THE MICHIGAN DAILYF"D 'bWI'gNC tl!tHE RD (ONr'iL or5ThDENT erUvpzATh)NL i ~kM l tr ,,..', Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studen* Publications. Pubshed every morning except Monddy during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Ent.?sed at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING OY NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Publishers Rejresentaive 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CICAGO - 8OSTON Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ..............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............. TUURE TENANDER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR...........WILLIAM C, SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ..............ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR................HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ...................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ................ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER . .MARGARETFERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT D. MITCHELL It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are ed- ucational institutions in the best mean- ing of the term. Alexander G. Ruthven. The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Why Are We Here?. . AVE YOU EVER SLOUCHED in the cavernous reference room of the Li- brary with your economics book open before you and then wondered, wondered for about ten awful seconds, "Why the hell am I sitting here studying the theory of marginal productivity, and why will I be here tomorrow night reading Dante, Gabriel, Rossetti or Shakespeare? Or have you ever slanted up the broad steps of Angell Hall and suddenly thought, "Why am I going in here to listen to Reeves talk about Plato or Hyma talk about Erasmus?" You probably shrugged your shoulders and kept on with the routine, or if you are inclined to be sort of a radical in such matters maybe you went over to the Parrot for a reviving lemon coke. Soon you had yourself under control again and you could go on with the problem of just how hard you are going to have to work for your next blue book in order to get the ques- tion that the professor will ask without having to study a lot of stuff that he won't ask you about. You had become again like the snakes that Ralph Waldo Emerson encountered on his way to Cambridge in 1834: four snakes that he likened to an undergraduate, "for they were gliding up and down a hollow for no purpose that I could see-not to eat, not for love, but only gliding." You were only gliding, gliding. Once you had thought a little about education and what you had come to Ann Arbor for, but that was in your freshman year, first semester. It was then that you had read Newman's "Idea of a University" and you probably read Huxley's essay defining a man with a liberal education- "whose intellect is a clear, cold, logical engine with all its parts of equal strength and in smooth working order; ready like a steam engine to be turned to an kind of work, to forge the anchors as well as spin the gossamers of the mind ... It was grand writing, but you soon forgot it, because you were just then struggling through geology and you had all of those eras and epochs to memorize. If you are like most students, when the cues- tion of why you are here comes over you in the reference room or on the steps of Angell Hall, you shake the question off-unanswered. We think you ought to answer it, not just by looking up Huxley and Newman buoby examining yourself and what is happening to you in the University. The faculty won't answer the ques- tion, the administration won't and The Saturday Evening Post won't! Are you satisfied with what you get out of your classes and the way you' get it? Could you be getting more out of the University than you are getting? Are your poten- tialities any where near being realized? Most of you have accepted the twin traditional attitudes toward college: First, the tradition of "Teacher Knows Best," the principle that it is the function of the faculty and the administra- tion to decide what education shall be, and the function of the student to accept their decisions. Second, that college is a place to undergo with the least possible effort a process, generally ac- cepted as "proper," of absorbing much informia- The TVA Is In Danger . IN 1933 WHEN President Roosevelt appointed the Tennessee Valley Ad- ministration board he had reason to be proud of the calibre of men who had consented to under- take this pet Administration power and flood control project. Chairman