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March 27, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-27

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SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1938



. ,

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Edted and managed by students of the University of
rhigan tnder the authority of the Board in Control of
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Published every morning except Monday during the
Ivers tyyea andS ummer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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Subscriptions duinlg regular school year by carrier,
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ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertising Service,Inc.
2 ollePishliskers Reresentative
420 MADISON AvE. New YORK, N. Y.
Board of Editors
Bus ns Department
EDIT MANAGER...................DON WILSHER
It is important for society to avoid the
neglect of adults, but positively dangerous
for it to thwart the ambition of youth to
reform the world. Only the schools which
act on this belief are educational institu-
tions in the best meaning of the term.
- Alexander G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
V111 POS111-TH . ..
TUDWIG LEWISOHN rightly called
J the fascistic movements in the world
cay the "revolt of the pagans" in whom noth-
g is so barbarous as their utter callousness
suffering and human life, Friday in Hill Audi-
Jews. Catholics, Protestants are suffering
t'secutions today at the hands of the savages.
'erywhere inierance points to the crumbling
ethical and moral values, to the degradation
human spirit.
It is for that reason that the Inter-Faith Sym-
slums currently being held on Sundays are
:wing a worth-while purpose.
In bringing together representatives of the
ur great religious traditions the Symposium
iters a spirit of mutual understanding and ap-
eciation. The presentation of the Jewish, the
itholic, the Easern and the Protestant view-
.ns by men who are local leaders in these
Iths should be an enriching and broadening
perience. one whi> will re-affirm the worth
the individual man and faith in his future.
Tuure Tenander.
e0S Ahead. .
M EXICO TODAY is making a strong
play to throw off the shackles of its
udal, "semi-colonial" status-a status where
e two most important industries, mining and
I, were 90 per cent controlled by foreigners,
here the standard of living even of skilled work-
s resembles that of Arkansas sharecroppers
ed where 60 per cm of the adult population is
'he recent expropriation of the plants of 17
fitis rnd Ameican oil companies, which was
lther sudden nor unrovoked, must be consid-
ed in the light of this transformation.
That the oil companies have mercilessly ex-
oited both labor axio the national resources of
exico that they hav neither provided decent

ages and hgenic wrking conditions, nor made
Sa ttempt to save frnrn destruction the abundant
ches of the soil in naural gases and petroleum
inot be de
WV. hai ls that Mexico is going
imunisti. nat Ca~rdenas is a dictator and
iat this bt st in- a series of attacks
poi foreign in r esients which will be confis-
ed by the aeinent without remuneration
the priitt companies.
To t;e cy th oil properties are being
n a n OhIh baniswered that President
'rd as I dgc his government to pay
~indnin~ --Mexco ill honor her dent with
'J. frin Wmst get ourselves ready to
egin iniedite mnemnification for the expro-
rigt.d (prop.e o it would not be just to
~ave lis debt io iutire generations."
the cry a, communism and of dictatorship,
answer must be made that civil liberties,

