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March 15, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-15

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The Weather
Continued cold, with north-
easterly winds, possibly snow.


tA6F t ctYt


'The Life
Of F Ryie Zola,.



Spanish Letter
Was Written
Daily Reveals
Loyalist Letter Uncovered
By Times Correspondent
Found Work Of KaNe
Friends of Kahle
Help Verify Story
(Copyright, 1938, by The Michigan Daily)
A letter found by William P. Car-
ney, of the New York Times, near
the bodies of five dead, unidentified
Loyalist volunteers at Belchite, Spain,
was discovered by the Daily last night
to have been written by Harland L.
Kahle, former student at the Univer-
Mrs. W. H. Kahle, the student's
mother, said last night in a telephone
conversation from her home in Mor-
ency, Mieh., that "we haven't receiveds
any word from him at all recently.
"Friends of Kahle's in Ann Arbor had
told her, she said, that her son was
in Spain. "We think he has written
letters and that they have been cen-.
sored," she said.
The unfinished letter which Carney,

Students Greet
Coach Crisler
Fritz Crisler, Michigan's new head
coach and his new staff of assistants,
will be welcomed by the student body
and townspeople at 8 p.m. Monday
in Hill Auditorium when the Union
will sponsor "Crisler Night."
Michael Gorman, editor of the
Flint Journal, will act as master of
ceremonies for the evening.
Crisier and his assistants, Earl
Martineau, backfield coach, Camp-
bell Dickinson, end coach, and Clar-
ence Munn, line coach, will all speak
Iat the rally.
Th ne iversity's marching band
will be present and offer several
novelty numbers, and all varsity
cheer leaders will take part, in the
Crisler comes to the University
from Princeton University where he
served as head football coach. Before
he went to Princeton, he coached at
the University of Minnesota. He was
graduated from the University of Chi-
cago where he played football under
Amos Alonzo Stagg. Upon his gradu-
ation from Chicago, he was an as-
sistant coach there before going to
Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary
journalistic society, will sell booklets
containing the history of the new
coaches at the rally. Each book-

found began with "Dear Charles," and let will be numbered and prizes will
there was a reference to an apartment be given to holders of the lucky num-

at 1003 East Huron Street, but no city
was given. The writer of the letter
also revealed that he had been in the
medical corps "doing field first aid"
and "for three days I was chief medi-
cal officer in the Lincoln-Washing-
ton Battalion."j
Kahle resided at 1003 East Huron
Street, Ann Arbor, all last year while
he attended the University as a stu-
dent. He was also employed as an
orderly at the University Hospital.
Each one of four former residents
of the house in which Kahle lived de-
clared they were convinced the let-
ter was written by him. Stanley El-
dred, '41, Kale's room-mate last
year, said he had read a letter sent by
Kahle to his mother explaining why
he was going to Spain, although she
said she had nlot received one. Pre-
vious to that time, Eldred said, neith-
er he nor Kahle's parents had any
knowledge of Kahle's whereabouts
after he left school before he had
compelted his courses at the Summer
"Harland was disgusted all year,"
Eldred said. "He was flunking his
courses and he was broke nearly all
the time he was in school. Several
times he let out feelers about going
to Spain, but we always dissuaded him
from going. I do know definitely that
he sent out a letter of application for
his birth certificate, with which to
get a passport."
Owen D. Anderson, 502 E. Kings-
(Continued on. Par..2i
Student Senate
Initial Session To Debate
Report Of Committee
Students and faculty will look on
at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 316 of
the Union as 32 student senators,
elected Saturday in the first campus-
wide P.R. election, hold their initial
meeting. The body was formed to
consolidate and express student opin-
ion on campus.
Today's session will hear a report
by Director of Elections Richard M.
Sammon, Grad., on the elections and
will decide whether to accept the
recommendations laid down by the
Sponsring Comimttee. They are not
binding, and the Senate may revise
One of the surest points of debate
will center about the discussion of
campus affairs. The committee, af-
ter a week's consideration, decided to
suggest that the Senate discuss na-
tional or internation affairs as they
relate to. students.
Temporary officials appointed by
the Sponsoring Committee, will come
up for approval today. They are
Bernice Cohen, '39, secretary; John
M. McConachie '40, and Dan Suits,
'40, in charge of the office, Sam
Weisberg, '39, and Herbert Goldstein,
'39, sergeant-at-arms.
Bishop Talks Today
On Library Science
Continuing this semester's series
of pre-professional talks and discus-

