rAGE SM 9r 14 Vii' n1i I ('ll ,f C A I' TI A 11' t V %* AlrTT "A SAItf"'U ire Ift** 1 1 lIi J' V I ( . 1II *m1efX .IN RP1-R..I 1 ] i, A '-rig- rnu-t A tr -ms-an rr. an 4ttflfl I ~JI JJVLX, IVI 1I~&41 (b, i~O State Teachers I Group To Act Oi Proposals Hear Recommendation To Defer Enlargement Of Board Of Education Protest Is suggested RevedcPredietion LANSING, March 25.--()-Budget Director Harold D. Smith charged off as "window-dressing" today the an- nouncement of a spokesman for the Liquor Control Commission that the f revenues it yields to the State in the current fiscal year will be $5,000,000 greater than those for the preceding 12 months. Smith said the commission's reve- nues this year actually will be $1,700,- Teruel: City Of Saniuwg Barricades And Shattered Buildings Biological Balance Is Important In Wildlife Problem, O'Roke Says By BEN MARINO small mammals. Extensive work is Encouragement of natural condi- also being done in the history and tions on areas capable of supporting metalbolisins of strains of wild turkey, animal reproduction has done much dove, grouse, and birds of prey, he Ito replenish our depleted supply of added, besides including work of the wildlife, Prof. Earl C. O'Roke of the museum on histories of the sandpiper, forestry school said yesterday. Kirtland's warbler, yellow-headed In recognition of the importance of 1blackbird. and the cedarbivd. Investi- the problem to the nation, President gations in general avifaunal condi- Roosevelt has proclaimed March 26- tions, Professor O'Roke remarked, April 1 as Wildlife Restoration Week. have also been conducted. This state has long enjoyed an ack- In referring to the biological sur- nowledged leadership in the field of vey release again, Professor O'Roke wildlife protection and propagation, stated that research on diseases and Professor O'Roke said, as he pointed parasites of wildlife, especially on the to a recent release of the Bureau of giant kidney worm of mink and the Biological Survey which presents a lung worms of deer and large deer detailed list of the accomplishments liver fluke, is being conducted in great LANSING, March 25.-(/P)-The 000 less than in 1936-37. He asserted annual representative assembly of the that the commission withheld $2,- Michigan Education Association, in 924.000 from its contribution to the convention here, today heard recom- general fund last year, and lumped mendations that it postpone until the it in with 1937-38 avenues that have state election of April 1939, its con- been turned over to the State treasur- stitutional proposal to enlarge the er. State Board of Education and to --- - make the office of State Superinten- dent of Public Instruction appointive. I The recommendations were made d 1I .di by the assembly's legislation com - mission and will be formally acted I FariU ton upon tomorrow. , The association has supported the! proposed constitutional amendment T 'I ' o Masked Men EsCap W "to remove the office of state superin- tendent from politics" and to add Wili $5,70 Ii nC ila three elective members to the board. It had planned to submit the pro- DETROIT, March 25.---(A)--State posal to the voters next November. Police searched the metropolitan The same commission also recoi- area of Detroit tonight for two mended appointment of a committee masked men who held up the subur- to enter a protest with the state budget director against the cut in ban Farmington State Bank at 12:35 school funds and the restoration of p.m. and escaped with tellers' cash' $1,000,000 to the state highway de- estimated at $5,700. partment. 'The pair, carrying out Michigan's Dr. A. J. Philips, executive secre- second bank robbery in five days, tary of the association, asserted in his made their escape in a small black annual report that "legislation should coach which later was found aban- be introduced at the next session of doned a mile out of Farmington on the legislature either to liberalize the road to Detroit. Tire tracks in- present laws or to allow natural com- dicated another car was waiting for munity areas to organize larger units them. for school administration." He said Investigators said the robbery gavel the present state-aid act is stimulat- indication of having been thoroughly ing this trend. planned. There' was a larger amount. i Sandbag barricades and shattered buildings typ ify tlie Teruel of today. The city was recaptured by Franco at a terrific cost in human lives after government troops had seized it. Recent dispatches hint that Anglo-Italian negotiations may lead to withdrawal of Italian troops and change the complexion of affairs in Spain. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publilation Ai th e nItlltn 8 Oisicolru(tive noflce to al l )members of the Ulivelr-8ty. Copy received at the oficeof1 the Assistant to the Presideit un 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. and researohes now in progress in- cluding that of the School of For- estry and Conservation. The article says in part: "Thel University of Michigan has been very productive in the pursuit of wildlife research and at present a marvelous program of such investigation is in progress. The importance of inven- tories is recognized and the method of evaluating a forest wildlife en- vironment quantitatively; a method of evaluating a wild fowl environ- ment; wildlife population studies, em- phasizing the use of mathematics; population studies on fur-bearing ani- mals; and experiments on methods of taking censuses of small mammals." Other studies in progress at present, Professor O'Roke pointed out are life history of the fox squirrel; pathologi- cal histology of the white-tailed deer; livestock-poisoning plants in relation to deer; the carrying capacity of deeryards; wanderings, rate of mul- tipications, populations densities of U.A.W. of Detroit, will speak on the subject: "The Social GospelApplied." 2 p.m. Mr. Martin will conduct a question period in the Church Li- brary. The public is invited. 8 p.m. Dance in the Social Hall of the Church. Music by the Campus Commanders Orchestra. SImmer Jobs Open. In Camps Over 170 Students ere Sought, Purdon Says Over 170 University of Michigan students who want summer jobs are being sought by summer camps throughout the country, it was an- nounced yesterday by Dr. T.Luther Purdom, director of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation. Camps from Maine to Colorado have written the Bureau asking for reco i mm ended applicants. Many camps which were assisted in finding capable persons last year have writ- ten asking for students. Tutors and instructors for swim- ming, boating, handicraft and art- craft, photography, men for voca- tional guidance work, educational counselors, dieticians, doctors and a few nurses are being requested. These camps are both public and private including YMCA, YWCA, and ]3oy and Girl Scout camps. Pay ranges from $25 and expenses to $150 and expenses. EVENING RADIO I PROGRAMS WJR P.M. 8:00 Ste venou yNews. 6:15--Melody and Rhythm. 6:30-- syucopation Piece. 8:45--Couiedy Stars 7700---News Cone to llfe, :30 ---'o Be Announced.! 8:00-The People's Business. s: 0- -Phillip Morris. 9 J--Professor Quiz. 9:34--Saturdy Night S :renadn. 1:00-Your lit Parade. 10:45-Radio Soap Box. 11 :1---Dance Music. 11I:3--Benny oodnan's Orc. 12:00-Johnny Hamp's Orch. 12:30 Henry King's Orch WWJ P.M. 600-'t'y Tyson. 0:10---Sophsto-xats 6:30--Press Radio News. 8:45--Religion In the New. 7:00--Kaltenneyer's Kidergarten, 730--Georges Mique lie. 7 :4 -Sport Review S:0--Believe It Or Not 8:30--Jack Haley 9 :00-Dance Music 9:30-AmerIcan Portralts. 10:00-NBC Symphony Orch. 11:30--Hotel Statler Orch. 12:00-Dance Music. VLW PM- 6:30-Len Savo. 6:15--Aces :High 6:30--Melody Interlude- 6:45-Sportscast. 7 :00--Barn Dance, 7:15---Outdoor rogram 7:30--Book Review. 7:30-Xavier Cugit's Orh 8 :00--H-appy Hal. S:3---Buketnghain House Party 9:00--Hockey Game. 10:30-What do you know? 1:00--Canadian Club Reporter. 11:1--AA U Basketball Fnals. 12:30--Kay Kyser Orch. WXTZ 6:00--Day in Review. 6:15-To Be Announced 6 :30-Today's Frontiers 7:00-Message of Israel. 7:30-Town Talk. 7:45-Sandlotters. 8:00-Webster alli Orch 8:30-8pelling Bee. 8.45-Victor Arden-Dne 9:00 -Natonal BarnDane 10:00-NBC Symphony Orch. of cash than usual in the tellers' cages, today being pay day for Farm- ington school teachers. When the two men, both armed, entered the bank, Mrs. Irene Knicker- bocker, wife of the cashier, was in a teller's cage. She and a customer were instructed to lie on the floor. Howard Knickerbocker, the cashiei and Mrs. Arvale Tipper, the other teller, were eating lunch in the di- rectors' room. They were ordered to a cage, where they, too, were made to lie on the floor. Three customers who entered the bank during the rob-I bery also were forced to the floor. The robbers entered the