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March 27, 1938 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-27

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The Weather
Fair and somewhat warmer
today, cloudy probably show-
ers tomorrow.

Ll r e

A& A&
qvt r I J,6


Goes Ahead ...


VOL. XLVIII. No. 129.




Peoples' Front,
Threatened By
Labor Strikes,
Financial Ills
Anti - Dictatorship Protest
Staged By French Labor
Against 'Public Safety'
Rearmament Plan,
Of Blum Opposed

Addresses Catholics

PARIS, March 26.-( iP-A rising !
tide of strikes and France's chronic
financial problem raised towering ob- A
stacles tonight in the path of the I ARCHBISHOP MOONEY
People's Front Government.
Labor, fearful that the conflict be-Na
tween Premier Leon Blum's cabinet rn n 1l
and the Conservative Senate majority HTWV
might mean an attempt to replace 'F0 TT r~ -i
the Governmnent with a "publice sae i ii4
ty" dictatorship, staged a vast protest
demonstration. ByArchbishop
Communists tonight proposed or-
ganization of nationwide general
strikes as the best means of backing Mooney Lecture Follows
the Popular Front Government's fight 8 A.M. Mass At St. Mary's
for life.AM. MassA S Ch y
The Paris Communist Party unit Catholic Student Chapel
declared in a letter to Paris .metal
workers that the Senate's "reaction- Archbishop Edward Mooney, rank-
ary" opposition toPremier Leon Blum ing American Catholic prelate, re-
must be met by a "powerful demon- cently appointed to the new archdi-
stration by the masses." oces( of Detroit, will address the
Paris Communists agreed to join Newman Club following 8 a.m. mass
socialists and the General Confed- in St. Mary's Catholic Students'
eration of Workers in strikes "not Chapel.
only in Paris but throughout France.' He will be honored at a breakfast
Meanwhile, the Premier searched to be held following the mass, at
for a way around the hurdle of Sen- which Rev. Clair Berry, student chap-
ate opposition to rearmament expen- lain, will officiate. Alumni of the
ditures under his guidance and the Newman Club and the general Cath-
ranks of disgruntled' strikers grew to olic student body have been invited1
almost 30,000. to attend the breakfast.S
Informed sources said they would Archbishop Mooney was born in
not be surprised if a crisis, averted Mt. Sahage, Md., May 9, 1882. He
when Blum bowed to the Senate's will began his preparatory studies for the
Thursday, were-to come next week. priesthood at St. Charles Seminary,'
Blum would not divulge details of Ellicott City, Md., and also studied
the bill he was drafting but declared at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore.
it provided amply for the nation to He received the degrees of PhD .and
launch her big rearmament program STD- from the North American Col-
without endangering her financial lege in Rome. Ordained in 1909, he
structure. He indicated that the plan returned to this country and was
might not be ready for submission to appointed pastor of St. Patrick's
Parliament before the end of the Church in Youngstown, Ohio.
week. . In 1925 Archbishop Mooney re-
Anxiety was apparent on all sides turned to'Rome as Spiritual Director
to get the rearmament program un- of the North American College. This
der way in view of the dangerous sit-;position approaches that of vice-ree-
ran developing on France's fron- tor, the post which the Rev. Allen J.'
tiers. Babcock, former chaplain of the
The Senate's determination to top- Students Chapel, now holds. The
pie the fourth People's Front Govern- distinguishing feature between these
ment, however, was accepted as a two positions is that Archbishop
fact. Conservative spokesmen for Mooney was given c'.jarge of the,
the Senate charged Blum was ob- I spiritual needs of the community,J
structing the program by insisting on while matters of discipline fall with-
holding the reins without the neces- in the jurirdicticn of the vice-rector.
sary strength of wide support. tor.
The Senate and a minority of the Archbishop Mooney was sent tc
Chamber of Denuties have clamored India L 1926to serve as apostolic
for a "National Union" government- delega.;e from the Papal See. He was
of all parties:-which labor has on- the firstAAmerican to hold this po-
posed as a plot to set up a "public sition. At the same time he was
setd tat hi consecrated titular archbishop. His
saf utd30,000tworkers packed Buf- duties as apostolic delegate were
falo Stadium today to protest aoainst essentially thoe of papal minister
Senate opposition to Blum, against the Catholic hierarchy of India.
the French policy of "hands off -
Spain" and against "provocation and
resistance of employers to collective Ins O'rentsIouit
Striking "metallus"-metal work-t
.,meeIng L valist Tr oop
a-+o,,aoa to e a~cc meeinps !

