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March 17, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-17

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Education AtMichigan

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
StuderW Publications.
Rutbushed every morning except Mondy during the
)University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
En,,ved at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
14.00, by mal, $4.50.
Meber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937.38
NationalAdvertising Service, Inc.
College Publislers Representative
Board of Editors
SPQRTS EDITOR .......................IRVIN LISAGOR
Business Department
y CI DIT MANAGER ............. .....DON WILSHER
t is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ee
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staffand represent the views'of the writers
England Struggles
With CensorshipS. .
British press. English newspapers
and American foreign correspondents alike, com-
plain that the Chamberlain Government has
lately hidden from the electorate, important facts
concerning the progress of the Foreign Office
and the developments in the Cabinet crisis.
Comments on the newly-adoptec gag policy are
already trickling into English editorial columns
and it appears that the British Broadcasting
Company, the newsreels and the newspapers have
all three been thrust under the Government's
Blue Pencil.
The stately Manchester Guardian, four days
after the cabinet crisis, observed editorially that
"the readers of most of the Conservative papers,
during the last few days have had a curiously
distorted view presented to them of the way for-
eign opinion look on Mr. Eden's resignation. The
art of suppression-or should it be called selec-
tion?-has been widely practiced, although it has
not," the Guardian says, "reached the height of
one 'popular' paper that contrived to fill three
columns about Tuesday's debate without men-
tioning that Mr. Churchill spoke.
"Another, professing much greater ideals of
fairness, makes out that dominions are quite
happy and ignores all expression of American
sentiment beyond recording that the Administra-
tion made no public comment. Other papers
have scoured the world for stray-and they are
stray-expressions of confidence in Mr. Cham-
berlain and left out everything said on the other
side about the distress of Mr. Eden's passing."
Aside from isolated jewels of candor, the Guar-
dian contends "the Government has preserved a
unity of silence that could hardly be bettered in
a totalitarian state-a dangerous omen."
Paul W. Ward, London correspondent, writing
in the Baltimore Sun finds that Conservative
papers throughout England have taken such lib-
erties in quoting American opinion as to linger
on the brink of falsehood.
The Daily Express, most circulated English

paper, goes as far as to find America draping
the cloak of Lincoln around Chamberlain's shoul-
The newsreel incident which brought Opposi-
tion members to their feet occurred, Ward says,
the day that the Express detected the- strange
similarity between Chamberlain and Lincoln.
"The British Parliament half-weekly newsreel,"
he explained, "devoted some of its footage to the
Cabinet crisis. It stated briefly the grounds on
which Mr. Eden had resigned, summarized Mr.
Chamberlain's view and then went on to show
C. R. Atlee, Opposition leader in the Commons,
repeating briefly the points he had made in de-
fense of Mr. Eden and against the government
in the Commons Debate on Tuesday. A few
hours after the newsreel was issued the pro-
ducers telegraphed all exhibitors to cut out the
speech of Mr. Atlee, who had said that every-
where Mr. Eden's resignation would be hailed as a
great triumph for Mussolini. T <noewsreel's ed-

CRITICISM of American education has lately
been widespread. President Ruthven, in off-
the-record speeches, has intimated that he ques-
tions some parts of our educational system. Rob-
ert Maynard Hutchins has struggled for a reeval-
uation of the purpose of education. Norman
Foerster, of the University of Iowa, has given
American education a helpful kick in the pants.
And there are others.
More pertinent to us right now is this: When
are the students of the University of Michigan
going to articulate their mumblings about the
education they are getting?
There is nothing so damning to American
education as our docile acceptance of it. To be
sure, there are growls. A student occasionally
complains when his text book is read back to him
three hours each week. He may grumble when
he is required to take four examinations in the
first two days of the examination period, Or
he may complain that his professors, embalmed
in the mortuary of research, have too little time
to give him. Perhaps, even, some resent the
manner in which they are allowed to slither
through one meaningless course after another.
But our growls are worse than our bite. So sel-
dom, in fact, do we bite that it is no wonder
that our faculty teaches with its tongue in its
cheek, paying no attention to those muffled
growls it hears.
The problem of genuine education should burn
in our minds. It is not enough that we receive
a degree of bachelor of arts, or that we vegetate

