PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATTTRnAV- MARCH M- MRA _ .- - - - -tr.nap, v r a a.a 8 a.nJ * , .8.6 4ALRri:.LLQ rt~ fr r 1:I~ .iJ Mr. McBergen Is On A Tear HisTale Unrare (Continued irom Page 1) iginally scheduled for this period was not to be presented." There follows . . . "A brief inter- lude of recorded music." Was the man on the cigarette hour a singer? "No, a golden-voiced ten- or." About cigarettes in general it was revealed that . . . "'They're made of rich, ripe-bodied tobacco." Was the contest on the next pro- gram restricted? "No, you too can take, advantage of this amazing of- fer. How? "Fill in the blanks and send them to your local dealer." Or . . . "In care of the station to which you are listening." Can you contest the decision? "No, the decision of the judges is to be ac- cepted as final." But in case of a tie . . . "Duplicate prizes will be awarded." Was that an actress who concluded the program? "No, she was none oth- er than that glamorous star of stage, screen and radio ... " eWISRationalism Siamese Twins Join Actors' Federation Sanitation In Eating Plaees Terme Beier S tex ri l tore 6,000 Educational Martyrs 11 Elementary School Basement >Jx thousand .battered and worn ondary school texts with a few col- tbooks. symbols of thousands of lege books. Although they range urs of study, including copies of from 40 to 120 years old, they are Guffey's Reader, The New Eng- not worth a great deal of money. d Primer and Webster's Blue-Back The value of the collection is main- eller, are now stored in the base- ly for students and faculty in study- nI, of University Elementary ing teaching methods and content of ooL the curriculum in former days. They During the celebration of the cen- are much used in work on theses for Try of the founding of the Uni- master's and doctoral degrees. Those Theta Chi Cards Still Do Funnty Things- The Theta Ch is' trick deck crept out of somebody's sleeve again last night and resulted in a bridge hftand of the ace, king, queen and jack of, clubs; the ace, king and queen of spades; the ace, king and queen of diamonds; and the ace, king and jack of hearts. Laurie Crawford, '41E, of the lucky hand, bid seven no trump, doubled, redoubled and, with, his partner, made ithneeCless to say. (Continued from Page 4) 1103 Mc nada Restaurant, said, "If the health lan officials make all restaurants live up Sp to it (referring to a set of sahitary S) standards) it will be a wonderful thing. Then the fellow who has good ten equipment, who spends money to keep ver ; his establishment clean will right to t fully have an advantage, because it ear takes money to keep a resturan Ar cleane" ti C. L. Starbuck, proprietor of the of College Inn, opposes the ordinance in I'lt that it imposes an undue penalty on T the man who has always kept a clean the establishment and wants to keep his wel door open. Th I'm 100 per cent for sanitation, - my restaurant shows it but no mon penalties for the man who has to compete with tax-exempt University; . restaurants who cater to Ann Arbor trade," he said. Isabelle Ryerson, speaking for the four Superior Dairy places, declared, >v !"I think the proposal is anl excellent When S iamese twinsqoined the American Actors' Federation at San .e t sho ha bs n xlng Fjancjsm,, a fellow-actor congratulated them. The twins are Daisy before. But I think that periodic and Violet Ililton of Texas. bfr.BtItikte eide an_ ilt___ examinations at a -minimum cost should be established, similar to Stud e ts LC r , Art O f Sculpture thelDstm g'ineteoit" Le ruiger, of Kruger's Restaur- SAant, seemed to have a stand similar n T p Fl or OttoStarbuck's, when he added' to his ] approval, "We feel the licensing pro- ~ ~-- - vision should extend to all eatingl Prof. Afard T. Fairyanks framework, called the "armature, places, lar none." UIreets Work In t ,.reinforcing it with supporting struc- The manager of the three hill Z SShidiO tures known as "butterflies" and then Billy "Inns" added his voice to the To Prepre For Exhbibit moulding it out of clay from living others with, "I think it's the best models. The statues can then be thing ever started. Our places may On the top foior of old University cast in plaster for exhibition, not have received as high scores as EHall, hidden from- the prying eyes of According to Professor Fairbanks, they should, but we'll try to improve7 the uninitiated, are three spacious, a "Hall of Fame" is rapidly being and cooperate in every way." fully equipped studios where, yearly, built up in University Hall with the The proposal's chief virtue accord- qualified students turn out works of collection