The Weather
Mwderate to fresh southc-ast
to southwest winds; partly
cloudy today.
A New Workshop
For Play Production.. .
Civilization ...
Student Center
Planned Here
Union To Be Headquarters
For Foreign Section;
Project Long Anticipated
Aniolunce Opening
For Next Semester
An International Center, planned
to be the headquarters for Michi-
gan's 300 foreign students, will be a
princeipal part of the new addition
to the Men's Union, it was announced
yesterday by Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counselor to foreign ;students.
The project, which has been,
planned for several years, is now as-
sured with the fioating of the $550,-
000 bond issue announced earlier this
week to finish the shell. Active in
laying the plans have been President
Ruthven, Professor Nelson, Dean
Henry C. Anderson of the College of
Engineering, Stanley G. Waltz, man-
ager of the Union, and Prof. Lewis
M. Gram, director of plant extension.
To Be Part Of Union
The University of <Michigan with
the. fourth largest group of fpreign
students in the United States will
now have facilities for a larger, uni-
fied program of activities similar to
that of other International Houses.
Bccause it was not thought neces-
sary to construct an entire new build-
ing duplicating the Union and League,
the new Center will be an integral
part of the Union with all . of the
Union facilities available.
Centered here will be the office of
the counselor to foreign students, the
room of the International Council,
a large recreation room which can
be changed over into an assembly hall,
a- kitchen, and a large lounge. The-
club will have its own entrance from
Madison Street to provide for free use
of its facilities at all times for both
men and women.
It is also hoped that local groups
such as the Chinese Club, the Nip-i
pon Club, the, Philippine-Michigan
Club and others will make use of the
rooms in the Center, Professor Nel-
son said."
Work To Begin Soon
The contracts for completing the
shell will soon be let and work is ex-
pected to begin within a month. The
clubrooms will be completed and
ready for use in September.
Professor Nelson will be the, Di-
rector of the new International Cen-
ter. He will leave April 2 for an
extended tour of the various Inter-
national Houses throughout the na-
tion to study their programs and
The success of the program of the
International Council this year in-
cluding the Sunday afternoon panels,
the broadcasts, the Sunday night sup-
pers followed by the programs at
which 200 were present last week,
and the educational trips, Professor
Nelson' pointed out, were influential
in persuading the Union and the
University of the need for such a cen-
Germnan Prize
Exams Today
Three Awards Are Offered
For Uidergradtllates
Two competitions will be held to-
day under the auspices of the Ger-
man department: the Bronson-Tho-
mas Prize, consisting of $50 and the
Kothe-Hildner Award, offering two
prizes, one of $30 and the other of
The Bronson-Thomas Prize is a
three-hour essay competition open to
undergraduate students in German
of distinctly American training and
will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. today
in Room 204 University Hall. Each
contestant will be free to choose
his own subject from a list of 10 of-
fered covering five chapters in the de-
velopment of Qerman literature from
1750 to 1900.
The Kothe-Hildner Prize, open to
students taking Merman 32, is a
tanslation competition from Ger-
man to English and English to Ger-
man to be given from 3 to 5 p.m.
today~ in Room 201 University Hall.
Local Teachers To Hold
Educational Discussion
The Ann Arbor Local of the Ameri-
can Federation of Teachers will hold
I I i
New TVA Chairman
-Associated Press Photo
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(OP)
-House Repuiblicans criticized
'President Roosevelt today for re-
moving Arthur E. Morgan from
the chairmanship of the TVA and
for permitting what was called a
"demoralizing national scandal"
concerning postmaster appoint-
ments. Director Harcourt A. Mor-
gan (above) was elevated to the
chairmanship upon the removal of
Arthur E. Morgan.
Swimmers Face
Heavy Goingt
_ . t
In Title Chase
Wolverines Will Defend
National Championship
At RutgersUniversity
Michigan's Varsity swimming team,
faced with the loss of its National
collegiate championship., will defend
half of that title tonight against an
imposing array of opposition in the
pool of Rutgers University at New
Brunswick, New Jersey.
Wolverine followers have been con-
sistently pessimistic a b o u t the!
chances Michigan still has to retain
its National crown. Pushed off thel
Big Ten throne by Ohio State, and
faced with potent foes in .Harvard's
dreadnought, it has been repeatedly
contended that the Michigan stay in
the royal domains of titledom has
reached its end.
