six THE MICHIJ(AN DAILY TI1UVI AT, MARCh, 1938 Candidates For The Senate Election Present Their Plal forms (EDITOR'S NOTE: Fllowing arc the complete platform ;ub3Itted by three patties and 10 unattached candidates ifd rpreentng 47 of te 64 candidates '~r the Stude nt Senate) LIBERAL My idea of the Student Senate is that of an organization which will serve as a medium through which the will of the student body of the 'University of Michigan can be or- ganized and made to wield some real force and influence in determining reforms and innovations, regarding the government of student life on the campus and in Ann Arbor. Rather than state my views on national and international questions I would like to say that I am more concerned with questions directly connected with the present situation at the University of Michigan. One think I strongly ad- vocate is the establishment of an im- partial court for the trial of student misdemeanors. Anything to alievate the unjust system f Justicoes of the Peace, which we have recently seen in operation. - Many such changes can be wrought with organized stu- dnt support. Thos. B. Adams. Jr. UNITED LIBERAL COALITIONI Guided by "the belief that govern- ment should exist in the interests of the economic and social well-being of the majority," candidates of the Unit- ed Liberal Coalition support the fol- lowing platform: Economic In view of the failure of competi- tion as a regulator of our economic life we favor the extension of effective government regulation and public planning in so far as they prove necessary, feasible and beneficial. 1. Confronted by the destruction which competition has brought about of our national resources, we favor soil conservation, reforestation, regu- lation of oil production, government ownership of coal mines, and the extension of government power pro- dpction. 2. We support federal legislation to "put a floor under wages and a ceiling over hours." 3:We support adequate appro-. priations for the work of the National Labor Relations Board and the firm establishment of the principle of col- lective bargaining. 4. We favor increased farm credit, measures to alleviate the plight of the growing number of sharecroppers and dispossessed farmers, and a farm bill which will make possible prices suff- cient to cover the cost of agricultural production. 2. We favor long range planning of public housing and slum clearance, as well as all other constructive public works. 6. We favor government action to curb monopoly or big business which is enabled by its economic control to operate contrary to the interests of rural and urban consumers. 7. We favor improved and en- larged unemployment insurance plans, as well as old age pensions, health and accident insurance, and full and adequate relief for the un- employed. 8. We favor the ratification of the Child Labor Amendment. We favor consumers and producers I cooperatives. Lducationa! In the field of education, which is of spccial concern to us students, we are in favor of ever broadening and increasing the educational op- portunities for all. 1. We favor increased federal aid to college and high school students in need, more specifically an exten- son of the NYA in the American Youth Act. 2. We favor equal rights and op- portunities for Negroes. 3, We oppose any intcrierencc with academic freedom, 4. We favor the creation of a federal department of education. 5. We favor the federal govern- ment's taking the lead in equalizing educational opportunity in the ele- mentary and secondary schools of the several states. Civil Liberties -Mindful of the repressive moves that 'have occuired with alarming frequency to crush political and civil liberties, we pledge our full support to the defense of democratic rights in all spheres of democratic rights in specifically: 1. The d sarming of corporation armories and the prohibition of in- dustrial espionage and other forms of intimidailon: or interference with labor's righ( to organize independent- ly. 2. W, su port the anti-lynching bill; 3. Increased appropriation for the extension of Congressional investiga- tion in the field of civil liberties. 