$450,000,000 and, according to the New York
Times, more than 1,800,000,000 barrels of pe-
troleum, valued at more than $1,500,000,000 have
been taken out of the soil-one-sixteenth of the
world's output.
The present altercation began last April with a
12-day strike by oil workers. The Federal Labor
Board in arbitrating' the dispute decided on
Dec. 18 that the companies must establish pen-
sion systems, increase by one-third the wages
of their 18,000 employes and give them a degree
of control in the management. The companies
appealed this decision to the Supreme Court
claiming that the $7,200,000 increase in labor
costs yearly was greater than the annual profit.
The statement of profits offered by the com-
panies was smaller by millions of dollars than the
figure made public by the arbitral board. But
several weeks ago, the Supreme Court upheld the
Board's ruling.
Th, companies threatened to force suspension
of operations if the ruling was imposed, con-
tinuing to plead financial "inability to comply."
Even were the investigations of the Federal Labor
Board and the Supreme Court to be disregarded,
it is extremely doubtful that the plea of the
companies is true. It is difficult to believe thatI
the companies were earning less than a two per
cent return on their investment. And a two
per cent return on $450,000,000-or $9,000,000-
would have amply covered the increase. Further,
immediately preceding the official announcement
of expropriation it became clear that the finan-
cial haggling was merely a blind pulled down by
the oil companies to keep the light from the
real point of difference-a point which under
the Mexican law would have given them little
chance for a successful appeal. That was the
question of the system of control which would
have allowed union representatives to exercise
a certain amount of supervision over working
According to the Associated Press, the com-
panies made "an eleventh hour offer . .. to pay
the sum stipulated in the award, if they could
interpret as they chose the administrative clause
of the new collective labor contract imposed upon
* *Y
The existing political conditions in Mexico
made inevitable the series of events that led to
expropriation, given the obstinacy of the oil
companies. Enterprising merchants, small cap-
italists and other wide-awake middle class Mex-
icans have found their ambitions to expand and
develop blocked by the foreign control of in-
dustry. Thus at many points their interests co-
incide with the working class.
Since the progressive business men form but a
small though energetic group the brunt of the
battle has been born by organized labor. And
labor has received great concessions in return
from the government, controlled by the radical
middle class.
Two unknown quantities are yet outstanding in
the Mexican equation. The first is the question
of whether the government, or a syndicate of
workers, can successfully operate the properties.
It has been pointed out that much of the oil is
exported, with private companies providing both
the tank ships and the foreign markets. But
once the indemnity for the Mexican properties
has begun to bepaid, and it becomes fairly
certain that there is little chance of the plants
being returned, it is difficult to believe that these
private companies would refuse to accept the
profit involved in handling Mexico's oil.
The other unknown quantity is the interna-
tional situation. For Mexico the international sit-
uation means the United States. Prolonged ob-
stinacy of the oil companies in the several weeks
between the Suprer.e Court decision and the
expropriation provides a sound basis for believing
that the oil companies were encouraged by all the
talk of a coming "strong hand" in Washington's
Mexican policy. Continued belief in eventual aidj
from the State Department may encourage the
oil companies to make difficult the sale of Mex-
ican oil abroad.
According to the Chicago Daily News, Secre-
tary Hull and Under-Secretary Wells are study-
ing "the briefs filed by the oil companies pre-
paratory to making further formal protests
and demands upon the Mexican government." In
view of the Mexican government's promise, with-
out representations from the United States, that
it will pay for the properties, demands along
these lines are ridiculous.

Stronger action along the lines of pressure on
Mexico City, by threats of a discriminatory stop-
page in the purchase of Mexican silver by the
Treasury Department, for example, may be con-
templated. Yet, it hardly seems possible that
the State Department would dare endanger the
good-neighbor policy with Latin America by re-
turning to the policy of the big stick days when
Charles Evans Hughes was tagged "Secretary of
Oil" and Frank Kellogg uncovered a Bolshevik
under every Mexican bed.
But it must not be forgotten that powerful
groups are exerting tremendous pressure in
Washington. What happens in the next week may
well determine the fate of progressive Mexico.
S. R. Kleiman.

