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March 11, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-11

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Candidates For The Senate Election Present Their Plal

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EDITOR8 NOTE: Polowig are th
r~ermpete pltfrr s.ubmtted b three
prttes and 10 unattached candidates
and repernting 47 of the 64 canddate
for ;the Sudent senate). ,
My idea of the Student Senate is
that of an organization which will
serve as a medium through which
the will of the student body of the
University of Michigan can be or-
ganized and made to wield some real
force and influence in determining
reforms and innovations, regarding
the government of student life on the
campus and in Ann Arbor. Rather
than statb my views on national and
international questions I would like
to say that I am more concerned with
questions directly connected with the
present situation at the University of
Michigan. One think I strongly ad-
vocate is the establishment of an im-
partial court for the trial of student
misdemeanors. Anything to alievate
the unjust system of Justices of the
Peace, wich we have recently seen
in operation. Many such changes
can be wrought with organized stu-
dent support.
Thos. B. Adams, Jr.
Guided by "the belief that.govern-
ment should exist in the interests of
tIe economic and social well-being of
the m.ajority," candidates of the Unit-
ed Liberal Coalition support the fo-
lowing platform:
In view of the failure of competi-
tion as a regulator of our economic:
life we favor the extension of effective
government regulation and public
planning in so far as they prove
necessary. feasible and beneficial.
1. Confronted by the destruction
which competition has brought about
of our national resources, we favor
soil conservation, reforestation, regu-
lation of oil production, government
ownership of coal mines, and the
extension of government power pro-;
2. We support federal legislation
to "put a floor under wages and a
ceiling over hours."
3.~ We support adequate appro-
priatioins for the work of the National
Labor Relations Board and the firm
establishment of the principle of col-
leetive bargaining.
4. We favor increased farm credit.
measures to alleviate the plight of the
growing number of sharecroppers and
dispossessed farmers, and a farm bill
which will make possible prices suffi-
cient to cover the cost of agricultural
2. We favor long range planning
of public housing and slum clearance,
as well as all other constructive public
6. We favor government action to
curb monopoly or big business which
is enabled by its economic control
to operate contrary to the interests
of rural and urban consumers.
1. We favor improved and en-
larged unemployment insurance
plans, as well as old age pensions,
health and: accident insurance, and
full and . dequate relief for the un-
8. We favor the ratification of
the Child labor Amendment.
We fa' or consumers and producers
cooperativ s.
In the field of education, which is
of special concern to us students,
we are in favor of ever broadening
and: increasing the educational op-
portunities for all.
1. We favor increased federal aid
to college and high school students
in need, more specifically an exten-
sion of the NYA in the American
Youth Act.
2. We favor equal rights and op-
portunities for Negroes.
3. We oppose any interference
with academic freedom.

4, We favor the creation of a
federal department of education.
5. W^ favor the federal govern-
ment's taking the lead in equalizing
educational opportunity in the ele-
mentary and secondary schools of the
several gta tes.
Civil Liberties
Mindful of the repressive moves
that have occurred with alarming
frequency to crush political and civil
liberties, we pledge our full support
to the defense of democratic rights in
all spheres of democratic rights in-
1. The disarming of corporation
armories and the prohibition of in-
dustrial espionage and other forms of
intimidation; or interference with
labor's right to organize independent-,
2. We support the anti-lynching
3. Increased appropriation for thej
extension of Congressional investiga-
tion in the field of civil liberties.
4. Severe penalties for public offi-
cials found guilty of collusion with
private interests,
We favor a popular political party
which represents the interests of
f.f~r1r:. r,,'arnria~~flc sma~lhl It,,inaCCr



Uiuversity Of MichiganOStudentSenate
March 11, 1938
Put the number 1 in the square in front of the name of the candi-
date who is your FIRST CHOICE for Student Senator.
Put the number 2 in front of your SECOND CHOICE, the number 3
in front of your THIRD CHOICE, and so on, marking as many choices
as you wish.
Mark your choices with numbers only. Do not use X-marks or
your ballot will not be counted.
Q VIEHE, Carl A. ..... Liberal-Peace-Republican
Q GANGWERE, George H . . . .............. Liberal
Q ADAMS, Tom . ..... .. . Liberal
Q MATTES, Joseph S. United Liberal Coalition
Q HARTWIG, Hope . United Liberal Coalition
Q WESTBROOK, Phil United Liberal Coalition
LQ DWORKIS, Martin B. .. United Liberal Coalition
Q MAYIO, Albert ..... United Liberal Coalition
L LEBERGOTT, Stanley . United Liberal Coalition
L] VICARY, Ann ..United Liberal Coalition
Q SESSIONS, Jack United Liberal Coalition
Q EDMONDS, Robert H. United Liberal Coalition
Q DOWNS, Tom United Liberal Coalition
Q MUTNICK, George United Liberal Coalition
Q GIES, Joseph . United Liberal Coalition
F ORR, Frances . United Liberal Coalition


V ta, aafa-
CUMMINS, Philip D..
OSSEPOW, Harold... .
BUCK, Charles C...... .
LOEB, Richard ...... . .
WEIL, Rolfe .... . .
PERLMAN, Robert M..
BALL, Neil A..
O'HARA, John P. .....
FRANKING, Cecile M...

