The Weather Mostly cloudy today with ris- ing temperature; fair and slightly warmer tomorrow. L A6F A& .A4tr4t an ti Editorials Why Are We Here? . The TVA Is In Dangerao. Ann Arbor's Municipal Election.. VOL. XLVIII. No. 115 Ali ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hostile British Crowds Jeer Nazi Minister At Whitehall Lord Halifax Disappointed After First Big Effort To Reach Rapprochement Austrians Riot Over Call For Plebiscite LONDON, March 10.-(W)-Hostile, shouting crowds heckled Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Germany's new foreign minister, today as he sought with Britain to form a peaceful partner- ship in the face of increasing Euro- pean unrest. Both before and after the meeting with Viscount Halifax, British for- eign secretary, Von Ribbentrop had to brave an unfriendly crowd which surged against reinforced police lines, shouting "Get out, Ribbentrop!" and other taunts. Some greeted him with the Communist clenched fist salute. What the two men, both new as their governments' foreign ministers, discussed was concealed behind diplo- matic secrecy. Reliable sources, however, said that the conference was inconclusive and that gaunt Lord Halifax was disappointed with his first big effort as chief of White- hall's foreign policy. Von Ribbentrop, sources said, had flatly refused to commit himself that there would be no outside interfer- ence in Austria's plebiscite Sunday. In Austria itself, disorders in Graz and Vienna and a threat of possible Nazi sabotage and terrorism today followed the sudden call for a plebis- cite Sunday on the issue of Austrian independence. More than 40 persons were injured in clashes and the dread words "civil war" were heard in Graz, Nazi stronghold, as the pre-plebiscite cam- paign opened with intensive propa- ganda, parades and exhortations. In Vienna, Nazis charged that Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, by calling last night fo a vote on his policy of Austrian independence against further German encroach- ments, had broken the understanding reached with Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany Feb. 12 in their Berchtes- gaden conference, and the Constitu- tion Of 1934. Japs Reported Advancing On Chinese Frontl SHANGHAI, March 11.-(Friday) --(P-Japanese today reported their forces had crossed the Yellow River on two central China fronts, but Chi- nese declared their guns were pre- venting the Japanese vanguards from gaining footholds. Both sides relied heavily on air power as bitter cold swept the war zone. A Japanese spearhead reached the south bank of the Yellow River at Szeshui, 25 miles west of Chengchow, and cut the vital East-West Lunghai Railroad. Chinese in northern Honan Province, however, said they had rushed artillery to Szeshui and were firing against Japanese guns across the river. , They reported a new, more stren- uous effort to wipe out the Japanese advance units and recapture the railroad town. Interruption of Lung- hai traffic seriously jeopardizes China's hold on the fertile corridor between Japan's conquests in North and Central China. High Chinese military authorities at ,Hankow, a temporary: seat of the Central Government, declared no for- midable Japanese land force had crossed the Yellow River in the Lung- hai area. Murphy To Decide On Special Session LANSING, March 10.-(A")-Gov- ernor Murphy will Wednes- day whether to call a special session of the L4egislature, he said today. Indicating his hope that such a call will not be necessary, the Gov- ernor said he would base his decision on a survey of the welfare situation in Michigan's 83 counties which was made by Budget Director Harold D. Smith and the state Emergency Re- lief Commission. Rffiirnhv ,c~,aiAfthat-if pi' V~n i +the NLRB To Hear Local Strike Case; Sides Make Statements Bluim Works To Organize New Cabinet Hearing, First Of Its Kind To Be Held Here, May Take Place On Campus Within three weeks the National Labor Relations Board will hold an open hearing in Ann Arbor on the case of the Ann Arbor Press, which is charged with violating the Wagner Act and against which the Interna- tional Typographical Union is now conducting a strike, the Daily learned last night from Harry A. Reifin, ITU organizer. Charges filed against the- local printing plant include discharge of employes for union membership, re- fusal to negotiate with an organiza- tion representing a majority of 'the workers in the composing. room, and the maintenance of a "company union." The hearing on the case, which will be held after the issuance of a formal complaint, has been moved up ahead of cases .eight and ten months old because of the "flagrant and open" violations of the Wagner Act and be- cause a strike is in progress, Reifin told the Daily yesterday. This will be the first NLRB hearing in Ann Arbor. It is believed that since the Circuit Court House downtown will not be available for the hearing, the