The Weather Cloudy and colder, local snow today; partly cloudy tomorrow. L AL t l AML Editorials Chain Gangs And Child Latbor ... A Case For Colieative security ,.. VOL. XLVII. No. 98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEB. 18, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Track Team . Easily Wins Over M.S.C. Shatter Three Records And Tie Three More In Imposing Triumph. 68 -26 Is Margin Gained By Wolves By ROY HEATH Highlighted by the stellar hurdling of Elmer Gedeon, Michigan's track team rolled over Michigan State 68% - 261/2 in a meet which produced three new meet records, tied three more and left the Spartans with only one first place. Gedeon, running in his first hurdle races since high school ripped through, both timber events in record tieing time to take over his highly tooted, mnore seasoned rival, W dstra of State with embarrassing ease. The times of 8.1 for the highs and 7.3 for the lows tied meet marks held by Michigan's Bob Osgood, holder of the world's outdoor high hurdle record of 14. seconds flat. Watson eSts Record Michigan's mighzy Bill Watson an- nexed high scoring honors with his usua lfirst in 1he shot, and seconds in the sprint and high jump, running his total to 11 points. It took Watson two throws to get warmed up in the shot but on the third he sailed the ball 50 feet 4 inches to break his own Gield House record. On the next shot however he invalidated his first rec- ord-breaking effort to send the shot 51 feet 2 3/4 inches, a heave which bettered his Big Ten indoor and out- door marks of 50 feet 4% inch and 50 feet 10/2 inches set last year. Schwarzkopf Sets Record Running with clock-like precision Ralph Schwarzekopf, Michigan soph- inomore ace, tolled off 15 of his 16- lap two mile race. Suddenly a half- hearted attempt at passing on the part of State's veteran Ken Waite caused the lanky Wolverine to turn on a last lap blast that left the specta- tors gasping and Waite staggering ten yards back at the finish. Schwarz- kopf's 9:24.9 set a new meet record but fell just short of the Field House standard. Undatinted by a burning first quar- (Continued on Page 3) H >w Far Will Hi EditorAnalyz tier Go Now? lonetary Link es Austrian Coup r A ria u strian. NaziGermany Nr Nazi ascendancy Bodes Ill F or Europe Completion Of Expansion Not Seen By JOHN EVANS (Aesociated Press General Foreign Editor) Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler has put is hand on Austria. He compelled he appointment of five friendly men n that little country's cabinet, per- haps the first step toward union. How much further will he go? How lid he do it? Why did he do it? And vhy did he do it now? Unrest Among Officers Germany has just gone through a "purge" of the army. Hitler took resignations right and left and an- riounced the military would be Nazi-. tied. Probably there still is unrest mong the officers. Hitler, fa:ing that, diverted world ittention. His bold step made it im- possible for the army to waver in its loyatlty. Austria is called the keystone of 0gitrope's arch of peace. Will Hitler steady it or pull it down? All Countries Concerned N .rely every country in the world is OcerIce3 -d and most of them are wor- dd. They wonder what Hitler will tIo with his new and growing power. Already he has precipitated a world -nrmament race that has reached to 'he United States through its com- plications. Hitler determines the pace because neither Great Britain nor irance nor any other power calls halt" with intent to make it stick. What's it all about? Last Saturday Hitler 'invited' or (Continued on Page 6), Pla-ti tWorks To Be Shown Here Till March Display Shows Industrial Applications Of Plastics; To Go ToThirty States An exhibit of plastics, organic chemicals blended and molded into industrial products, which opened yesterday in Room 1304 East En- gineering Building, is, according to Lester V. Colwell of the metal pro- Or. Edmund was c-3e to' tii'ee awarded posts in Austrian cabinet. (i hise- listtefluu Nazi ,;eyni aiaizers Clip r°Nvisdionufiil'te 'ro-Nazi Head Of Interior Confers With Hitler; Many Changes Expected New Vienna Cabinet ShakeupExpected T ERTLIN. Feb. 17.