THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1938 - ,oUr y . s m m am.m " w e IE MICHIGAN DAILY -1 .,,. .1 , dlted and managed by students of the University of tchigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Otuder* Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press whe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to " t or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. En' red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as Sieond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 14.00; by mail, $4.50. Iember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RPREO3NTE POrN NATIONAL ADVRT18IN0 BY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Reiiresentative 420 MADISoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO -BOSTON - LOS ANGELE SAN FRANCIsCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR .... ......TUURE TENANDER ' :. OCI6ATE EDITOR ..........IRVING SILVEMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........WILLtIAM C. SPALLER SSOCIATE EDITOR . ..ROBERT P. WEEKS OMEN'S EDITOR. . .HELEN DOUOAS SPORTS EDITOR...................IRVIN LISAGOR " Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER... ....ERNEST A. JNES CREDIT MANAGER....DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ... NORMAN B. STEINBERG OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: S. R. KLEIMAN - It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are ed- lcational institutions in the best mean- ing of the term. Alexander G. Ruthven. The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers - only. Loose Thinki ng. ESTERIDAY'S ISSUE of the Detroit n Free Press carried the following as- sertion on its editorial page which even a be- ginner in the study of economics could puncture: "With more than 10,000,000 persons out of Work in this country we continue to negotiate qtrade agreements to provide work for foreigners. Are those Europeans who iegard us as still in- fantile so very wrong, after all?" Thus the Free Press seems to indicate either: (1.) That it does not know that a reciprocal trade agreement helps both countries involved because it helps the industries of both by allowing each country to export that, which it can man- ufacture or raise best and thus employ more labor in those fields. (2.) Or else, that the Free Press knows this, but feels that we should not increase the num- ber of workers here, since this move will also cause more people to be employed in foreign countries. If the Free Press is guilty on the first count, it ought to withhold its "economic axioms" until such time as its editorial writers have time to read some works on economics. The writers will find that Raymond T. Bye's "Principles of Economics," which is used in the primary Eco- nomics 51 course, says: "An example of loose thinking arising out of failure to appreciate the true nature of exchange is found in the idea, held by some persons, that it is a good thing to sell goods to persons living outside of one's own community but a bad thing to buy from them. Thus the chamber of com- merce of a town will conduct a campaign to get its citizens to 'patronize home industry' and will oppose giving. business to other towns, on the grdund that the former 'keeps the money at home' while the latter 'takes money out of the town.' These short-sighted business men are confusing money with wealth, and adherence to their policy wouldcause their community to lose the advantages of specialization and exchange. To buy from strangers is to receive from them goods which they, as specialists, can produce bet- ter and cheaper than the purchaser. Paying them money merely gives them purchasing power with which to buy in turn. The town will get back as much as it spends in the sales it makes to others of the goods it specializes in. "Towns, like individuals, are specialists profiting by exchanging their specialties with each other. Buying goods outside the community, therefore, is not so much 'taking money out of town' as it is bringing wealth in. After all, whether there is much or little money in a community. is of no great importance, so long as there is enough medium of exchange to keep its industry moving smoothly; but how much wealth it has is very important indeed. We shall see, when we come to study international trade, that the same error is made by many persons in think- ing about a country's commerce, simply because they do not realize that economic life is a series of exchanges of goods between individuals in the The Emancipation. Of Swing . . H E THOUGHT Leo Fitzpatrick's nose very blue indeed when on March 9 he excommunicated Tommy Dorsey's swing ver- sion of "Loch Lomond" from the airwaves with the stern proclamation that WJR would no longer permit rag-time desecrations of familiar old folk tunes. When we learned that the Negro sensation, Maxine Sullivan, has been putting "Loch Lo- mond" over to the tune of 50,000 discs, we thought General Manager Fitzpatrick was plain crazy and not just blue-nosed. But now we know Mr. Fitzpatrick to be far from crazy. When every paper in the country played up his story, when even the dignified New York Herald Tribune was moved to comment editor- ially on WJR's action, when scores of stations throughout the country took up the argument and when finally a national contest was pro- claimed, we discerned Mr. Fitzpatrick's true gen- ius. WJR's general manager is a