THIE lid JH I GA 1\rDAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1938 - -- ORLD OF BOO .1KS. UADJNT~hT7W T --rte --- - ___.._..__,.--- t i i I (AII LLL I~i1LLII UjJ(JUJRt M 3 I T')IIV 1937 Hopwood Winner JournalI ateaaing Brilliant Piece Is Fascinating Of Work -- ---------~ EXTRACTS FROM THE EUROPEAN Napoleon is much nearer the truth THE WELL OF ARARAT, by Em- TRAVEL JOURNAL OF LEWIS H. than mankind are as yet willing to manuel Varandyan. Doubleday, MORGAN, edited by Leslie A. admit." He describes the Italian na- Doran and Company, New York. White, professor of anthropology, tion as "degraded beyond all othre $2.50. University of Michigan. Reprinted peoples called civilized. They are pan- By JESSE R. O'MALLEY . from Volume XVI. of the Rochester theists in religion worshipping saints By ESE Ar.r s t'hALE r Historical Society Publications, and the Virgin chiefly, but more par- Rochester, N.Y. 75 cents. ticular saints than any other God; ig- poem dedicated' to Prof. Erich A. norant, superstitious, fanatical, bru- Walter which last June won the first By JOSEPH GIES talized; living in rags and filth, with- award of $1,500 in the Hopwood con- Lewis Henry Morgan (1818-1881) out truth, morality or Honesty, a sa- test. It is a tale of village life in the vas one of the most distinguished of tire and a caricature of human so- Armenian section of Persia before the American scientists of the XIX een- ciety. So much for the teachings of dark days when Turkish and Rus- tury. He was the "Father of Ameri- Roman priests, and the blessed vaga- sian troops alternately advanced and can Anthropology,". a member of the bonds, the Roman hierarchy. It is retreated over the author's native National Academy of Sciences, Presi- said, however, that the children learn Urumia. The novel is intended as dent of the American Association for with quickness and avidity in the the first of a trilogy in which Varan- the Advancement of Science. He ex- public schools recently o p e n e d dyan will tell of his participation in erted a profound influence upon throughout Italy." the conflict and of the period in scientific and social thought both at The pompous ceremony accom- which he served with the Cossack de- home and abroad. His Ancient So- panying the opening of the justice. tachment covering the historic Ar- ciety, which has been translated into menian retreat to Hamadan. many of the languages of Europe and court the Carig daws i But the marching of troops, the Asia (Chinese, Japanese), is still be- scorn of the scholar: "To an Ame- charge of the cavalry, and the in- ing printed and read. can it is at best a foolish and un- trigues of arm-smuggling and espion- In 1870-71 Morgan travelled wide- meaning ceremony, unworthy of the lge are left to a later book. True, ly in Europe. In his Journal he kept) judges and more unworthy of the when the young men of the village re- a careful record of what he saw, University." turn from Russia imbued with revolu- thought, and felt. The "Extracts," Among his most striking criticisms! tionary doctrines, the oldsters are ably edited by Professor White, deal of the society he observes is contained disturbed by the threat to ancient with such topics as the ancient in a series of acute remarks on the traditions which rule their lives. Greeks, Romanism and Protestant-' working class and aristocracy in Aus- There is, however. only a hint of ism; feudalism, aristocracy and de- tria. "A privileged class in the first the sanguinary struggle which is to mocracy; the Paris Commune; a visit place have possession of the govern- follow, to Darwin; presentation to the Pope ment, and use their power to make T' ie story is a simple ore. It is and many others. The journal is their property permanent in their told by Sassoon, a lively spirited, one of the earliest of European travel families . . . The mass of the 'people though highly sen'isitive youngster diaries by an American aid hence is are compelled to utilize the labor of who grows to maturity under the significant as Aerican literature. men, women and children to live, and stress of the first violent events in his Morgan was lauch mor than an especially to reach a few of the com- adventurous life. His Uncle Ardavaz, ^bserver excellent one though he cer- forts of life. How long the masses a hcme town boy vWho made good in :ainly was. There is a strong, fully- will bear this is the question. It seems the Russian oil fields, returns to jeveloped philosophy and