-(/P)-A monetary ,inion between Germany and Austria was predicted by enthusiastic Nazi spokesmen tonight as they learned he import of talks between Chan- 'ellor Adolf Hitler and the Austrian uro-Nazi Minister of the Interior. With the uronipt visit of Arthur '5cysz-Jnquart, the Austrian minis- 'er, to confer with Hitler and other xerman leaders after his elevation to l 'ie cabinet, Nazi spokesmen declared hey expected many sweeping changes ;n the relations between the two coun-, tries. ('abinet Shakeup Iuninent Another cabinet shakeup was im- 1iuernt in Vienna, they said, with ceysA'ncquart emerging as Vice- Thancellor and Nazis controlling the ,eonomic and finance ministries. Hitler, they asserted, was deter- nined to brimrg about the closest pos- -.1ble economic union between the two 'ountries. First of all, they said, Hitler would tackle the Austrian unemployment uroblem by vast public works cen- 'eriing around road building. A customs umion was taken for 'uerit ed. See Synchronized Currency The monetary union they envis- aged would synchronize banking cur- rencies. Reports Hitler was making new demands such as Austrian withdrawal rorn the League of Nations and ad- .erence to the anti-Communist pact, ind that these demands had snagged the new alignment, brought only de- Better library Light Facilities Department Spenids $290 For New Equipment in Atgell Study }11l11h Lighting facilities in Angell Hall Study Hall and the Economics LibraryI have been improved 150 per cent at aI cost of $200, the Buildings and Grounds Department announced yes-j terday. "The new lighting is a great im- orovement over the old semi-indirect lighting in both beauty and efficiency. Japs Earmark Billion Dollars For War Cost New Allotment To Double Bill For China Invasion, Now Seven Months Old Budget Plans Wait Cabinet's Approval, TOKYO, Feb. 17.--(P)-The Ja- panese Government earmarked $1,- 39,00,00for the Army and Navy today to continue the undeclared war against China. The new military expense account, as completed by the Finance Min- istry, brought the bill for the seven months of warfare to $2,146,000,000 The $1,392, 000,000 (4,800,000,000 yen) "special account for extraordi- nary military expenditures" is a supplement to the ordinary budget. The FinancetMinistry's figures will be submitted to the Cabinet for ap proval next week. Reiterate Parity Demand The sum already spent on the war is more than four times as much a the total for the Chinese-Japanese war of 1894-95 and the Russian- Japanese War of 1904-05 combined. While Japan was increasing its Army and Navy appropriations, the naval spokesman reiterated Japan's stand on naval parity without dis- closing the building plans Japan has insisted on keeping secret. The Naval spokesman, comment- ing on the United States' projected "two ocean fleet," declared that the fact the United States has two oceans to defend against Japan's one does not alter Japan's parity stand. The Japanese press reported at length President Roosevelt's declara- tion at a press conference that the purpose of American Naval building is to have fleets on both oceans at the same time. Estimates Received Calmly The increased Army and Navy estimates were received calmly by business and financial circles. One leading financier said "naturally, the effect will be felt both by busines men and the comhon people but the Government could appropriate 10,- 000,000,000 yen without putting a severe strain on the nation's financial resources." The Finance Ministry announced the supplementary budget of 4,800,- 000,000 yen would be raised mostly by a 4,400,000,000 yen national issue of "Chinesedincident" bonds. The pub- lic already has absorbed 2,400,000,- 000 yen ($696,000,000) of previous bonds. Tax increases, the Ministry said, would be slight, amounting to but 290,000,000 yen. JaPS Poise Critical Drive SHANGHAI, Feb. 18.-(Friday)- ('P)-Japanese declared today their forces were -poised for a smashing thrust south of the Yellow River in the western sector of the Central China (Continued on Page 6) G.M. Is Charged With Ohio raft Normati TIhonas Ltdiare 1o Be Spoiisored Ipv New ,Peace Society 1" ; m Oxford IPledge Noi man Thomas, tI hr m -ile So- 1ialist Party candidate for the presi- riency of the United States, will speak here Friday, March 4, under the aus- oie s of a newly-fer-med campus or-. ganization for the furtherance of the Oxford Pledge as a means of achiev- ing peace, the Michigan Anti-War Comnmittee. Thomas has been refused permis- sion to speak in a University building. according to Charles Buck, temporary ,:haiiman of l ie conmnittee, because his lectuire would conflict with an- other. The m mittee has not ye' found a place for his lecture, which will bx in the afternoon. Thomas will speak in Detroit