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March 08, 1938 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-08

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Baltimore Wifeleater Gets Twenty Lashes At Post

Truce On Beer Red Cross-Asks
War Postponed I nick Flood id
1"-,vMichigran For Calif ortihi

Vacation Trips 'TorEst
Planned For April 7,8
Vacation trip- at .0--day excursion
ratfes to NOw York City and other
Eastern point: arc being, planned by
lVfirr,', B, Silverman, '40.

t, i 1i1. Wih rJIi'R* LO~S ANGELES, Ma~rcb 7.- -P)--!Acordinig to prtwcut pflans, one
' Tle Re Crss tr r l cuicl repons l roup will leave for, New York, Buf-
a la' Crof'ursettleickSrsponsefa~loRochester, Syracuse and Albany
° l ~ cild S? oa t l ~el o otenand New York City on Thursday,
Wi01 (,Otlp/)is 1 Ifal Califoriula flood relief Contributions,; April 7 and another group will leave
LAN~fCTMach 7__-A)---T em phasizing that the $300,0300 fundi for the same cities Friday, April 8.
LANSNG, Marh 7 --A/P---Thesought will be ane only money avail-!It' dcmand is large etiough, Silver-
Michigan Liquor Control Commission able for" direct relief of individual magi said yesterday, trips may be ar-
reevda decision tonigtht toward a sufferers.t ranged for Chicago and Boston.