Heywood Broun
There ought to be a conference between spokes-
men for the cause of "co-operative security"
and those who say they favor "isolation." And
these good fellows should sit together with a
dictionary on the table.
Undoubtedly there are fundamental differences
in the point of view and some clash of convic-
tion which may not be re-
solved even by long debate.
But, there is confusion. And
there is a certain mixing up
of camp followers which
comes entirely out of a fail-
. <ure to define terms with
sufficient nicety.
As things stand now, the
supporter of "co-operative
security" is assailed by the
"isolationist" as a man who wishes to plunge
America into war to save British imperialism.
And the isolationist is criticized by the other side
as one who would put no barriers at all in the
path of Fascism. Both the charges and the
counter-charges are less than fair.
But it seems to me that the isolationists haveI
left the highest trump card out of the pack with
which they are playing. I refer to an extremely
powerful weapon called "moral force." Even in a
day when armies prowl I am not ready to admit
that God is on the side of the heaviest battalions.
Nor is the course of freedom and culture nothing
more than the wake of a battleship,
Lift Up Your Voices
But the very people who argue against arma-
ments and alliances are the ones who cry out
in horror at any American utterances against the
drive of the dictators. Both Secretary Hull and
President Roosevelt have been bitterly attacked
as war-mongers because they dared publicly to
criticize the philosophy of the Fascists.
I never agreed with the dictum of that other
Roosevelt, who declared that America should
walk softly and carry a big stick. But I am in
even greater disagreement with that part of the
isolationist group which insists that we should
both carry nothing and say nothing.
It is not visionary to maintain that moral
force is still a weapon of consequence. To be
specific, the Pope's protest to Franco on the
bombing of Barcelona may quite possibly serve
to clip something from the claws of the Gener-
alissimo. It is disappointing to learn from the
newspapers that some of our American cardinals
do not seem to go along wholeheartedly with the
Holy Father.
And there are other organized groups which
can carry weight by raising their voices, even
though they present no bayonets. Labor should
be heard, and on the broadest front possible.
When machine guns mow down the front rank
of the advance the men who moan in dying agony
are the workers. Why should they be silent now?
The men who make guns and bear them can
win peace without war if only they will co-oper-
ate with their comrades in all the nations of the
The Drums Of Deliverance
The bugles and the fifes now fill the ears of
every living person. The sound is persuasive.
It cannot be shut out by any policy of closing the
windows and boarding up. The three which falls
in the trackless forest may make no sound. Not
so the man who is shattered by the shrapnel.
There is no ocean broad enough to cushion us
against the cries of those who live within that
bowl of sky defaced by bombers.
But ther could be a sound more mighty. The
word could be spoken which would inspire the
drums of deliverance. And then from over the
edge of the hills and the rim of the ocean we
might be heartened by the rat-tat-tat of release
from blood and terror.
Those drums can sound only if we are bold

enough to make good the vision that all men
are brothers. We cannot say that the world is
well lost and exoect our own domain to escape
the doom. We are of the world. It is, if you
like, a tiny skiff in the cosmic scheme of things.
But it is our only boat, and we are all in it.
I believe in peace, and I believe that it can be
gained only by co-operation.
Proof of the cartoonists' pictures showing stu-
dents as always wearing glasses came last week
from the records of the University of Minnesota's
director of student health service, Dr. Ruth E.
Boynton. Dr. Boynton revealed that, at Minne-
sota at least, almost four imes as many of those
who passed highest on the college aptitude test
were nearsighted as of those who passed lowest.

(continued from Page 2)
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Astronomy. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Oskar Mor-
genstern, Professor of Economics, at
the University of Vienna, will lecture,
on "Social Science in Europe" on
Monday, April 4, in Natural Science
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the
auspices of the Department of Ec-.
onomics. The public is cordially in-
Events Today
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
at Lane Hall on Sunday at 2:45 and
will go to Peach Mountain near Por-
tage Lake for hiking and supper. All,
graduate students are invited.
Inter-Faith Symposium: "Religion:
Common-Ground or Battle-Ground"
will be informally discussed by Pro-
fessor Ralphael Isaacs, Professor Ed-
gar N. Durfee, and Professor Dewitt
H. Parker at Lane Hall Library, at
3 p.m. today.
Hillel Forum: Speaker, Prof. Rob-'
ert Angell. Topic, The Problems of
Social Disintegration. Avukah meet-
ing at 3:30. Independent Cost Supper
at 5:30. All are welcome.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting will be
Iheld Monday at 12:10 p.m. in ,the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
All faculty members interested in
speaking German are cordially in-
vited. There will be an informal 10-
minute talk by Dean E. H. Kraus on
"Der deutsche Einfluss auf die Min-
eralogie und Geologie in den Verein-
iaten Staaten."
A.S.M.E. All Mechanical Engineer-
ing students who are planning to pre-
sent papers at the meeting on next
Wednesday, March 30, should call
Bob Young at 4403 between 6 and 7
p.m. as soon as possible.
The papers will be read in compe-
tition for the purpose of selecting a
I delegate to the Milwaukee Student
Conference which is to be held on
SApril 18 and 19.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