Nevethereless, there still remains,
in the House that Mann Built, a trio
of high-powered free-stylers, a quar-
tet of troublesome divers, and cer-,
tain others who will be raised to un-
believable heights by the psychologi-
cal genius of Coach Matt Mann.
Tonight's program of five events
includes finals in the 50-yard free-
style, the 150-yard back-stroke, 220-
yard free-style, one meter diving,
and the 300-yard medley relay.
The trio that copped the first three
places in the 50 for Michigan in the
Conference meet will be the Wol-
verine point-seekers in that race to-
(Continued on Page 7)
Co iptrroller's Job
The Senate, after voting to abolish
the comptroller general's oflice,
agreed today "to adopt, or reject the
Administration's Reorganization Bill
not later than 5 p.m. (E.S.T.) Mon-
In response to demands from a
cautious bloc of Southerners, how-
ever, it made certain that the Anti-
Lauded As Aid
To Individual:
Gardner Tells 400 Initiates
Importance Of Groups
As Leadership Factor
Human Relations
Stressed At miner
Fraternities, integal pars of mod-
ern academic life in that they pro-
vide individualization in education,
can be great forces on university
campuses if they lhve up to their ob-
jectives and realize that they can-
not exist longer than the colleges and
universities in which they are located,
D. H. Gardner, dean of men at Akron
University, Akron, O., told more than
400 fraternity initiates last night.
He spoke at the second annual ban-
quet for spring initiates held by the
Interfraternity Council in the Union.
"Fraternities are important be-
cause they are organizations of con-
tempories and afford opportunities
for members to criticize their broth-
ers by means unobtainable outside
the fraternity system," he said.
"More important," Dean Gardner
continued, "they stimulate leader-
ship in young men and teach them
control. This is something that can-
not be gained in the classroom."
He went on to point out that fra-
ternities provide the acid test-the
ability of men to get along with their
fellowmen. "This, cannot be done
in formal education, but fraternities
can and will do it," he declared.
The dean stressed to the new in-
iti'-s that they have accepted lead-
ership. "Leadership is not the end,
it is just the beginning. If you can
accept this leadership, you are going
to be true fraternity men," he said.
Dean Gardner is president of the
National Association of Deans and
Advisers of Men and chairman of the
Educational Advisory Committee of
the National Interfraternity Council.
Phi Sigma Kappa's pledge class
was awarded a cup at the banquet for
the highest scholarship of any fra-
ternity pledge class during the past
semester by Dean o Stu. plts Joseph
A. Bursley, and the Varsity Glee Club
gave a preview of its Pop Concert
held later in the evening in Hill Au-
Homer Ma ti
To Speak Here
Ex-Minister, UAW Head
To Address Unitarians
Homer Martin, president of the
United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica and former Kansas City preacher
will deliver a sermon on "Social Gos-
pel Applied" at 11 a.m. Sunday at
the Unitarian Church.
It was the preaching of this social
gospel, a gospel which deems low
wages and long hours un-Christian,
that led to Martin's resignation from
the pulpit of a Baptist church in
Leeds, a suburb of Kansas City.
Martin came in contact with the
working class when preaching in a
missionary church in the west side
of Kansas City before coming to
Leeds, After. his resignation from
the church he was active in union'
work and in 1936, after the Commit-
tee for Industrial Organization was
formed, he was elected president of
the UAWA at a convention at South
Technocracy Section
Plas Meeting Today
James L. Van Vliet, '29, of the
Detroit section of "Technocracy, Inc."
will, speak at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Union at a meeting to organize an
Ann Arbor section.
"Technocracy, Inc." is, according to
Nelson Berman, '39, a non-political
organization whose purpose is to es-
tablish functional control of the in-
dustries of North America.
Fishermen Stood Up
As Smtelt Smell A Rat
EAST JORDAN, Mich., March 24.
--(/P)-Only one thing was lacking to-
day to make the North Michigan
smelt run a success-the smelt have
failed to appear.
While sportsmen stood poised-with
dippers, while officials of East Jordan,
Boyne City, Beulah and Escanaba
made elaborate preparations, experi-
enced"smelters" shook their heads
and predicted that the temperature
of the water would have to rise two
degrees before the run got under way.
