The Weather Partly cloudy today and to- morrow, slightly colder today. pop. an Dali Editorials Seattle Election.. Three Stories About Education. VOL. XLVIIL No. 112 AMN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS _ _ t House Defeats Effort To Kill Undistributed Prof its Levy Adjuinistration Pts As(L Repubhlican Amendment To Tax Bill, 78 To33 Defeated Proposal Would Cut Revenue WASHINGTON, March 7.-- W) - An attempt at complete repeal of the widely criticized tax on undis- tributed profits went down to defeit in the House today. Administration forces easily shunt- ed aside, 78 to 33, a Republican amendment to the tax revision bill which would have: (1.) Eliminated provisions for a 12'/. to 16 per cent income tax on corporations with incomes of $25,000 or less and for a 16 per cent income tax on most larger firms, plus a 4 per cent surtax on undistributed pro- fits. (2.) Substituted a normal corpor- ate income tax of 121/2 per cent on the first $5,000, 14 per cent on the next $20,000 and 16 per cent on all above $25,000. The vote today was the first big test of the bill. Others were to come. Critics sought to modify the bill's provisions for a capital gains tax, and to eliminate a proposed surtax on family-owned or closely-held corpor- ations. Republicans argued that outright repeal of the undistributed profits tax would remove an "iniquitous" levy from the statute books, tax all com- panies on the basis of income and without reference to dividend policy, and provide a "sound and equitable" corporate revenue system. They estimated the substitute pro- posal would result in a reduction of $80,000,000 in government revenue. Representative Vinson (Dem., Ky.) argued back that the loss would be $200,000,000 to $250,0000,000. Asserting that Vinson could make "black look white," Representative Knutson (Rep., Minn.) said the un- distributed profits tax was doing more than any other law to "keep 15,000,000 people pounding the pave- ment looking for joos." Vote Supportf b f Chmbelai Dictator Negotiations Andi Rearmaments Upheld LONDON, March 7.-WP)-Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tonight won a decisive vote of confidence in the House of Commons for his "al- most terrifying" armament building program to back pending talks with dictators. By a vote of 347 to 133 Commons approved Chamberlain's exposition of the rearmament program and his policy of negotiating directly with Premier Mussolini and Reichsfuehrer Hitler. The Prime Minister broke his usual icy reserve to deny opposition charges he wanted "peace at any price" or was biased toward fascism. Parliament gave him one of the biggest ovations of his career at the end of his 49-minute speech making clear he was risking his political fu- ture on conferences with the dictators in an attempt to halt Europe's drift toward "the cataract" of war. A surprising number of other mem- bers expressed the fear war was in- evitable unless the vital British talks with Italy and Germany succeed. A gloomy picture of Britain's air- force in relation to Germany's was drawn by Winston Churchill, War- time Cabinet member, who said the Reich was spending more than double Britain's huge sums. Four Are Named For (conferenices Four Michigan alumni have been named by President Ruthven to rep- resent the University at conventions in Philadelphia and Tacoma, Wash- ington. Chief Justice John F. Main of the Washington State Supreme Court will represent the University at the 50th anniversary celebration of the College of Puget Sound at Tacoma, Washington, March 17. Justice Main studied law in the Actors Picket Celluloid Competitor Hwt gary's Debt Settlement PlonMichigan Whips Wildcats, Coolly Received 9 4 . C Attired in opera cloaks and dilapidated toppers, Howard Johnson, '39, and Bernard Benoway, '39, members of the Play Prodtcction cast of "Stage Door" which opens tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn, are shown as they picketed the movie version of the play in front of the Majestic Theatre Sunday night. WASHINGTON. March 7.-(/') - Congressional leaders gave a cool re- ception today to reports that Presi- dent Roosevelt would send Hungary's debt settlement proposal to Congressj shortly.} Under the proposal, Hungary would pay all of its principal debt. but no interest. It was learned the State Department had advised Mr.! Roosevelt to accept the offer for two1 reasons. One is that it comes from a ;ountry which has been a good payer in the past. The other is that it night set a precedent for similar settlements by large debtor nations which are paying nothing on their obilgations. However, Chairman H a r r i s o n Dean.