PAGE FOUR TH MICHIG. ~AN DL A aa I.Y TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1938 THa E M .ra V2T.1 V G3 t L L3'1]V ... TUESDNwAY. Mf~AIVaLlHV29.1VS/V V THE MICHIGAN DAILY What Of Technological Unemployment? Long Term Planning Provides Answer --C 1[ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the uefrrepublication of all dews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - $A" PIIANCISCQ Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............. TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........WILLIAM C. SPAIJLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR............ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR .................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER .............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ALBERT MAYIO It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are educational institu- tions in the best meanintg of the term. - Alexander G. Ruthven The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 4 A Pause Durng Breakfast. WHILE YOU'RE gulping down that cup own tail around is predominating the terrible war is, flit a second in your thoughts to battle-torn China. Think of one-third of China's universities blown to bits, think of hun- dreds of Chinese students of your own age who are not gulping down coffee, to whom Japanese bombs are closing the way to education. If this doesn't mean anything to you separated by two oceans from war, try to think about the Chinese government not accepting the courag- eous offers of Chinese students at home and all over the world for active service. Why? Be- cause it is thinking ahead to the time when reconstruction work will have to be done, be- cause it is counting on its young men and women to get their training now to lead in this rehabili- tation of the future. If you feel sympathetic, the opportunity pre- sents itself to translate this sympathy into a worthy action. Hear Dr. T. Z. Koo tonight in Hill Auditorium. Pay a quarter to help maintain a Chinese stu- dent in a university in the interior of China. Finish gulping down your coffee.' Albert Mayio. By RICHARD HARMEL Technological unemployment has appeared in the steel industry. Efficient hot-strip mills have thrown 85,000 workers on the streets. The dis- charge of those so-called "85,000 victims of progress" has revived the technocracy contro- versy. What is going to be their fate? Before discussing the lot of those technologi- cally unemployed, it is necessary to analyze the industry which has disowned them. The steel industry is semi-monopolistic. Prices for the current year have been determined by the producers with United States and Republic Steel dominating the conferences. The charge for one ton of tin plate is still $117.70 despite the fact that almost a million dollars have been saved in unpaid wages since the introduction of the hot-strip mill. Together with price control, the steel producers control the supply. The order has been given, today, to run at 30 per cent capacity. Every producer has fallen 'into line with the two great companies. Thus, it may be concluded that competitionA-in the true sense of the word-has been eliminated among the steel producers. The buyer of steel is the construction industry. There is an elastic demand for steel, but there are limiting factors. The construction industry is dependent on the whims and quirks of public confidence. Public confidence is inextricably connected with business cycles. Thus, the steel industry is semi-monopolistic, devoid of competition, and dependent on a fairly elastic demand. There is a crisis for the worker in the steel in- dustry. Technological unemployment has swept 85,000 jobs away. Improved and far more effi- cient machinery hum at a fraction of their ca-, pacity. Men hum and twiddle their thumbs. 'Don't Worry,' Economists Say The economist states that there is no cause for worry. The worker does not know where his next dollar is coming from. Economically speaking, there is technological unemployment, but it is not permanent. Increased profits and steady dividends will be reinvested into other production means. Both the employer and stock holder will not use that income for the necessities of life. Thus their purchases in other industries will set up an increased demand. Those indus- tries will need to expand. Their expansion will result in the reabsorption of the 85.000. The worker is faced with a problem now. He may be able to find another job if he is perse- vering in his attempts. However, there is a period of temporary unemployment in which he has no income. In what way will he be able to support his family, even himself? The alarming fact that the average family had an income below the sub- sistence level in 1937 gives him food for thought. Helplessly, he dreams of the diversion of those profits and dividends to his pocket. Under such conditions his consuming ability would increase. Such idle and fantastic dreams are useless in the present situation, in which production means are forever being increased, and in which there is no corresponding rise in consumption means. The immediate question is what of those 85,- 000 technologically unemployed? What is going to happen to them? Their outlook is black. It is certain that the steel industry will not take them back. Hot-strip mills are far more economical and far more useful. Trust in the prophecy of the economist will disclose a rosy