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March 12, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-12

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Board of Editors
SPORTS EDITOR.....................IRVIN LSAGOR
Business Department .
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexander G. Ruthven.
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Hail o CantIon
And Enderbury .
the news of last week-end was a small
note stating that President Roosevelt had, by
Executive Order, laid claim for the United States
to two tiny islands, far out in the Pacific, de-
scribed by the order as "Canton Island, an atoll
of coral formation, 50 to 600 yards wide surround-
ing a lagoon about nine miles long" and "also
Enderbury Island, 2.5 miles long and one mile
The sole reason for these claims, according to
Stephen Early, President Roosevelt's press secre-
tary, was for developmerit of commercial aviation
not for war purposes.
England has claimed the islands for over 100
years and some time ago a group of New Zeal-
anders settled on Canton, founding a radio
station and a weather observatory. But the In-
ternational News Service reports that a U.S. coast
guard cutter has set out with a "colony" of four
Hawaiians for each island who are supposed to
clinch American claims. Officials said that a
clash was possible but not probable. It is ex-
pected that the claims will be arbitrated with
England withdrawing in our favor.
However, the issue is much broader than a
question of two tiny islands. Claims to other
islands in the Pacific are in prospect, according
to the New York Times, in a broad move which
if carried through successfully may mark the
greatest overseas expansion in America history.
The most significant aspect to some observers
is that this is a principle on which may be based
the claim to all of the lands in the Antarctic
viewed by Commander Byrd, estimated to be
about 450,000 square miles. Claims to the very
regions where Byrd established his Little Amer-
ica base were advanced by England in 1923.
Other claims to the Antarctic have been put for-
ward by Germany, Argentina, Russia, France
and Norway.
The principle and the precedent thus estab-
lished is one of expansion at government expense
but for the benefit of private companies. We
have already seen bad examples of this. We need
not even go back to 1898 when we grabbed the
Spanish insular possessions. Pan American Air-
ways with its China Clipper service is one of the
four largest investors in China for which the
United States must provide protection.
It is dangerous to insert this "jingoistic" spirit
of nationalism into our people in a period such
as this. Our navy bill is large enough now with-
out adding any new little coral reefs to those
we already have. 'There is now in process a
ransacking of old shipping records, particularly
in the New England area to see if claims to other
islands can be discovered. These will merely
be additional places to protect over our Hawaiians
(about 20), the Aleutians (over 75), American

Samoa, the Philippines for still a few more
years, Midway, Jarvis, Howland, Baker, Palmyra,
Christmas and "dear old Guam." Now, however,
it will not be doing or dying for dear old Guam.
We may do or die for Canton Island, an unin--

