The Weather Fair and warmer today; prob - able showers and colder tonight or tomorrow. poll 49&J'Aw Ar A6F XLIF Awn, tr4t A an Iaitj Editorials The Olympic Games And Japan... The Emperor Justinian And Der Fuehrer . VOL. XLVIII. No. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Backs Hull's Preparedness Plea Navy By Boosting __ I! U.S. Secretary Of State Warns World Against Barbarism And Anarchy Britain Backs U.S. Naval Expansion WASHING'TON, March l7.-(A')- A few hours after Secretary of State Cordell Hull had called for military preparedness to make the United States a respected force for peace in a world threatened by "international anarchy' 'and "barbarism," the House late today tentatively voted a 20 per cent increase in the size of the Navy. Sentiment for strengthening the nation's defenses was apparent in several test votes on the Adminis- tration's $1,000,000,000 naval expan- sion bill-the first major tests in the course of the House debate. The House gave preliminary ap- proval to the sections of the bill which would authorize construction of 46 new warships, 22 auxiliary vessels and 950 airplanes. The new ships would constitute an I Roots' Author Wins National Play Awards NEW YORK, March 17.--(Special to The Daily). On the eve of the first performance of "Roots," Edith Whitesell's Hop- wood Award winner which is being presented tonight and tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, word was received that Mrs. Whitesell had, won first and second prizes for her. "Roots" and "Gates of Wisdom" in the Federal Theatre Collegiate Play- writing Contest. The award means that "Roots" will be given a professional production by the Federal Theatre on Broadway. Judges Announce The announcement was made by the judges, Frank Goodman and James Wechsler, of the National Col- legiate Advisory Committee of the Fcderal Theatre Project in New York City. Mrs. Whitesell attended the Univer- sity for her freshman year, then transferred to the University of Chi- cago where she received her bach- elor's degree. Returning to Ann Ar- bor in 1936, she did graduate work in playwriting, under Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe and Prof. Erich A. Walter, during which time she wrote the two winning plays. Deals With Conflict "Roots" deals with the conflict be- tween tradition and the future based on the problem of racial intermar- riage. Its significance rests on the portrayal of the universal struggle between different cultures and the ef- feet on the people involved. "Gates of Wisdom" is a play treating con- temporary campus life. A reception at the :Millen Founda- tion tall be given for Mrs. Whitesell and the Hillel Players after their all- student performances of "Roots." I teAcademyl To Hold Initial Session Today Harvard And Colimbia Professor Give [ectures; ffi ner At 6:30 P.M. ITalks, Reports And IExhibits Plan ned A full session of section meetings. luncheons, and addresses, featured by the annual dinner at 6:30 p.m., will make up the program for today's meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, the most important session of the three-day meeting here. Dr. Alvin H-. Hansen of Harvard University and Dr. Michael Heidel- berger of Columbia University will give University lectures in conjunc- tion with the session as features of the program, while Dr. Stanard G., Berquist of Michigan State College, will give the presidential address to the 400 delegates of all the sections at the dinner at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Other talks are to be given at the special luncheons and sessions of the individual sections during the day. Starting at 9 a.m., various sections of the Academy will meet, each with its own program, at different places on the campus. Series of short talks. discussions, reports, and exhibits will make up most of these meetings, with members from all over the state tak- ing part. At noon several 'of the sec- tions will have special luncheon meetings, with the regular meetings resumed in the afternoon. Sections taking part include . an- thropology, botany, forestry, geog- raphy, geology and minerology, his- tory and political science, landscape architecture, language and literature, psychology, sanitary and medical sci- ence and zoology. The two lectures here today are both prominent in their fields of work. Dr. Hansen, -who is known for his1 work in the fields of business cycles and of unemployment, will speak at- 4:15 p.m. in the Naturgl Science Au- ditorium on the subject, "Full Re- covery or Stagnation?" Dr. Heidel- berger will describe phases of im- portant research lie has beer carry-v (Conitinued