Mild runs have been reported in
Jordan and Boyne rivers and Cold
Creek, but cool weather and high
waters have retarded the real run, it
was reported.
East Jordan's smelt festival is
scheduled for Saturday, while Beulah
has arranged its program for April
1 and 2.'
Seniate Spihes
Roosevelt Tax
In Committee
Profit Trax, Capital Gains
Levy, Suffer Losses After
Early Victories In House
WASHINGTON, March 24.-()- i
The Senate Finance Committee tor- B
pedoed two Administration tax pro- x
posals today and substituted levies
more pleasing to business. P
In a day-long session designed to
hasten enactment of the tax revision f
measure, tle Committee clipped outp
the Undistributed Profits Tax and
drastically revised the capital gains
levy. Both had been approved int
the House,
Chairman Harrison (Dem., Miss.) 1
of the Senate group said he believed
the changes would stimulate business,
resulting in increased revenue to the v
Treasury, Et
"We think the change in the capital
gains levy probably will do more.a
good than any other feature of the a
tax bill," Harrison said. "It should w
release capital that now is frozen
Administration leaders indicated t
they would fight on the Senate floor
to restore the nistributed profits 1
tax, which President Roosevelt has C
been reported to favor' They said
there would be less sentiment for re-
storing the capital gains provisions.
For the profits levy the Committeea
substituted a flat 18 per cent rate on
corporation incomes. Special treat-
ment would be provided for small
In place of the House-approved
sliding scale of capital gains rates,i
the Committee approved a flat rateo
of 15 per cent. This generally will
apply to long-term capital gains, or
those realized on assets held moret
than six months.
In both proposals, the excess ofI
gains over losses would be taxed, but
short term losses could offset only7
short term gains and long termJ
losses could offset only long term
In both the programs, the excess of
short term gains over short term
losses would be added to ordinary in-
come rates.
Moulton Tells s
Science's PlaceI
Function To Disseninate
SpiritOf Service ,
The great contribution which sci-1
.nce can now make to the world is
to spread ' the spirit of service
through society, Dr. Forest R. Moul-
ton, permanent secretary of the
American Association for the Ad-
vancement of Science, declared yes-I
terday in a University lecture in the
West Physics Lecture Room.
Pointing to the great achievement
which science has made in the util-
itarian arts, Dr. Moulton expressed
the need for an equally great dif-
fusion of the philosophy of science.
This philosophy, he said, is based on
loc spirit of service and will bring
understanding and sympathy to meet
present maladjustments and dissat-
isfactions with world institutions.
Dr. Moulton discussed a proposed
conference of scientists from all na-
tions which was to have met in the
near future in London.
Hull Pleads United World
Aid For Political Refugees
WASHINGTON, March 24.-(-
Won't Pledge
Aid To Czeehs
3ut Indicates Great Britain
May Be Drawn Into A
Central European War
Iejects Russian Plea
LONDON, March 24.-A(j'-Prime
linister Neville Chamberlain today
et Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler know
Ireat Britain might have to fight if
ermany started a war in Central'
But he balked at a prior pledge ofJ
rmed help for Czechoslovakia in
vent of armed aggression as he laid
own the broad lines of British for;
ign policy in a 57-minute statement
n the crowded House of Commons.
Pleas For LeagueI
Joseph P. Kennedy, United States
Imbassador to the Court of St.
fames's, sat in the diplomatic gal-c
ery for the first time with diplomatsi
>f other powers. Envoys of GermanyI
nd Italy apparently were absent.
Lord Halifax, foreign secretary, re-t
eated Chamberlain's statement, ther
nost important declaration by at
ritish Prime Minister since ther
World War, in the House of Lords.t
In his broad address, the lanky
grime Minister also:
1. Rejected Soviet Russia's callI
or a conference of "nonaggressive" I
owers to resist aggressors. ,
2. Urged that the League of Na-I
ions be nursed "back to health" and
ie made into a "front of overwhelm-1
nig power,
Defends Rearmament4
3. Reaffirmed the government's
view that nonintervention still was
he best policy in Spain.i
4. Reiterated that quickening re-
armament, especially for the Royal1
air force, and air raid precautions
were essential.
"Rearmament work," he declared,
"must have first priority in the na--I
ion's efforts."
