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March 19, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-19

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71 1

meLI _ W
wne rcĀ¢ a "tOT'*k. or ti Gwm aye
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the toard in Control of
ftuder Publications.
Pubished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
EnPred atthe Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Colegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Business Department
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
For Vienna?. . .
eral Franco in eastern Spain threat-
ens to cut Government territory in two between
Barcelona and Valencia. If this object is ac-
complished, isolated Catalonia will probably be-
come another Asturias, in which case Loyal1
Spain would be doomed.
The present drive has been carried out with
German and Italian weapons, technicians and
troops. Without these the Franco rebellion could
never hare even begun, and it is only through a
great influx of them in the past month that
the "win-the-war" offensive has been possible.
No one even talks about non-intervention any
more; Hitler and Mussolini scarcely find it
necessary to go through the gesture of pretense
which they affected in the early months of the
rebellion. Ever since Santander, Italian vic-
tories in Spain have been celebrated throughout
Italy; members of the Italian general staff have
openly served with Franco in command of reg-
ular Italian troops. Germany has been more
chary than Italy in sending masses of soldiers,
but quite as generous with staff officers, engineers
and airplane pilots. More important than officers
and men, however, both fascist nations have
supplied Franco with up-to-date planes, artillery,
tanks and munitions of every sort. German air-
planes bombs and aviators massacred the pop-
ulation of Guernica, and German and Italian
fliers have carried out the raids on Madrid, Va-
lencia, Barcelona and other cities which have be-
come so frequent and sanguinary that they no
longer evoke particular interest.
The increased fascist effort strongly indicates
an Austria-for-Spain deal between Rome and
Berlin. There seems to be little ground for the
belief that Mussolini was surprised by the Nazi
coup in Austria, though he may have been un-
aware of the intended extent of it, and it is in-
credible that Hitler would have gone ahead so
confidently or Chancellor Schuschnigg capitu-
lated so quickly had I Duce's attitude been in
doubt. The promise of increased German aid for

Franco and the prospect of delivering a knock-
out blow to Loyalist resistance appears to have
been the motivation for Mussolini's acquiescence.
Strong opposition to the policy of tacit consent
to the fascist intervention in Spain exists in both
France and England. The anti-fascist forces in
both countries have been arousedby the seizure
of Austria and pressure is being brought to bear
on both gove:nments to attempt a check of Ital-
ian and German aggressions. The opening of
the French frontier to permit the purchase of
arms by the Loyalists would quickly restore the
balance in the war, and probably give the initia-
tive to the Government. The Loyalists have
plenty of soldiers, but are being sacrificed to the
principle of democratic morality. , The fascist
nations have no scruples about breaking inter-
national law.
Should France, Great Britain and the United
States revoke existing laws preventing Loyal
Spain from gaining the weapons necessary to
dpfpnd herse1f .the first stepn wuild he taken

Anglo Irish
Mr. De Valera has thrown some light on the
Irish negotiations of recent date:
"The differences between the two countries,"
he said, "are so great that it is very difficult to
reach an agreement. A comprehensive settle-
ment is the only one that would have world
significance and this seems now almost unattain-
able." That is a rather pessimistic report. We
may hope that future meetings will prove it
to have been premature in its conclusions, but'
unless there is a considerable change on the
British Government's part, this seems unlikely.
A trade agreement of a sort is attainable; the
activity of the negotiators on this aspect of the
Anglo-Irish differences shows that. But it may
not be as wide as it ought to be, and in any
case there is no agreement on partition and
presumably also no agreement on defense. This
is a profound pity for a little, a very little, move-
ment by the British Government would prob-
ably be enough to secure the general settlement.
Have we here another instance of Mr. Chamber-
lain's rigidity of mind? Report may do him an
injustice but it would appear that he has re-
fused even to make the slight concession that
would smooth the way to agreement. It is hard'
to believe that the British Government finds
it impossible to announce publicly its desire for
reconciliation between the two parts of Ireland.
To do that would not imply any derogation on
the status of Northern Ireland. It might be
slightly annoying for the moment to Lord Craig-
avon's Government which always acts as though
it had the British Government in its pocket, but
if Britain wants an agreement on defense, with
Eire, she shall have to take that risk; it would be
something of an irony if Ulster; so vehement in
its assertions of patriotism, should prove an ob-
stacle to measure for the safety of Britain.
-The Manchester Guardian.

