'A' t *-9 A n~ or . _ ... _ o - _. - ,~A - w p( eu B"O ;. co Ung S r-t ,z r .-,.: ,, . .T . ;. ,. , , ;: ... Sothern t yiet Forecastr New Sportsacets :,y MQiK cltON AMPEL , ..t4ou ficlkle old man. March- is soxt of~ oudoing hes lion act and cur- r ,xt sartorial fancy ,is :restricted to ??itens, piufFers,, and ear muffs, ur spring and summer styles are berg set for us right now way down yonder !n the. sunny southiands,. on. Florida beaches, and New Mexican ranchos. ,Truckloads of summery, light cloth- Ogare being unloaded into our State street haberdasheries, and with the Prst hint of spring will be displayed to a winter-tired campus. The big questi~r} at the moment poncerning informal canpus attire as "What about- the beer jacket?" fast year the duck drinking jacket was begun at Princeton and spread 1apidly to university and prep school alike. But somehow a more formally inclinedIMiehigan Gaxpus stubbornly Frefused to acept the beer jacket with full-hearted approval. Jackots Didr °I GGQ QOmer Many stuents did.wear them, it is true, and een several fraternities ordered hatches made uipwith their §eal qn, ,the breat pcket. But the beer jacket never even approachd the heights of popularity it enjoyed. in other universities, chiefly the style- setting eastern ones. MSo this ear the qlestion is a prominent one. Men want t know if the stores and factories are going to force the jackets on them by . not turning out _anything that mightbe a substitute, or will they for once create a supply to 'meet the demand. Jacket producers and haberdashersj have long protested against the shod- 4y beer jacket, claimed they wereof- fensive, sloppy, ani not, very popular.' It has been our sage observation, how- ;ever, that this pentiment was insti- ; gated by mercenary motives. Therej is not ,muh,prfit to, be iaaoe in the modestly priced beer jackets- a strong reason for t eir overwhelming popularity. Be that as it 'may this spring will see rthe.substitution of< the' dressier bush coat for th beer jacket. Formerly Expensive Affairs - The bush coat as formerly an expen- ' sive affair used chiefly for golfing, hiking, corntry x Mot''n and similar rough wear.. Tis winter .however;1 complete bush suits, in wshable cottons, in off-whites and egg shell; , appeared on Florida beaches The suits are light, extremely com-t fortable-dnd smart-looking, and are moderat~ely, priced. Chiefly jacket as been brought north for campus wear, although the complete suits are avail- aPle. A heavier windproofed and' waterproofed bush jacket, for, early spring, worn with woolen, gabadine, or flannel slacks, and the universally favorite saddle shoes will. present a ° very popular outfit. aA jacket of the lighter ,fabric will;r b~e more suitable for later'spring: and summer. It. will especially appeal to those who objected to the offensive- beer jacket, and will also meet the fancy of men who are tired of loud sport jackets, and who wanted something mnore informal, yet would hardly wear beer jackets.f The'bush jacket Is very ressy, has four patch pockts , a sip riing;belt ,,c and open swaggr bottpm. It comest in mackinaw or j ket length in. sev- ' eral colors and. fa Jics.r Th~,E~~ Assurbiipal Ws Cdri"'ua1 Joe, Cole , ou>s , ,ng In Seventh Century; .C. Sardanapalus, of Greek legend, Was arler .of I inee, _W(hse, (eca t reign camne to a tragic close. Sur- rounded by enemies, he collected* his wives and treasures around him and, setting fire tq his-palace, perished in the vast conflaration. The hist oeA urin-pal (to give him his real.naie) was a great As- syrian king o4,the 7th century B.C. At the ti the p 'p and circ ' stance bog thePa~a .astern world was at the gJ trig peak of its mag- nirficenpe , The ri 3ers #, Ninevab, Tyra, Bp~Pior~ia, aud ~ypt aadorne their razipzent wtA,., ew0es of greaw value- an -selpm Wen ufo h without v~ vt retinue of'handsomely arrayed retainers.Si, -Thiezir.ha ue a Lr fest mere of untold x umber-,and, 4escrLbablo lux- ury. znong al} teet~ili~t figures npne wa ,, a greatrr leaver of wuorn- mrenit than isslr bpal ., je also had a eAtho l r .G~r4x'sr iistry and dtligenstly ,coflleeted. tablet$. -rcording the k ppe~igs iM iW linfcom. To- day this ioa tof ~ormiAton which he a seinisle4 f gn,9 f or chief sources of knoawledg~e of thse times. Another -d4dy t -rein many cen- turies lter ,wasT Xh~rl IL of Eng- land, about: wJnmShakespeare wrote his m~gni4fet play. Richard has been dgsribe > as he. greatest fop who ever- eccupae~i an,, ,glish throne, not barring t11hat .e1 rated1 beau, George IV.