T HE M ICHIG A N DAILY E WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1938' . .. . . . . IE MICHIGAN DAILY :.C / IL Sw4tU N rtIs'vn 1 x,11 ,~i N y, MHby1M tEdited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of 8tuden* P. ublications. Pulbshed every morning except Mondy during the university- year and summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to lt or not otherwise credited in this nespaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. En' vred at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as Second class- mail matter., subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4,00: by mail. $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRSBENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National AdvertisingService, Inc. Cellege Publishers Representative 420 MAWtsON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCo Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ............JOSEPH S. MATTES ASOCIATE EDITOR ............TUURE TENANDER USOCIATE EDITOR.............IRVING SILVERMAN ASSOCIATE EDITOR.........WILLIAM C SPALLER ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...............ROBERT P. WEEKS WOMEN'S EDITOR ...............HELEN DOUGLAS SPORTS EDITOR ................IRVIN LISAGOR Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER...........ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER',...... ..........DON WILSER ADVERTISING MANAGER .. .NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER .. MARGARET FERRIES NIGHT EDITOR: EARL R. GILMAN It is important for society to avoid the neglect of adults, but positively dangerous for it to thwart the ambition of youth to reform the world. Only the schools which act on this belief are ed- ucational institutions in the best mean- ing of the term. Alexander G. Ruthven. The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are wxittei by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only., A New Program For An Old Party?. .. . A PROGRAM COMMITTEE of the old Republican Party, headed by Dr. Glenn Frank, has been at work for some time attempting to draft a set of principles to guide the G.O.P. back to the promised land in 1940 and end the eight years of famine that will then separate the party and its last administration. The outlook does not appear particularly rosy for a variety of reasons. As everyone knows, the Republican Party Was born of the anti-slavery movement in the years before the Civil War, recruiting its mem- bership from three groups: Northerners opposed to slavery and the slave system on moral grounds; Western farmers attracted by the party's promise of'free homesteads; and the rising manufacturing class and its allies. The party's arrival in power resulted in legislation for all three groups; the Emancipation Proclamation, and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments for the first; the Home- stead Act for the second, and a whole series of statutes from high tariffs to liberal assistance to railroads for the third. The third group con- trolled the party through its wealth, and used its political influence to increase its wealth. The Republican Party, in the years of southern recon- struction, became the tool of the northern prop- ertied class, and has remained such to this day. Up to 1932 the party could count on the Re- publican tradition so firmly established during the war and reconstruction throughout the pop- ulous states of the industrial east and middle west to give it campaign victories. Occasional defeats were attributable to political fortune rather than to loss of party strength. The great depression which descended upon the country in 1929, however, aroused the people to a political awakening, particularly the factory' workers of the large cities, who formerly had been duped by the "full dinner pall" slogan into voting the ticket of their employers. Roosevelt and the New Deal succeeded in convincing this group and a large portion of the middle class which had formerly voted Republican that he and his as- sistants were honestly striving to aid the workers and middle class people who had been hurt by the depression. The Republican Party today must regain the confidence of these people, or a large section of them, in order to return to power. It will only be able to do so by presenting them ,with a pro- gram which appears to them to represent their interests more truly th.n that of the party now incumbent. The last election proved in a man- ner which should have been conclusive to the party leadership that a fundamental change of front is necessary for this purpose. Republican apologists have often pointed to the importance of an opposition party in a demo- cratic system of government. They are quite right, but the opposition itself should have a constructive program to offer. The committe now working in Chicago has undertaken to pro- vide such a program, but its efforts are almost certainly doomed in advance, for the group which controls the party organization, the party phi- losophy and the party press has not changed Wanted: A Site For The Observatory. . . T HE OFFICIALS of the University Ob- servatory are in a quandary. Five months ago they received a new 971/2-inch re- flecting telescope mirror, the third largest in the world. Now they have the mirror but no building in which to house it. A site at Base Lake had been chosen several years previous, tentative mounting plans were drawn up, but the construction of a new ob- servatory has been held up indefinitely because of a lack of funds, specifically, $500,000. The