For the 987th time someone wants to know
what do we think of swing. Do we like Tommy
Dorsey? Do we like Benny Goodman? DO WE
LIKE SWING?-the latter being one of those
questions where you're damned if you do and
damned if you don't.
Well, we don't.
Now, having thus put our root in it all the
way up to our teeth, we might equivocate in
academic fashion and say that we do and we
don't, but mostly we don't-but then it's not
worth quibbling about. We might also becomej
involved in a definition of our definition ofl
"swing," but then no one would agree with our
definition and our disagreers would in turn
disagree with each other. So what? So we will
mean what we mean to mean by it, and our
irate readers, if any, can think what they .
(censored) please.
Now don't get the idea we have any highbrow
notion about swing being a sacrilege to "owah
aht." Anyone whose art is so fragile that he
has to defend it from Benny Goodman doesn't
have much art in the first place. And anyone
who has elaborate, pedantic theories about what
is sacred or not sacred in art has only a per-
verted love for it at best. History proves too
unceasingly the folly of those who try to lay down
hard and fast rules about what is and is not
permissible-in music more than in any other
art, because it alone among its sisters is still
in the process of developing a technique.
Some Claim It's Legitimate
Too, there have been some elaborate theories
leveloped pro swing's acceptance as a legitimate
musical idiom as well as against it. Where
theories and clairvoyancy are concerned we
willingly leave the floor to the experts-self-
termed-and fall back on our own querulous taste
and discriminative powers.
As far as we are concerned there are only two
questions to be asked of any piece of music: does
it sound good, does it please, does it satisfy a
desire? And, if so, are its means artistically
sound and of permanent value, rather than the
more shallow and ephemeral ones of entertain-
ment? If both questions are answered in the af-
firmative, even though -probably unconsciously,
then that piece of music will find a place-higin
or low, but still a place-within music's pearly
Now arise, ye mighty hosts, and shout: "But
swing does please, we get a kick out of it that
doesn't come from any of your highbrow a't,"
et cetera and so forth. Quite so. There are some
people whom anything will please. Some people
who never go to school beyond the fifth grade
and are glad of it, because they don't know what
they miss. But then we'll waive that point.
Swing does satisfy a desire. The trouble comes
with the second question, and here is the point of
our sermon-a simple and undisputable one:
We do not deny that swing will probably in
time have some permanent influence on the
course of music, at least of American music, just
as old-fashioned jazz has already had. But that
influence, when it comes, will be a distillation of
certain spiritual and technical features of swing-
not the music of swing itself. .
Must Fill The Bill
There is the crux of the matter. Enter-
tainment, amusement can be had from anything
that diverts or refreshes. Music, we repeat, is an
art, and consists not of musiciaJis, instru-
ments, or the , way the one uses the other,
but of actual music itself. It may be enter-
taining; a good deal of fine music is.yBut it must
be more than that. It must fulfill certain artistic
requirements which have not altered materially
in 2500 years, and which take it out of the realm
of passing amusement and give it something of
the eternal. In entertainment the keynote is
variety. In art it is potency, sincerity, univer-

Swing has little of these qualities. As music
most of it is not worth the paper it isn't written
on. It is formally monotonous, harmonically
tame beneath its bravado of discord, and mel-
odically insipid. Usually it is played and sung
with little regard for technical excellence or eu-
phonious effect. There are exceptions, but
with such mass production such a state is bound
to prevail and no one can honestly deny it.
But, comes the comeback, swing has a style
and standards of its own. Intonation, etc., don't
count in swing; its the spirit of the thing. Well,
that is true, but they say the same thing con-
cerning the music of the East Indies. Certainly
its "spirit" is swing's only original contribution
to musical expression. It reflects a certain ele-
ment in human nature that has perhaps no other
musical equivalent-an element of unfettered,
barbaric spontaneity. The question is whether
or not that element is worth giving musical
expression and whether or not its expression
results in art. We think not.
Swing Is Not Enduring
As for the more intellectual pleasures of swing
-yes, there are brilliant arrangements; glitter-
ing exteriors with little inside. Yes, there is an
admirable virtuosity among the best players; any
musician knows that swing demands a highly
developed technique. But virtuosity does not
spell music in swing any more than in a Liszt
rhapsody. Yes, again, there is a great ability
shown in jamming; it calls for a musical knowl-
edge and creative technique of an order. But im-
provisations have never won a lasting place in
music. They may be clever, invigorating, as-
tounding and great fun for the ones taking part;
but by their very spontaneity and ephemeral na-