publicity salesman extraordinaire. He put forth his gigantic 10- day advertising campaign in editorial copy in- stead of at the customary display rate. As a result scarcely a reader in the country was ignorant of his 45-minute program of "Swing vs. Sentiment," last night. Thank you, Mr. Fitzpatrick, for a lesson in advertising. Now let's all settle down again to our daily diet of juvenile radio entertainment. Robert I. Fitzhenry. THE FORUM Echo In The Valley To the Editor: Your recent editorial on education at Mich- igan seems to me to be a singularly fine and timely one. You are certainly to be commende. for your efforts to prod the Michigan undergrad- uate out of his lethargy. Too often has he slept through the biggest stories of the day-both for the morning and afternoon papers. He just goes on sleeping. In this editorial you set out to castigate the amorphous nature of our education here in Ann Arbor which, with its remoteness from modern living conditions and the hours without end of rain is particularly conducive to sleep. At the same time one can easily see the grains of truth in the cntention of stodgy academic minds that they really can get up into their ivory towers and nourish themselves on cloudwater. They prob- ably take time out to amuse themselves with celestial p3 rotechnics But the continued existence of this state of thin s cannot and should not be tolerated by thinking students. In the present world rever- berating with wars and other manifestations of disorder and disorderly thinking some renais- sance of rationalism is imperative. And it is such a renaissance that that should be the de- termined goal of modern education. The Uni- versity of Michigan ought to be among the lead- ers to purge its ranks of the stodgy pedants, the myopic social "scientists" and the incompre- hensible mystics. Let us dismiss our fears of the consequent pains to some people. After all, birth is a painful process. If you do stir the student body from it torpor and you do succeed in eliminating the struggle between teachers "for the honor of lazy teach- ing" you will have accomplished a great social duty. But you should also make very clear and emphatic the idea that the material world is always with us and that our education should be aimed at making us better equipped as students and every day humans to live rationally in that world. I would refer you to the teachings of Thomas Henry Huxley to the effect that knowl- edge should be active, a doctrine with vast social importance. However you make a serious error in laying "the chief burden of fault" on the students. I should grant you that students should take in- terest in their education, but I would not say that they are responsible for its misdirection. I shouldn't lay the "chief burden of fault" for slavery on the slaves. I would put it on the slavemasters. -Underdog. Another Echo To the Editor: I read your editorial "Education at Mich- igan" yesterday, and I must say that it's about time someone started criticizing specifically the University of Michigan. I only hope you keep it up. I've often wondered how many students real- ize how much better their education could be. In every rooming house I've ever been in we have I feemd lo Me Heywood Broun I am getting restive with people who start con- versations on the state of the world by saying: "Thank God for the Atlantic Ocean and the Pa- cific." I doubt that pressing problems of peace will actually be solved by three thousand or even a million miles of brine. Bloodis still thicker. One does not need to be a military expert to realize that our geographical isolation grows more slender every day. The airplane is a great leveler, and even the most inspired words of Washington must be recast in the light of the fact that the Father of His Country did not dream of the potentiality of bombers. New York is less exposed to aerial attack than London, but it is well to remember that planes intent upon attacking us need not actually make an Atlantic crossing. But the chief error of the complete isolationists lies in_ their conception that Fascism must leap the sea to get at us. In all literal truth Fascism is already here. I am not thinking so much of its active man- ifestations in Mexico and Canada but of the growth of converts within our own borders. Throw out the German bunds of Yorkville and else- where as negligible. The force which I have in mind is made up of those sleek young men I meet in clubs and restaurants who say, "But, after all, you must admit that there is something .in what that fellow Hitler says." Or-and this is literal-"I notice that all the attacks upon Fas- cism are in newspapers which are owned and con- trolled by Jews." "There never has been an ocean broad enough to quarantine the plague of poisonous ideas. When Hitler swings in well staged triumph through Vienna be mindful of the fact that we are not beyond the range of the echoes. The theory of Fascism shoots further and more de- structively than the big gun which the Germans trained on Paris. ** * * Too Lute For Trial Possibly something might be said for a policy of complete isolation, but it seems to me silly to argue for something whicl is gone and never willcreturn. The ingenuity of man has brought all nations closer together and, paradoxically, further apart. It is no longer within our choice to be a hermit land. We must pick sides, since already we are in the spot where a