United Liberal Coalition
.United Liberal Coalition
..Young Communist League
Student Religious Association
. Independent Progressive
.Progressive Democracy
..Independent Conservative
.... ....Non-Partisan
Ann Arbor Independents
........ Fraternity Liberal

JENNINGS, G. Kerby . Internati
KISTLER, Charles E... . .
QUARLES, Charles S...
LOVELL, Alfred H., Jr.
MAY, Donald C.......
KELKAR, Anand M. .Intern
REIDER, Marvin W. .........
SPELMAN, Seymour J.
BRAUN, Allen ...
RHEAD, Roland ..
WETTER, Edward . .
BAUMAN, Alfred L............
GILL, Robert L...............
MANSFIELD, Betty J.......
VICARY, James M............
WIENEKE, John R............
KNOBLOCH, Emanuel.........
CLARK, Marion ..
SACKS, Saul M. ..
BUCHEN, Philip W...........
COLLINS, Frederick A., Jr.
CUSHING, Fred..........
DOUGLAS, Helen ..
GILMAN, Earl R. ..
GILMORE, Horace W..
HARKINS, W. Scott......
KEWLEY, Norman E.
KNOWE, Richard . . ..
KRUGLIAK, Samuel I......
PARK, Paul R.......
SIMPSON, Phil .. . .
STEBENS, Walter F............
STILES, John R. ...
JONES, Ernest A. . .
Use figures (1, 2, 3, etc.) only.1

2. We oppose the huge expendi- ment,
tures for armament and urge transfer Labor
of military funds to socially useful poratic
projects. provid
3. We oppose the Shepherd-May becom
gill and its M-day plans which would cent "x
establish a military dictatorship in Surplu
the United States. c:onstit
4. We support the Nye-Kvale bill nate t
to abolish compulsory R.O.T.C. the ch
5. We favor lower tariffs and re- ular v
iprocal trade agreements. house
Application of the collective secur- Mens
ity principle of economic action and Men's'
cooperation against aggression, ap- opposi
proval of voluntary boycotts of Jap- Lives a
anese goods, withdrawal of American letics,
ships, cruisers and civilians from chang
China on instructions to property prices,
owners in China that they remain rentsi
at their own risk, passage of the Lud-
low Amendment to provide for a pdp-
ular referendumbefore the entrance
of the United States into a war other
than one of self-defense, the defeat of
the billion dollar senseless and jingo-
istic rearmament bill and the turning
of that money into channels of slum-
clearing, relief, PWA, etc., support of 1. N
the Nye-Kvale Bill to end compulsory nor cc
military training in land-grant col- 2. N
leges, and the defeat of the May- 3. A'
Shepherd Bill which would clap a
dictatorship upon this country once 1. S
war was declared. lative,
National admin
The reviving and passage of the 2. A
Anti-Lynching Bill which a Senate achiev
filibuster recently shelved, encour- relief.
agement of union organization along 4.R
CIO lines of industrial unionism, ex- branch
tension of civil liberties and provision 5. F
of funds to carry on the investiga-
tions of the LaFollette investigating

onal Typographical Union
... Liberal-Conservative
national (Friends) Council
Progressive Independent
Progressive Independent
Progressive Independent
Progressive Independent
Progressive Independent
Conservative Independent
Liberal Independent
... Conservative
...... Conservative
.... Conservative
Do not use crosses.
the application of the Wagner
Act to all persons and cor-
ons, increased relief funds to
e for the many people who have
e unemployed during the cur-
recession," the retention of the
s Profits Tax, the passage of a
tutional amendment to elimi-
he Electoral College and base
oice of a president upon a pop-
'ote, and substitution of one-
legislatures for our present na-
and state bicameral legisla-
C Aff
Campus Affairs
struction of low-cost dormit-
for University students, in-
d NYA funds, support of the
Independent Congress, the (ro-
e Club and other liberal groups,
tion to subsidization of ath-
nd the newly-formed book ex-
vigorous support of coopera-
e, and agitation for lower food
and better conditions and lower
in students' rooming houses.
Richard Loeb.
eutrality, but neither isolation
llective security.
o definite foreign policy.
n adequate army and navy.
eparation of the judicial, legis-
and executive functions in
istrative bodies.
balanced budget, but not to be
ed by cutting down necessary
eorganization of the executive
h of the government.
ederal aid to schools.
Rolfe Weil.