Hitler Scores
Frontiers Set
At Versailles
Fuehrer In Reich Tourj
Assails Two Treaties AndI
The League Of Nations
Explains Austrian
Union To Crowds
LEIPZIG, Germany, March 26.-,
( ")--Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler again
took up the cudgels against the tat-
tered Treaty of Versailles today, sar-
castically scorning German frontiers
set up by the pact.
"Who imagined the great German
Reich would stop at the ridiculous
frontiers drawn at Versailles?" he
A crowd of 28,000 Saxons cheered
the Fuehrer in the second appearance
of his electioneering swing around
the Reich to convince the masses that
his union of Austria and Germany
was the "fulfillment of a thousand
year old dream."
"Does anyone believe the League
of Nations was founded to help small
and big nations?" he thundered.
"Does anyone believe there is any
such thing as international con-
To the "heils" of the wildly cheer-
ing crowd, Hitler explained the rea-
sons for Austro-German union along
lines expounded yesterday in his first
speech of the campaign at Koenigs-
He scorned both the Versailles and
Saint Germain treaties, which he said
forbade the plebiscite on self-deter-
mination in Austria because the pow-
ers of Europe did not regard it ex-
pedient that Germans should unite.
On the other hand, he said, they
insisted on the Saar plebiscite be-
cause 150,000 Frenchmen lived there.
(The rich Saar region, taken from
Germany after the World War and
set up under League of Nations con-
trol, was returned to Germany in the1
1936 plebiscite.)
Visitin Pnastors
Fil AnnArbor

For Michigras

Start Tuesday
The Michigras will not take place
formally until May 6 and 7 at Yost
Field House, but it will begin to as-
sume form at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the
Union when fraternity and sorority
representatives will haveĀ°a chance to
let their imaginations run rife at a
meeting called by booth chairman
Richard Fox, '39, to make plans for
the house booths.
A huge carnival with rides and side-
shows, the Michigras is being put on
this year to raise funds for the Wom-
en's Athletic Association's proposed
pool and the University Band which
hopes for a trip to Yale next year.
The Michigras committee is spon-
soring a contest among the houses
this year to determine the best side,
shows. Nine of last year's best money
winners will be retained. They are:
Chi Phi's "Rat Race," Alpha Kappa
Lambda's "Golf Putting Champion-
ship," Psi Upsilon's "Baseball Skill,"
Phi Delta Theta's "Weight Guessing
Contest," which made money despite
the fact that everyone won a cane,'
Delta Tau Delta's "Dodger," Sigma
Alpha Mu's "Dart Poker," Lambda
Chi Alpha's "Soda Pop Saloon," Phi
Sigma Delta's "Dart Gun" and Beta
Theta Pi's "Beef Trust."'
This year the honor societies will;
not have booths, according to Fox,
but will sponsor the rides. Last year
the best ride was received by Sphinx,
junior men's honorary society, which
lost $37 at a "gambling" booth.
Fox listed the following fraternities,
which he asks to send one representa-
tive to the meeting Tuesday to chair-j
man their booth: Alpha Delta Phi...
(Continued on Page 7)
Congress Asked
To Inaugurate


W olverines
SITilSecond, Lb





Michigan Takes 440-Yard
Martha Graham States Dance Relay To Triumph In
Diepends Upon Real Life Contact Final Event OfNCAA
Victory Is Ninth
Troupe To Present Recital Miss Georgi the conception of "fron- I
Tomorrow Evening In tier" was the European "barrier," as For Mann NatatorZ
P she termed it. d___h
P~itnn.,1 Q A l~ita iirl Miss Graham will dance the next

Win National

number, "Satyric Festival Song,"
(Continued from Page 1)
IRY XAI VII i'I VI4i'LJ7.______________