position will be forced upon, us. And it seems to me that America's position ought to be a matter of our own choice rather than an dssignment bestowed by Hitler, Mussolini or the Son of Heaven. When I say that I am wholly opposed to the theory of isolation indignant pacifists reply, "And so you mean that you would like to have your son and our sons sent to battle in China for the security of the Standard Oil Co." At that point I generally get nasty or walk away. Not even the most extreme advocate of collective security (and some go much further than I do) has ever sug- gested that the United States should wage an aggressive war in distant lands. I am for peace, but no one nation can make peace or preserve it. Fascism itself is war even without a declaration. A Case In Point Certainly I am not for any frying pan leap, but we have witnessed a laboratory experiment in isolation. The policy of Chamberlain has been to avoid conflict by truckling at every turn to the demands of Hitler and Mussolini. So what kind of peace does England possess today? It finds the spokesmen for Fascism have captured even its Cabinet. And England is now in greater peril and possesses less of the essence of peace than in the days when Zeppelins dropped bombs upon the town of London. Specifically I think we should accept the invi- tation of Russia for a conference of the anti- Fascist nations. Indeed, I think that we should have called just such a conference ourselves some months ago. Franklin D. Roosevelt's Chicago speech still seems to me the finest effort America has yet made to save the world from destruction. griped. Whether all this sentiment can be crys- tallized to impress the faculty that we actually want a change I am not so sure. But I for one am ready to join any group of students in an effort to have our educational system reevaluated and changed in some, if not many, respects. I am ready to join any such group even if it goes no farther' than discussion-although I think it certainly should go farther. -L.W. IFOR UM I An Open Letter To the Editor: In 1918 the Student Christian As- sociation of the University of Michi-I gan started out on a new venture of International Friendship. Through the channels of the National YWCA,[ a in I g s} they sent me to China t, cooperate' with other organizations, forming'ua National Council of Health Educa- tion. So I had the wonderful op- portunity of seeing the Public Health b, Movement start from its inceptionw and in 20 years develop into a strongt indigenous national government or-g ganization that had education as only one phase of its many sided healthd program. How proud we western co-f workers, who had dropped out inton other lines of work, have been of their record and how hopeful we were of their plans for future development! And now there is desolation ands chaos except in the far western prov-n inces. Buildings destroyed, valuableV laboratories bombed, staffs scattereds -all of the people on a tragic trek2 to the far West. But the SpiritL which carried them through thesei past 10 years of progress is a last-v ing and enduring element and whatC they need is the substantial knowl-, edge of our unchanging friendship., I have just come from amongst oura Michigan Alumni in China, loyal Michigan Chinese men and women who have delighted in keeping up oldt associations through branch clubs.S Men and women well prepared, who have given much and have still muchF to give to their people. They aret now suffering unprintable experiences and privations. Many are without the money to carry on the work in Reconstruction of their nation so valiantly started. Some of them are a part of the great refugee problem. I Some of them are employed with carrying on relief for the refugees- amounting now into millions-cloth- ing, feeding, healing and rehabilat- ing, wherever possible. I walked around the campus to- day, almost a stranger today, almost a stranger now, watching your faces{ and wondering about your interests,' your capacity for real friendship. Wondering how ready you might be to reaclhi out and help. Nothing else is worthy as a little friendshipin this day of need. around the world. There has been a steady stream for over 30 years of fine Chinese men and women going through our halls. You have many in your midst now.; If you haven't made some friends among them-well, that's just too bad! Start now and be personally enriched by so doing. Be broad enough to stretch your interests across the ocean and find a way to help in the relief needed among your alumni and through them reach the unspeakable suffering of the masses. Clara Sargent Sheperd. FSycopation__ By TOM Mc CANN Simply because we helped a certain young lady, a member of the lower central committee of the poster post- ing group, (this was the upper divi- sion, we believe) carry some of her JGP posters down to the campus the other day is no reason for anyone to spread the vicious rumor that we too have joined the JGP.! We have too much respect for the recent strange actions of the senior women to make such a rash move, especially with a big carload of to- matoes coming into the city and everything. IOf all the feeble efforts, 'Benny Goodman's probably takes the cake for this week with his deteriorated presentation last Tuesday night. Maybe it's the absence of Gene Krupa or perhaps it's something else, but no matter what it is, the recent Good- man broadcasts certainly have. been far inferior to those of a month ago. Even Benny himself seems to have lost a little of that clarinet finesse of his. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the oface of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 3) Problems in Racial Justice in Ann Arbor" by Mr. Douglas Williams, di- at Lane Hall at 2:45 Sunday after- rector of the Dunbar Community noon and will go hiking and bicycling. I Center. All who are interested are in- n case of inclement weather the Ivited to attend. group will go to the Coliseum for kating. All graduate students are' Disciples Guild (Church of Christ): welcome. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, Minister. Coming Events 12:00 noon, Student's Bible Class, IH. L. Pickeril , Leader. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in P the Founders' Room of the Michi-,s gan Union. All faculty members in-i terested in speaking German are cor- s dially invited. There will be an in- y formal 10-minute talk by Prof. Nor- man L. Willey on "Die Sorgen eines Deutschlehrers." 4 i American Association of Univer- sity Professors. There will be a din- ner meeting of the local chapter of the American Association of Univer- I sity Professors oni Monday, March 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Various methods for evaluat-n ing the 'worth of a teacher and in- vestigator will be presented to theC Chapter for general discussion. ' All members of the faculty whetherC members of the Association or not,m are cordially invited.s _ _n Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-s day, March 21, 3:30 p.m., Room 313 1 West Medical Bldg.' "Th e Porphyrins, Hemopoiesis, 1 Porphyria" will be discussed. All in- terested are invited.V Geological Journal Club will meett Thursday, March 24, at 7:00 p.m. ine 3065 N. S.' 'Dr. Case will speak onc "Geologic Notes on the Trans-Siber- ian Excursion of the 17th Interna-e tional Geologic Congress."s Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. Reports by: Elizabeth Chamberlain, The com- parative efficiency of free and com-1 bined nitrogen for the nutrition ofI the soybean. Gregorio Velasquez, Growth of a myxomycete with dif- ferent bacterial associates. _ Roy Joyce, Bacteria in an inland lake. Lo- well Bailey, Influence of light and1 heat upon formation of nitrate inc the soil. Chairman, Prof. K. L. Jones., Physics Colloquium: Professor J. M. Cork will speak on Recent Experi- ments with the Cyclotron at the Physics Colloquium on Monday, March 21 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Luncheon for Graduate Students: Wednesday, March 23, 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the Mich- igan League. Cafteria service. Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the History Department will speak informally on "The New Map of Europe." Bibliophiles, Faculty Women's Club Tuesday, March 22, 2:30, Michigan League. Hostesses, Mrs. S. Peterson and Mrs. E .Mercado. Michigan Dames: General meeting at the League, Tuesday, at 8:15 p.m. Initiation of new members. All wives of students and internes still welcome to join. Dr. Henry H. Crane will give a series of lectures on "Sanity in a War-Mad World" Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday afternoons at 4:15 at the; Michigan Union Ballroom. . . Eta Kappa Nu meeting at the Union at 6:45 p.m. This is an im- portant meeting. Dinner in the Tap Room at 6:00. Educational Colloquy Club: The usual fortnightly meeting will be held in the Upper Room of Lane Hall, Monday night, March 21, from 8 to 9:30. The meeting is open to those interested in educational problems. Mr. Leisenring' will talk on "The Black Mountain College Experiment." Following this there will be a con- ducted discussion on Progressive Edu- 5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea. 6:30 p.m., Discussion Program. Mr. ickerill will lead a discussion on the ubject "A Life And A Living." This s the second of a series of discus- ions on the general theme "You, Your World And Your Life Work." First Church of Christ, Scientist, 09 So. Division St., Sunday morn- ng service at 10:30. Subject: "Matter." Golden Text: Psalms 114.7. Sunday School at 11:45 after the morning service. First Congregational Church, cor- ner of State and William. 10:45 a.m., Service of Worship. Continuing his series of Lenten ser- mons on the theme "What Is This Christianity?" Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on "A Fellowship." A string quartet from the School of Music will furnish special music, pre- senting "Meditation on a Chorale" by Henry Bruinsma, choir director. The choir will give "Lovely Appear" by Gounod. 3 p.m., The Pastor's Training Class will be held in Pilgrim Hall. This of- fers a course of religious instruction to boys and girls and young people, especially for those preparing for church membership. 6 p.m., Prof. Bennett Weaver this evening will give the climax in his series of talks to the Student Fellow- ship, speaking on "Jesus in the Real World." Supper is served at 6. 3:30 p.m., Monday, Dr. Leonard A. Parr will present the Fifth Fortnight- ly Book lecture Monday afternoon, March 21. The meetings are free and the public is cordially invited. First Methodist Church. Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Henry H. Crane of Scranton, Pa. will preach on "Why Christ? The service will be held in the Michigan Theatre. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Avenue. 