social-con- impossible, or the next thing to it, to Uru'mia to marry and settle down. At -iousness apparent in all his nota- change the institutions of a coun- the village well he sees the beautiful, ,ions. Of the Place Vendome he says, try." dark-eyed Marina, is duly impressed, 'The Commune. it seems, overthrew Professor White has done an ad- and without any of the preliminary 't because it honored the military mirable piece of work, both in bring- wooing known to Occidentals, his achievements of the French, and was ing the Morgan Journal to public at- parents negotiate terms with Ma- a monument of the barbarism of war. tention and in the technical work of rina's family. rhis characterization of the Wars of editing. It is in the wedding ceremonies which follow that Varandyan rises to heights of descriptive power. Bound up in the pomp and pagean- Franz W erf es First Novel Since try of a Persian wedding is the his- tory of a race and Vaandyan uses i~ t, Musa Dah'txcittingGenuine tiese to good advantage in unveil- '_ D agh EG ing the basic social-philosophical pati ern of the book. The approach of ie Persian peasant to life, as he HEARKEN UNTO THE VOICE, by;of the Eastern world in all its splen- revtals it, is direct, strongand poetic Franz Werfel. Viking Press, New dor and corruption.yd His dominant impulses are zestful,l York. $3.00. Born into a family which tracedj happy. Life, though a hard battle By MARGUERITE EZ I ;its descendants back to the priests, to wrest a living from the soil, is A powerful hand, a real creative Eli Jeremiah early found disfavor in beautiful, mysterious, an inexhaust-Italent, anda deepand sympathetic aoedps of siioathers because ofs ible fountain of refreshing exper-faoepsionsthyugsto. iences. His environment, his un- understanding have combined o When he recounted to his family the iencs. is nvionmet, is ni-make Hearken TUnto The Voice one o hnh eone ofsfml h es ndtebigwti ust h otsirn freetnvl.vso'ehdseadtemsin verse and the being within pulsate the most stirring of recent novels, vision he had seen, and the mission' rhythmicallyin tune with a vast In The Forty Days of Musa Dagh, which Jehovah had laid upon him, cosmicsymphony he encountered a bitter opposition cosmic symphony. Franz Werfel proved his ability to~ hc a h is ftemn The wedding is no private affair. ItIwhc wa tefrsofhemn create a sweeping story, rich in colorstgle before him.sIn hibroe concerns the whole village because it Istruggleiobefore him. Inthis brothers, symbolizes human growth and fer- ad acin thi ltes wrfr the spark of dislike, fanned by Jere- tility to these peasants who seea found inspiration in the fertile pages miahs "presumption, quickly kind- universal purpose in everything they of the Bible, and more specifically, ed into intense hatred, while Hilkiah, d. But while the villagers cele- in the life of the prophet Jeremiah. overcome with horror at the idea of!s brate joyously the essential tragedy Jeremiah emerges as a vital, living eh unfolds. Marina is really in love man through whom God sends divine a prophet i the home of a priest. with Ardavaz's friend, Aris. Mean-J to the children of Israel. As eremiahnconsequently "girded up warning t h hlrno sal s his loin and went forth." while the groom nourishes an insaneJs fur over his bride's coolness. W the life of Jeremiah is unfolded be- From this point the story gains: e discover's Sassoon's adolescent fore us, we gain a kaleidoscopic view momentum as we pass with Jeremiah pacsion for Marina, he beats histhfoestsd i through the ancient grandeur of rnhew unmercifully. Finally e he forest. strip to the waist and fiht Egypt, Babylonia, and Judea. ASa hits on the real cause of his bride's a duel with willow whips. The scene prophet of doom, his life was com- irdifference and the plot raises to a and its tragic attermath are as grip- posed of an almost unending series of dramatic conclusion. While the vil- ping a bit of raw drama as one reads struggles. lage sleeps, Ardavaz and Aris go to n a long time. One may marvel at the author'sA M1 ability to paint with delicate strokes the wedding ceremonies with all their RD "SCOOP'" Panties mystic and poetic implications. ButSbIte0PO Styled by HICKORY I suspect that the lovely, tender treat- P I-OT OG RA P I-Y ment of the youth's awakening emo-l L L U ST R A T I V E tions may prove even more attractive HOME AND STUDIO PORTRAIT to many readers 320 S. STATE-OVER THE QUATY " I ___~T TT T-rr7 To.T c1 Mss. For Spain A sale