The Weather
Showers and somewhat cooler
today; tomorrow rain and much
A6PF Alp
lit r t a n
juatt 9
A Pause During Bre kfast..
Love Thy Neighbor.
I i
8th Parley
Will Meet
On April130
Executive Group Will Ask
That 'biscussion Center
Around Student Affairs
Suhj ects Restricted
For Intensive Work
Spring Parley will convene the
week-end of April 30 for its eighth
annual session of debate and panel
discussion, it was decided at a meet-
ing of the Parley's executive commit-
tee Sunday.
Discussion this year will center
around the grievances of the student
against all phases of University life,
if the recommendations of the ex-
ecutive committee are acceted at a
meeting of representatives of all
campus organizations next Sunday.
The committee will suggest that,
in the interest ofconcrete discus-
sion, the Parley narrow discussion to
the purposes and methods of the edu-
cational system, expression of student
opinion, security for the student,
housing, extracurricular activities and
cultural life and social restrictions on
the campus.
Abandon Old Plans
In former years, simultaneous
meetings of from five to seven sections
at the Saturday sessions covered a
wide variety of subjects usually in-
cluding university education, politics,
economics, international affairs, art,
the family and religion.
It was felt by the executive com-
mittee that the broad field covered by
the Parley in the past made impos-
sible intensive investigation into any
single problem, according to Barbara
Bradfield, '38, chairman of the com-
mittee. For this reason, she said, the
decision was made to limit the dis-
cussion to University life.
Student Member
The student members.of the execu-
tive committee are: Miss Bradfield,
Charles Dolph, '39, Ralph Erlewine,
'39, Douglas Farmer, '38, James Ham-
mond,, '40, S. R, Kleiman, '39, Ruth
Kraft, '38, Edward Magdol, '39,
Joseph Mattes, '38. Leonard Rosen-
man, '39, Albert Mayio, '39, Robert
Weeks, '33, Bernard Weissman, '39L,
Alberta Wood, '38, Doris Daitz, '38,
Miriam Newman, '39, Jerry Wiesner,
Grad., Elmer Frankel, '38 and Bronis
Onuf, '39.
The faculty members are: Prof.
Robert Angell of the sociology de-
partment, Dean Wilber R. Humph-
reys of the literary college, Prof.
Charles Remer of the economics de-
partment, Prof. Warren Rice of the
English department, Prof. John
Shepard of the psychology depart-
ment, Prof. Jean-Paul Slusser of the
architecture school and Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson of the history depart-
Sophs Sugest
Class Election
In answer to a rising tide of oppo-
sition to the present system of class
government, the sophomore class
executive council yesterday suggested
a number of feasible reforms.
They are to be referred to the class
committee on student government for
further study.
It is widely known that politica
parties, controlled by Washtenaw and
Chinese Educator
*: *A **
Chinese Leader
Gives Lecture
At 7:45 Tonight
Dr. T. Z. Koo Will Speak
On Far East War In
Drive To Aid Students
Japan's destruction of Chinese
universities and colleges has been mo-
tivated by her appreciation of the fact+
that these institutions are the nurser-+
ies of New China, Dr. T. Z. Koo,
Chinese educator and religious lead-
er, said in an interview last night. +
Dr. Koo will speak at 7:45 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium on "The Real,
Situation in China Today." ProceedsI
from the sale of tickets to the lecture
Dr. Koo is leaving Vancouver
April 2 for China. Since he is
staying in Ann Arbor today, he E
must fly to Fargo, N.D., where
he will overtake his train to-
Rebels Move
Toward Sea;
Take Lerida
Mediterranean Offensive
Takes Strittegic City;
Barcelona Endangered
Loyalist Sources
Deny Surrender
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier)-March 28.-(,P)-On-
rushing Spanish Insurgents tonight
reported Government forces surren-
dered the key city of Lerida, eliminat-
ing a major barrier to the Insurgent
sweep through Catalonia toward Bar-
celona and the Mediterranean.
Although Insurgent advices said
the Government fighters gave up the
ancient and thriving town before In-
surgent General Juan Yague's troops
reached there, Government sources
said they had received no confirma-
tion of the surrender.
The Insurgents said their troops
swept into Lerida from Fraga, just
west of the Catalonian border after
clearing Government forces from the
Imain highway between the two towns.