-Miss.), of the Senate Finance Committee, told reporters he be-, lieved the time was inopportune to attempt any negotiations for revision of international debts. If the President sends the Hun- garian proposal to Congress, as per- sons close to the State Department predicted he would, it would be turned over to the Senate 'Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee for initial consid- eration. Play Production Will Pres ent 'Hiohi Tor' Here' i t I 3P At Princeton Union Sponsors Ic e Exhibition FridayNight Detroit Olympic Skaters And Hockey Featured In Carnival At Coliseull The Union's first Ice Carnival, fea- turing a hockey game, figure skat- ing and free skating for spectators, will be held at 8 p.m. Friday in the Coliseum, it was announced yeste> day by Don Belden, '39E, of the Union Executive Council. The carnival is being made possible through cooperation of the Atheltic Sge (O}r' PCk ets Refuse To Picket Striking Printers As members of ohe Play Produc- tion "Stage Door" cast good natured- ly picketed the screen version of their play Sunday night in front of thel Majestic Theatre, A. J. Wiltse, man- ager of the Ann Arbor Press, where union members are now out on strike, drove up and offered them jobs picketing against the strikers. The "Stage Door" sign-carriers re- fused the "offer" of Mr. Wiltse, who said last night that he was only "kid-, ding." Mr. Wiltse's reference to the union drew from the actor Johnson the re- mark, "the only union I've ever beens in is n. n in ch it. 11 1 Ians By For P Wrize-Winning Play Maxwell Anderson Marche _30-April 21 m A U1 JVd,"11 l V~l <~A n is a upon i l. , o department of the University and the _High Tor," the fourth presenta- Olympic Skating Club of Detroit. tion of Play Production this season, Forty of the club's performers will Bursley Beate1'will be presented March 30, 31, April Fort oftheclu's erfomer wil iedieII an 2 t te LdiaMendelssohn be present to give an exhibition ofnd figure skating. Among those appear- n Theatre, it was announced yesterday. ing in solo parts during the evening nn Ao IThe cast for the play will be an- will be Miss Phyllis Rotnour, Miss --r Inounced at a later date, Prof. Valen- Laura Brown, Eric Jadick and Harry i'P im aro tine B. Windt, director, stated. I Martin. "High Tor," written by Maxwell! Phi Kappa Psi and the Cougers, Anderson, was the winner of the 1937 each winners in their respective in- Dobson Victor By Shade; Drama Critics' Award. The play was tramural hockey leagues, the Inter- Elsifor And Coyle Win produced last season on Broadway, fraternity and Independent, will vie j starring Burgess Meredith. Mere- for the mythical hockey champion- By Large Mlajorities dith also played the lead in Ander- ship of the campus. AIson's "Winterset," which was filmed Free skating for those attending Anro' oesshwdltl n last year. wllfollow kthe planned osrationofterest in the spring primary yesterday "Winterset" was a prize winning the program, and members of the !xep in the seventh ward, where play, being awarded the Drama Crit- ' Prof. Phillip E. Bursly of the French ic's Circle Award in 1936. Olympic Club will take part in this. department was defrated by Russell Play Production has presented Receipts from this project will go T. Dobson, Jr., in the race for Re- three other plays written by Ander- towards placing tributes to the great publican nomination for adthman, varsity teams in golf, football, basket- Professor Bursley carried the ward's son m the past few years, all of ball, swimming, track, cross-country, first precinct. 17 to 15. Dobson, a which have been successful. These wrestling, hockey, fencing and tennis local insurance nan, polled 134 votes included "Elizabeth The Queen," in he illardroa oftheUnion.. in the second precinct to Professor " Mary Of Scotland" and "Both Your IHue, hc o h 93Plte Tickets are now on sale at the main Bursley's 120, however, and won 149 Prize for drama. desk of the Union, and will be placed to 137. Dobson will be unopposed in Play Production is now working on on sale at the Coliseum Friday night. the April election. . Play PDoonsby oweorkin In 1he,-cond ward, 141 of the 2,- !"Stage Door," by George Kaufman -00-. rin tereci voters we4 t to the2 and Edna Ferber. This play will be Bun Ling rTo Address polls. They gave FloydElsifor 89 presented Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- L ~votes against 52 forhi opponent, day and Saturday in the Lydia Men- re- .