horizon. However, that reabsorption into other industries will not be immediate. The reinvest- ment necessary for the expansion of other in- dustries will take time. OPPortuuity Is Goie Steel no longer offers employment. The boom- ing steel towns will have to decrease in popula-1 tion. Opportunity no longer is in steel. Those 85,000 will be forced to move from their homes; be forced to change their type of work. Ninety nine per cent of them will be unwilling to depart from their homes. They will still have faith in the ability of the industry to use them. They will be bound by ties of old friendships. They will dislike leaving their own homes. They will feel that their impoverished state would not justify the expense of moving. As Adam Smith stated in his "Wealth of Nations," "Of all kinds of baggage, man is the most difficult to move." There have been attempts to discover the results of technological unemployment. Isador Lubin, famed economist, and his asspciates, con- ducted a survey of 754 men who had been dis- placed by machines. Of these, 344 had never found steady work, and were unemployed at the time of the investigation. Of these, 261 had worked for only two months. 65 had worked more than nine months. However, 410 found steady work, and were working at the time of the survey. Of these, 49 found work in less than a month; 259 in two months; 51 in three months; 18 in four months; and four in eight months. In regard to salaries, 48 per cent, or 196, received less pay than before; 27 per cent received as much pay; and 19 per cent drew more pay. Other surveys of the same nature resulted in similar findings. Some Have No Chance It can be assumed that approximately the same figures will hold true for those "85,000 victims of progress." Therefore, 2/5, or 34,000 workers, will not gain steady employment inside of a year. Perhaps their employment will 4l seasonal in nature, and it is impossible to predict how they will earn their living. Of one thing, we may be sure: the relief burden of the state and federal government will not be greatly tightened. Thus, it is relatively easy to perceive that those unemployed steel workers are facing dark days. term planning as offered by Paul H. Doglas of the University of Chicago. Yet, they afford the only answers. The favorite solution of the economists is the creation of competent forecasting organizations. Such bodies would be able to foresee the trends, and determine the probable industry in which technological unemployment would strike. They would even be able to determine the degree to which it might be expected. Most iaealistic of the solutions is the attempt to have the industries and employers plan and schedule their technological changes. With care- ful planning, technological improvements would not cause such an abrupt upheaval in the ranks of labor. Every man, cognizant of his impending discharge, would have more time to seek a posi- tion elsewhere. Most political of the contemplated reforms would be the creation of public employment of- fices. If done by the government, the party in power would reap thousands of votes. The people would appreciate such an honest attempt to aid them. Such offices would be the great clearing houses of our day. They would be able to cen- tralize the demand for, and the supply of labor. Vocational Training Also Most practical of the solutions is the systematic development of vocational training. It is not widespread today. Under national or state con- trol, it could be made available to all. It should not prepare a juvenile' for one vocation alone, but for alternate ones. It should seek out adults, displaced by machines, and train them anew for other industries. Perhaps it is not too late to in- stitute a system of vocation training in order to aid the 85,000. At any rate, vocational training should cover the country efficiently. Most controversial of all the solutions is un- employment insurance. The average worker is unable to meet the premiums exacted by the insurance companies. This is the greatest ar- gument against it. If adopted and made reason- ably inexpensive, it would help to tide the worker over between jobs. Most generous of the companies in dealing with technological unemployment was Hart, Schaff- ner and Marx. They utilized the dismissal wage, and paid men forced out of the industry by the three-ply cutter, a total of $500. However, a dismissal wage is not a solution. It is a gesture, and, as some have derisively said, "An attempt to salve their conscience." However, there is little humanity in business. A dismissal wage is the recognition of a company that the technological- ly unemployed worker will not step from one job right into another. Technological unemployment is present in the steel industry, and others too. For those technologically unemployed today, there is little hope for the immediate future. Statistics reveal gloomy prospects. However, technological unem- ployment can be combatted by long term plan- ning. Various solutions for the problem have been suggested. Among these, the best are a systematic vocational training program, public employment offices, forecasting organizations, and unemployment insurance. The success of the battle against technological unemployment rests on the action of the nation in regard to accepting and instituting these solutions. The Dance Martha Graham By KIMON FRIAR When Martha Graham suddenly appeared for her first number, lifted her body and her arms, and