SUNDAY," MALCI 27,1.9:38 THE MICHIGAN DAILY March 30 Set As ~Higl Tor' Opening Date WJR Will Preview Three Scenes Of Production, At 3 P.M. Tomorrow Martha Graham States Dance Depends Upon Real Life Contact Allen, Rumsey Subject Of New School Mural l Morgan To Make Tour Of 3rd Alumni District Robert O. Morgan, assistant gen- eral secretary of the Alumni Associa- tion, will leave tomorrow on an in- spection tour of the third alumni dis- trict, which includes the state of Ohio. He will attend the American Alumni Council convention in Columbus Troupe To Present Recital Tomorrow Evening In Pattengill Auditorium (Continued from Page 1) one, Miss Graham declared, "the dancer uses her body as an instru- ment." The basic message which her dances present is of the power and dignity of the individual, she said, pointing out that the fundamental (Continued Irom Page 11 University High School Painting By Roberts Now Being Completed 4^ alone, followed by the ensemble in nature of such a credo has great so- "High Tor," which will be presented "American Lyric." an expression of cial and political import in the pres- The arrival in Ann Arbor of John by Play Production, Wednesday the American constitutional right of ent world, in many parts of which the Allen and John Rumsey, founders of through Saturday in the Lydia Men- freedom of assembly, as representa- value of the individual is held very this town, and the men for whom tive of the American democratic sys- lightly. Allen-Runsey House was named, is delssohn Theatre, is Maxwell Ander-=i tem itself. "Our country is not per- - --- -the subject of the mural being paint- son's second winner of 'the Dramatic feet, of course," Miss Graham said in C f i ed in University High School by Critics' Circle Award. "Winterset" commenting on this number, "but V Ii&}l}Il Henry Clement Roberts. The mural won it in 1936. here at least we have rights guar- ~ will be completed this week. The play, three scenes from which (eed us which cannot be taken Alen Set out from Virginia to find wilb rsne t3pm oorwaway." k}II it t aspot for settlement in the West, will be presented at 3 p.m. tomorrow The next dance of the program. In Buffalo he met Mr. and Mrs. Rum- over station WJR on the University "Deep Song," depicts the tragedy of r Bey and after landing in Detroit, the of the Air program, was selected for ' traed of To Ullstrate Devices 1JS(c- ltwee bought a team of oxen and a the award only after 11 ballots hadTo invaded Spain in ers of the deepestSg box sled and set out into the woods. been taken for the required three- I emotions of the suifering Spaiish Llailng M Rumscy at Ypsilanti, quarters vote, people. The girls of the troupe, Miss A traveling exhibition of more than the men proceeded alone, discovering Award Established In 1935 Graham revealed, are supporting an 100 diawings, photographs, maps and a spot near what is now West Huron, The award was established in 1935 orphan boy in Madrid, victim of the charts depicting various aspects of Street at a place still called Allen's by the Drama Critics' Circle, which war. through the children's division city planning in 20 municipalities will Creek. They returned for Mrs. Rum- was organized at the same time. Two of the North American Committee to go on dipy for fou ay besey and the two mouths supplies. By i requirements for ballotting were laid Aid Spanish Democracy. The girls, Monday. in 404 South Wing and in Llazing the trees they found thei' down by the critics: first, the voting all of whom support .themselves, the Flaibition Room of the arc'hitec- way back here to the same spot. requirements were made hiah enough make regular weekly contributions. vrie ose Another part of Ihe - The scene in the mural is of Rum- to insure the award to the play which ile one of them, an American-born hIbit will e dislayed in the Union cey kneeling and dipping water from had the substantial support of the .Irl of . 'nsh extraction, corre- Wednesday afternoon andte evening. h creek through a hole he hadI circle. This caused the difficulty in sponds with the boy for the group. The exhibition, officially titled tle chopped in the ice. The men first' selecting "High Tor" over "Johnny "Dances After Catastrophe," from "National City Planning Exhibition of cleared for a garden spot the place Johnson" in 1935, The second re- the suite "Chronicle," will be given in the United States Junior Chamber where the courthouse now stands. quirement was that no critic was to two parts: / "Steps in the Street," of Commerce," is being collected and The mural is done with tempora vote for a play that seemed intoler- which conveys the suggestion