4, evcere penalties for public oll = cials found guilty of collusion with private interests. Political We favor a popular political party w hich represents the interests of SAMPLE BALLOT Uliiver'sity Of ic igan Student Senate INSTRUCTIONS March 11, 1938 Put the number 1 in the square in front of the name of the candi- date who is your FIRST CHOICE for Student Senator. Put the number 2 in front of your SECOND CHOICE, the number 3 in front of your THIRD CHOICE, and so on, marking as many choices as you wish. Mark your choices with numbers only. Do not use Xn-marks or your ballot will not be counted. VIEHE, Carl A. GANGWERE, George H. ADAMS, Tom MATTES, Joseph'S.. HARTWIG, Hope. WESTBROOK, Phil DWORKIS, Martin B.. MAYIO, Albert. LFBFRGOTT, Stanley. VICARY, Ann. SESSIONS, Jack .. EDMONDS, Robert H. DOWNS, Torn... . MUTNICK, George. GIES, Joseph .. ORR, Frances .. SILVERMAN, Irving. TENANDER, Tnure. CUMMINS, Philip D. OSSEPOW, Harold BUCK, Charles C. .. LOEB, Richard ..... WEIL, Rolfe ...... PERLMAN, Robert M. BALL, Neil A. .. TREADWELL, Donald H. O'HARA, John P. ... FRANKING, Cecile M... GROSSMAN, Louis H.. JENNINGS, G. Kerby. KISTLER, Charles E.. QUARLES, Charles S. LOVELL, Alfred H., Jr. MAY, Donald C....... KELKAR, Anand M.. WILCOX, Jack H. REIDER, Marvin W.. SPELMAN, Seymour J. BRAUN, Allen RHEAD, Roland WETTER, Edward .. BAUMAN, Alfred L. GILL, Robert L. MANSFIELD, Betty J. VICARY, James M. WIENEKE, John R.. KNOBLOCH, Emanuel CLARK, Marion SACKS, Saul M.. BUCHEN, Philip W., COLLINS, Frederick A., J CUSHING, Fred DOUGLAS, Helen GILMAN, Earl R. GILMORE, Horace W. HARKINS, W. Scott ... KEWLEY, Norman E. KNOWE, Richard. KRUGLIAK, Samuel I. PARK, Paul R.. SIMPSON, Phil STEBENS, Walter F. STILES, John R. JONES, Ernest A. Use figures (3, 2, 3,etc. .Liberal-Peace-Republican Liberal .Liberal United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition .United Liberal Coalition United Liberal Coalition Young Communist League Student Religious Association ....Independent Progressive U.Progressive Democracy Liberty-Equality-Fraternity Liberal-Equality-Fraternity Independent Conservative . . . Non-Partisan AnnArbor Independents .i..yE...yFraternity Liberal International Typographical Union I. Liberal-Conservative International (Friends) Council Liberal-Peace-Republican Progressive Independent Progressive Independent .Progressive Independent ....Progressive Independent Progressive Independent Conservative Independent .g s Independent g Co-operative Liberal Independent Pre-Meclic Conservative r. . Conservative Conservative Conserative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative Conservative (Conservative f 4. The establishment of a co-op- mthe public in a more favorable frame erative cleaning shop. Balloting Take~s Place of mind toward them. 5. The establishment of a student ' t s o' Tomorrow .ar Ref erendtu An act requiring a popular refer- 6. The promulgation of opportuni-.endum on a forein war could not tics for better, more intimate, and in- Balloting will take place from 7:30 possibly endanger the United States formal relations among faculty and nam. to 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the fol- as it aplnes to wars carried on out- students. lowing polling places: side the borders of the United States. 7. The inauguration of a new The Union This country is based on the principle Michigan tradition: a Procession of The League of democracy: and on what question j Liberty to be held at dusk on May 1st Angell Hall Lobby should men have more interest, and ofeh r ts b -more of a right to vote on, than one nounced later):; and, the the revival West Engineering Bldg.moefarih ovtenhnoe of an old Michigan tradition: the Identification cards must be pre- Ithat concerns their own lives. Michigan Union Opera. sented at all booths in order to vote. ! Lower TUarif Iates In addition, we are definitely op- - _We advocate lowering of the tariff posed to any form of censorship and Administration. duties in this country. This, of course, restrictions im!os5d on student pub- b. Continuation and demilitariza- would have to be a gradual change, lications. In line with this, we are tion of the Civilian Conservation but we feel that, except for the few in complete accord with the idea Corps. industries that for defense purposes stressed by the President of our 111-must be protected. high tariffs are versity when , Alexander . Ruth- r . Nationally planned farm pro- - an econolic waste and work against versty henheAlexnde 0.Rut-grami and farmr relief measures. ven, said; r the public welfare. "It is important for society to 11. Equippin" the Securities EX~1 avoid the neglect of adults, but change Commission with more power. ctU itdStates positively dangerous for it to We, as Progressive Independents, Te cit o e thwart the amubition of youth to pledge ourselves to support all worthy is endangered by an ever increasing reform the world. Only the legislation in the direction of more public debt. A sound financial basis schools which act on this belief efficient government, better social is necessary to a stable government athe conditions and woild peace. and prosperous economic conditions. are educational institutions ind We therefore urge a balanced budget best meaning of the term. We, as Progressive Independents, for the next fiscal year. We also believe that the Clois- renounce all partisan affiliations" tered Halls" and "Ivory Tower" are which make for rigidity in govern- ii Serveic remnants of an era past; they must ment, inefficiency in administration, All Federal administrative posi-I be broken down, and student life I and blind anherence to party tenets. tions, except policy forming heads should assume its proper place as a !