1/feeinj' /0 Al
H-eywood Broun
I disagree with most of the opinions expressed
in the communication which I purpose using to-
day. But as a believer in free speech I think
that Heywood Hale Broun has a right to express
himself. This assumption is based not on the
fact that he is a close relative but on the notion
that he may be speaking for some part of the
present undergraduate body. Besides, it is a
rainy day, and if I can get
by with this column it will
save me a lot of work. Hey-
wood Hale Broun writes
"High on a windswept peak
stands the Conservative,
four-square, 100 per cent
something or other, and firm
in the principles of Wash-
ington, Lincoln, et al. Equal-
ly high is the peak on which
stands the Radical, who is idealistic, progressive
and firm in the principles of Marx and, of late,
Thomas Jefferson. }
"Between these mighty peaks is a dark valley
where dwells the stunted, pale little race called
the Liberals. Little sunlight reaches their gloomy
locale, and they lack the fine free courage of the
hardy mountaineers.
"Sometimes the braver members of this group
try to climb to the eminence of one or another
of the peaks, but they are rarely successful. They
distrust the seemingly easy path that leads to
the Conservative mountain, for they know it to be
treacherous and inclined to crumble beneath their'
feet. Many have tried the other path but have
been exhausted by their efforts to push through
the thorns, and none has managed to cross
the party line.


(01 the Engish Department)
The award of first place to Edith
Whitesell's Roots in this year's Fed-
eral Theatre Collegiate Playwriting
Contest practically makes the current
production by the Hillel Players here
an event of much more than merely
local significance, but it must be
said at the outset that the play and
the performance require no such for-
tuitous circumstances in earning the
distinction of genuine achievement.
The audience in the Mendelssohn last
night was possibly in an especially
sympathetic mood, but that alone
could not account entirely' for the
aura of success evident in auditorium
and lobby.
Possibly enough has been said in
the advance publicity about the na-
ture and merits of Roots as an un-
produced play to eliminate the neces-
sity of further comment in this place;
yet, since somehow, once the lights
are on and the curtain is up, the liv-
ing play is a thing completely dif-
ferent from the cold script, some fur-
ther remarks are in order.
On the credit side it is certainly to
be claimed for Mrs. Whitesell that her
play has theatrical values unusual in
an amateur's work: Roots, it is evi-
dent, was written with understanding
of what is requisite if "drama" is to be
"theatre" as well. Essentially, this I
must mean conflict and action, to-
gether with reality of dialogue and
telling characterization; and in all
of these, this play, based on the spir-
itual struggle of a Jewish girl to
( achieve stabilizing and, dignifying
j reconciliation between an exacting
tradition, which she values, and mod-
ern life, which is hostile, has in abun-
On the debit side, however, it must
be said that the play has more than
the conventional one or two slow
moments, particularly as the third
act, after the moving curtain of the
second, gets under way, but this is
possibly the result of effort by director
and actors to create an atmosphere of
essential quietness after the stirring
moments of the scene just concluded.
But a play on the boards becomes
the province of the actors. Those to
whom Roots has been entrusted are
more than worthy. If individuals are
to be mentioned, the first must cer-
tainly be Madaline Meyers as Shelah,
'whose complete naturalness through-
out is most impressive. But there is
also Karl Klauser, whose intelligent-
ly portrayed Kurt is the best of the
masculine performances. But these
two are in luck, with "fat" parts; the
others do nobly. If anything is to be
said adversely, it must be only that
it is regrettable that young people
cannot more convincingly suggest the
persons of maturity, but such a regret
is patently vain.
Academy Splits
Into 11 Units
For 2nd Dayl
Two Addresses By Hansen
A n d Berquist Feature
Yesterday's Sessions
(Continued fron'Page 1)
Volnev H. Jones assistant curator

l" R * *


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 5) and Charles B. Vibbert will take part
in the round tbedsuso f"e
dents of broadcasting to portray the ie ou n table discussion of "Re-
student life at the University of I view of Religi' 31aad Its Relation to
Michigan (WJR). the Modern Church" Sunday after-
9:15-9:30 a.m. Class in Radio Read- noon, Lane Hall, 3 o'clock. Tea will
ing and Dramatics (Professor Eich) be served in the Library following
(WJR). th meeting.
5:45-6:00 p.m. Public Health Se- tem
ries. Topic: Physical Exercise for
Women. Laurie E. Campbell, As-
f sistant Professor of Physical Educa-
tion for Women. (WJR). Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers) will
-- - hold their meeting for worship Sun-
-Attention: The Michigan Sailing day at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League.
Club will witness a demonstrat It will be followed by a talk,i"Some
Clu wil wtnes ademnstation Problems in Racial Justice in Ann