that evening. Committee Recognized The Michigan Anti-War Commit- ftee, which was riecognized by the Sen- ate Committee on Student Affairs last Tuesday, supports the following four- point program: '1).Drastic reduction of military appropriations. (2) Immediate removal of all U.S armed forces from China, as well as all other foreign territory. (3) Abandonment of the Shep- pard-Hill "industi al mobilization" bill. (4.) Passage of a genuine war ref- erendum amendment. Positive Action Needed The committee is "vitally concerned with making the University of Mich- igan student body aware of the im- portance of the war question and of the necessity of positive action against Nar arid war preparations," its pro- gram reads. In opposition to collective securit- fists, who generally favor ;ar "for the defense of democracy against fas- Aism," the committee hopes to achieve peace by the "internationalism of workers and young people in the struggle against war-making forces," A, point of view the conmittee believes inplicitin the Oxford Pledge: We re- fuse to support the government of he United States in any war it may kindertake. Locally the cfommittee opposes the An irvitation 1,o memb'rship was To Speak Here Trade Council sks Roosevelt Revise Labor Disputes Law Einployers Discriminated Against Unfairly, Says Advisory Committee P las Consistent' Industrial Program cessing department, who is in charge of the exhibit, the first of its kind Senate Hears everhassembled. IThe exhibit, illustrating the effec- ^ I;tive use of these man-made materials Cu ra Int in home and industrial products will 1be on display for two weeks ending 'Coast K ilI ng s' dexarch 1. Included in the exhibit is a steel ------mesh-lined leather messenger bag CIO Chief Attributes Toll which contains a plastic mechanism which locks the bag if it is seized To Rival AFL UnIon from the carrier and, after a delayed For' Longshoremen period, produces a series of detona- tions and emits dense streams of The Building and Grounds departmn risive laughter in foreign office circles. plans to go ahead with the re-lighting However, it was not denied Aus- oregram as fast as the budget per- tria's withdrawal from the League mits, and wherever the present light- i perhaps ing system is inadequate," Edward C. ngt be announced later p r Pardon, head of the buildings and I wxhen Hitler and Chancellor Kurt grounds department, stated. H Schuschnigg of Austria visit Premier rnd thdepatmoughnthe lhtingin Benito Mussolini in Rome this spring. rlaimied that although the lighting in many places is not inadequate, the work is being done because of strong - 1i * criticism and for still greater effi- oli . -onder ciency. The campaign for better lighting, ( 1 ~1- which originated with a letter to the New Ult Clue Editor written by Harold Ossepow, '39, was carried on by the Daily edi- torially and in a series of articles un- Opponents Of Terrorists covering the extent of poor lighting. Gets Bullet in Mail "A large program to remedy the lighting problem in all the University DETROITFeb.17.-)-Postal buildings was inaugiirated and a size~inspectors and Highland Park police able reserve built u) before the de- ean today an investigation of the pression, but the slump forced aban- mailing of a cartridge to an official of donment of the plans," Mr. Pardon !he suburb who had been an-opponent a d. "An estimate mide seve a yeaIs f the Black Legion. ago placed the cost of important addi- Harry A. Smith, chairman of the tiens to lighting at approximately ighland Park Civil Service Commis- $8,000. ion. notified officials that an en- "Lighting is not the only problem velop, raddressed to him and post- that merits attention in our program. narked in Detroit, was delivered to Acoustics are so bad in some rooms Wis residence yesterday and contained that it is doubtful that the students ,t .38-caliber automatic pistol cart- can hear their professors." 'idge with a copper jacket. The bullet's nose had been cut off, WhoCan?'t . rve 1NT ? nSmith related, and a cross carved on ,tie ih flat surface. Why Horace, Of Co Cef Testimony in trials of Black Legion ncuabers disclosed that the hooded DETROIT, Feb. 17.