PAGE ~1X THE MICHIGAN flAITY Health Course To Present A nnital Spring Pop Concert At 8:15 P.M. Today Offered Here Sumiiier Se~ioii I'Iaipi For M~irquetLe Work Courses in public health nursing will be offered this summer by the Division of Hygiene and Public Health of the university of Michigan,: it was learned yesterday. The ;~> week program, including both basic and advanced courses, is planned pri- niarily for those unable to pursue this type of work during the year. It w~,s also announced that resi- I donce courses in graduate work will be offered at Northern State Teach- ers College, Marquette, Michigan, this summer as a regular part of the University's Summer Session Iwo- gram. The faculty for these courses in- Jobs A ~vIr~I ]X'I~gdzine Story Features Miss Freeman, a member of Zeta I~\-Siudem ~ ~ 'ra~u Alpha sorority, is now working F ~T * ~JL~t1 in i Fifth Ave. shop in New York I ii1~e~v I(~(~11I I(~ M~ xis Precni~m, '40, Olympic 'wim- earning money to continue her cob. ning star who was a student here lege education, according to a picture i'uu i n~ last year, is featured on the cover of~ story 01' her daily life in the maga- i~i~tI(~Il J8~llC Aid the latest issue of "Pic" magazine. ziw'. Uiider Presead SI~if1 - --- ------- - Under the editorship of its present - - staff for the last time, The Michigan Te ,hnic for March presents as its 0 U N T V I K headline article the last in a series of ~ of job prospects. "One Hundred Michigan Eu I- neers," by Walton A. Rodger, '39E, is an analysis of answers to a question- CQIIJ(' COmplete with pen naire sent to a random sample of 100 and ink, ready to write. Michigan graduates of the last ten ' Pen and well fill auto- classes. matically. Sydney Steinborn, '38E, retiring ed- itor-in-chief offers "Shall I Go to QLi~Ititity ink supply - 9 Clean pen - clean ink Camp,' 'a survey of the advantages I visible. * Jnstant starting. of attending thc survc~"ing summer * No pen filling. 0 Continuous writing. session at Camp Davis in Wyoming, p No well filling. 0 Cost-saver. as his parting contribution to the * No dipping. 0 Time-saver. Technic. 0 No evaporation. 0 Unfailing service. 0 No dirt or oxidation. 0 Writing thrill. TO hOLD OPEN I[OU~F That the student body and public The perfect performance of FOUNT-O-INK makes mi&ht become better acquainted with writing a pleasure for office or home, Try it, their work in speech correction, the Institute for Human Adjustment will at their headquarters at 1007 E. The Mayer-Schairer Co. hold an open house at 8 p.m. today Stationers - Printers - Binders Office Out fitters ron St. The Institute is under the 1~hone 4515 112 South Main Street direction of Prof. John H. Muyskens I of the speech department. H- ~--~ ~ - - ----- - To climax a concert season which has takei them into half-a-dozen states, the Men's Glee Club (above) will rr(scnt their annual Spring Pop Concert at 8:15 p.m. today in lull Auditorium under the direction of Prof. David Mattern of the School of Music. clucles: Prof. John Sundwall, Director of the Division of Hygiene and Pub- ~ 1 * N.E I C HANG TO TAIJK lie Health; Prof. Warren Forsythe, ivt~i r tii1a i~ratLafli, ftp Peart1LL~' iiere "Clina's Needs Today" will be clis- Dir ector of the University Health cussed by Prof. Y. Chang of the or- D~etieian of the University Hospital; Service; Prof. Francis MacKinnonj Term ed ~~Qod Teacher iental languages department at 8 Prof. Aurelia Potts, Director of Pub- p.m. today at the weekly Fireside lic Health Nursing, George Peabody Session in the Lane Hall Library. Dr. College for Teachers, Nashville, L4XP(I~ ~ Dance Aileni pI~ ~' ~ Miss Gm ~liamn calling some people Chang taught at the National Univer- Tenn.; Prof. Harold M. Dom1r, political f() Eiiiotioiially Move ruthless because of the way they sity at Nanking before coming to moved their feet when they ran. science department; and Prof. Edgar Al A~ Mth Graham does not strive as Michigan last year. G. Johnston, principal of University Audience, i~ot i~l11l4~V ama ________--_______ ____________ high School much to entertain her audience as ________ By MARY Al ICE MacKENZIE to move them emotionally, Miss I Martha Graham, who will appear Bloomer said. The type of numbers I dance group which she dances show this. For heath Of i1~'1 vs here Monaay with her * is described as a hard taskmaster. but she focuse: her work on luimari ac- I dli excellent teacher, by a former pu- tivities. "Deep Son p," her most re- 1w/I I pil, Miss Ruth Bloomer, instructor of .e.nt solo, bssed on the Spanish trag- d"iuee in time women's physical cclu- I Vd~ is an emotional appreciation of suffering the SpanP~h woman F ________ cat ion department, who studied wi in her insecure situ~~tion.ill ~ Faculty I1eezdk~ Tf~'o Yiu'~ 'Miss Graham four summers at Ben- The three dances from 1-mi' She Spent Iii ~ AI'I~W nin~~ton. Vt. Mm~:,s Bloomer explained (lint this i~, "dironiele." which she v due to the fact that Miss Graham l)Ci'~, show the re-or ~anization of so- The death Tuesday of Mrs. Robert "onceives of the dance as a profes- J ciety after the ~var. "Steps in the Frost, ~vife of the poet, brought cx- sional artistic activity in which one Street" demonstrate the futility of pressions of deep regret from several should spend years of~onc's life learn- the unemployed and "Tragic 1-loli- I members of the faculty who recalled; ing the art. Therefore training for I day" is a satir2 on war memorials. the two years the Frosts spent in Ann her t~'pe of dance is as strenuous and However her basic belief in humanity, Arbor in 1924-25 and 1926-27. well-planned as ballet technique. a positive note of hope, is sounded I Miss Graham herself spends many ~ "Prelude to Action." Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the Eng- 110111.9 a day rehcai'siim~ arid t(M~ch- 'VVhcn asked how she would coin- lish department and the Hopwood inn. pare Ted Shawn, who aI)pcared here Cornmitt~e told of the meetings at1 'flw famous dancer has a good 'last fall, and Miss Graham, Miss his home of the staf~ of the Inlander, *~ ~ ~ but is quiet and unas- I Bloomer said she thought Shawn student literary publication since out I suming. reported Miss Bloomer, who smacked too much of the romantic4 of existence, at which Mr. Frost often Tent some time with her during a His dancing seems to be based on was present. In his first year on the Christmas vacation in New York. a theatricaliness which does not ring campus, the poet taught no classes, S he said that Miss Graham was more sincerely and he has little feeling of, but in 1926-27 taught a course in excited over a kaleidoscope and unity of movement, all of which Miss I creative writing. Professor Cowden stocking toys which she received I Graham possesses. expressed deep sorrow over the her family than some of the Martha Graham has swung away of the death of Mrs. Frost, w more expensive gifts. from Oriental dancing and has car- I s4d gave her husband helpful siip~ Miss Graham's contribution to the ned the stream of dance beyond an port during his career. dance lies in her extension of the attempt to base it merely on foreign I Prof. Clarence DeWitt Thorpe of range of expressional movement and culture. She has, Miss Bloomer the English department told of re- ~'flss Bloomer pointed out that she I pointed out, gone to the roots 'of the ceiving a Christmas message from the can see things in movement. This may f dance and her work appeals the most I Frosts last winter from Florida, where 'go back to the fact that when shoto people who are mt e~1'ester1 in he understood them to be staying for 1was young her father told her he pioneer movements. Mrs. Frost's health. could tell when she was lying by her _______ One of the members of the group, movements. Miss Bloomer remnem- Mrs. Wililam H. Sellew, wife of form- -~---- --- - ------ ------F ('IIRTIS EXPI AINS PROJECT Cr Prof essor Sellew, recalled the Dr. lICi)ry S. ClIL'ti5 of Ann Arbor, meelin s of the *~ociety at the 1)011W Arelti Ie( lii PC i~eaii I ~(sTehiry of the Iluron-Cliriton Park- of the Frosts on Pontiac