of the managed by the City Planning Com- colors in a transparent style accom-, able to him. world of the unemployed, torn be- mittee of New York. George J. Lyons plished by fainting criss-cross strokes Anderson acepted the award, which tween desperate rebellion and apa- of the New York Telephone Company applying four or five colors over each was a silver plaque representing a thetic resignation, and "Tragic Holi- is chairman, other. Painted over viosol board to scene at the \old John Street Theatre, day," a bitter satire on the anomaly The collection has just been ex. which nine coats of whiting had been on the behalf of the "old firm of Me- of war celebrations and war memor- hibited in Oklahoma City and will applied, this achieves a kind of pen Clintic, Anderson, Meredith and ials be sent to Jacksonville Florida from and ink effect. Mielziner." The significance of this "Prelude to Action," also from the here. Azrial photos. pictures of Nor- The artist. Henry Clement Rob- fact was that these men had served suite "Chronicle." will be the la mhan Bel Geddes' model of the city of !rt, a native of Northern Michigan, in the r.espective capacities of pro- I numbet. In this dance the note of the future, landscape i!mgns and spent the winter nionths stalking ducer, author, leading actor, and hope predominates with Miss Gra- plans of twenty cities are included, through the University Woods where scene-designer for "Winterset." ham and the ensemble appearing to More than 7,000 people saw the ex- he studied the trees and animals of Model Playwright Described conclude the program with an opti- hibit in Chicago and large crowds vis- this region to study detail. m zistic flourish. WeAdrnev tsu i ce ited it in New York City. Each city Roberts studied five years in the When Anderson received the award The suggestion contained in the he hd yd has ad- Wicker School of Fine Arts in De- he listed the requirennts he deemed dance form is an essentially physical where it has, been displayed . '.d- I and then won a scholarship to necessary for a playwright. "A play- ed tothe collection, Prof. A. L. Shep-1 troitanthnwnasolripo' necessary for a playwright. A play- pad of the Landscape Design depart- study in, Europe where he remained wright must be insanely certain of himself and also quite sanely criticalilidden Cards Worth i merit of the Univer sityexplained. I two years Returning a few years, He The part of the exhibit that deals later, lie studied under Matisse. of all he does. He should be straight $7 Each Toward Radio chiefly with architecture will be on The sketch by Roberts was chosen Irish by descent, because the Iriso display in the architecture college. because of the appropriateness of the write the best English. He should also -h ' r fte b p Take a look under your saucer, in Landscape de'igns. city planning, subject. This woik is a part of the the Scotch write even better Es the furnace or in a professor's pock- and 'rade crossings will be displayed Federal Art Project program. than th wrih. entE in fractke two loos om in 401 South Wing, while the part of tau ofthe Irish e ueit; in fact, take two looks. You may the exhibit, that is of general inter- Relio' n Explained r "Buti of all 1,hes5c, qtualif cations, find one of Bob Cohen's business est will be shown at the Union. only one is central. The ithers are cards. This exhibit might prove to be the " IgA protective armor or protective color- Bob Colten, '39, student proprietor stimulus needed to make Ann Arbor I y p gIiciJUlE. ing; his priesthood,. his belief ini what of a radio shop located iI Slaters do some of this type of work, Prof. be is doing, hic belief in the theatre book store, is sponsoring a unique Shepard said. 9upernatural religion, grew out of an ~ a'd ittsdo'i nre the essentials to treasure hunt. He has hidden a lim- -------- -- --. man's inability to comprehend na- d number of his business cards in,. tural phenomena, Dr. Mischa Titiev i 1 Thursday through Saturday. Acacia, Alpha Kappa Lambda, Alpha Morgan will address University of Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Michigan Clubs Monday in Dayton, Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Tuesday in Cincinnati and Wednes- Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, day in Portmouth before attending Delta Upsilon, Kappa Nu, Lambda the AA.C. convention. Chi Alpha, Phi Beta Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi ,sWSigma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Delta Epsilon. A -e Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Auistrian Jews Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma Ch., Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Theta Chi, Theta " ~Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Tri- gon. Zeta Beta Tau and Zeta Psi. Sororities and dormitories are (Continued from Page Co)Cuzens Hall, Ielta Delta Delta, Martha Cook. Kappa Delta, Helen would consider the circumstances of Newberry, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Ome- "Schuschnigg's fake plebiscite plan," ga, Jordan Mall, Delta Gamma, Betsy and announced with a derisive fling Barbour, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha at the Hapsburgs that the monarch- Phi, Mosher Hall, Alpha Epsilon Phi, ist movement is forever dead. Alpha Chi Omega, Adelia Cheever, He said National Socialism has no Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Kappa desire to destroy the Church or reli- Gamma.Zeta Tau Alpha, Collegiate gion' but warned "there will be no orosis, Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha c mpromise if religion meddles in Theta, Phi cigmna Sigma and Ann politics." Arbor Girls. He disclosed a vast public works Any independent organizations program has been planned. having ideas for booths should see All of former Austria heard the Fox. speech, a part of the campaign for a - -- - "yes" vote in the April 10 plebiscite on union' of the two countries, from loud-speakers scattered through the SEA nation. Discussing the plebiscite that form- er Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg had scheduled just before Nazi threats forced him out of office, Goering was not specific whether Schuschnigg . miaht face trial. However, he prom- ised a court airing. He termed Schuschnigg's plebiscite plan a "plain swindle," and' con- tinued: "God did not let the Fuehrer come into the world for nothing. He had a high mission. . .. The Austrian Government bad suppressed the people with foreign bayonets." i The crowd greeted every reference t to Schuschnigg with -noisyderision. 13 It made its greatest demonstrations, however, when Goering assailed Jews and clericals who participate in poli- tics. ! "We have no desire to destroy re- ligion. In Germany we did not de- stroy the Church but the clericalPR party. And, once 6his is understood, perhaps clerical opposition will becSiz ready to make peace," Goering laid, 13 Only today, Dr. ,Jacob Weinbach,1 secretary to Theodore Cardinal In- Always Reas nitzer, ranking prelate in Austria, said all Catholic parishes in Austia GI would receive communications advis- GA Gii L1I~ II ing Catholics to vote "yes" for unmon 10 NICKEL with Germany in the April 10 plebis- cite. i in DE OF FLANDERS RINT ED LIN ENS es from Bridge to Dinner onably Priced . . . qEN SHOP BLS ARCADE University buildings and about the AR' i1 i (1*ttS () StJ I of' the anthropology departmnenit told i flihta tmpus. The cards will be.worth $7 A-I hai the Freshman Round Table group Palme r Br 4ac ' t owards the purchase.of a new $19.50 AU ti o il io t'o t-1 yesrc'day in L'an hall. Over SatioiN WJR Todayive tube Clockette radio if they:are=---- Reliion, according to the anthro-Y presented before April 5. Th' Society of Automotive En.. pologist's point of view, arises as a Prof. Palme:3iiir Ghistian of the _________ Prlof P usic, Unrity organ- ----- - - :ineers will go on an inspection trip I social phenomena. Dr. 'Titiev stat- i. th wl of adsit University organ- ARAIGN MAIJUAN'A SUSPE TS to the Gene1 alMotors Research Lab- ce. The relation of man to his physi- ist, will broadens t from the Hill Au- oratiwrie s, the Chrysjler RL~esearch Lab- cal environment, the relation of man ditorium organ over WJR from 9:00 BAY CITY, March 26.-') --Six of orataaries, the Chrslr I neeri Lb can and the relation of man to to 9:30 a.m, today. i the 10 persons seized in Michigan aoratories, the Chrysler Enginer ig to e supernatural were listed by At 12:30. the faculty of -the. School Friday night in raids which un- iLag Grounds o Wednesday, March Titiev as the three main aspects of of Education will conduct a round- covered a huge cache of marijuana Ine as heteep (able discussion on "Federal Aid to were arraigned today before U. S . 30.iE man's existence. N Educatioin" ialso over WJR. Commissioner Otto J. Manary. A bus will 1ecxm, the Enuginieringr In primitive society,k man lacked anl Edu___n"______rJ__Cms__er___J Manry. Arch at 8 an. and return to Ann explanation of natural phenomena Arbor at approximately 7 papm."Frans- which has been supplied by, modern portation charges ai'e expected to science, he said. Present day reli- aimount to $1.30. 