Lerida, long considered a center of
Government military operations, is
only 80 miles from Barcelona, seaport
seat of the Spanish government.
Insurgent military dispatches said
Generalissimo Francisco Franco'sI
columns on all other sections of the
eastern front kept pace with the swift
advance of Yague's troops, despite
reports of a steadily growing Govern-
ment army.
To the north, in Huesca province,
troops moving southeast on the Hu-'
esca-Fraga highway reported the cap-
ture of a score of villages and towns.
A force under General Jose Mos-
cardo stormed into Barbastro, where
Student Drops
Dead In Union
Shower Room
Cause Of Sudden Death
Of Henry Stringfellow,
'40E, Is Undetermined
Henry A. Stringfellow, 19, '40E,
from St. Joseph, Mo., dropped dead
at 9:30 p.m. yesterday in the Union
shower room. The cause of his death
was undetermined.
Stringfellow had just come out of
the Union pool and was standing in
a hot shower when he was stricken.
His body quivered, and turned blue.
He fell forward onto the concrete
The only eye-witness was Henry
Zoerman, chef at the Phi Alpha
Kappa fraternity house. He was
standing in the shower directly across
from Stringfellow and noted that the
boy was breathing hard.I
Standing Near Wall
Student Dies
Colonel House Dies,
Confidant Of Wilson
NEW YORK, March 28.- (')
Colonel Edward* Mandell House, a
gray, silent little Texan who was I
once one of the world's most myster-
iously powerful figures as the closest
confidant of Woodrow Wilson, died
Shy all his life-in possession
though he was of almost as many
state secrets of the World War pe-
riod as almost any president, minis-
ter or king-House said many times
that he wanted "no fuss and feath-
ers" when he died. His wish was
followed. There willbe no services
here. His body will be taken to
Houston, Col., his birthplace.
Fire Destroys
Dr. Whitehall's
Home Sunday
English Instructor Loses
Research Documents And1
Personal Library
Fire completely destroyed the home
of Dr. Harold Whitehall of the Eng-
lish department early Sunday morn-
ing, doing damage estimated at $7-
Forced to flee outside after Mrs-
Whitehall had been awakened by i
smoke at 5 a.m., the faculty couple
managed to save only a few personal
possessions. Neighbors fought the
fire afterthe local fire department
was unable to prove of aid. The
Whitehall home is a mile beyond
the nearest city hydrant.
Besides damage to the house esti-
mated at $5,000, Dr. Whitehall, who
is assistant editor of the Middle Eng-
lish dictionary, lost personal belong-
ings valued at $2,500. Research ma-
terial and 800 books were destroyed.
In the second major fire of the
week-end, 75 volunteer fire-fighters
battled a grass fire near the Michi-
gan Central railroad bridge. Before
it was extinguished, the conflagration
swept over 20 blocks, almost reaching
outlying homes.
Booths Planned'
For Michigras
jBy Committee
Funds Raised To Be Used
For Swimming Pool And
Band's New Haven Trip
More than 35 fraternities, 15 soror-
ities and several independent groups
will send representatives to the Mich-
igras booth committee meeting at 5
p.m. today in Room 304 in the Union,
according to Richard Fox, '39, chair-
man of the group. A meeting for the
I general committee also is scheduled
Benson Favors
Bill For Federal
The effort to link the federal re-or-
ganization bill with the undermining
of civil liberties is ridiculous, Prof.
George C. S. Benson of the Bureau
of Government, said yesterday in an
The abolition of the office of Comp-
troller-General as provided in the bill
is in line with the best thought of
students of public administration forf
ten years, Professor Benson said.
"The setting-up of the office of the
Comptroller-General as an indepen-
dent officer with power-to pass on all1
administrative expenditures was an
infringement on executive responsi-
bility in the first place," he said, "ans
infringement which no fair interpre-
tation of the theory of separation of
powers could justify."
Discounts Security Idea
The objections to the .Civil Service
change from a three man board to
a single member director are not so
obviously artificial, he continued, for
many persons cling to the idea of
security in boards and commissions
even though the record of experience
does not justify such a theory.
A careful appraisal of the Federal
Civil Service Commission in compar-
ison with other effective personnel
agencies in the country shows clearly
that it has been lacking in many
respects, Professor Benson said:
(1.) The examination division has
produced some examinations, of
which a dozen of the better person-
nel agencies in the country would
have disapproved.