( bers.
There is no admission charge for
the rally, John C. Thon, '38, chair-
man of the affair, announced yes-
Italy Subject
Of Salvemini' s
Lecture Today
Noted Historian, Opponent
Of Fascism, Will Speak,
On Foreign Problems
v -Prof. Gaetano, Salvemini, Laura de.
Bosis Lecturer on the History of Ital-'
ian Civilization at Harvard Univer-
sity, will give a University lecture on
"The Problems of Italian Foreign
Policy from 1871 to the World War,"
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural
Science Auditorium. The lecture will
be given under the auspices of the
history department.
Professor Salvemini is a historian
of international reputation and a
strong critic of Italian Fascism. He is
well-known in Italy, having served
on the faculties of the universities of
Messina, Pisa, and Florence and hav-
ing been a member of the Italian
Chamber of Deputies from 1919 to
1921. In 1925 because of his opposi-
tion to Fascism, he left Italy and
lived for awhile in Paris and London
before coming to the United States.
He has done intensive work in all
fields of Italian history and in 1923
gave a series of seven lectures on to-
day's subject at Kings College of the
University of London. He has served
as visiting professor at both Harvard
and Yale universities, and at present
is the first incumbent of the Lauro
de Bosis lectureship.
As a historian Professor Salvemini
is noted chiefly for his books, "Mag-
nati et Popolani in Firenze dal 1280
al 1295," "La Rivoluzione Francese,"
and his biography of Giuseppe Maz-
zini. He has written extensively i .
the fields of the middle ages, the
French Revolution and the foreign
policy of pre-war Italy.

Students Drive
For Reduction
Of HighRents
Campus Groups Approe
Attempts To Prohibit
Profiteering In Rents
High Rent ProfitsI
Shown In Survey
Prospects for a sizeable cut in the
price of men's rooms grew percep-
tibly brighter yesterday as backing
for concerted student action to stop
profiteering in room rents gained mo-
mentum on campus.
Spokesmen for Congress, Indepen-
dent men's organization; the Progres-
sive Club: the Union; the League.
Panhellenic Association, organization
for sorority women; and several mem-
bers of the Student Senate, newly-
elected all-campus body, voiced ap-
proval of attempts to bring about
rent reductions.
Strengthening campus support is
based upon a Daily survey of last
year's room rents which indicated
that profits for 22 approved rooming
houses selected from the approved list
averaged 10 per cent and in some case
skyrocketed to an 18 per cent return
upon the capital investment.
No Student Bargaining Power
Effective action requires that stu-
dents' bargaining power be i'estored,
several representative spokesmen de-
clared last night. "It is almost non-
existent under the present approved
house set-up, yet effective bargaining
strength is the only real lever by
which students can hope to get lower
rents and better living conditions."
"Causing the bottle neck which
constricts room rents we believe," they
said, "is the clause under which the
University requires students to sign
semester contracts in approved
houses. In the hectic scramble at the
semester's start, students are inclined
to grab anything that has a bed and
four ratherdurable walls. In part at
least this rush is due to the fact that
the University requires a permanent
Ann Arbqr address in order to reg-
ister. Afterwards other things seem
important but students are tied
down by contract."
"Rooms are scarce but their scar-
(Continued on Page 6)
Ruthven Plans
To Visit West
President Will Address
University Of California
President Ruthvendwill leave Sat-
urday for an extended tour of the
west coast during which he will visit
alumni clubs in that sec'ion, it was
arounced yesterday.
Dr. Ruthven will speak twice at the
University of California, and address
six alumni groups at Portland, Seat-
tle, Spokane, East San Francisco Bay,
Los Angeles and Des Moines.
It will be the President's first offi-
cial visit to all the alumni clubs on
the coast, although he spoke at San
Francisco, Los Angeles and Salt Lake
City in 1930.
He will arrive in Berkeley, Calif.,
one week from today, and after
spending several days there, will go
north to Portland, Spokane, Seattle
and then back to Berkeley. Later he
will go south to Ls Angeles and
then east to Des Moines. He will
return to Ann Arbor April 19.