Purely European .in scope, the dec-
aration -avoid4-mention- of the ;
Italy Pledges Cooperation
Chamberlain declared that Brit-
an's friendship talks with Italy were
"'fullof encouragement to those who
regard appeasement in Europe as an
objective to which the efforts of all
men of good will should be directed."
He said Italy had pledged her will-
ingness "loyally to assist" in carrying
out the British plan for withdrawal
of foreign volunteers from Spain's
civil war and reiterated her declara-
tion she had no territorial or eco-
nomic aims in Spain or the Balearic
Library Receives
Wenley Collection
Of 5,000 Volumes
The 5,000 volume library of the
late Prof. Robert M. Wenley, head of
the philosophy department for 30
years prior to his death is 1929, has
been received recently by the Uni-
versity library, according to Dr. Wil-
liam W. Bishop, librarian.
The books are the gift of Professor
Wenley's four children.
He "was philosophy" for many stu-
dents, Prof. Roy Wood Sellars, pres-
ent chairman of the philosophy d~e-
partment, has declared. The Scotch-
born philosopher, noted for popular-
izing an extremely abstruse subj1ect,
was one of the leaders in bringing
the Union idea to this campus.
The collection includes an auto-
graphed presentation copy of James
F. Thorne's "In The Time That Was,"
which will be sent to the Rare Book
Room; William Wallace's "Epicur-
eanism; a presentation copy of "The
Field of Philosophy," by Joseph
Leighton; and "Through Nature to
Christ," by Edwin A. Abbott.
Dr. Lewisohn e
LecWres Todayt
On Religion
Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn, one of
America's outstanding novelists andF
critics, will speak at 4:15 p.m. todayC
in Hill Auditorium on "Religion as
Historic Experience." 0
Noted chiefly, perhaps, as the au-
thor of "Upstream," his autobiog-
raphy, Lewisohn has written somef
twenty novels dealing with race and1
religious conflicts and criticism on1
the drama and American, French and
German literature.-
Drama editor of the Nation in 1919,
he served as associate editor of thatt
periodical from 1920 to 1924, and
formerly had been on the editorial
board of Doubleday, Page and Co.,
He taught German language at the
University, of Wisconsin and was as-
sociate professor of German lan-
guage and literature at Ohio State,
Dr. Lewisohn has translated sev-i
eral German works into English, .thei
most well known of which are Ger-
hart Hauptmann's dramatic works
and Wasserman's the "World's Illu-;
sion," and from the French, he has
translated a collection of modern
He has spent the last eight years
for the most part in France lecturing{
and wdi~ng,
Ja an Bolsters
Mitary Powr
B yMohilization
Tokyo Spokesman Admits
Fear That U.S. Naval
BuildingAims At Orient
Popular Front
In New Crisis
Deputies Vote Down Move
To Bolster Defense By
Tapping Stability Fund
Present Cabinet
Seen Nearing End
PARIS, March 24.-(P)-France
tonight faced a new cabinet crisis
when the hostile Senate rejected one
of Premier Leon Blum's financial
bills and made it clear it wanted him
to resign to make way for a National
Union Government.
Many deputies said the days of hir
second People's Front Government
formed March 13, were numbered.
Strikes grew in the Paris region
among metal workers and '6,000
chemical workers in factories \in the
Lille district quit work for an hour
and a half.
The workers all belong to unions
under control of the General Con-
federation of Labor, one of the most
powerful elements behind the Peo-
ple's Front.
Members of the Rightist labor or-
ganization at the Citroen plants is-
sued a protest against the strikes,
calling them "illegal" and ordered
"entirely for political ends."
Leaflers of the more than 20,000
"inetallos" on strike in the Paris re-
gion said their move vas for new
collective contracts.
The strikers themselves echoed a
warning carried in Le Populaire, So-
cialist -Party organ, that a national
union government might be an ex-
cuse to put Rightists into power.
Leaders of the Lille strikers said
their action was "only a warning" of
a threatened occupation strike un-
less the men won their fight for au-
tomatic wage increases to keep step
with rising prices.
The Senate in its action against
Blum rejected yD193to 48 vo
bill aiready approved by
ber of D'eputies to permit the premier
to transfer a surplus from the"'
change equalization fund to the spe-
cial national defense account.