Heywood Broun
Herbert Hoover is not a private citizen. In
addition to being an ex-President of the United1
States he is still active in the councils of the Ree.
publican party. Indeed, certain Republicans haver
announced that they regard him as the leader
of their faction.
. Under these circumstances it was certainly
extremely stupid of him to visit Hitler. To me itr
seems worse than stupid, but1
for the moment I was think-
ing of the incident in polit-
ical terms. The great ad-
vantage of the Democrats in
recent years has been thatt
' whenever they made a mis-
take some Republican wouldt
immediately save them from
the rap by falling into an
even greater blunder.
It was inexcusable in morals, ethics and politics
for James Roosevelt to permit himself to be
entertained by the Dominican dictator. Some-
thing should be heard about it, but the young
man's case is all too likely to be forgotten, be-
cause of the Hoover howler.
Somewhere the humor arose that although
the Great Humanitarian had entered into con-
verse with Der Fuehrer, he arranged the meeting
simply to speak candidly and sharply of Nazi
philosophy. That has since been denied. And
it never sounded very probable.
In fact, I think that Mr. Hoover would have
laid himself open to criticism again if he had
adopted such a course. Americans who carry
with them some lingering incense of official
position should not butt into diplomatic rela-
Just A Shade Too Soon
I agree with almost everything which former
Ambassador Dodd has said, but I do not think
he is properly the man to lead a verbal onslaught
on Hitler. Discretion is by no means my favorite
virtue, but when a man steps out of an Am-
bassadorial job he should allow enough time
for some grass to grow under his feet before
he begins "to tell all."
Ambassadors and Ministers should not be too
much animated by personal opinion. The assign-
ment, as I understand it, allows our representa-
tive abroad to transmit private information to the
State Department, but that he should take nof
action on his own findings without direct in-i
structions from Washington.
Being an Ambassador has grown to be a tol-
erably unimportant job in these days- of fast
communication. And that is right and proper.
The man in knee britches and a high hat should
always be conscious of the fact that, save at state
fupctions, his role is that of a messenger boy and
that his conversation should be largely restricted
to the query. "Do you want to pay for this or I
shall I charge it?" In fact, even that question
need not always be asked, because by this time
American diplomats in foreign lands know the
Just Good, Clean Fun
At luncheons and banquets an Ambassador
may speak freely, but it is well for him to stick
quite closely to the weather. And it isn't even a
good idea to knock that.
Damage has been done in the past and damage
can be done in the future when a diplomat under-
takes to exchange views with persons in power
and out of it. Surely an Ambassador is out of line
when he begins V give assurances as to what his
home government purposes to do-unless, of
course, he has written instructions from Wash-
ington sewn in the lining of his pockets.
Technically, Mr. Hoover is not a cog in the
American government. In my opinion he is likely
to spend the rest of his career as one of the
most private of private citizens. But foreigners
get confused. They remember that he was once
a President, and they think that this still countsI

for something. I think Herbert Hoover should
come back where he came from. And if he just
must wander around among the powder kegs of
Europe he ought to confine his activities to vis-
iting beer gardens, the Folies Bergeres and the
Tomb of Napoleon.
The Profits Tax
The administration's apparent coolness toward
really drastic modification, if not repeal, of the
undistributed profits and capital gains taxes has
been regarded in many quarters as due to fear
that such a move would bring severe criticism
from labor sources. The statement issued re-
cently by the executive council of the American
Federation of Labor, now shows this apprehen-
sion to be groundless. That powerful labor body
flatly asks Congress to repeal or modify these two
tax measures.
The statement makes it clear that labor has
even more at stake than capital in this particular
issue. "Though industry may complain," it states,
"because of curtailed earning, labor suffers most
because of hunger and distress resulting from
The AFL officials are right in declaring that
time would prove the wisdom of the action they
recommend. If industry is to start moving again,
fear and distrust must be eliminated. That is the
aim of those who urge these tax changes.
-Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
A co-ed at the University of Chatanooga wore
a hat comoosed of one white lamushade, one
bathtub plug chain, one shoe lace, two paper
clips and a skimpy bouquet of artificial flowers,
during all of one day. The only impression she
crente wns the envious stare of a waitress in a


A Shockmrg Urscovery
To the Editor :
I sat down-looked into the

a1 C' c 1,*r.


