The Weather Mostly cloudy and cooler, show- ers in southeasit portion today. ig d~fr igan :43attii Editorials Lithuania Loses Vina ... I VOL. XLVIII. No. 125 ANi ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS University To Float Bonds To Complete Union Dormitories i I i Regents Approve As Washington Issue Is Tax Measure Declares Exempt J.G.P. C hair"ritan. Action Will Add 90 Rooms To Capacity A bond issue of $550,000 to com- plete the interior of the Union addi- tion on Madison St. and to repay money already borrowed for work on the completed addition will be float- cd by the University in the very near future, it was learned yesterday. The issue was approved by the Board of Regents as its regular meet- ing Feb. 11, but the finaltarrange- ments for the issuance of the bonds was not made until it was determined whether they would be free from the federal income tax. Bonds Tax Free Yesterday it was learned by a long- distance telephone call from Wash- ington that the bonds would be free from the federal income tax. Advertising for bids to finish the interior of the shell now com- pleted will be put out immediately, Shirley W. Smith, vice president and secretary of the University, said yes- terday. The contract is expected to be let and work started within a month, and the addition is expected to be ready for occupancy before the opening of school next fall. Finished In Fall The shell was finished last fall, but insufficient funds prevented the completion of the work. The addition will provide for 90 more sleeping rooms for guests of the Union, both permanent and tempor- ary, Stanley Waltz, manager of the Union, said yesterday. A section of the ground floor will be devoted to a club room for for- eign students, nd quarters for the University Club, now located in the basement of Alumni Memorial Hall, will also be installed there. Two more rooms to accommodate visiting athletic teams will also be placed in the new wing. Prof.Needlhain Of Cornell'Talks Entomologist Known For Research On Insects PAof. James G. Neeaham, Emeritus Professor of Entomology and Limno- logy at Cornell University, will give 'a University lecture on "The Place of] Animals in Human Thought," at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Professor Needham was head of the department of entomology at Cornell for 30 years, during which period the dcpartmenlt was known to scientific circles throughout the country. Ile has been president of several of the well-known biological and entomological societies of the country, and was among the found- ers of the Entomological Society of America and the Limnological Society of America. He is internationally recognized for his researches on fresnwater biology and on aquatic insects, and is a prom- inent speaker. Heis to be in Ann Arbor for several days, and can be reached at the home of Prof. Paul S. Welch of the zoology department, Renner To Head Geneva Ceniter Is lo Study International Economic I)roIi eni Prof. C. F. Remer of the depart- ment of economics will serve as direc- tor of the Geneva Research Center next year, according to an announce- ment of the Regents of the Univer- sity. The Center is located in Geneva, Switzerland near the Secretariat of the League of Nations and the Inter- national Labor Office, but it is an independent organization, Professor Remer said, devoted to the study of international problems and required its own constitution to "carry on its work in a strictly scientific. im- StudentSenate RefusesAction To Aid Neaftsu Votes IDowin IMoveTo As~k Hull For Hellp; Reta i Scairiion As Speaker DLebate Proposals Of PeaceBallotig By a single vote, the Student Sen- ate yesterday rejected, 14 to 13, a resolution requesting that the federal state department act to determine he status and assure humane treatment of Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, recently captured by the Insurgent forces in Spain. It voted unanimously to retain Richard Scammon, Grad., as non- partisan speaker and by 20 votes to 10, chose Tuure Tenander, '38, presi- dent and majority leader and Alfred H. Lovell, Jr., vice-president and mi- nority leader. Seek Clarification Four senators indicated to the Daily after the meeting that they would have supported the Neafus resolution if it had been clarified. Philip Cummins, '39, one of the leaders of the fight for the resolution and brother of Robert Cummins, '37, former Daily associate editor now fighting with the Loyalists, pointed to the necessity of concerted protest to revise the neutrality act