Road. "I; ~--~ A'. way Project, talked Wedne~~day af- don't think any great man ever had: ~1%W(~CCS /X(i1VI Ly lernoon over WJR, explaining the a more undo 'standing wife than Mrs. l)istOry and details of the develop- Frost," Mrs. Sellew said, I Sp~'aking 'It the Union Coffee lloiii' I merit. yesterday, Dean Wells I. Bennett of ~ 1' TT' * I thC School of Architecture predicted '' "~'' " " '~ - Speakers I~ronI uluversity a period of intense activity in the I I Attend Religious Coiielavc field ~f architecture. I Ii The problem facing architecture, BE A REAL A' s'~iiij i-~ p1;vJJi~ wiu p~u ~wi- U ccui'uumg 10 mean ~enne it, is one ol pate in the Fourth Annual Conference integrating modem'ri techniques with of the Michigan branch of the Reli- I grecable form. "We must brine gious Education Association, to be! about a harmony between industrial held tomorrow and Saturday at I methods and aesthetics," he said. At Temple Beth El and hotel Statler in present there is an attempt known Detroit. as "International Style," to evolve I CAPITALIST I Dr. Edwarc.{ W. Blakeinan, counsel- or in religious education will preside at a symposium on "The Contribution Universities Can Make to the Reli- gious Life of Michigan" meeting Sat- urday. Prof. Arthur Dunham, of the Institute of Public Administration. and Dr. Bernard Heller, director of hillel will also speak. Dr. H. L. Pick- crill of Ann Arbor will attend the meeting, pi'irici pIes which will apply to all forms of architecture in every coun- I try. MATh Cl UB 'FO MEE't' l)on 1). Miller, 1)r. Sumner B. Myers arid Prof. George Y. Rainich will i.e- port at the meeting of the mnat~henm~ tics journal club at 8 p.m. today hoot 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. E. P. Vance will preside. Send Flowers I PAUL NOLTING I FLORIST I Main Phone 2-1~iti, THE GOOD EARTH... I-lEAR Ludwig Lewisohn NOVELIST,. ..CRITIC * CHAMPION of INDIVIDUALISM * Author of "UPSTREAM" K cE upon a time, not so K many years ago, it cost 3,000 to build a mile of farm line to carry electricity. In many places the farmer was required to pay a large part of this line cost before he could have it extended. This meant that electric service was a luxury avail= able to relatively few farm families, Now, all that is changed In the area served by The Detroit F.dison Company, farm electrifica- "tion has been a large reality for ten years. This has been accomplished by continued efforts to reduce the cost of bringing service to farmers. Costs have been reduced in two ways; (1) Cost of but/ding farm lines has been lowered by engineering developments. (2) The Michigan back from the road, to eliminate the expense of tree trimming and the danger of interruption to service by trees falling against the line during storms, To allow longer spans, we made use of aluminum wire with a steel core, which is stronger for its weight, and makes a farm line pos- sible at lower cost, The result: In.. stead of $3,000 per mile, farm lines are pow built for less than 50 per cent of the former cost. The plan known as the 'Michigan Plan, and the one which this Com- pany offers, makes it easy for a group of farmers to finance an elec- trw line. A base price of $500 per mile of new line is charged, front which is deduued a credit of $100 t ~\IA F ~IA for each customer taking service on that mile. Where there are five customers per mile of line, the total of their credits equals the base price of $500, and the line is built with- out cost to the farmers. When there are less than five customers per mile of line, the Company assumes an'yhow the lion's share of the capital expenditure of building the farm line, and the customer only contributes a small part towards paying for poles and wire, insula- tors and transformers, labor and supervisIon. I~xperience has proved this plan ~o be an equitable one, The results it has produced speak for themselves, It continues to stimulate economi- cally sound electrification of rural areas, For the bounty of the earth. "Religion as klistoric Experence