Permission was sought to take 3,-
149,000,000 francs ($94,470,000) from
the stabilization fund for defense
needs. The Senate later adopted
Money Defeat
'Perils. Blum' s
1 -1 a I -mm mr- *imr%%, Alk
TOKYO, March 24.-N)-Japan
today pushed forward plans to mob-
ilize her manpower and economic re-
sources both at home and in China.
At the same time a Navy, spokes-
man expressed the Island empire's
fear that the United States Navy's
$1,121,000,000 expansion bill indicat-
ed the United States was consider-
ing naval operations against Japan.
The Lower House of Parliament
unanimously adopted bills to create
agencies for exploitation!of con-
quered territories in China. The
cabinet decreed that a new govern-
ment in central China be established
at Nanking, former capital of Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, "under
the umbrella" of the, Japanese-spon-
sored Peiping regime in north China.
Chinese Advance
SHANGHAL, March 25.-(Friday)
--(A')-Chinese asserted today they,
had forced back a Japanese outpost
from the north bank of the Yellow
River, on the 'northwestern side of
the vital central front,
Taking advantage of Japanese
troop withdrawals to aid the stale-
mated Suchow offensive, the Chinese
said, two regiments crossed the river
and ousted a Japanese garrison seven
miles west of Menghsien. They said
400 Japanese were killed.
a bill giving the government an ex-
tra 5,000,000,000 francs ($150,000,-
000) from the Bank of France to meet
current expenses. The margin was
156 votes to 137.
Blum did not pin the fate of his
government on the stabilization fund
question and therefore remained in
Fred Greiner Wins
ratorical' Award
Fred H. Greiner, '39, won the Uni-
versity Oratorical finals yesterday,
and a trip to Cleveland in May to
the l4orthern Oratorical League con-
test in which many Big Ten schools
will compete. Stephen J. Madden,
'38, was chosen as alternate.
The American democratic system
will not succeed uinless the college
graduate enters politics, Greiner said
in denouncing the political boss sys-
tem. Madden spoke on "idberty and
Justice for Whom?"
The winners of yesterday's contest
were among the five chosen in the
preliminary contest a week ago. Olive
E. Lockwood, Louis M. Eich, Dr.
Henry Moses, and Harold Westlake,
all of,, the speech department, were
the judges.
Insurgents Report
Four New Victories
Lynching Bill which they had talked
to a standstill in the first six weeks
of the session would not be revived'
as an amendment.
The comptroller bill would abolish
that office and divide its duties be-
tween the Director of the Budget and
a new officer, an Auditor General.
NEW YORK, March 24.-(P)-The
Amtorg Trading Corporation said to-
night Soviet Russia's purchases in
this country during 1937 reached the
highest point since 1930,
Drive Will Aid China's Students
Forced To Flee By Jap Attacks
Here Is The Straight Dope
On The Expense Of Marriage
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier) March 24.-(R)-Span-
ish Insurgents in northern Aragon
today reported smashing victories
along a 35 mile irregular front in a
continuation of their sweep eastward
toward the Xediterranean.
Insurgent advices said four vil-
lages fell to Insurgent Generalissimo
Francisco Franco's fighters, whose
next immediate objectives were Gov-
erment mountain strongholds in the
Sierra De Alcubierre, 25 miles east of
The Insurgents said one column oc-
cupied the village of San Garren and
Taberna De Isuela, some 10 miles
south of Huesca on the road to Al-
berobajo, in a converging movement
"July 29, China's Nankai Univer-
sity was subjected to two systematic
aerial bombardments by Japanese
pilots. The result was the almost
complete destruction of the Univer-
sity. Cavalrymen completed with
kerosene what the incendiary bombs
connected with Columbia University.
The relief of Chinese students who
have been forced into the interior by
attacks such as that on Nankai
University is the object of a $1,000
drive which is to be staged here next
week. Dr. T. Z. Koo, leading Chinese
educator and student leader, will be
at Hill Auditorium Tuesday to give
Don't marry on less than $30 a
week; avoid arguments concerning
clothes expenditures; share control of
spending money!
These items of advice are based
on the results obtained by Henry F.
Pringle in this month's survey con-
trohs, small-town women and farm-
ers' wives also feel, according to
the survey that a bride and groom
should not start out on less than
the aforementioned $30 a week. The
minimum for a family of four is
placed by the majority of the women,
the statistics show, at $44 a week.