4. The establishment of a co-op
-fativ cleaning shop
5. The establishrrent of a stident
dine and dance cabaret.
6. Te promulgation of opportuni-
tics for better, more intimate, and in-
ormal relations among faculty and
7. The inauguration of a new
Michigan tradition: a Procession of
Liberty to be held at dusk on May 1st
of each year (details to be an-
nounced later); and, the the revival
of an old Michigan tradition: the
Michigan Union Operadn y
In addition, we are definitely op-_
posed to any form of censorship and
restrictions imposed on student pub-
lications. In line with this, we aret
in complete accord with the idea
stressed by the President of our uni-
versity when he, Alexander G. Ruth-t
ven, said.;
"It is important for society to
avoid the neglect of adults, butt
positively dangerous for it to
thwart the ambition of youth toI
reform the world. Only thel
schools which act on this belief4
are educational institutions in thec
best meaning of the term."
We also believe that. the "Clois-
tered Halls" and "Ivory Tower" areN
remnants of an era past; they mustr
be broken down, and student life"
should assume its proper place as a
single aspect or phase of the broader,
more embracing world picture.
Neil A. Ball
Robert M. Perlman
Organized activity for the attain-
ment of peace-world peace, not iso-
An ative, a thinking, a real liber-
ialism-a n equally firm stand against
unqualified devotion to the dogmatic
principles of radicalism.
Greater participation for all stu-
dents in all activities; better rela-
tions between the citizer.s of Ann
Arbor and the students of the Univer-
Cecile M. Franking.
I, Charles &. Quarles, call myself a6
liberal conservative because, as a
campus student, I am open-minded'
on all the issues facing the youth of
America; and yet I bring to bear on'
these issues comon sense and careful'
consideration. Being unpredjudiced,
I am not swayed by worldly propa-
ganda on any important issues
This platform is terse and clear.
You know how I stand. Voting for
me is voting for these principles.
Charles S. Quarles.
Since many viewpoints will be rep-
resented, the members of the Student
Senate may have enough facts and
suggestions before them so that they
can determine a sound attitude and
conduct with respect to political
problems. In doing this, the caution
and precision of scientific fields
should be a guide. And while main-
taining a vigorous idealism, the Sen-
ate should be constantly aware of the
actual present situation, and con-
sider what immediate influence we as
students can exert.
Donald C. May
Permanent Peace is the prime ne-
cessity for the social and economic

uplift of mankind. Every sensible
man, and I do not mean to exclude
women by that, is copvinced of it.
All nations and particularly a really
free and democratic country like the
United States is trying its utmost to-
wards that end. Everybody wants to
contribute something and naturally
enough, there is more than one way.
If you elect me, you may rest as-
sured that your representatives will
strive to be worthy of your trust.
Since you are convinced that the
platform promisesoare futile, I shall
venture none. Though it is not
possible to express all my views here,
I guarantee that I will sustain and
support independently, without party
preudice, any broadminded and prac-
ticable notion which will promote and
secure here and everywhere genuine
and reliable prosperity and Peace.
Anand M. Kelkar.
We favor:
1. International cooperation for
world peace.
2. Discouragement of armament
3. Wages and hours legislation.

Balloting Takes Placy
At 5 Booths Tomorrow
Balloting will take place from 7:30
a.m. to 7:30 p.m. today at the fol-
lowing polling places:
The Union
The League
Angell Hall
The Library
West Engineering Bldg.
Identification cards must be pre-
sented at all booths in order to vote.
b. Continuation and demilitariza-
tion of the Civilian Conservation
10. Nationally planned farm pro-
gram and farm relief measures.
11. Equipping the Securities Ex-
change Commission with more power.
We, as Progressive Independents,
pledge ourselves to support all worthy
legislation in the direction of more
efficient government, better social
conditions and world peace.
We, as Progressive Independents,
renounce all partisan affiliations
which make for rigidity in govern-
ment, inefficiency in administration,
and blind anherence to party tenets.
The Conservative Independent
Party pledges itself to the following
platform :
1. Maintenence of the ideals and
standards of democracy upon which
our country has been builded with the
continuance of priv:xye ownership
and the other civil liberties which are
so inherent in it.
2. Government regulation of the+
recognized mal-practices of business.
3. A reninauguration of the "stayI
at home" policy with reference to
foreign affairs.
4. Abolition of compulsory R.O.-
T.C. with the retention of voluntary
Alfred L. Baumann
The Liberal Independent Party
adopts the following as its platform:
1. Opposition to compulsory R.O.-
T.C. but maintenance of these or-
ganizations for individual choice.
2. Removal of armed forces of the
United States from foreign soil.
3. Opposition to economic boycott
on the ground that it completely up-
sets the economic balance within the
neutral nation.
4. Opposition to the "Big Navy
Bill" as merely preparation for ag-
gressive warfare.
5. Support of any and all meas-
ures tending toward greater interna-
tional economic stabilization as a
means for eliminating the basic
causes for war.
John R. Wieneke.

