PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - Comparison Of* Armies Favors em ocracies United Efforts Of French, British, Soviet Forces Exceeds Fascist Might (Continued from Page 1) Czechoslovakia by a close military alliance, boasts the largest standing military force in the world. The Red Army is composed of 52 divisions, in- cluding five of cavalry, and numbers 960,000 men on a peace footing, .c- cording to the World Almanac. Its war-time strength would probably be normally in excess of 3,500,000 men, nearly twice that of the probable Ger- man first-line war-time force, while an equal number of trained reserves are available. The problem, however, will be to bring this gigantic force into action, since Russia and Ger- many have no common frontier. Po- land, whose military force is com- posed of a standing army of about 270,000 and about 60,000 auxiliary troops, stands between Germany and Russia both geographically and dip- Jonatically, occupying a, position somewhat analagous to that of Italy in 1914. Italy itself, in spite of a possible change of direction asp a result 'of German-Austrian anschluss, stands at present with Germany. The Ital- .ian army is divided like the French into Metropolitan and Colonial forces. The former is composed of 31 infantry and tlh-ee cavalry divisions, slightly more than 500,000 men in peacetime. Th1 Colonial Army numbers '05000, while the special corps of Carabin- ieri musters another 50,000. Italians are kept on the reserve list longer than any other country's citizens, al- though regular and post-service train- ing is shorter, thus furnishing Italy with a large trained reserve. The number of Italian troops in Ethiopia, Libya and Spain is uncertain, but probably more than one-fourth of the whole Fascist effective force is away from home. Up-to-date figures for air strength are not available, and unofficial esti- mates are very approximate. The Red air Fleet of Soviet Russia is regarded as -the, largest in Europe, and is ex- pected to utilize Praha, the Czech capital, as a base of operations against Germany. The French and German Varsity Glee Club To Let Hair Down With 'Pop Concert Michigan's crack Men's Glee Club will climax the most successful sea- son in its history with a "pop" con- cert the evening of Thursday, March 24, at Hill Auditorium, Paul Yergens, '38, president, announced yesterday. The show, "entirely different" from former spring concerts, will be divided into two parts. The first portion, intended primarily for music lovers, will be composed of, serious music. After that, "the boys are going to let down their hair," according to Yergens, and preseht their "Kaleido- scope." The club, under the direction of Prof. David Mattern of the School of Music, made its longest concert tour this winter. Performances were given at Buffalo, N.Y., where they broke the attendance record; Ro- chester, N.Y.; Dearborn Inn; North- ville, where another record crowd was in attendance; Saginaw, and Jackson Prison, where they were the only show of the year not to draw cat-calls from the several thousand inmates. air fleets are probably of about the same strength. A part of the aircraft of Germany and Italy is engaged in Spain. Great Britain's place in the inter- national line-up is uncertain. Should it cast its lot unequivocally with the democracies, the latter will enjoy a decisive advantage in air strength, as well as the certainty of predominant DAILY OFFICIAL BULETIN THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 120 Faculty of the Collegeof Literature, Science, and the Arts: The five- week freshman reports will be due March 19, Room 4, Univ rsity Hall. Students of the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet- ing will be held on Thursday, Marchl 17, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1025 Angell' Hall for students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and others interested in future work in medicine. The meeting will be ad- dressed by Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the Medical School. The next talk in this vocational series will be given fowe Irais "I am looking forward to seeing Mrs. Whit "Rcots" this week-end a Mendelssohn theatre," Kenneth T. Rowe of the partment in an intervie "It is certainly a fine an play in script, and I prove to be thoroughlyc Thie material of Mrs play is intricate and del experience, and she has with a sensitive touch a necessary complexityo structure," he stated. '.There are really two 'Roots,' one of which is manifestation of the oth 1 is the somewhat crass present, the tribution to the University comymos- ;es Hijilel Prod uction, g(ne'iin of midde age.ty . .t.n. "fThe past and the future, like old c t convition ta m or cnL , a ni uDta l4age andyouth, are really more akin any art, at its best works towards than either to the present and mid- harmonizing and unifying society. a great deal is presented as a fairly clean-cut and dle-age, for there is more eternity in 'Roots' does just this; it broadens esell's play simple confict between the older and them. Shelah does not escape the the range of our sympathies and un- at the Lydia younger generations. Mrs. White- past for the present; she finds the derstanding of human nature." said Prof. sell presents a more subtle conflict way to move on from the past into English de- within the girl herself. 