Arthur E. Morgan, formerly president of Antioch College and one of the top flight flood engineers, was applauded by all sides when he took up his new duties. "He is the best qualified man we could find in the country." said the President. The appointment of Director David Eli Lilienthal, youthful Wis- consin public utilities commissioner, was also hailed with bi-partisan enthusiasm, and the TVA appeared destined for an impeccable adminis- tration. That was 1933. In January 1938 storm clouds darkened TVA's horizon. Today a deluge of vitriolic and per- sonal attacks are pouring forth from each mem- ber of the board. A long-suspected internecine struggle has finally come to the surface and re- vealed a rift of personal hatred between Director' Lilienthal and Harcourt A. Morgan on one side and Chairman Morgan on the other. The battle rages on the question of TVA purposes. Morgan views the project as a flood-control-reclamation experiment. Lilienthal holds that it is a gov- ernment instrument for production of electric power. Mr. Morgan has lately scorched the country's front pages with repeated charges of infamy on the part of his two associates. And he minced no words when he attributes to them a "practice of evasion, intrigue and sharp strategy with re- markable skill in alibi and the habit of avoiding direct responsibility whch makes Machiavelli seem open and candid." Moreover, the Chairman charges Lilienthal and Harcourt Morgan with despatching to the president "expertly false reports" on the condition and progress of the Valley. The list of alleged malfeasances is yet longer. He finds Sen. George L. Berry, Democrat from Texas, was aided by the two directors in an attempt to "exploit," "hold up," and "defraud" the federal government with his $5,000,000 marble claims. Since 1933 Administration lawyers have vir- tually lived in the courts of the country defend- ing the project against the legal weapons of private enterprise. Internecine strife now but- tresses the opposition with a new and powerful force. If Mr. Morgan's charges are true the whole TVA administration is today shot through with corruption and urgently needful of an im- mediate and thorough cleansing. If Mr. Mor- gan's charges are untrue it seems fitting that the chairman should be relieved of his post for allowing his jealousy to control his prudence. At all odds a congressional investigation must be instituted at once before the meritorious work{ in the Valley is destroyed by personal warfare. Robert I. Fitzhenry. Ann Arbor's Municipal Election... MONDAY'S PRIMARY ELECTION cost the taxpayers of Ann Arbor just 24.3 cents for every vote tabulated. Out of a 1937 registration of 8,581 in the three wards which had contests, 7.2 per cent (623 persons) bothered to cast ballots. These figures on the cost per vote include only cost for clerks, as do those which fol- low. Considering other factors, the figure rises to 34 cents. Additional costs, however, have not been apportioned to the wards by the county clerk as yet. In the first prechict of the seventh ward, 32 voters out of the 1,356 on the lists participated in the primary. The cost to the city was 88 cents per vote. In the other precinct in the same ward, 254 persons went to -the polls at a cost of 14 cents a ballot. In the second ward, 141 voted at an expense to the taxpayers of 31 cents per vote. Fourth ward voters to the number of 196 cast ballots. The cost to the city for each was 22 cents. The 1938 expense per vote cast was over twice the 11.4 cent average for the 1937 spring primary in which 22.4 of the registration in all wards took part. These figures might seem dull if they did not- tell a story of import. Voters in Ann Arbor, which supposedly has an unusually high per- centage of intelligent citizens, almost totally ignored Monday's election. Why? There w'as little actual need for an election. In two wards, two men were contesting for the nomination as alderman. In one of these (the seventh), the winner will have no opponent in April. The remaining contest was to decide between two men who both wished to run for supervisor. That was all-three competitions for minor posts in which voters were uninterested. It would seem that the nominations might have been made at caucuses at a great saving to the taxpayers. Certainly, some workable and less costly substitute should have been found. Voters were extremely apathetic toward the election except in the second precinct of the seventh ward, where mild interest was shown. If it was necessary to have the primary, it should have been more democratic. The winners could