turned the tragic mask of her face to the audience, all space on stage and in the theatre immediately became vibrant to meet the body of her action. Her entrance announced imperiously and with surety a great personality and a great dancer. It summed up the clarity of her in- ! tensity, never lost in the intricate maneuvers of her dancing. This passionate conviction gave sincerity and meaning to any movement she made, even though the surface meaning might seem unapparent. Her face was often tense with some expectation, and her lips half parted to receive some unrevealed meaning, or to move slightly toward some indication of joy orsorrow. When her body was most violent in expression, she allowed her face only the slightest shift in emphasis, and this concentrated facial restraint made it imperative that she speak her meaning with the entire force of her body. In her first number, Imperial Gesture, she showed the tragic reach for aristocracy of spirit broken and vulgarized to imperialism. With small, cracked bows, with occasional rises to a caped and nlitaristic command, she dissected the pathos of such vulgarization. Her group then followed in Celebration, an alert dynamics of enjoyment, the second part of which was a study in archaic and primitive posture. In this dance, and in subsequent ones, this group showed, itself to be the best of its kind in America' and worthy of its instructress. In Frontier Miss Graham depicted, in a complexity of naivete and sophistication, the pioneer women, tender, suddenly bold, awed by her horizons as she reaches to gather them in. Deep Song is surely her greatest dance. The suffering of Spanish and all women was given in unrelieved tension, in awkward almost gro- tesque postures of grief, highly stylized yet un- bearably real. It was a crucifixion of suffering made noble by a perfect artistry, although at times the brutal grief almost broke the mold. Dances After Catastrophe, in two parts, Steps in the Street and Tragic Holiday, showed the devas- tation, homelessness and exile of the unemployed, and their final coercion into the hypocrisy of a dictatorial holiday. The first part was tense with ominous shuffling in the silences of night, It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN The text is f m the Second Book of Kings, the fifth chapter and the tenth verse. It reads, "Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shall be clean." The words are those of the prophet un Elisha, and they were sent to iaa- sa man, captain of the host of the King fil of Syria. The Bible says, "He was St also a mighty man in valor, but he in was a leper."r the Naaman's wife had a little serving tak maid who had been brought away ta captive out of the land of Israel. In those days Israel was sore oppressed and feeble in the face of the great power and military force of Syria. con Still it was the little captive maid ce who said, "Would God my Lord werem mu with the prophet that is in Samaria, m fic for he would recover him of his lep- 30. rosy." And Naaman, the mighty, "came with his horses and his chariot G and stood at the door of the house of den Elisha." qui the Disunion In Vienna sho uat And this Bible story came vividly che into my mind when I read that Hitler pro had come to Vienna with his storm app troopers and made a speech in the pli public square. Like the other cap- tam of the host he would have been wiser if he had stood humbly at the S door of the prophet. He should have tur sought out Sigmund Freud, the heal- ing er. M0 Ldents, or in the case of sororities the Office of Dean of Women, 01 e Monday before. the event is to ke place; permission for the event nnot be granted. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of in- mpletes will be Saturday, April 9 titions for extension of this time ist beon file in the Secretary's Of- e on or before Wednesday, March A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Graduate School: All graduate stu- nts who expect to complete the re- rements for a master's degree al close of the present semester ould call at the office of the Grad- te School, 1006 Angell Hall, to eck their records and to secure the per blank to be used in making plication for the diploma. This ap- cation should be filed this week. C. S. Yoakum, Dean. tudents of the College of Litera- e, Science and the Arts: A meet- will be held on Wednesday, March a4:5pm. in 255 W. Engineer- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive:notice to all members of toe University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1938 the general public is invited without VOL. XLVIII. No. 129 admission charge. For obvious rea- Social Chairmen are reminded that sons small children will not be ad- less party requests with all neces- mitted; and the public is requested ry accompanying documents are 1to be seated on time. .ed with the Office of the Dean of -, t. er ,u '*.LD p.m. in zooY.r Freud is now an old man of more ing Bldg. for students in th than 80, and I think he will be num- of Literature, Science, and bered among the great of Israel and and others interested in ful of the world. Today he is a captive in engineering. There willx of the Nazis, and the soldiers of this formal discussion of thep new Syria have invaded his home to with Dean H. C. Anderson of scatter and ransack his papers. lege of Engineering as chain The healer lies within the mailed fist of the conqueror. It is as if death Biological Station: Applic were