The Weather
Cloudy and colder today, pos-
sibly light rain; fair and warmer
"I C" '' r
A .-.
England Struggles
With Censorship...
Plea For University
Housing Movement...
Wood Favors
Room Petition
But Declares
Plea Stop-Gap
Backs More Fundamental
Approach To Question;
Criticizes Present Set-Up
Advocates Dorms
And Tutor System
Conceding that the campus-spon-
sored petition for housing reform
now before the Board of Regents
would increase student bargaining
power and shop rents, Prof. Arthur
E. Wood of the sociology department
yesterday criticized the proposal as
merely a make-shift reform.
Supporting a more fundamentall
approach, Professor Wood attacked
the present set-up saying "when the
University enforces contracts it sanc-
tions bargains arrived at unfairly and
approves a situation that is generally
unsatisfactory. "The student not
only faces the landlady in renting
a room but also the might of the
University Holds Key
Subject to two assumptions, Pro-
fessor Wood declared, the University
can intensify competition among
landladies and strengthen the stu-
dent's bargaining power by refusing
to give sanction to contracts signed
by upper classroen. "The first, which
I believe justifiable, is that there are
sufficient excess rooms so that prices
will drop under stricter competition.
But it is essential also that the stu-
dents take advantage of their new
status and press for rent reductions.
Along these lines student's actions
are unpredictable, he said.
But the real problem is not touched
by attempts to make a stopgap work,
Professor Wood said. He pointed to
the house system introduced in many
Easterh gollegs'as tfil"ieal fo'm of"
student housing where environment
conducive to intellectual gain could
become a part of the student's life.1
Applied out here he said it wouldt
mean construction by the University1
of low cost dormitories and the in-
Cohens, Kellys
Unite To Fete
The Jolly 17th
"Begorrah, it's a foine day when
the Irish and the Hebrews can get
together," said Maynard Cohen, '41,
today as William Kelly, '40A, nodded
his head. And from County Cork to
Brooklyn, New York, their respective
brethren agreed with them.
The 17th of March is traditionally
dedicated by all sons of Old Erin to
the memory of Saint Patrick. But
this year Patrick has a competitor--a
woman -no less-and her name is
According to the Book of Esther of
the Old Testament, today is the He-
brew holy day, Purim. Centuries ago
the Jews were persecuted by a Persian
nobleman named Haman. It is not
definitely known whether Haman was
the first of the persecuting paper-
The king of Persia was Ahasuerus
who allowed the Jews to worship
freely and considered them entitled
to life, liberty and the ptrsuit of
happiness. He had just executed his
queen and was in the bazaar looking
for a new spouse.
His talent scouts introduced him
to a beautiful maiden, Esther, niece
of Mordecai, a liberal politician. The
monarch married Esther,iand Mor-
decai became the grand vizier.
Haman, leader of the opposition
party, was jealous of Mordecai and
persuaded Ahasuerus to order the,
"alien" Hebrews from the country.
Esther heard of this and implored
her husband to spare her people. King
Ahasuerus relented and Haman got
the axe.
Historians record that St. Patrick,
(Continued on Page 6)
Bud get Picture
Is Briglitened
ByTax Returns
$170,000,000) Surplus In
Federal Income Revenue
Colleetions Is Foresen
WASHINGTON, March 16.--0)--
Record-breaking income tax collec-
tions brightened the Federal budget
picture tonight.
The treasury announced that the
Site Is Chosen
For Hospital's
New Addition
t$400,000 Wing Planned
For Ncuro*sychiatric
Cy hildreii's I'stit(Iule
tWill et New Home
Sites for two buildings to be crected
this year as additions to the Univer-
sity's service program have been an-
nounced by University authorities.
The Neuropsychiatric Institute will
be housed in a $400,000 wing to be
added to the University Hospital, bids
for which will be opened next week.
A $95,000 structure for the Michigan
Children's Institute, to be located on
Washington Heights near the en-
trance to Nichols Arboretum, also is
to be constructed this year.
Because of the necessity of keeping
within the $400,000 appropriated by
the State Legislature last year, defi-
nite plans cannot be announced until
it is determined whether any con-
tractor's bid comes close to that fig-
ure, Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner, di-
rector ofthe psychiatric unit, said.
Projected plans, however, call for
a five-story building, 210 by 37 feet,
with pavilions 52 feet wide at' cach
end. Situated north of the present
surgery unit, it will be joined to the
rest of the hospital by connecting
corridors, Dr. Waggoner said.