discussed. All interested are in- St. 12:00 Noon University students
vited. class will meet. Mr. Chapman in
Physics Collopuium: Mr. A. H. 6 p.m. Evening program. Miss
Spees will speak on Capture Cross jFlora Davidson will conduct the wor-
Section for Thermal Neutrons at the ship service. The speakers will be
Physics Colloquium on Monday, Frank Rideout and Miss Gila Gairns,
March 28 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. membo ys of the Deputation Team.
Physics Building. A social hour with refreshments

Botanical Seminar meets Wednes-
day, March 30, at 4:30, Room 1139,
N.S. Bld. Paper by C. A. Arnold:
"Studies of the Devonian flora of
Northern Pennsylvania and Southern
New York."
The Psychological Journal Club
will meet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday,
March 31, in Room 1121 Natural
Science Bldg. Dr. Edward Raney, of
the Institute of Human Relations.

will follow.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St., Sunday morning
service at 10:30.
Subject, "Reality."
Golden Text: Psalms 125:1.
Sunday School at 11:45 after the
morning service.
First Congregational Church, Corn-
er of State and William.

Llc discau c vtro-encepha~aGLra , 10:45 a.m. Service of worship. An-
will discussElectro-encephalographyswering the question "What Is This
vited o ateresd are cory in Christianity?" the general subject of
The Romance Club will meet on his Lenten series, Dr. Leonard A.
Tuesday, March 29, at 4:10 in Room Parr will preach on "An Adventure."
103 R.L. The program will be the Special music for the service will in-
following.clude: Widor's "Adagio" from his
Prof. Anthony Jobin: Romain Rol- VI Symphony by Mary Porter, or-
land ganist; Gounod's "Unfold, Ye Por-
Prof. Charles Knudson: Recent als" by the choir; and Seaver's "Just
publications on the French language. for Today" sung by LcisGreig, so-
Faculty Women's Club: Thy Play 3 p.m. The Pastor's Training Class
Reading Section of the Faculty Wo- for Young People will meet in Pil-
teen's Club will meet Tuesday after- grim Hall.
noon, CMarch 29,at 2:15 inthe ary e6p.m. The Student Fellowship will
HondeMrh 9,Ratm :5i the Mhaymeet at 6 o'clock in the Church Par-
Henderson Room of the Michigan lors. After the supper, Dr. Parr
eague._will speak on "Thou Crystal Christ."
The Monday Evening Drama Sec- First Presbyterian Church, 1432
tion of the Faculty Women's Club will Washtenaw Avenue.
meet at the Michigan Union on, 10:45 a m ."Trnihoniatinn" is


March 30, at 7:30 p.m. the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's
Sigma Xi: The third chapter meet- fourth Lenten sermon of a series on
ing of the year will be held Monday, "Moderns and Miracles" at the Morn-
March 28, at 8 p.m. in the Small ing Worship Service. The student
Ballroom of the Michigan Union. choir directed by Prof. E. W. Doty
Professor J. S. Worley will present and the children's choir under the,
an illustrated discussion of "Trans- leadership of Mrs. Fred Morns will
portation Down Through the Ages." take part in the service. The musical
numbers will include: Organ Pre-
Martha Graham Concert. A few lude, "There on the Cross is Jesus"
good seats are still available for the by Bach; Anthem, "Come Holy
Martha Graham Concert. Tickets Ghost" by Palestrina; Anthem, "How
will be on sale Monday, March 28, Blest Are They" by Tschaikowsky.
until 5:00 p.m. at Wahr's Book tSore 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild,
and Barbour Gymnasiumh, then at student group, supper and meeting.
the Box Office in Ann Arbor High Dodge Community Houle program in-
School. cluding Polish folk songs given by a