proceedings may be held on the campus. Replying to the statement made yesterday by the Ann Arbor Press and printed in this issue of the Daily, Louis Falstreaux, chairman of the strike coxnmittee, said last night that sanitary conditions have improved in the printing plant since the strike began on Feb. 18. But before that date, Falstreaux said, one wash- basin and one faucet on the main floor of the Ann Arbor Press were used by 50 men. Before Feb. 18, he stated, there were no vents to lead away the noxious and poisonous fumes from the pots of melting metal. Every plant he has ever worked in, the strike chairman said, had ventilation to eliminate the fumes, which often cause lead poison- ing and tuberculosis. For seven months before the strike, Falstreaux declared, the girls in the proof-reading room complained of poor lighting. The Edison Company recommended 150 light units, he poionted out, but found only 31 such units in the room. New lights have been installed in the proof room and press room, he said. "Wages," Falstreaux said, "are the smallest part of the present dispute. The Ann Arbor Press does pay $1, the prevailing wage rate in this city, but does not pay time and one half for overtime work, which is standard practice. Mr. A. J. Wiltse, the plant's manager, has appealed to the men at 'company union' meetings not to take away from him his advantage in underbidding competitors, derived from the fact that he does not pay time and one half for overtime." When rush orders accumulate, the management said in its statement, "our employees are permitted to work longer, with proportionate extra com- pensation. Rather than complaining about this, the employees have wel- comed this additional income." "That's just why 19 out of an eligible 23 workers are out on strike," Fal- streaux said, "because at all times, not occasionally, overtime is demand- ed at the threat of being fired." The Ann Arbor Press statement will be found on page six. Chautemps Resigns A Chamber Refuses I Final Decree Power f ter Him Comnunists Agree To Take Positions PARIS,- March 10.- (W) - Leon Blum, France's first Socialist premier, tonight tried to form a new cabinet to succeed the resigned government' of Radical-Socialist Camille Chau-' temps. The lanky, soft-spoken deputy pro- mised to work speedily in face of the increasingly difficult domestic and foreign situation. Chautemps resigned today because the Chamber of Deputies refused to vote him full financial and economic decree powers. The 65-year-old Blum, who headed the first People's Front government from June 4, 1936, to June 21, 1937, accepted the task of forming a new cabinet as the leader of the largest party in the chamber. It became known tonight that the Communists, who with the Socialists and Radical-Socialists make up the People's Front, had agreed for the first time to enter the cabinet since the coalition was constituted. Political leaders urged speedy con- stitution of a new government par- ticularly because 'of two factors: The floating of the 10,000,000,000 franc (approximately $316,000,000) national defense loan scheduled for Monday; and: Austria's plebiscite set for Sun- day, demanding a united French na- tion in the international field. Labor Relatio t Jobs Discussed At Conference Indict Whitney Of Taking Cash Thomas Misuse Dewey Charges Of $105,000 NEW YORK, March 10.-(AP)- Richard Whitney, five times presi- dent of the New York Stock Ex- change and during Wall Street's most critical years one of its leaders and spokesmen, late today was indicted for grand larceny in the first degree. The indictment was obtained by District Attorney Thomas E. Dewey, popular rackets prosecutor, less than four hours after State Attorney Gen- eral John J. Bennett, Jr., had given Dewey necessary approval. Trying to save his brokerage firm from the bankruptcy it petitioned for Tuesday, Whitney, the indictment charges, used around $105,000 of funds left in an estate of which he was a co-trustee, leaving only one share of stock of Bethlehem Steel Co., in the trust. About 4 p.m., Dewey, Tuttle, Whit- ney, and the foreman. of the grand jury went before General Sessions Judge William Allen, who paroled Whitney overnight in custody of his attorney. Rainer, Tracy Receive Movie Awards For '37 HOLLYWOOD, Calif., March 10.- OP)--Louise Rainer and Spencer Tracy were given the Academy Awards to- night for the best motion picture performances during 1937. Miss Rai- ner won Hollywood's commendation for her work in "The Good Earth," and Tracy for his performance in "Captains Courageous." The year's most outstanding picture was "The Life of Emile Zola." i i '{ r . i i Ickes, Willkie Quarrel Balks Utilities Peace Roosevelt Summons Three Heads To Washington For Showdown WASHINGTON, March 10.