four years in sympathetic surroundings, or that'
we learn how to get along with fellow men-
one may do as much in any country-club college
in the nation. Nor is it sufficient that we are
given "an opportunity" to become educated, un-
less that opportunity offers more than a well-
stocked library and a community lacking in
first-rate teachers and replete with dusty scho-
lars-who live by and unto themselves, wresting
with and for each other that lazy teaching shall
not perish from the earth.
The Daily does not mean to put the whole bur-
den of fault on the faculty. The University fac-
ulty is by and large an able one and many on
it are anxious for more effective education. But
who wouldn't yawn and stretch, basking in secur-
ity, in that geniality, often accompanied by
wisecracks, that faculty members sometimes use
to obscure lack of knowledge and teaching abil-
Indeed, the chief burden of fault lies with
the student body. If students are to get a worth-
while education they must demand it-they must
demand an improvement in our educational sys-
tem and they must demand a new attitude from
the faculty in exchange.for their own new atti-
tude. Certainly university presidents can not
both carry and provide our torch, progressive
faculty members can not move their backward
--and usually older-colleagues to reform. The
dog must wag its own tail. If it doesn't do so
it must hold itself responsible if its tail steers
it into the rut of mediocrity.
Joseph S. Mattes.


the same day and followed almost precisely the
pattern of the newsreel censorship. Col. Josiah
C. Wedgwood, Labor M.P. whose family owns the
world-famous Wedgwood potteries, was to have
engaged with Dr. Alfred Salter, Labor M.P. in one
of a series of radio talks on "The Way to Peace."
At the last minute the B.B.C. took exception to
a "few criticisms of Signor Mussolini and Herr
Hitler." Colonel Wedgwood was requested to de-
lete them from his script. He refused and the
peace talks were refused the public.
The Chamberlain government has further
moved toward molding the news by a new order
which constrains journalists to take all major
news items from, written statements by the
secretary to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing
Street. A corner on Foreign Office news is thus
virtually thrust into the hands of pro-Cham-
berlain papers.
England, it appears, takes lessons from her
fascist neighbors in the gentle art of censorship.
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
Plea For University
Housing Movement..--
the present student-sponsored appeal
to the Board of Regents for housing reform.
Whenever 11 campus potentates get sufficiently
aroused over a situation to translate talk into
action we are all for it. Clearly we have no
quarrel with what has been suggested but we
wonder if it hits the underpinnings of the prob-
lem. For the real objective must stand out
bravely and not be lost in the superficial turmoil
of reform. The danger is real for the history of
such action is littered with lances broken against
unimportant windmills.
From any viewpoint cutting down on the ap-
proved housing list should help to restore student
bargaining power and give him more nearly equal
weapons with which to facesthe annual fall
struggle. At present he is tossed into the ring
against an opponent armed with economic brass
knuckles. By all means let us take them away.
But it is well to realize that this problem is
not solved by such humanitarian action. At
best this proposal and any other proposal that
attempts to solve student rooming problems with-
in the present physical limits is touching up a
very grey landscape. They are makeshifts and
should be fought for and recognized as such.
Room rents, we agree, are higher now than is nec-
essary or equitable, but bringing about even a
startling reduction hits at simply one facet of
conditions that are generally intolerable. Stu-
dent life cannot be dissected and the process of
education neatly cut away and mounted for in-
spection. Education is a living, growing experi-
ence and a piece-meal housing chaos is not the
atmosphere under which it can mature.
While we fight the temporary battles we must
see the ultimate goal ahead. The publicity and
interest stimulated by the present plans fo,
reform must be harnessed towards some unified
purposeful plan for housing, originating with
the University and integrated into its program.
Student housing must be taken entirely out of
the sphere of economic wrangling and recognized
as afactor just as important in promoting sound
intellectual growth as a well-equipped laboratory
or graduate school. That is the end, not brow-
beating a rather helpless group of landladies
into minor financial concessions.
Jack Davis.
Hell Week Pti On
day morning there was one letter in
it that we believe must have been mislayed in
the icebox for at least two years like Grampa
Vanderhof's income tax blank in "You Can't
Take It With You."
It was an ad from a local lumber company
and the plea it made was, "Let us help put the
"hell" in HELL WEEK with our easy action Fra-
ternity Paddles." Among the special features
listed were, "one half inch thick, light weight
and sanded smooth."

