THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY I -; 11 1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Mchigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studer* Publications. Punshed every morning except Mondy during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. En.ared at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 84.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193738 REPRfSENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY NationalAdvertisingService,nc. 4olge JPubliskers Represetative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK N. Y CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGEES - SAN FrANCIsCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR. ......JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............TUURE TENANDER kSSOCIATE EDITOR............IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............. WILLIAM C SPLLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ......................IRVIN LTSAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER,............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ..... .......DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .. . .NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ..........BETTY DAVY WOWEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM J. ELVIN It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are ed- ucational institutions in the best mean- ing of the term. Alexander G. Ruthven. The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Call From iSpain.. .. R ALPH NEAFUS, graduate of the Michigan forestry school, joined the International Brigade last summer to fight for the Spanish people and their Government. He was captured Sunday, March 13 at Calanda by the Insurgent forces under General Garcia Va- lino. Today, his life is in danger. Representing the finest elements in Michigan tradition, Neafus left Ann Arbor for Spain know- ing full well that he was risking his life for the democratic ideals in which he believed. He offered his life to the Spanish Republic in the same way that Lafayette, von Steuben and Kos- ciusko offered their services that this republic might live. The announced policy of the present adminis- tration in Washington is to refuse diplomatic protection to volunteers in Spain. We wish to point out that the State Department, even without abrogating this policy, can and must make clear through the diplomatic channels the vital interest that hundreds of Michigan stu- dents have in the well-being of Ralph Neafus. It is the duty of the State Department at least to make inquiries and exert pressure to ensure that he will receive humane treatment as a prisoner of war. If possible the State Department should work for his release. Diplomatic red tape must not prejudice the life of a man, who like Neafus, is fighting for the democratic principles that our Government rep- resents. Joseph S. Mattes. Tuure Tenander. ~on't Say Aloha. .. S UNDAY the Hearst papers carried, among other features typical of the most reactionary and backward portion of the press, a military diagram of Hawaii, "our first line of defense against invasion," covering the front page of the graphic feature section. Needless to point out, this sort of propaganda is extremely dangerous. The diagram and ac- companying legend are carefully prepared with an eye to dramatic appeal, for militarism unques- tionably contains such an appeal, or can be made to contain it. The suggestion of Pearl Ha7rbor as a bulwark against Japan, and the glowing description of the island's strength as a naval base have the effect of arousing a bellig- erent spirit irn the reader as well as a faith in the efficacy of armaments. The army and navy, in the Hearst and other papers of similar character, are always referred to as "forces for peace," whose might will discourage other nations from attacking us. Aside from the historical fact that large armies and navies breed war rather than prevent it, the attitude induced in the mind of the public by articles of this type is decidedly in- jurious to peace in itself; for once the people are inculcated with the spirit of military pre- paredness to resist attack, they become suscep- tible to international incidents, insults to the na- Admiral Yarnell and Admiral Phelps have con- curred in this opinion. The idea that America's defense against ag- gression begins in the middle of the Pacific is analogous to the jingoistic expressions so often voiced by European statesmen and military oful- cers about "strategic frontiers." A strategic fron- tier is always situated at a point some miles or hundreds of miles beyond the actual frontier, and it must be seized or held in order to protect, the real border. When the strategic frontier is actually gained and established as the national frontier, a new imaginary line is selected some distance deeper in enemy territory. If Hawaii must be strengthened in order to protect the approaches to the Panama Canal, then by the same logic we will be told that the Caroline Islands must be seized to protect Ha- waii, Formosa to protect the Carolines and Burma, Tibet, Turkestan and Samarcand to pro- tect Formosa. Our first line of defense is not at Honolulu; it is at home against Hearst and the rest of the chauvinist press. Joseph Gies. SPRING," the calendar insists, "is here." And strangely enough, Ann Arbor for once agrees with that famous instrument which Pope Gregory revised. The robins are back from their sojourn in the Sunny South and the balmy breezes are wafting