THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, M A CII G, 1.9"P" THE WORLD ------------ . ... .......... .............. ......... . . - .......... Writes Poetically Of Her Sojourn In Africa And Departure ... ['Novella' Makes American Debut common sense, its humor and under-I standing. Occasionally she shows real insight; when, for example, she describes primitive people and ani- mals removed from their native hab- itat as struggling to return "to re- cover their lost identity, in surround- ings that they know;" or when she speaks of Karomenya, the deaf and dumb boy, who was struck on the head with a branch by his playfel- lows-" . if it did hurt him, it also brought him into contact with people." Last of all, one sees in the back- HYMA ihground a changing Africa, one in NIGHT AT HOGWALLOW, a novella discovers what has happened and By EDWARD MAGDOL not long lived together on peaceable by Theodore Strauss. Little, Brown believes the girl's story that a Negro When Thomas Mann came out in terms, and where the old semi-feudal and Co. New York. $.25. has raped her. Caesar, one of the defense of Germany's exiled writers relationships between plantation By STAN (. SWINTON colored workers on the construction who had been cruelly attacked in the owners and squatters are giving way SMIgang, is summarily charged with the Nazi press the whole world of anti- to a less personal and more modern I crime although at the time he was fascism cheered lustily. arrangement, with banks taking over year for a literary form which is un- miles away with George, the narrator. When he later wrote his now-fa- farms, and squatters driven off the deservedly neglected in this coun- A hooded mob, seeking revenge, mous letter to the Dean of the phil- land. try," Edward J. O'Brien wrote in his because he has tried to get Caesar osophical faculty at Bonn University The chief fault of the book is its Best Short Stories of 1937. As if in released, abducts George and whips he took a longer stride into the arena discursiveness . There is little logic answer to O'Brien's request, Little, him into insensibility. He revives the of political men. Anti-fascism not to the sequence of events: it is not Brown and Co. sponsored a $2,500 next day, returns to camp and man- only cheered but began to consider chronological; the author seems to novella prize contest. Night At Hog- ages to get Caesar released. And Dr. Mann as one of its bold leaders. jot down things whenever she is wallow, although it did not place first, then comes the extremely strong cli- Then the intellectual Left wanted reminded of them. The author has is one of the most distinguished max. Because Sullivan and George to know how far Dr. Mann's p0- i tendency to sentimentality and fine among the several winners which refuse to turn the Negro over to a litical development had gone. They writing too. Often the style is just were published. mob, the entire town, mad with blood wanted to know, for instance, if Dr. this side of preciosity; sometimes it Night at Hogwallow can hardly be lust and hate, attacks the construc- Mann had abandoned the Rationalist slips over. called of great importance. It is, how- tion camp. Many are killed including movement, the humanistic, bour- sever, a lusty, closely-knit work which Caesar and the white man who really geois liberalism that Settembrini es- of this exploitation would now be on the average reader will not put down seduced the gi. Somehow, George the side of those who fight for better until he has finished. It is the saga, escapes. working conditions and higher wages of Sullivan and his road builders who, That is the story. Straycs tells it, for labor, and for the abolition of while trying desperately to finish simply, powerfully. Knowing well of racial and national prejudices. Some their road according to contractual what he writes, he effectively im- may suspect the key to the apparent stipulations, run squarely into the presses upon his audience how the anomaly to lie in the change of ec- great, malignant race prejudice which Southerners feel' and at the same ,. onomic position of the writer, despite so neatly divides the United States time shows how unthinking and un- his complaint that his salary has been into two parts, just is their hate. Night At Hogwal- reduced by $200 a year and that the A sex-starved girl walks past the low ends on a note of pessimism. family who had rented his house gang at its work, "asking for trouble." As Strauss sees it, there is no solu- moved out rather than pay $10 a That night she is seduced. Her father tion to the race problem. Lovel) monthin Cr erthanpad0 night Produces A History Economic Views OfChurch Of nite things from Out of Africa. First, CHRISTIANITY, CAPITALISM AND the book gives a strong sense of the COMMUNISM, by Albert Hyma. physical surroundings of the farm: Published by the author, Ann Arbor. the blue hills and wide views, the $2.75. tapestry forests, and the peculiar By JOSEPH GIES quality of the air-"In the middle of Professor Hyma has long been re- the day the air was alive over the cognized in the field of church history' land, like a flame burning; it scin- and his researches for the first eight tillated, waved and shone like running chapters of the present volume do him water, mirrored and doubled all ob- credit. Unfortunately, he does not jects, and created great Fata Mor- appear to have been equally conscien- gana." tous in gathering data for the last Against this setting the book shows chapter, which is devoted to the labor the Kikuyu, the Masai, the Somali, movement in America. and an