The building will house 80 to 85,
patients, office and laboratory space
for the staff, a gymnasium, class-
rooms, combined recreation rooms
and sun porches and indoor and out-
door play spaces for the observation
of children's play activities. In ad-
dition there is planned a 'europath-
ological laboratory including a pho-
tographic unit with provision for
microscopic and macroscopic repro-
ductions he said.
The institute will cut clown the cost
of state care in other mental insti-
tutions through the development of
improved methods of treatment, Dr.
Waggoner said and it will also be used
to traiil doctors and nurses in the
field of psychiatry.
The functions of the institute will
include research work in the causes
of mental diseases as well as caring
for and treating patients, Dr. Wag-
goner said. The neuropathological
Prof. Dorr
Internal TVA
Strife Retardintg Conservation
Feels New Deal Enemies
Will Attempt To Take
Issue Wit I 'Planning'
Not only the Tennessee Valley proj-
ect, but Ml large scale economic plan-
ning and the entire program to con-
serve and develop natural resources
has been sadly retarded by the pres-
ent strife within the TVA, in the opin-
ion of Prof. Harold Dorr of the polit-
ical science department.
Regardless of the outcome of the
controversy between Chairman Ar-
thur E. Morgan on the one hand and
Harcourt Morgan and David Lilien-
thal on the other, Professor Dorr be-
lieves that "the political enemies of
the President will join with the utili-
ties in an attempt to make a major
issue of the principle of regional
"Hopes that Congress, in the pres-
Annual Meet
Of Educators
A 33
Se nce, Arts And Letters
Coiventiont Will Meet
in Tl Science Bailding
The 43rd annual convention of the
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts,
and Letters will open with a meet-
ing of the council at 2:30 p.m. today
in Room 4065, Natural Science Build-
ing. More than 400 educators are ex-
pected to attend the convention, ac-
troduction of a form of house tutor, unprecedented sum of $615,947,718 laboratory will be used as the central cording to Prof, Leigh J. Young, of
Quarters Arc Important was collected in the first, 15 days of laboratory for the state hospitals for the forestry school, secretary for the
"The quarters in which students March. an increase of 18 per cent mental diseascs. Academy.
live have a large share in shaping over the similar period last year The general opening session will b l
college experiences and therefore are If this rate of payment is main- ' reeptin :fora ltoday. Tmember annual
one very important factor determin- taned to the end of the fiscal year, Arcaemy, cadi member - of the
ing the kind of a job the student the treasury will wind up with about W I S) k H e Academy, candidates for member-
will do while be is here. $170,000,000 more income tax money '
Asserting that under the ire ent than was predicted in President M today at the University Museum.
ostingctdt nderm heny esent ;Roorev'lt's January estimates. This Ir. Michael 1cidelbergr of Colum- Symposiums and speeches will be
housing onditicns many studentsssWd a surplus would provide, officials inti- bia University will speak before the given on almost every branch of aca-
lived as oitcaSts, Professor Wood em- mated, a badly needed offset against medical science session of the Michi- decmic endeavor during the three day
phiasiged that only in adequate sur- the probable failure of excise taxes gan Academy of Science, Arts, and convention: today, tomorrow and Sat-
roudgsculd amaure ntele.tSul and customs duties to meet estimtes. Letters at 8 p.m. tomorrow in IoomI urday, The various sections are: an-
and social attitude be developed. Such s ucwome tax collections this month 1528 East Medical Building in a lec- thropology, botany, economics and so-
training is one f the vital services represent full payments by some per- ture sponsored jointly by thel Univer- ciology, forestry, geography, geology
college can perform; yet at the pres- sons and a quarter's installments by sity and the Michigan Departu nt of and mineralogy, history and political
ctitue many students cannot take otle ~s on their 1.9,3' income. T1he i Public Health. iclee, landscape arch~itecture, Ian-
advantage of it. I do not believe tem- .icrea refilects, officials said, the Ie will speak on "lreut (Cmiclica guage and literature, mathematics,
porary reform can accomplish much vigor of business in the first eight Theories of Immune Reactions and philosophy, psychology, sanitary and
to relieve the most vital aspect of the months of last year. Some lines were Some Practical Applications." This medical sciences and zoology.