-(AP)-A new quarrel between Secretary of the Interior Ickes and Wendell Willkie, private power executive, threatened tonight to balk attempts to end strife between TVA and the electricity industry in the Tennessee valley. Ickes accused Willkie of trying to start a "conspiracy" to shut off Public Works Administration grants for municipal power projects; Willkie promptly replied that Ickes' charge was "silly." The quarrel has no connection, direct at least, with the internal troubles in the TVA directorate. The latter quarrel appearedtonight to be near a showdown. President Roosevelt has summoned Chairman Arthur Morgan, TVA's one- man faction, and his bitter opponents,j David Lilienthal and Harcourt Mor- gan, to gather in his office tomorrow and cite facts to bolster their charges against each other. The charges include -bad faith and obstructive tactics. Secretary Ickes' ire had been aroused by a statement Willkie made in connection with peace negotiations between TVA and private power that the Public Works Administration, which is headed by Ickes, should bring its municipal power program to a' "standstill." Townsend pel To Supreme Court WASHINGTON, March 10.-(')- Dr. Francis E. Townsend carried to the Supreme Court today his fight against a 30-day jail sentence im- posed upon him for contempt of a House committee which investigated his old age pension movement. Tl-. 71-year-old California physi- cian stalked out of a Hofuse commit- tee session on May 21, 1936, declaring the investigators were unfriendly and unfair and that he did not "propose to come back except under arrest." In his petition for a Supreme Court review, Townsend contended the Dis- trict Court had refused to permit him to introduce evidence "to show that the questions propounded at the coin- mittee hearing were almost wholly of an abusive, insulting or personal tenor." Wildlife Films To Be Shown Here Tuesday Chapman To Give Seventh Lecture In Oratorical Association Program Wendell Chapman, renowned pho- tographer of wild life, will present the seventh lecture on the Oratorical Association program Tuesday when he will speak at Hill Auditorium on "Wild Animals in the Rockies." The talk will be accompanied by motion pictures and colored slides. Mr. Chapman began his photo- graphic career as a hobby, when he obtained a two years' leave of ab- sence from the investment banking firm where he was employed, to travel the mountains of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and British Columbia. The two years stretched to four and upon his return Mr. Chapman found his pictures and the lectures with which he accompanied them so popular that he decided to abandon his banking career. Contrary to usual practice, Mr. Chapman uses no blinds, traps or other devices, and even disregards the wind in his work with animals. He has found a direct approach highly successful in gaining the confidence1 of his camera subjects. Mr. Chapman has done a num-I ber of picture studies for National Geographic, Field and Stream, Na- tural History and other magazines. Rebels Smash Spanish Front Push Aims At Separating LoyalistStrongholds HENDAYE, France, March l0.-() -Spanish Insurgent drives on two fronts today smashed through Gov- ernment defenses guarding the north- ern mountain barrier to Madrid and pressed an eastward drive toward the Mediterranean coast.- The eastern push, on a 7-mile front in Aragon province below Zar- agoza, was the greatest offensive of the civil war. It was aimed at what Insurgents hoped would be the decisive blow, separation of Valencia and Barcelona, the Govrnment's main coastal strongholds. Reports to Generalissimo Fran- cisco Franco's headquarters told of widespread gains with infantry at- tack~ing under cover of heavy air and artillery bombardments. Campus . Perlman Is In Senate Race ut Perlman Isn't Robert M. Perlman is running for the Student Senate today and Robert Perlman is not. A harrowing tale of mistaken iden- tity was laid bare to the Daily last night when the second Perlman, a literary school junior from the East. told of receiving mail and calls for the other Perlman, a graduate stu- dent from Chicago. "But I want it clearly understood," Perlman said last night (that's the one without the middle name) "that though not running for the Student Senate, I still can believe in 'Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.' Detroit Skaters To Head Union I c e Jamboree Campus Mythical Hockey Championship Tilt And Figure Skating Planned Featuring an exhibition by 40 skat- ers from the Olympic Skating Club of Detroit who formed the principal support for Sonja Henie when she was in that city, the Union's first Ice Carnival will be held at 8 p.m. today in the Coliseum. Individuals doing figure and fancy skating will be prominent also on the program tonight. Among those that will be starred are Miss Phyllis Rotnour, Miss Laura Brown, Eric Jadick and Harry Martin. In addition to these skating ex-1 hibitions, the playoff for the mythical hockey championship of the campus between Phi Kappa Psi, the winners in the fraternity division, and the1 Cougers, who captured the indepen-; dent league's title, will be held. After the planned program, the1 Coliseum will be open for free skat- ing by all that wish it. Receipts from this project will go towards tributes to the Varsity golf, football, track, swimming, cross- country, wrestling, basketball, hockey, fencing and tennis teams. These will be placed in the billiard room of the) Union.