In This Corner . .
To the Editor:
In the history of the United States we can
record a multitude of significant events which
produced nationwide discussion and finally action
one way or the other. Among those events have
been the proposals to change the Supreme Court
for the greater social good, and many other as-
pects of social change in the American
scene. Today up and down the nation, from the
remotest corners ofkthe backwoods regions to the
densest city blocks, American people are dis-
cussing their foreign policy. At times it seems
they are abandoning the isolationist, stick-your-
head-in-the-sand and let -the-world-go-to-the-
devil attitude that has been inculcated into their
minds by persons and interests not of the great-
est social consciousness. At other times it seems
they are merely continuing their misguided be-
lief in this doctrine of social suicide.
When Miss Celeste Strack, one of the nation's
great student leaders, comes to this campus
Tuesday I hope that some representative of the
isolationist point of view will take up her chal-
lenge to a debate.
The Progressive Club's sponsorship of Miss
Strack's appearance here is another confirma-
tion for me that it is a worthy organization whose
place on the campus should be insured by the
student body with the greatest enthusiasm.
Some member of the recently conceived Anti-
War Committee should come forward and accept
Miss Strack's challenge in the characteristic
American spirit ... in the spirit of sportsmanship.
'To Harlnd Kahle
In a recent edition of the New York Times
there was a story about the Spanish War. It
was not unlike many of the news dispatches
which have come out of that war-ridden country.
But this dispatch had special significance to us
at Michigan. It led to a clue which identified
a Loyalist medical officer whose body, mangled
by an aerial bomb, was found by the Rebel
forces on the outskirts of Belchite, Spain. That
lifeless pulp was once Harland L. Kahle, former
University of Michigan student.
Like many of the students at Michigan, Har-
land Kahle had come to the University in high
hopes: h left, his optimism bankrupt. School
was for him a constant struggle of working:
working from morning 'till night to justify his
existence-there was always the problem of
tuition, room, board. His grades suffered, his
social well-being was neglected, he 'flunked-out.'
The last we knew of him he had gone to Spain.
Experience gained as an orderly at the Uni-
versity Hospital stood him in good stead. Before
he died he was for some time chief medical
officer in the Washington-Lincoln Battalion. His
interneship on the field of action has amply ful-
filled the requirements for the medical diploma
he never received.
Perhaps Harland Kahle has died in vain. Work-
ing against odds, he left America disillusioned.
But what he saw in Spain only reinforced his
rust in democracy. His last letter indicated
that his faith in democracy was stronger than
ever. Hardships made him hate injustice and in-
equality; his desire to fight for a democratic
Spain was merely his way of expressing his con-
tempt for all that is servile, corrupt, humiliating
-that which is Fascism. *We need not follow
Kahle's path of destruction. But we at Mich-
igan can consider whether the ideal for which
he gave his life was worth while.
-Monroe P. Schwartz, '38.
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is not definitely
known that Harland Kahle is dead. A letter
by Kahle was found near five unidentified
leader again holds office with Poular Front sup-

The Pight Of The Liberal
"Putting aside the allegory for a while, let us
survey, with as kindly an eye as possible, the
position of those who in this partisan day and
age have failed to find a flag 'round which they
can rally.
"The sword of Mars waves threateningly over
the world, but it holds no fears for the extreme
groups, each of whom has a perfect solution. Says
the conservative, 'Build the biggest navy in the
world, enlarge the scope of the ROTC, wipe out
this pestilential and disruptive labor movement
which menaces our internal peace and then we
need not fear the Japs or the Germans, because
they'll know that you can't lick Uncle Sammier
and his Yanks.'
"Says the Radical, 'Join in a four-power pact
with Britain, France and the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics and and then tell the Fascists
nations that the might of democracy will fight
them with every available weapon if they persist
in their imperialist designs.'
"For the Liberal, unfortunately, there is no
such happy touchstone. He is not so certain of the
military power of Uncle Sammie and his Yanks,
and he is not so sure that he wants to see Amer-
ica become a monster drill ground surrounded by
expensive battleships. On the other hand, he
does not feel that there should so so much free-
dom in the use of the term 'democracy,' and
doubts whether these 'democracies' are as anxious
to stand at the right hand of God as they ap-
"From day to day the Liberal sways from camp
to camp-to the left when he hears the destruc-
tion which Mr. Franco's unpleasantly interna-
tional group is wreaking in Spain, and to the
right when he hears again the catchwords and
fighting phrases of 1914-18, a period which was*
advertised at the time as the years of Armaged-
don, with little doubt as to who was fighting for
the Lord. * * *
The Choice Of Hobson
"He is not eager to see ' Japan overrun be-
leagured China, nor is he anxious to see Spain
become a putty state for the Germans and Ital-
ians to mold. But even as he thinks this he is
not especially anxious to join up with the Abra-
ham Lincoln Battalion to fight in a war which
is not his business or to shed his blood beneath
the house flag of the Standard -Oil Co. (white
SCC on a blue background.)
"He is hopeful of the success of the Russian
experiment, but he does not read the reports of
the Moscow trials because they are, he thinks,
a little bit on the depressing side.
"As each new 'Progressive' appears he leaps on
the bandwagon, but the proposals there made to
him are such that he always has to walk home.
"He is hated by the Conservatives because he is
not sufficiently narrow to be a satisfactory 'Amer-
ican,' and despised by the Radicals because he al-
ways seems to be away in the country or up at
the baseball game when the Fascists start to
march on the capital, and because he will not
recognize the divinity of their gods.
"So after each feeble effort to get out of the
dark valley the tired Liberal falls back to the
bottom and wonders which of the big boys up
top will be the first to walk to the edge of his
peak and start rolling the rocks down."
Great Teachers
Not long ago, the University of Illinois lost its
outstanding scholar and teacher in the field of
literature in the death of Dr. Jacob Zeitlin, Rus-
sian-born translator of Montaigne and authority
on the informal essay. The university community
at Urbana now suffers another severe loss with
the passing of Dr. Laurence M. Larson, whose
sly humor enlivened a deep knowledge of Eng-
lish history for sons and daughter of Illinois
for more than 30 years.
Dr. Larson was also born abroad-near Bergen,
Norway-but he. too was thoroughlv at home in