housing problem" not scriousy affected by the recession will deal with studies he has made in Other highlights in the meeting,
Contracts Necessary until as late as November. the chemistry of antigenes and anti- besides the various speeches and sym-
In dihcussing the provisions of the Although New York City taxpayers bodies, substances used in combattin posiums which will be held by the
petition, Professor Wood insisted that contributed the largest dollar amount disease. Knowledge of the cheiiicl various sections, are: the biologists'
contracts would be necessary to se- toward the increased collections, the basis for the reactions of these bodies and section luncheons at 12:15 p.m I
cure a measure of stability, but de- bigge;t percentage gains were made in immunization is expected to hell tomorrow; the general lecture onl
Glared that the problem ought to be by the Gulf States, particularly Flor- out work in this eld to a large de- FPull Recovery or Stagnation" by Dr.
settled between the landlady and the ida and Alabama. gre. Alvin H. Hansen at 4:15 p.m.
student. " - _-----_ -
He added that it seemed likely tha~t iEr pa , M otro sw ud b etd u o a ac foe
moos d ecitdkl tlsBa lance Qf European Military Power
contract basis but that reductions in
the rent upon the part of the land -, -t
lady would -be necessary. J iI
ent session, would pass comprehensiv
regional planning legislation are al-
ready blasted. It is reported that the
President has rewritten his 'Sever
TVA's' Act, eliminating much of th
original economic plan."
Professor Dorr explained that the
dispute between the two factions orig-
inated over the matter of distribu-
tion of "surplus" power produced at
the dams built by the TVA. The issue
of government generation and sale o
power was settled in the Wilson Dam
case, when the Supreme Court ruled
in February, 1936, that the TVA could
dispose of surplus power.
In the disposition of TVA-produced
power, Professor Dorr pointed out
that "Arthur Morgan is reported to
favor cooperation with the utilities,
while Lilienthal and Harcourt Mor-
gan are said to favor further acquisi-
tion of transmission lines and direct
competition with the private utili-
He said that the idea of a govern-
nent "yardstick" to measure the cost
of power production and distribution
and thus to prevent excessive profits
by the utilities is not a matter of
great concern, since Lilienthal goes
much beyond that point. Lilienthal,
he believes, favors government owner-
ship of the electric utilities and feels
that if the private companies cannot
compete with the government they
should sell out.
At the present time the TVA is dis-
tributing power to 17 municipalities
and 14 rural cooperatives. A nun-
ber of new dams are in construction
or definitely projected which would
bring the total of power generating
dams up to eight. The dispute, Pro-
fessor Dorr said comes to this: should
the TVA sell its power to private com-
panies for sale and distribution to
consumers, or should it handle the
transmission and sale to the con-
sumer itself? Arthur E. Morgan favors
the first; Lilienthal and Harcourt
Morgan favor the second,
However, Professor Dorr indicated
that the present split is not entirely
(Continued on Page 6)
'Fast Supper'
Sale To Open
An1bulanec IDrive Begius
With Supper Sunday
Tickets for Sunday's Fast Sup-
per, at the Unitarian Church, open-
ing feature in the Progressive Club
drive to raise $250 for an ambulance
for Spain, will be sold today in An-
gell Hall and the Library.
Soup and crackers, that have been
donated, will be served at the Fast
Supper and the revenue from the sale
of tickets will go to the ambulance
fund. A service at 6 p.m., which will
include music and the reading of
poems written in Spain, will be held
in recognition of the contribution of
Michigan students fighting in Spain
for the Loyalist cause.
Pencils issued by the North Ameri-
can Committee to Aid Spanish De-
mocracy, with the message, "Give
That Spain's Children May Live," will
be sold at the ticket table today in
Angell Hall,
The Progressive Club is a'mipaign-
ing to raise $250 to pay for the engine
of an ambulance that will be sent to
the Loyalists through the joint con-
tributions of organizations in 16 mid-
west colleges and universities,
Oratorical C O test
To Be Hl T1oday
The annual University Oratorical
Contest preliminaries for sophomores,
uniors, and seniors will be held at
4 p.m. today in Room 4003, Angell
The finals will be held on March 24,
BritainPledges France Naval Aid
If Germany And Italy Threaten
°jFrench African Communications
had said that France would have no
Europe At A Glance
LONDON-Britain placed the
issue of European peace before
Hitler, calling upon Germany to
respect Czechoslovakia if she de-
sires "to .see peace maintained."