cages and scooped up the loose change. While one left the building to load the money in the car and start the motor, the other covered the bank employes and customers. After a minute he joined his companion. and the car sped away. lorestr14y Meti To J South G~rcai p Phiiis lvestigdtio~n O TVA Flood Work Eleven students from the School of Forestry and Conservation, under the leadership of Prof. Leigh J. Young, will make a 2.000 mile tour of 8outheri) titber regions during this coming spring vacation, according to Professor Young. . The g;roup ,;ill begin its tour by in- vest igating the flood control and ero- !,ion prvention work of the TVA in' connection with the dam system in the Tennessee River valley, Professor Young -aid. From there they will -ravel through 1 th e southern ranges 1fl thm Ai palaehia i Mountains to Nt trt ii Carolina where they will tour the Bilt more estate and the Pisgah Frest, na ional game and wildlife TI i e isiol will wind-u with :. trip into (-he pinery of South Caro- lina, and the southeril coastal lain, after short stops at the Mt. Mitchell lorests ind the Appalachian Experi-I inent Stion, Professor Young said, Professor Yomin has conducted rimilar tori-s periodically ever since 1917. (Continued from Page 4) - Golden Text: Psalms 125:1. Sunday School at 11:45 after the1 fessor Ralphael Isaacs, Professor Ed- morning service.< gar N. Durfee, and Professor Dewitt - H. Parker at Lane Hall Library, Sun- -irst Congregational Church, Corn- dirsyConregaiona7Ch3ch, orn day, March 27, 3 p.m. er of State and William . The Graduate Students' Council 10:45 a.m. Service of worship. An- will meet Tuesday, March 29, at 8 swering the question "What Is Thisz p.m., in the Union. Christianity?" the general subject oft __rihis Lenten series, Dr. Leonard A. International Council Group: For- Parr will preach on "An Adventure." eign students are reminded that they Special music for the service will in- will be the guests this coming Sun- elude: Widor's "Adagio" from his day evening of the Episcopal Guild VI Symphony by Mary Porter, or-_ ay Harringall.Thiswilltpganist; Gounod's "Unfold, Ye Por- at Harris Hall. This will take the tals" by the choir; and Seaver's "Just1 place of the regular Sunday night for Today" sung by Lcis Greig, so-e supper at the Michigan Union. The group will meet promptly at 6:30 at I prano. International Headquarters and go to 3 p.m. The Pastor'- Training Class the supper together. for Young People will meet inm, PH- - - grim Hall. The Graduate Outing Club will meet 6 p.m. The Student Fellowship will at Lane Hall on Sunday at 2:45 and s meet at 6 o'clock in the Church Par- will go to Peach Mountain near Por- lors. After the supper, Dr. Parr, willgo o Pech ountin ear or-will speak on "Thou Crystal Christ." tage Lake for hiking and supper. All "__. . . . . ... t_ _ will have as its speaker Miss Marian Hall of the Department of Education of the University. Miss Hall will il- lustrate her talk on "Youth Hostels in Scandinavia and Germany" with sev- eral reels of motion pictures. The student club recently purchased a new projector and a glass-beaded screen which will be used for the first time Sunday evening. Supper, served by a committee of ladies,-at six. Miss Hall's talk at 6:30. A cordial wel- come is extended to all Lutheran stu- dents and their friends. The minister of the church, Mr. Brauer, will give his fourth Sunday evening Lenten lecture at 7:30. Topic, "Spanish Missions." Trinity Lutheran Church, corner of Fifth Ave. and Williams Street. Services at 10:30 a.m. Sermon: "Compromise-with an uncompro- mising Trust in a Faithful Father." Lutheran Student Club will meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Parish Hall. Dr. Carroll Rockey, DD of De- troit will be the speaker. Dr. Rockey will speak on the subject "Nature, diversity. Michigan is not faced with the pos- sibility of wildlife and game extinc- tion, Professor O'Roke claimed, due to the efficient and far-seeing prcl- gram the Michigan Department of Conservation of natural environment conservation, animal censuses, game refuges, and progressive legislation controlling hunting and fishing. As testimony to the success of the Michigan wildlife program, he point- ed to the fine populations of deer and beaver now extant in the State which was once threatened with the extinc- tion of both. TreaclersFederation 'I'o 1101(1 Discussion A panel discussion on "How Can