The Weather Showers and colder today; tomorrow fair, rising tempera- ture. L e Lit iau Daii *Editorials French Journals In The~ Libray... Tennessee River: Valley Of Darkness ,. . VOL. XLVII. No. 128 Alm ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Sanitation lIn Eatin Places Termed Better, By University Opposition To Health Law Not Likely To Develop, Daily Survey Indicates Bacteria Count Is On Cliche Expert Rides Again; McCarthy McBergen Listens In, V, oast-To-Coast, OnT rThe Air ing in America's smartest dining and Mr. McBergen On A Tear dancinghclube . . "In the heart Of Phrases Hardly Rare of downtown New York, San Fran- Senate Makes Two Further . Tax Changes Estate And Gift Levies Cut Out Of House Measure By t" .n ance Committee u .a a a ..a a.a v vv .. . ..... a, .. ...,.. a ,....... ._ .,. ! By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY I Somebody dusted of Cliche Expert McCarthy McBergen again yesterday, and the Civil Glibberties head breezedI into the Daily office with a bagfull 24 karat radio expressions all guaran- teed 100 per cent hackneyed. Mc- Bergen was in "fine fettle" and an in- i k 'k 1 ,. terview got under way at once. b Thrice 'Fair' Level. Did you go to the movies last night, Mr. McBergen? "No, I sat with myv Conducting a survey similar to the ears glued to the radio all evening." one which so sharply indicted Ann What was the first program? "A rapidt Arbor eating places last October, the fire news broadcast brought to you by9 University Department of Public your favorite commentator. Health yesterday noted marked tight- How was it brought? "Through ther ening in restaurant sanitation was courtesy of soandso, makers of Ameri--I apparent, but conditions remain be- I ca's finest something-or-other. s low accepted levels. I What was the next program? "Din- At the same time the anticipated ner music." opposition of the restaurant owners From a restaurant? "No, original;- to the proposed city health ordinance v which goes to a vote before the Com- mon Council April 7, has failed to * materialize, an inquiry by the Daily Umversity Gets showed. Improved Methods Noted Gifts Of More Evidence brought forth by the de- partment's bacteriologists in the newac p^r^^3 check points to improved methods.1 of dishwashing and new equipment as responsible for the improved , -l standards and indicates the change YIiIOUIS D oirGives to have been most noticeable in res- $17,000 In Securities;, taurants in the campus area. Rillivei To D-cide Use Agitation for long-term reform re- sulting from the evidence spaded up More than $30,000 in recent gifts last fall is incorporated in the city to the University from several donors ordinance giving the health depart- were reported yesterday. ment wide powers to enforce health The largest gift, making up more1 regulations. than one half of the amount, came The Public Health Department's from an anonymous donor. The research shows that the medical bac- presentation totalled more than $17,-I teriological plate count for the 23 000 in securities. The money is toc restaurants checked is about 300 be used for such purposes as recom- organisms per cubit centimeter. Ac- mended by President Ruthven. cording to B. Behrend, writing in A bequest of $10,301.23 from the "Hygeia," a count of below 100 is estate of the late Ursula L. Platt will fair. "A bacterial count of between establish a scholarship fund named 100-500 colonies in 1 c.c. of water in- for Samuel J. Platt, a University dicates slipshod uncontrolled prac- alumnus who died in 1918. tices of dishwashing.' Mrs. Leona R. Lounsbury gave $800 Results Are Lower as an initial gift toward establishing These results -are considerably a fund in memory of Edith Lounsbury lowerthan those reported last fall of the class o['1915 although in several individual in- A fellowship fund of $2,750 for the stances the count has gone up. The support of a research assistant and a principal importance of such experi- fellow in chemistry was presented by ments lies in measuring the efficiency the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Co. of with which the city's eating places Wilmington, Del. John Helfman of wash their dishes. Although the bac- Detroit has given $500 for tuition teria which causes pneumonia and scholarships in pharmacy. several types of typhoid under cer- The Michigan State Medical So- tain conditions have been found ciety gave $160.77 to be added to the they are relatively little significance funds of the joint committee of unless individuals are taken ill. The noealth education Public Health Department points out From Dr. E. S. Sherrill, '80, of that all of these organisms can be Detroit and the family of O. C. Seelye found ordinarily in a healthy per- has come pictures of the class of '80 son's mouth. Their presence simply and the faculty of the Tniversity ihdic lates that the dishwashing which at that time. is intended to remove them has not been successful1. . , - ,)* In carrying on the examination two )t1ltiUR WIl tIIl 1 11 v jsamples are taken with a sterile cot- ton swab from each utensil after it A sa i d41 By abor I has been washed and placed ready I_ for use. The presumption is that LONDON. March 25.