Opposition a t t a c k e d Premier
Chamberlain's foreign policy " in
bitter Commons debate.
PARIS-France promised to
maintain a "hands off Spain"
stand in return for a British
pledge of naval aid in case Italian
and German troops in Spain men-
aced Mediterranean communica-
tion lines. France delayed pres-
sure for a Spanish truce. With
Russia, she pledged to go to the
aid of Czechoslovakia in case of
German invasion.
KAUNAS, Lithuania -'T in y
Lithuania feared both Poland and
Germany might pounce upon her.
BERLIN-Hitler hurried home
to a triumphant welcome, cancel-
ling other engagements and flying
to Berlin because of the grave Eu-
ropean situation. The Lithuanian
crisis at Germany's back door,
Czech-German warnings to the
Czech parliament, and the Span-
ish War situation prompted his re-
ROME--Premier Mussolini ap-
proved Hitler's Austrian coup, but
warned that any invasion of Ital-
ian frontiers would mean war.
VIENNA--Nazi masters of Aus-
tria wiped out last traces of Aus-
trian independence; pressure on
Jews increased,
alternative" but to open her frontier
to aid Spain's harassed government
unless Britain joined her.
In Rome, Premier Benito Musso-
lini approved Adolf Hitler's absorp-
ion of Austria, but warned that any
invasion of Italian frontiers would
mean ~iwar.
Mussolini. defended Italy's acquies
cence to the annexation of Austria as
consistent with her past policy of de-
fending Austria's independence. But,
he declared, it would have been "an
historical and political absurdity" for
Austria, a German state, to have ex=
isted independent and anti-German.
Reports from Vienna last night
stated that Austria's Nazi masters had
swept away the last traces of her
sovereignty with the efiicinc~ry of a
iew 1 )rcit H
FMajor Em'1il Fey, anti-Nazi and iron
alan of the Dollfusu regime, was found
dead in his home. Beside him were
the bodies of his wife and 20-year=old
TIn London, Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain admitted that Ger=
many's seizure of Austria had shat-t
tered completely his plans for deal-
ing with Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler.
He was bitterly attacked in the House
of Commons. However, the .Prie
France, Russia Reiterate
Pledges To Aid Czechs
If AttackedBy Hitler
BERLIN, \Iarch 16.-M)-~Fears
that Germany's next move in Central
Europe would be aimed toward North-
east were expressed in diplomatic
circles here following a report from a
Germany Army source that Reichs-
fuehrer Hitler, who made a conquer-
ing hero's return today, had hurried
to Berlin because he had received
word that Poland had ,presented an
ultimatum to Lithuania, expiring late
Warsaw flatly denied that an ulti-
matdm had been presented but ad-
mitted that "certain demands" had
been made on the Kovno Govern-
German deputies in the Czechoslo-
vakian Parliament have warned that
Fountry to read the handwriting on
the wall and grant the 3,500,000 Ger-
mans some form of virtual indepen-
dence before Hitler absorbs them as
he did the Austrian Germans.
France urged Britain to join her in
some action "before it is too late." The
result was that Britain publicly ad-
vised Hitler to keep his hands off
Czechoslovakia.hIither was told to
keep his implied promrise to respect
Czechoslovakia's independence. The
French government did the same by
renewing her pledge to send armed
aid to Czechoslovakia if Germany
moved against her. The Soviets did
likewise and thereby strengthened the
pact that binds France and the So-
viets to help each other if attacked by
SRA To Hear
Prof. Dunham
Group Will Visit Detroit
Agencies Saturday
Prof. Arthur Dunham of the In-
stitute of Public and Social Adminis-
tration will lead a discussion pre-
liminary to a reconciliation trip to
Detroit Saturday to be sponsored by
the Student Religious Association, at
the Fireside Mecting at 8 p.m. today
at Lane Hall. '-
Professor Dunhaum will speak on
"T'ahe -ckround of .;ocial Agen-
cics" and will attempt to show how
the work of the individual agencies
to be visited on the trip relate to the
community as a wl:Hole. Attendance
at this meeting is compulsory for all
those intending to make the trip, and
reservations, which will be limited to
30, must be in before this time
Brroughs To 'alk
Blum Agrees To Maintain Policy
Of Non - Intervention In Spain
Austria Seen Completely Regimented By Nazi Masters
While Disturbing Rumors Circulate In Vienna;
Chamberlain Is Attacked In Commons
PARIS, March 16.-(AP)--Great Britain promised France naval aid
tonight if Italian and German forces in Spain menaced France's North
African communications.