Educational Planning Be Made Truly Democratic?" will be conducted at the luncheon meeting of the Ann Ar- bor Local of the American Federation of Teachers at 12;15 p.m. today in Room 316 of the Union. Alice Miel, principal of Donovan School, will be chairmanrof the panel. The panel includes Dr. Edgar G. Johnston, principal of University High School; Dr. Mowat G. Fraser of the education school; Helen R. Miller of University High School; Dorothy Noyes of Slosson, Jr. High School; Olga Goudy of Mack Ele- mentary School and Harold Matske of Ann Arbor High School. Phi Delta Union 3 to 5 Eta Sigma and Alpha Lambda will hold a tea dance at the on Saturday, Mar.ch 26, from p.m. ~ ~~~ I i graduate students are invited. Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will hold their regular meeting for wor- ship Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Michi- gan League. All who are interested are welcome. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 10:45 a.m., "Transubstaniation" is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's fourth Lenten sermon of a series on "Moderns and Miracles" at the Morn- ing Worship Service. The student r lumanitas, Rockey was dents at the The Student Unitarian ron Streets. Mr. Homer ; and Divivitas." Dr. former Pastor for stu- University of Wisconsin. Choir will meet at 4 p.m. Real Home Cooking... Luncheon . . 11:15 - 1:30 Dinner . . . 5:15 - 7:15 Sunday Dinner . 12:30 - 2:30 UNIVERSITY GRILL 615 East William - Phone 9268 Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) : choir directed by Prof. E. W. DotyI s and the children's choir under the 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev' leadership of Mrs. Fred Morns will Fred Cowin, Ministe. take part in the service. The musical 12:00 noon. Students' Bible Class, numbers will include: Organ Pre- 11. L. Pickerill, Leader. lde, "There on the Cross is Jesus" 5:3 p.m. Social Hour and Tea. by Bach; Anthem, "Come Holy 6:30 p.m. A symposium on the sub- Ghost" by Palestrina; Anthem, "How ject "Some New Vocations." Six new Blest Are They" by Tschaikowsky. vocations will be presented by stu- 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, dents preparing for work in those vo- I student group, supper and meeting. cations. This is the third program Dodge Community House program in- in a series on "You, Your' World and cluding Polish folk songs given by a Your Life Work." glee club. Miss Rose will tell of ~-~~-=-~.her work at Dodge Community Housc. First Maptist Church, 10:45 a.mu. - Rev. R. E. Sayles will preach on the S a-i Andreaws Episcopal (ChuorchI : subject, "The Supreme Question." Services of worslaip Sunday are: 8 The Church School meets at 9:30, a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 am. Dr. A. J. Logan, Supt. Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergar- The Junior High group meets at ten, 11 a.mn. Rite of Confirmnatio 4:30 p.m. in chuxrch parlors, Mrs. with Sermon by The Right Reverend Frinkie. Hermmvti Pzige. D.D., Bishop of Mich- The Senior 11 igh meets at p.m. isban, 4 p.m. Tea and reception for Mr. Sayles. Confirmation Class at Harris 1Hall. Church: State and Hu- 11 a.m. Morning Service. Martin, President of the Roger Villiams Guild, 503 E. Huron St. 12:00 Noon University students class will meet. Mr. Chapman in charge. 6 p.m. Evening program. Miss Flora Davidson will conduct the wor- ship service. The speakers will be Frank Rideout and Miss Lila Gaimrus, members of the Deputation Team. A social hour with refresh meits Mudris HaWI: Ther'e wilil be a cele - bration ofl tlhe( iJoly Communou at .) o'clock Siunlay morning. followed by breakfast. '. Te Episcopal Stu dct) Fellowship is entertaining the In- ternational Student Fellowship al, the meeting Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Students from many lands will be our guests. Th speaker will be Pro- fessor William TI. Worrell, whose will follow. subject will be Eddication and IReli- IFirst Cbiu'ch ol' Christ Sviitsf,- 409 So. Division St., Sunday Inorning St. Paul's I.th'eran St ijdk'nt ( luI service at 10:30. (Ganmmna Delta), meeting in the Subject, "Reality." ichurch rooms on Liberty at Third, JII SEE IT Fo)R YOUtSELiF Free On mpis Next Week r m NOR -Mogg-111WRIM Book Bargains.. Hundreds of ODD-PRICED BOOKS, Slightly Soiled or ShopWorn ..a. t 5 A% DISCOUNT from Regular Prices. We Are Selling Many SPECIAL REFERENCE BOOKS 11 11