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March 12, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-12

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. . ..... . ...... ......... . .... ......... ...... . ..A.. ...Y.

Mass Induistry
And esearchi
Indus~4tr'y 'SIighting Sceiene
gays P'hysicist; To Talk
At Caoinin1g__SNynposiuml
Concentration on in as', product ion
by the auitomnobile induistry arid tb?
preo0ccupation of physicists vwith their
prog rams of research, har maintained
an~ effective ba,:rier to the coopera-1
> ion between the two, Prof. Ora 1,.1
Duffendack of the physics department
swirl yesterday.
Professor Duffendack was mainly
responsible for the program of the
Physics Symposium to be held next
Monday and Tuesday. at which in-
durstrial leaders wiil discuss the re-
lation of physics to the automotive
industry. Working with him on the
program are Prof. Harrison M. Rai-
dali, head of the physics department,
and Prof. Floyd A. Firestone, also of
the physics department.
In the past, physlc;sLs have not
givwi much consideration to the prob-
lems involved in automobile produc-
tion, Professor Duffendack said. They
h-ave been'concerned with fundamen-
tal research in atomic and nuclear
structures. As a result, very few men
in this field are now connected with
the automobile industry, even in re-
search laboratories.
The industry,on the other hand,
he pointed out, has concentrated all
its attention on production and has
not seen, the need for physical re-
Now that physicists avo3 ready to
apply their research discoveries to
practical developments, and the auto-
mobile indlustry has more or less ex-
hausted production methods, Profes-
sor Duffendack asserted, they are
botna, ready to assist each other. This
twofold readiness has been the lead-
ing factor in the attempt at bring-I
ings the two into closer union.
Physics can be of practical use to
the industry. in many ways, it was'
pointed, out :
1. Development of better alloys
for tensile strength and hardness.
2. Perfection of better* material
for presses.
3. Solving important problems of

A 'Iiighit-Ilaiid' 7Ma(n.1Gone JWrong

' rA f--n u trl *'-1.(IIC n lc
To Shalpe -t Ieid', Says FHandinanll
(10 Inline ic "I tStll considered itself as composed of
American citizens first and laborers;
-"o 11 p c t i iv e S yv' 5C11,5~ second, and until a few years ago
W ile Ali ' 'E',leu"+ It was opposed to any form of state ac-
I Lion with respect to security against
I ALBERT P. IMAVI() unemployment or old age, because
Th uestioning of the competitive, that would b2 "class legislation."
,wtem by industrial-unionism and Instead it asked for wages high
the acceptance of that system by1 enough to carry it over for periods of
.,raft unionism may be the crucial I unemployment or old age.
fact in determining labor tren~ds in '"Both because of middle-class pride
the near future. Prof. Max Hand- and becau;., of mistrust of govern-I
mlan of the economics department me'ntal interference--a middle-class!
says in a recent article in the Ameri- attitude-it preferred to fight its own
can Journal of Sociology.j battles in strictly economic terms,"

IDeclines To Ansiwer

S Ipring Paigrley
Group Meets
E xceutivr C(olnucte Anal
The continuation group of the
Spring Parley will meet at 3 p.m Sun-
day in the Leaguc. Executive commit-
tee members and the faculty advisary
committee will gather to discuss plan 7
f or the Parley.
The executive committee consists
of Bartiara Bradfield, '38, Charle3
Dolph, '39, Ralph - rlewine, '39.
Douglas Farmer,.'38, James Ham-
mond, '40A, Saul Kleiman, '39, Ruth
Kraft, '38, Alberta Wood, '40, Leon-
ard Rosenman, '39, Bernard Weiss-
man, '39L, Robert Weeks, '38, Ed-
ward Magdol, '39, and Joseph Mattes,
The members of the faculty ad-
visory board Are Prof. Robert C.
Angell of the sociology department,
Prof. Wilbur R. Humphreys of the
English department, Prof. Charles F.
Remer of the economies department,
Prof. Warner G. Rice of the English
department, Prof. John F. Shepard of
the psychology department, Prof
Jean Paul Slusser of the drawing and
painting department and Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson of the history depart-
Read The Daily Cl assi fied s