on Page 2) Campus Powers Frown On Jump inOlympicDate By DAVID ZEITLIN Campus officials were unanimous in voicing disapproval last night of the International Olympic Committee's latest decision, to forward the date of the scheduled Olympic games to' the fortnight commencing on the 21st of September and concluding on the fourth of October. Dean Joseph A. Bursley described the situationas "unfortunate," and added that it would be up to the in- dividual deans of the University's colleges to decide whether permis- sion would be granted to atheltes to enter the University on a late date. At any rate, innumerable complica- tions would become involved and the athlete would face numerous difficul- ties. Coach Fielding H. Yost pointed out that participation on an Olympic team is the dream of all youth, and that the natural thing for a college sathlete would be to simply stay out of school during the semester in which the games will be held. The result would be a postponement of the date of graduation for a half year. Declaring that it is "absolutely wrong" to hold games at a time when they would interfere with the school- ing of an undergraduate, Swim Coach Matt, whose sport along with track would be the only ones affected, pointed out, that, "95 per cent of our (CoL't nued on Page 3) Sarnitation Cards Appear IN City Eating Places Chamberlain Cabinet Split As Conservatives Demand Strong Anti-Fascist Action Gold Ratio Mars Reich-Austrian Relationship, SaysHoward Ellis Recent Anschluss Brings Little Economic Benefit For Invading Germans By ROBERT'I. FITZIIENRY Germany will profit little econo- mically "from the recent Austrian snatch and the Reich government, in addition, now faces a severe test in naming a ratio between its own in- flated, artificially-pegged mark and the staunch, gold-backed schilling of the former Vienna government, Prof. Howard S. Ellis, of the economics de- partment, said yesterday in minimiz- ing economic motives for the recent anschluss. Austria brings both new resources and new burdens, Professor Ellis pointed out, and it is difficult, he said, to weigh accurately one against the other. But he found the two countries too similar in their predominantly in- dustrial development to effectively complement each other's economic needs. Austria, like Germany is a heavy importer and has never been self-supporting. Austria like Ger- many faces an acute shortage of ag- ricultural products. And Austria with fewer than seven million inhabitants suffers a domestic wheat shortage increase of 225,000 tons above the limits fixed by the now prevailing Vinson-Trammell Act which provided for the Navy authorized by the 1930 London Naval Treaty. Defeats Curtailment Before voting the 20 per cent in- crease the House defeated, 98 to 63, an effort to eliminate a provision for three new battleships. An amendment by Rep. Henry C. Luckey, (Dem., Neb.), to call an arms limitation conference among signa- tories of the 1922 Washington Treaty was rejected, 74 to 29. The big-navy advocates' victory in thie first important test on the Navy bill bolered their belief that the measure would go through the House substantially unchanged. Secretary Hull warned peace-lov- ing nations everywhere that they must work unceasingly for law and order, lest a retreat in any quarter encourage the spread of medieval chaos throughout the world. Broadcast To Europe Broadcasting to seething Europe from a luncheon meeting of the Na- tional Press Club, Hull said: "The catastrophic developments of recent years, the startling events of the past weeks, offer a tragic dem- onstration of how quickly the con- tagious scourge of treaty-breaking and armed violence spreads from one region to another." Going into a storm cellar of isola- tion offers no security for Amenicans, he said; the United States must con- tinue to discuss world problems with peace-loving powers and to act along parallel iues with them when ap- propriate; but on the other hand this country should enter no entangling alliances. Miay Stop Soviet Plan Most students of foreign aifairs interpreted this to mean that there was little chance of the United States accepting Soviet Russia's invitation, presented a few hours earlier, to con- fer with other powers on meas of halting international aggression. These students said that the invi- tation of Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet for- cign minister, apparently was pre- liminary to a collective action agree- ment, which would be tantamount to an alliance. But they expressed befef that the United States would be willing to consult individually with various countries.' Hull declared the