- to nde S George O. Ross. Elsifor will oppose delssohn Theatre. Tickets are now on Elmer Zill, Democrat, as the Republi- sale at the box office of the theatre. can candidate for alderman. Dean Russel W. Bunting of the Leo B. Coyle received more than E School of Dentistry will continue the double the number of votes his op- Job Conf ereiice. current series of talks on the profes- ponent, John Rainecy, polled in the sions at 4:15 p.m, today in Room 206I fourth ward towin the leoaed ati e Dentistry building. The talk will be m i ' i d ) o oT ziizin toiifo ,ucrior :3 t ___ B q nToday similar to the one given by Dean mgi. Henry M. Bates of the Law School City offices were closed all day yes- last Thursday, an effort to acquaint erday because of the election. head Of Chrysler Institute prospective dentistry stiudenits with ~- the field. Following Dean Bunting's FISLIMAN ON AIR TODAY Opens 3-Day Meeting address will be an open forum for! lerm Fishman, '38, Varsity bas discussion. ketball star, will be interviev ed at An address by Dr. James S. Tho- The next of this series will be on 1:15 p.m. today over WMBC as a part imas, president of the Chrysler Insti- March 10, with an address by Prof.! of "Detroiters at the University," a tute of Engineering in Detroit, will Howard B. Lewis on pharmacy. The feature conducted by students of open the Conference on Guidance and series will continue until April 26. Prof. Waldo M. Abbot's speech class.I Occupational Information at 7:30 p.m. 'a-- ------ today in the Union. Dr. Thomas will seak on "Present Day Vocational TW e 1 2Opportunities," His talk will be fol- lowed by an open forum for discus- *e slion. ,v(,-*AVI Id- - r1Tnwdifio n tr bem.nL nolped for his Cappon Will Be Princeton IHead Back Geld Coach And Basketball 1[centor Wiei1aii Is Pleased With Appointment Franklin C. Cappon will become Princeton University's head backfield coach and basketball coach, it was learned by the Daily last night in a telephone conversation with Elton E. (Tad) Wieman, newly-appointed coach at Princeton. The appointment was not unex- pected. Wieman, who had Cappon as assistant during his one-year term as football coach here in 1928, freely praised Cappon in Eastern circles when the entire Michigan staff was under fire last football season. Wieman Comments Speaking fro a his Pennsylvania home, Wieman refused to tell the Daily the terms of Cappon's contract, but in regard to its duration he had this to say: "We hope it's forever." Cappon said last night: "I deem it a high honor to be invited to join the Princeton coaching staff, and I en- thusiastically welcome the opportu- nity of again being associated with Tad Wieman, whose exceptional abil- ity and sterling character I have al- ways held in high regard." Basketball coach and an assistant' football coach here, Cappon has been associated intermittently with Mich- igan athletics since 1919, when he en- rolled as a student here. Won Four Letters As an undergraduate he won four varsity letters, three in football,' as end, tackle and fullback, and one in basketball. Upon graduation in 1923, he became head football and basket- ball coach at Luther College, Decorah, Ia. Two years later he returned to Michigan as an assistant coach, but a year later, in 1926, he went to the University of Kansas as head foot- ball coach. He returned to Michigan in 1928 as assistant coach in football and basketball. In 1929 he was made assistant to the director of athletics and in 1931 head basketball coach. Cappon was replaced as head line coach last season by Heartley C. (Hunk) Anderson. He will leave for Princeton in time'j (Continued on Page 3)1 Japan's Armies Plaiy Assaults Inperialists Claiin Control Of Shansi Province SHANGHAI, March 8.-(Tuesday) ---(P)---Japan's North China armies fought their way into position today for assaults both against the strong- holds of Chinese Communist armies and against the vital Lunghai rail- way. The Japanese asserted they had gained control of virtually all of Shansi Province, one of the richest in China. The Rising Sun flag float- ed from heights commanding three principal passes along the western border From the northernmost of these passes-Hoku, where the Great Wall casts its shadow over barren foot- hills of northwest Shansi-Japanese were in position for a westward drive across the Yellow River into the heart of Chinese Red territory. PROF. ELI F. HECKSCH Soted Hjstori Opens Lecti Serie sTo( aro.. Heckscher, Sw Authority, Will D Recent Economic I Prof. Eli F. Heckscher, guished Swedish economic hi will speak on "Recent Econom dencies in Europe," at 4:15 p day in the Natural Science torium. This is the first in of five University lectures wI will give here in the next wee Professor Heckscher is a wo thority in the fields of mercy and Scandinavian economic tions, and his work in bothf considered standard referenc has made intensivestudies of pean conditions as seen fr Scandinavian point of view. Professor Heckscher, has n been recognized for his workL in academic fields, but he has on several government coma in Sweden. These include theI Commission from 1915-1918,. Customs, Unemployment, an rency Commissions. He was ch of the League of Nations Tr Coraittee from 1926-1929. H° is one of a delegation of ish scholars sent to the United for the Tercentenary Celebra the landing of the Swedish c in Delaware in 1638, and is no ing the United States under t pices of the Scandinavian-A