their way across the campus and through the windows of even the South Wing of University Hall. Topcoats have given way to shirt-sleeves. "Ho-Hum" has taken the place of "Hrumpph!" But don't let the present whimsy of Ann Arbor weather fool you, freshmen. Even before you read this, the elements may have pushed another button and decided to let us have some rain or sleet or snow in the way of castigation for these few days of sunshine. Then, too, the famous brand of windstorms, so prevalent in Ann Arbor, may return to popularity with the local weatherman who is said to reside in the psychopathic ward. It's too good to be true. Tuure Tenander. THE FORUM More About 'Crip Shots' To the Editor: I read with some surprise the small article on your sports page a few days ago in which it was stated that a new term had originated in Texas to designate the easy shot near the bas- ket in basketball-the "crip" shot. As far back as 1924 this term was in current use on the campus of Louisiana State University, being used to describe either an easy shot in basketball or an easy course in the curriculum, which was called a "crip" course. During the duck hunting season in the South many ducks are wounded while on the wing and continue to fly, perhaps for miles. Then they take refuge near the edge of a lake or river and stay there in the shallow water until they die or recover. These ducks are known as cripples or "crips and only a very ignorant hunter will shoot them, as they are sick and unfit for human consumption. A custom arose among Southern hunters of jokingly accusing a fellow hunter of shooting "crips" when he came in with a nice bag. The term thus originated spread to the campuses and became a synonym for anything easy as above mentioned. -W. F. Groves. Razing Higher Education To the Editor: Does addressing a letter to a publication serve as prima facie evidence of the writer being a crank? I'm afraid it does to many people, but I am willing to suffer this epithet if by writing, I can in any way assist in persuading the Uni- versity that many of my friends and students with whom I have been casually acquainted dur- ing the past four years believe the University curriculum and teaching methods sadly in need of improvement. You published two letters in Sunday's paper that manifest this same dissatisfaVtion, al- though it was rather disappointing to find no clearly defined suggestions for improvement of- fered in them. This does not invalidate them, however, for many of us feel that we could be getting more than we do out of our classes, though we are at a loss to explain how this could be done. I'm pretty much that way myself, but I do think that there are several things that might well be done. First of all, although it is a general proposal, I think that the faculty should make the hurdles higher and the pace faster. Few students are pushed to their utmost capacity and many are coasting through without having to exert them- selves. The graduate schools on campus demand much more work from students just out of the literary college-and they get it with surpris- ingly few "fatalities." The amount of work done and the quality of the education obtained are positively. correlated, I believe, and in addition to this advantage, I think the attitude toward learning would be noticeably improved. Secondly, I think that more honors courses would go far toward obtaining the end mentioned above and besides would introduce some indi- vidual attention in our highly mechanized edu- cation. Michigan is lagging in this respect and now that the honors course has received such wide acceptance it is particularly distressing to see our school still standing by. Thirdly, with all of the widespread dissatis- faction over our examination schedule, it should be obvious that the present system should be I/ feeitur o Me eywood Broun By now I think some public apology is overdue from American partisans of Franco. They have insisted that the war in Spain was purely a local issue between the "Reds" and a noble patriot who would defend religion and free speech and the tested traditions of his country, Even at this late date I find Mr. Ellery Sedgwick writing, "Doubtless Franco' government will establish or- ";';?der by the peremptory meth- ;} ods which follow all success- ful wars, but once it is firmly in the saddle its inclination will be to work out Spanish salvation in a thoroughly Spanish way." Apparently Mr. Sedgwick means to say that after the Generalissimo has shot many thousands of the "Communistic," peace will again prevail in the vineyards of Iberia and that laughing peasant girls will tread upon the grapes in the fashion which is ancient and familiar. After sufficient blood has been shed the purple wine will once more be passed from hand to hand by delighted peasants strumming guitars. It is a romantic picture. When the slaughter of labor leaders and trades unionists has been completed by Mr. Franco and his Moorish mer- cenaries Carmen may once again be permitted to carry a red rose in her teeth and romance will ramble over the new graves. * * * * The Broad Atlantic Monthly As a literary man Ellery Sedgwick pines for the restoration of the day when Spain becomes again a fictional background and not the crucible of a struggle for bread and life and freedom. But Mr. Sedgwick is too much under the spell of the fine tradition of belles-lettres established by the Atlantic Monthly. Life cannot be translated wholly into terms of five cents a word, or possibly ten for established writers. If Franco wins what will be known