1.He future." w yesterday. "The real therne of the play," ex- "Appreciation is due Hillel Players FISHOW'S WATCH belignill plained Professor Rowe, "is the con- for the contribution they are making and believe w fict between tradition and the fu- to the development of student play- JEWELRY REPAIR Whi.l' ture. That is not a racial theme, writing. In the selection of a play 347 Maynard Coril Wam but it is particularly intensified with the penetration and understand- Watch Crystals 35 icate human the background of the play. As a ing shown in "Roots" for a special handled it result, the author is able to drama- background and tradition, they are id with the tize this universal theme concretely making an important cultural con- Read The aily Classifieds of dramatic and richly. owl "The girl Shelah is a beautifully ) themes in drawn character and utterly con- a particular vincing. It happens not infrequently ! It er, and fur- that old age and youth are closest to- don't more simple gether. Through her relations to her dv at of racial grandmother Shelah experiences a yo avduring those vacant hours when e number of deep poetic bond with her racialy that theme past; at the same time there is the wasting the time, drop in and re- evidently of radiant urge in her youth towards fresh yourself. the subject a brave, free, new world. In between Have one of our sandwiches or ® A, li ngt:1,mnh hils-,,,nvn th on Tuesday, March 22, by Dean C. E. nishes the lot. The Griffin of the School of Business and obvious theme is thi Administration. intei-rmarriage. From th ------~~ ondplays I have received on To the householders: If you need the past few years, it is student help for your spring house- vital interest. Usually cleaning, yard or garden work, call- Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Ext. 2121, Student Employment Bureau. The 5 student rate of pay is 40 cents anA hour. 231 S(OUTH STATE AlL Cut-Rate Druq Phne 9242O -9- 8 Dors r, t f T.rpi's Wanted: Experienced Camp Coun- sellors for Summer Camp. Apply at! Employment Bureau, Room 2, Univer- sity Hall for further information J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. Summer Work. The Camp Place- (Continued on Page 4) -TED'S DAILY DOUBLE PRICES EFFECTIVE TODAY-- 4 doz. KOTEX I$1.50 Kreml 75CI HAIR TONIC Phone 9242 We Deliver 98C TAMPAX 33c - Ready Wrapped - 50e WIX 39c Jil, sea-power. The British regular army, MAKE-UP COMMITTEE MEETIN maintained chiefly for overseas de- There will be a meeting of fense, is made un of long-term re- Tale w)Committee t of ulhior ' eruits, and numbers 216,021 men, I Mlay at 4:30 p.m., today at the reague. eluding the Indian army, composed y partly of native troops. Reservists to the number of 141,491 are available for home defense. France, Russia and Great Britain standing together possess an advan- DON J UAN tage :of about three to two over Ger- many and Italy in land defense forces, SENT FLOW ERS and probably somewhat more in air- craft. Naval strength, measured in capital ships, shows a great superior- Wh d n yu ity for the democracies, about a ratio Vyu of 3-1, with less total coastline to de- fend. It appears, therefore, that al general war might be of long or short Col duration, depending on the efficiency of the blockade which will be ap- plied by the conbined democratic fleets, and that in any case final PA U L NOLT I N G victory will rest with France, Britain FLORIST and the U.S.S.R. 316 South Main Dial 2-1615 Directory _____ OR RENT LARGE frnnt. 4d b k -- Classified FOR SALE WASHED SAND and gravel. Drive- way Gravel. Killins Gravel Co. Phone 7112. 7x LAUNDRY LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. NOTICESk TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $31 $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Poione Sam. 6304. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Two diamond rings in Allenel Hotel Saturday evening. Phone 7903 or 2-3826. Reward. 439 LOST: Large brown purse. Initialed E.O.S. Contains red wallet and Shaeffer pen. Reward. Phone Mo- sher desk. 451 LOST: Last Tuesday white bathing suit inside bathing cap in Main Library. Reward. B. Anderson. 2-2591. 454 LOST: In vicinity of Intramural Bldg. Brown wallet. Liberal reward for return. Phone 6617. G. Thomas Pe- ter-sen. LOST : Wrist watch. Initials E.D.S. Call Eleanor Sappington. 2-2591. 459 LOST: A slide-rule. Log-Log duplex. Name engraved. John E. Taylorson. Reward. Call 3590. 455 LOST: Gold wrist watch -- lost at Leaguc. Initials M.A. on. inside of cae. Reward. Call Miss August. 7672 458 PERSONALS ESNAL : Willsthe person who took the valuables from 1016 Olivia on Tuesday night please return thr' to that address and no ques- tions will be asked. 457 RAVEAY GRVE win~ti ronu rooms, 4$' u e, -$ Mingle. Housekeeping suite $5.50. 420 Washington Heights. Phone 3828. 453 NICELY FURNISHED large front double with adjoining lavatory. Also single room. Steam heat. Shower bath. Phone 8544. 422 E. Wash- ington. 456 U I with TED MICKEY FRANK HEALY.- ROONEY." JENKS RALPH VIRGINIA JESSIE MORGAN" WEIDLER .".RALPH also - Grantland Rice Sportlight Comedy -- Cartoon - News ALSO - MARCH of TIME News and Pictorial SUNDAY "PARADISE FOR THREE E" EKE 0 OOD EARTff- .. . ' 3 ti !!t"- F FOUNT-O-INK WRITING SETS Come complete with pen EACH year since 1930 the utilities of Michigan have led the entire nation in the number of farms elec- trified. In the last eight years, the number of farms served by THE DFTROIT EDISON COMPANY has tripled. Here is the record: customers, the Company built 1,497 iniles of farm line. To farm families, electricity is even more important than to city dwellers, for on the farm electricity shoulders many burdens that city people never carry. Electricity per- forms over 100 tasks for the farm and the farm home. It eliminates much drudgery from farm life. For 10 or 15 cents a day, electricity per- forms such tasks as pumping and carrying water, the back-breaking labor of' washday, cooking, grind- ing cattle feed, milking cows, and aind Pen ink, ready to write. and well fill auto- matically. Quantity ink supply -- visible. No pen filling. No well filling. No dipping. No evaooration. Clean pen - clean ink Instant starting. Continuous writing. Cost-saver. Time-saver. Unfailing service. Year 1929 1930 1931? 1932 1933 19 34. 1935 1936 1937 Old Territory New Thumb Territory 8,759 (Detroit Edison 9,796 began serving it 10,305 Nov. 1, 1935) 12,137 12,408 14, 167 17,178 1,750 18,760 3,370 20,339 6,818 a score of other chores. The electric rates the farmer pays to us are ex- actly the same as the city residence pays-resulting in an average of 3.47c per kilowatthour for farms -and this rate includes with- out charge lamp renewals and many fussy little repairs to, appliances. I The farmer tilling the land, who sows the seed and reaps the har- vest, is a vital part of the eco- nomic system. And any group of farmers in the Detroit Edison service area who want electricity have always been able to get our * I A . w 1 - --- 'liii 9~,~.* 1 ; 0 it t 14 I - %