Classifications Poor
(2.) The classification of positions
in the Federal Service has been be-
hind the better administered states
and municipalities. The class speci-
fications, Professor Benson said, have
been only window-dressing in most
cases, as the allocation of specific
positions to classes has been rather
blindly carried out without regard to
formal class specifications.
(3.) The commissioners, being
full-time members, have tended to di-
vide the various functions among
themselves so that each commissioner
has become a specialist in a restricted
field, precluding careful considera-
tion of policy as a whole. This is the
same mistake which has been made in
the TVA, and in the commission
form of municipal government, Pro-
fessor Benson pointed out.
son pointed out.
"My chief objection to the present
(Continued on Page 6)
Reorganization Bill
Passed By Senators;
'Returned To House
Administration Chiefs Fail
In Attempt To Obtain
Passage Through House
Opposition Rallies
For Long Debate
WASHINGTON, March 28.-(PA)-
The bill clothing President Roosevelt
with power to revamp the executive
branch of the government passed the
Senate today, 49 to 42, but an attempt
to hurry it to the White IDouse by a
short cut failed.
While administration forces were
exchanging congratulations over the
bill's passage, Senator Clark, (Dem.,
Mo.), son of the famous one-time
speaker of the House of Representa-
tives, upset their further plans.
Senator Byrnes, Dem.. S.C.), floor
manager for the administration mea-
sure, tried to substitute the Senate
bill. for a previously-passed House bill
setting up a Federal Department of
Although the House bill embodied
only one part of the broad reorgani-
zation Bill approved by the Senate,
approval of Byrnes' motion would
have sent the entire reorganization
program to a House and Senate con-
ference committee for the adjust-
ment of differences. This would have
hastened final action. But opponents
contended it would have denied the
EIouse an opportunity for full consid-
eration and debate.
Clark blocked Byrnes' motion with
an objection, but Byrnes later re-
newed his proposal. Clark then won
a ruling from Senator Pittman,
(Dem., Nev.), who was presiding, that
the motion was debatable.
In hurried conferences, Clark and
other foes of the reorganization mea-
sure rallied their forces for prolonged
debate. Clark threatened to try to
attach the controversial anti-lynch-
ing bill to the reorganization mea-
Faced with indefinite delay, Byrnes
quickly withdrew his motion.
"The bill will go to the House Re-
organization Committee, and I find
that when it is reported by that com-
mittee it will have a privileged status
in the House," Byrnes said.
Rt. Rev. Mooney
Urges Religious
Courses Here
the Insurgents reported the capture "He was standing toward the wall,"
will form part of a $1,000 fund which of a huge store of arms and ammuni- Zoerman said, "but I noticed that het
is being raised on the campus for the tion. Barbastro is 38 miles north-| was acting rather peculiarly. Sud-
relief of students in China, west of Lerida. denly he began to shake and get blue
"College and university students To the south Insurgent dispatches and then he fell on his face. I pulledt
are more importan tsChina," said said Franco's army captured Rafales him out from under the shower and9
Dr. Koo "than to other nations. and advanced within five miles of layed him out straight. Ed Daverman,
From these institutions come more Valerrobres, a- town 110 miles south- 1 the bus boy came in and he helped s
than 90 per cent of China's leaders." west of Barcelona. me."
It is much more important to Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowske, chief1
Cia, Dr. Kobelievmsthat onresident physician at the University'
China, Dr. Koo su ieves, er ones desen shospital happened to be bowling in
gneration of studentsed inighting. the Union at the time and was im-
SThat is why groups of them cooper- Annual Concert mediately called to attend the victim.
ate, Dr. Koo explained, to continue as But he was too late. Artificial respir-
students in the interior. ation was tried for a short time, be-
Temporary educational institutions .;Varsity fore the four attending doctors an-
in the interior will be replaced by Play nounced the death.
permanent institutions, Dr. Koo de- Pop Feature Monday Six feet four inches in height and
dared, "as soon as stability is re- angularly proportioned. Stringfellow,
i stored to China." The Varsity Band will present its had been under observation at the
"The relief for which we ask," said annual spring concert at 8:30 p.m. University hospital and in New York,
(Continued on Page 6) next Monday in Hill Auditorium, it for a central nervous disorder. Doc-
was announced yesterday. tors last night reported, however, that
Rehearsals have been increased in he had been making rapid recovery.
uebaters race length and intensity during the past There was no connection, it was'
weeks, according to Prof. William D. thought, between his nervous trouble'
Revelli, director, and the Band looks and the cause of his death.