United States had no notion of using American armed forces for policing the world.Bt lhe expressed the conviction that the most effective contribution this coun- try could make toward peace would' be to have itself respected through-J (Contnued on Page 2) S~panishi Students Aiejid Native Mexican Recital Two hundred Spanish students yes- terday heard eight native Mexicans "imported" from Elsie for the occa- sion sing "Cielito Lindo," "Alla En El Rancho Grande" and "La Cucaracha' in the Union. They also watched a dance exhibi-- tion by Lucrezia Ruisanchez, '3Ed Jaime Daza, Ann Arbor, and Juan Diaz, '38E, Porto Rica. The program was a special one de- I L.R.B. Instructs Detroit Office To Proceed With Strike hearing Union Claimls A Violation Union, which has been conducting a Of '4 Labor Practices'; strike against the Ann Arbor Press since Feb. 19, announced yesterday Acts 1For Certification for the first time that its petition,i filed several weeks ago with the By ROBERT PERLMAN NLRB charged the printing estab- The National Labor Relations lishment with four "unfair labor' Board in Washington last night au- practices." thorized its Detroit office to hold an open hearing on the alleged viola- quesaihthe Lorification tion of the Wagner Act by the Ann as represntative for the majiority Arbor Press. The investigation will of employes in the composing room, be held this month in Ann Arbor, and for designation as exclusive col- possibly on the campus, as soon as lective bargaining agent, Harry the Detroit office issues a formal Reifin, ITU organizer said last night, complaint. The authorization from Washin tona The International Typographical allows the NLRB to hear both the -violation" a it d "representation" i iA(v(matters at the sa ni. time. . .AI) II~ 11111Two men who were hired by thet r , iAnn Arbor Press after the strike be- o 0cI, i al o lc rial ti c Ce gan and who almost came to blowsI because each charged that the other T1'1c' fiction that criminals are Cs- tried to get him to join the union, were fired late yesterday for "fight- send liailly d ifern t fron i Otheir hthrtypesI I C 11in i ed cm arze 21 accotw ts for the hostility of society to law-breakers, Prof. Arthur Dun- .. hn of the In itte of Public and li si g Ex pt ( cial Adniistration saxipifi cpeech i at Lane Hail last mi-ght, preparatory 4tr l D i Ba toilf 'CC1iitU1trpo Dett frV o l s1>£aitscwied by thle Studenit I.elig iots Association Saturday. A h i The realization that crime results Although uitimtely tthe mercy t from environment and not necessarily of the siipply of and demand for from any basic abnormality in the in- rooms, student bargaining power will dividual, has rendered the idea of probably be increased by the reformsc vindicative punishment obsolete, he proposed in the petition facing the1 pointed out. Bo'rd of Regents, Prof. Richard U The i ins of fii mc t~r; ttl # now, Rat clifftreal etate a ufliity 11the according to irofv<,sor D)nitiam, are business adm iinstra iou :4hool de; to re-establish a normal adjustment clared yesterday. to society in the criminal; to protect Certainly pwrmitting the students society, to deal with the cause of the to shop around for accommodations emine rather than the crime itself, will mean the landladies will have to and to treat criminals as individuals, deal with a better informed and lessi pressed group Profesoir Ratcliffe, i ; I; i. S i, ', A _ t i I i c 4 I i 1 'i I New Attempts At Health Protection Are Posted By City Sanitary Bureau; Restaurant sanitation scores, de- signed as a visible means of health protection for the public and adopted in the new Ann Arbor sanitary code Oct. 25, appeared yesterday for the first time i cty catng establish- mnents. Although the health authorities have no legal grounds at present on which to compel Ann Arbor restaura- teurs to keep the cards posted, the proposed ordinance approved by the city ordinance Committee Monday night and to be read for the first time this Monday at the meeting of the Common Council, will require the display of grading cards, prescribed and distributed by city health author- ities. The alphabetical ratings on display are the result of four months of in- spection conducted by Franklin Fiske, city sanitarian, and based on rigid specifications which he has set up. Before the grade cards will be is- sued, all scores made on the first round of inspection are being re- checked to insure further accuracy. This, too, will account for any delay n having the cards displayed simid- ttneously in Ann Arbor's 140 eating pla e. The inspection upon which scores arcL ascd divides sanitation in res- <,rani s into four