if .TUE MICHIGANDAL SUSDAY, ARCH 271.188 ,. ;'. p I C T I ft r N p 'N r J Uamnera-shy Arturo :Tost anin , whose concert work abroad Will take him to lHolamnd, Palestine 4n England before his return i c tober, is seen arriviug in Padis withj, .nMe. 'Toscanini, 1 , -y y ; aI . B~lrthpI~aces figure in news with the announcement that Tenor John McCormack (above) may run for. president, of Ireland. He's Ireland- born hut; a naturalized Amnerian; Eamon de Valera. is New York- born. Selzuwe of American and Bitish aril Properties by Mexican WPrsi- dent Coxdenas tnakes Joseph Da- irels; (above), U.S. Amassa~ow 4r M~lexico, a key~ man in conferences held. by CardenaN to find settlezpeixt of oUl problcm~ fustor~r was, being= made when Vienna crowds, buckled police, lines tryin to -see Hitler, thee former--pager-hanger: who oan March..15 jowined Austria: tea.. ermaanMd .defied:the "worldto pull them 'asunder, :k: t 'Women's-wit amnuses-George,1B, Shaw;:-who lunched wittLady As- quitl ,(left) an dFiin,'Aaress Wexndy Hiler; at=Ā£ngtsan's' Pinewoo.,. studi~s., Sawis y 1giJou" is belng .fimed-- A -- 4T1 o "t" at training -camp- I n Hot Sprbig Ark.,/ Vs taken by Loin Wyuee nais >to welcome.uzrw dugter, ]Patricia.-Loba's "son Young man's fancy, if lhe's:a young as:-two-year-old Billy xoran of Menmphlls turns not~ to love but- perhaps to .gof,T liet catch '(nowt that Billy mijnds) is' that the ball, is a large rubber one, and the golf Oub alef4_-, ! de, r," whicBiily tries to swng from&a.right-lianded In springĀ° ha.rvest' of pajntingi shown ,on'Washingt ona square fence wa s this of Joseph Cattia, .of Bronxc, N.Y.j, atholicv Youth Org a n x., Withsalute-like- signal, P ent Roosevelt beckoned.:the engineer tostart f'rom Washington, D. -x the trip 'that. even tly, brings' him to WarmSprings, Ga., "his tother ome," where' he'll lave a -brief rest. Norman Davis,:U ..="amb ado-at-largm was at the train, to. say, fae well; . 'Multiply-by 74miliou thee <,w. terical viennese to estsLmatotmI "Otne Ieich." A Elm .5