Jewell Collegeforward to a capacity -audience for 'tias Afice
the highlight performance of its eve- The victim was a member and of-
Powers Of Labor Board ning season. ficer of the Phi Sigma Kappa fra-
Professor Revelli has arranged a ternity at 1043 Baldwin, having been
Is Topic Of Contest special program with a wide variation initiated last spring. He obtained a
The r Debating Team will in tempo. "Rapsody in Rhumba," by B-C average last semester.
TeVarsity DveBenetwiltiniteBad trngeam'sil hathimmbr
debate against William JewellCollege Dave Bennett will find the Band of h fernitsi re em
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in ,the Main playing in rhumba rhythm. Other of his fraternity said, prevented his
ballroom of the Union. The topic numbers include: "Universal Judg- engaging in extracurricular activities.
will be "Resolved: That the National ment," by DeNardis; "Perpetual Mo- He swam two or three times a week,
Labor Relations Board Should Be tion," by Johann Strauss; "Corona- they said, at the Union pool, but that
ErbitraEion inrtion Scene" and "Pictures at an Ex- was the extent of his regular exer-
IEmpowered to Enforce Arbitration nnhibitionh"dy Moussorgtky
All Industrial Disputes." cise.Lon,asgousshtgshy. hd gnet
The Michigan team, comprised of An additional feature of the con- movies with a group of his fraternity
The ichian comrise ofcert will be the appearance of Cecil brothers and then stopped off for a
Oliver E. Crager, '40, and Jackhswim-
s Schuler, '39, will uphold the nega- Leeson as guest soloist. Mr. Leeson swi
s tive in the no-decision contest. is celebrated the country-over for his The victim is survived by his father,
Th1ila1eel emi tp new type of work on the saxophone. Henry H. Stringfellow, Sr. and a
The William Jewell teamh is stop- nwtp fwr ntesxpoe sister, Margaret, who attends Smith
ping in Ann Arbor on their way across College.
the continent to Vancouver on an 8,- SECURITY BOARD GETS GRANT A pot-mortem was announced for
r 000 mile journey. WASHINGTON, March 28.--(I)- today by Coroner Edward C. Ganz-
Earlier in the day at 4 p.m. Dayton The Social Security Board approved horn
l University will debate with Michi- grants totaling $12,343,348 today for
gan State College in Room 4203 An- public assistance including Michi-
ell Hall on the same topic. gan $1,925,102 for aged. thven Visits Spokane
Head Of
Detroit Diocese
Local Catholic
for 7:15 today at the Union.
The Michigras executive commit-
tee is sponsoring a contest among the S i ech F nals
chapter houses this year to determine ,
the best side-shows. Each representa- '
tive at the meeting today will be asked A tU ion oday
to tell the ideas for his booth. The
'best 27 will be accepted, Fox said. ,
Several side-shows have already been Sigma Rho Tau Holds Hall
provided for. Of Fame' Contest
Honor societies will not have booths
this year, Fox pointed out, but instead Charles Forbes, '40E, George W.,
This year, the Michigras, planned Weesner, '41E, and Vance W. Middles-
a s gecarnival with side-showsd worth, '41E, will speak at 7 p.m. to-
as a llhuge features of a county fair, day in the Union in the finals of the
s projected to raise funds for theor annual "Hall of Fame" contest spon-
Women's Athletic Association's pro- soed b y Sigma Rho Tau, honorary
posed swimming pool and the Univer- speech society in the Collegengof En-
;ity Band which hopes for a trip to .gineering.
Yale next year. Forbes will nominate Henry Bake-
state street ±raternities and sorori-
ties, dominate the present political
set-up, the council declared. Inde-
pendents usually support one of the xs
parties in exchange for offices. Future
appointetstonclass dance:comit Of Flesh, Fducat
tees are traditionally promised at the
time of election.