Quota Is Found
By Dividing 32
Into Total Vote
Students Invited To Watch
Counting, Like That Used
In New York Election
1. All ballots will be thoroughly
mixed and then sorted in packages
according to the first ' choice ex-
pressed on each. The total number
of valid ballots shall be divided by
the figure 32 to give the quota neces-
sary for election. If any candidate
shall have, receive3 a number of first
choice votes equal to or exceeding the
quota, such candidate shall be de-
clared elected, and his surplus over
the quota, if any, shall be distributed
to the second choice candidates by
the use of the following formula:
Number transferred equals surplus
times candidate's second choice vote
divided by the total number of sec-'
ond choices. Thus, if candidates
Jones receives 42 votes and the quota
is 25, he has a surplus of 17, which
would be distributed by the above
formula. If Smith had obtained 11
second choices among these 42 bal-
lots marked with Jones as the first
choice, Smith would receive a num-
ber of transferred ballots as follows:
Seventeen (total surplus available
for distribution) times 11 (number of
second choices for Smith on Jones'
ballots divided by 42 (total number
of Jones' ballots).
2. After the distribution of the sur-
plus votes of all candidates receiving
Ia number of first choice votes equal
to all candidates receiving a number
of first choice votes equal to or ex-
ceeding the quota, provided there are
still vacancies to be filled, the can-
didate receiving the lowest number
of first choice votes is declared de-
feated and his ballots are transferred
to the package of the candidate who
is marked as second choice on the
ballot. This process of defeating un-
til the lowest candidate and trans-
ferring his votes is continued until
32 student senators have been elected
with the quota or until there remain
only enough candidates to fill the re-
maining number of vacancies.
Special Rules
a. The ballots will be brought in the
ballot box to a central counting place
in Room 302 Union. The responsibility
for bringing in the ballot box will rest
with the clerk who has charge of the
polling place at the time voting
ceases, that is, 7:30 p.m.
b. The ballots after being distribut-
ed into packages on the basis of the
first choice, shall be numbered to give
a check on the total number of bal-
lots credited to any one candidate. If
additional ballots are added to a can-
didate's package as thedresult of
transfers of elected candidate's sur-
pluses or of defeated candidate's
votes, these too, shall be numbered
e. In the distribution of elected
candidate's surpluses, the specific
ballots transferred after the number
to be transferred has been determined
in accordance with the above formula,
shall be those on the top of the candi-
date's package, that is, the highest
numbered ones.
d. The count will be public and all
interested persons are invited to be
e. Cases of dispute over the validity
of any ballot cast, or over the count-
ing system shall be decided by the
Directors of Elections.
norant of corporations and the way
hey operate. It may produce rev-
enue at the present time, but it
greatly weakens the structure of cor-
porations. As corporations are im-

portant parts of the economic and
political structure of our country,
anything tending to weaken them
iends to weaken the United States of
Work Relief Projects
The Conservative party is in favor
of continuing work relief projects in
'hat they are necessary in view of the
present condition of the country.
However, they should be administered
nore economically and efficiently.

Collective Security
This term is used in relation to
foreign affairs. We are opposed to
a policy of isolation in international
affairs. In these modern times of
rapid communication and transpor-
tation, it is impossible to remain iso-
lated. Any attempts at isolation are
detrimental to the peace of the world.
International cooperation is neces-
Incorporate Unions
Labor unions should be legally re-
-.ponsible for their actions. We be-
lieve a law incorporating unions would
be of great service to the country as a
whole. It would make unions more
thoughtful in their actions, and put
the public in a more favorable frame
of mind toward them.
War Referendum
An act requiring a popular refer-
endum on a foreign war could not
possibly endanger the United States
as it applies to wars carried on out-
side the borders of the United States.
This country is based on the principle
of democracy; and on what question
should men have more interest, and
more of a right to vote on, than one
that concerns their own lives.
Lower Tariff Rates
We advocate lowering of the tarifi
duties in this country. This, of course.
would have to be a gradual change
but we feel that, except for the few
industries that for defense purposes
must be protected, high tariffs arc
an economic waste and work against
the public welfare.
Balanced Budget
The credit of the United State,
is endangered by an ever increasing
public debt. A sound financial basis
is necessary to a stable governnienl
and prosperous economic conditions
We therefore urge a balanced budget
for the next fiscal year.
4 Civil Service
All Federal administrative posi-
tions, except policy forming heads
..r ., -_ -U 1 A I