Franco Nears
Sea, Splitting
Loyalist Spain
Doomed Soviet Plotters
Are Denied Clemency;
May Already Be Dead
Shanghai Fears
Loss Of Trade
HENDAYE, France,-At the Span-
ish Frontier), March 14.-(P)--The
massed power of the Insurgents'
eastern offensive tore through Gov-
ernment defenses today bringing
Generalissimo Francisco Franco's
troops within 45 miles of the Medi-
The important city of Alcaniz fell
before the Insurgent march toward
Catalonia and the sea, aimed at split-
ting Government Spain in two. j
The Government War Ministry at
Barcelona confirmed the Insurgent
capture of Alcaniz which gave the
Insurgents control of a vast network
of highways linking the seacoast an
the province of Tarragona with Te-
ruel and Zaraggoza, now Insurgent-
held territory.
"On to the sea" Franco's troops
cried as they swept on beyond Al-
caniz driving to isolate Catalonia to
the north and Valencia and Madrid
as a southern unit.
In Moscow, the highest Soviet au-
thority, according to the Associated
Press, had denied clemency to the 17
doomed plotters convicted at the re-
cent treason trial. Some believed the
death sentenecs already had been

Seizure Of Austria
Stirs Congressmen
WASHINGTON, March 14.-(P)-
Adolf Hitler's seizure of Austria was
the basis for arguments both for and
against the administration's billion-
dollar naval expansion program in the
House of Representatives today.
Representative Dies (Dem., Tex.)
declared that the "inevitability"' of
the worst European war in history
made it imperative for this country
to increase its naval strength.
"Hitler was able to do what he did,"
dies said, "because he was backed
up by a strong, well-equipped army."
Foes of the navy bill, which would
authorize construction of 46 new war-
ships, 22 auxiliary vessels and 950 air-
planes, expressed conviction the in-
creased naval stren~gth would be used
to involve the United States in foreign
Chapinaii Talk
Features Wild
Life Pictures
Oratorical Series Speaker
To Tell Of Adventures
In Rocky Mountains
Intimate motion pictures of Amer-
ican wild animals will be presented
at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium
by Wendell Chapman, author and na-
turalist, as the seventh attraction of
the Oratorical Association lecture
The pictures will be accompanied#
by a lecture on Mr. Chapman's ad-
ventures during the five years he

Cheering Crowds
Applaud Hitler's
Entry Into Vienna

Slosson Smoothly Slays
Quizzical Questioners
Prof. Preston Slosson of the his-
tory department has created the one
story about professors to end all
stories about professors.
He was conducting the weekly ques-
tion period in history 2. Immediately
following an opinion on the wisdom
of British concessions to German
bravado, Professor Slosson auto-
matically began reading another slip.
It read: "Who originated 'What this
country needs is a good five cent
A few nervous titters arose from
the awakened class and swelled into
a rapid fire barrage of applause as
Professor Slosson smoothly answered
the question ,tracing the phrase to
the phrase to Vice-President Mar-
shall, assistant to President Wilson.
Annual Session
Of Educator's
Convenes Here


I IV ,,* A 41A A * r - . - -- &-o - --

spent in the Rocky Mountains making JwpeMCt ' UUIAt . tiuveniuon
the films. The speaker will be in- Of Michigan Academy
troduced by Dean S. T. Dana of the Of Science And Art.
School of Forestry and Conservation.en'

carried out.
-(P)-Business men
fearful that Shanghai
position as the finan
of the Far East, tod
awaited a reply fromI
gent representatIons ag
tral Chinese Governm
eign exchange restricti
It was understood
banks here were askin
lotments of foreignE
pleading that the ne
fective yesterday, was
would lead to confusio
The real test of the ri
come Friday when the
allotment is expected
nounced from Hankow
the foreign exchange r
pected to reopen for
limited operations.

Mr. Chapman, who has written sev-
eral books on wild animals, including
" "Beaver Pioneers," and "Wilderness
'L Wanderers," contends that animals
15.-(Tuesday) are harmless if they are approached
and bankers, with care and confidence. He never
might lose her carries a weapon of any kind on his
cial crossroads trips, and has never been in serious
day nervously danger. Last fall he and Mrs. Chap-
I-ankow to ur- man, who is his companion on most
;ainst the Cen- of his jaunts into the wilderness, en-
ent's new for- countered a mother grizzly bear in a
ons. dense pine forest, but escaped un-
that foreign injured by remaining perfectly mo-
ng definite al- tionless, even when the beast charged.
exchange and A few feet from them the bear
w control, ef- stopped short, and presently returned
unwieldy and to her cubs and left.
n and delay. Mr. Chapman uses neither blinds1
restrictions willI nor traps in his photographic work,
first exchange depending solely on his ability to
to be an- make friends with his animal sub-
Pending that, jects in order to get his pictures. He
narket was ex- maintains that it is possible to gain
cautious and the confidence of even the most fero-
cious or timid of wild game if care
is taken not to frighten the animals.