T Editor
Gets Told,a..
To the Editor:
Last spring, at the Honors Convocation exer-
cises, Professor Reeves gave a Convocation ad-
dress on the subject of honorary keys. The ad-
dress was idealistic and inspiring. The minds in
the audience that had successfully combined ef-
fort and intelligence were undoubtedly overcome
by the barrage of fine thoughts and noble deeds.
The writer was one of the intoxicated recipients.
My present attitude, which is perhaps the product
of a "sour grapes" complex, causes me to wonder
about "fine thoughts" and "noble deeds."
Isn't it true that fine speeches and ethereal
propaganda sometimes obscure practical issues?
Isn't fanatical idealism as dangerous to the mind
as misanthropic cynicism? The fact that a
dreamy audience can be carried into a Utopia
by a fine speech on a subect such as "The Prog-
ress of Civilization," while two or three wars
rage "irrelevantly" on, constitutes rather conclu-
sive affirmative evidence.
Thus, honor societies are fine in principle, but
whether, in this case, principle and practice are
compatible is highly questionable-at least to
"this social outcast." I have, reference primarily
to the rather quaint methods employed by some
honor societies in determining the relative merits
Df candidates for election to those societies. Since
I cannot claim to know all that goes on in the
tribunals which decide whether a man is good,
bad or mediocre, I am forced to make my charges
on the basis of superficial observation and hear-
say. I shall therefore try to be general, hoping
to elicit a blush here and there-wherever the
category embraces a suitable victim.
In some instances, in order for an ineligible
student to receive the distinction of being elected
to an honor society, he must have friends on the
inside who are willing to extoll him for his
merits (questionable or actual). In some cases,
if a candidate is unfortunate enough to have
been born with a name that suggests strange
Dr unfavorable racial characteristics, he receives
one powerful vote in favor of elimination. Thus,
judges indulge in the mass-production method
of judging by racial categories. It relieves them
of the tedious burden of judging a great num-
ber of candidates individually who are all alike
by virtue of nationality. If a candidate has been
too busy or financially unable to indulge in the
luxury of social prominence, he is black-listed for
being a hermit.
Of course the picture is not as naive as I
paint it. It is much more subtle, and the judges
are much more ingenious. In some cases the
whole procedure is traditional and functions au-
tomatically with unintentional discrimination.
It would, moreove'r, be unfair to accuse some
honor societies of such flagrant violation of hu-
manitarian ethics. There is, however, one ques-
tion which I would put to any society that con-
siders itself the distinction and reward for noble
thought and deed:
If pedagogical standards of measuring scholas-
tic ability fall so far short of perfection, how can
you even hope to approach a correct evaluation
of the far less tangible merits--those that have
to do with character?
-Honor Stdent.
Sies And Spy Scares
During the last few days the United States
has experienced a "spy scare" recalling the days
preceding the World.War. And like the one in
1917, the present scare seems .a deliberate at-
tempt on the part of the government to prepare
the nation for war. It is but one of a series of
critical issues that have been exploited by the
government in order to ease through a huge re-
armament program.
This does not mean that the United States is
1 spy-less. Anyone who has followed the recent

