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March 13, 1938 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-13

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Some New Notes For Town Wear

The New 1-rk Custom Cutters'
Club held its nineteenth annual men's
style show yesterday, and the mem-
bers indulged in their usual output
of propaganda and predictions as to
what the dude of tomorrow will wear.
With the efforts to enhance the ap-
pearance of the American male we
are in complete accord, for the job
needs to be done, though it does ap-
pear to be a slow, evolutionary pro-
cess. But we are doubtful of the"
movement toward excessive stream-
lining. The ideal, it seems, is that
"cloth should lie fiat and smooth all
over a man's body," and should give
him "the finest possible appearance
of slenderness, height, manliness and
dignity." To achieve this dream, the
tailors frown upon the man who likes
to make a filing cabinet or a walking
office desk our of his coat. Indeed,
if they had their way, there would
be no inside poc :ets in coats and no
hip pockets in trousers. We prO-
dict that they cannot get away with
any such nonsense. It is un-Ameri-
can and contrary to all the instinct,
of the male.
One of the difficulties of men';,
clothing is not that it has too man'y
pockets, but that is has too few, and
that those are not large enough. I
is getting so it is impossible even to
buy an overcoat which has a pocket
large enough to carry a book. The
ordinary man, faring out into the
streets, is lost if he does not carry.
among other things, the following-
Six paper clips; two rubber bands, a
fountain pen and two pencils; a
scratch pad; a book of addresses and
telephone numbers; cards for memo-
randum purposes: a small 'derringer
or other weapon for protection; the
menu of the last public dinner he at-
tended; six boxes of paper matches;
plenty of tobacco, whether cigarettes,
pipe or cigars; a small flask of brandy
for emergencies; two extra handker-
chiefs; a little black book to write
down reminders in; a watch; a knife,
preferably one with at least three
blades; a pocketbook full of bills;
a sheaf of personal letters that ought
to be answered some time; a batch
of clippings; a good supply of snap-
shots of the members of the family.
This is only the beginning, the ab-
solute minimum with which a man
can feel safe. The prudent man will
oAr A +nntni nlkrc. 5n mal, nl iimp rf

The Why Of Cuff-Links Gets
Traced Back To Shirt Sleeves
(Continued from Page 12) y Professor N. whispered, "one can't be


Isn't It Awful,
Th ese Colors ?
Get The Straight Dope On
Them From Suzie Poo
Suzie Poo was quite frosted. Col-
ored epithets dripped from her ruby
red lips' as she told us about her ex-
periences as a consultant for men's
styles and color schemes.
"Why just yesterday," Suzie told
us, "a fellow came over to me and
asked me - can you imagine - if his
green tie went well with his blue sox.
It was just terrible, I mean, really it
But that was not quite as bad as
the case of the gay young blade who
sought to appear ultra collegiate and
sported a pair of red sox with a bright
green\tie - or the dude who was seen
with red tie and pink sox.
"You know," Suzie went *on, "girls
notice those little things, and get
pretty angry, I mean, really they do.
They like to see good color schemes
such as gray and blue, brown and
green or brown and orange."
As to general sloppiness, or what is
more politely known as studied care-
lessness, Suzie Poo was equally con-
"Men must wear garters to keep
their sox up and avoid causing a re-
vulsive feeling - also, there is noth-
ing quite so disconcerting as an un-
pressed tie, I mean, really there isn't."
Lighter Gloves
Convenient For
Cooler Weather
Gloves, like most other items of
men's dress come in special light-
weights for spring wear. Shown here
is a group of three gloves. The top-
most glove is in lightweight 'pigskin
and is recommended for driving.
The suede glove in the center of
the group is suitable for town wearJ

worsted Sharkskin
With Grayish Shirt
And Stdrch Collar
Here's a smart ensemble for town
wear, consisting of a medium-gray
sharkskin weave worsted having col-
ored overstripes. With it is worn a
grey shirt, white starched collar, and
a tie to match the overstripes of the
suit. Horizontally striped socks and
brown calf shoes on a town last com-
plete the ensemble. The outfit is
guaranteed for every type of en-
gagement in town and can often slip
in among the stiff shirts and bow ties
when the tailor didn't get the Tuxedo
back in time.
History /
(Continued from Page 8)
collar is made to stand up. A piece'
of cloth had to be removed.
All modern male hats have, it will
be found, little bows of silk ribbon
on the inside back, where the two
ends of the leather lining meet. In
some hats the bow will be a false one,
but there, nevertheless. This curious
feature was once used to fit the hats
to many sized heads before the stan-
dardized size developed.
Periodically, the "fad" of wearing
feathers in hats returns. The multi-
colored plumes are always found on
the left side. This is a survival of
the time when the clash of swords
on the streets was a daily occurrence,
and one had to be prepared. A feather
on the right side, much larger for-
merly than now, would interfere with
the flourishing blade, and often lead
to misfortune. This explanation was
popularized by Sir George Darwin.
Perforations Are Roman
The perforations in man's shoes,
so popular today, are an outgrowth I
of the Roman shoe, which was de-
signed to allow the water to pass
through when w a d i n g through
The "clocks" or arrow-shaped lines
on many of our socks originated to
hide the seams running down the
Trousers were first worn by women
in France and Scotland. They ap-
peared in France during the "Reign3
of Terror" in the late 18th century,]
which may or may not have had
something to do with the "terror."
Most every pair of gloves will have
three lines of stitching running about
two inches along the back of the
glove. They serve no purpose now.
Cuff Is Laundry Ba
These three li es of embroidery are
said to be vestiges of the time when
the stitching along the four fingers1
was continued downward, as an ex-
tension of the "V"-shaped space ob-

Smart Ensemble
For Town W


Here's a good looking combination
for tOwn wear. It consists of a spaced
stripe shirt havintg maroon stripings.
The tie has a maroon background
and colored figures. The collar is
the approved white starched variety.
For spring wear it is a fresh, crisp
ensemble fog all town occasions. '

comforting poems, recipes for mak-i
ing drinks, and a rabbit's foot. It is
up to the tailors to conform to these
demands, not for the men of America
to conform to the whims of the
tailors. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
New Pipe Styles
For College Men
(Continued from Page 11)

amount of popularity that they ,i
should. This is probably because DRUG STORES
they are not made in as attractive (
modelsas the others. For a really324SoutSate8So a
good smoke, however, it is pretty hard'
to beat a thick-caked cherry-wood.


too, a pipe is reputed to give a man f
an air of manliness and ruggedness.
The fact that women do not indulge
E (at least not in public) adds to this
feeling of virility.
A straight stem and large bowl
seems to be the most popular model
on campus this year. The stem may
'be long or short. The short thick-
stemmed pipe with thin mouthpiece
is probably the favorite.
Gne of the newer models that seems
to be catching on fast is the long
curved stem with extra large bowl.
This is known as the "church wood-
en." These pipes are, of course, not


You'll find the complete answer to "what's new"
in the show cases of our Furnishings Department-
on the Clothing Racks in our Clothing Department
- and on the Shelves of our Hat Department!

A favorite with the
Young Men-p
$5.00 and $6.00
by Malloryf.

Smart Figured Silk Ties
by Cheney
$1.00 and $1.50

$2.00 and $2.50


11 1




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