More than 400 educators are ex-
meeting of the Michigan Academy of
pected to attend the 43rd annual
Science, Arts and Letters March 17
to 19 in Ann Arbor. Symposiums and
speeches will be given on almost every
branch of academic endeavor.
Chairmen of the seveial sections
for this meeting are as follows:
Anthropology: Volney H. Jones, as-
sistant curator of ethnology here.
Botany: G. W. Prescott, Albion Col-
Economics and sociology: W. J.
Eiteman, Albion.
Forestry: Prof. D. M. Matthews, of
the forestry school.
Geography Session
Geography: Charles M. Davis, of
the geography department.
Geology and mineralogy: Robert
M. Dickey, Michigan College of Min-
ing and Technology.
History and political science:
Charles W. Shull, Wayne University.
Landscape Architecture: Raymond
H. Wilcox, of Detroit.
Languageand literature: Prof. W.
A. Reichart, of the history depart-
Mathematics: V. G. Grove, Michi-
gan State College.
Philosophy: John S. Marshall, Al-
Psychology: O. O. Norris, Michi-
gan State Normal College.
Medical Science
Sanitary and Medical Science: W.
E. Bunney, Michigan Department of
Zoology: Calvin Goodrich, curator
of mollusks, University Museum of
Prof. Leigh J. Young, of the fores-
try school, is secretary for the entire
meeting. Standard G. Berquist; of
Michigan State College, is president.t
A meeting of the council will be
held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday to open
the convention and a reception will!
be held at 8 p.m. Friday.

Chamberlain Asks For The
Support Of Legislators
And Country's Citizens
Blum Ready To Use
Force If Necessary
VIENNA, March 14.-(P'-Adolf
Hitler returned to Vienna today the
master of all he surveyed.
No ancient despot could have exer-
cised more control cver a people than
did Hitler when he stoop on the bal-
cony of the Imperial Hotel and pro-
claimed to his new Pan-Germany:
"No force on earth can shake us!"
His words were a challenge and
a warning to the wide world which a
fanatically enthusiastic crowd ac-
claimed with deafening roars.
Certainly no less than a million
worshippers, probably more, shouted
"Heil! Hitler!' 'to the man who turned
from this once proud capital as an
obscure artist and came back in tri-
Frenzied throngs lammed the broad
Ringstrasse for six blocks, cheering
with a zeal that amounted to religious
fervor. Women wept because the
great leader at last had arrived.
Strange men embraced.
Standing on the balcony of his
hotel, Hitler-one face in a sea of
faces-seemed insignificant until a
huge searchlight picked him out with
a pencil of light in the dusk.
Finally he raised his hands for sil-
ence in answer to the clamor for his
voice and a hundred thousand per-
sons in the noisy street became silent.
"The German Reich as it stands
today is inviolable," he shouted, "No
one can shatter it!"
LONDON, March 14.-(P)-Prime
Minister Neville Chamberlain today
pointed Britain's manpower toward
full wartime footing to check Reichs-
fuehrer Adolf Hitler's thrusts at Cen-
tral Europe.
He bluntly rejected Germany's
sharp contention Britain had "no
right" to interest herself in Austrian
independence but failed to give any
pledge for safeguarding Czechoslo-
Speaking before, a packed and
tense House of Commons, the angular
Prime Minister, in a hoarse voice, de-
manded the support of the legislators
and the country's 47,000,000 citizens
for tremendous new defense steps
which might include everyone.
That sounded like the first faint
thunder of conscription.
Semi-official spokesmen, however
hastened to say he did not mean mil-
itary conscription was an imminent
PARIS, March 14.-MIP-Socialist
Premier Leon Bums day-old govern-
ment tonight stood ready to use force,
if necessary, to maintain-vEuropean
Blum and Foreign Minister Joseph
Paul-Boncour reassured Czechoslo-
vakian Minister Stefan Osusky that
France would take military action as
promised under the Franco-Czech
# treaty if the Nazis threatened to ex-
tend their sway to.Czechoslovakia.
Berlin, March 14.-WP)-Germany
evidently is convinced that Suedeten
(Southern) Germans in Czechoslo-
vakia can be taken under the wing
of the Nazi eagle without interven-
tion by Germany.
Such confidence apparently ex-
plained tonight how the Reich could
assure Czechoslovakia she had no
hostile intentions and, at the same
time, proclaim that the union of all
Germans under Fuehrer Hitler still
was incomplete.