occasional Arab, Indian, Eng- The major portion of the book is lishman or Scandinavian, each peo- concerned with the development, of ple with its peculiar customs and economic theory in Christian the- characteristics. There is Kamante, clogy. Professor Hyma writes pen- one of the houseboys, with his talent etratingly of the attitude of early for a cookery for which he had no Catholic and Protestant church fa- taste, his somewhat superficial con- thers toward capitalism and the profit version to Christianity (when ques- system. He demonstrates, for ex- tioned he simply said that he believed ample, that contrary to previous opin- what the Baroness did), his ability ion, Luther was more progressive in to cry when he wanted. There are his economic views and expressed Knudsen, the old Dane who always them more frequently than, Calvin. referred to himself in the third per- Few readers will be particularly in- son and hated the law in any form; terested in these topics. Many, how- Emma nuelson, the Swede, who came ever, will be struck quite forcibly by to the farm as a fugitive; Kinanjui, Chapter IX, which is entitled, "Com- the dignified Kikuyu chief, paying munism and the Sit-Down Strike visits in his handsome monkey-fur Movement." The chapter contains so coat. passing out after partaking too many errors of fact that it is difficult freely of the Baroness' hospitality, to comment on it. "All sorts of agi- dying of gangrene in his hut. Animal tators," he declares, "have recently characters play an important part: gone about the land trying to arouse Lulu the gazelle; Pania the deer- the minds of our workmen to revolu- hound, who is so profoundly amused tion and rioting." at his riistress' stupidity; the stork Shortly after tiis Professor Hyma who fights duels with himself in the iorth eperiencrofsoth mirror and imitates Kamante's walk. mentions the experience of his youth, Author's Personality Manifest together fourteen dollars a week for Third, one cannot read Out of Af- working in a Grand Rapids furniture rica without getting a clear impres- plant because they were "foreigners sion of the author's personality, with who could not speak English." One its peculiar mixture of sensitivity and might logically expect that the victim Ic I z T i C T Y Y *ALIL .J4t re Aelly. Professor Hyma blames the General Motors strike on the Communists, offering in proof the fact that an article in "The Communist Interna- tional" praised the work of Commun- ists in helping the strikers. A few pages later he says, "I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Gen- eral Motors Corporation received no consideration whatever. It was simply forced to yield to the demands of irresponsible law-breakers." Contrasting Governor Murphy's handling-. of the automobile strikes with the manner in which the C.I.O. was treated in New Jersey by the re- actionary Governor Hoffman, to the latter's benefit, he quotes several par- agraphs from a bombastic Washing- ton's Birthday speech by Hoffman and asks: "Is it not remarkable how effective such words were in the high- ly industrialized state of New Jersey?" It is somewhat less remarkable, per- haps, in the light of recent events in New Jersey which indicate that "he Hague machine, for which Gover- nor Hoffman spoke, does not neces- arily limit itself to words when the open shop is threatened. Professor Hyma has a number of unkind words for the Daily, which, he says, has "made it appear as if both the faculty and the whole student body were very largely given over to a hatred of true democracy," by voicing its approval of the Loyalists in Spain, by praising the Popular Front govern- ment of France and by having "much to say in favor of those unfortunate agitators in this. country who showed no respect for oaths and for written contracts. "Such," he concludes, "is the inevitable result of a little know- ledge of American and European his- tory, when it is wrongly applied." No better epitaph could be written for Professor Hyma's own book. h- E__ _ _ d . .Ii 3c per Day BEST AUTHORS 1% f For Information -Call MISS JONES at 2-3241 ANOTHER WEEK - another "Goofer Feather" powder puff- party, and another barrel of fun! the lovely, soft and fluffy powder It seems almost as 'though they puff compact and boudoir! Of come in wholesale crates - this course they are available in the little society of ours is so well latest of spring shades-the love- stocked. We've had our J-Hops, liest of pastels! BY THE BY, gals, you've heard that "Stage Door" is coming up this next week-end-why, of course, every one knows - so let's dress informally in one of those stunning beige or pastel wools or tailored flannels-the KESSEL CAMPUS SHOP VARIETY, of course-they'll be just the proper thing for theater goin' and any other informal week-end date- they're dressy, yet not frilly ! MILADY'S ENSEMBLE just isn't complete unless all the ele- ments of color are perfectly blend- ing-the stockings especially- Winter shades were very nice this year-yes, we grant you that-but as we always say there is a time and a place for everything-even stockings of the proper color. SO in order not to class you in rank with social misfits-and we simply can't have that!-I suggest that you trot down to JUNE GREY'S HAT STUDIO and treat yourself with the very latest of the bestest! Trained Secretaries in Demand! Our specialized courses pre- pare you quickly, pleasantly, and surely. Medical Secretarial General Secretarial Typing Dictaphone Accounting ENROLL NOW ! Ann Arbor Secretarial School Harry M. Clark, Director Nickels Arcade Phone 3330 11 1 I a p jjWQQF! I