condemning life. And yet Sig- admission for the coming mund Freud has within his hands the session should be in my offi power to perform again the miracle April 15 when all application which came to Naaman. reviewed. An announcement "Then went lie down; and dipped ing courses offered can be ob himself seven times in Jordan, ac- the Office of the Summer S cording to the saying of the man of from the Director. App God: and his flesh came again like should be made on forms w unto the flesh of a little child, and be secured at Room 11191 he was clean." from 4 to 6 p.m. daily, or In the beginning Naaman, captain 3089 Nat. Sci. from 8 to of the host, was loathe to accept the j George R. LaRue, Director. advice of Elisha. It seemed an over- simple thing to the Syrian comman- Students of the College o der, and he cried out, "Are not Abana. ture, Science, and the Arts: and Parpai, rivers of Damascus, bet- ing will be held on Thursda ter than all the waters of Israel?" In- 31, at 4:15 p.m. in the U deed, "He turned and went away in High School Auditorium for rage." But finally he did come to of the College of Literature Jordan River and was made clean. and the Arts and others inte * <*l*futurework in the profe. he College the Arts ture work be an in- profession d the Col- rman. cation for summer ice before ns will be t describ- btained at session or plications vhich can Nat. Sci. at Room 4 daily. f Litera- A meet- y, March University students Science, erested in ession of The Waters Of The Jordan Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Examples of engraving, typography, printing in black-and-white and color, details in the manufactvring of a book, and details in the design and make-up of a magazine. Shown ~through the courtesy of The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com- pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases, Architectural Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through April 7. The public is cordially invited. Lectures teaching. The meeting will be addressed by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School DeWLA V.1 .dA . Wnnf .h ULIV'l Fascism is a grotesque philosophy of Education. The next talk in this It is the mechanism of a mentality vocational series will be given by Miss which has become maladjusted. Any- Marian Durell of the School of Nurs- one who has lost his own soul feels ing on Tuesday, April 5. that he must gain the whole world. Little men hag-ridden by their n- Naval Flight Training: Dr. Jack- hibitions strike out with cruelty and son, Medical Officer of Grosse Ile, with violence to soothe the ache will be at the University Health Ser- which lies within them. It is neither i vice on March 28th and 29th to give far-fetched nor facetious to theorize physical examinations to students that perhaps a paperhanger is the , interested in aviation cadet flight very one who would be bidden by his training. unconscious to paste the swastika across the map of Europe. Sorority Presidents. The names and Surely Hitler's anti-Semitism rises eligibility slips of the new athletic from some inward uneasiness. A managers,.should be turned into Of- series of symptoms have been trans- fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium by Fri- lated into a career. Der Fuehrer is! day, April 1. literally the sick man of tha RPi h r University Lecture: Dr. Knut Lund- mark, Director of the Observatory of the University, Lund, Sweden, will give an illustrated lecture with lan- tern slides on "Distance Indicators r andethe Scale of the External Uni- verse" on Thursday, March 31, at 8 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Astronomy. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Gunnar As- plund, Professor of Architecture at the Stockholm Institute of Technol- ogy, will give an illustrated lecture, with slides, on "Swedish Architecture Since 1920; Its Problems and Trends" on Friday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium under the auspices of the College of Archi- tecture. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Professor Va- clav Hlavaty of the Karl University, Prague, will lecture on Friday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall on the subject, "New algorithms in differential geometry of projective curved spaces. Chemistry Lecture, Dr. E. Rabino- witch, of University College, London, formerly of Gottingen, will present a lecture on "Kinetics of SQme Photo- chemical Reactions and the Photo- chemistry of Chlorophyll," under the auspices of the U. of M. Section of the American Chemical Society, on Friday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 303 Chemistry Building. University Lecture: Dr. Oskar Mor- genstern, Professor of Economics, at the University of Vienna, will lecture on "Social Science in Europe" on Monday, April 4, in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the auspices of the Department of Ec- onomics. