear T. Z. Koo