of the many excellent ing to John Abraham, manager of sculpture for public exhibition. works turned out by modelling stu- the Subway restaurant, is that it willb The work is carried on under the dents. Many of the works which bring all eating establishments up to C tutelage of Prof. Avard T. Fairbanks have been used in past exhibitions higher standards of sanitation. Max of the Division of Fine Arts. This are placed in the upper Hall as in- Heald of the College restaurant year the annual exhibition will be spirations to present and future stu- agreed, saying his kitchen was open held early in May. dents of sculpture. for public inspection at any time. For nine years students who have-_ shown themselves especially interest- Henderson To Open Faculty Members ed or qualified have worked in plas- ter and clay to turn out the many Play On Broadwayttend coflV( ti o110 I L c i i I I city, Dr. Frank Robbins, assistant the President, announced that the liest seal of the school in its Ann bor career was taken almost en- ely from the frontispiece of one these copies of Noah Webster's e-Back Speller. There are a number of books from 1620's and '30's but they cover 1 the period from 1835 to 1900. ey are mainly elementary and sec- The books were transferred from the main library to relieve congestion in the stacks FORD TO BUILD TRACTOR WAYS, Ga., March 25.-(AP)-Hen- ry Ford, leaving tonight for Dear- born, said he intended to start pro- duction as soon as possible on a new low cost farm tractor. Daily 2:00-4:00-7:00-9:00 STARTING TODAY! .M. I I I I SE CI A L 0 - E ry - SATURDAY ,ONLY .1 's (Continued from Page 1) this experience is the Exodus, in the light of which alone the current his- tory of the Jews today can be -seen. Pharaoh, like Hitler today, perse- cted:the Jews, and Moses, who had become a thorough-going Egyptian, saw the suffering of his people and led them forth over the desert to Mount Sinai where he brought them the Law. The Jews today, victims of the per- secution of the barbarian Nazis, though they are, are guilty in a higher sense, for they betrayed their Jewishness and thought they had be- come assimilated with other peoples, Dr. Lewisohn said. .Today, he continued, those who thought they had been assimilated with the Germans, the Austrians, the Polish, the Yugoslavs and Rumanians are ,re-experiencing what their fore- fathers experienced at Sinai-their historic experience-and they are at- tempting to redeem themselves by obedience to that law which has been in their Conscious and Unconscious through 'the ages. From Sinai, the Jews went to Can- aan, conquered it, Lewisohn con- tinued, ard found themselves sur- rounded on all sides by pagans, those "who have no traffic with the divine." They followed their code of laws, the entire purpose of which was to sep- arate them from such pagans and the grossness, the hideousness and cruelty of these pagans. The Jews had a new feeling of mor-; ality different from the pagans inf the western world then, he said. The state and Pharaoh had been deified then, just as there is deification of man and state in Germany and Rus- sia today, he said. But the Jews have always regarded absolute power as evil and leading to evil, they have always clung in their hearts to the libertarian spirit. and distrust of power. The funda- mental content of their belief is that God rules over us-----that there is no other arbiter in the world except en- lightened conscience, CORRECTION Due to a misunderstanding the Daily reported Wednesday that all restaurants with "A" sanitation grades had already received grade ," , . . l I I F This Coupon and Only 59c Entitles Bearer to One of These IN PLAIN OR FACSIMILE Bring This Coupon to Our Store and Receive Any of These Items Cross Necklace acsimile Diamond Ring Cameo Ring z 0 z LU I- L'U 'Tlis 59e 114- 3, lhelim ja for local ad ver- idfu -,-v j4'tie, saletspe'ople, ete. Nothing more to 1wm. NEW STREAMLINE DESIGNS LIMIT 2 TO A COUPON 'lPhisotlfcr madle posible by the inanufac-' turer .Limhiutd supply for tills Special tale. We~ reserve' the riglit to limit: qulantities. TIhis coaipon is good only while Advertising S'PYILES FOR MEN, WOi,14N and CH-ILDREN neads, full size figures and panels which now fill all the available space in the studios and upper hall of Robert Henderson's production of (University Hall. According to Pro- Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of fessor Fairbanks, about 10 students Windsor" will open on Broadway each year take up the work of sculp- Thursday, it was, announced yester- ture. day. P rofessor Fairbanks started his Mr. Henderson, a Michigan alum- work of teaching