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February 17, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-17

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"TIR S 4., FED 17 i3

Guidance Group Highway Men Hear Speeches

Fir ist Reheai'sal Held
By Hllel_ Players
The first rehearsal for "Roots" the


Holds Aeeting On Traffic
Here Oti arch 8 (Conl iued from Page 2)
he said, that renders their use for the
1"ro'I 11(1 1 Industrial ists most part ineffective.
And Edicaio . Leaders ,Although motorists pay $46,000,000
annually, Mr. Mickle said, 2,000 give
'o Speak On Forium i heir lives, 27,500 suffer personal in-
i juries and all suffer varying degrees
A program featuring outstanding of discomfort and delay due to in-
industrial and educational leaders adequacies of the system.

afety Problems,

the Kent County Road Commission play to be presented by the Hillel
explained the system used in that Players March 18 and 19 at the Lydiai
county under which the road com- Mendelssohn Theatre, was held last
mission sets up a definite lump sum night at the Hillel Foundation.
allocated by townships. Then the The cast, announced yesterday by
townships match the funds follow- Louise Samek, '38, president of the,
ing the procedure set by the Mc- Players, includes Madeline Betty Mey-
Nitt Law. ers, '39, Murray Davis, 139, Myrtle
Most motor vehicle accidents are Prussin, '40, Samuel Grant, '40, Doris
the result of some improper action Waschler, '41, Jane Sanger, '40, Mir-
on the part of the persons involved, jam Szold, '40, and Muriel Sklute, '41.

tContinued from Page 4) duced in part by that policy, although
iin fact there, are actually about one
program will consist of Monsieur billion, 400 million dollars of excess
Baucaire with Rudolph Valentino bank reserves at the present time.
and two reels from Enoch Arden with Economy at the Treasury comes
Lillian Gish and Wallace Reid. into the picture in that instead of is-
3suing Treasury Bills which are inter-
The Hillel Independents will hold est bearing, or in other words, in-
stead of borrowing from the banks,
their hayride party on Sunday night,hs
Feb. 20 All planning o attend shouldthe Treasury will now issue non-in-
,Feb. 20.Al plnnng o tted houd hcei- t ffD . _ rn-_

was announced yesterday for the an- Charles E. Hayes, engineer in
nual Guidance and Occupational In- charge of the Federal Aid Secondary
formation Conference for students, Program explained the use made of
to be held March 8-12 at the Union. the $1,557,412 which was Michigan's1
According to T. Luther Purdom, apportionment of the money granted l
director of the Bureau of Appoint- tnder the Federal Unemployment Re-,
ments and Occupational Informa- lief Program for the two year period,
tion, which is sponsoring the confer- 1938 and 1939, for improvements on
ence, the first three days will be de- secondary routes.
voted to a "realistic picture of per- Sixty-eight of the 83 counties have
sonal qualities and technical training submitted their projects and 61 of
needed for the occupations." Friday these have been approved. Mr. Hayes
and Saturday, he said, will feature commended all of these for their
superintendents of schools and people foresight and keen appreciation of
in the field of occupational guidance. the opportunity presented by this
Forum leaders include: "Present type of Federal program.
Day Vocational Opportunities," Dr. O. S. Hess, engineer-manager of
James Shelby Thomas, president,
Chrysler Institute; "Advertising as a'and E. J. Benge, director of research,
Career," W.A.P. John, president, Firestone Tire and Rubber Corp.,
MacManus, John and Adams Adver- "The Use of Psychological Tests for
tising Agency; and "Opportunities in Employment in Business."
the F.B.I.," J.C. Newman, special The program will also include an
agent, Federal Bureau of Investiga- applicant interview demonstration)
tions. with Mr. J. T. Sheafor, assistant to
Also directing forums will be C. president, Michigan Bell Telephonel
E. Weiss, industrial relations manag- Co. Another interview demonstra-
er, Packard Motor Car Co.; "Indus- tion between a superintendent of
trial Relations and Personel"; Dr. schools, Chester F. Miller of Saginaw,
DeWitt Morgan, superintendent of will also be held. Meetings will be
schools at Indinapolis, Ind., "Prac- held at 4:15 and 7:30 p.m. each day.
tical Guidance Methods and Pro- Specific times for announced fea-
grams" and "Economy of Guidance"; tures will be announced later.
Harilton Business College
23rd Year Phone 7831 William at State


Arnold H. Vey, traffic engineer of The play, which won a Hopwood make reservations by Saturday noon
the state of New Jersey, said at the im[najor award last year, was written by at the Hillel Office (3779). The
afternoon session. Edith Grossberg Whitesell, Grad., and party will leave from the Founda-
No small class of drivers, he de- vill be directed by Harold Gast, '39. tion at 5:30.
clared, is responsible for our high- f -_Lina5:0
way ills. The highways themselves Open Badminton: Barbour Gymna-
are not the cause of the accidents MOEHLMAN TO LECTURE HERE sium courts are now open on Mon-
but improper and inadequate high- Prof. Conrad H. Moehlman, '02, day, Tuesday and Friday evenings
way design in combination with hu. Ph.D. '18, of Colgate-Rochester 7:30 to 9:30 for any men and women I
man frailities, Mr. Vey said, are re- Divinity School will lecture here Feb. students wishing to play. Players
sponsible for many of them. 24 and 25 on the general subject, must furnish own birds but rackets
Mr. Vey discussed the use of free- "Modern Environment and Chris- can be rented at the gymnasium.
ways, roads with all right angle tianity." His program here will in- A medical recheck for 1937-38 is
crossings eliminated by means of elude two public lectures and two in- essential for playing badminton at
grade crossings, and the dividet formal discussions. these hours.
highway of the boulevard type in
regards to reduction of accidents. opposing streams of traffic and Baptist Guild: The first social of
Use of the first is limited by expense eliminate head-on collisions, Vernum the new semester will be held at8
of construction while the second has B. Steinbaugh, Deputy State High- p.m. today in the Roger Williams
shown very favorable results. way Commissioner and Chief En- Guild house. Members and their
Harry C. Coons, Deputy Commis- gineer, said at the conference yes- friends are especially invited.
sioner in Charge of Construction and terday. There will be an Engineering
Operation of the State Highway De- The conference concludes today Council meeting at 7:15 ptm
partment described in detail the with a business meeting of the Mich- in Room 244 West Engineering today
series of maps of the counties of igan Association of Road Commis-iBldg.
Michigan which will carry the infor- sioners and Engineers at 9:30 a.m.- LIN
mation gathered by the Highway in the Union. Sam C. Yockey, presi-
Planning Survey with regard to the dent of the group, will be chairman.
states rural road system. Carl T. Bowen, County Engineer for
A centerline barrier can be devised Ottawa County, will speak on "For-
which, if properly installed over con- gotten Things of County Road Con- 1
siderable distances, will segregate the struction and Maintenance."
I. TRA1!

#tLt c. c Lui g t t.~cA UaSJ; tf.fl.. JCt;aJA -


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