(- )-Thc Na- anything left upon the silverware will Uional Council of Labor, central body lie transmitted to ihe customer. One of the British labor movement, today sample is placed in a salt solution and issued a sharp condemnation of the other in a fermentation tube and Prime Minister Neville Chamber- appropriate media is added. From g.ain's "cynical disregard of the need the numtbel of colonies found grow- for defending democracy." ing upon the plate an approximation The council's political wing rallied of the number of organisms in the powerful trade union :representatives original sample can be found- whose cooperation is essential to No Opposition Found i the success of Chamberlain's rearma- Anticipa ted opposition of restaur- ment speed-up plan cisco, Chicago or Detroit." First they played. . ,. "The No. 1 hit tune of the country." Followed by . . "A swell little num- ber." Was there a female singer? "No, a' lovely little songstress." Did she sing? "No, she did the vocal." Did you hear any commercial blurb? "No, Graham McNamee came in with a few words of advice to the wise buyer." What did he tell you? "About how to save money and make your dollar, go twice as far." Can you wait until you have enough money to purchase the product? "No, I'm going to buy now and avail my- self of the easy credit terms." Did the next feature go off as scheduled? "No, due to conditions be- yond their control the program or- ((ontirinor on Pa~vr9) 9 Blum Averts Cabinet Crisis I Amid Strikes Dr.L sohn Hits Youth's Rationalism Religions, Ways Of Life, Correspond To Psychic Build Of Man, le Says Traces Religion As Historic Experience By ALBERT P. MAY10 Ludwig Lewisohn eloquently chal- lenged a younger generation brought up in the rationalistic tradition to whom "nothing is true unless it can be classified" yesterday in Hill Audi- torium. All great religions are ways of life, and, though they do not have truth in the scientific sense of demonstrable fa t- htv n tn ii v nmn r limorn i - In Varsity Swimmiers Trail O.S.U., 22-20 Collegiate (e4s Ilis Probe WiIthdrawsDefense Fund Proposal When Senate Deniii ds Resigniation PARIS, March 25.--(A)--Premier Leon Blum tonight failed to halt a wave of strikes which his own sup- porters inspired to prevent his cab- inet's overthrow. Strikers, estimated to total 26,720, got out of hand and demanded con- cessions which employers so far have refused.. The government sought a method to appease them. The Socialist Premier, however, averted a cabinet crisis by withdraw- ing a plan to divert 3,145,000,000 francs (currently about $95,900,000) from the exchange equalization fund to a special defense fund. The Senate yesterday refused to approve his proposal and Senators: denainded Blum quit the offlee he has held since March 13 in favor of a national union government with an- other leader. Blum declined to press his plan. He took to the Chamber of Deputies the measure the Senate had approved for borrowing 5,000,000,000 francs (cur- rently about $152,500,000) to meet immediate bills Breakfast To Honor _r hbi~sIhop Mooxcy breakfast honoring Archbishop Edward Mooney of the Detroit arch- diocese will be given by the Newman Club tomorrow morning at Student Chapel. This event will be the first visit of the Archbishop since his appoint- ment to the Detroit Diocese. The Newman Club, local Catholic stu- dent organizftion has arranged for his address here in order ti at stu - dents may become acquainted with him. Special faculty guests invil ed to the breakfast will include Prof, and Mrs. WilHiam McLaugli un, Prof, and Mrs. Edgar Durfee, Prof. and Mrs. William Sherzer, and Prof. Elizabeth G. Crosby. L Be I0i4ssitdI I, Leaderr j ---s Urge Retention OfI Presen LExemptions WASIUNGTON, March 25.