SUNDAY, MARCU 20, 1938 TI E MI hTiG AN D AILY PAGE FIVE Second All-Campues Tea Dance Is -Sponsored By Assembly And Congress Robert May Is Chairman Of Affair; Will Be Held In Ballroom Of League The second All-Campus Tea Dance, sponsored by Congress and Assembly, will be held from 4 to 6 p.m., Thurs- day in the League Ballroom. Robert May, '39E, is chairman and Lorraine Lievrouw, '40, will assist him. Admission for men will be 25 cents, but women ;will be admitted free :of charge. The admission was increased in order to make the dance entirely self-supporting, May said. Charlie Zwick will play for group dances which are designed to get stu- dents acquainted with each other. Refreshments of ginger ale and cookies will be served. Hostesses who will assist at the dance will be recog- nized by the small yellow hair-bows they will wear in their hair. The hostesses will make all introductions desired, May stated. Tea dances Will be heli every other' week on alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays, in order to give all stu- dents a chance to attend. The chair- manship for the dance will /be al- ternated between Congress and As- sembly. Chairman of the various commit- tees for the affair are as follos:4 DANCING Glass & Indivdual in- struction in all types ui'dancing. Teachers' course. Open daily 10 N.M. to 10' P.M. Phone 9695 2nd Floo 1 Terrace Garden Studio " Wuerth :Theatre Bldg. To Lead Band At Ball Capitalist Ball Patrons' List Is Announced I r(eddings c. and ./ Stock R1dJ Market Quotations, I" k 7n .ll S "-; i EMERY DENTSCH Muriel Hess, '40, head of the ad- ministrative committee; William Rockwell, '41, in charge of enter-. tainment; Marian Gommesen, '38, head of the hostess committee; Ed- ward Egle, '39E, in charge of the patrons committee; Stephen Page, '41; head of the publicity committee and Betty Myers, '39, in charge ofj refreshments. The affair is open to all students,f May emphasized. Students are urged to come stag and cutting in will be encouraged. There will be a meeting for all committee members and committee chairmen at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the League. , c n 6 ,p _ ,A 1 Mr. Deutsch is an accom- plished violinist, as well as the com- poser of "Play Fiddle Play" and "When a Gypsy Makes His Violin Cry." PHI SIGMA SIGMA Phi Sigma Sigma is holding open house from 7 to 9:30 p.m. today. Dr. and Mrs. H. Hootkins and Mrs. L. M. Davies will act as chaperons for the affair. r t MADE FOR YOUR FI URE Controls your bulges to give a pleasing contour under your Spring suit .slightly boned over abdomen 5-$7.50- 10. 0 Enigagemnents * Prof. and Mrs. Edward M. Bragg of Ann Arbor announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Martha Shores, 38 to John Clark Moore, '36E, at a tea held at their home Friday. Miss Bragg is a graduate of Ten- acre, Well:ley, Mass., and of Paton Hall, Romeo. Mr. Moore is a mem- ber of Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Eta Sig- ma, Phi Lambda Upsilon and Tau Beta Pi, honorary societies. The wedding will be held in June. Mr. and Mrs. Lion T. Closter- house, of Grand. Rapids announce the engagement of their daughter, Joan, '40A, to Bern Starr, '37, last Sunday in Grand Rapids. Miss Closterhouse attended Vas- sar. She is affiliated with Alpha Phi and she was a meraber of the Wom- en's Business Staff of the Daily in 1937. Mr. Starr, a member of Chi Psi, was a half miler on the track team. The engagement of Josephine Mon- tee, '38, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Montee of Detroit; and Donald K. Anderson, '3T, of Ann Arbor was an- nounced recently. Miss Montee is assistant to J. Raleigh Nelson, Coun- selor to foreign students. Mr. An- derson is employed in the news serv- ice department of the University. "I e Contest Plans Released Icgyuc ,Union To Sponsor I t"rnim in ent MVarch 28 A duplicate bridge tournament sponsored by the League and Union will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Mon- I day, March 28' in the League. All entries must be in the form of teams of two persons ard must be in by 12 noon Saturday, March 26. Fra- ternity, sorority or independent teams may enter. There will be no entrance fee. Women's teams enter in person by telephone at the League desk, and men's teams enter in person at the Union Student Offices or telephone between 3 and 5 p.m. on week days. Mixed teams enter at either League or Union. 1. SPRING ' III :.._...__.: _ _______ _ .__ _ _ _,.._... __....___ ____ v_._ _ _ _ ._ _._...__. ______ ag il rl * Three piece Topcoat Suits ! Man-I ailoreds! *"'Soft" Suits! ax U laocccet 14% /1 44l S_ FA t F F~0 4 Button-up Suits! Costume Suits! lStreamlined Reefers! E Box Coats! q Harris Tweeds! + Casual Swaggers! As an artist mixes his pigments to repro- duce living flesh tones so the CHARLES of the RITZ Techni- * New Boleros! Swirl Prints Pastel Crer cian is trained to blend for you the individual tints of face powder that will make your skin alive, radiant. * New Navy Black! " Romantic Frocks! !t pes! Dance I I Learn how flattering can be. individually blended powder k This Week Only: MISS MILDRED ENGLER will be in our store and blend individually for you a( full dollar box of CHARLES of the RITZ Face Powder WITHOUT CHARGE with any purchase of other CHARLES M the RITZ tilerie o Stunning Bags! e Vivid Scarfs! 0 Beautiful Blouses! * Van Raalitc Hosiery! (for clay and date- time) TNF _ i