notes of the
o'clock class -
Prof. Haber; e5
were the start
my nervous sy
1-80 per cer
ers in the US,
are therefore
relationship, c
by employers.
2-That une
mal situation,
in the US, but
3-When -ur
comes current,
tion operating
What does
means almost

semester. An eight.
- "Unemployment" to
xam coming up. These
ling facts that struck

nt of the gainful work- pli icrdilln'1.Y
are wage earners, and University Lecture: Professor James
dependent on a job- G. Needham, Emeritus Professor of
reated and controlled Entomology and Limnology at Cor-
.y i n nell University, will give an illustrat-
mployment is a nor- ed lecture (with lantern slides) on.
and is not decreasig "The Place of Animals in Human
increasing. Thought" on Wednesday, March 23,
employment thus be- at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
it becomes an institu- torium, under the auspices of the
in a job economy. Department of Zoology. The public
this mean! Why it is cordially invited.
everything that is ec-

onomic and social in, the United
States, yes in any country with a
wage economy.
Unemployment is a measure of thet
maladjustments in our system.- itE
measures the inefficiency of our sys-
tem, for here we have (approx it
million) an army of willing and ablet
workers-and we "can't" use them;r
we are not using them. They are
without income. Unemployment mea-
sures how un-self-corrective this so-
called "free-competitive" system is.
It measures, nay, only indicates the
waste, in human resources, to busi-
ness man, to worker; to all of so-
Not only that, but increasing un-
employment indicates increasingt
maladjustment, and an increasing
challenge to the system, for how cant
the nation be satisfied with any pro-
duction-consumption level which al-
lows any person who is able and will-
ing to work to go unemployed or un-
Still I saw more, for it was easy to
see that no maladjustment was being
fixed by adopting unemployment in-
surance and old age pensions plans.
These are only temporary attemptsJ
to relieve the unemployed persons,
and as long as we have unemploy-
ment, we will have these temporary
acts. But how do these temporary
acts, set up on a permenant basis.
meet the real challenge of the un-
employment problem? They don't.

Events Today
Freshman Round Table continues
to question Science and Religion this
evening in Lane Hall Library from
7:15 to 8 p.m. Discussion will be
carried on thru small groups with
upperclassmen leaders. The Fresh-
man Advisory Committee welcomes
your participation.
The Angell Hall Observatory will be
open to visitors from 8 to 10 tg
night. The moon will be shown
through the telescopes. Children
must be accompanied by adults.
"Stage Door." Only a few tickets
still available at the box office for
last performance tonight. Play Pro-
duction presentation at Mendelssohn
Theatre. Phone 6300.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet at Lane Hall this evening
at 7:45 and will go to the Intramural
Building for swimming. The group
will return to Lane Hall later in the
evening for games and refreshments.
All graduate students are welcome.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-

Independent Men: All men in Con-
gress zone 6, should register their
teams before Tuesday, when games
begin. Teams may be registered in
the Congress office, Room 306 of the
Union, or by calling Stuart Knox,
Attention Women Students: There
will be open swimming for women at
the Union Pool on Monday and Wed-
nesday afternoons from four to five
Red Cross Course in Water Safety:
Mr. William C. Lucey, First Aid and
Life Saving Representative of the
American Red Cross will offer a
course in Water Safety at the Intra-
mural Pool on next Monday, Tues-
day, Thursday and Friday evening
from 7:00 to 10:00. All those wish-
ing to qualify for an examiner's cer-
tificate in life saving should plan to
take this course which is open to men
and women.
Ann Arbor Friends will hold their
regular meeting for worship Sun-
day at 5 p.m. at the Michigan League.
All who are interested are welcome.
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12:00 noon. Students' Bible Class.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m., Professor Roy W. Sel-
lars will speak to the Guild on
"Choosing A Vocation in a Changing
World." This will be the first of a
series of four discussions on the
general subject "You, Your World
and Your Life York."
First Baptist Church: Sunday,
10:45. Mr. Sayles will speak on
"Mastering Externals."
9:30, Church School, Dr. Logan,
4:30, Junior High in church par-
6:00, Senior High in church parlors.
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday
noon. Mr. Chapman will meet the
student class at the Guild House.
6:15, Students at Guild House. Dr.
Waterman will answer questions
growing out of his previous talks on
the religious inheritance of Jesus.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner of State and William.
10:45 a.m., Service of worship.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will preach on
"An Experience," continuing his Len-
ten series on "What Is This Chris-
tianity?" Special music will include
the baritone solo "Green Pastures"
of Sanderson sung by Donn Chown
and an anthem "Go the Dark Geth-
semane" of Noble by the choir.
6:00 p.m.; the young people of the
Student Fellowship are again for-
tunate in having Prof. Bennett
Weaver speak to them on Sunday
evening. His subject will" be "The
Real Jesus." Supper will be served at
6 p.m.; the program will begin at 7