-(/P)- The Senate Finance Committee per- formed another major operation on the House-approved tax revision bill today, removing its gift and estate tax provisions. Chairman Harrison (Dem., Miss.) of the committee said members were swayed by arguments of state officials that the House provisions would lead the federal government farther into state fields of taxation. Rejecting the House levies, the committee wrote into the bill those in existing law. Harrison said this would eliminate confusion and would not reduce revenue. Yesterday, the committee wiped out the House-approved undistributed profits tax and overhauled the capi- tal gains levy. The changes today left only minor portions of the House measure intact. $40,000 Exemptions Made The House bill would provide a flat $40,000 exemption for both estate and I gift taxes, reduce a separate annual exemption for gift taxes from $5,000 to $3,000, and reduce credits allowed for state gift and estate tax payments from about 25 per cent of the federal tax to 16.5 per cent. The Senate committee recommend- ed retention of the present separate $40,000 exemptions for both the estate and gift levies, or a total of $80,000, and eliminated the other changes voted by the House. Harrison said statements bykGov. He'bert H. Lehman of New York and other state officials had a great deal of influence on the committee's de- cision. Lehman Assails Bill Lehimn, in a letter to the com-' mittee this week, charged that the 'independent sovereignty of the states is threatened by Federal tax- ing policies." He said the House pro- visions would give states "only a one- sixth right" to estate taxes.. The Senate committee approved an amendment by Senator Brown (Dem., Mich.) to exempt banks in liquidation Ifrom corporation income taxes. Harrison made public a treasury estimate that the committee-ap- roved capital gains tax would yield $45,400,000 this year. It was estimat- ed that the House-approved capital gains levy would produce only $42,- 1200,000. F ederal IJll(4e Meet I tant than what science knows as truth, the noted author and critic said. 1,500 Pi'resent Ultimate realities, he told his :udi- ence of 1,500, the ultimate questions of the origin of man, his relation to the universe and to God are unique and cannot be classified. There are two kinds of religions, he said, the ethnic, of which Judaism isj an example, sprung from the earth, and the representative spirit of the people which gave them birth; and the mystic, which Christianity type- fies, that, have profound reality cor- responding to the profound needs of the human soul. The great mystery religions, lie continued, correspond to the constant and universal psycho- logical mechanism in the human make-up. Thus the universal sense of guilt which is in man gives reality to vicarious atonement. Jewish Religion Unique The ethnic religion, the Jewish re- ligion, is unique, it is the religion of historic experience. It repeats itself from age to age, from Pharaoh o Hitler, and this repetition is the mar- velous thing about it, Dr. Lewisohn said,. The content of this historical ex- perience is the meeting of man with the divine, not visually, in Judaism,i but by hearing the divine command and obeying it. The central fact of iContinued on Page 21 SEN. 11. STYLES BRIDGES CAoit. g ,essio a 1 Prtobe On TYVA Appears Near Senae Passes Resolution Asked By AEE Morgan; FID)I's Approval Seen WA HINGTON, March 25.-()- TIhe Co-gressional investigation de- Are Ahead Of Dope Sheet After First 6 ' Events; Kirar Matches Record Princeton Smashes _ manded by Arthur E. Morgan, presi- dentially-removed chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority, was near realization tonight. The Senate approved an investiga- tion to be conducted by five Senators and five Representatives into virtual- i !{ 4 1 I p ant owners to the proposed sanita- tion ordinan*(e will not materialize, a survey made yesterday indictes. Of the 1I owners of 16 eating places who were interviewed, only One pe- sentet any seriols objection, nine expresset genccraI a pproval anid one refe o commen t. Two of tho" approving otfered sutggestions wliicl they dope will beincorporated into the ordinance as amendmxents. Ralph Monk, manager of the Gra- {(oti im2.ed 011 Page 2) By [(I miatoia Dr. 1 ~. oo. ewrld in; 4cr an el nirch and educational work, will 10 Speak hr Orio I .hillips To, 1"O"01110r41 sDay Address ,Ji de rio L. Phillips of Denver, Colo., federal jurist and a graduate of the Law School in 1908, has been niamed principal speaker for the an- nual Founder's Day Exercises of the Law School, to be held April 22, it was announcec recently. .udge Phillips has presided over the l0th United States Judicial Dis- triol since 1929 wjhen he was appoint- ed