The most strongly supported plan By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY t
to remedy this situation provides for Ten tons of weight rolled off the
election of a class executive council Michigan student body after its semi-
by proportional representation. annual diet of final examinations last
Choices would not be limited to any February, but five times more A's
school. After being elected the coun- than E's went onto semester grade
cil would select a class manager whose reports.E
sole function would be to administer Was the weight lost to a goodr
absolutely essential class activities., cause? Were the A's and E' accurate
The. council would then coptinue only barometers of subject mastery? The
in an advisory capacity. Bureau of Educational Surveys in
A second plan suggests but one gov- New York City, answers "no" both'
erning body faor the entire student times. University faculty members
body, to be composed of representa- are not so certain.
tives from the Interfraternity Coun- The examination toll of flesh was
G2__-d . __. .. 3. - . - 4 - i o "a n f
e Their Tons
tion Report Finds!
class presentation, it charges, virtual-.
ly force the student into desperate,
last minute attempts at learning.'
"Too often," it adds, "the instructor
does not provide his class with a'
sufficientlyrclear overview of the
entire course, or does not review the
course in outline form from time tok
time, with the result that the studentI
becomes hopelessly involved in a,
mass of facts and ideas and resorts
to cramming as a final measure.
"Sometimes the instructor is to
blame for not couching lectures in
terms understandable to the average
student, and freauently the textbook
And Grand Coulee Dam
SPOKANE, Wash., March 28.-
(Special to the Daily)-President Al-
exander G. Ruthven arrived here at
7 a.m. today for a trip to the Grand
Coulee Dam on the Colvmbia River.
He will be accompanied by Henry
George, '07 of Spokane and James E.
O'Sullivan, '03, "the father of the
Grand Coulee Dam project."
President Ruthven will be the guest
of the University of Michigan Club
of Spokane at a banquet tomorrow
( night in the Davenport Hotel.
Ten Million Unemployed
Estimated For February
NEW YORK, March 28.-OP)-The
rnin TnaInstrial Confrenceno Rard
ea ue Backs
O'Connell Bill
Votes To Wire Senate;'
Savage Case Discussed
The American League for Peace and
IDemocracy last night in Lane Hall
voted to send a telegram to the Sen-
ate Foreign Affairs Committee, sup-
porting the O'Connell and other bills
that would name and withhold aid
from the aggressor in war and ex-
tend this country's economic assis-
tance to the victim nation. The bills
will be considered at a hearing of the
committee today.
The Rev. H. P. Marley of the Uni-
tarian Church discussed the civil
Land, invenmr oI xa eie, webi~
will speak of Dr. George Goethals,
builder of the Panama Canal, and
Middlesworth will back George West-
inghouse, inventor of air brakes.
More than 90 members of the cam-f
pus chapter entered the preliminary
contest held yesterday from which
the finalists were chosen. The con-
test is under the direction of Prof.
Robert D. Brackett of the engineering
English department.
'Dry Ice' Burns Young
Fire-Eater In Detroit
DETROIT, March 28.-(IP)-Seven
students of Preston Elementary
School were reported recovering to-
day from the effects of rolling pel-
lets of "dry ice" in their mouths
while imitating vauludeville "fire
I +4
Students' Newman Club
The University might well blaze a
trail among state educational institu-
tions by introducing instruction in
the different religious faiths as part
of the curriculum, the Rt. Rev. Ed-
ward Mooney, Archbishop of the Ro-
man Catholic Arch-Diocese of De-
troit, told the Newman Club of St.
Mary's Chapel Sunday.
The Archbishop referred to the
founding of the University in 1817,
by two religious men, the Rev. Fr.
Gabriel Richard, Catholic priest, and
the Rev. John Monteith, a Presby-
terian minister, as precedent for'such
a move.
Urging Catholics to become learned
in their religion on a University level,
he praised the local Newman Club
for its work as an instructional and
social group.
"The Church wants Catholics to be
educated Catholics and educated in
Catholicity," the Archbishop said,
"for there is nothing so tragic as the
conflict between a wordly education
of university caliber and religious
training on an eight-grade level."
Don Siegel, '39, president of the
Newman Club, officiated at the meet-
ing of the Club in honor of the Arch-
bishop who has just returned from
Alumni at the reception of the
(Continued on Page 8B)
Burke Chosen Member
Of Child Welfare Body
Chairman George J. Burke of the
Civil Service Commission and at-