THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 2'7, 1938 F o um Dean Kraus To Lecture orum1 Oh aY At German Round Table O n Civil Service The German influence of miner- alogy and geology in the United States will be discussed in German by George Burke To Preside Dean Edward H. Kraus of the liter- At Community Panel ary college in an informal talk before the German table for faculty mem- bers at 12:10 p.m. tomorrow in the A Community Forum on "What Founders' Room of the Union. Civil Service Means to the Citizen' will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in The luncheon which will precede Ann Arbor High School. George the speech is open to faculty mem- Buirke. attorney aind1chairman of the bers interested in speaking German. T eachersVihave its instruction in making sur- mitted; and the public is requested Ts sonD OFF C Aveys of lighting according to the fol- i to be seated on time.i i -' Ilowing schedule. All tests to be in! Need Of Action BULLETIN Room4h5WestnEngineering a.ll Exhibitions sessions begin at 2 p.m. and may ex- Exhibition, College of Architecture: Inf em ocr cy SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1938 tend to 5 p.m. Examples of engraving, typography, y ___-VOL. XLVIII. No. 128 I Tuesday, March 29: Airey, Batch- printing in black-and-white and Immediate action was recognized Automobile Regulation: ContInued elder, Diddr ms, Frank, Gewalt, Lee, color, details in the manufactrring tuens hoMiller, Seger. of a book, and details in the design as the prime need to make educa- use of cars by those students'woMlesgr fabok n eal ntedsg Wednesday, March 30: Brelsford, and make-up of a magazine. Shown planning truly democratic at a possess driving permits issued while Harroun, Hart, Hammond, Kirkpat- through the courtesy of The Lakeside panel discussion at the luncheon their cars bore the 1937 State license rick, Krumm, Goff Smith, Souter, Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com- meeting of the Ann Arbor Local of ieg pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases, the American Federation of Teachers plates and have failed to renew them WiidayAprilbl:gBronsonDeryArchtecturalBuilding.Operndail. yesterday in the Union. Alice Miel, twill render such drivers liable to dis- Fris, Kril 1; cBrnon, Der- Architecturau ilg. Ope daily Harris, Kressbach., MacKenzie, Men- 9 to 5, through April 7. The public principal of Donovan School, pre- ciplinary action. Applications for re- delson, Steere, Wendell. is cordially invited. sided. newals must be made at Room 2, Saturday, April 2: Anderson, Blon, Seriousness of the problem was said University Hall and new sets of tags Carnegie, Clark, Coogan, Dulebohn, The Ann Arbor Art Association pre- to be increased by the world-wide at- will be issued at no additional cost. Eash, Gordon, MacLeod, Morhous, sents two print exhibitions, work by tacks on democracy and its institu- Students who have cars stored L. C. Smith. the Chicago Society of Etcher, and tions. It was also agreed that the in Ann Arbor and ,those who are in Members of the class who have not by the American Artists Group of purpose of any educational planning the exempt classifications must re- yet expressed preference fox dates New York, March 15 through 27, in was to instill a love and desire for port their 1938 car license numbers will please report with the smaller the Nfrth anct South Galieries of Al- democratic institutions in the stu- if they have not done so to date. sections of the class, if possible not umni Memorial Hall. Open daily, in- dent. Since March 1, 1938 disciplinary on Saturday, April 2. cluding Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m., free to The action of teachers, parents and penalties have been imposed upon H. 11. Higb:ee students ano to members. Freiherr von Heine-Geldern, of the University of Vienna, will give an il- lustratedi lectuire on "The Pre-Budd- histic Art of China and Indo-China and its Influence in the Pacific." on Tuesday, April 5, in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., under the auspices of the Division of Fine Arts. The public is cordially invited. University Le ture: Gunnar As- plund, Professor of Architecture at the Stockholm Institute of Technol- ogy, will give an illustrated lecture, with slides, on "Swedish Architecture Since 1920; Its Problems and Trends" on Friday, April 1, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium under the auspices of the College of Archi- tecture. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Dr. Knut Lund- mark, Director of the Observatory of the University, Lund, Sweden, will give an illustrated lecture with lan- tern slides on "Distance Indicators and the Scale of the External Uni- verse" on Thursday. March 31, at 8 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium (Continued on Page 4) cshool administrators was suggested 12 students for violations of the Au- to encourage the love for democracy. tomobile Regulation. -Office of the Dean of Students. Concerts Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Robert Organ Eecital. Helen Zbinden, A.B.,1 Vistin Preachers n Social Chairmen are reminded that student of Palmer Christian, will give' unless party requests with all neces-a graduation recital on the Frieze Fill Local Pulpits sary accompanying documents are Memorial Organ Monday afternoon, filed with the Office of the Dean of March 28, at 4:15, to which the (Continued from Page 1 Students, or in the case of sororities, general public is invited. '_____in the Office of Dean of Women, on - Detroit archdiocese will speak at the Monday before the event is to University Symphony Orchestra St. Mary's Catholic Student Chapel at take place. permission for the event Concert.: The University Symphony the 8 a.m. mass. He will be honored cannot be granted. Orchestra, Thor Johnson, conductor, at a breakfast to be given in the with Joseph Brinkman, pianist, as Chapel by the Newman Club, Catholic Choral Union Rehearsals: The soloist, will give a concert under the student club. Women's Chorus of the Choral Union auspices of the University School of A talk on "Youth Hostels in Ger- will rehearse regularly on Thursdays Music Wednesday evening, March 30, iany and Scandinavia," illustrated at 7 p.m.; Men's Chorus will rehearse at 8:30, in Hill Auditorium, to which with movies will be given by Marian regularly on Mondays at 7 p.m.; and the general public is invited without Hall, founder of the Michigan Youth the entire Choral Union will re- admission charge. For obvious rea- Hostels and graduate of the Univer- hearse on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and sons small children will not be ad- sity. before the St. Paul's Lutheran Tuesdays at 7 p.m.--- -- ---- Student Guild. The talk will followof Social a supper which will begin at 6 p.m. Naval Flight Training: Dr. Jack- Dr. Carroll Rockey of Detroit and son, Medical Officer of Grosse Ile, Dancing StDentCaGuild.ockT fettak i follwil eStthcniesooHelhle- former pastor for students at the Twill be at the University Health Ser- aught daily, 10 to 70. vice on March 28th and 29th to give terrace Garden Studio University of Wisconsin will discuss y x nd2d Floor, WuertTe- "Nature, Humanitas and Divinitas" physical examinations to students Ftr ldgor, hoef96:35e-j "NtrHmnts n iits'interested in aviation cadet flight aer JBldg. Phone 9635. before the LutheranStudent Club fih Zion Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. _raining._ Academic Notices 1Read The Daily Classifiedsi 9 4* " almost snonymous. Friendship smay be easily broaden-ed and strengthened by an Easter Greetihg Card. Send Easter Greeting Cards to all your friends For a Joyous Easter. FrA NCISiC 1&9 OYCE Since 1905 ROGELL IS RECOVERING CKLW LAKELAND, Fla., March 26.-()-! P.M. 6:00--What Price Loyalty? Billy Rogell, Detroit Tiger shortstop 6:30-Dr. H. L. Stewart. who is in a hospital here recovering 6 .45--Violinist. 7:00-Forum. from an infection in his left hand, 7:30-string Quartet. will be discharged from the hospital 8:30-Happy Hale within three days, Manager Mickey s:00-CBS Mus4c Hem Cochrane was told today by Rogell's 0:30-Gospel Services. physician. Wed iretory FOR SALE rates, work guaranteed. 320 E. Lib- -ASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive- erty. Call evenings. 2-2020. 8x way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable Phone 7112. 7x rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King- LAUNDRY sley St. Phone 8344. 10x LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone Careful work at low prices. 6327. Experienced typist. Reason- able rates. 232 E.E. 7a, Building Illumination will MARTHA GRAHAM and Dance Group MONDAY, MARCH 28th, 8:30 ANN ARBOR HIGH' SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Tickets at Wahr's and Barbour Gyinasiiumn 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 723 NorthUniversity 221 South Fourth is' TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x CLOTHING WANTE.D TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304. LOST AND FOUND- LOST: Brown pigskin purse. Silver initials, V. G. Especially anxious for glasses. Reward. Phone 2-2981. 475 FOR RENT ROOMS for permanent, Spring Va- cation or week-end rental. Phone 8544. 473 WANTED MEN and women are offered the highest cash prices for their dis- carded clothing. See Claude Brown, 512 S. Main. Phone 2-2736. 388 Pay 111f posilion$ - Announcing . . MEDICAL SHORTHAND CLASS STARTING MONDAY, APR. 4 Prepares for secretarial em- ployment in hospitals, clinics, health centers, and physician's Shows Today at 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. '4,C f W W Jz my little S to, Bg st i ro dcast"of 'em all! ysa~meE~#EEE FS ':':'.Yt{'' ". ".. v'J:..::ti17'II~:..i''~f.1 :4 i{1 i i i 3 Adolph Zukor presents (The one and only) Z: with o } MARTHA RAYE (Ahl.. She's just one vast vocal chord!) DOROTHY LAMOUR (How this comely lass palpitates my heart!) : SHIRLEY ROSS * BEN BLUE *BOB HOPE *LYNNE OVERMAN *RUFE DAVIS *LEIF ERIKSON r <: GRACE BRADLEY rTITO GUIZAR And in addition to all this stupendousity, my fine friends, II two supreme specialties by KIRSTEN FLAGSTAD (opero star) and SHEP FIELDS and his Rippling Rhythm Orchestra.. . Six sensational song Y.