It Seems To Me
I'm not going to write anything
about Austria while that world-shak-
ing incident is still on the wing.
Something nearer home appeals to
If there is survival after death .it
will be a great joke upon my old
friend Clarence Darrow. I hope he
was wrong in his frequently expressed
opinion that when a man dies he is
dead all over. Indeed, it is my notion
that he might find it fun to be fooled.
Darrow argued so frequently and
earnestly against the possibility of
immortality that one did not need to
be a complete Freudian to get the im-
pression that maybe mystical doubts
still existed in his mind. Man is apt
to argue against the thing he loves.
Clarence Darrow would, of course,
be an ornament to any society on any
cosmic plane whatsoever; so, person-
ally, I would prefer to believe that
he is still functioning. It would be
suitable if he now leans across the
golden bar of heaven, his thumbs
tucked under his suspenders, and
breaks down Gabriel with a sly and
sneak-up cross-examination.
That was the method of Mr. Dar-
row. When he took a witness in hand
he never blustered or bullied him but
merely eased him over on to his side
by the friendliness and subtlety of his
I used to know the old man well,
but we met only fugitively in the last
few years. It cheers me to remember
that the last time we were together
the circumstances were propitious.
Drrow Is 1)ra fed
The League to Abolish Capital Pun-
ishment had sent me as an emissary
to get Darrow to come over and speak
at a mass meeting in atBroadway
"You ought to have better sense
than to ask me that," Darrow said.
"I'm all for what the League is trying
to do, but I'm past 70. My doctor
tells incII must takethings quietly.
He's put me on a strict diet. Speak-
ing before an audience is a terrible
strain. By now every speech takes
10 years off my life. You shouldn't
ask me."
I told him I was sorry and that
after carrying out my assignment to
invite him I had no intention of
pressing the matter. There was no
necessity of doing that. The old fire
horse had heard the gong and could
not get it out of his mind. He talked
about general subjects for a couple
of minutes and then said, "They
weren't expecting me to make a long
speech, were they?"
I toldhim that my instructions
were that everybody would be tickled
to death if he just came over and
took a bow and said, "Hello."
"You'll never understand how tired
a man can get after he reaches 70,"
he went on. "The sensible thing for
me to do would be to go to bed right
now. I'm trying to get away from
excitement. That's why I'm stopping
at the Murray Hill. With me it's
just a question-of months now-may-
be days. Still, I don't suppose there
would be any harm in my saying
'Hello,' and letting it go at that."
The Old Urge Conquers
And so we got in a taxicab, and
when we arrived at the theatre the
place was pretty nearly full. Dar-
row got a fine hand when he got out
on the stage, and so he talked for one
hour and thirty-five minutes.
He had one of the strangest speak-
ing mannerisms I have ever seen. Like
John L. Lewis, he was fond of the
oratorical pause, but his attitude dur-
ing the silent period was defensive,
while Lewis can almost knock an op-
ponent's head off by glaring at him
and saying nothing.
Clarence's method was to say some-

thing of a very challenging nature
and then hunch his shoulders up like
an embattled eagle as if he expected
somebody to throw a brick. There
had been a perciptible droop in those
old shoulders when he started speak-
ing, but as he got his laughs and ap-
plause he grew straighter and
straighter. The gnarled oak was a
sapling again.
"I don't feel sleepy any more," he
said when he was done. "Couldn't we
go somewhere?"
Prohibition was still on, but by a
happy coincidence I happened to
know of a speakeasy in W. 53rd St
I escorted the orator of the evening
back to the Murray Hill Hotel at 3:30
that morning. He was feeling fine
and went on to live another seven
years and conduct two major cases
He was one of the most sincere
men I ever knew, and one of the big=
gest fakes. His whole pose was tha
of complete hard-boiled materialism
but he was an arrant sentimentalis
and Samaritan.
And he was, among other- things
the greatest trial lawyer America ha
ever known. His going is prematur
but in one sense belated. If only h
had been in heaven when that littl
unpleasantness about Lucifer cam
up I feel quite certain that Clarenc
could have got him off.
G radbate Students
Pick Council Of Six