The whole purpose of the dance
as an art form depends upon its;Tickets On Sale
maintaining close contact with life,
Martha Graham, famed exponent of Fo K~oo's Talk
the modern dance, said in a inter- ForKT
view yesterday. Miss Graham and
her troupe will present a program To Aid Ch mes
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Pattengill
Auditorium which will include ex-
pressions of the war in Spain, unem- Faculty, Studints Wot
ployment and the struggle for world as
peace. With Local Groups T
The first number on the program, Raise$1,000 Here
"Preludium," Miss Graham described __s______
as "a greeting and an introduction."
Immediately following this the whole Tickets are now on sale for t
group of 12 women dancers will pre- I lecture by Dr. T. Z. Koo, Chine
sent "Celebration," a lyric dance of educator and youth leader,-, at 7:
rejoicing. Tiss Graham said that pm. Tuesday'in Hill Auditorium. T
re~jicin. Tis Grham aid hatticket sale is part o h rv
this type of dance could be compared riset s100 fs ar of the drivem
to a lyric poem, expressing a feeling $1,000 for the relief of stude
of joy rather than suggesting a deep in China.
emotion or serious idea. Clarence Kresin, '38, is chairman
emoton r sriou ida. he cmmiteein carg ofthe drip
"Frontier," the next number, is theand committee charge of treasur
one of the most famous of Miss Gra-an Mrs. Mabel Rhead is
ham's creations. It is expressive of The committee includes represent
the spirit of the American frontier, 'tives of leading student, faculty a
she said, an idea which needs no ex- community organizatio s.
planation for Americans but which Since many of China's universit

r k

26.-(P)-Capturng the 400-yard re-
lay, final event on the program, Mich-
igan tonight retained its National
Collegiate A.A. swimming champion-
ship. The Wolverines scored 46
points to 45 for Ohio State.
Michigan's quartet of Waldemar
Tomski, Edward Hutchens, Thomas
Haynie and Edward Kirar thrashed
through the Rutgers pool in 3:33.2.
Harvard, anchored by Charley Hut-
ter, closed fast to beat out Ohio
State, which could have won the meet
for the first time in history by plac-
ing second in the final event.
It was the ninth championship in
the fifteen years of the N.C.A.A. meet
for the Wolverines. Ohio State, the
favorite, beat Michigan twice this
year in dual meets
Harvard, with 36 points, was third,
followed by Princeton with 22, Yale
with 18, Iowa with 7 and Rutgers
with five.
Kirar, who retained two individual
titles, was timed, in 52 seconds flat
-seven-tenths of a second faster
than his winning time in the 100
yard free style-in thrashing out the
final leg of the relay.
Tomski had started Michigan off to
a slight lead, but Ohio State was neck
and neck before Kirar uncorked his
great drive and Hutter outswam Wil-
liam Neunzig, Ohio State anchor
Kirar, Michigan captain, became
the first double champion of the
swimming carnival tonight, retain-
ing his 100-yard free style title in 52.7
Kirar, taking the lead on the first
25 yards, beat out Harvard's Charley
Hutter by a foot in a driving finish.
Kirar yesterday retained his fifty-
yard championship.
Powerful Dick Hough of Prince-
i tan won as expected in the 200-yard

was completely misunderstood by the
New Loan laRn'German dancer, Yvonne Georgi, when
she_witnessed it some time ago. To
Opposition Expressed To
Further T a x Increase Goering Warns
For The Little Fellow
WASHINGTON, March 26.--UP- Austrian Jews
The Administration asked Congress A d C h
today to authorize a virtually unlim-
ited program of Government loans to ____
business and a resumption of self-
liquidating loans to public bodies. Catholics Told To Follow
T h e Administration's proposal Hitler; No Compromise
would enable the Reconstruction Fi-
nance Corporation to make business Is Offered To Church
oans on a long-term basis meeting(

and colleges have been destroyed by
the Japanese, temporary university
districts have been set up in the in-
terior. The purpose of the $25.000
national campaign is to keep these
institutions functioning.
C. T. Wang, Chinese Ambassador
to the United States, has written a
letter to the local committee, say-
ing, "Since the outbreak of hostilities
between China and Japan, Chinese
educational and cultural institutions
have been marked by the Japanese
for destruction.
"Students are ejected from their
schools," continues the ambassador,
and "no stress on the imagination 4s
needed to realize the necessity for
their relief. Your undertaking in

Guest Speakers To Preach'
To Unitarian, Catholic
And Episcopal Groups
Visiting churchmen will fill three
local pulpits today.
"Social Gospel Applied" will be
the topic of the sermon by Homer
Martin, president of the United Auto-
mobile Workers of America and for-
mer pastor of a Baptist Church in
Leeds, Kansas, at the 11 a.m. service
of the Unitarian Church. Mr. Mar-
tin will preside at a question period
to begin at 2 p.m. in the Church
The Rt. Rev. Bishop Herman Page,
Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan,
will administer the rite of confirma-
tion at the 11 a.m. service of St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church. At this
time, 45 candidates will be admitted
to the fellowship of the church. The
Bishop will also address the men of"
St. Andrew's Church at a special Par-