not be called the choice of the electorate, for most of the electorate did not participate in the election. Special interests could easily con- trol such an affair as took place. In the past, suggestions have been made that voters be fined if they do not cast a ballot in each poll. Or per- haps John Q. Public should be forced to reregister after ignoring an election and be charged a healthy fee. Both plans seem stringent, for there should be enough good citizenship in a city such as Ann Arbor to bring more than a trivial 7.2 percent of the voters out even if the matters to be' decided are of little import. Monday the voter would seem to have been doing the intelligent thing in going to the polls--yet in the great mar- iority of f 7 . - hlic ' :ed home. Perhsscr t ct Ii feemHi t6Me H-eywood Broun "Turn to the Right," was the title of a success- ful play. But 'as a phrase embodying a shift in political position it has proved even more prof- itable to many persons. There seems to be no one so humble that he cannot get himself signed by a syndicate or a magazine by promising "to tell all" about his former1 radical associates. Even the1 anarchists are now invited1 to present their manuscript to magazines of conservative kidney. To be sure, there is an old tradition that it pays to leave unpopular causes at the pro- pitious moment and join the respectables. The familiar firm bid has been for many centuries in the neighborhood of thirty. But now a recanter may expect to sell his holdings for more than par if only he keeps a weather eye upon the market. Men during te course of years or months do change their minds. It is less than fair to abuse everyone who holds a certain opinion today which1 is quite different from the one to which he adhered in the days of his youth-or even in his maturity, for that matter. Publicists, like polo ponies, may get the urge to turn upon a dime.; But I think that sometimes there is ground for suspicion as to the source from which the u,'ge comes. And sometimes the coin isn't a dime. It has been said that man does not live by bread alone. Undoubtedly he can find greater comfort if he learns how to ascertain on which side it is buttered. But when a person always calls the turn and the flying roll invariably lands butter side up the bystander may be excused if he begins to believe that there is something more than mere chance in such a run of luck. And one may wonder what the renegade buys one-half so precious as the soul he sells. In The Home Circle It is reasonable enough that there should be grave differences of opinion among minority groups. And they can grow in wisdom only when there is opportunity for the give and take of opinion. But it has been held reprehensible in a small boy who has been licked in a fight with his fellows if he runs away cr.ying, "I'm go- ing to tell my mamma on you." Now, this distinctly has been the practice of some of the authors of so-called exposes. In many rases the man (or woman )involved has declared that he spanks his fellow progressives for their own good. But all too often he has borrowedj the hairbrush from some reactionary publication. Some of the most triumphant editorials in con- servative papers recently have been based upon charges made by those who assert that they. themselves are foes of capitalism. There is no denying the fact that economics now and again makes bedfellows fully as strange as any whom politics has ever checked into the same suite. A man can't be called upon to aban- don a good cause because some rascal has climbed upon the bandwagon. At the same time, I deplore the judgment of a leader who halts his vehicle! at a convenient spot in the road and actually hails hitch-hiking tramps with the invitation, "Here's the time for you boys to hop on." Waiting For A Cue And there is certainly such a thing as a sense of timing. Let us assume that Mr. X is a liberal. We might even call him F.D.R. A radical thinks that R. is proceeding much too slowly. C, a con- servative, thinks the President is rushing the country along to doom. In my opinin, it is a mistake for the radical to team up with the conservative and join in a common attack on the man in the middle. Specifically, I thought that CIO leaders made a great mistake in criticizing the National Labor Relations Board at the same time that body was under fire from the AFL. I have been told that the critic who thinks he has something to get off his chest should never be delayed by the objection, "This isn't the time." I'm further told that unless "now is the time, thatI time will never come." Czech rade ;,Pacts Cheap