10:45 a.m., "Hygiene of the Soul" is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's third Lenten sermon of a series on "Moderns and Miracles" at the Morning Worship Service. The student choir directed by Prof. E. W. Doty and the children's choir" under the leadership of Mrs. Fred Morns will take part in the serv- ice. The musical numbers will in- clude: Organ Prelude, "Healing Comes to Us" by Bach; Anthem, "Only 'Begotten Soni" by Gretchanin- off; Solo, "Lord hear Thou my Cry" by Handel, George Potts. 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild, student group, supper and meeting. Discussion groups on Principles of Christian Living-in Interpreting Events of Today; in Getting Along with People; in Men and Women Re- lations, and in Business and Profes- sions will be continued. A fifth group will discuss Basic Principles of Chris- tianity. Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45 Wesleyan Guild Meeting. We will meet with the I.nternational Club. Supper is served in Room 116 at 6 p.m. The meeting is at 7 p.m. when Mildred Yoxal will show pictures of China. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kindergar- ten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by The Reverend Henry Lew- is, 4:15 p.m. Organ Recital by Mr. Nowell S. Ferris, F.A.G.O. Harris Hall: There will be a celebra- tion oft the Holy Communion Sunday cation. at nine o'clock in the Chapel with breakfast following. The speaker at An Evening Series of lectures on the Student Meeting Sunday evening "Dare We Be Christian" will be given will be the Reverend Sheldon Har- by Dr. Henry H. Crane at the First bach, Assistant Minister at St. Jo- Methodist Church on Monday, Tues- seph's Church, Detroit. The meeting day and Wednesday at 7:30. will begin at 7:00 o'clock. All Episco- i ,t..f t d thir friends are cor- This Week's Music Calendar I By WILLIAM J. LICITENWANGER TODAY Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee conduc- tor, Jan Peerce tenor. "Ah fuyes, douce image" from Manon, Allegro from Schubert's "Unfin- ished" Symphony and his Rosamunde music, Moussorgsky-Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition, 12:30-1:30, NBC Blue. New York Philharmonic-Symphony, John Bar- birolli conductor, Robert Casadesus pianist. Mo- zart-Busoni Odoineneo Suite, Mozart's A major Piano Concerto, Ravel's Mother Goose Suite and Concerto for the Left Hand, Berlioz's Rakocey March. 3-5, CBS. MONDAY Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser lar- rison conductor. Sullivan's Overture di Ballo, Petite Suite of Bizet and of Debussy, Strauss' for Flute and Harp, Bach-O'Connell "Come, Sweet Death," Dvorak's First Slavonic Dance, two pieces of Ravel, Tschaikowsky's Marche Slav. 9-10, NBC Blue. THURSDAY NBC Music Guild performance of Schumann's Piano Quintet in E flat. 2-2:30, NBC Red. University of Michigan Glee Club, Prof. David Mattern director, Ralph Clark baritone, John Secrist tenor, George Karpus baritone. Songs by Franz, Wolf, Arcadelt, Strauss, Purcell, Stan- ley, and others, traditional English, Irish, and Michigan songs concluding with A Michigan Kaleidoscope. 8:30, Hill Auditorium, SATURDAY Cincinnati Conservatory. Mozart's Overture to The Marriage of Figaro, Tschaikowsky's Romeo and Juliet, Dvorak's A minor Violin Concerto Starting last Friday night and con- tinuing into next month, we will all witness a sort of arithmetical pro- gression of dance music values here in Ann Arbor. The dentists were ap- parently stuck with that passe novel- ty, an all-girl band, but then some improvement is seen in Emery Deutsch, who will work for the kep- talists. The real improvement, how- ever, begins with Jimmy Lunceford, who (next to Duke Ellington) hasI probably the most polished of all the colored swing groups, and Mike Riley and his circular music group, at whom we cannot sneeze. Where as the dentists announced yesterday (The day of their dance) that there were still lots of tickets available, it is our guess that the lawyers and Jimmy Lunceford need only to start a very hushed, confined whispering campaign in order to sell all of their admissions in, shall we say. 30 minutes. This, in some small Phi Tau Alpha Classical Society will meet Wednesday, March 23, at 8:00 p.m. at the Michigan League.1 Dr. Warren E., Blake will speak. All members are urged to be present. Martha Graham Dance Concert: The dance concert by Martha Gra- ham and her group which is spon- sored by the Department of Physical Education for Women of the Univer- sity will be given at Pattengill Audi- torium, Ann Arbor High School, on Monday, March 28th. Tickets may be obtained from the Office, 15 Barbour Gym, or Wahr's Book Store. Interfraternity Council Tryouts: All eligible second semester sopho- mores interested in trying out for the Council are to report Monday, March pa su iens an dually invited. rI Unitarian Church: 11 o'clock, Mr. Marley will speak on "Democracy on Trial" or 1914 speaks to 1938. 6 o'clock Spanish Memorial service in honor of the Loyalist cause: Reading of poetry by Kimon Friar, solo by Leo Mogull of Detroit and other features, 7 o'clock, "Fast" supper to raise money for ambulance fund. 8 o'clock, entertainment. First Baptist Church: Morning wor- ship 10:45; Mr. Sayles minister of church will preach on "Mastering Inevitables." 9:30 Church School. Dr. A. J. Lo- gan, Supt. 4:30, Junior High, Mrs. Frinkle in charge.