to 1ha, position by President Hoo- ver. Previously he had served as a iccur "Odistrict ,jude 11New Mexico acd for three yars in the New Mex- ico Senater where lie was Repulican maj ority 1floor leaderci. Foundcer's Da ,y is the occ asionj, held zzIaliuilly, when alum ni, faculty and studentsf of the Law School pay trib- ut e to the l ate W. W. Cook, donafor of the .1,,,(w Qu>aidra ngle. Montana was tle speaker at the ex- t'iFC15 laSt year. ly every aspect of the New Deal power 'r agency and efforts of private power "Tech .ioi rIac companies to defeat its program. Expect Early Action Flrm s S etio I It adopted a joint resolution au- thorizing the inquiry, and sent it to the House. There, Majority Leader Local Organiztoll Seeks R ybui'n Said action could be expect- ed as quickly as the Rules Committeec Ulniyersity Recoga ilioR sent the measure to the floor, after bearings scheduled for early next University recognition of an Ann week. Arbor section of "'T'echnocracy, Inc," Senator Bridges (Rep., NH.) was will be sought in the near future byj insistent that a list of 23 chargesl against TVA be included also. These an interested group which met last agdit the ommidee to T ies night in the Union to formulate planshr for the local organization. Whether there was truth in thel chatrac of Arthur L. Mor'gan, whom The purpose of the group will be to ar fArurEMrgwhm Thcurpoheses athers will he the President, dismissed after he re- acquaint themselves and others o) fused to -answer presidential ques- campus with Technocracy's proposal tons, that an attempt was made to I for a scientifically planned system of defraud the Government in connec- production and distribution, accord- tion with fhe ing to Nelson Berman, '39. Underlin th e rchase of ce'tain this system, production shall be lim- l-,yhnds. ited only by the physical capacities w 'ec'eTvA Charged of our natural resources and indtits I Wloitlrei TVA affairs had been trial planatu. rconducted in a clandestine manner, .James L. Van Vlict, '39, of the c- Wheti e r beca use of action by a troit section, who addressed the g-(1T1 inajiorit y of the TVA board, Chair- ot sTechnocrac w oo dkssat the gRee- man Morgan had been denied an op- sion'T pointed out thkat the preentS portunity to present his views before business recesson is not partorfo TougressionaI committees. business cycle, but is a long-tireeWc- Whter TVA had interfered with sult of reduction in man-hours I of I auc 1 of its books by the comp- labor per unit of production, lie then t.iiGler rcen'ri I. pointed out! Technocracy's plan to in i Whe tierc' rura I+electricity users had sure a inaxinmuzn standard of livingbetry F frced to buy electrical appli- with the least expenditure of I MI an ameFs. for wich ithery had no need, effort and naturral resources. in oardcer to obtain TnIVA power,. Ann- Arbor PressI Tels Patrons Plant Runs Desile Acitators Medley Relay Mark NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J., March |5.-(Special to The Daily)-With six vents completed, the title-defending Volveine swimmers of the University if Michigan tonight trailed Ohio tate by a bare two points, 22 to 20, eaving the Wolverines ahead of the lope sheet with a good chance of oming through Saturday night for mother National Collegiate title. Princeton's medley relay 'team ook the evening's honors as Al Vande Veghe, Dick Hough and Hank Van )ss shattered all existing Americn 'ecords to win the 300-yard specialty n 2:54.7, two tenths of a second bet- er than the listed American mark of he Lake Shore A.C. Among the narks to fall was the N.C.A.A. meet 'ecord set last. year by Michigan, which finished third behind Ohio htate, Vande Weghe Breaks Records Earlier in the evening Vande Weghe iad warmed up by smashing the in- ercollegiate and meet records set by Buckeye Bill Neunzig and Danny ehr in the 150-yard backstroke. He von the title in 1:34.2, while Neun- ,ig finished fourth. Captain Ed Kirar led the Michigan atators in their fight to keep their ;own with a repeat victory in the 0-yard free style event over Har- rard's Charley Hutter. In the semi- inals Kirar equalled the meet record >f 23 seconds flat. Walt Tomski trailed Hutter to the finish with Ohio State failing to place. The Buckeyes got back in the run- ning, however when Al Patnik and ir, Patterson finished in that order >ff the low board, far ahead of the field. Jack Wolin, in fifth pae, was he only one of four Michigan divers to place. Ohio Relayers Second Ohio's other point winners suffered et-backs as Bill Neunzig, dorsal ar- ist, was left in the fourth