Saturday afternoon by Murray
Wright of Dundee, New Fork, of the
two types of sailing dinghys that the
Club has under consideration. Every-
one interested is urged to come. A
bus will leave the Union at 2:00 p.m.
Saturday. Price: 20 cents round trip.
The Outdoor Club will meet at 7:45,
Saturday night at Lane Hall to go
on a moonlight hike. There will be
refreshments and dancing at Lane
Hall after the hike. Any student in-
terested is invited to go along.
"Outgrowing Religion" is the dis-
cussion subject for the Freshman
Round Table Saturday, 7:15 till 8:00
in Lane Hall Library. Freshmen are
invited to participate.
Roots: The Hillel Players' presen-
tation of Roots will be given at Lydia
Mendelssohn March 18 and 19. Mat-
inee March 19. Box office open 10
a.m. to 9 p.m.
There will be a reception and so-
cial at the Hillel Foundation follow-
ing each performance of "Roots."
All are cordially invited.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 pm. in
the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be an in-
formal 10-minute talk by Prof. Nor-
man L. Willey on "Die Sorgen eines
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors. There will be a din-I
ner meeting of the local chapter of
the American Association of Univer-
sity Professors on Monday, March
21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. Various methods for evaluat-
ing the worth of a teacher and in-
vestigator will be presented to the
Chapter for general discussion.
All members of the faculty whether
members of the Association or not,
are cordially invited.
Educational Colloquy Club: The
usual fortnightly meeting will be held
in the Upper Room of Lane Hall,
Monday night, March 21, from 8 to
9:30. The meeting is open to those
interested in educational problems.
Mr. Leisenring will talk on "The
Black Mountain College Experiment."
Following this there will be a con-
ducted discussion on Progressive Edu-
Phi Eta Sigma will hold a business
meeting at the Union on Sunday,
March 20, at 6:30 p.m. Prof. Mc-
Farlan will speak on "A Liberal View
of the Labor Situation."

Arbor" by Mr. Douglas Williams, di-
rector of the Dunbar Community
Center. All who are interested are in-
vited to attend.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ):
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev,
Fred Cowin, Minister.
12:00 noon, Student's Bible Class,
H. L. Pickerill, Leader.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m., Discussion Program. Mr.
Pickerill will lead a discussion on the
subject "A Life And A Living." This
is the second of a series of discus-
sions on the general theme "You,
Your World And Your Life Work."
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St., Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30.
Subject: "Matter."
Golden Text: Psalms 114.7.
Sunday School at 11:45 after the
morning service.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of Worship.
Continuing his series of Lenten ser-
mons on the theme "What Is This
Christianity?" Dr. Leonard A. Parr
will preach on "A Fellowship." A
string quartet from the School of
Music will furnish special music, pre-
senting "Meditation on a Chorale"
by Henry Bruinsma, choir director.
The choir will give "Lovely Appear"
by Gounod.
3 p.m., The Pastor's Training Class
will be held in Pilgrim Hall. This of-
fers aycourse of religious instruction
to boys and girls and young people,

especially for those preparing
church membership.