In return, Premier Leon Blum told his cabinet France would maintain
non-intervention in Spain.
By this decision, France kept her border with Government Spain shut
to men and munitions'and dropped her plans for an immediate effort with
Britain to negotiate a Spanish truce.
That the Spanish Government appeared to have stopped the Insur-
gents' drive toward the Mediterranean, at least temporarily, also was
cited by Blum as enabling France to keep her frontier shut.
Preparations, nevertheless, went ahead to assure the security of France's
Pyrenees border as well as the freedom of communication on the Medi-
terranean, vital sea roadway of French and British empires.
Chamberlain's answer to Blum's
urgent appeal was taken to the -
French foreign office by Sir Eric Poland Denies
Phipps, the British ambassador, be-
fore the Prime Minister announced to P~ai Of
Commons that Britain would adhere senta Lon
to Spanish neutrality.
But, it was said, the armistice plan An UT i-nat ii
was held in abeyance and might be
made at any time. French officials
h o G I
29 sd Auunul lay11
32nd Annum Play
"The Miser," one of the best-known
plays of Moliere. will be givell on
April 29 in the Lydia Mendeilssolm
Theatre as the 32nd French play, pre-
sented each year under the auspices
of the French department anl the
Cerele Francais. ,
The play, which is one of the few
works of the famous rench play-
wright which is not written in verse,
deals with a money-grasping father
whose greed destroys the happiness of
his family. When his projects seem
certain to ruin the future hopes of
his children, unforeseen circum-
A new generat war threatens Eu-
role more strolmgly today than at arty
ft me since 1918, in the opinion of mostj
qualfied observers. lEvery general
stafT on the colict inent is p)rear'ilr'
for a possible eliiergen(cy, awaiting the
pressing of the mobilization button
which will once more set time armies
ar rching,
'liee yes ofthr amiitiry a rid lipjlo-
1110tic world aire focussed on -rli, a
ill dc pe'0te antic'ipation of' Iitler's
next move. The descent on Czecho-
slovakia by the new Austro-German
tReichmiweIhr may take place in a week
or a month. Sooncr or Ia er, barring
an unforeseen check on ithe Hitler
program, it ripmea s inevitable.
An examination of the mniltit 'y and
geographical situation in Europe
demonstrates the excellent strategic
position in which Hitler now finds
himself. Gormanv's standing army,
IOSt i tics, TI'llus Ihitlr'r IUas at his
rlisjposaI a tota active first-line ar-my
of 800'000, witli an active reserve
force, corrl, .lset I of lfjn .rei l 'cI ' a. "'
uw r service, of pe'lr (louble ha I
number. In 3)1 fle German Army
caught the French anod Belgian gen-
eral staffs Ii mepar'e'Ifor the 5stare
o oerat ioJ is on w icli the Marne
('<arral iir wa fought I1fl a ii'hiaic :i
nuimiber of rescu've divisions with the
fi r n-1-lie troops, thereby great ly in -
creasing the (icrGerman m uerical s m-
er'iority. A SuJN)IepleWlta ry reserve of
trained men over 35 ycas of age is
formed by [Ite Laidwehr. largely
comiposed of veterans of the World
The army of France, organized in
two separate forces, is somewhat
weaker in numerical strength. The
Metropolitan Army, composed of 25
Magiinot Line of steel and concrete
l dergroun d fortresses, is being ex-
tcudel to cover the Belgian and Swiss
as well as the Rhine frontiers. The
A Isr'-Lorrai L ic rector is also be avily
pr~t - t ed by the great fortress-cities,
of Mctz and Strassburg, while behind
thcse the powerful pre-1914 defense-
line of Verdun-Toiil-Epinal-Belfort,
wvch Q t Kaiser's aries were un-
brll- 10 erc (tr,.f e. still st~an~ds inatact:
and ready. Il is safe to assume itat
In case of war the Cermnan general
st al would France either
throl ugh Belgium or Switzerland,
neither of which will be unprepared
for the assa' l Unquestionably, the
war will be an offensive one for Ger-
many, regardless of the way hostilities
are brought about, since economic
conditions make a quick victory requi-
As for Czechoslovakia, little is