(Continued from Page 2)
ment Unit of the New York State
Employment Service is interested in
registering young men and women
for possible referral to counseling
jobs in summer camps. People ful-
filling the following requirements are
asked to call at 201 Mason Hall for
application forms.
Home Residence: in the City of
New York in the Counties of West-
chester, Putnam, Nassau or Suffolk of
New York State or in otherstates.
Availability for an interview at
New York office before June 1.
Age. not under 20, preferably 21.
Qualifications, one summer coun-
seling experience, outstanding per-
sonal qualifications for camp work.
At least one or two skills. Life sav-
ing certificate is advisable.
Head counselors, dietitians, nurses
and physicians are also placed
through the New York Employment
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason lal. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Marsh and Mandelbaum Scholar-
ships for 1938-1939. Students in the
Literary College may now file appli-
cations for the above scholarships, on
blanks to be obtained from the of-
fice of the Dean of the College, 1210
Angell Hall. All applications must
be returned to the same office on or
before March 26. Awards will be an-
nounced in April or May.
For the photograph required, a
snapshot may be used or a duplicate
of that attached to the student iden-
tification card may be obtained at
small cost from the Francisco and
Boyce Photo Company.
The Marsh Scholarships have re-
cently carried stipends of $50 and $75.
The Mandelbaum Scholarships, of
which three are awarded to men stu-
dents in the Literary College, carry
stipends of about $400. The scholar-
ships here named are restricted to
those who are students of the Literary
Collegeronly, and in awarding them
consideration is given to character,
need of financial assistance, and
scholarship, in the order named.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
Inspector of Clothing, $2,000;
Quartermaster Depot, Philadelphia,
Pa.; Quartermaster Corps, War De-
Tabulating Clerk B, $100 a month;
Michigan Civil Service Examination.
Occupational Therapy Classes,
(salary rates not yet established);
Michigan Civil Service Examination.
For further information, please
call at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
Choral Union Members: The Choral
Union rehearsal for men's section
which was scheduled for Thursday
night, March 17, is cancelled. How-
ever, the extra rehearsal for the men
will be held'on Monday night, March
21, at 7 o'clock at the School of
Music. There will be the regular re-
hearsal for both men and women on
Tuesday, March 22 at 7 o'clock.
Earl V. Moore, Director.
Academic Notices
English 150 (Playwrighting). The
writing assignments to be handed in
next Monday will be a paper on Mrs.
Whitesell's play "Roots," from the
production by Hillel Players.
Kenneth Rowe.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
Examples of engraving, typography
printing in black-and-white and
color, details in the manufactring
of a book, and details in the design

and make-up of a magazine. Shown
thro'gh the courtesy of The Lakeside
Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com
pany, Chicago. Ground floor cases
Architectural Building. Open daily
e 9 to 5, through April 7. The public
is cordially invited.
Exhibition of Ink Rubbings of Han
Dynasty Tomb Reliefs from Wu-
g Liang-Tsu. Monday, March 14 tc
0 Saturday, March 26, week-days, 2 to
S5 p.m., West Gallery, Alumni Me-
n morial Hall.
e The Ann Arbor Art Association pre
- sents two print exhibitions, work b3
tithe Chicago Society of Etchers an
, by the American Artists Group o
t New York, March 15 through 27, it
the North and South Galleries of Al
, umni Memorial Hall. Open daily, in-
s cluding Sundays, 2 to 5 -p.m., free t
e students ani to members.
e Exhibit of Photographs of Botanica
e Subjects: The Botanical Section o
e the Michigan Academy will have a
exhibit of photographs in Room.-300
Natural Science Building Friday
March 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sat
urday, March 19, 9 a.m. to 12 a.m
i The public is cordially invited.
I N 'Pm') 0