sculpture when in i nus, directed the annual local drama- 1920 he was appointed Assistant Pro- tic season for a number of years, fessor of Art at Oregon University. resigning only last fall. Estelle Win- Since that time he has been award- wood, who starred in several Festival ed a degree of Doctor of Philosophy in productions, is co-producer. The two Anatomy here and was made Asso- recently concluded a tour with their ciate Professor of Sculpture in 1929. production of Noel Coward's "Tonight One of his works, "The Bird Boy" was exhibited at the main entrancey of the Detroit Flower Show which lxcursion Rates Granted closes today. He has .also designed For rEnlDay Vacation many frontier groups for civic monu- e ments and college decorations in the Spring vacation excursions, run by west. One of the most famous of his 'Murray B. Silverman, '40, received the works, "Winter Quarters" was dedi- !Michigan Central R.R.'s official sane- cated in Omaha, Neb., as a pioneer tion, according to A. W. Holden, tick- memorial in 1936. et agent, yesterday. In addition to Among his present works is a study excursions to Buffalo, Syracuse, Al- in plaster made over a period of four I bany and New York, there will be ex- years in the Medical School on va- cursions running to Chicago and Bos- rious parts of the human body, show- ton at reduced rates for the 10-day ing muscular and structural detail. period, according to Silverman. Professor Fairbanks, in teaching 1 All groups leave Friday, April 9, sculpture, departs from the Greek with the exception of one for New school, which teaches that what the i York which leaves Thursday, April -8. Greeks turned out is the most perfect ever done. Instead, he takes the ! prospective students up to the stu- dios and shows them what students have done in the past, and if they be-' NOWEIRhMARRIAGEsWASlNOhyOWLING lieve they c'an do as well they are wel N W. fi F r t 4 1 I The annual convention of the Michigan Society of Architects at Battle Creek today and tomorrow will be attended by Dean Wells I. Bennett of the School of Architecture, and by Professors Jean Hebrard, Walter V. Marshall, George M. McConkey and Emil Lorch also of the Architecture School. The primary business before the convention is a discussion of the new state law requiring registration of all professional architects, vaes nca eues uoars an u ou r et people nd! wear these ad I eel)their genuine diamonds in EXTRA for size. dety vanultE POPEYE CARTOON Is us utRate Drugs RICE. SPORTLIGHT ext to Goldman Bros - North State Street WORLD NEWS -U I I =1 cards for display. The distribution come to try. of cards, starting with "A" scores, Students carry on the complete has been begun but is not as yet com- work of modelling in the studios from pleted. j the initial Job of building the wire Ir .N Classified D__ FOR SALE E LOST AND FOUND WASHED SAND and Gravel. Drive- WILL the person who found two way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. watercolors at the Lydia Mendels- Phone 7112. 7x sohn Theatre, please return to Laura Adasko, 2-2591. 471 r arrxmY I THEIR MARRIACE WAS NO HOWLING SUCCESS... BUT THIS COMEDY IS! AND lR c0t . sck fx~A 11 11 LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. NOTICES TYPING: Experienced. Reasonable rates. L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. lox VIOLA STEIN, 706 Oakland. Phone 6327. Experienced typist. Reason- able rates. 232 TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244, 3x CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. ! Phone Sam. 6304. LOST: Acacia pin on campus. Call 8942 and ask for John. 474 LOST: Brown pigskin purse. Silver initials, V. G. Especially anxious for glasses. Reward. Phone 2-2981. 475 LOST: A Parker vacuumatic foun- tain pen. Lost near Allen-Rumisey and the library. Reward. Call 2-4401 476 WANTED WANTED: Three passengers to drive southeast to vicinity of Georgia Spring vacation. Call Mrs. Beebe. 7396, 472 FOR RENT ROOMS for permanent, Spring Va- cation or week-end rental. Phone 8544. 473 I II A nerica Is Building .its Way Into, r, New Era of Prosperity and YrOU CAN TOO! I -RE" CENTS PER WORD will do it! Get quick results! Hard quick workers, these Want-Ads! With low rates and big returns they buy and sell for you profitably. T-IREE CENTS PER WORD will deliver your mes- sage to 10,000 people. The Daily gives you the chance to reach a large, active buying and selling market at a reasonable price! J ust wono e23-24-1 for Ipoul fir" 4 f i s Ali You ust wi at fool- 00 o' d f F eft uS 0 det e ' i tic}tl yku$bl test w 'in every footcu3 as9 feaEUi to THE I . t F i & A A Mo. Mft m m - A m = I I t