_of executive departments, should be single aspect or phase of the broader, ,on a Civil Service basis. The career more embracing world picture. CONSERVATIVEIincentive should be introduced into Neil A. Ball INI)EPEN)EN T the Civil Service as it is in England. Eobert M. Perlman This would have the tendency of The Conservative Independent making government operations more Party pledges itself to the following Iefficient and more economic and pl RB Rvatform: would induce men of high caliber to INDEPENIENTS i. Maintenence of the ideals and enter the government service. standards of democracy upon which Surplus Profits Tax Intertiatioal our country has been builded with the This law was enacted by those ig- Organized activity for the attain- cintinuance of priv%-e ownership norant of corporations and the way ment of peace- w--orld peace, not iso- and the other civil liberties which are they operate. It may produce rev- lation, so inherent in it. enue at the present time, but it Nationali An active, a thinking, a real liber- ialism--an equally firm stand against unqualified devotion to the dogmatic principles of radicalism.I Campus Greater participation for all stu-k dents in all activities; better rela- tions . between the citizer.s of AnnE Arbor and the students of the Univer- sity. 2. Covernment regulation of the ecognized mal-practices of business. 3, A reninauguration of the "stay at home" policy with reference to foreign affairs. 4. Abolition of compulsory R.O.- T.C. with the retention of voluntary enlistment. Alfred L, Baumann greatly weakens the structure of cor- porations. As corporations are im- portant parts of the economic and political structure of our country, anything tending to weaken themj tends to weaken the United States of America. Quota Is. Found ByDividing 32 Inito Total Vote Students Invited ' oWatch Counting, Like That Used In New York Election 1. All ballots will be thoroughly mixed and then sorted in packages according to the first choice ex- pressed on each. The total number of valid ballots shall be divided by the figure 2 to give the quota neces, sary for election. If any candidate shall have receiveft a number of first choice votes equal to or exceeding the quota, such candidate shall be de- clared elected, and his surplus over the quota, if any, shall be distributed to the second choice candidates by the use of the following formula: Number transferred equals surplus times candidate's second choice vote divided by the total number of sec- ond choices. Thus, if candidates Jones receives 42 votes and the quota is 25, he has a surplus of 17, which would be distributed by the above formula. If Smith had obtained 11 second choices among these 42 bal- lots marked with Joies as the first choice, Smith would receive a num- ber of transferred ballots as follows: Seventeen (total surplus available for distribution) times 11 (number of second choices for Smith on Jones' balolts) divided by 42 (total number of Jones' ballots). 2. After the distribution of the sur- plus votes of all candidates receiving a number of first choice votes equal to all candidates receiving a number of first choice votes equal to or ex- ceeding the quota, provided there are still vacancies to be filled, the can- didate receiving the lowest number of first choice votes is declared de- feated and his ballots are transferred to the package of the candidate who is marked as second choice on the ballot. This process of defeating un- til the lowest candidate and trans-' ferriing his votes is continued until 32 student senators have been elected with the quota or until there remain only enough candidates to fill the re- maining number of vacancies. Specl Rules a. The ballots will be brought in the ballot box to a central counting place to be later designated by the Director of Elections. The responsibility for bringing in the ballot box will rest with the clerk who has charge of the polling place at the time voting ceases, that is, 7:30 p.m. b. The ballots after being distribut- ed into packages on the basis of the first choice, shall