Madly joyous Berlin was drained of
its luminaries as the retinue following
Hitler's triumphal homecoming to
Nazified Vienna grew.
Detroit Is Subject
Of StudyBy SRA
The City of Detroit will be the sub-
ject for study in the second in a
series of Reconciliation Trips spon-
sored by the Student Religious Asso-

Kettering Talks #Reeves Talks Today
To Physicists On Foreign Service
Cl e . Students interested in the United
Urges Closer CooperatiolI States foreign service are especially
Of Industry And Science invited to the Union Coffee Hour at
4:30 p.m. today in the small ballroom
An address by Charles F. Kettering, when Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po-l
director of General Motors' Research litical science departmen't will dis-
Laboratories, on "Scientific Training cuss the foreign service.
and Its Relation to Industrial Prob- Professor Reeves will talk on the
lems" last night climaxed the first preparation, outlook and other mat-
day of the physics-automotive indus- ters pertainent to the foreign service
try symposium, sponsored by the de- and answer questions at the meet-
partment of physics and the Amer- ing.
ican Institutes of Physics. This is the seventh in the series
Mr. Kettering spoke to a large of such coffee hours. Among other
gathering in the Union Ballroom fol- Ispeakers have been Dean Henry
lowing an informal dinner. Bates of the Law School, Dean A. C.
i Furstenberg of the medical school
Industry hasn't fuly yap cied and Prof. Paul Jeserich of the den-
physics, Mr. Kettering said, but has tal school.
rather taken it more or less for
granted. On the other hand, physi-
cists are not aware of the many - jet f .
problems, outside of the pure the- Ja es U
oretical realm, that face the man- i
ufacturer of automobiles.
It was to be hoped, Mr. Kettering
asserted, that industry and physics
could cooperate more than they have By STAN SWINTON
in the past. It is possible to do this, ; His name is Alfred Lawson; his
he pointed out, only if theoretical plan a panacea for the nation's ills.
physicists realize that in order for Latest economic Messiah to be
their research to be of any value it widely publicized, Lawson is the foun-
must be adaptable for practical ap- der of "The Direct Credits Society"
wplication. 'ihich adheres to a elan of the same

Four Ambitious Counters Plug
All Night For Dear Old P.R.

i)mic Messiahs
es 'Laws onism'

Numerous Complicaticav
Cause Jangled Nerves For
Tired Election Officers
As the first rays of Saturday's gray
dawn slanted through the windows of
Room 302 in the Union, the director
of elections for the Student Senate,
who had shed his shirt five hours be-
fore, lifted his wan face and, point-
ing to a pile of ballots, called weakly
to Assistant A, "Bring over McGilli-
cuddy ... he gets the ax next."
Staggering to his feet, Assistant A
dragged himself across the room and
returned-without the ballots. Real-
izing the effect Proportional Repre-
sentation had had on Assistant A's

counting and a barely perceptible
burst of enthusiasm escaped from the
director and his three assistants.
Six hours before, a less jaded at-
phosphere pervaded Room 302, for
then the counters were first experi-
encing the joys of transferring excess
votes, according to an incomprehen-
sible, if not secret, formula. The di-
rector determined which candidatej
should receive the vote; two assistants
recorded the transfer and the "leg-
man" distributed the ballots all over
two long tables, being scrupulously
careful to record each transfer as he
performed it.
But as time wore on, the first leg-
man collapsed into a chair. The di-
rector prodded him every few mo-
ments to keep him awake. The new
leg-man forgot to record one vote

The afternoon program was opened
by Dr. Frederick Seitz of General
Electric Company Research Labora-
(Continued on Page 6)
Films On Farmer's Plight
Appearing Here Today

ilk as those led by Huey Long, Father
Coughlin and Dr. Townsend. Sup-
posedly once a leading figure in the
field of aviation, Lawson is reported
to have given up that profession to
propagandize "Lawsonism" through
speeches and his "Humanity Publish-
ing Company."
Each Thursday Lawson expounds
his theories at 8 p.m. at 4248 Wood-
ward Ave., Detroit. No admission is
charged and regularly he draws large

money system . . . swindlers who have
robbed the American wealth produc-
ers of three-quarters of their wealth."
It "offers the following changes as
the only positive remedy for perma-
nently better living conditions and
general improvement in everybody,
physically, mentally and morally."
They include:
"Gold must be abolished as money
and everybody prohibited from using
it to pay for anything.
"Paper currency must be made the
standard of exchange and issued in
sufficient quantities for all purposes.
"Interest and all other forms of
payment for the use of money must
be abolished and prohibited.
"Control and supervision of money
mus~t be by the ovrnvm~nt _xwhn wtif

"The Plow That Broke the Prairie"
and two other movies dealing with
the problem of American agriculture

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