shoes, particularly the cemented-sole type, were the major"item of controversy in the prolonged negotiation of the American trade agreement with Czechoslovakia. Secretary Hull stood firm against the protests of domestic shoe manufacturers, particularly those in New Eng- land, who contended their business would be ruined if the Czech product were permitted to "flood the country." The treaty's terms, as an- nounced yesterday, show that American inter- ests have been safeguarded without putting up a barrier against a reliable foreign buyer of our goods. The restriction placed on this type of shoe from all countries holds the imports to 1% per cent of total annual American production in this class. This will enable the Czechs to ship im about 4,- 800,000 pairs of shoes, the merest drop in the bucket as compared with total American produc- tion, which was 410,000,000 pairs last year. In re- turn, Czechoslovakia will take other products of American factories and farms, with a resultant stimulus to domestic employment and buying power. The benefits of such trade expansion will more than make up for the slight increase in our shoe iipwoi'ts. If i s wi fs n i r(f'ea titre ofl ni reaftie, it FORUM Questions Editorial _. . . ti, n < ill ar no b....nn.. ( .i Y1P 1' nYIPNA. .f1Y'fi rf 1 1 1 nno To the Editor: FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 lips will spear onJLe.1 r An editorial in today's Daily-for IVOL, XLVIII. No. 115 Refreshments will be served following Tuesday, March 8-urges the Univer- First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- the talk. sity to raise entrance requirementssiyhaalmteaoutffndr sorderiety hoassa l ed amount of fund Student Senate: The general elec- may waste time here and lower the Arbor residential property. Interest tion of members of the Student Sen- scholarship standards. at cui'rent rates. Apply Investment ate will be held Friday in the Union, I heartily commend the liberal Office, Room 100, South Wing, the League, Angell Hall, and the Main spirit of -most of your editorials and University Hall. Library from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. do not question the motives behind Any student of the University is eli- this one. The emphasis in this edi- The Bureau has received a set of gible to vote upon presentation of his torial, however, I believe, may lead "Instructions for Applicants" from or her identification card. to considerable injustice and should the Toledo, Ohio Board of Educa- The votes will be counted in Room be discussed with care. Many edu- i tion. 302, Union, beginning at 8 p.m. Fri- cators believe it to be tragically out- Application for a teaching position day evening and the count will be of-date. in the Toledo Public Schools may be open to the public. The main question involved per- made by anyone under 50 years of haps is whether the fault lies more age. "Stage Door." Only a few tickets with the students than with the Examinations for appointments for still available at box office for last curriculum, methods of teaching, and the following academic year will be two performances, tonight and' Sat- incentives. Many faculty-members given on Saturday, April 9 and Sat- urday. Mendelssohn Theatre. at Michigan as elsewhere are con- urday, April 16 at 9 a.m. at Scott vinced that the prevalent departmen- High School, Toledo, Ohio. Appear Juinior Girls Play: The Inn Singers talized curriculum and "lock-step" on either date for examination, but will meet at 4:30 p.m. today and 3:30 methods of teaching are sadly inade- not on both. p.m. quate for current needs and necessar- Further information may be ob- Deadline for eligibility slips is 6 ily unappealing to many able stu- tained at the office. p.m. today. dents. For a student to study re- University of Michigan Bureau The makeup committee will meet stricted organizations of theories and of Appointments and Occupa- at 4 p.m. today at the League. data, with incidental illustrations, is tional Information, 201 Mason one thing. For him to study im- Hall. Suomi Club meeting tonight at portant problems, with incidental ref- 8 o'clock in the Upper Room at Lane erences to theories, is quite another. A cadenic Notices Hall. All Finnish students are cor- Similarly, to study prearranged as- dially invited. Refreshments will be signments in step with a group week 1.Pelitical Science 1. Make-up -ex- served. after week may appeal to many seri- aminations for students who were ous students much less than to study unable to take the regularly sched- Baptist Guild: Come and give a dis- with considerable freedom of ap- uled