Once right-band' man to Stalin with whom he's shown years ago,
Nikola Bukharin (right) defended self against accusation that in
1918 he wih!-ed Stalin's assassiixation. Buklarin. one time chronicler
of the Sto.viet revolution, charges exiled Trotsky with being real leader
of anti-Soviet ];lots,
! "ha's omg' CretCampu~s
Unofficial KeyholePublicationl
Similar Paper l" rennIiaIllyj a new "What's Doing' pr ovides spice
f or those interested.
Ap-parsDisplaying Acs The original "What's Doing" was
Gossip, Laughs, News printed, appropriately, on yellow stock
_________end put out by a local figure known
)iv srAN SWhINTObN as "The Count." A federal employe

Pr ofessor H andnan, who is on!r?rofessor H-andnman says.
leave from the Uniiversity, states in The. inucstial unions do not wish
the article that the struggle between Ito do away with the competitive sys-
tehe AF of L and the CIO is the strug- tm but wish to have equality in
Igle between a middle-class ideology bar-gainin~g with employers by having
and a new "distanctly labor-class ide- the state throw its weight into thej
ology of the mass production work- balance on the side of labor, he con-
er's." tinues.
The craft unions tend to look to This procedure would mean logical-
economic means to accomplish their ly an inevitable drift of the statej
ends; the industrial unions think into the hands of labor or its spokes-
that economic means alone put la- men he believes, a position which
bor. at a disadvantage and hence is not altogether untenable if the
look to the governzment for assistance, brain workers in production are con-.
Professor Hindman says. sidered. But it is a position in which
"The former thinks of itsef as a there is no place for mddle-class po-,
respectable middle-class group which, litical parties or even collective bar-
after a prolonged struggle to achieve gaining.
a certain amount of success, is now in, However, there is little likelihood
danger of being weakened by the in- of any such extension of state activi-
trusion in its ranks of a group of low- ty, Professor Hindman believes. He
grade American and foreign ele- thinks that the state will continue ini
menits, irresponsible and uncontrol- its role of impartial arbiter, and that
'lable. the most that can happen is political
"The latter thinks that it is more action through the present political
realistic in its approach to a situation! parties, "for as long as the solid
where there is no room for middle-I South exists as a political entity
ground compromises with the coin- ther'e can be only two parties in
petitive system," Professor Hanciman America."
states.- --
Hitrcly esyc tuin ism saw no necessity for political ac- Assembly. Ball lDraws
tion "except for occassionally recruit-!
ing friends' or labor when the law 4-00 Cou'ples To League
might be invoked against organizedI
labor and particularly in the case of {c tnz ~z Fes
injunctions and strikes." Schmnoyer, '38SM. Miss Icheldinger,
Craft-union laoh exlidwho was the breakfast chairman.

Carl Ros~s (above), sccreiary of
the Young Communists League,
Inc., refused to terll the Senate Ed-
ticatien Ce mmittee whether he
would "bear arms wnder the flag
of the United States against the
red flag of the Soviet Union," He
said the question was "preposter-
ous." Ross, 24, said he was born.
in Hancock, Mich:., graduated from
high school at Superior, Wis., and
now lives in New York City.

.._ _ _ _ __ I

Mix rather superficialiy one mneas-
tire of scandal, a soupcon of informa-
tion, a few laughs and as much ad-14
vertising as possible.I
That's the recipe mo an "unofficial";i
campus, publication. Found on al-,
Smost every campus. they have been1
especially popular at Michigan. Few;
.-tudents here now remember "Diag-
onal," writtern by the Daily columnist
"Barton Kane." After that came
"What's Doing," longest-lived of them
all, and next "Censored." At present,

he dropped into town only occasion-
ally. One day the printer, who was
delegated to edit copy handed in by
stooges, let something through which
offended the University. Wisely, the
Count put out no more issues.
The present "What's Doing" was
conceived by four sophomores. After
a week, however, two thought better
of the idea and quit. The other pair
arc kstill putting the publication out
sPoradically, L ast week offices werel
icented next door to the "3121" In-
formation' Servicoe in Nickels Arcade.
Leg itimatized, "What's Doing" hopes
to become a regular and money-mak-
ing_ affair .in, the future.
Local advertisers are the ones who

ti Meals...0
7 ~for the PARTICU{
Highest Quality F
Served with Ut
Care to insure
and Tasty Satisfac



ction !