announcement by the Corning Glass Works in late October, 1937, that the new tele- scope mirror was ready for shipment was the word that Ann Arbor astronomers had been wait- ing for more than 20 years. When the mirror arrived the next week it was quietly stored away behind the observatory. And so the potentialities of the third largest telescope mirror in the world are not being utilized. Astronomy today, according to Prof. Heber D. Curtis, director of the University observatories, is 95 per cent photographic and only five per cent visual, while in 1855, the date of. the observatory's construction, astronomy was 100 per cent visual. Thus, curiously enough, light, is the great enemy of the modern astronomer. Light from the Uni- versity. buildings, especially the hospital, has made photographic work at the Observatory very difficult. Of greater injury to the astronomical work was the erection of the power plant in 1914 only 1,000 feet from the Observatory in a quarter from which prevailing winds blow. Thus such fac- tors as light and smoke have rendered the present site, in the opinion of Professor Curtis, "one of the worst occupied by an observatory of inter- national rank." The design of the new reflector includes many features which are known to be distinct improvements over the present equipment. We believe that every effort should be exerted to provide for the erection of a new observatory, first, because the opportunities for valuable sci- entific research lying so close at hand should not be wasted, and second because certain phys- ical conditions, which have grown up around the present observatory, have made several lines f astronomical work inaccurate and often im- possible. It has long been recognized that the Observa- tory should be moved. The presence of the new mirror makes the new project imperative. Norman A. Schorr. Movie Talk The slovenly speech of the average motion piecture actor is beginning to worry at least one distinguished Hollywood director. This is Fritz Lang, who, being a newcomer to the lan- guage of Shkespeare, is amazed at the fre- quency with which the most commonly used words are mispronounced on the screen. "You," "why," "them" and probably" are cited as examples. He might have included "per- fume," which is invariably accented on the last syllable; "jewel," which is given as "jool," even by such old troupers as John Barrymore; "fam- ily," which is generally shortened to two syl- lables with the "i'' omitted; "theater," which be- comes everything from "thittir and "thutter" to "thee-yater" and many others. It's really too much to have a lovely lady such as Miss Barbara Stanwyck coming at you with "Amurrican and Cammem-butt" cheese. Nor :oes Warner Baxter lend much authority to the role of a doctor by making references to "appendiceetis." In England, the court is supposed to set up a standard of good usage of speech. In France, the stage is considered a criterion. The moving pic- ture has an influence over American habits far beyond these two. Mr. Lang will deserve as many honorary degrees as he can carry home if he is successful in giving some distinction and some exactness to the speech of the screen. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Traffic Cop A Poet Policeman "Jingles" Donahue, who wears a uniform of blue, in Waterbury, Conn., is noted for his etticut. When motorists park overtime, he leaves for them this little rhyme: "Don't park so long in a restricted station. Traffic is hindered by such stagnation. Police re-. quest your co-operation to cure a difficult situa- tion. Keep the cars in circulation and give the cop a short vacation.-Donahue, the Cop." Oh, Donahue, your kindly warning has bright- ened up our gloomy morning. You've proved that even a patrolman can be a gentle and a droll man. Where other cops resort to curses, you seek to get results by verses, in terms that we could not resist, were we a Connecticut motorist. Your plea, we think, beyond all question, should serve to remedy congestion, and traffic should move in a hurry upon the streets of Waterbury. And so our hat is off to you, Policeman "Jingles" Dona- hue! -Pittsburgh Press. A It feenrfo Me Heywood B rou n WASHINGTON, March 8.-Without any desire to be disloyal to the fair City of Manhattan I must express the opinion that the smartest hackmen of America are the taxi drivers in the nation's capital. One of the large operating companies in New York used to adver- tise the assertion that each of its chauffeurs was a chap- erone. But here the man at the wheel is both guide-coun- sellor and friend. In most cases he can tell you when the cherry blossoms along the Potomac will burst into bloom, and how Senator Copeland is likely to vote on the Wage and Hour bill. The taxi driver in Wash- ington can sing you a song of social significance upon slight provocation. In all fairness to the fraternity in New York it should be pointed out that the seeming intellectual superiority of the Washington taxi drivers is accentuated by cer- tain architectural facts which tend to maximate his ego satisfaction. The typical cab in the District of Columbia is a chummy roadster. The driver is practically in your lap, and any refusal to enter Into an exchange of confidences would betray the passenger as an economic snob and a royalist. 