final examination for the first play of your athletic abilities today at proach and pace. Likewise, studying semester, 1937-38, today from 3-6 the Roger Williams Guild Indoor amid strong distractions is far dif- p.m., Room 2037 A.H. Track Meet. All track and' field events ferent from studying amid strong en- to participate in-let's see you this 1 couragements. These are only hints Metal Processing 4, Section 3, will Friday! of possibilities. Practically every col- I take a trip Saturday morning, March lege and university in the country is 12, in place of the regular class. Disciples Guild: A Friday Night considering many others as well andtI Trip will be to the machine tool ex- Frolic will be held in' the recreation revising its policies accordingly. hibit, Convention Hall, Detroit. Will hall of the Church of Christ, corner In view of these facts, as well a,' leave East Engineering Building at of Hill and Tappan Streets, from 8 of the widespread need for enlighten- 8 a.m. and return at 12 noon. Any to 11 p.m. Besides the regular games ment, where should the emphasis be of the class that can provide a car there will be pop-corn and candy put-upon keeping out "unfit" stu- should get in touch with Dr. Gilbert. making. All students welcome. dents or upon improving our curri- culum, methods, and incentives? Exhibitions Stalker.Hall: Class with Dr. Bra- Mowat G. Fraser. shares on "Through the Old Testa- The Deprtmento^-- ne-rts a-mn"a :0pm olwn h i a t r t x r 3 s DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Syncopation j The Department of Fine Arts an- I nounces an exhibition of photographs of China in the north and south gal- leries of Alumni Memorial Hall. Open daily through Saturday, March 12. Exhibition, College of Architecture: By TOM McCANN Examples of engraving, typography, If Mr. Leo Fitzpatrick of WJR con- printing in black-and-white and tinues his policy of cutting in on color, details in the manufacturing "swung" classics, he will inevitably of a book, and details in the design find himself in a nice mess. and make-up of a magazine. Shown More and more, dance orchestras through the courtesy of The Lakeside are attempting to swing melodies Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Com- I from opera, native songs, and, Mr. pany Chicago. Ground floor cases, Fitzpatrick, it's not within the realm Architectural Building. Open daily of impossibility that the swinging of 9 to 5, through April 7. The public "Nearer My God To Thee" may be is cordially invited. attempted. The fact remains that Tommy Dorsey's "Melody In F" and Lectures "Liebestraum" are very popular re- cordings, while Bob Crosby's dixie- University Lectures: Professor Eh land version of the operatic "Mar- Heckscher, President of the Econ- tha" isn't far short of, the best-seller omics Institute of Sweden, will give class. But this is beside the point, a series of lectures on Economic His- (Mary of Kappa Alpha Theta just tory under the joint auspices of the phoned in, and asked "What point?" Departments of Economics and His- Never mind, Mary, never mind, when tory. The schedule is as follows: you're older, you'll understand). With Thursday, March 14. 4:15 Room C, the increased popularity of these Haven Hall. Mercantilism: Theory classical swinaings WJR will be and Practice, II. ment" at 7:30 pm. Following the class some of the group will go to the Coliseum for the Ice Carnival. There will be a party at the Hall for those not going to the Carnival., Ref resh- gents will be served at 10:30 p.m. for both groups. Hillel Foundation Services at 8 p.m. Speaker, Dr. Bernard Heller. Topic, "Theories of Personality." Social following the services. Host, Alpha Omega Fraternity. Coming Events Freshman Round Table continues to question Science and Religion this Saturday in Lane Hall Library from 7;15 to 8 p.m. Diuscssion will be carried on thru small groups with 'upperclassmen leaders. The Fresh- man Advisory Committee welcomes your participation. Outdoor Club: Two-hour bike-hike Saturday, leaving Lane Hall at 1:45 and refreshments there afterwards. In case of inclement weather there will be games at the Women's Ath- letic Bldg. making not infrequent buttings-in. HFiday, March 11. 4:15 Room C, This, besides being a bit annoying, Haven Hall. Economic History of The Graduate Outing Club will will be, to say the least, a nice kettleISweden, I.,4m meeat Lane Hall Saturdaytreing of fish. Monday, March 14. 