. I


,INA .c 6.R-ei hirbhl em o ems o- aaWa , .
directly the complaint of many busi- bVIENNA, March 26.-P)-Rei- their behalf seems to be most com, breast stroke, beating out Johnny
ness men that such credits were not gious groups in Austria received a mendable and I wish you all success. Higgins of Ohio State by ten feet.
available. Nazi ultimatum tonight when Nazi- --Hough was clocked in 223.4. Justin
The RFC would be given power al- dom's s, Callahan of Columbia was third and
so to buy securities of private corpor- Marshal General Hermann Goering, J John Haigh of Michigan fourth.
ations, opening the way for capital told the Jews to get out of Austria Ae -L wa Hough succeeded Jack Kasley of
loans for expansion and new con- and the Church that although it 1 (Continued on Page 9)
struction. Small business men have would receive "the protection it de- Totaltarian sm
complained to the Government that serves, there would be no compromise
capital for those purposes was diffi- with it in matters concerning govern--- .Th
cult to obtain except in large quain- ment. Electric Utilities Control
tities. In a smashing, plebiscite campaign
Under existing law the. RFC is pro- speech to 50,000 Austrians who wel- Taken OverBy State For Open H ouse
hibited from making loans maturing comed him to Vienna as Our Her-
later than Jan. 31, 1945. The total mann," he declared:
of all private loans outstanding can "Vienna was not a German city Parlyament ended an historic session Open House Will Feature
not be more than $300,000,000. Both because 300,000 Jews live here. Vien- tonight by taking the nation far E
restrictions would be eliminated un- na must become German again. The along the road to totalitarianism. Exhibits And Dancing
der the Administration proposal. Jew must know we do not care to live The last bill enacted was a gov- , O
with him. He must go." rnment measure to transfer entire he Unions annual spring pen
Referrin to the church. he said io ntrol of Japan's huge electric in- House, featuring new exhibits, free

ers-attented th e mass ic
called by the General Confederation:
of Labor which has 5,000,000 -follow-!
Labor's dissatisfaction was due in
part to the failure of parliament to
pass the labor code proposed by For~-
mer Premier Camille Chautemps.-
SRA Will Hold
Parker, Durfee And Isaacs'