glee club. Miss Rose will tell of
A.I.Ch.E. Members who plan to go Acolytes: There will be a discussion her workat Dodge Community House.
on the plant inspection trip to De- on Recent British and German In-
troit April 1 please sign up in the tuitionism in Ethics by Drs. Wm. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Chemical Engineering Department Frankena and J. Van Tuinen on Services of worship- Sunday are: 8
Office before Tuesday, March 29. The Monday evening, March 28, in Room a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
group will leave Friday morning at 202 S.W. at 7:45. Those interested Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergar-
7:30 and will return at 5:30 p.m. The in philosophical discussion are invit- ten, 11 a.m. Rite of Confirmation
plants to be visited are Detroit Sul- ed to attend. with Sermon by The Right Reverend
fite Pulp and Paper Co., U.S. Rubber !Herman Page, D.D., Bishop of Mich-
Co., and Parke-Davis and Co. The Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold an igan, 4 p.m. Tea and reception for
cost will be approximately one dol- important business meeting, Monday, Confirmation Class at Harris Hall.
lar, which includes lunch. March 28, at 7:30, in the Michigan Harris Hall: There will be a cele-
.TLeague. bration of the Holy Communion at 9
S.A.E. Inspection Trip: The society o'clock Sunday morning, followed by
of Automotive Engineers is planning Gamma Alpha open meeting sched- breakfast. The Episcopal Student
an inspection trip to the General 'uled for Monday, March 28, has been Fellowship is entertaining the In-
Motors Research laboratories, the postponed until Tuesday, March 29, ternational Student Fellowship at the
Chrysler Motors Research laborator- at 7:30 p.m. he meeting will be held meeting Sunday night at 7 o'clock.
ies, the Chrysler Engineering labora- at the chapt r house, 1014 Cornwell Students from many lands will be
tories, and the Packard proving Place. Professor A. Franklin Shull our guests. The speaker will be Pro-
grounds on Wednesday, March 30. of the Department of Zoology will fessor William H. Worrell, Whose
The bus will leave the Arch at 84 speak. Members and their guests are subject will be "Education and Reli-
a.m. and return to Ann Arbor at ap- invited to attend. gion."
proximately 7 p.m. Transportation
charges will not exceed $1.30. All Luncheon for Graduate Students St. Paul's Lutheran Student Club
interested in such a trip please sign on Wednesday, March 30, at 12:00 (Gamma Delta), meeting in the
up on one of the bulletin boards in in the Russian Tea Room of the church rooms on Liberty at Third,
the west engineering building. Michigan League. Cafeteria service. will have as its speaker Miss Marian
Miss Sarah Chakko, graduate of the Hall of the Department of Education
Biological Chemistry Seminar, University of Madras, India, will of the University. Miss Hall will il-
Monday, March 28, 3:30 p.m., Room speak informally on "The Present lustrate her talk on "Youth Hostels in
313 West Medical Bldg. Political Situation in India." Scandinavia and Germany" with sev-
"Physiological and Chemical Stu- eral reels of motion pictures. The
dies of Mammary Function" will be Intramural Women Debaters: There student club recently purchased a
will be a meeting of all debaters to new projector and a glass-beaded
discuss the question for debate at 4 screen which will be used for the first
p.m. Monday in 3209 Angell Hall. time Sunday evening. Supper, served
IT G u Su t C cby a committee of ladies, at six, Miss
The Graduate Students' Council Hall's talk at 6:30. A cordial wel-
will meet Tuesday, March 29, at 8' come is extended to all Lutheran stu-
'aVing Spain p.m., in the Union. dents and their friends.
The minister of the church, Mr.
To the Editor: The Outdoor Club will go on a Brauer, will give his fourth Sunday
How many of the ten thousand stu- three-hour canoe trip on Saturday, evening Lenten lecture at 7:30. Topic,
dents at the University are willing to April 2. "Spanish Missions."
