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March 19, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-19

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Mie IiigaII Acade
Hears i.

my Meeting Union Asks Regents That Ann Arbor Unusual Uses For Shoes Found
Vai edec i s asuresBy NORMAN A. SCHORR rate, but as he looked over the Fascist
Prit 1ers Observe Two LaborWss Although to many people a shoe is horizon he only saw 'heels.
Carl Denkinger, J. N. Lincoln, C. ______!nothing more than a paperweight, a A Bulgarian custom dating from
Prator, W. F. Patterson, H. W. Nord- doorstep or a lethal weapon for the 'way back' requires the newly-wedded
meyer, C. A. Knudson, J. W. Eaton -- - O-unu" dmr, g _ )A . Press chapel of Local 154. gas that comes from the pots of melt- immediate disappearance of undesir- groom give shoe money' to his bride
all of the University. T. S. Schreiber, ployees Thursday night, but were re- They told the Regents. Reifin said. ting lad. Adequate washing facili- ables, a recent survey of different cul- nd her amily to buy new shoes, t
oj Am College, also spoke. fused and expelled from the "com- that they were not asking the Univer- jesfrPractices Charged o ter equally im ort nt unctiseveral kes
Sanil tary Medieal Sciente pany union," Reifin said. Armin M, sity to fight the ITU's battle. As The union filed with the NLRB footgear. At Russian wedding ceremonies be-
A section on Sanitary and Medical Fillinger told the ITU meeting last a pubc stitution, supportecharges undr section 8 of the Wag fore the Revolution, the bride would
Sciences heard nine speakers, among night that he wanted to attend the Michigan's xy. the UA rest ner Act, which include the "unfair ceremony throwing shoes at newly- remove her husband's boots as a sign
them Dr. James M. Orten of Wayne "company union" meeti in order to by patronizing the Ann Arbor Press labor practices" of interfering with weds is a very common one; the cus- of subjection; then to demonstrate
University who spoke on "The Origin 'publicly apologize for taking pari would contribute to the support of a exercise of the rights of self-organ-tom of newlyweds throwing shoes at her skill she would toss one back at
of Citric Acid 'in the Animal Body "i in the organization of the Associa- firm that was attempting to destroy xation and cole tive barganing- tom ohewlywehd t r " s s t hei head.
Group B eard 13 speakers, among tion." the conditions in the printing indus- domination of a labor organization; meach other the day after is still ead.
them Dr. Reuben L. Kahn of the Employers Represen:a;ve Present tryiunder which printers could get a domination oa lbr antn; more common. In early shoe-factory towns, em-
University Hospital. A representative of employing living wage, Reifin said. encourage or discourage membership Ter the Eskimo woman has been "their families in place of money wage
The luncheon speaker was Dr. D. printers throughout the state, Bert Union Submits Contract in labor organizations; refusal toe ewend to cary aow ith h e ,
W. Gudakunst, Michigan Depart- The uon, Reifin stated, has sub- bargain collectively with represent a- If to arry about with her a pat,snpaymeny.
went of Health Commission who minoeKytnePesDdoixa to the management of thetieofmposubcto preferably the sole of an old shoe This study is but in its early stages;
miivsofemlyeedujet osection
spoke on the services of that de present at the Regents' meeting yes-m d Ann Arbor Press a contract which 9am worn by a European sailor. Mus- the sociologists in charge hope to
partment and its future. The sec terday and stated that he and other prevails in seven printing plants in Th. solini was thinking of adopting this continue this idea in surveying civil-
atmnad tftr.Th e-printers, who complied with the pro- peal nsvnpi n The uion also asked certification policy to raise his ever-falling birth- !nations of various epochs.
tion met togethei i the afteinoon to whshrnsnot colied , wi d t e the city. Union proposals to the as the exclusive bargaining agent for
hear Dr. Werner E. Bachman, and vn oPuic t b5d oulike company include: the employes: in the composing room.
Dr. William R. Bradley. an opportunity to bid on University "A 40 hour week. If the NLRB hearing is held, and
wokoUnvriy]ulcaingrit A minimum wage of $1 per hour this depends on outcome of today's
y ed at the Ann Arbor Press include for journeymen. No reduction in conference between NLRB officials Hm"k.
Current tendencies in the taxon- Ig, h ' the hourly rate of those who re- and a company attorney, it will cover
omy and distribution of the bumble- the Technic and various bulletins and ceived more than $1 before the strike. both the unfair labor practices and 11:15 - 1:30
bee in Michigan, are to divide the announcements issued by schools and "A closed shop in the composing certification.
Genus Bombus into several sub- colleges). "Anlosd. .p.n.t. .m.sn5:eti-c7:on
Renera, Prof. Herbert E. Millron of epresenting the union were frank room to insure . the continuation of- --- ----
Michigan State College told the X. Martel, president of the Detroit any agreement reached. RAILROAD SHOPS TO OPEN Sunday Dinner . . . 12:30 - 2:30
zoology section yesterday. and Wayne County Federation of "Time and one-half ($1.50 mini- JACKSON, March 18.-d)--Mich-
Dr. Durward L. Allen of the Michi- Labor and a member of the ITU; mum) for overtime work and double igACKN, Marh o8fi-ials-said
ni. Dar~t L. llanof te Mtongan Central Railroad officials said T
gan Department of Conservation, - Harry Reifin, ITU representative; time ($2 minimum) for work on Sun- today the locomotive shops here
found the earliest breeding date for Louis Falstreaux, chairman of the days and holidays. would reopen Aprili4 after having U N IV ERSIFG 11LL
cottontail rabbits in the state is the local strike committee, and Armin "Proper ventilation in the com- been closed since Feb. 11. The lay- 615 East William - Phone 9268
middle of February. M. Fillinger, secretary of the Ann posing room to lead away the noxious off is longest on record.