be numbered to give a check on the total number of bal- lots credited to any one candidate. If additional ballots are added to a can- didate's package as the result of transfers of elected candidate's sur- pluses or of defeated candidate's votes, these too, shall be numbered consecutively. / c. In the distribution of elected candidate's surpluses, the specific ballots transferred after the number to be transferred has been determined in accordance with the above formula, shall be those on the top of the candi- date's package, that is, the highest numbered ones. d. The count will be public and all interested persons are invited to be present. e. Cases of dispute over the validity of any ballot cast, or over the count- ing system shall be decided by the Directors of Elections. LIBERAL IN DEPENDENT Cecile M. Franking. Tie I iberf1l Independent Party adopts the following as its platform:, LIBERAL I. Opposition to compulsory R.O.- C'ONSERVATIVE T.C. but maintenance of these or- ganizations for individual choice. t I Charles 5. Qt~auks. cal myse a 2. Removal of armed forces of the liberal conservative because, as ia I United States from foreign soil. campus student, It am open-minded !3 poiintoeooi oct on all the issues facing the youth of 3. Opposition to economic boycott America: and yet I bring to bear on on tie ground that it completely up- these issues conion sense and careful sets the economic balance within the consideration. Being unpredjudiced. neutral nation. am not swayedbypropa- 4. Opposition to the "Big Navy S o anwyimpby worldly r . Bill" as merely preparationi for ag- ganda on any inportant issues. } This platform is terse and clear. giessive warfare. You know how I stand. Voting for ., Support of any and all incas- meoiskvotingwforstaene.pronciples. ures tending toward greater interna- me is voting for these principles. in eonmcsaiizto sa CharlesS. Quales tional economic stabilization as at ___eI_ r means for eliminating the basic - ~~~~~ ~~eauses for war. JJ'ork Relief Projects The Conservative party is in favor of continuing work relief projects in that they are necessary in view of the present condciti on of the country. However, they should be administered more economically and efficiently. Conclastion All these points may not seem to coincide with the traditional conserv- ative point of view. However, basically our policies are conservative in that we arc advocates of the eapitalistie economic system and the political phi- loophy of a democratic goveinient of checks and balances. This country has prospered and grown under our present constitution. True, we have made some modifications, but they are possible within the present struc- ture of the government, maintaining the capitalistic system. 25 Actresses Open,. Hearts UNAFFILIATED John , Wieneke. I 2. We oppose the huge expendi- tures for armament and urge transfer of military funds to socially useful j rojects. 3. We oppose the Shepherd-May ,iil mnd its M-day plans which would astablish a military dictatorship in &he United States. . y-Kaebl 4. We support the Nye-Kval1 bill to abeli. compulsory R.O.T.C. 5. W' favor lower tariffs and re- *iprocal I rade agreements. INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE itternational Application of the collective secur- ity principle of economic action and cooperation against aggression, ap- proval of voluntary boycotts of Jap- anese goods, withdrawal of American ships. c rumsers an itcivilians from China on instructionls to property owners in China that they remain at their own risk, passage of the Lud- low Amendment to provide for a pop- ular referendum before the entrance of the United St es into a war other than one of self-defense, the defeat of the billion dollar senseless and jingo- istic rearmament bill and the turning of that money into channels of slum- clearing, relief, PW A, etc., support of the Nye-H vale Bill to end compulsory military triiOng in land-grant col- teges, and the defeat of the May- Shepherd Pill which would clap a dictatorship Upoln this comltry onice way was - ec h m'd. National The reviving and passage of the Anti-Lynching Bill which a Senate filibuster recently shelved, encour- a gement of union organization along C10 lines of industrial unionism, ex- tension of civil liberties and provision of funds to carry on the investiga- tions of the LaFollette investigating Conservative since many viewloints will be rep- I C-onsrvative resented, the iembers of the Studen i onservative eie may have enough faets and o D u Croservv sugestions before them so that they cai determine a sound attitude and conduct with respect to political I