in the Spanish Government's behalf. Fears Misinterpretation Carl Viehe, '39, Liberal-Peace-Re- publican, said that any action the Student Senate took would be con- strued as supporting the Loyalist, cause, and Norman Kewly. '40E, Con- servative, asked that the Senate adopt, instead, a measure urging all American youth not to volunteer for a foreign war. The latter suggestion was not voted upon. There was little debate on any of the motions until voting on the Brown Daily Herald's peace poll came up for discussion. Results of the bal- loting will be made public when ab- sehtee ballots have been tabulated. Sex Appeal Now Out; i I anted: Publicity Act ROBERTA CHISSUS *: * Anniual Juior Women's Playt Opens Toni"lit 'Mulberry Bush' To StarI Men In Cast For First Time In Show History "The Mulberry Bush," Junior Girls' Play for 1938, will open a four-day run at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohin Theatre with the women of the class of '37 as special guests of honor. The play, written by Jean Keller, '35, and Russell McCracken, is a musical comedy concerning the an- tics of the "royal family of Boeotia. Sarah Pierce, '35, is director of the play, and Roberta Chissus, '39, the chairman. Over 175 people are in I the cast, while 100 others have worked on committees for the play. Miss Pierce is well-known in dra- natic circles around the University, and was director of last year's Junior Girls' Play, "A Feather in His Cap." Miss Chissus has been assisted by Jean Holland and by a central com- mittee including Mary Lavan, Made- line Krieghoff, Charlotte Poock, Mar- tha Tillman, 'Janet Holden, Marian Baxter, Rebecca Bursley, Harriet Pomeroy, and Grace Wilson. All of these women are juniors. The cast includes Mary Frances Brown as Phoebe, the queen mother, and Edward Grace, '38, as Steve, her son who is the king of Boeotia. Bar- bara Teall takes the part of Helena, the minister of social servicein the cabinet of Titus, the fascist dictator. (Continued from Page 3) To GIVE PARENT TALK Mrs, Elizabeth Penberth, consul- tant to Perry Center, from the Chil. dren's Center, Detroit, and C. F. Rai- say, director of Michigan Children's Institute, Ann Arbor, will speak on "Can Parents Raise Children With- out Help?" at 10 a.m. today in the library of the Perry School, 330 Packard Street. Regents Makea Plea To Press To EndStrikep University May WithdrawF (onlraes; NMARB Issues o plan I lroi Detroit Settlement Uroed i it Before March 31 A resolution passed by the Regents at their meeting Friday requestingp the Ann Arbor Press to settle its dif- ficulties as soon as possible was de- livered to the printing plant Monday, according to Herbert G. Watkins, As- sistant secretary of the University. It was believed that the University might withdraw its contracts from the Ann Arbor Press if an amicable settlement with the striking typo- graphical union is not reached by an early date. At the same time the Daily learned that an NLRB complaint was issued by the Detroit office against the Ann Arbor Press and mailed to the plant Monday. Unless a conference secures compliance with the Wagner Act be- fore March 31, the hearing will begin in the Michigan Union on that date. Urge SettlementV The Regents' resolution urged anc early settlement in the best interestsa of all concerned, Regent John D. Lynch told the Daily from Detroitr last night. If the present difficultiesI are not settled, Regent Lynch said,s the University may have to look else- where for its printing work. A. J. Wiltse, manager of the Ann Arbor Press, would make no comment2 last night.1 The resolution was passed by the ; Board after representatives of thet International Typographical Union presented their case to the Regents.1 They asked the Board to see thats printers for the University observe the National Labor Relations Act and Michigan Public Act 153, which re-c quires printing paid for wholly or in1 part by the State to be done under labor conditions prevalent in the lo- cality in which the work is done. Wiltse To Speak Mr. Wiltse will.address the Law-z yers' Liberal Club meeting tonight in the Law Club, officers of the organi- zation announced. Louis Falstreaux, local strike chair-I man, said yesterday that the $111.45 cleared at the strike benefit dance( Saturday, March 12, was distributedI among the striking union members yesterday. The charge, originally filed by union members, on the basis of which the NLRB issued its complaint, come under the "unfair labor practices" defined in the Wagner Act. The union is also