- Tickets are now on sale at the main; desk of the Union, and will be placed on sale at the Coliseum tonight. ; California Legislature ' May Pardon Mooney SACRAMENTO, Calif., March 10.- (I)-Tom Mooney's personal appeal to the California assembly for a pardon from his Preparedness Day bombing conviction today resulted in a vote1 of 37 to 33 in favor of a legislative decree. This was four short of the required majority of 80 members, and1 a call to bring in absent members was invoked. Before the vote was taken Mooney told the assembly "I am firmly con- vinced that my liberty is near at hand, either through action of the1 legislature, the governor or the United States Supreme Court." t Good Scholarship Is First Requisite In Judging Of ApplicantsFor Positions Outlining qualifications for labor relation jobs, C. E. Weiss, industrial relations manager, for the Packard Motor Car Company, told an audience of 200 at the vocational conference in the Union yesterday that knowledge of the specific business set-up, not college training, is the essential) equipment for modern industrial re- lations work. Not one of the men holding respon- sible positions in the Packard per- sonnel department has been recruit- ed from outside the Packard plant, Weiss declared, emphasizing that ex- Sperience was the best means of crash- ing into personnel work. Although college mental equipment is of course an advantage,*-he said, it has been found time and again that it does not often prepare graduates to assume responsible personnel jobs. J. T. Sheafor, assistant to the president of the Michigan Bell Tele- phone Co. declared in the course of a sample job interview with David Linsdale, '37E, that the first consider- ation in judging an applicant was scholarship. Campus activities and business experience are secondary. "We feel that unless a student can perform academic work satisfactorily he is likely to fail at a job," he said. As the interview unfolded he told Linsdale that fears of being lost in the red tape of a large company were unfounded. "No concern can afford to' drop contact with carefully selected employes. Such men are an invest- ment and the management is careful to protect it." In the second demonstration Ches- ter Miller, Superintendent of Schools in Saginaw questioned two other job- seekers, Joanne Kimmel, '38Ed and Lewis Revey, Grad. E. J. Benge, director of the training (Continued on Page S) League, Angell Hall, W. Engineering, Union And Library,_Polling Places Daily To Publish Returns Tomorrow From 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. today, students in all schools and colleges of the University will elect by a sys- tem of P.R. 32 Student Senators to represent them in a body consolidat- ing and expressing their opinion on national and international affairs. The Senate will hold its first meeting STuesday. Votes may be cast at the League, the Union, Angell Hall basement, the Library or West Engineering Build- ing on presentation of an identifi- cation card. The' campus was flooded yesterday with posters, handbills and cards dis- Joseph S. Mattes, '38, has an- nounced his withdrawal from the Senate election. He asks those who would have voted for him to cast their ballots for Ralph Gill, Independent, and for those candidates of the United-Liberal Coalition. tributed by party groups and in- dividual candidates. Sample ballots were posted on most of the bulletin boards. Strikers on the Ann Arbor Press picket line handed out cards urging passersby to vote for G..Kerby Jen- nings, Grad., one of the striking members of the International Typo- graphical Union. Twenty students confined in the University Health service yesterday signed a petition circulated byRobert. M. Perlman, Grad., and Neil A. Ball, candidates in the election, that they be permitted to vote even though physically unable to get to one of the polls. The Director of Eelections stated last night that a special bal- lot box would be provided for these students. Instructions for marking the bal- lot follow: "Put the number 1 in the square For a sample ballot and the complete platforms of 47 of the 63 candidates, see page 6 of to- day's paper. To Elect Student Senators In P.I1.Vote Today Dr. Rickert National To Address Dental Group Before the annual convention of the American Association of Dental Schools meeting jointly with the In-' ternational Association for Dental Research at Minneapolis, March 12- 16, Dr. U. G. Rickert of the School of Dentistry will deliver a report