LevI l No -t~hi."s

. ,An understanding of ignition-" ~' make "unoflncial" magazinies possible.I
combustion problems. I Half because they do not swish to of-
5. Application, of research data to N ew, source materials in the leg al ;fend the student solicitor and half
measurements. history 'of Michigan and other states because they are genuinely convincedl
6. Spectrascopic study of rubber. carved out of the original Michigan that the ad will be of value, they uas-
-7. Highway illumination. Territory arc now available inl the unally pour about $45 to $.50 in cash.
Practically all of these relations second set of two volumes of the{ and due bills in'to the 'onltemlporarly
will be discussed at 'the symposium, "Transa-ctions of the Supremxe Court ".What's Doing's" coffers. Of this
ivlaJhbwiJl be heldi in Hutchinis Hall of the Territory of Michigan," writ- lhJf goe;s for expenses, anid the two
and the Union, and which will be1 tenl by Plrof. William. W. Bluine. of 'lie I stu(lcnts split the rest.
open to the public. iT 1 w School, ,0X1,j( ) 'vas lihlilhc by; A typical issue of the magaine con-
the nixi'~'ii ofMichganPresC - rt gins eight pages. A "person of the
SOIIh ENGINE RS TO MEEK' J terday. week" feature, a long gossip) column,
There will be a meeting of all soph- Covering the p~eriod from 1814 to I a page of movie chatter to insure ad-
omore engineers in 348 West En- 1824, these volumes continue the work vertising frome that source, a "Julia's
gineering Building at 5 p.m. Tuesday, which was begun in 1935 with the first Jaunt" Column to plug advertisers
March 15, according to Markham S. two volumes of the series which reCp - nd candid photos are included.
Cheevcr, '40E, chairman of the jacket resented the years 1805-1814. Calen- Material is gathered by the pair
commt tee. ?- Bars of cases, journals,, opinions, lists who put the magazine out with co-
_.._-------- of attorneys, admissions to the bar, operation from stooges-those stu-
naturalizations, court rules and many dlents who always know something
other similar maltters; are containedr they're hit dyinag to see iii print,
in thes'e volumes. Hitherto the nec- If it is like its predecessors, "What'sI
_ c rds of Michf!anr's first Suprczee Do)ing" will pass froml the campus
- ~ Court it- e bit , a zaobtainaJb(ie 11I'-cca fter a year or two---to be re-
print. I dci . almost inevit ably, by another
s ; - -- - _o bcia I ]p'1 ilication pandering 'to
," ive ' " (1ok'i's (lesire for gossip about
i a iudH YA T G Q'' 3 1 c' Popzle %vwomhe probably doesn't
I A I lxlow anywtay,
ASp~;a il iesta to arais wazow'cy R a o i
PO SITIOS KwalH ollo for an ambulanxce for Loya list Spain!9%OAMhw C
will be sponsoredI by the Progressive
YOUNG MEN Club and otherc liber-al organizations; Luntcheont
Saturdlay, March 26 in the 1coaue i
Accountancy Ballroom.
Butsiness Administrationl Dncin-wit musc byBillSaw.
waokepngIyr's orcheta, two Spanish (lancersi Sunday Dinner.
5 ccretaxial from D If:trogit, anrd anl exhibition of
Civil Service ', utter color ,will be p~ant of the er-
I-ugh School and colleg~e tefl aininent provided. The exhibition i U N I Y ERSI
graduates who desire posi- :will be operai both it) the aafternoon and
tions with a future. in Bus- evinanwllbfictoloc 615 r ast Willian
imess, can qualify here ini tending the dance.
minimum time, at reason- ; --- - - - - - - - - -_____________

I j royal blue and gray. Her accessories
IDAILY OFFICIAL were pink. Ellen Cuthbert, '39; pub- f
BULLETIN caima, or aflowered chif I
L fon re issteoerayellowtafa
foi'mal. Ms Cuthbert was with
Irom Kenneth Wingrove, Jr. of Ypsilanti.
(Ccauflt from Page U4) Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the
Sermn b Th Rev ThmasI~.League, was present in a gold net
Harr~s. Igown ov-er a taffeta slip of the same I
Harri('0101'. The full skirt had a bronze
I velvet band ar'ound the bottom. Miss'
Harris Hll~l: There will be a cele- la'wgatne ihTueTn
bi'ation of the Holy Comimunion Sun- Ine.'8 aretSakeo,'8
day morning ill the Chaipel at 9 am. peieto ahlei.wr
with bareakfast follow .x. 'her'e will w, . rn cifni iebu
he an Episceopali, iuudcnt Fellowship E andl white. Douglas Fanmner, '38, was I
mxeeting in t)Ie ll1 at 7 o'clock I lher escor't. Helen Jesperson, '38,
Sunday evening. The speaker' will be jpresident of Assembly, was at the
the Rev. Thomas L. Harr'is of Phila- dan with Ted Miller-, ' 913Ad. Her
delphia. This meeting is open to dress was of black net tr'immed with
the public. I patent leather.