.J . iU, O1, U.-0 - ^ " ac vA'''; 41
Milwaukee .who talked on personnel;
and F. H. Evre of the Lakes States
Forest Experiment Station, who dis-
cussed silviculture and the Northern
Almost every field of geographical
work, from population distribution
mnaps of Belgium to land type patterns
in Michigan, was covered in the Geog-
raphy section yesterday. Charles M.
Davis, instructor in the geography de-

partment. was chairman. Prof. Lee R. Dice of the zoology de-
Fred W. Foster, of the University, partment explained the causes, for
talked on building densities in sub- conflict in dividing eastern North
urban Detroit. Emma B. Hodgson, of America into biotic divisions and
Bay City Junior College, gave an edu- listed his classifications.
cational paper. Prof. Henry M. Ken-
dall next presented the results of his
fellowship from the Belgian govern- , fALYFTTFIV YC1ATL
mrent. Charles V. Crittenden, of the -"' .+
geography department, talked on the BULLETIN
Southern Blue Ridge province. He __
was followed by Alfred H. Meyer of
Valparaiso University. (Continued from Page 4)
Other speakers were Wilma Lester,
S. J. Ware, Kirk H. Stone, Mary C. 9:30 Church School. Dr. A. J. Lo-
Stirling, J. 0. Veatch, Dennis G. Coo- gan, Supt.
per and James Marshall Plumer. 4:30, Junior High, Mrs. Frinkle in
. Geo ogy And Mineralogy charge.
f 6:00, Senior High, Mr. Sayles will
Robert M. Dickey, Michigan College lead.
of ,Mining and Technology, -acted as
chairman for this section. Roger Williams Guild 12:00 noon,
In an afternoon section, talks were 40 minute discussion group: students
given by A. J. Eardley, and R. A. at Guild House; Mr. Chapman in
Hatch of the University; Mr. Dickey; charge. 6:15 p.m. Guild meeting. Rev.
Justin Zinn, Michigan State; D. S. T. R. Schmale, Pastor of Bethle-
Young, Ramsay,. Mich.; Duncan hem Evangelical 'Church will speak
Stewart, Jr., Michigan State; E. H. on his recent trip to Honduras under
Kraus, University; H. B. Baker, De- the title "Modes of Travel in Hon-
troit; D. B. McLaughlin, University; duras." Social hour will follow.
Virginia Kline, Lansing; and R. W. The Inter-Guild Council is sponsor-
Imlay, University.,h ne-ul oucli pno-
myUiet ,ing the lecture by Dr. Henry H.
.1istorIy, P olitial Srience Crane Sunday evening, 8:15 at the
Two luncheon addresses by Prof. First Methodist Church.
G. C. S. Benson on training for public
service and William C. Brownrigg, cal an Bal Te icyn
State Personnel Director, on making chapter of the Buffalo fraternity will
opportunities for trained public per- m hold its annual pledge banquet and
sonnel featured the section of his- ceremony Sunday, March 20 at 6:00
tory and political science. . o'clock in the Union.
In th afternoon speakers were. All members are urged to be pres-
William P. Lvctt of the Detroit Cit- et. Men who intend to pledge are
izens' League and truce M. Raymond, requested to bring a large white
of Hope College. Prof. Arthur W. Bro- handkerchief.
mage, Minson M. Brien and Sidney Ann Arbor Indtpendents: There viii
Glazer had papers read. be a meeting at 5:00 at the League.
LaI4klm aIp Areil (hiore We will vote on the Constitution,

Albert R. Caris
Animals Here
Keeper Explains Duties
As The Chief Patriarch
To Impressive Brood

Keeps 3,000
For Laboratories



Sequestered in the group of small
buildings clustering around the mam-
moth University Hospital, is a rec-
tangular brick structure known as the
"animal house"-a shelter for more
than 3,000 guinea pigs, rats, rabbits,
mice and dogs-all used for experi-
mental purposes by different depart-
ments of the University.
For 12 years now Albert R. Caris

smartest animals I have ever raised."
They're great little fellows, but it's
suicide to make one of them squeal,
because the whole bunch are down on
you then. Caris explained that he
devotes particular diligence to pre-
venting any member from squealing
his displeasure. "Not that any ani-
mals are abused here," he cautioned
emphatically, "because even when
they are killed they are put away
humanely, a practice contrary to the
popular idea of an animal house."
Pigs Least Intelligent
The guinea pigs are 'considered the
least intelligent of the animals, by