- --U' - -Ques- >_ der used bullets both as threats to tioniing Horace Brown, 19, on a traf- nemies and as passes to secret gath- tic violation chars'v, Transic Judge Wings. George Murphy learned today that 'The commission headed by Smith lor ace and his twin brother, Cora'e. wasi esponsible for the dismissal of -ad one driver's licciiA'bet ween hem n cve-al Highland Park City employes . .:m '1k-ll ations of Black Legion ac- ~V.orace t'xf dat-. i. : ''l- . u,, iVty. President Roosevelt's Business Ad- hisory Council proposed five changes n the Wagner Labor Disputes At Mday, saying "corresponding respon- ibilities should be imposed" on labor nd employers, Associated Press dis- atches from Washington, D. C. re- >orted. The charges were presented to resident Roosevelt with a request or sympathetic consideration, Recommendations Against Act The recommendations go definitely tgainst the present labor act which adly fails to provide the employers ith a suitable weapon to retaliate gainst labor in disputes, and con- inues on to condemn any coercion. t says that "the fundamental >rinciples essential to industrial seace should be embodied in a- con- ;istent industrial-relations policy, 'air to employers, employes and the ublic." In brief, the changes would pro- 'ide: "(A) Neither the act, nor its ad- ninistration will favor any paricular orm of a bona fide labor organize- ion. "(B) Employes shall be free in- elf-organization and collective bar- :aining from interference, restraint, r coercion from any source. Employers Can Call Board "(C) Any party to a labor dispute hall be able to invoke the services >f the (Labor Relations) Board. "(D) The functions of fact-finding, >rosecution and judicial decision hall be separated and not conbined n a single agency. "(E) The rights and obligations of mployers and employes and their .espective representatives shall be nore clearly defined by law and nade less subject to definition at he discretion of the Board." As the law now stands: (A) The Board may designate the appropriate collective bargaining nit" for employes. Both the Ame- (Continued on Page 2) soviet Picture Opens Tonight At endelssohn The River' To Be Shown With 'Peter I,' Winner At The Paris Exposition "Peter I," Soviet film, described as 'a living page of Russia's history," and "The River," government-made aga of man's fight against °floods, will be shown at 8:15 p.m. today and tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the Art Cinmea League. Tickets will be available after 10 a.m today at the Mendelssohn box office. The Russian picture, which has English dialogue titles, is based on hn research of Alexei- Tolstoy, and tells the story of Peter the Great, progressive despot who brought Wes eern culture and industrialism to his ba ckward feudal country of 1700. With a cast of more than 5,000, the filh won the highest cinema award at the Paris Exposition. The Farm Security Administration of the Department of Agriculture produced "The River" under the di- rection of Pare Lorenz. The musical score is by Virgil Thompson and the orchestra, consisting of members of the New York Philharmonic Society, is conducted by Alexander Smallens. Following the first government film, "The Plow That Broke the Plains," "The River" deals with the story of Southern cotton, the misery of sharecroppers, the deforestation of the North and the resulting floods. Actual scenes of the devastating Mississippi-Ohio flood of the spring of 1937 are incorporated in the pic- ture, as well as shots of the human suffering and costly soil erosion that followed. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-(')-A Senate committee heard Joseph Cur- ran, rugged-jawed president of the CIO National Maritime Union, charge, today that 17 of his followers had been killed and 125 injured while servingl on picket lines. He attributed this toll to the activ- ities of the rival International Long- shoremen's Association, headed by Joseph P. Ryan, leader in American Federation of Labor circles. Ryan had previously testified that1 Curran and other officers of the CIO union were communists and had em- ployed strongarmn "beef" and "goonr squads" in the internecine water front struggle. "I am not a communist now and I I do not believe that I ever intend to I be a conununist," Curran replied to-1 day when he appeared before the Sen-1 (Continued on Page 6) Alas! f 1.ess' smoke to aid police in pursuit. In addition there are radios of fabricat- ed resin. lenses made from plastics to correct all phases of impaired vision, and many displays illustrat- ing the use of plastics in industrial products. The plastics industry is very likely to become one of the major indus- tries of America, according to Mr.: Colwell, who pointed out that