-? i za a ;#iard was tal and handsombut ey effeminate and he quite fazied to fulfill the prom, ise shown, w ien -as .boy, he faced Wat Tyler and ~r els. Had $IC; Gat The young ,kl~gx sen huge sums1 on clothing an& k o}t4 of his coats, embroidered wia~-gld and precious stones, was valud at 20,000 pounds At today's value t1* i roughly $100,. 000, but the sum-, ja those days rep- resented an equivalent of five or six times that, aiont. < The slweves of hs coats were so long- and, exaggerated that they often ' traied* on the ground, and the long pointed toes of his velvet shoes were so, elongated .that they were fastened to his knees with,,goden chains. Fae. Interveness.,_.._: This outer-fashion for which he was largely. responsible was an in- .novation much favored by the cour- tiers of France ;and England as well as elsewher~e on the coi4ient. It wgs to him that Cl ucer ' eaered, when ,he Wroe, aaint ,.'t~e sUper fluittee of clothing trailing in- the ,mire and the waste of cloth in van- itee.7 *The extravagances of _hs. reign met their just deserts and Richard II lost his throne at the age of 34. POCKET WA TCHES RETURN Although lots of men still prefer' wrist watches for many occasions, ,they are adding pocket watches to =their wardrobe. Incidentally, the only correct watch with evening dress is °the pocket-, watch}{ A WV.4ch. of this type should be worn with a smart new chain. and a neatly made knife Shirts ThisS ~A.Airy _, ; -,_ x t.~B4A i4~h T ue: is thQ-e phrase . ,that , clothes make the man, but, truer: is ,.he less com'monly. known phrase that, shirts, make, the clothes., A. shirt, can turn an old. suit .intro a: smart. outfit.- Butt a. poorly chosen. shirt pan ruin- an entire. outfit. -Need I go :any further than offer, the -ex- ample :ofr.-black., shirt worn wit-i a, 'blue suit;? pt the samne * black shirt worn. with, a white sunmmer .:suit,. and with a -white Lie,t although, a., little severe- anid, extrew~,. is sti4 ~never;thq- less, ; opnsidered. good style,, Arid a white soft collared, button down, x- if9rd. shirt with. a brown or reddish :tie m~akes an extremely ,snl9th outfit, even wi th; the dark blue suit,. There is. -noting- mnuch neater, for these1 conservatively inclined, than just that outfit f Ishedf off' with a buck all- white sh oe,, With a;.thiclc red. rubber sole. But the proper. shirts must be known. 14, t, Spring Shirt This spri}ig shirt, will be light. Lig~ht in ,both colo~r and cloth, 'They will be made :of light Madras, :and Tlwill Blreeze, :and porous Oxfords. These. fabrics are 'nQt so:: light that they will not hold, form or will stretch, but. ar e light enough to. be cool and comfortable.{; A two-ply Gr enadimne promises to be the most successful of, these materials. .This haardy, cloth will be, the fa- voritc of men. wh'o like a touch of so iethhzg differen~t intheir cdress,, 'the =other textiles will be used in the regular spring shirts,, which will range from Belmont- collars, and medium wide spread collars, worn with, a pin, to ,the modified and. buttonless trub- enited Kenits, which,;look more: like tabless tab collars...; But -.for the man who-;calls for something .ifferent, for the. man with nerve and verve- enough to- wear his clothesas$-he,- likes -them, it is:-the two-ply..Grenadine - shi rts, in eyery .'pastel shade, that will be his favorite. ( Pastels Fascinate, There :J. s onethluig ,-..,ascinating .-about.. a pastel. It is,.there, n Gab- .d~ine gaa-rment, :and, it there in a f feldi_ of fresh sniow.- It is something lzn4escribabie----the ,solidness, -of ..the dolor and the shade that. is,,aehieved.' 