1 gion has become a personal thing, he The All interested ini such an excursion continued, because science which has are requested to sign on one of the I claified these natural laws, has left bulletin board' in the West Engineer- a social need for belief in the super- Sg Building. __natural For Information -Cal MISS JONES at 2-3241 i i , ' i i _ ALONG TOWARDS SPRING all young people's fancies unmistak-1 ably turn to thoughts of the open road it's funny but we all have that yearnin' to travel our bit - though it's only a bit! So let's don our new Spring suits and push off! What's that? Yol haven't gotten your suit yet? Shame! But your gadder's here to help out a little where and when she can - - -' It's the 1ZABETH DILLON SHOP for the first stop in the its the illon Ahop for pastel, inan- tailored, and dressnvmker suits pin-stripes , . . checks . . . every- thing! Combine these with plain or frilly blouss . . stud-tailored or Gibson girl sy Add a pastel. tweed, or camels hair coat and you've really got a traveling out- fit. AND as for the accessories and that's no small part of any- one's outfit-your gadder suggests the SARAH ROGERS SHOP to complete this "on the way" cos- tume! A touch of contrasting color is needed now - just a dash - so give it to the purse! It's a knock- out style -created by Mary Tray Crume - and available in seventy- two shades "72) of felt-or if you'd rather, there's a variety in doeskin and allega tor, The wholetWing is topped off with stunning wooden initials---one, two, or three letters! And the beauty of it all is that only five days are needed for an order to be filled - now that's just about enough before you'll be packng and on the way! are here, check off stockings--you need go no farther--June has every spring shade in the finest grade hose---aren '1 you lucky, though, shopping is so easy! IN YOUR SUITCASE your gad- der suggests that you take a sup- ply of "Parfait" minute facial pads --they're really marvelous all you have to do is stop some place on the way lookingb:-w'gard and worn --and remove all your make- 111 wvifIi one oif fthesepad,, sp'.. ptons afresh co at you'll look~l ancd feel like a new persof- a, facial in one minite- 60 seconds! It's CALKINS - FLETCHER'S for these--and there is a smaller clon- tainer on top of every package to put in your purse. Tthen too "Pt fait" manicure pads are just as miraculous--one pad for a man- icure! Really they're wonderful! NOW TROT ON DOWN to the Arcade, gals. for the rest of that vacation shopping- -down to the KESSELS CAMPUS SHOP-it's here that you can get the sports side of your wardrobe--anything froni sweaters and skirts- -which come in very handy on cool though springy days--to flannel shirt- waist dresses and pastel wools. They all must take a definite part this spring-they are your ward- robe "musts!" Now you're all ready to set sail for the frolic! * * * BUTT WAIT! before you go-just before you start, stop in at tl DI MATTIA BEAUTY SHOP for Over Ea S te r Vacation-PL *0 AND PASS YOUR HOME EXAMINATIONS ON WHy AND HOW YOU SHOULD GO TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER One feature to engage your studious attention is the maryelous cooperation on Hapag and Lloyd ships to give you a good time. Officers, crews, chefs, stewards all unite in expressing Hospitality to you. It's the sort of tearnwork that brings cheers from Third, Tourist and Cabin Class alike! "END OF TERM" SAILINGS With College Orchestras on Board ELECTIVE COURSES l l LLOYD EXPRESSES wR mLn E UROsP in the Fine Art of European Travel RAIL TRAVEL JUNE 16 JULY 3 JUNE 22 . JULY 9 HIKING FLYING Fifth day morning arrivals at Cherbourg and Southampton BIKING BUS TRAVEL nexd morning at Bremen for the Berlin express BOATING MOTORING ? B d* Travelers in Germany may reduce the Cu £Uiii B Ucost of their sojourn up to 40% through "Studenit Specal" * JUNE 30 the use of registered Travel Marks. German Railroads offer 60% fare re- HAPAG "FAMOUS FOUR" EXPRESSES ductions, IIT rH LAIN D HAIlIBURG Thousands have found that taking their own car abroad is an excellent and JUNE 16 . JULY 14 t JUNE 23 f economical way to see Europe. Particu- larly attractive for groups. This year IEL YO K *HANSAc tax is only $1 for one month in Germany. Renewal for one more month JUNE 30 JULY 7 $1 additional. Calls Cat Ireland, in addition to England, France, Germany The above subjects and many questions as to planning, preparing and taking Fr a more leisurely course of ar lowest rates your trip to Europe are ALL covered in HAPAG ST. LOUIS -DERin IJOVD this 225-page book' YOUR TRIP TO JUNE 11 JUlY 9 JUNE 4 , JULY 2 EUROPE. it is a handy pocket-size volume illustrated by * CONSULT YOUR TRAVEL AGENT, or walaceMorgen. Send cOUPON for it and bone I 11