the' president's National Resource Com- m ittee recently named plastics as the third most important factor affecting the future progress of civilization. rled iieTryouis To Meet At 5 P.M. A meeting of all freshman and wasI any n f' in ourl,?lv o !op]homore engineers, interested in iv' wi( e1'kijullik trying out for the Michigan Technic. and ve oily haveoil (,10 (i a n we will be held at 5 p.m. to lay in Room - 'ouldi 't go out at tihesantei 1 Le-, 3046 East Engineering Building, it ai: C wQ mx on;' was armnneed by Sidney O. Stein- born, '38E, editor. Jud' M('mMu oiy wa:udiu i im: "'f x . - l' .c...;-'I here is ny nol of f his brace play UNION TRYOUTS CALLED Scond. semester freshmen and othurs interested in trying out for i e Unuin. are asked to report it ora 3 uliil 5 p.n either today, Mond a om' rI'"esday in the Union's 'tI'aclit tjkicts. Sources Of Davey Funids 'extendedby Buck to all persons shar- ing the views of the commnrittee. Held InQuestion ---------- CLEVELAND, Feb. 17.-OP)-Lee Bowen Elected - Bradley, slightly bald asphalt sales-t man, told Ohio Senate investigators today that a promise of half the R .) state's motor car business obtainedt a $25,000 contribution from Generl Asks For Greater County Motors Corp. to Martin L. Davey'sC successful 1934 campaign for gov-- Control Of Roads ernor. ---~~ Bradley said a similar plan con- The Mienigan Highway Conference emplated with Chrysler Motors fell closed yesterday with the election of, through. Carl T. Bowen of Grand Haven to A Generale Motors spokesman said, the presidency of the Michigan As- "General Motors has made no con-.sociation of Road Commissioners and tributions to Governor Davey's Engineers. :ampaign fund. The story is silly." Speaking before county road of- r Bradley, a self-identified campaign ficials yesterday in the Union, the worker, said he was to receive 10 to newly-elected president declared that 35 per cent commissions on General ;1 "the county unit is the logical and' Motors sales to the state, and that? proper one for Control of roads in a 1lalf his commissions were to be paid county, but the slightest failure of to Davey through Francis W. Pulson, any county will be decreed as general' state Democratic chairman, and shouted across the state." "These statements are slanderous ; Counties should maketan effort, falsehoods," Governor Davey de- Mr. Bowen suggested, to get finan- clared in Columbus. cial cooperation from the townships "If he (Bradley) dares to make in developing various local roads. In them outside the Senate committee addition, he said, new compilation of where he is protected by immunity, highway laws is urgently needed. he will go to jail for criminal libel." Dr. Louis Weber of Lansing, ex- Poulson said, "Bradley never at ecutive director of the association, any time collected or undertook to declared if it is granted that the collect a single dollar for any Davey State Highway Planning Survey is ac- IS , A ') A series ,of 12 ll esi o._-e'moot 111' ieliSetyo]]iint i',th pitstihtl i& aseof the alpplicants with al au an in ro Couar.' A Fair Ex cus tion, will be given by members of~ t l e T ~ c h i c e ni o r s a r .f A p lic a n t. '- will have the opportunity to do the O 5 s (t l' The faculty has at last caught on. actual work on the engineering . . No more Health Service excuses monthly as soon as they show prom- Uof-1 4}.* s' c h l will be accepted unless the studentE ise. ~ii~ 7 ~tu can show that he had been confined All tryouts should be scholastically to bed either at home or in the eligible freshmen or sophomore;. WASHINOTON. Feb. 17. -{P) Health Service for one full day. regularly enrolled in the College of President Roosevelt will make a broad This was the latest decision made Engineering, restatement of administration price' by the Executive Committee of the ,-policy tomorrow. inforied olhi ias literary college, adopted Feb. 4, ac- Ipeiroi Edison Charged aid tonight. cording to Dr. Lloyd S. Woodburne, ) Y>Ii. iiiot- i rf: It was indicated that he would say 11 111a a Y' I I -t rnLh~t rioesIh cqnS rstoo low anFd i e To e -State inistrationT Fourteen cabinet and economic ad- visrs conferred with Mr. Roosevelt fire teday. It was learned that one topic discussed was the wide discrep- mcy between certain prices. For ex- mmple, it was said, farm prices are 70 per cent of the 1926 "normal" level and metals 96 per cent. secretary of the committe., vv ,tit 111.4111.41 t axatioIl too high. Whether he would out line s