"lbIation In the Bull~etin Is eonstrutl(ii e, ot ce to all rmemrbers of the
Lri ve ty. Copy received at the offie 'of the AMM tant to Wthesident
u.:3~0, 11 00 arm.on Saturday.
(continued from Page 2) t a Congress-League House Represen-
-----__-_tative Supper held at the League,
will lecture on "The International Sunday, March 13, at 6 p.m. Ad-
Law of Radio" in Natural Science mission will be 35 cents. Mixer
Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, games and a forum on campus eti-
March 22, under the auspices of the quette will furnish the entertainment
Department of Political Science. The for the evening. Please come stag.

What does?

An Appeal
To the Editor:
Together 16 Midwest
ties are trying to raisee
to aid the Spanish Lo
defense of their count
Yale and Columbia1
taken the lead in sendin
to Spain. The Midwe
under the leadership of
Illinois are also anxiou
part in giving medica
who are stopping the fi
of international lawles
Why is the present g
bulance all-important?
people have heroically
time of peril, and by li
themselves up by the
have created and org
ple's army which is pr
in the side of the invad
that there is an army
it becomes of increasi'
that there be adequate r
only humane reasons b
of more. efficient comb
mercenary invador. W
is on the offensive tl
more mobile first aid u
why we want to express
for the loyalists by;
what they so sorely
well equipped ambulan
concrete way for us to'
port of those who are
ism in the front-line
If you believe that
a heroic job in stopp
Mussolini in their m
transform ou'r societyi
tive war-breeding or
tryrannized souls, we

L ed in speaking German are cordially
0. Lovejoy.;invited.
The Monday Evening Drama Sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet at the Michigan Union at
tern Universi- 7:30 p.m. on March 14.
enough money
yalists in the Biological Chemistry Seminar,
try. Harvard, Monday, March 14, 3:30 p.m., Room
have already 313 West Medical Building.
ng ambulances "Inorganic Metabolism. II. Calcium
estern colleges and Magneusium" wilb be discussed.
Michigan and All interested are invited.
us to do their-
1 aid to those Inter-Faith Aymposia: . The first
forward thrust of a series of four will be held Sun-
sness. day, March 13, at 3 p.m. in Lane Hall.
oal of an am- "Revelation and Its Scientific Crit-
The Spanish icism" is the topic to be discussed by
united in this Raphael Isaacs of the Simpson Mem-
terally pulling orial Institute, William A. McLaugh-
eir bootstraps, lin of the Romance Language De-
anized a peo- partment, and Albert K. Stevens of
roving a thorn the Department of English. All stu-
lers. And now dents are invited to come and take
on the march part in the discussion. Tea will be
ng importance served in the Hall Library following
nedical aid not the meeting.
rut for the sake
at against the Foreign Student Panel: A foreign
Then the army student Panel on "Youth Move-
here must be ments" sponsored by the Interna-
units. That is' tional Council will be held at 4:30
our sympathy Sunday afternoon, March 13, in the
sending them Small Ballroom of the Michigan
need. namely Union. Those on the Panel repre-

First Church of Christ, Scientist
409 So. Division St.
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject : "Substance."
Golden Text: Philippians 4:19.
Sunday School at 11:45 after th
morning service.