Labor Relations
Board Will Act
In Press Case
Hearing, First Of Its Kind
To Be Held Here; May
Take Place On Campus
(Continued from Page 1)
The Ann Arbor Press issued the fol-
lowing statement yesterday:
"Recently some publicity was given
to a resolution of the Ann Arbor
Trades and Labor Council to the
effect that 'a careful investigation and
analysis by the council had proved
conclusively that hours of labor,
wages, health and sanitary conditions
at the Ann Arbor Press are such as
to bring discredit to this community
and its citizens .because of the ni
merous violations of state and federal
"These charges, if true, are of such
a serious nature that the manager
of the Ann Arbor Press does not feel
that it man permit them to go un-
Health and Sanitary Conditions
"What investigation and analysis
concerning this matter was made by
the Trades and Labor Council we do
not know; there is a possibility they
were misinformed.
"If there is any authority which
could submit a statement worthy of
belief in regard to compliance with
sanitation laws we assume it would
be the health officer of the city of
Ann Arbor. His statement follows:
Health Department
March 2, 1938
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that my sanitary
officer, Franklin H. Fiske, and my-
self made a thorough inspection
of the premises known as Ann Ar-
bor Press located on Maynard
Street, and that we found ample
toilet facilities and the working
conditions for all employes were in
a satisfactory condition at the
time of our inspection. This in-
spection was made on February 28,
(Signed) John A. Wessinger, M.D.
Health Officer
A comparison of hourly rates of
compositors and linotype operators at
the Ann. Arbor Press, with those of
other similar shops in the city will
disclose that our hourly rate is higher
than any other shop in the city, com-
parable in size. Furthermore, em-
ployment at the Ann Arbor Press has
been steady and plentiful, even during
a period when many businesses have
been required to retrench.
Hours Of Labor
"The work week at the Ann Arbor
Press is 46 hours. No employe is re-
quired to work longer. Occasionally,
when rushrorders accumulateand
there is more work to be done than
can be accomplished under the reg-
ular hours, our employe are per-
mitted to work longer with propor-
tionate extra compensation. Rather
than complaining about this, the em-
ployes have welcomed this additional
Labor Policy
"The Ann Arbor Press has not in
the past, does not now, and does not'
intend in the future to discriminate
against any applicant for employ-
ment, or employe, because of the pos-
session of, or lack of, a union card
or affiliation with any lodge, society,
religious sect or political belief, and
as long as the right of free speech
remains in this country it will pro-
test against any effort to compel dis-
crimination against any applicant or
employe because of his lack of a
union card or his possession of it.

"Inasmuch as the question of the
value of the Ann Arbor Press to the
community has been raised the'people
of Ann Arbor are entitled to the fol-
lowing information:
Number of Tota,
Employes Wages
1933 70 $ 96,203.40
1934 76 115,021.32

1935 85 124,660.75
1936 105 164,106.65
1937 118 182,382.82
"Further records disclosethat

All these
' oincide wii
itive point
mur policies
s we are ad
-conomic sy
osophy of
if checks a
has prospe
t present cor
made som
are possibl
Isure of the
. "he capitali

Conclusion business has trebled during the past
points may not seem to seven years. They also disclose that
th the traditional conserv- whereas seven years ago 95 per cent
of view. However, basically of the business volume of $135,000 was
s are conservative in that local incharacter, 75 per cent of the
vocates of the capitalistic present volume of $400,000 is for cus-
'stem and the political phi- tomers outside the city. Practically
a democratic government $300,000 of yearly business volume has
rnd balances. This country been brought to this city by the pres-
red and grown under our ent management. When this volume
nstitution. True, we have has been reduced to actual labor it
e modifications, but they means that $140,000 of actual yearl;
e within the present struc- payroll has been brought to Ann Ar-
government, maintaining bor in new and outside business.
istic system. "During a time when most con-
cerns in this locality have been suf-
Relations fering from adverse business condi-
tions, the Ann Arbor Press has been
s Are Discussed increasing its volume of production,
and as a consequence its payroll, and
nnurm__ has brought to the city of Ann Arbor
ntinued iroin Page i)-

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