place wash of talented Eastern stars, and then teamed with Al McKee and Bob Quayle in the medley to finish in the second place slot allotted them by the dope books. Tom Haynie, Michigan's defending champion in the 220-yard free-style, was dethroned tonight by Bill Kendall of Harvard, who beat Haynie to the pool end by more than three seconds. Haynie still had enough left, however, to finish in front of Johnny Macionis, of Yale, who earlier in the afternoon had won the 1500-meter free style. Bob Johnson of Ohio trailed Macionis in the 220 finish. At the end of the first day's events Harvard and Princeton, tied with 16 (Continued on Page 3) German Gains Not Temporary, F uel-rer Asserts Explains Austrian Action; Begins Speaking Tour On Coding Plebiscite KOENIGSBERG, Germany, March 25. (sP-Adolf Hitler tonight notified the world that when ermany takes possession the Nazi flag stays put. "This I swear, and so do all of us: what we once possess we will never under any circumstances surrender," the Reichsfuehirer. passionately as- sured some 15,000 wildly cheering East Prussians in the opening speech of his pebiscite tour of greater Oer- many. This was the meaning of the swift military occupation of Austriahe said. He explained many troops were not needed there, as the joyous welcome German soldiers received from Aus- trians showed. His compelling reason for ordering such large-scale military action was: "I wanted to show the world we were acting in deadly earnest. "I wanted to show the world that this problem admits of not further discussion." Hitler came here by airplane for ('aip s Is )f f red A I1i$l sPrCVW'Lf) (Of Spwit shi.14'iCSI( The posterior portion of the two- man animal that spent yesterday noon publicizing the Spanish Fiestac at the League tonight called the Daily to report his (or its) itinerary. Plastered with signs proclaiming "This Is No Bull" and harassed by a toreador resplendent in scarlet cape and frilled jacket, the bovine crea- ture started at the corner of State and North University at 12 noon, ac- cording to the Progressive Club mem- ber who disappeared last on its way sl~k at t'7 :45pm. Tuesday at Hill Auiditori linnon the cIrent, Crisis in Cn.Funds obrtainled frotn ht sale of tickets to Dr. Koo's lecture will be M diistributed to educational istitutiols in China, and will forln a part of the $1.000 drive which leading 'amIxpius oai11a(ions are sponsoring to -e bmildl a>int , sr htocls iin thE, intlrior, WVh en 1)i. Ko>o spoke in I 92 a I the Second Opium Conference of the League of Nations, one newspaper re- ported, "In Dr. Koo' ' speech the voice of the prophet broke in where the voice of the diplomat and expert riiledl; and the prophet in his grip on the ultimate realities, and in his' statesmanship, was a finer diplomat DR. T. Z. KOO and expert than they." --- ----~- ---- Dr. Koo is a graduate of St. Johinl's was brought from New Zealand to University, Shanghai, For nine years address and participate in the World an official in the administrative de; Conference at Oxford, England. I- . - )"'psi ,j-fol Le sState Bequest of $4t5,000 ror what is believed to have been Ihe fii-st time in history, the State of Michigan was bequeathed an entire esta -c yesterday when John P. Bar- low, 76 year old Ypsilanti resident, left it $45,000 on condition that the money "be used in the payment and discharge of the indebtedness of the; state." Barlow died last Friday. By ROBE' RT Ii ERiMAN The Ann Arbor Press has ent fr 'I 1 1tters to its pat rons the Daly ias earned, iiniforJIg them IIat tesdpi i' ( a "phony strike" staged by "a few labor agitators" the plant, running with every striker's place filled, can handle any printing promptly and efficiently. The International Typographical Union has been conducting a strike against the local printing firm since Feb. 19. Union members filed charges against the plant with the National Labor Relations Board, which has issued a formal complaint and set a hearina for March 31 in the Michigan s7'ce I axeh bEeCI keepimg up al loc- easoniI ni k vt ine in an endeavor to prevent any workers or business I con ii g nO the Press Building. In. spite of this we are running 100 per cent ca pacity; every striker's place is filled, with scores more of applica- Mions. Our eimployes have for some time had a collective bargaining organiza- Lion of their own with whom we have a signed agreement, "1t has been our policy for years to make no discrimination between union and non-union workers. We are in control of the business and can assure you that any printing placed ,r