sections: kitchens, general features, dining rooms, and storage rooms. Kitchen cleanliness rates highest in the plan, with a total of 49 points awarded. Fourteen points are given for conditions in the storage room, 15 for general features and 22 for din- ng room sanitation. The 49 points for kitchen sanita- tion aru for soundness and cleanli- (Continued on Page2) I! I I' which proportionately approximates that of Germany. The Reich's immediate and most important gain will come, Professor Ellis said, from a trio of products. Austria has a substantial exportable surplus of highest grade iron ore cogently needed by German heavy in- dustry. Extensive forests consume a third of Austria's area and create a storehouse of easily accessible lum- ber. Dairy products, much needed in Germany and abundantly produced in Austria, complete the trio. In financial resources, he said, Aus- tria brings to Germany a store of gold reserves estimated to be nearly Rebel Planes Rain 'Bombs On Barcelona 600 Die In Crowded City As Insurgent Ships Hurl Missiles In Tenth Raid BARCELONA, March 17.--(I)-Re- lentless Insurgent bombers struck at Barcelona again tonight in the 10th of a series of raids which already had taken 600 lives within 24 hours, The planes dropped about 20 bombs on a section of this refugee- packed capital which' had not been hit in raids earlier today. Casualties were reported heavy and dozens of ambulances were sum- moned from the northern part of Barcelona. The raid began at 10:10 p.m. andl at almost the same time other In- surgent planes bombed the cities of 'Tarragona and San Vincente on the Catalan coast, inflicting a consider- able number of casualties. Before the last raid, a carefull check by the defense board showed 415 dead and 700 wounded, but it was explained that the fatalities list- ed included only bodies removed from debris in this greatest industrial city of Spain. Estimates by doctors gave the dead as 600 and the wounded, 1,000. The war ministry reported officially that 600 had been killed and 400wounded.] Boyne City Woman CrushedBy Train A Boyne City woman was struck by a Michigan Central passenger train here yesterday as she was standing on a platform beside the track and dragged 70 feet. She suf- fA C-4-1- double the size of the Reichsbank's own backing. Professor Ellis was apprehensive of the Reich's interference into Aus- trian finance and feared that the latter's unquestioned position in fi- nancial circles will be seriously com- promised by inflation and automatic return to exchange control. There are two fundamental differ- ences, he said, between Germany and Austria in financial policy. First, Austria has enjoyed a, hard credit system and a balanced budget since 1932. In 1931 Vienna's largest bank, the Credit Anstalt, suddenly collapsed and threatened Austrian fi- nance with panic. Government funds were rushed to the rescue and the schilling was artificially stabilized for a short period before it went back to the free market. By 1932, how- ever, the government had recovered its equilibrium and the era of bal- anced budgets began. Germany, it is well known, has been inflating cur- (Continued on Page 2) Campus Greets Fritz' Crisler Monday Night Four New Coaches To Be Presented At Auditorium Rally; Band To Play Preparations to give a rousing wel- come to Head Football Coach Fritz Crisler were well under way yesterday as the program for Crisler Night, to be held at 8 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium, was announced by John Thom, '38, chairman. Admission is free and all students and faculty members are invited to attend. Michigan's four new football men- tors: Crisler, Line Coach Clarence Munn, End Coach Campbell Dick- son and Backfield Coach Earl Mar- tineau will speak. The master of ceremonies for the evening will be Michael Gorman, ed- itor of the Flint Journal. The University Marching Band- and cheerleaders will also be on the pro- gram. The band will start the evening's activities playing "The Victors," fol- lowing which there will be several Michigan yells. Thom will then in- troduce Mr. Gorman., who in turn will introduce Coach Martineau. The drawing of a lucky number for a prize to be given by Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalism fra- ternity, will follow and Dickson's talk. Sigma Delta Chi will sell num- bered booklets, giving a history of each of the coaches, at the rally, and the holder of the lucky program will receive the prize. $11250 Paid For NYA Work 95 Students Draw Pay For February Jobs The National Youth Administra- tion dispensed $11,250 last month to 955 Michigan students who worked on more