DELICIOUS TASTY FOOD that melts in your mouth!
Complete Dinner.. . 1/2 Spring Chicken or Turkey 75c
Our Stock of WINE is Complete: Greek, German,
French, and American.
Our Candy is fresh daily. Try some and you'll agree
that it isn't "just candy."
S UG A R "BO '0-W L
HI South Main Street


Trinity Lutheran Chur(:h, corner'
of Williams and Fifth Ave.'Srie
at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by Pastor H.
0. Yoder' on "Selfishness-With Al
Self Sacrificing Son."
Lu~theran llStudent Club )will meticl
in Zion Parish i.ll Sunday at 5 ::301
p.m. The Itev. Norman Menter of
Salem Lutheran Church, Detroit, wvill
be the speaker. Every Lutheran Stu-
dent and their fr'iends are cordially'I
invited to attend. The Student
Choir will meet a t 4 p~im.

Ir f ..

p Jlt r
i, '


1M '

*. 11:15 _ 1:30
* 5:15 -7:15
*.12:30 R-2:30
Art - Phone 9268

Office Machines
Civil Service
Our specialized tra inig,
supl)l e nenting your high,
school or college education,
will create a demand for
your services.
Our Free Employment De-
partmient contacts leading
emnployers regularly. Many
calls for graduates were re-
ceived last year. Students
receive employment assist-
ance without added cost.
New students may enroll
any Monday. Advancemnt
is individual. Personal in-
struction s u p p I c m enui,
classroom work.
Write, phone, or call for
literature giving complete
information on courses, tu-

Eas t, University and Oa-kiand 1)ia! 3779,-
1.>r, Ber nar-d Heller, Director.
3::30 -P.M. Avukab meeting.
5:30 P.M. Cost Supper.
13:00 P.M. Forium. The speaker is Pr'of. John
S. Shepar'd. Hfis topic: The Psychology of
Escapism and Rtealisib.
'109 Sou~rl-ri I)t isioii Stifvrl -.
F crra4iiy n 10111 lg servic~es at 10 ::;Oaii
dacy schiool at 11:45 a.m.
1,' v(,, public riiading 100015 at '206 Ea£st, 1)-.
1432 Waishteiiaw
R ev. W..11. L.emn, t), Ministcr.
1{ lizabet Ii ljinbach, Assistant,
E. W. Doty, Or cani >t and Choir Director
10:45 A.M. "Demons and isp;ositions."
Second of a series on "Moderns and Mir'-
acles" Sermon by the minister. Student.
5:30 P.M. t'WAstinsterGuild supper and(
11eetinhr;. The discussion groups onl TI-ic
Applicatilon C)f Christian Principles -- In
'-nterpr-eting Events of 'Today; In Getting
Along With People; In Men andi Women Re-
lat ions, andi In Business and Professions
will be continued. A fift-h group xtil11 also
meet on Ba;sic Principles of Christiian ty.
' M issouri oSyiiod)
l jibert~y at1,Third
Crt lA. Brauer, Ministerf
9:30 A.M. Anniversary Service in German.

Stalker H-al- -_-Student IHeadquarters.
State Street between Washington and
.9:4,5 A.M. Student class at Stalker Hall.
{ 10:40 A.M.- Worship service at the Michigan
'Theatre. Dyr. C. W. Brashares' subject is
"Chaniged Lives."
6:00 P.M. WesleRyaii Guild meeting and felI-
lowshiP sui ocr at Stalker Hall, ,Jane Dinec-
haart, Aine Schaeffer and Douglas Mac-
Naughton will present short talks.'These
will -be followed by a communion service
which will be conducted by Dr. BIrashares.
432 South 1 ourtli Avenue. Dial 71140
TIheodore Schinale, Pastor.
,):00 A.M. German service.
9:30 A.M. Sunday School.
10:30 A.M. English Service. Topic: "Ques-
tions We Must Answer."
XEtst William Street at- gouth, F1ifth Avcut
He-nry 0. Yoder, Pastor.
10:'30 A.M.. Church Worship.
Sermon, "God Answers through the Cross
of Christ-Selfishness with a Self-Sacrific-
inig Sone.
Appropriate Lenten music by itle choir,
5 :30 P.M. Lutheran Student Club in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall. The Rev, Norman
Mentelr of Salem Lutheran Church, De-
t roit, will be the speaker.
512 -East Huron.
Rev. R. Edward Savles

I 1


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