1G 1, 1 11 J,
nces. This is a
show our sup-
fighting fasc-
Spain is doing
ing Hitler and
ad attempt to
into a destruc-
'ganization of
want you to


their respective



Walter L. Galson-Germany
Anand Kelkar-India.
Shao-Wei Li-China.
Carl G. Johnson-Scandinavia.


The Christian Student Prayer
Group will hold its regular meeting
at 5 p.m. Sunday, March 13, in the

First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:45 o'clock. Dr. Bra-
shares will preach on "Changed
Lives." The service will be held at
the Michigan Theatre.

comeforward and aid us. If ~youMichigan League. The room will be
comewant save the lives of countless announced on the bulletin board Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
Spanish (and remember that Amenri there. All Christian students are Class under the leadership of Prof.
can boys, - including three from this welcome. Carrothers. The subject for dis
University are in the trenches) people cussion is: "Dividing the Profits." 6
who have to fight to keep their in- The Men's Physical Education Club pm. Wesleyan Guild meeting. This
dependence, we want you to come will meet on Tuesday evening, March e will be a Commnion Service with
forward and aid us. 15 in Room 323 of the Union at 9 the following persons speaking: Anne
What do we propose? That about o'clock p.m. Dean J. B. Edmonson, Schaeffer, Jane Dinehart, and Doug-
16 Midwestern schools collect a joint ofbtheschool of education will give a I ls MacNaughton. 7 p.m. Fellowship
fund which will enable the purchase brief talk regarding general condi-IHo.
of a midwestern ambulance for ex- tions in the field of education.
ort to Sain.sThi ambulance wil x We 'urge every one to attend this First Presbyterian Church, 1432
join the fleet of college ambulances meeting. Students of the depart- Washtenaw Ave.
which American students are sending ment, coaches and faculty members 10:45 a., "Demos and Disosi-
and have sent to the loyalists. The are invited to attend. Refreshments tions" is the subjLntenof sermon.W. of a
University of Illinois, for example, is j will be served at the close of this Lemon's sendenten sermones" a
purchasing the body; Minnesota, the meeting. riesMorning Worship Service. The
four wheels; Michigan, the engine. teningh aripdyrc.e
To get that ambulance on its way Attention University Men and student choir directed by Prof. E. W.
to Spain, it must have an engine. To Women: There will be a Sunday Doty and the children's choir under
get an engine, the students and fac- ! Night supper at the League March' the leadership of Mrs. Fred MoTs
ulty in Michigan have to raise ap- 13. The affair is stag and everyone will take part in the service. The
proximately $250.00. Let's have Mich- is invited. Tickets on sale at the musical numbers will include: Or-
igan take the lead in this important League desk. gan Prelude, "Schumke Dick,
project. Will you, please do your part!" Liebe Seele" by Kark-Elert; Anthem,
by making whatever independent lAlpha Gamma Sigma will hold a "Incense and a Pure Offering" by
contribution you can and by follow- very important business meeting Marcum; Duet, "The Lord is My
ingan supotin te lstof vetsMonday, March 14, in the Michigan Light" by Buck, Helen Quick Dun-
ing and supporting the list of events MnyMrh4,nteMihgnlop and George Cox.
we have arranged until March 30. League at 7:30.hAn initiation serv- 5:30 p.m., The Westminster Guild
These events will help raise funds in ice will follow the meeting.s pe e is ui
supper andmetn.Tedsuio
the easy way, that is, by providing groups on The Principles of Chris-
enjoyable and original entertain- Freshman Glee Club: Regular meet- tian Living-In Interpreting Events
ment. So be on the look-out for new ing on Wednesday at 4:30 in the of Today; In Getting Along witlh
announcements. Union. Old members are urged to People; In Men and Women rela-
Ue Mrtnit Iattend as there will be election ofPoeI nad mn l



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