requesting certification as representing a majority of com- posing room employes, which would entitle the ITU to act as exclusive (Continued on Page 2) . Progr lessives Req uest Hull's Aid To Neafus, Appeal Cabled To Franco' For Humane Treatment Of Michigan Graduate A telegram to Secretary of State Cordell Hull urging him to use all possible means to secure the release of Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, imprisoned by rebel forces in Spain, and a cable- gram, appealing to Franco to give him all consideration as a prisoner of war, were sent last night by the Progres- sive Club following their meeting at the Union. A third message was sent to Neafus 1 assuring him of the support of the Club. Neafus was the traditiQnal college f student whose sense of fair play led him to volunteer for Spain, Rev. H. P. Marley, stated at the meeting. He was a hard working, unassuming, sin- " hrc boy, he ;Jilfld,. who, by followei his principles became a minute-man I instead of an "M"' man, In speaking for the Anti-War com- mittee, whose stand on peace opposes that of the Progressive Club, Jack Sessions, '40, affirmed the interest in his organization in the release of Neafus as well. f Ken Born, mldwest organizer for - the American Student Union, rr- placed Celeste Strack, who was orig_- inally scheduled to speak on col- lective security, and urged that all forces willing to work for-peace unite n in one broad stream to achieve their aims. The forces of war are uniting Early Spring To Be Nipped_ In The Bud The weatherman promised relief oday from ,yesterday's record tem- perature which was the warmest March 22 in years in lower Michigan. Soaring temperature sent John Q. Public to the clothes closet in search of something a little cooler, and Ann Arbor room tops ireceived their first load of sun baskers. The temperature soared near the 80's here yesterday afternoon while in Detroit the weather bureau said t was the warmest March day on its records, which go back 65 years. It was 81.3 at 3 p.m. Government meteorologists fore- casted cooler weather for today with possible showers, Dr. Lewisohn Speaks Friday About Relifion Noted Author To Interpret Subject In Light Of His Personal Experiences The story of a sensitive German Jew who grew up in the South ob- serving the racial conflict between whites and negroes, who found and criticized the utilitarian education and culture of our time, who found his people and who has fought for them will be reflected Friday when Ludwig Lewisohn, author and critic speaks in Hill Auditorium on "Re- ligion as an Historic Experience." Indifferent in his youth to religion and to the problems of the Jews, he has become an ardent Zionist as well as outstanding critic, author and translator. He was educated in American pub- lic schools, attaining high honors as a student, and later taught litera- ture, first at Wisconsin and then at Ohio State. It was in this period of his life that he translated the com- plcte works of Hauptmann in seven volumes and wrote "Upstream" and "Mid-Channel." Among his other novels and critical works are: "The Permanent Hori- zon," "Creative America," "Expres- sion in America," "The Case of Mr. Crump," "An Altar in the Fields." As ail observer of human life lie has analyzed the problems of race conflict, religious conflict and the conflict of ideologies in "The Last Days of Shylock," "This People," and "Trumpet of Jubilee." initiation Held B y- Tau Beta P i Two Faculty Men, Alunni, 19 Students Honored Tau Beta Pi, national scholastic engineering fraternity, initiated two faculty members, two alumni and 19 students yesterday. A dinner honor- ing the initiates was held at the Union after the ceremony James H. Herron, '09, president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, who was inducted, gave the principal address at the dinner. Roy W. Gilford of Detroit was the other new alumnus member. Faculty members taken into Tau Beta Pi were Prof. Edwin M. Baker of the chemical enginereing depart= ment and Prof. Edward T. Vincent of the mechanical engineering de- partment. Three seniors were granted mem- bership. They were James G. Eck- house, Alexander A. Goloff and John Oliver. Juniors inducted into the society were: Donald H. Belden, William H. Bu- chanan, jr., Charles W. Crowe, Ralph L. Freeman, George H. Hanson, Pet- er G. Ipsen. James R. Ireland, Robert F May, Carl F. Osberg. Arthur W. Rhode, Walton A. Rodger, Erwin C. Rhode, Thurman O. Ruettinger, Richard A. Sklarsky, Harold T. Spo- den and Paul Zuris. B, nnett To Discuss Architectural Trend Architectural,students are especial- ly invited to the Union Coffee Hour from 4:30 until 5:30 p.m. today in the small ballroom when Dean Wells I. Bennett of the architecture school will speak on "Current Trends in Ar- chitecture." Dean Bennett will lead an open forum on his subject following hi,, talk. New League Jean Holland To Be League P DuringP JEAN HOLLAND Court Battle Seems Likely In TVA Ouster Harcourt Morgan Elevated To Chairman sip; James Fly MayFill Vacancy WASHINGTON, March 22.