1 spend three cents on a letter to Mr.
Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, ask- English Journal Club: Mr. H. B. Trinity Lutheran Church, corner
ing him respectfully to lift the em- Allen will speak on "Semantics" at of Fifth Ave. and Williams Street.
bargo against Loyalist Spain? The a meeting of the club at 4:15 p.m., Services at 10:30 a.m. Sermon:
Loyalists are not Reds. I am pre- Friday, April 1, in the League. The "Compromise-with an uncompro-
pared to prove this statement from a faculty, members, and guests are mising Trust in a Faithful Father."
number of sources unsympathetic to cordially invited to attend and to Lutheran Student Club will meet
Communism. Of course there are participate in the discussion follow- Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zipn Parish
some Reds among the Loyalists. I4 ing the talk. Hall. Dr. Carroll Rockey, DD of De-
think there are perhaps more Reds in Churches troit will be the speaker. Dr. Rockey
the United States than in Spain. As will speak on the subject "Nature,
for Loyalist Spain "the Republican; Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) willHumanitas, and Divivitas." Dr.
Constitution has never been sus- hold their regular meeting for wor- hockey was former Pastor for stu-
pended." ship Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michi- dents at the University of Wisconsin.
In this connection I quote a pas- gan League. All who are interested The Student Choir will meet at 4 p.m.
sage from a column by Ludwig Lore,! arenwelcome.
daily contributor to New York Post, _ti-- Unitarian Church: State and Hu-
one of the most liberal newspapers. ' Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) : ron Streets. 11 a.m. Morning Service.
Writes Mr.LoreI10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Mr. Homer Martin, President of'the
Fred Cowin, Minister. U.A.W. of Detroit, will speak on the
"Americans can do a good deal to 12:00 noon. Students' Bible Class, subject: "The Social Gospel Applied."
save Spain for the Spaniards by fur- H. L. Pickerill, Leader. 2 p.m. Mr. Martin will conduct a
nishing to Spain the war supplies she 5:3' p.m. Social Hour and Tea. question period in the Church Li-
needs and is only too willing to buy. 6:0pmAsy oiu onteub brary. The public is invited.
Mr. Cordall Hull, who is 'horrified by 8 p.m. Dance in the Social Hall of
rebel raids on Barcelona,' refuses to ject "Some New Vocations." Six new 8pm ac nteSca alo
lift theds embaroagans,' Loyst vocations will be presented by stu- the Church. Music by the Campus
lift the embargo against Loyalist dents preparing for work in those vo- Commanders Orchestra.
Spain. But his -no' is not decisive cations. This is the third program First Methodist Church: Morning
nor is at the end of all wisdbm. If in a series on "You, Your World and Wors Servist 10:40. Drirg
the people of the U.S.A. make it clear Your Life Work. ' Worship Service at 10:40. r. Bra-
in mo -i- hei nne -, +a lI shares - will nreach on "Practicina

This. Week's Music Calendar

Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee con-
ductor, Viola Philo soprano. Smetana's Bar-
tered Bride overture, songs of Strauss and
Brahms, and the latter's Second Symphony, in
D major. 12:30-1:30, NBC Blue.
New York Philharmonic-Symphony, John
Barbirolli conductor, Gregor Piatigorski cellist.
Schubert's Rosamunde Overture, two scenes from
Deems Taylor's Peter Ibbetson, Schumann's A
minor Cello Concerto, Brahms' Second Sym-
phony. 3-5, CBS.

Vivaldi G major Concerto, Cantabile and A minor
Chorale of Franck, Hora Mystica of Bossi, Wi-
dor's Eighth Organ Symphony. 4:15 p.m., Hill
NBC Music Guild. Fidel trio of three viols, plus
baritone and recorder, in old instrumental music
of as far back as the 13th century. 2:30-3, NBC
University of Michigan Symphony, Thor John-
son conductor, Prof. Joseph Brinkman pianist.
Bach-Steunenberg Prelude and Fugue in E
minor, Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4 in G
- -;--;r. I .4

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