in Rome and Berlin as "victory" two of the most surprised persons on the surface of this earth will be Mr. Sedgwick and the Generalissimo. If the present drive succeeds and the Loyalist cause is lost, one of the first acts of Mussolini and Hitler will be to take away the messenger-boy outfit which they have allowed to Franco. He will be stripped of his khaki and his bicycle and told to run along and roll his own hoop in some isolated kingdom where he is not in the way. And the three or four Spaniards who have constituted his national army will also be instructed to scram. Even the meanest intelligence must compre- hend by now that the Liberator is strictly a front man for the bigger boys. It may be that Hitler and Mussolini will quarrel about the spoils, but at the moment the deal seems to be that the Duce will let the Fuehrer take Austria and points east in return for the gift of Spain. This ancient land now lies like a sugar plum in the toe of Italy's stocking. According to the plan, the Med- iterranean is to become Mussolini's lake and part of the new Roman Empire. * * * * Just The Visiting Firemen. There seems to be complete agreement among all the foreign correspondents that the present drive of the rebels is being put on wholly by the Germans and the Italians in the present Fascist sweep across the face of Europe. It would be wholly unfair to Franco to surmise that among the people of Spain he will be coupled with Benedict Arnold. In all truth he has not been secretive about his role. He sold out at the be- ginning of hostilities instead of at the end. And when the Fascist heat is turned on the Church and any freedom of worship I will join in the protest. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with clerics who cry out that Fascism is the new paganism. But I think that some of my religious friends must pardon me if I nudge them and say, "This is a good fight in which we are en- gaged.. But why were you so naive in overlook- ing the hand of Hitler in this business from the very beginning? Now we stand together, but may I ask what delayed you?" Student Protest Many undergraduates of Oxford and Cam- bridge who were as much concerned as anyone by Mr. Eden's resignation recently went up to London to join their London University friends in a protest to their members of Parliament about the change in foreign policy. Those who came up had all taken part previously in large demonstrations of their several universities against the government's policy-from Oxford, incidentally, some two hundred telegrams were sent to Lord Halifax with the words, "Oxford says resign," and most of them were members 9f the universities' Liberal or Socialist clubs. There were also some Conservatives among them. About a hundred and fifty of them arrived on the lobbying campaign. They all asked for their members of Parliament, including Mr. Cham- berlain and Mr. Eden. Several members did talk to them including two Cabinet Ministers. Sir Thomas Inskip and Mr. W. Elliot. Mr. Elliot was heard to remark to his Oxford interlocutor that the proceedings of the Non-Intervention Committee were a scandal. He temporised about the Eden issue, saying, that the talks with Italy were "experimental." Sir Thomas Inskip's opin- ion was that Mr. Eden need never have resigned. The undergraduates concentrated on Con- servative members for obvious reasons, and gave several of them an energetic quarter of an hour. Sir W. Wayland, Mr. Pickthorn, Mr. Petterick and Mr. Hely-Hutchinson all ran their gauntlet, but Lady Davidson was perhaps given the most argumentative time of all. ART By HELEN B. HALL Exhibition Of Prints Two good groups of some 50 prints each compose the current exhibit in the North and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, shownrafter- noons from 2 to 5 until March 27,1 under the sponsorship of the Ann1 Arbor Art Association. The prints selected from the an-1 nual exhibition of the Chicago So- ciety of Etchers are of sound work- manship, on the whole fairly con- servative in nature but presenting va-I ried techniques and effects. Land- scape studies predominate: Martin Hardie, English artist, has a print en- titled "The Lake" with a simplicity of treatment tending towards a Far- Eastern method of approach; strong- ly contrasting in mood, dramatic in light and pattern, is the plate "Neigh- bors" by Mildred Bryant Brooks, a California artist who won the an- nual $500 Society prize with a sim- ilar work. "The Old Bridge, Maine"j by Allen Philbrick is nice in its sure- ness of composition and freedom of execution. Among the architectural landscape studies is a scene in'Rome by Louis C. Rosenberg which has a quality of re- straint and dignity characteristic of his work; the print by Ernest D. Roth, "Mill at Certosa, Florence,". has a delicacy and charm, while Jonathan Taylor's view of the Market Place in Amiens is a carefully, logically built-up plate. An abstraction entitlede"Forms of Biology" by John Paul Jensen has a restlessipattern and emotional qual- ity akin to Kandinsky's paintings. One of Alexander Master-Valerio's fine mezzotints, "On the Free Shore," won a place in this exhibit. "The Song" by Margery Ryerson is frag- mentary but thoroughly effective; and Gordon Grant's "Up Aloft" is a spelndid example of this artist's mastery in print-making. The prints in the second gallery, those by the American Artists Group, are decidedly more modern in ap- proach apd spirit. They are by lead- ing artists, foremosts in their field, very moderately priced but good in technique, interesting in