of manuscripts and letters of contemporary writers was held in New York Friday to raise money for the Medical Bureau of the North American Committee to Aid Rani" sh Spectacle Of A Man' Proves Penetrating Psychological Study famhiliarization with the technique of mental probing comes from unobtru- .ive absorption - n---95, Democracy. The materials were con- THE SPECTACLE OF A MAN, by trihutcd ';y the a~ihors. . John Coignard. Jefferson House, r bued b theauthrs.New York, 1937. The complete typescripts of Jose- N ohine Johnson's Jordanstown, Lean I By STOWELL EDWARDS Zugsmith's A Time To Remember and Spectacle of a Man is a painless Carl Crow's I Speak for the Chinese and absorbing presentation of the were among the works sold. Thorn- method of psychoanalysis without the ton Wilder contributed two notebooks4 technical verbiage which might be ex- containing part of the original man- pected to clutter up such a book. uscript of Ileeven's My Destination. It is a case study of a socially back- Leonard 0. Ross was represented by ward but intelligent engineer, Arnold the typescript of The Education of Harvesting, who through the method Hyman Kaplan. of psychoanalysis manages to adjust Manuscripts, letters and notes from himself to society. The fact that it is{ Albert Einstein, Van Wyck Brooks, a case study should in no way be1 Edna St. Vincent Millay, Booth Tar- understood as detracting from the kington, Romain Rolland, Ralph book, for it is written as a narrative Bates, Stephen Vincent Benet, from the point of view of the psycho- Charles and Kathleen Norris, Ludwig analyst who, supposedly, is the writer. Rcnn and others were also sold. It almost seems as though the From the theatre were manuscripts' writer is not so much the psychoan- of Marc Blitzstein's The Cradle WillI alyst as the subject of psychoanalysis, Rook,, Lillian Hellman's The Chil- for his emotional reactions are too dren's Hour and Samuel and Bella detailed and painstakingly articulated Spivak's Boy Meets Girl. to be described by a second person. 1',, The fantastic gymnastics of the ubconscious provide a fascination difficult to exaggerate. The description of the workings of the unconscious make one feel tri- .amphant for a week after reading uhe book, foi you think you can see what the machinations of that rascal of the Id are up to. The story dramatizes the processes of repression of unpleasant ideas, the dominance of childhood memories so repressed and the determinism they effect in later life, transference and sublimation of mother-fixation to a healthy mental state. In full justice to the narrative, these processes are so subtly treated that i DRIVEWAY GRAVEL F51 I' KILLINS GRAVEL COMPANY Telephone 711 2 C You're Always the Right Height for MOJUD Clari-pharie SILK STOCKINGS 79c and $1.00 The Best Hosiery Value in Tou. \1 INSIDER YOUR FIGURE: 4' THIS IS SHORT MEDIUM TALL Mh~P SIL SOCKING * No more wishing you weren't so short... or so tall. Just ask for Mojuds in your leg length. You'll find they're just right . . smooth, fitting, sleek. They come in short, medium or long leg lengths .. . fashioned to fit at top, knee, calf and ankle. JIJIJIJ IL WEEK Have you noticed the way feminine figure beauty has shot up since Monday? Women by the hundreds are looking to figures for it's Formfit Week in our Corset Department, a time we're proud to say does more for feminine beauty than any other special occasion. Let our trained corsetiere show you how, with a Formfit, you can be kinder to your figure and prouder of it for the'way it seems just made for the new spring styles. See us this week! COLLINS Liberty at Maynard COLLINS Liberty at Maynard I p P '4 I Dr.- T* . 0o hUIZLh ' Ann Arbor I THE U. of M. EMERGENCY FUND for the students in the 11 I "Petticoat Fever"- We're warning you - we have it now-you come see us and you'll have it? What? - Why "Petticoat Fever," of course - our Cartwright DRESS PARADE feature for this week. Made in the popular Galesheer it coyly reveals the pleated edging of a gay contrast- ing color petticoat. Colors: Navy and Tiperary Green; Navy and Gova Red. i Far-East presents one of the most popular Chinese speakers in America, who will speak on "THE REAL SITUATION IN CHINA TODAY" TUESDAYO, MARCH29 7:45 p.m.- ill Auditorium -25c THE WAR IN CHINA has destroyed over 33 per cent of its universities. Each ticket we purchase to hear Dr. Koo provides money to help carry on Chinese education. Do your part for f Navy and Gova Red. U m 1 1i 1i1i