4:15 Room C,'- at 7:45 and will go to the Intramural En garde, Mr. Fitzpatrick, en Haven Hall. Economic History of Building for swimming. The group 'e gMrdeo FitzpatrickenSweden, II. will return to Lane Hall later in the garde, Mr. Leo Fitzpatrick of WJR, The public is cordially invited, evening for games and refreshments. Mr. Leo Fitzpatrick of WJR ,in the Avenigruaeuds adrefreshmet. Golden Tower, en garde! University Lecture: Dr. Michael All graduate students are welcome. Heidelberger, Associate Professor of Always associated with the poorest Biological Chemistry, Columbia Uni- Faculty Luncheon: Dr. Thomas L. type of dance music, . that of Abe versity College of Physicians and Sur Harris, formerly at St. Andrews Lyman is definitely approaching the geons, will lecture on "Recent Chemi- Church, will speak ,at aMonday,Marun- ain't-too-bad class as it is broad- ! cal Theories of Immune Reactions 12:15. Call Lane Hall for reserva- cast these days from Billy Rose's gar- and Some Practical Applications," on 14,1 C gantuan version of the theatre-nes- Friday, March 18, in Room 1528 East tions. taurant, the International Casino. Medical Building at 8 p.m., under the auspices of the University and the The. Roger Williams Guild an- Froma *Michigan Department of Health. The nounces its 32nd Annual Banquet at From a heterogenious mass of 10,-pMicianodiarlmente h. the Michigan League, Friday, March 000 swing addicts in the University publi is cordially ivited. 18, at 6 p.m. Prof. Bennett Weaver the Bob Crosy party grows daily. Per- i will be the speaker. Reservations sons of all interests, persons from all IfUnivrsity Lecture: M. Jean Hostie, should be made by Sunday, March 13. walks of life, are expressing their fa- will lecture on "The International Call Students' Guild House, 7332. vor in this thing called "dixieland." wecreo"Tin ntrational Law of Radio" in Natural Science Picking at random today's applica- Inter-Faith Symposia: The first tion frm te plesof ailaccmu-March 22, under the auspices of the of a series of four will be held Sun- lating on the floor beside us, we find DeatetofPltclScec.Teday., March- 13, at ,3 p.m. in Lane Hall. Department of Political Science. The "eeainadIsSinii rt today's enrolees to be Aalbersberg,. "Revelation and Its Scientific Cit- Tony; Abbiss, Frederick James; Ab- publc is cordially ivited icism" is the topic to be discussed by bot, Priscilla Emily; Abbot, Waldo M., Raphael Isaacs of the Simpson ,Mem- Abbott, Lynn D.; Abbott, Richard thor of "Unholy Pilgrimage" will orial Institute, William A. McLaugh- W.; and Abramovitz, Maurice L. Send speak bn "Basic Causes of the Con- lin of the Romance Language De- in your application today! flict Between Church and State in partment, and Albert K. Stevens of Germany and Russia," Michigan the Department of English. All stu- League, Monday, March 14, 4:15 p.m. dents are invited to come and take part in the discussion. Tea will be E-% served in the Hall Library following 4 Al EvetstT o ddUha yU the meeting. G f e' e a" women winl not-or at least snm -ou-- not-become vexed with Burton W. Junior Mathematical Club. Will Marsh, one-time Philadelphia traffic meet this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. engineer, who, after a year of tests, in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Phil- concludes that men are better auto- - mobile drivers. Country's 'Debatngest' "Brushing chivalry and mythology Trr aside," begins Mr. Marsh and the j Team iHere M~'arch 3 worst can beexpected. It comes. Michigan will debate against 'a. Men have better vision, are less easily temfo htiIpoal mrc' blinded by glare, hear better, con- Itam from what is probably America's bl d ygdebatingest" college March 30, when centrate better at the wheel and they meet William Jewell College park more efficiently, he decides. here. Women see better from the corner of The college is sending out three the eye, drive more slowly, concedes teams of two members each this Mr. Marsh gallantly-but they simp- spring. By the time the Jewell teams ly can't operate a car as well, have finished their tour they will It's a iever-ending argument c aclWi h have traveled 14,000 - miles and de- sid" c :141i-ng 'Jresh videlecd (a ily bated i l9 statve. They will cQmpete The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to visitors from 8 to 10 Satur- day evening, March 12. The moon will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be accompanied by adults. The Madrigal Singers will me-et at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Attention Women Students: There will be open swimming for women at the Union Pool on Monday and Wed- .nesday afternoons from four to five o'clock. Red Cross Course iii Water Safety: Mr. William C. Lucey, First Aid and