ment, the applicationofth a noroblems. In doing this, the caution Lab t to the Wagner and precision of scientific fields Labor Act to all persons aid cor- whould be a guide. And while main- porations, icreased. relief fundsto vigorous idealism, the Sen- provide for the many people who haIv ate should e constantly awareof e become unemployed during the cur- atsuld ecnstatly ar o the rent "recession, the et actual present situation, and con- Surplus Profits Tax, the passage of a suidernvhat inediate influence we a constitutional amendment to eimi- Donald C. May nate the Electoral College and base the choice of a preSidielt 11poni a. pop- -~ ~ lar vote, an SUbStitution of one- INTERNATfIONAL house leg ila 11 'rcs for ou' presI]t nJ a-, tional and state bicameral legisla-F IN S COUNCIL- f'ermaneT ci21Pcace is; theprime ne-; :ONSERVATI VE PART Y, Collective Security This term is used in relation to foreign affairs. We are opposed to i policy of isolation in international affairs. In these modern times of rapid communication and transpor- tation, it is impossible to remain iso- lated. Any attempts at isolation are detrimental to the peace of the world. International cooperation is neces- sary. Incorporate Unions Labor unions should be legally re- sponsible for their actions. We be- lieve a law incorporating unions would e of great service to the country as a whole. It would make unions more thoughtful in their actions, and put To Reporters t ontinued from Page 1) stock company for one season and now plays the role of Joan in the series, "Joan and Jack" which is broadcast weekly from the University Broadcasting Studio. Beatrice Danziger, '40SM, was "im- ported" for the play because of her outstanding piano talent. She has little interest in the theatre but is anticipating a career *as a concert pianist. And thus it goes with many of the "eager" girls who are portraying roles' of human interest in a "heart felt" interpretation. Iv onstruction of low-cost. dormit- tories for University students, in- creased NYA funds, support of' the Me-n's Independent 'oig ress, the Pro- - ressive Cli ib and other liberal groups, opposition to subsidization of ath- tives and the nwly-Iformeti book ex- leties, viorous ru io4ofr coOia ra- change. and agitation for lower food prices and better conditions and lower rents in students' roomin houses. ticard Loeb. PROGRESSIVFEJ DEMOCRACY 1. nor 2. 3 IIternationtal Neutrality, but neither isolation collective security. No definite foreign policy, An adequate army and navy. NIationa cessity for the social and economic uplift of mankind. Every sensible man, and I do notuc ean to exclude women by that, is convinced of it. Allnations and particularly a really free and democratic country like the United States is trying its utmost to- wards that end. Everybody wants to 2ontribute something and naturally enough, there is mo're than one way. If you elect me, you may rest as- sured that your representatives will strive to be worthy of your trust. Since you are convinced that the platform promises are futile, I shall venture none. Though it is not possible to express all my views here, I guarantee that I will sustain and support independently, without party oreudice, any broadminded and prac- ticable notion which will promote and -ecure here and everywhere genuine aind rcliable paosperity and Peace, Anand 1Ii. KRelkar. PROGRESSIV I 1 NDEPE ND)ENT1S We favor: 1. International cool;eration for world peace. 2. Discourageincnt of armnament race. :3 Waniie snd hours lcgils-ation. e 1 < W~vhat To Do In An Inrterview? -__._._. __ .__ _ . T_ - _ ._. _. _ ._ -__ __.. __.._ Do You Know, L. Separation of the judiciaL eis- I ative, and executive fuu ctions in administrative bodlies.j 2. A balanced budget , ui not o hi' achieved by clitting down necessary1 relief. 4. Reorganization of the executive branch of the government. 5. Federal aid to schools. Rolfe IWeil. Either now or a bit later your chances of gaining the position you desire will depend largely on your ability to create a first rate imp ession during an interview. It is at this stage that men otherwise fundamentally capable often fall down. T4'he major problems facing a young man while being interviewed and the successful solution of these problems will be discussed tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan Union by Mr. Shaefor of the Bell Telephone Co., and Mr. Miller, Superintendent of Schools, Saginaw, This terminates the second day in a series of talks designed to better equip the college student for entrance into the business world. A-- tSATURDAY, MARCII 12- 1 a erminemlant] narusnri j TODi I Field