BOOKS9FE99 C E nup
322 South State at North University Phoze 6363


has been chief keeper and patriarch their keeper, who asserts that once
of the house and its impressive brood. these little creatures escape from
For 30 years previously he raised their pen they forage about aimlessly
horses, hogs and cattle down on his with no apparent knowledge of the
Ohio farmstead. Caris loves animals. path back to their food supply. The
"A man has no business raising 'em rabbits and rats, on the other hand,
if he don't love 'em," he says. investigate a bit, and then give up I
Caris Explains Secret their freedom to return voluntarily.!:
The secret of the whole thing, Caris The guinea pigs, Caris has found, are
contends, is keeping the animals sat- also far more susceptible to the heat.
isfied and unafraid. Otherwise the Two summers ago the draught would
little fellows get nervous, iriitable and have ended them had he not opened
ferocious as they are capable of be- the pens and allowed them to wanner
coning. Rabbits, rats and guinea about on the cool cement floors dur-
pigs incidentally can all administer an ing the entire hot spell.
unpleasant bite, but do so only very Kaeper Caris' whole day is devoted
seldom under an experienced handler. I to the feeding of his charges with
When Caris comes to work every the exception of the hour or two he
morning at 8 he is always dressed spends supervising the breeding-a
in a blue denim shirt and black- practice which has become almost
striped overalls. He enters the ani- a purely mathematical process with
mals' room by one door and departs him.
by a different exit, never varying this Strangest of the thousands of or-
routine. The animals are fed at pre- dens he has received from the various
.-isely the same time every day and University departments was the one
in precisely the same order. Minute issued by a doctor who wanted 60
precautions are taken against any de- rats all born oii a certain September
parture from the established routine, day and all weighing a certain
as this, Caris knows by experience, amount. On the appointed day Caris
produces a nervous unrest in his came thirough with the required num-
cxar ges, ber and the scales showed that every
Guinea Pigs Flee jIrat had weighed in at the proscribed
He flailed his arms silently in the -ugure. - To obtain such results the
air for scarcely more than a second, keeper bred 20 females for a total lit-
to illustrate, and immediately the ter of 210 aspiring candidates.
hundreds of guinea pigs scuttled for Albert R. Caris, it would seem, is
cover. School children were formerly definitely the man for the job.
admitted to the house under the su--.
pervision of a teacher, but too many COMMITS SUICIDE
catcalls, prodding fingers and pea- W. Ellis Peterson, '40, of 224
nuts soon made this practice into a Charles St., Ann Arbor, was found
menace, and now Caris patrols the dead yesterday in the garage at the
house alone. rear of his home. Coroner Edwin C.
Most beloved of all the animals, by Ganzhorn announced the death a
their keeper, are the white rats, who, suicide ar the result of carbon-mon-
he contends, are the "greatest and oxide poisoning.



Pitkin spokeon thet-proposed newma-.li troup will go to the Coliseum for
here; and Arthuri Shepard gave the jkating. All graduate students are
qualifications and duties of planning welcome.
Other speeches were given by Rob- Motion Pictures of China: The In-
ci' D. 'lack, Peter Imikehoer, Gene_ ernational Council announces the
vieve Gilletie. George G. Ross. Last showing of a motion picture on China
niy'hL a discussion was held on the in connection with the regular Sun-
N;ew Yoi'k World's Fair of 1939 andI day night supper at the Michigan
Fluhing Meadow Park. An inspection Union. The film will be shown at 7
was mad- of 1 ,landscapc design Io'clock in Room 316 by Miss Mildred
'pani mnent. Yoxall, '41, immediately following the
supper. Students who have their own
zL:tl R lR a A1i' i L t ralil( supper plans and wish merely to at-
Prof. Walter A. Reichart, of the tend the showing of the film are cor-
Gcman department, presided over dially invited to do so. There is no
the language and literature section. admission charge and the showing
Speeches in the morning session is open to the general public.
were given by C. E. Dahlstrom, N. E.
Nelson, C. N. Staubach, M. N. Den- MICIIGAN ALUMNUS KILLED
kinge'r, C. E. Loella, R. A. Talamon l George E. Iayler, '94, a former
and E. S. McCartney---all of the resident of Ann Arbor, was fatally i
University. .ured Thursday night in New York l
In the afternoon the following gave City when he was struck by an au-
alks: N. L. Willey, Karl Litzenberg, 'tomobile.

because of its

different oper lion
Salht.q. n ,.. U
w flu IVIUtt ii r 1 #it .i

s wing and Sway!



and his

tantalizing Syncopators.

In the

Rainbow Room.
A preview of the 1938 J.G.P, Music
FREE: 2 Dance Contest Prizes
a t
~& %c higanLa gue

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Freezing System
0 Permanent Silence
SContinued Low ROnning Cost
X Every Worthwhile Convenienre
ej;m mMden eut al ttaest
SavingsThat Pay For It
A tiny gas-fame. Thates all it takes to
I 'Froperate a Servel Electrolux. No moving
parts in the entire freezing system.
No wear, no noise.
Because of is simplicity, ak gas refrigerat
tar saves more on operating and upkeep

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