'This Round Is On Me' Indeed, in absent-minded moments I have caught myself just at the point of saying, "Oh, no; you paid the last time. This round is on me." Nor need my theories rest upon pure speculation. Only this morning I was coming into Washington proper from Arlington and the taxi driver said, "I thought you were Heywood Broun when you first got in the cab." And right off the bat I replied, "I am still of the same impression, al- though I admit last night was tough." "That," said my friend, "is very interesting, because three years agoItread a column of yours which seemed to me pretty good." From there we went into general subjects. "How is business?" I inquired. "Lousy," said my buddy, coining a phrase as he skidded around a moving van. "And yet," he added after some reflection, "I don't think I should complain. You don't make much money in Washington on ac- count of the Zonir.g law, but I have found that hacking here is a liberal education. You meet so many interesting people."' I told him that I used to be a newspaper tnan once myself. "No," said the driver, "I'm talk- ing seriously. I've learned more in one year of driving a taxicab than I ever got out of my two years in the sixth grade. Senators hail you and members of the House. But I've even had Justices of the Supreme Court." "Like which?" I asked in eagerness, taking out my notebook and fumbling for a pencil. Tip Governs The Favorite "I had Mr. Justice McReynolds," confided the alert youth who was piloting a precious cargo of human freight, if he had only known it. "And what did he say?" "Well," admitted the scholar on the box, "he didn't say very much. He got in with another old man and told me to drive to the Earle Theatre. They were showing a news- reel of the members of the Supreme Court, which is the highest bench of the judicial branch of our co-ordinated scheme of government. And when we got about a block away from the theatre he turned to his friend and said, 'I wonder how I'll screen.'" While the wild mood of candor gripped the cab driver I decided to become inquisitive and get him to tell all. "Who is your favorite Senator?" I asked, and without a momen's hesitation he replied, "J. Ham Lewis, of Illinois." We were nearing our, destination, and so I lasked quickly, "And why that old faker?" "I do not follow his politics," said the taxi man, as he pulled over to the door of the Press Club, "but unlike members .of the House and other stingy passengers he sometimes gives as much as a dollar if there is thirty cents on the meter." My whole future life passed before me in rapid review. I made the snap guess that probably I would never get into any electie office, and I reached for a quarter and a dime and said, "How much do I owe you?" Thirty-two students at the University of Ne- braska are working their way through school by scraping bones of prehistoric animals for the uni- versity museum. Police questioned 13 University of Tulsa stu- dents recently whom they suspected of being "grave robbers," only to find that they were just filling a hell week assignment-copying data from tombstones on order of their fraternity "brothers." WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 113 Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students today from 4 to 6 p.m. Tonthe Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, March 14, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 A.H. Notice to all Members of the University: The following is an ex- tract of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has been in effect since Sep- tember, 1926: "It will hereafter be regarded a contrary to University policy for anyone to have in his or her posses- sion any key to University buildings or parts of buildings if such key is not stamped as provided (i.e. by the Buildings and Grounds Department).' If such unauthorized keys are found the case shall be referred to the Dean or other proper head of the Univer- sity division involved for his action in accordance with this principle. Any watchman or other proper repre- sentative of the Buildings and Grounds Department, or any Dean, department head or other proper University official shall have the right to inspect keys believed to open University buildings, at any reason- able time or place. " . . .For any individul to order, have made, or permit to be ordered or made, any duplicate of his or her University key, tprough unauthorized channels, must be regarded as a spe- cial and willful disregard of the safety of University property." These regulations are called to the attention of all concerned, for their information and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Univer- sity buildings, doors. or other locks, contrary to the provisions recited above, should promptly surrender the same to the Key Clerk at the office of the Department of Buildingsl and Grounds. Shirley W. Smith. Exemptions from Saturday Classes: All students in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts who were granted provisional exemption from Saturday classes, or those having changed their courses since registra- tion must file letters supporting their claims before Friday, March 11. Walter A. Reichart, chairman, 300 U.H. Seniors of The College of Engineer- ing: Call at Room 412 West Engineer- ing Building at once for your draw- ing I, II, and III Plates. Summer Work: Student residents in Chicago who are interested in' hotel work during the summer- are asked to call at 201 Mason Hall for further information. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. 201 Mason Hall. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. be a meeting of the Interfraternity Council tonight at 7:15 in the Coun- cil Rooms, Michigan Union. All house presidents are urged to be present. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Academic Notices I Scabbard and Blade: Important Chemistry 3, lecture section 1, meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. Michi- make-up final examination will be gan Union. Maj. Switzer who com- held in Room 464, Chemistry Build- I manded a machine gun unit in the ing, today, 1 to 4 p.m. World War will address the organi- zation. Also, there will be 'a short English 32, Mr. Litzenberg's sec- tions, assignment for today, "Twelfth but important business meeting. Night.' b -m Geology 11 and 12 make-up final examinations will be given Friday, March 1~1 from 2 until 5 in 2054 N.S. They will be given at no other time. German Make-up Examination: The departmental make-up exami- nations in German 1, 2, and 31 will be given on Friday, March 11, fromt 2-5:00 p.m. in Room 304 U.H. Allt students absent from the examina-c tion in these courses must take thisx make-up, as no other opportunity, will be afforded. Psychology 33 make-up will be held1 Thursday at 1:00 p.m., Room 3126, Natural Science Bldg. Drill classes in Speech and Voice are being held every Monday, Tues- day and Wednesda yafternoon from 3 to 4 p.m. in Room 4208 Angell Hall. These are offered for the students in1 Speech 41, but anyone in the Univer- sity is welcome as a regular or irregu- lar visitor. The work is entirely uni- son drill designed to improve the "average" or "poor" voice in volume, quality, range, and accuracy of ar- ticulation. Lectures University Lectures: Professor Eli{ Heckscher, President of the Econ- ' omics Institute of Sweden, will give a series of lectures on Economic His-, tory under the joint auspices of thet Departments of Economics and His- tory. The schedule is as follows: 1 Wednesday, March 9. 4:15 Rooms C, Haven Hall. Mercantilism: Theoryz and Practice, I. Thursday, March 10. 4:15 Room C, Haven Hall. Mercantilism: Theory and Practice, II.r Friday, March 11. 4:15 Room C,t Haven Hall. Economic History ofr Sweden, I. Monday, March 14. 4:15 Room C, Haven Hall. Economic History of Sweden, II. The public is cordially invited. t French Lecture: Prof. Wainer F. Patterson will give the sixth lecture on the Cercle Francais program S"Vincent Voiture, poete precieux," today, at 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Ro- mance Language Bldg. Tickets for the series of lectures may be pro-j cured at the door. The Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet today at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. J. Heneman, Underdown Road, Barton Hills. Mrs. C. G. Cone and Mrs. E. W. Sink will present the program "Timely Suggestions." Harris Hall: There will be a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion in the Chapel at 7:15 a.m. All Episcopal stu- dents are urged to attend. At 12 noon, there will be a Student Star- vation Luncheon. Come to Harris Fall for lunch, enjoy the fellowship, and pay what you ordinarily do for lunch. Proceeds for the Student Dis- cretionary Fund. Scandinavian Club: There will be * a meeting in the "Upper Room" at Lane Hall, tonight at 8 p.m. Professor Willey of the German Department will speak on the Early Scandinavian Literature and Folk Lore. Fellowship of Reconciliation Mem- hers, and persons interested in form- ing a local F.O.R. Chapter to repre- sent the pacifist point of view are invited to meet at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30 p.n. University Girls' Glee Club: There will be a meeting tonight at the League at 7:15. All members must be present. Please be prompt. Bring your eligibility slips. Junior Girls Play: All members of the Inn scene' which includes the Inn Dancers, Inn Singers and Aspasia's girls are to report at 7:15 p.m. at the Laboratory Theatre. It is absolutely necessary that everyone attend this rehearsal. Junior Girls Play''. All health re- checks have to be in by 6 p.m. today. The Inn Singers will meet at 5 p.m. today. The music committee will meet at 1 p.m. today at the League. The Polonia Literary Circle will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan League. Old and new members are urged to attend. The Hillel Book Club will hold its first meeting of the semester on Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Founda- tion. Lion Feuchtwanger will be the topic of discussion. Four students will present short critical reviews. All are welcome. Progressive Club: The strike at the Ann Arbor Press will be discussed at a meeting tonight at 8 p.m. at the Union. Both sides have been invited to present their views. The agenda also includes the Senate, the drive for funds for the Mid-Western am- bulance for Spain, and Club elec- tions.tMembers and all others in- terested are urged to attend. Coming Events The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon, March 10, in the Observatory lecture room. Dr. Hazel M. Losh will re- view "Sunspots and Their Effects" by Stetson. Tea will be served at 4:00. Cercle Francais: The meeting of the Cerle Francais which was formerly scheduled for 8:00 Thursday at the League has been changed to 8:30, Refreshments will be served. All members must inform the secretary of their intention to attend before Wednesday noon. A.I.Ch.E. There will be a meeting Thursday evening, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. in 1042 E. Eng. Dr. E. H. Pott- hoff of White Star Refining Co. will speak on petroleum refining. Re- freshments. "Stage Door," Opening tonight at 8:30. Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. Also Thursday, Friday and Saturday eve- nings. Box office open all day. Phone 6300. The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. G. E. Densmore, 2116 Melrose Ave., on Thursday, March 10, at 8 'p.m. The program will be given by Mrs. Mischa Titiev, pianist, and a string quartet consisting of Mr. George Finch, first violin, Mrs. E. M. Hoover, second violin, Mr. E. M. Hoover, viola, and Mr. Robert Edmonds, cello. Faculty Women's Club: The Art Study Group will meet Thursday, March 10, at 2 o'clock at the Michi- gan League. Mrs. Mischa Titiev will act as hlostess. All students in the College of University . Lecture: Dr. Michael L.S.&A., and Schools of Education, Heidelberger, Associate Professor of Forestry, and Music receiving a grade Biological Chemistry, Columbia Uni- of I (incomplete); X, (absent from versity College of Physicians and Sur- examination), or (.) (no report), geons, will lecture on "Recent Chemi- should make up all work by March 1 cal Theories of Immune Reactions 14 or the grade will automatically and Some Practical Applications," on lapse to an E. Friday, March 18, in Room 1528 East Students of the College of Litera- Medical Building at 8 p.m., under the ture, Science and the Arts: A meet- auspices of the University and the ing will be held on Thursday,3March Michigan Department of Health. The 10, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 313 W. public is cordially invited. kMedical Building for students in the College of Literature, Science and the University Lecture: M. Jean Hostie, Arts and others interested in future of Belgium, an international jurist, work in pharmacy. Professor H. B. will lecture on "The International Lewis, Director of the College of Law of Radio" in Natural Science Pharmacy, will be available for con- Auditorium at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, sultation, to give information con- March 22, under the auspices of the cerning the nature of and prepara- Department of Political Science. The tion for the profession. The next, public is cordially invited. meeting in the vocational series will be addressed by Dr. W. W. Bishop, Events Today Librarian of the University, on Tues- day, March 15. Education And Business Careers Announcement by Dr. Charles Seymour, pres- ident of Yale University, that the faculty is being strengthened to bring Yale national recog- nition "as a focus of the highest intellectual and esthetic distinction," is in harmony with the progressive policy of the great institution of learning at New Haven. It comes at a time when modern educational methods are being attacked as impractical and inefficient. These criticisms, it is true, have existed since equipment for the training of youth consisted of hard benches, horn- books, a birch and a dunce cap. In any gen- eration few persons have ever been satisfied with their own schooling, or with that to which their children are subjected. But present-day batical at the very time in which the steadying influence of their knowledge and intimate fa- miliarity with all the ancient fallacies of history is most needed." Dr. Gordon Jennings Laing, speaking at the Johns Hopkins University com- mencement, deplored the inability of research men and scholars to express themselves in gram- matical English. A third suggestion that possibly all is not as well as might be was advanced at an alumni luncheon of New York University, when Harold O. Voorhis suggested that the present situation of world affairs was, in a measure, due to lopsided educational methods, in which phys- ical and biological science had outrun "the lag- gards, the social sciences." 7'h , nv r ',,lun ritfr 'n...,-;il lt , .rn. 1 , The Bureau has received notice of the following Civil Service Examina- tions: Associate Agronomist and Superin- tendent, $3,200 a year; Assistant Ag- ronomist (Sugar Beet Investigations), $2,600 a year; Assistant Plant Physi- ologist (Sugar Beet Investigations) $2,600 a year; Bureau of Plant In- dustry, Department of Agriculture. Principal Marketing Specialist, $5,- 600 a -year; Senior Marketing Spe- cialist, $4,600 a year; Marketing Spe- cialist, $3,800 a year; Associate Mar- keting Specialist, $3,200 a year; As- sistant Marketing Specialist, $2,600 a year; Bureau of Agricultural Ec- onomics, Department of Agriculture. Junior Veterinarian, $2,000 a year; Bureau of Animal Industry, Depart- ment of Agriculture. Attendant Nurse Classes, $40 to 65 per month and maintenance; Michi-I gan State Civil Service. General Construction Superinten- dent of Water Softening Plant; Flint Civil Service Exam. Detroit Civil Service Examinations: Student Social Worker, $1320 per year. Senior Civil Engineering Drafts- Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet inRoom 122 Chemistry Build- ing today at 4:15 p.m. Dr. J. H.1 Hodges will speak on "Predissociation of Molecules." A.I.E.E. Important meeting tonight, 7:15 p.m. at the Union. Officers for next year will be elected. Prof. S. S. Attwood will speak on his experiences in Europe during the past semester. Refreshments. La Sociedad Hispanica meets to- night at 7:30, in the Women's League. Conversation, poetry, plus a one-act ning. New members are especially Spanish play, are features of the eve- urged to be present. Luncheon for Graduate Student today at 12 noon, in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League. Cafe- teria Service. Pdof. Carl Guthe, Director of the University Museums and Museum of Anthropology, and Chairman of the Division of Social Sciences, will speak informally on "The Chronological Records of the Maya Indians." Junior A.A.U.W. The regular sup-3 per meeting of the Junior group of1