Heidelberger, Associae Professor of
Biological Chemistry, Columbia Uni -
versity College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, will lecture on "Recent Chemi-
cal Theories of Immune Reactions
and Some Practical Applications," on
Friday, March 18, in Room 1528 East
Medical Building at 8 p.m., under the
auspices of the University and the
Michigan Department of Health. The
public is cordially invited.
Public Lecture: "Graeco-Buddhist
Sculpture: Its Place in Far Eastern
Art," by Mr. James M. Plummeir. Il-
lustrated with slides. Sponsored by
the Research Seminary in Islamic
Art. Monday, March 21, 4:15 in
Itoom D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Ad-
mission free.
Events Today
University Broadcast 2-3:30 p.m.
Ahateur Theatre Series.
Topic: Musical Comedies for High
Dr. David E. Mattern, Professor of
Music Education.
University Broadcast, 7:15-7:30 p.m.
Michigan Glee Club.- David E. Mat-
tern, Conductor. (Over WMBC).
University Ora'torical Contest: Pre-
liminaries for the University Oratori-
cal Contest will be held today at 4
p.m. in Room 4003 A.H.
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 today in the Observatory
lecture room.
Mr. Herbert R. J. Grosch will speak
on "Density Distribution in Distorted
Stellar Configurations." Tea will be
served at 4 o'clock.
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting of the
Student Branch of the Institute of the
Aeronautical Sciences, 7:30 tonight,
in Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg.
Mr. E. W. Conlon, who has been with
Sikoisky Aircraft for several years,
will speak on his experiences in avia-
tion from an engineering standpoint.
Refreshments will be served. Every-
body welcome.
La Sociedad Hispanica announces
"Noche Mejicana" (Mexican Night),
a program of Mexican songs sung
and played by a group of native
Mexicans, tonight at 8 p.m. at the
Union. All those interested are in-
vited. No admission charge.
Mr. Arthur Dunham, Professor of
Community Organization, of the In-
stitute of Public and Social Admin-
istration, will lead the discussion at
the Association Fireside, 8 o'clock
tonight at Lane Hall.
The topic will be "The Background
of Social Agencies." All persons go-
ing on the Reconciliation Trip to De-
troit on Saturday are required to be
at this meeting.
Junior AAUW Interior Decoration
group, tonight at 8 p.m., Michigan
League. Speaker, Mr. David Evans,
Industrial Designer of Furniture,
Grand Rapids.
Lenten Services will be held this
evening in Zion Lutheran Church at
7:30 p.m.
Crop and Saddle Ride: Thursday at
5 p.m. Meet at Barbour Gymnasium.
All those wishing to go please call
7418 as soon as possible.
Michigan Transportation Club:
There will be a meeting at the Michi-
gan Union tonight at 8 p.m. Motion
pictures concerning the Canadian Na-
tional Railroad will be presented. Im-
portant for members to be there. All
interested are cordially invited.
' Congress: There will be a meeting
. of the Executive Council tonight at
7 p.m. in Room 306 of the Union.
1 __________

Congress: Congress district V will
e hold a general meeting at the Union
Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. in Room
Coming Events
Congress :There will be a meeting
of the Student Welfare Committee
at 4:30 today in Room 306, Union.
Members and all interested are re-
0 quested to attend.
The Outdoor Club will meet at 7:45,
Saturday night at Lane Hall to go
- on a moonlight hike. There will be
y refreshments and dancing at Lane
d Hall after the hike. Any student in-
f terested is invited to go along.
- Baptist Guild: Don't forget the 32nd
- annual banquet of the Roger Wil-
o liams Guild tomorrow (tonight) in
the League. There will be no open
house this week, but everybody plan
l for a scavenger hunt at 8 p.m. March
f 25.
4 Stalker Hall. The Annual Methodist
Y, Banquet will be held Saturday, March
- 19 at 6:15 o'clock at the Michigan
n. Union. For reservations call 6881 be-
fore Friday evening. All Methodist
students and their friends are cor-
dially invited to attend. Party at

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received atthe office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 am, on Saturday.

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