on "Social Relations and Professional Trends." Dr. Rickert is also a mem- ber of the administrative council of, the International Association for Dental Research. Accompanying Dr. Rickert are Dean Russel W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry and Dr. M. L. Ward, and Dr. O. C. Applegate, also of the University Dental School. SttsSpemfor. New Era In Dentistry Forecast By Experiment In Tooth Decay By JACK SULLIVAN That tooth decay bears no primary relation to malnutrition has been shown by experiments carried on here under the direction of Dean Russel W. Bunting and Dr. Philip Jay of the School of Dentistry, ex- Dickinson States British Labor Opposes Government Re ilation By ALBERT MAYIO tion which is pro-labor, so that even English labor unions are opposed with a friendly administration in to government control over labor and power, union revenues diminish from look skeptically at the trend of gov- decreased membership. °rnment-labor relationships here in The large labor unions in England the United States, Prof. Z. C. Dickin- are mostly industrial in organization son of the economics department said and are not incorporated, contrary to in an interview yesterday. a somewhat prevalent opinion in this They believe that, although a country, he said, although unions, as friendly government like the Roose- mutual-help fraternal organizations, vpf ra i nite fa nn ., nv nnfr h,. lacc_;. .--,_ _-_ -----_-o periments which promise to launch Psychiatrist Joins a new era in the field of preventive dentistry. Child Guidance Staff The experiments, which have been conducted at the Dental School since 1929, have indicated that the pres- Dr. Paul H. Jordan of the Wor- ence of large numbers of the organ- cester Child Guidance Clinic, Wor- ism, "Lactobacillus acidophilus," in cester, Mass., has been appointed psy- the saliva accompany tooth decay. chiatrist for the Michigan Child By reducing the number of these lac- Guidance Institute and will join the tobacilli it has been found that decay staff in Ann Arbor on April 1. also may. be reduced and sometimes Completing the staff of the Mich- completely prevented. igan Child Guidance Institute as at It has long been held that decay, present organized, Dr. Jordan will be or in dental terms, caries, is a mani- attached to the Neuropsychiatric In- festation of lack of calcium and vita- lactobacilli could be reduced by re- stricting carpohydrates in the, diet. A large group of institutionalized chil- dren, whose diet could be carefully controlled, were forbidden candy or sugar in any form, and saliva cul- tures of lactobacillus acidophilus be- came only occasionally positive. When a number of these children were al- lowed an abundance of candy, their saliva cultures soon became positive, and there was a 33 per cent increase in active caries. After candy feeding was discon- tinued, the lactobacillus count dropped. Scientific evidence thus confirmed the lay impression that candy and excess sugar is conducive to tooth decay. However, this is only because candy stimulates the growth of lactobacilli, not because it alters the enamel structure of the teeth, it before the name of the candidate who is your first choice for Student Sen- ate. "Put the number 2 before your second choice, the number 3 before your third choice, and so on, mark- ing as many choices as you wish. "Mark your choices with numbers only. Do not use X-marks, or your ballot will not be counted." Because of the complexity of counting and transferring the votes, the final tally will probably not be made until late tomorrow, but the Daily will carry early standings in tomorrow's paper. These early results will in no sense be final, but will fairly accurately show the trend in the election and will also indicate those who are de- clared out of the race, because of in- sufficient votes," Richard M. Scam- mon, Grad., director of elections, ex- plained. All those interested in watching the vote transferrance, conducted, by rules similar to those of the New York City election, will be admitted to Room 302 in the Union, Scam- mon announced. Of the 63 competing, 14 are af- filiated with the United Liberal Coali- tion, 15 .with the Conservative Party and eight with the Progressive In- dependent Party. The Young Com- munist League is backing a canflidate, as are the Student Religious Associa- tion, the Ann Arbor Independents, the International (Friends) Council and the International Typographical Union. A leader of the Conservative Party was confident yesterday that at least 12 of the party's 15 candidates would win, while Coalition heads indicated that 10 of their 14 would come through. Clerks were given instructions to be at the polls at assigned times, not to leave before relieved, to mark identification cards with a circled X, to caution the voter to mark ballots with figures and to see that the voter places his own ballot in the box. I~a. 1 mT Wme..