?::::: ra r :proposed truce with Indiana in therfThe Weather Bureau reported a
states' beer tariff war. t )" \' storm icondition cuff the coast and
fl a "h hlas ofrdlered an embargo on i.r sues a forec~ast of 'unsettled with
the imp ortation of beer manu.fac- p:obable ain tonight and tomor-
turid in the other state, to become' row." The rain is expected to be
effective next Monday. light, however. the Bureau added.
The Commission refused to act ii- The list of dead and mi, inpa in la.s
il it has had an opportunity to study week's devastating floods in five
an opinion of the Indiana Attorney Southern California counties fiuctu-
General, quoted as having held the ' ated today around the 175 mark.
Iopoiepa vslgl Latest figures were 69 identified
"1ara dead, 17 unidentified dead and 86
Edward W. McFarlmnd, pchosaeprtemmasng
of te mmisio, idictedhe hen Iii an attempt to save the life ofl
would want to discuss it with Attor- jMr~s, Heleni Troy, wife of the governor
n1ny General Raymond W. Starr, of
of Alaska. marooned in San Gabri.el
f ~~~~Michigan, and with Michigan brew- Cno.D.E .Lbrsnmd
~~~< ~~~ers some of whom have insisted thait efr oa ocatra
r: Michigan allow the embargo to be- ;hba ln olado h pe
i; :_;;. come effective. San Gabriel reservoir.
'Hugh A. Barnhart, Indiana excise;__ ____
administrator, announced in Indian- ~tcsAdSkirts~
: apolis today that his state's alcoholic Kbvrgscmisinhspeae )
________breso comisiogndsirearedima C flj" 4 In 1923
id, 24 times with a cat-o'-nine tails reouinatrzng ndnai-J .JJ
etneaeMlespnilnt 'r porters to waive handling charges onI
beer shipped from Michigan. His (CnudfrmPg
statement mentioned only handling
____ churchmen 'and satisfied the produc- I
Who commanded a machiine gun unit charges of approximately one cent a I ers and satisfied everybody. F. cott
in the World War will address the ,=bottle of beer.I Fitzgerald spread out the younger l
nzuraiain o nerewi re gen-e"--- .41 ..r;r.ion Fr, n1}-n nauuiif ufn ota

fir .t W XMoney?
0 Iritellige'it borrowing is the
common-sense way of smooth-
ing out the ups-and-downs of
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There are two methods of self-
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uation. But emergencies and
oppor'tunities seldom wait until
you can save enough to take
care of them.
a loan here : your ability to
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* No endorsers required. Pri-
vacy assured. Loans available
to all university people except
up to $300
Personal Finance CO.
376 Offices
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Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg.
201-203 S. FOURTH AVE.
Phone 4000 R.W. Horn, Mgr.

Sheriff Joseph C. Deegan is shown as he lashes: Clyde Miller, 37 years of
at the Baltimore, Md., whipping post. The lashing and a six months jail s(
heating his wife.

short but important business meet-

U~niversity, Copy rece(ived1 at the ofli
tinIHI 33. 3111:Q O i n St urciny
(Con tilnned Irolb Page 4)
Allergy in our Daily Life." Reser-
vations may be made at the Michi-
gan League.
The Gardeii Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet Wednesday,
IMarch 9, at 3 o'clock, ait the home
of Mrs. H. J. Heneman, Tjnderdown
'Road, Barton Hills. Mi's. Gr. C. Conei
and Mrs. E, W. Sink will present the
program "Timely Suggestions."
Luncheon for Graduate Students onl
! Wednesday, March 9, at 12 noon, in
the Russian Tea Room of the Michi-
CanrleGue. CafetriafSeUvierof.y
Museums and Museum of Anthropol-
ogy, and Chairman of the Division of
Social Sciences, will speak informally
on "The Chroyiologic il Records of the
Maya Indians."

The population of Ann Arbor hasj

1''C rut %* ,'ice to all 1,) 11 r'rnts of [heI
le of the Assh ;tast to the pre~ddent
cents "Stage Door" 'Wednesday
through Saturday evenings, March 9
to 12. Phone 6300.
Men's Glee Club: The following men
ar-e to make the trip to Northville
Wednesday, March 9, 1938. The bus
Swill leave from in front of the Union
at 4:45 p.m. Bring full dress.
FeDnell Reizen
Secrist Kent

F ellowship of Reconciliation Mem- I increased nearly 4,000 in the last year J
bers, and persons interested in form- according to the new edition of the
inga lcalF..R.Chate torepe-combined Ann Arbor and YpsilantiI
sent ahelocalfistRCptrt ofepre- city directory which has just been is-
sente t etifit pointoflviedaresued. The population which was 29,-
n ied to M eet9 at Lane0 Hll, We 720 in 1937 has increased to 33,624.
TheIntr-Gih~MoringWath ia meeting in the "Upper Room" at
Service will be held at the LeagueI Lane Hall, Wednesday, March 9, at
Chapel, 7:30 o'clock, Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Professor Willey of the
morning. German Department will speak on
the Early Scandinavian Literaiture l
Scandinavian Club: There will be! and Folk Lore.

and all the adults were shocked. So
was the younger generation.
Klu Khuxers peddled religious and
racial hatred at $10 a head. King
rKleagues. Grand Goblins and Imper-
ial Wizards lived on the fat of a four

' 4)

School of Social
Tiaught dally, 10 to 10.
Terrace Garden' Studio
2d Floor. Wucrth Th''le-
ater Bldg. Pholie 965.

{ !

! Tyrrell
E. Candenberg

Yam en
V iehie
D iskd


Cercle Francais: The meeting of the I Cillisl Dunks
Cercle Francais which was formerly! R. Vandenberg Yergensy
scheduled for 8 :00 Thursday at the Cashin Jensen
League has been changed to 8:30. Re- Hendrick Gibson
freshments will be served. All moim- Curtis
bees must infol' the secrLetarxy of! - -
their intention to attend be fore Wed-' 'the Polonia Literary Circle will
I esday noon. mee t Wegnesday evening at 7:30 at,
Semiar i ~ ~ the Michigan League. Old and new
Semin in Poom a122C.emistr ilni emubers are urged to attend.
:n, ont Wednesday, March l at 4: 15);,[li, Outdoor Clarb will go for a two
p.m. Dr. J. IL Il odges will speak. on11 hour bike hike this Saturday after-
"Predissociation of Molecules." noon, March 12, if tide weather per-
S.A.E. Professor E. T. Vincent will mits. If it does not, we will bowl
address the studnt branch of the lnd play ping-porn; and shuffje-
Society of Automot ire Engineers I board at the Women's Athletic .Bldg.
Wednesday vening, 7:30, at the I __
Union onl "In jenetion in the Di"Msel cibr and Blade: Important
Engine." meeting, Wednesday, March 9 at 7:30
p.m. M1,ichigan Uniw~i. 14aj. Switzer,
A.I.E.E. iiaiportant tme-t._..to-
morrow nighit, 7:15 p.m. ,t1thl union.
Officers for next y(N'1'wil13- Ic elctecd, IFISTHOW'S WATCH
Prof. S. S.*Atwood will speak on his 1
expe riences in Euiroie (luring the pastI and
semester. Peichiu~, JEWELRY REPAIR
___-----347 Maynard Cor. William
"Stage Door'." .box officc: now open, ! Watch Crystals 35c
:10 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT-lay Production pre -__________________

s'e AiA

A.. ~5 hes prt wflr, editor and ambassador -at-large
art PP510nwppr ytmand its "world- kdeneSde,
vice, ar nUied esy 'JtheSill 'fR0y"to the help' A ski,
unodaydrhes lays host to knceros prCSt's
dents, sw~apterteofda with dictators andeprosWht
he dliveeCanthe tieof daye nddestroy admninistratarons? Tur
did heflip a coin fr ek for ndha~oer autcr t.
di Ps hse o oto page 5 of your ps his rwek for he50~.bok try
R2oy W' :toward: and hsrs rm ae-o o ltca~
press Lord by 'FO I~


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322 South Bstt Street

Tests of aoodBn
h;ranks ate not X1l tie samcnt';cach has its own way of doing
business, The test of a good bank lies in making available to
its customers all those services which inake for safety and
The iiporttre of 3a safe, Convenient depository for per-
sonal funds is probably your chief rmed of a bank. Another
of our chief services is making loans for ai specific, constructive
laas1att:3as ;a mealls of fm ancing ov(-r a limited period of time.
Savinigs and checking accounts ;tand safe deposit boxes are some
you might consider to your xadvatage.


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