6 p.m., Prof. Bennett Weaver this
evening will give the climax in his
series of talks tothe Student Fellow-
ship, speaking on "Jesus in the Real
World." Supper is served at 6.
3:30 p.m., Monday,FDr. Leonard A.
Parr will present tie Fifth Fortnight-
ly Book2lecture Monday afternoon,
March 21. The meetings are free
and the public is cordially invited.
First Methodist Church. Worship
Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Henry
H. Crane of Scranton, Pa. will preach
on "Why Christ?" The service will be
held in the Michigan Theatre.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue. 10:45 a.m.,
"Hygiene of the Soul" is the subject
of Dr. W. P. Lemon's third Lenten
sermon of a series on "Moderns and
Miracles" at the Morning Worship
Service. The student choir directed
by Prof. E. W. Doty and the children's
choir under the leadership of Mrs.
Fred Morns will take part in the serv-
ice. The musical numbers will in-
clude: Organ Prelude, "Healing
Comes to Us" by Bach; Anthem,
"Only Begotten Son" by Gretchanin-
off; Solo, "Lord hear Thou my Cry"
by Handel, George Potts.
5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild,
student group, supper and meeting.
Discussion groups on Principles of
Christian Living-in Interpreting
Events of Today; in Getting Along
with People; in Men and Women Re-
lations, and in Business and Profes-
sions will be continued. A fifth group
will discuss Basic Principles of Chris-
Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45



v lly I. ic , cai u l w
of ethnology, presided over the an- Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
thropology section meetings at 9 a.m. day, March 21, 3:30 p.m., Room 313
and 2 p.m. yesterday. est Medical Bldg.
Speakers from the University at the "T h e Porphyrins, Hemopoiesis,
first session were: James B. Griffin, Porphyria" will be discussed. All in-
James A. Ford, Vernon Kinietz, G. terested are invited.

I. Quimby, Frederick R. Matson, Rob-
ert S. Benton, Emerson F. Green-
man and Melvin R. Gilmore. There1
was also a talk by Fred Dustin, ofy
The afternoon speakers all from the1
University were: Ermine C. Case, Carl
L. Hubbs, Willard. C. Olson, Lavinia G.
MacKaye, George R. Moore, and By-
ron O. Hughes, who also acted in ther
capacity of presiding officer.{
The botany section unanimously
elected Prof. William C. Steere, of th6
botany department, as next year's
chairman, and Adelia McCrea, of
Park, Davis '& Co., as vice-chairman.
Professor Steere opened the morn-
ing session of the section with a talk
on the mosses of Arctic America. R.
W. Lewis showed how fungi in growth
produce vitamin C, with the amount
varying according to age and kind.
Papers by E. B. Mains, Joyce Hed-
rick, Alexander H. Smith, Miss Mc-
Crea and F. K. Sparrow filled out the
first session.
The afternoon session was begun
with a study of the isolates from
widely separated forest regions by
Gene Manis and Dow V. Baxter. Ken-
neth L. Jones presented two papers
on soil study and ragweed hybrids.
Subsequent speakers in the second
session included: R. P. Hibbard, H.
H. Bartlett, William R. Taylor and
Helen V. Smith.
Economics, Sociology
Before the section on economics and
Ssociology yesterday morning, Prof.

Physics Colloquium: Professor J.
M. Cork will speak on Recent Experi-
ments with the Cyclotron at the
Physics Colloquium on Monday,
March 21 at 4:15 in Room 1041 E.
Physics Bldg.

Men's Glee Club: The following Wesleyan Guild Meeting. We will
men have been selected for the con- neet with the International Club.
cert in Hartland Sunday, March 10. Super wishsevenaoma116lat.
Bus leaves from in front of the Union Supper is served in Room 116 at 6
at 2:15. Wear white shirts and dark p.m. The meeting is at 7 p.m. when
suits. Mildred Yoxal will show 'pictures of
E. Vandenberg China.

Dui nks

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are : 8:00
ia.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kindergar-
ten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and
Sermon by The Reverend Henry Lew-
is, 4:15 p.m. Organ Recital by Mr.
Nowell S. Ferris, F.A.G.O.
Harris Hall: There will be a celebra-
tion of the Holy Communion Sunday
at nine o'clock in the Chapel with
breakfast following. The speaker at
the Student Meeting Sunday evening
will be the Reverend Sheldon Har-
bach, Assistant Minister at St. Jo-
seph's Church, Detroit. The meeting
will begin at 7:00 o'clock. All Episco-
pal students and their friends are cor-
dially invited.
Unitarian Church: 11 o'clock, Mr.
Marley will speak on "Democracy on
Trial" or 1914 speaks to 1938.
6 o'clock Spanish Memorial service
in honor of the Loyalist cause:

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