Foundation. He has been a member of t ulties of Stockholm College an University of Stockholm, aI he now holds. He is also ar of several learned societies, president of the Economics I of Sweden. Works he has include "Mercantilism, "Th tinental System, an Economi pretation," "Economics and H and "Sweden's Economic Histo the time of Gustav Vasa." DAILY TRYOUTS ME' Freshman tryouts for the editorial staff will meet a P.m. today in the Public Building. Instruction in des and proofreading will beg that time. Economist Speaks T Iniversit 'oday Crowd Salutes Townsend With Great Ovation As He Ends Brilliant Career New Scoring Record Hung Up By Jake By IRVIN 1iSAGOR Michigan beat Northwestern last night, 30-22. But more important than victory was the consummation of Michigan's famed Townsend Plan--a plan which was determinedly attacked for three years, but which, unlike its now de- funct economic predecessor, emerged in glorious triumph. The huge Field House crowd gath- ered last night to watch Capt. John (Jake) Townsend conclude his col- legiate basketball career. It thun- dered approval when he broke a ten- year old Michigan scoring record. And when he made a dramatic exit [ER from the game a minute before the finish, it hailed him with an ovation that faii'ly rocked the building. an Cappon's Last 'M' Team Before the game it was announced ire that Capt. Jake needed only eight points to break Bennie Oosterbaan's 1 ten-year old scoring record of 129 day points for a single season, set in 1928. Thirteen minutes later Jake had netted nine points to displace Oos- edish terbaan's old mark, and before he retired late in the second period four more tallies had been added for an Trend evening's total of 13, a season's total of 135. distin- Although totally unaware of the istorian, fact, the crowd also witnessed the sic Ten- last Cappon-coached quintet last c Tn- night as news of Coach Franklin ..Audi- Cappons apintent to he a series nceton University staff was not hich he announced until later in the evening. k. Jake Is Central Figure )rld au- Aside from the Townsend angle, the antilism game itself was notably devoid of condi- thrills. Michigan held a 17-16 lead fields is atathe intermission due chiefly to ce. He Jake's nine points. It was obvious f Euro- that his teammates, mindful of their om the captain's proximity to a new record, ;trove to cooperate by feeding him onlyBut zealous Wildcat guards concen- ot on trated on the Wolverine ace, fre- y enedquently dropping back to leave an s se'ved outside man unguarded while they missions attempted to throttle him. Defense Unavailing though their efforts and the (Continued on Page 3) id Cur- airman iansportxebels Bomb f Swed- L al's B d States o alist Base olonists Destruction Of Baleares iw tour- he aus- Heavy BlowTo Franco merican GIBRALTAR, March 7.-(-) the fac- British naval sources tonight said d of the approximately 600 Spanish In- position surgent seamen drowned when member the 10,000-ton cruiser Baleares and is was torpedoed and sunk by Gov- nstitute ernment warships early Sunday written morning. British warships in the e Con- vicinity, 75 miles east of Cape c Inter- Palos, Spain, in the western iistory," Mediterranean, saved 200 others ry from from the doomed Insurgent cruiser, MADRID, March 7.-(A)--Spanish ET Insurgent warplanes struck fiercely Daily at the port of Cartagena today in t 3:30 swift retaliation for a Government cations naval victory hailed here as the blow skwork which broke the Insurgent blockade gin at of the eastern Spanish coast. Five times Generalissimo Francisco Franco's attackers roared over Car- tagena raining bombs on the port [e and Government naval base. A communique stated the naval * base was undamaged but no mention limls was made of casualties. Some observers regarded as prema- ture the sweeping declaration that of the the Insurgent blockade was broken amerun, as a result of the sinking of the 10- I France 100-ton Insurgent cruiser Baleares en out- in Sunday spectacular naval battle. 'ogoland .h Man- , Progressives To DiscusS. chest of Press Strike Tomorrow contains portance Both sides of the strike at the Ann thouglh- Arbor Press will be discussed at a ng these meeting of the Progressive Club at 8 deposits p.m. tomorrow at the Union to which A- j V fly ROBET I. FITZIENRY A national news weekly recently celebrated its 15th anniversary by publishing a copy of its first edi- ion. daed March 3, 1923. With 72 pjagcs of rapid-fire commentary of the day, Vol. 1, No. 1, 'atches the blooming, bulging "20's" in vivid cross-section. Everything from milady's skirts to Anaconda copper was going up in '23. Food, rent, clothing and taxes sky- rocketed inder Marion's Warren Ga- rlaliel Harding ndthe Ohio san,. Wall Street pated a full omach, "Middletown" sported t-wo automo-I biles for {eve,,'Y 11111'I _q n lies a"nd