4 ,pearlygray, Ar a smo oth buff, looks extremely smart under a new, very popular camel's hair. .sport jacket. To lbe: properly appreciated this shirt must be seen and, they are on display in the better,, town haberdasheries. , F or- early, -spring, however, and for those cQserrvative.,dressers who would rather not blossom out.-in bush coats; -... .. WillBe lghft - - -What ToW4 W M To7 Wea i~Men's ( - ______A, Evenin 4-..... -- - ---. , !"}al -;oryg possibly rstnls a- bit NeatStries NliUk is a comparat eysipi tas hi hMer i inhe soc~ial scale: than l T h is S eaforoan style o m ~tenta4or to relieve odia r6 n; f :r evening o This easo l of alotji Y Mis. bot sion4:that ofq course, afterth veatitclthe, ksuh °s vst arJbp, hats,. hl' re so few and faj Ia g pants. a 'e, fuller ,e s le.; tv er .Btit '.fne is no~t afraid o clean, clear, fresh an(1 -peat, ,h~1fJe:'bProader .wd so ;on. 9, wv,,eie i +:ah~ 4 fla h~ ~likes, he -may have strpes, ad e ii An - ,lor t~he" a age jnis peh.nxtzirng;tisumi4 probably will, but the, stripes wil;-e .x~t as~,o lpested, i phW 1- Zi ~ihe~-~~mgtams'sy utmrf Sneat, and' not clustered.- The stripes-can;,.bum . iii,,the tii . ,o ,eexixgg -AyrmeolteiharWe .may be single, double; :triple, or even clps, -as ow .muh ; ar glby 'uIrestie antop" phiece. }r quadruprle, but they,:will :be. simple' w tpt inthe. line fve eiig lthes.Toctnuorngfmth o like the British stripes- :of a few sea- The casual obe'=4V onuteobserverntsta m sons baick. -- -_ n etac o ho4~*P nion ;pairof ~black 'yshoes will do for n For/ordinary"aferoo s.'u- wh'en-a formal is in',progess inside,. 'fo znal :occasiqns provided they areosi ,gy sh s or b mnessrand eveningt attire, 'the raither, will-notice:. n ~-ot mcssn, gmsoso e 3Along .three-inch point:.olar: w-4iep lra c;o bre p -roomsippers:;.,,-.Patent leathers are, worn, with theprevioifsly z et~'a- ,cost apd 'overcoats -worn with tux-. according t v $td street, -the. -ac meiu id pead;Thi colar .edp- 'a"°s eeptedot-cvering-for evening wear, Wmedlt al m w"qide ea. Tiza t , the bIxi.in te} tand ,but in' prailte it usually- seem~s, that make of a ;shirt,'For" thoe. o;arAptetsus nl fq-~ pticularfyia Dient o we *ning Wear,,A have +a tendency. to re - --lar and find. Ahl ir i'-'- 0 4tds'~~tth 'mtii tb',sa AhieWch.i 4:}Hin,' 1hot - weather " a ~u ' h~ pe ri.a ° n aray true ,of .the feet, with th stachbio e qui aht ;the- average but 'ehaps erzos ~embl idtht mstAbo- lz ork 1der',-a' dou e~ e n h vexcept a 'sidke l, seve ~h ci pWhen liee ssays the' i hi * -BUutton-lnd~StZill1 rt89 Y:.p f str eenaleP i button-down colla- will a~u'rp agag ' a o ~ ~ ~ ~ X tl~Qb ild, thisty,: eo.gsao; - ~ ~ u~ ytheIhv .. Y- have the-'dd'd- wt thocmi se ecan:' So V1al dItf be-n g 'day to stockyuphe e tndon'--, 'A or moe- yarsv,'Jeyae ot-iedbn vtaligten4ri fn ee Hcliu Itiswit ae, at' infe4'xats e 1 ftatin tanw ~~i d~ms ~- an Grndn hrs n hm W~t 't:hs,,mary' mhaiito ao 'thilygit ~--- ~:- are a ra tc fnwsrn hrs~wI tteoqlrs' ck.u rrt~ ufft ndow pr-- toboad suoeitutie comt e epArt ozla, .4shrs. Wih..e" c_,t-ss--eso -' or eea, h riay hrsti cmin onre yesn wiJ}}hl4I ~o~b eo}fe in e sprig wll ie an~oo nd-o their pratical,, comfoabl~ e shirts.~'- desdmi wllw a shrst t r the whit jp clla-colored body shirts {z4 # w1-- - whc so- - - 'me to -delight., . +, ._., ,- P " y '. i ' y , , t, , .r A F= S '. : ' 'l t , x j i , }' t d ' .' 9: .. ,( 1 . . Stocks. Are In Vogue More and more men are favoring stocks of colored foulard silk or cash- meres fot wear with odd jackets andl slacks or country 'suits. It is very easy to, learn. how to tie one of these and they may;.. be worn in place of- collar and tie: with -a neckbiand shirt in the county. -Horsemen bhave favored this type of neckwear. forA many years, but re- cently a taste, for, stocks has beets shown by country- gentlemen. for 'all types of wear. - ,x2'..T .. - '; - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , -A .. .. . 1 .t .. . - ,~ - --------- A - WI' '1 - t4 A , y - ~- - signifies cell that s ~ew in clotI-r ondfurnish- ihgs for. meh. They have been khob'h for years for:'tFheirt sV 1 . ad s~ices in producing quality me~rchandise at redaboi be prrices. 4. , - -A d-nethPd' of wieaving supply the' wtorld demartd-'for .the best, go into