Will Speak Today


ish dinner to be given at the Mich- WASHINGTON, March 26.-)wereio-that "probably the clericals will be dustry from private hands to the
igan Union at 1 p.m. There were increasing indications to- ready to make peace when they real- state.
Trap Government Forces There will be a tea and reception day that Congres swould not stand ize we have no desire to destroy their Also voted was the bitterly con-
In Mountains for the Confirmation Class at 4 p.m. for any higher tax levies on the "lit-i s." tested national mobilization bill to
in Harris Hall. At 7 p.m. the Epis- tle fellow ' this year, when House The Cardinal directed that Catho- give the government unlimited pow-
HENDAYE, France (At the Span- copal Student Guild will be host to members and many Senators are up lies "follow the greater German state er to draft Japan's manpower and
ish Frontier)-March 27.-(Sunday) the International Student Fellowship, for reelection. and its Fuehrer unreservedly." economic resources in a war emer-
-(A)-EbatledGovrnmnt roosalso in Harris Hall. William H. Wor- The Senate Finance Committee, gny
-(A?)-Embattled Government troops, rell, professor of Semitics, will ad- now studying the House-approved Goering outlined Germany's great- Igency.
numbering between 10,000 and 20, dress the group on "Education and Tax Revision Bill, soon will vote on er Austria program, said the courts' The whole session, the regular
000, were reported trapped in theReshg p Ed." a proposal by Senator LaFollette. (Continued on Page 7) 1937-38 meeting, was marked by con-
d bReligion." I lc ewe h aie n h e-
Alcubierre Mountains early today by oftbhwe(Progt Wis.) to reduce personal i- ite dshe cabinetwand the leg-
Inugnthressepigestad Archbishop Edward Mooney of the (ro. Ws) o euc eronlin-
Inugn odssepn atad(Continued on Prge 2; come tax exemptions. Angell *lbo SpeakL ; islature, dissension between the
toward the Mediterranean. - -sdd PThe proposal would reduce the r'-"e l houses and strife among the parties
While Insurgent commanders re- INDEPENDENTS TO MEET $2,500 exemption for married per- At Hillel Today in the lower house.
ported Government defenders in There will be a meeting of the Ann sons to $2,000 and the $1,000 exemp- ____ o a
"compeIte rout" along sections of the Arbor Independents at 5 p.m. Tues- tion fo rsingle individuals to $800. It Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- Death Of Student
135-mile Aragon front, two Insurgent day in the League, it was announced would bring thousands of new tax- ciology department will talk on "The
columns were said to have encircled yesterday. payers under the income levy. Problems of Social Disintegration" ati In Spain Denied
ghe the Hillel Forum at 8 p.m. today. All S
go e T Festival T students are invited to attend. Elman A. Service, '39, of Tecumseh,
BARCELONA, March 26.-UP)_I a eo IS ,VIeeran, Professor Angell said yesterday who was reported by metropolitan
Thousands of civilians were rushed , . 1 -' that he will show how we are tearing papers to have been killed in action in
to the western border of Catalonia to- M artineli And Bonelio Trail H IM or civilization apart by war and ap- Spain while serving in the Loyalist
day to build government rearguard aiproaching another dark age. He armies, is not known to be either
fortifications against the wave of agrees with H. G. Wells and other missing or dead, according to a tele-
advancing Insurgents. To Chase Baron.eo, University! Stock that played throughout the prominent sociologists on the theory gram received here frohn the Friends
At the same time Government lead- graduate and Metropolitan Opera ;Festival, as the Chicago Civic Opera that we are disintegrating rather of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in
ers stressed the necessity for two new Company bass, goes the honor of hav- vied with the Metropolitan in num- than making progress. I New York.
divisions totaling 60,000 men to form ing participated in more May Festival ber of stars participating. Service went to Spain last June
shock troops. This was in accordance concerts of recent years than any Steady improvement in both qual- AY, to volunteer in the International Bri-
with Defense Minister Indalecio other soloist on the 1938 program. ity and quantity of performers is not- Arrest Youth Atte i gade. He left a few weeks after
Prieto's new slogan: Close behind him, however, are two ed yearly in the stories told by the Robbery Of Music Store Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, who was re-
of his colleagues with the compan yellowed pages of the Daily. This ported captured at Calanda two weeks
.isanni Martuei etern themanor year President Charles A. Sink of the Attempted robbery of the Schae- ago. Service was known to be driv-
Avi - A r.d- .tC t A tAAi Giovanni Martineli, veteran tenor I ,,i nci l fh--m.n~.a ... mil h a a tl?~r. Trm- rz x,44Fat.T r r_. ,- ,__>_

dancing and reduced rates in all rc
reational rooms, will be held from
1 7:30 until 10 p.m. Thursday, it ,was
announced yesterday.
Most schools on the campus will be
represented and each will persent
some new exhibits, James Wills, '40E,
and Jack Knecht, '40E, co-chairman
for the affair, promised.
All engineering groups-civil, aero-
nautical, mechanical and chemical-
will have exhibits, as will the physics
department, the forestry school and
the geology department. A scale
;model of the Paris Gun will also be
IThe Varsity Glee Club will give a
free concert during the evening and
tickets to regular Union membership

"Religion; Common-ground or Bat- t
tleground" will be discussed by Prof.
DeWitt Parker of the philosophy de-
partment, Prof. Edgar N. Durfee of
the Law School and Dr. Raphael
Isaacs of the Simpson Memorial Hos- I
pital at the third in a series of Inter-
Faith Symposiums sponsored by thef
Student Religious Association at 3
p.m. today at Lane Hall.
The discussion will attempt to an-
swer the questions: "Is there a valid ,
conflict between revealed religions?"j
and "Can these religions be drawn
together on a basis of common revela-I
tion for united action on some ques-


. t

dances will be awarded those who
hold lucky programs.
Prediet Inflation
Needed In Mexico
MEXICO CITY, March 26.-()-
Financial circles predicted today
Mexico would be forced to resort to
controlled inflation to ease the mone-
tary situation precipitated by expro-
priation of the foreign oil industry.
The predictions came from bankers
I sh a cnid thev wre hased nrimarily


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