-(/P)-- President Roosevelt summarily dis- missed Chairman Arthur S. Morgan of TVA from office today, precipitat- ing what many believed would be a bitter controversy in the courts and in Congress. For Morgan, long engaged in a, guerrilla warfare with other directors of the public power agency, was ready to resist the Chief Executive's order, and critics of TVA at the Capitol were eager to bare the agency's in- nermost secrets in a congressional investigation. Mr. Roosevelt elevated Vice-Chair- man Harcourt A. Morgan to the chairmanship. He has aligned him- self with Director David E. Lilien- thal in opposing the policies of Chairman Morgan. In informed sources, it was said that the vacancy on the board might be filled tomor'- row, possibly by the appointment of James L. Fly, now TVA's general) counsel. Even before receiving the Presi- dent's message of removal, however, legislators were quick to praise or blame the President tonight. Sen- ator Bridges (Rep., N.H.) said the dismissal was an act of "the typical dictator," while Speaker Bankhead declared it was "thoroughly justi- fied," Pledgce Banquet Tickets On Sale President resident ext Year Barbara Paterson Chosen With Helen Jean Dean To Take Other Posts Sybil Swartout Is Judiciary Leader Jean Holland, '39, was appointed president of the League for the com- ing year by the League electoral board yesterday. Barbara Paterson, '39, was named secretary, and Helen Jean Dean, '39, treasurer. Sybil Swartout, '39, was appointed head of the Judi- ciary Council by the out-going chair- man, Angelene Maliszewski, '38. Miss Holland, of Tfoughton, is a resident of Mosher Hall. She has been active in extra-curricular activ- ities, being music chairman of Fresh- man Project, a member of two Soph- omore Cabaret committees, a mem- ber of Wyvern and the theatre-arts committee, program chairman of last year's Assembly Ball, an Orientation adviser and is assistant chairman of this year's Junior Girls Play. Affiliated with Collegiate Sorosis sorority, Miss Paterson, of Flint, is a junior night editor on the Daily, a member of the League merit com- mittee and has a part in "Mulberry Bush." She wrote part of the script for "'Land of Oz," 1936 Freshman Project, was a member of the finance committee for the Penny Carnival in her first year, on the costume com- mittee for Sophomore Cabaret, music committee for Panhellenic Ball this year and has been co-chairman of the debate committee during the cur- rent year as well as a member of the League Ballroom committee. Miss Dean, of Grand Rapids, is a member of Gafmima Phi Beta sorority. She is a junior ,member of the wom- en's business staff of the Daily, co- chairman of the debate committee and a member of Wyvern. She was chairman of this year's Panhellenic Banquet, a freshman adviser and is a member of the ticket committee for the 1938 J.G.P. She was a hostess at Sophomore Cabaret and a member of the publicity committee of the League. A junior member of the Judiciary Council, Miss Swartout, affiliated with Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, is from St. Louis, Mo. A member of Wyvern, she has been active since her freshman year on campus. Miss Swartout took part in the Freshman Project, was a member of the Gar- goyle staff during her first year, a (Continued on Page 2) City To License Wanted: One publicity stunt. Wracking their brains for an idea that would garner them space pub- licizing their Spring Pop Concert at Hill Auditorium tomorrow night. the Glee Club finally hit upon something really good. Three judges would de- cide whether the Glee Club or Band had the most sex appeal, musical abil- ity and showmanship. Marcia Connell, '39, promised to judge sex appeal; William Lichten- wanger, Grad., Daily music critic, would judge the musical values and Gerry Hoag, local theatre manager, was to judge showmanship, Every- thing was swell, But late yesterday objections were raised. The stunt could not comie off, a high authority declared. So the Glee Club, high