than 350 different projects ranging from assembling human bones in the medical school to direct- ing Boy Scout and Y.M.C.A. work, according to flgures released yester- day by Prof. Louis L. Gram of the engineering college. A total of 148 graduate and 807 undergraduate students respectively received checks from the N.YA. of- five here, Undergraduates average 30 hours of work and $11.95 per month, the records show, while grad- uate students average 30 hours and $14.40 per month. Thirty Negroes but no foreign stu- dents are listed on N.V A . ranrIm. Hore-Belisha Leads Revolt Against Prime Minister's CautiousForeign Policy Poles Hurl Defy At Lithuanians BULLETIN KAUNAS, Lithuania, March 17, -_'_)_-The Lithuanian govern- ment has received a note from Poland demanding a reply within 48 hours to a demand for settle- ment of their differences. The note was of "ultimatum character," it was disclosed to- night. Earlier in the day, De- fense Minister Colonel Stasys Dir- mantas told the Diet the govern- ment was preparing to close the incident on a legal basis. Britain's cabinet and dominant Conservative ministry split wide open today as powerful factions within the ministry, the Conservative party and the House of Commons demanded Prime Minister Chamberlain pledge Czechoslovakia aid and take a firm stand against Italo-German domina- tion of Spain. The revolt piled an internal crisis on top of a nation already deeply alarmed over the dynamite-laden Eu- ropean situation. On the Spanish ront Insurgents drove toward the Mediteranean and killed more than 500 persons in air raids on Barcelona. France speeded rearmament with heavier spending as Premier Leon Blum'a new cabinet won a rote of confidence. Soviet Invites Action Soviet Russia invited world powers to consider- joint action against ag- gressor nations. In Warsaw, 100,000 persons clam- ored for strong action against Lith- uania and similar demonstrations oc- curred in other Polish cities. In the London revolt, young bloods in the cabinet, led by vigorous War Secretary Leslie Hore-Belisha and bulwarked by impressive backing in the House of Commons, were report- ed to have demanded of Chamber- lain: L A clear-cut pledge of aid in sup- port of Czechoslovakia should she be attacked. 2. A firmer policy In the Spanish Civil War to prevent Italy and Ger- many from dominating the peninsula. Resignation rob'able Refusal, it was said, would lead to a number of resignations. On the heels of this came a warn- ing from a committee of influential Conservatives, headed by Winston Churchill and Robert J. G. Boothby, that Chamberlain's foreign policy must be changed quickly or they would join the opposition in Com- mons. Reliable sources said Boothby's movement might lead to at least 50 Government supporters joining the opposition in Parliament. There was backing for Chamber- lain, however. Taking advantage of the fact that tomorrow the Prime Minister will o- serve his 69th birthday, legislators circulated a testimonial congratulat- ing him and assuring him of their Support. Gerinani Award a Contests Open Two Essay Competitions Offer Cash Prizes Registration for the Bronson-Tho- mnias and athe-Hildner Prizes in Ger- man, open to eligible students, may be made in the Germae Office, Room 204 University hall as soon as pos sible, it was learned yesterday. The Bronson-Thomas Award of $50 is given yearly on the basis of a three- hour essay competition for any under- graduate of American training who satisfies the department reading re- quirements. Competition will be held at 2 p.m., March 25, in the German office. Lauds Student rg amm g Power to introduce excess rooms into the supply, Present , rformns must take into consideration that housing on cam- pus is two sided and that under the present set-up the landlady must re- ceive a reasonable return upon a 'easonable invcstment. If this is m pos sible somre other means of hous- ing students must be found. One economically sound method hnvolves the construction of dormi- tories, The level of rents does not matter, he said So long as they are occiiiied and the student body does not increase they will serve not only to house a portion of the campus more satisfactorily but also to re- duce rents for the rest In speaking of this aspect, Pro- 1?;7fm>lif nnirrt- I -IF ,"A"+ Detroit Universit' Club Dines C i-mpus Leaders Twelve faculty and student leaders will be guests of the University of tortier housing ecc FHA pointed ouit. with less incentive to room they will be in sounder position, he actly how much this onomist of the More secure andt sign for the first? a demonstrablyc said. but ex- information willf