subject, and on the whole strong in pattern and design. Typical American scenes and aictivities are presented, with empha- sis on the legitimate artistic worth of the works. "Wastelands" by Joe Jones is a landscape of brooding character; Howard Cook presents an interesting study of New York, "Look- ing Up Broadway," and Louis Lozo- wick's "Distant Manhattan" is ex- cellently composed and displays his usual distinction. Jean Charlot's print, "Tortilla Mak- er," is very strong and effective in pattern. Two fanciful works by well- known women artists are "Four of a Kind" by Nura, delightful in pat-t tern and in humor, and the whimsical print, "Fairy Story," by Wanda Gag. TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1938 1 VOL. XLVIII. No. 123t First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds s Ito loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest+ at current rates. Apply Investment 1bt Office, Room 100, South Wing, I University Hall.t Extra Curricular Activities: The c Chairmen or Managers of the follow- s ing student organizations have failed to submit to the Office of the Dean of Students lists of those who have submitted certificates to them for 1 participation in these groups. This 1 should be done at once on blanks pro- 1 vided in Room 2, University Hall. Assembly Congress t Debating-Men Debating-Women Freshman Glee Club Girls Glee Club Z Hillel Foundation Men's Council (3) Michigan Daily Michiganensian Military Ball Committee Panhellenic Play Production Progressive Club Student Senate Senior Ball Committee Technic Attention Chinese Students: I have 1 received instructions from the First 1 Secretary of the Chinese Embassy to secure detailed information from any Chinese students who may be in need t of funds because of the present situa- tion in their country and forward it to him with my recommendation. If 'any such students care'to take ad-F vantage of this plan made by theirc Embassy, I shall be glad to interview7 them Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thurs- 11 day afternoon of the present week' between 2 and 4 o'clock. Students should bring their passports and other travel documents with them. c J. Raleigh Nelson, Counselor to Foreign Students. Choral Union Vacancies. A few va- cancies exist in the tenor and second 7 bass section in the Choral Union. Tryouts may be arranged after regu- lar rehearsals on Tuesday evening, or at other times by appointment at the Office of the Musical Director. t -- t Aeronautical Engineering Students: There will be available in the De-t partment of Aeronautical Engineer-r ing two Frank P. Sheehan Scholar- ships and probably three assistant- T ships for the year 1938-39. These 1 Scholarships and assistantships are 1 in general restricted to upper class. men and graduate students and the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. 5 p.m., West Gallery, Alumni Me- morial Hall. The Ann Arbor Art Association pre- ents two print exhibitions, work by he Chicago Society of Etcher and )y the American Artists Group of New York, March 15 through 27, in he North ana South Galleries of Al- imni Memorial Hall. Open daily, in- luding Sundays, 2 to 5 p.m., free to tudents and to members. Lectures Lecture and Gallery Talk: Mr. Plumer will talk on rubbings of Han Reliefs now on exhibition. Wet Gal- ery, Alumni Memorial Hall, Tuesday, March 22, at 9 a.m. Required for Fine Arts 192; other students and he public are cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Ludwig Waagen of the "Junior Year Abroad," Munich will give an English lecture (with lantern slides) on the South German Baroque and Rococo in 18th century castles and churches on Thursday, March 24, at 4:15 lNatural Science. The public is cordially in- vited. French Lecture: Professor Rene Talamon will give the last lecture on the Cercle Francais program: "Le Theatre de la Comedie Francaise, bier et aujourd'hui." Wednesday, March 23, at 4:15 p.m, Room 103, Romance Language Building. Publ ic Lecture: Doctor F. R. Moul- ton, Permanent Secretary of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, will speak at a luncheon at the Michigan Union t 12:15. Reservations for this lun- cheon should be made in my office, 1213 A.H., before Wednesday noon. Doctor Moulton will give a lecture open to the public at 4:15 p.m. in West Physics Lecture Hall. Professor VW. H. Hobbs will preside on this oc- casion. Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn, noted author and lecturer, will 'speak upon "Re- ligion as Historic Experience" on Friday, March 25 at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. This lecture is free to the public. University Lecture: Dr. Knut Lund- mark, Director of the Observatory of the University, Lund, Sweden, will give an illustrated lecture with lan- tern slides on "Distance Indicators and the Scale of the External Uni- verse" on Thursday, Mrch 31, at 8 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium under the auspices of the Dejart- ment of Astronomy. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. Reports by: Elizabeth Chamberlain, The com- parative efficiency of free and com- bined nitrogen for the .nutrition of the soybean. Gregorio Velasquez, Growth of a myxomycete with dif- ferent bacterial associates. Roy Joyce, Bacteria in an inland lake. Lo- well Bailey, Influence of light and heat upon formation of nitrate in the soil. Chairman, Prof. K. L. Jones. Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar for graduate stu- dents today at 4 p.m. will be ad- dressed by Dr. Max A. Bredig on the subject, "X-ray Studies in the Manu- facture of Calcium Carbide and Cal- Iium Cyanamide." Bibliophiles, Faculty Women's Club today at 2:30, Michigan League. Hostesses, Mrs. S. Peterson and Mrs. E. Mercado. Michigan Dames: General meeting at the League, Tuesday, at 8:15 p.m. Initiation of new members. All wives of students and internes still welcome to join. The Book Shelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. George M. McConkey, 2541 Washtenaw Ave., today at 2:45 p.m. Mrs. Frank A. Mickle is assisting. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invited to at- tend the services. Freshmen in the literary college are to pay their class dues in the lobby of Angell Hall today and Vjednes- day between 9 and 5. They are 25 cents. Hillel Book Club will meet tonight at 8 p.m. at the Foundation. "Ludwig Lewisohn will be the topic for dis- cu sion." Henry Hitt Crane. Dr. Crane will lecture this afternoon at 4:15 at the Michigan Union on "Christian Strat- egy Toward Japan." Tonight he Will lecture on "What Are Christians" at 7:30 at the First Methodist Church. Student Senate: The second meet- ing of the Student Senate will be held at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Room C, Haven Hall. The agenda includes - --- - V _-~ 'selection is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. eZ N nApplications for these positions will be received up to April 8, 1938. Students wishing to make applica- Rnsde tion should address them to Professor E. A. Stalker, B-47 East Engineering President Manuel Quezon's imme- Building, and should give a brief diate and cordial agreement with statement of their qualifications and High Commissioner McNutt's sugges- experience in regard to both their tion - made in a recent Washington scholastic work and any outside ex- broadcast-of a "realistic re-examin- perience that they may have had. A' ation" of the question of Philippine statement should also be made giving independence reflects a growing ap- their plans for further study in Aero- prehension among Filipino leaders nautical Engineering. that separation from the United Applications may be made for both States in the near future might prove the scholarships and the assistant- a disaster. This feeling has increased ships. as the date, July 4, 1946, fixed in the- Tydings-McDuffie act for fulfillment Bronson-Th6mas Prize in German: of complete independence, has drawn (Value about $50.00) Open to all nearer, and as the economic disloca- undergraduate students in German of tion and political perils of standing distinctly American training. Will alone have become more apparent.' be awarded on the results of a three- Although in a second statement on hour essay competition to be held the McNutt address Quezon .ualified under departmental stipervision on lI. his earlier enthusiasm, he added that7 he would be willing to discuss perm- anent retention of the islands by1 the United States, provided all thei powers of a dominion government were granted the' Philippines.c The prospects in Washington for prompt reconsideration are not bright. Some observers believe that McNutt, who had been in conference with President Roosevelt and Secre- tary Hull, would not have come out so strongly in favor of preservation' of United States sovereignty over the Philippines if the Administration were not inclined to favor modifi- cation of the Tydings-McDuffie ar- rangement. The President himself has thus far refused to commit hin- self. Others in Washington have not been so reticent. Senator Tydings expressed perhaps the majority view in Congress when he said, in effect, that it is up to the Filipinos to make -a proposal. Apart, howeyer, from the sugar and related blocs that desire elimination of Philippine competi- tion, there is considerable opposition in the capital to the continuation in any form of American control over the Philippines. The isolationists see the islands as means of needlessly in- volving the United States in Orientall complications, while many American naval and some army leaders consid- er them liabilities, not assets, in a war in the Pacific. Nevertheless, shouldthe Filipinos, who became our wards through no will of their own, decide to ask the United States to be permitted to re- Friday, March 25, from 2:00-5 p.m., 264 U.H. Contestants must satisfy the department that they have done the necessary reading in German. The essay may be written in English or German. Each contestant will be free to choose his own subject from a list of at least 10 offered. The list will cover five chapters in the de- velopment of German literature from 1750 to 1900, each of which will be represented by at least two subjects. Students who wish to compete and who have not yet handed in their applications should do so immediately and obtain final directions. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Thursday, March 24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1210 Angell Hall for students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in' future work in music. There will be an informal talk by Professor E. V. Moore of the, School of Music. The next meeting in the vocational series will be ad- dressed by Dean H. C. Anderson of the College of Engineering, on Wed- nesday, March 30. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: Examples of engraving, typography, printing in black-and-white and color, details in the manufacturing of a book, and details in the design and make-up of a magazine. Shown through the courtesy of The Lakeside PrP P R. R nnnnc~tl.., 9 R,, Q ...,