and dry, wants an- other quick. Those with suggestions are to call Jack Collins, 39E, at the Sigma Chi fraternity. Beginning at 8:15 p.m. at Hill Au- ditorium the Glee Club's concert will be free. Especially planned for stu-r dents, it will feature "A Michigan Kaleidoscope." A number of other high-lights will be presented. Dean~ To Of Be Akron University Chief Speaker Recent Nava_ IRace Precipitated By Abortive Treaty Negotiation By JOSEPh GIEs on other types of vessels were de- The present tremendous scale on feated, as was the British suggestion which naval rearmament is being of the abolition of the submarine. A carried on by the United States and definition of a capital ship as one of Great Britain is due in large part, more than 10,000 tons and guns of paradoxically enough, to the partial- greater than 8-inch calibre, however, ly successful efforts to limit the fleets had the effect of limiting cruiscu of the great powers by negotiations, weight and gun calibre. America it is indicated by statistics and state- Gieat Brilaiii and Ja lp" u tledrr d ments in Brassey's Naval Annual for themselves to ac strict progra m of :1937 scrapping and replacing capital Brasscy's Amal is edited by Rear= ships when they became 20 years old Admiral Ii. A. ihursfield of te The British government presently Adoyal Navy.and alongrsithd Jye found itself in difficulties over the Royal Navy. and along withr Jayne's expense of the huge replacement pro- "Fighting Ships" is considered the expeneeof t raceent pr imost reliable source of infornmation gramt necessary to mr-aintain the letter availiable nestiourceoffnravlde-of the pact. Opposition also arose to available on auestions of naval de- the necessity of building cruisers of velopment and policy 10,000 tons, much larger than pre- The history of the current navy vious British cruisers, to mainta'h question goes back to the Washington qualitative parity with the other Treaty of Feb. 6, 1922, in which the navies, which were intent on building strength of the fleets of the five lead- up to full treaty strength. An abor- ing naval powers was fixed at the ex- tive naval conference was called irn istina famousa"5-5-3" ratio. France 10 , nh m., nc -c t'ickets for the second annual ban- quet for new fraternity initiates, to be held at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Union, will be on sale today for the final time in fraternities and in the Interfraternity Council office, Room 306 of the Union, D. H. Gardner, Dean of Men at Akron University, Akron, 0., will be the main speaker, talking on "Frater- nities and Their Relation to the Uni- versity." The meeting, for all Spring initiates of campus general fraternities, is be- ing held to stimulate scholarship among pledge classes, and to help introduce new initiates to one an- other, The scholarship cup, given to the pledge class that had the highest scholastic standing last semester, will be awarded at the banquet by Dean of Men Joseph A. Bursley, and the Var- sity Glee Club will give a preview of its "Pop" Concert. Senate Defeats Activity Restriction Amendments WASHINGTON, March 22.--(IP)- A stringo f ,mPnrjmen-t,, s i1g rit o 'A' Restaurants No Lower Ranking Places Yet Given Permits Restaurants at present displaying the new city license, and those res- taurants alone, have been graded "A" in the city's drive to raise sanitary standards in Ann Arbor eating estab- lishments, Franklin Fiske city sani- tarian announced yesterday. Licenses giving grades below the top standard, he indicated, will be issued in the near future. "At present all restaurants having an 'A' status have received certificates," he said. The proposed city ordinance giving the health department sweeping powers to make and enforce regula- tions for the protection of health, in- cluding the license system, has passed the second reading before the City Council without revision, according to Ralph Hammett, chairman of the ordinance committee of the council. A third reading is required before thw measure comes to a vote. The bill which rests the health de- partments powers on a solid legal basis has been acclaimed by Dr. Noah Sinai of the public health depart- nient and other public health of- ficials as a vital link if the city is to enforce adequate health standards. i Sailing Club To Be Organized Today Final organization plans for the Michigan Sailing Club will be con- cluded with the presentation of the constitution for approval on the part of members at a meeting to be held at '7:3f. nm tnrlav in Rny m a of 4l.a