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Dr. Robert Freiherr von Heine-Geldern, of the University of Vienna, will give an il- lustrated lecture on "The Pre-Budd- histic Art of China and Indo-China and its Influence in the Pacific," on Tuesday, April 5, in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the auspices of the Division of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. Events Today University Broadcast, 3-3:30 p.m. Lecture Series. The Romance Club will meet today at 4:10 in Room R.L. The program will be the following. Prof. Anthony Jobin: Romain Rol- land, Individualiste et Voyant. Prof. Charles Knudson: Recent publications on the French language. Chinese Students Club: A tea will be given in honor of Dr. T. Z. Koo today at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall. All members are requested to be present. The Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Seminar will meet today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. En- gineering Bldg. Mr. Donald F. Bouch- er will be the speaker on the subject "The Absorption of Paint Driers by Pigments." Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Delta chapter will meet today at 7:30 p.m., in Room 301 of the Eng. Bldg. Annex to hear Lt.- Col. Edwards. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. Women's Fencing Club: Regular fencing meeting at 4:15 today in Barbour Gymnasium followed by im- portant business meeting at 5:00 at selected. All members strongly attend. Student Senate: The regular Tues- day meeting of the Senate will be held this week in the League, be- ginning at 7:30 p.m. The room for the meetina will *Love Thy Neighbor THE OLD CASE of the dog chasing his own tail around is predominating in present day naval policies more and more, but with much deadlier consequences. And just as in the case of Hawthorne's Ethan Brand who sought the Unpardonable Sin in the breasts of others only to locate it finally in himself, Washington, London and Tokyo are pointing the finger of accusation at each other as they prepare to take themselves for a ride on the escalator clause. Notes are now being drafted in Washington and London in which the United States and Great Britain will formally accuse Japan of exceeding the 1936 naval treaty limits. It seems that Japan has committed the sin of increasing her navy without telling the world about it; it is bad enough to increase your navy publicly, they say, but it is not '.cricket" to do it privately. London and Washington evidently sent out little - pink cards every time a new ship is christened. Spokesmen for the two "wronged" countries are still waiting, however, before they give the signal for the first ride on the endless escalator. They are still holding off, they announce in injured tones, on the possibility that Japan might yet disclose her building program and show that she is abiding by the treaty limits. The righteous voices resound in spite of the fact that Congress has just acted favorably on a new billion-dollar building program while Parliament is toying with similar plans. Japan still remains silent. However, Foreign Minister Koki Hirota did make a public- state- ment. When asked by someone about the ttt'Cl ~ ~ al lull 1u iue neicn . And, as the case history stands, he can never find peace through any4 sort of conquest. Alexander wept. t Hitler should know that the goal1 which he is seeking lies buried some- where in the secret springs of his ownt mind. Not all his guns or troops or1 tanks will ever suffice to lead him to, integration. The Bible says that Naaman was valorous and mighty, but he found hlis personal salvation only when he stood humbly at the door of Elisha. And Hitler, too, must seek the voicel of the prophet and wash away his: hate and fears and prejudices in the life-giving waters of the Jordan. Senate Notes By POLITICUS The Senate meeting tonight will be held in the League, its third home.; Having already visited the Union ind Haven Hall, perhaps the Senators will settle on a permanent roosting-place. At least, its on the docket. The official agenda contains three motions for discussion this evening. The first is under Irving Silverman's name and asks that proxy votes be, limited to definitely specified issues. The proxy question has troubled the Senate since its first meeting, and proxies were permitted in the Rules only by a narrow 16 to 14 vote. It, remains to be seen whether the nec- essary two-thirds amending vote can be secured for the proposed change. President Tuure Tenander, leader of the liberal majority, has put down two motions in his name. The first' calls for approval of the Child Labor amendment; the second, for opposi- tion to the Vinson Naval Expansion bill. These measures represent an ef- First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. A cademic Notices E.E. 7a, Building Illumination will have its instruction in making sur- veys of lighting according to the fol- lowing schedule. All tests to be in Room 445 West Engineering Build- ing, at head of north stairway. All sessions begin at 2 p.m. and may ex- tend to 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 29: Airey, Batch- elder, Diddams, Frank, Gewalt, Lee, Miller, Seger. Wednesday, March 30: Brelsford, 1 Harroun, Hart, Hammond, Kirkpat- rick, Krumm, Goff Smith, Souter, Wiberg. Friday, April 1: Bronson, Dery, Harris, Kressbach, MacKenzie, Men- delson, Steere, Wendell. Saturday, April 2: Anderson, Blon, Carnegie, Clark, Coogan, Dulebohn, Eash, Gordon, MacLeod, Morhous,. L. C. Smith. Members of the class who have not yet expressed preference for dates will please report with the smaller I sections of the class, if possible not on Saturday, April 2. H. H. Higbee Chemistry 132 will not meet on either Tuesday or Thursday of this week. Concerts University Symphony Orchestra Concert: The University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, conductor, with Joseph Brinkman, pianist, asf soloist, will give a concert under the